Why the fuck is this shit so hard...

Why the fuck is this shit so hard? It's like 5 times harder than Fallout - the hobo stage lasted me around 20 hours so far with no end in sight. All healing items makes you an addict, there is no ammo for anything, the technology skill i decided to specialize in is virtually useless, i'm getting my shit pushed in by a bunch of hobos with sticks. Where did i go wrong?
Is it because i refused a party member? The pic are my stats.
The game is Atom rpg.

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I like how closely the game resemble fallout, but i miss robots, computers and the rest of technology. The only computer i've seen so far was just a backdrop, damn shame. Also no Trap skills

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Free bump

I should have started thread with F2 > F1 > Tactics > F4 > F3 to get some shit bouling i guess.
You wouln't doubt the objective truth would you

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Is the game actually good or is it an unfinished piece of shit like Kenshi?

typical janky piece of flavor of the month shit that no one cares about anymore

It's good fallout clone, one and only actual fallout clone i would say. No technical problems whatsovever. I'm native speaker so i cant vouch for current translation quality
don't listen to the faggot

Tactics is great game, people bully it only because it come out at similar time to Jagged Alliance with they consider better

I think the bigger factor is that it's not an RPG but a a tactical strategy game, which piss off fallout fans a lot.

Oh, yes, I can actually see this point. Its propably the same with me not accepting any 3D fallout titles

What game is this?

Boku not fallout. Please read op post

3 DEX is unplayable, just like in original fallout. You need to reroll.

Protip: there's little technology in this. The best skills to specialize in are pickpocket, speech and rifles, in that order (plus automatic in lategame).

3 dex is due to negative status effects, i'm actually 5 in everything an 7 intellect

Oh, and luck is a total dump stat.

Can relate. I also tried making a tech character, and got roadblocked at that first army depot. When I saw there was a robot I got excited that id ve able to use my tech skill to hack it and have it kill the bandits outsode but no, it literally just allowed you to strip some parts and i ended up trapped in the bunker with the only way out givong away all my loot and items i spebt the last 4 hours collecting.. Such a dissappointment.

follow the meta or die

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i literally at this spot right now, you spoiled me my disappointment lmao
>have 100 tech to get some wires
bravo kojima

Fuck why is this bunker so boring, this is such a huge letdown after fallout vaults that had interesting mysteries around them. Just quantity over quality, lots of copy pasted rooms with trash loot like it's some open world survival on steam

I'm afraid it never really gets better.
All the best gear comes from that one city weapon merchant, whose inventory scales with your level.

Fuck, wasting potentially good game like that

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Atom RPG really needs romance.

It really does not. You can dick girls, what else do you need.