How do we fix horror genre?

How do we fix horror genre?

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Other urls found in this thread: do we fix horror/type/op/

scary monster + DOORS DOORS DOORS

more games with dolls

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we make it so that monsters are real and have them kill us

God, imagine slamming that door and cutting all those arms and then licking the fingers and shoving them up your cunt.

Add aspects of existential dread

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you don't
horror is subtle and different for everyone
jump scares and darkness is all you'll be getting now
no sinister themes, spooky music, constant fear of something when there's nothing etc
my girlfriend was utterly terrified of that nightmare thing from prey, but i thought it was cute
i know prey isn't a horror game but still, it invoked horror for her, especially pic related
there can never be a perfect or decent horror game because of this, unless its a solid effort that tries to cover shitloads of creepy shit from various cultures mythology and manages to create a perfect blend...unlikely

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Have sex, incel

Silent Hills

No one's interested in hearing how your parents met.

This picture would be more accurate if they were trying to hide condoms from her and failing while holding up the roses.

Alien Isolation was plenty scary

I never quite understood existential dread on a personal level. Intellectually I get it, but I've never felt it on a personal level. I've felt small in the scope of the universe - hell, even small in the scope of the whole of society. I've felt the uneasiness of the unknown, after death, dimensions, metaphysical barriers, all that - but I've never felt dread over it. I've only felt a sense of wonder and fascination over it.
With that, I've been thinking about where existential dread comes from. I feel like it most particularly applies to those who are uncomfortable with the idea that we are not innately important in the universe. To me, even as a kid I've never wondered or felt we were "more important" or special in any way, or we had a purpose for existing or even that we needed one. Just that what we want to be meaningful is meaningful, and that's that.

That being said, I wonder if existential dread comes from the idea that we are important or have a higher purpose that most of us are taught growing up.

Existential dread comes from knowing our planet could explode for a million reasons, and there's nothing we can do except try to get off it.

if you call having an alien that you could spawn whenever you wanted to sprinting for five steps or making any loud noise scary then i guess it was
but after the 100th time the alien appears and follows you perfectly into the exact room you hid in, sniffs at the locker and then stalks out and hides in the vent again, it starts to get predictable and boring
however the working joes were a work of art, but again they were overused and quickly became repetitive, but they were without a doubt the best part of the game

Women are only good for sex.

I think a big part comes from a fear of exposure as well. If you're in your back yard and look up at the stars you just notice the pretty stars. If you're in the middle of a giant clearing in the woods and look up at the stars, you start to feel dread

Make the majority of the enemies like the mimics in the new Prey.
Do it with some bosses too, kinda Laughing Octopus in MGS4.
Combined with the right atmosphere, I am thinking in Alien Isolation, it would reinvigorate the genre, I think.

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A game where you play as a bunnygirl created as a result of a mad scientists' experiments, and you're trying to run away from his lair of evil and other abominable fusions. Then try to capitalize on the bunnygirl waifu as much as possible instead of the horror.

My sister proved to me that they are also great for cuddling.

what kind of dolls

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Just walk through a room full of those long legged spiders, and call it a game.

Crisis solved:
Take out loan
Don't pay it back

Have sex

This image was 100% made by an incel
>be incredibly thirsty
>people keep offering your jugs of their piss and not understanding why you won't drink it
Take a fucking hint you socially inept faggots

Good, keeps those no-credit having punks on the busses

Broken dolls

Stop posting this fucking thing, I'm worried I'm developing a fetish for that dark soul-sucking eyed hollow plastic monster.

I think it might be felt more in people who want to feel in control and important. I've never felt dread over it either.


I wish I had a sister.

but user don't you want to join the club

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have sex

Oh shit there's another one.

That's a daughter user, I want a sister.

This comic is pure boomer-ism.

you get over it

nothing wrong with this logic
some people just want things handed to them so they deride the logic as being faulty

I hope that this irresponsibility causes america to cave in, leaving russia and china as the only superpowers of mention

>Only boomers have to pay back what they borrowed
Imagine being over 18 and not knowing what a loan entails.

He said horror not porn.

This is the age where Bernie Sanders isn't shamed and thrown out as a commie

let it die like this thread you wont stop making

God the mad dash through the flooded basement in amnesia was fucking heart pounding.

Happens if you endure something so hellish it makes you question if you're even real because your brain has a hard time comprehending just how fucked it is. That's my take on it. Humans can endure a lot of pain but over time, it seems to really fuck with your cognition because the mind is trying to protect itself. Look up dissociation Also, vidya games.

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The first few Silent Hills are some of the only games to have ever gotten it right. More horror games need to start emulating that formula. Oppressive, dreadful atmosphere, disturbing imagery, creepy ambient sound effects/music, and while we're at it, go back to fixed camera angles so they can control what the player does and doesn't see.

Fear is exclusive of each individual and we are not scared of the same things. No matter how much existential shit or jumpscares you remove, truth is we human eventually grow up from most of our fears, even phobias can be cured, but that may be an entire different topic.

The way i see it developers should be trying to convey their own fears into the game, thats what art is about anyways. I enjoy most scary settings because the atmosphere they create, i consider them comfy, but absolutely despise each attempt at make me scared appealing to mundane fears. Make it personal.

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>haha just pay it back man it's easy fucking children
>what do you mean you can barely afford your living conditions?
Is this satire?

>implying comrade Sanders is even going to win
Trump 2020 is inevitable because Democrat platform is free shit, take away guns, no borders and free healthcare to illegals. No fucking chance in a million years unless people don't go out and vote.

What do you mean you can't afford it, just look your future empluyer n the eye and give him a firm handshake.

Imagine having the audacity to have everything handed to you, pay for an education with 400 hours of work, then turn around charge your kids 4000 hours for the same thing while charging them 10x as much for a house and demanding they be educated to do anything more than flip burgers then judging them.

Fucking boomers. Now they're trying to shift funding to old age care. Fuck em, if they had all that advantage and didn't save they can eat cat food.

How about studying something useful and not this gender feminism shit you fucking tranny

Kinda hard to do when every job for your diploma skill requires yearly experience and all the entry levels that build up that experience to get the proper, high paying career are filled with smelly brown Affirmative Action hires.

people is dumb enough to not get a scholarship.
people is dumb enough to get a miserable job and never try higher.

>Can't go to college without loans because college prices have gone up by like 1000% over the past few decades
>Can't not go to college because basically any job other then shittiy minumum wage positions require a degree now
>Can't live off shitty minum wage positions because housing prices have also gone up by like 1000% and everybody is vying and competing for those jobs anyways; and even if you get those jobs and are lucky enough to be able to live with parents, you'll still never be able to pay off college loans on those jobs

so how do you propose people get careers or pay back their loans, exactly?

>people is
sup tyrone, you got that b-ball scholarship nigga?

Do you really find Siren comfy? If anything, both games towards the end (especially 2) are a good representation of some incomprehensible landscape with locations and monsters you've come to known becoming more abstract and unresembling themselves.

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I've got 20 grand of debt, never gonna pay it back. Jews were idiots for loaning to me.

You will never get a good job unless you either know someone or are a great bullshit artist because chances are your application will be rejected for a poo in loo that will work longer and for less to fill in the Affirmative Action quota.


Indeed, which is why declaring bankruptcy should enable you to wipe out student loans, like basically every other type of loan to exist.

I'm convinced that PT was so popular even though it was basically a twenty minute long tech demo because it understood that death in video games is the death of any horror it may be working to create. Routine completely dispels any illusion of horror and beings cared in a video game often comes from the player imagining what will happen to them if the monster gets a hold of them. As soon as the monster catches the player and its canned animations play out, the game over screen shows up, and then the LOAD CHECKPOINT option comes up, all horror is gone. The player knows exactly what is going to happen to them if they fail the chase and now they're just focused on overcoming some kind of gameplay challenge with any fear left way behind.

PT made it seemingly random when the scary stuff would happen so the player didn't fall into a routine and the monster never killed the player, just fucked with them a bit and set them back into the house. Essentially, they've just skipped over the LOAD CHECKPOINT screen, but it makes a world of difference.

Small Hat Kosher tribe can't make money if you can bankrupt student debt!

This. I also enjoy when a boss just shows up, especially somewhere that the game does it somewhere that’s allegedly always safe.

So...can someone elaborate? Is this like pressure / radiation sickness?

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Maybe they shouldn't have made such a bad investment then.

Oy vey stop being so antisemetic!

Horror would be better as a series of incredible short games, much like goosebumps TV series.

Released as "multiple games" in one.

Let me explain why;

No one reads long creepypasta. A long horror story loses it's magic halfway through, when the pushing through it wears you down and you want to have a break. That break, kills immersion and suspense you'd have built up.

A good horror story should be completed in one sitting.

A horror story is also written structurally similar to a joke;
>introduction into a familiar, relatable environment to lure the reader in.
>Suspense building.
>False sense of security to subvert expectations.
>punchline they don't see coming.

It's the "They looked under the bed, no monster, they looked in the closet, no monster. Finally safe to sleep. Underneath that lumpy duvet".

Shit story, I know, but you get my point.
Lose the cheesy jump-scares and create a series of playable creepypastas.

Horror and humor are one in the same; two sides of a coin. I remember reading a psychology article about how humor is derived from feelings of safety, monkeys laugh to let others in the tribe know they are safe.

A russling in the bushes could be a predator, one goes to check on it;
>it a rabbit, they laugh to show it's safe, and because they got worked up over nothing.
>It see's large eyes in the bushes and teeth, it freezes up with a chill down it's spine. If it runs, the predator is forced to chase, having been spotted. If it stays, it's the nearest to the beast. So that chill down the spine and freezing up, natural reaction because no other move wins.

>Why aren't those ungrateful millennials fixing decades of damage we caused to the economy?

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>When I have about half of those at best and getting at least one of the others would be more trouble than it's worth.

Attached: cirno_speechless.jpg (500x500, 35K) do we fix horror/type/op/

fuck off you brain damaged retard

Go to college and get A REAL DEGREE! Not some retarded liberal arts degree or whatever, get something that will net you money. We are hiring new Engineers almost every year were I work and that is not counting the ones that we have to replace that leave for better paying jobs.

If you go to college to get a meme degree or to fuck or for the experience then of course you will never be able to pay back your loan.

it's a troll thread retards

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>Can't go to college without loans because college prices have gone up by like 1000% over the past few decades
Go to a state school or community college.
>Can't live off shitty minum wage positions because housing prices have also gone up by like 1000%
I'm looking on Zillow now and see plenty of houses in alright neighborhoods of Philadelphia for under $100k. That's around $600 per month with a 30 year mortgage. Not everyone has to live in San Francisco or Boston. Ranch houses in the suburbs are even cheaper
>and everybody is vying and competing for those jobs anyways
I'm sure opening the borders isn't going to exasperate that at all


Where do I find someone who loves me?

a large part of the problem is the number of people willing to jump at the chance of taking out a huge loan for college, whether they can truly afford to or not. eventually it becomes the norm.

it’s like athletes taking steroids to get ahead, eventually needing them just to not fall behind.

someone please post the edited version

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>Don't pirate
I didn't know captain vidya was a bitch

The worst part of all of this is that boomers will not feel the consequences of their actions. Not at all. it will be young people who are handed a polluted, dying planet, nations full of immigrants who hate them for being natives, and will get the pleasure of watching their kids be turn into wanton murderers in order to preserve "western civilization".

There are over 6.5 million kilometers of roadway in America. If every last inch of those roads had the words "Hate boomers", written in small type, over and over again for the entire length, on both sides, it wouldn't be even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the hate I feel for Boomers in this moment and for all eternity. Hate, Hate, Hate. If a single Boomer manages to make it into heaven, I would gladly throw myself into the lake of fire rather than share paradise with such scum. HATE THE BOOMER.

>opens door
>this happens

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Funny how the exact same retards who want free loans also want open borders and endless immigration, because they're too stupid to realize they're connected

Literally last week they passed a law that gives a million jobs a year to Indian green card holders over americans

If you are female: take any guy. If you are male: better turn gay.

We could just strip them of their pensions and social security.

that's the part certain kinds of individuals choose to ignore
ho's gotta protect deyselfs too

Not good enough. Everyone over the age of 65 should be crucified, literally. I want to see them die slowly on the side of our roadways and hanging from freeway bridges. I want to watch as their corpses slowly rot and turn to bones, for decades, as a reminder that in this world justice still reigns.

Of course, this will never happen. Because there is no god, there is no good, and there is no hope in a world in which the boomers were allowed to exist.

worst advice
gays do not lead happy lives
and ho's dont always have the best options to choose from

Cute girls

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looks like you know where youre going after death
why wait for it?

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There's no way boomers are going to heaven. He's fine.

I recognize hachishaku and ku-whatever on the right but what's the one on the left?

Ho's don't have the best options, but they have the MOST options.

Thanks doc

How do you all actually enjoy horror? Are your brains wired differently such that the sensation of fear is pleasurable or something?
Like goddamn I fucking hate spooky shit.

No, that's realistic advice. Female=life on easy mode and gays have it much better than straight boys.

with your mom, duh, then you get both

wrong because you only account for desirable women

absolutely based boomercomic

I'm not even a burger nor was I ever indebted but this is so infuriating.

What does that even mean? Any female can just go out and have at least a dozen potential guys, no matter how she looks.

realistic based on your own personal experience or based on what /r9k/ keeps trying to pound into your head?
all those "bad female experiences" involved the story teller too so there is a constant variable in them to consider - maybe the story teller makes bad decisions and chooses to overlook glaringly loud alarm signals because they believe being alone is worse than being taken advantage of

While that is true, it might be more of a comparison between "loneliness" of men and women. It has been proven time and again that women have higher standards than men
Reminds me of that forever alone for women subreddit that was made private because they kept having guys come and ask them out

whats wrong with it?

No way that's a do-

who dis?

>just don't enter the field of study you want to establish a career in lol
>college isn't a place of higher learning idiot lmao it's just a STEM degree generator, ur doing it wrong
>dozens of fields of study withering and dying off due to a lack of participation on account of poor marketability is totally fine, who needs em? the world can thrive just fine with only engineering or math degrees xD
Your understanding of college is literally equivalent to mine when I was fucking 17. t. working on a masters degree in CS.

>pay back a loan that gains interest faster than I can gain money.
Sure I'll get right on that boomer-san. It's cool how a 4 year degree is actually worth shit since companies don't care unless you also have work experience.

>not a burger
>the concept of paying debts infuriates me
I wonder who could be behind this post

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You can't, fear comes from the unknown, and once you die and see what happens and have to play back through shit you already did it's not scary anymore

Not everything will translate well to vidya

I think it's the one that calls you multiple times telling you where she is until she's at your house. No idea on her name though.

Protip: the US governmet will reimburse you up to $2,500 every year on interest paid on student loans. It pains me to see my friends opt for the slowest repayment plan available and only paying off 1-2k per year. You're throwing away free money

>focus more on building up suspense and less on showing the monster
>drop the "oh no scary monster sees you music" entirely, it actually de-sensitizes people
>add a mechanic where the player has to have a microphone active and uses simple voice commands to activate things, monster can hear this so they have to be careful/quiet
>make carrying big items a liability and force the player to find clever/quieter ways to move them around
>introduce a RNG mechanic where the monster breaks off pursuit/attack and goes back to hidden/stalking status to fuck with the player
>use some basic pattern recognition/machine learning to learn player habits and exploit this somehow (ex: player always closes doors behind him, have a door open up by itself occasionally)
>allow other players to invade the host's world and fuck with them in subtle ways

>the world can thrive just fine with only engineering or math degrees
It actually can.

How to draw a boomer comic
-something about financial irresponsibility
-Pokémon go jokes

Only boomers could pay their loan fully with a part time job while studying

listen shill, we aren't doing your market research for you.

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What about a videogame where you cannot die but instead you are sent to another realm/ or a previous level randomly that you have to succesfully pass to begin the level you just lost? That would keep a slight sense of uncertainty and maybe also rage

scissorlady and sundress molester i get but who the fuck is left?

looks like shitty OC.

I hate the idea of being a welfare leech, but I really ought to look into this.
Thanks for letting me know user.

Just go outside and look for yourself. Landwhales are frequently walking around with slim/fit/average guys. The game is 100% rigged in favor of females, denying that is nothing short of delusional.

>I'm looking on Zillow now and see plenty of houses in alright neighborhoods of Philadelphia for under $100k. That's around $600 per month with a 30 year mortgage. Not everyone has to live in San Francisco or Boston. Ranch houses in the suburbs are even cheaper

nah, that about 1100 a month and a 40 year mortgage. and you have to live in philly.

it can't. math and science are important, but civilization takes more.

>Tuprailaja zalupa.jpg

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it's so fucking funny that it puts "tea and cookies" here, like that has anything to do with fucking depression

I have no money and I must pay

the making the argument probably paid 3k in tuition for 4 years and paid it backing working summer jobs, or just didn't need a degree at all.

Why would trump do that? Is Trump one of ((((them))))?

i have zero of these,dead parents and chronic illness.

Ah the old boomer "if you're poor just don't go to college! What? You can get a high paying job? Why didn't you go college? What you took out a loan so you could go? Why don't you pay it back then?" In an endless loop

The evil within was pretty good

it's not really the "boomers" fault though, everything they did is the result of having parents raised in the great depression.

you have both your arms and your legs stop baing a baby

Mom said it's my turn at the xbox

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Then why did you take the loan in the first place?


haha i love her

Fuck you and fuck your marker

I used to have fever dreams a lot when I was a kid and they were always about me drifting in the void.
Shit fucks you up quite good.

horror where you're scared for others instead of for yourself. scared for things, not of things.

hehe, uh, no i don't, see "chronic illness"

either work minimum wage and can't afford to live, or get a degree and drown in debt,

Why are we tricking students into thinking absolutely everybody needs to go to a 4 year college after high school?