Let’s face facts folks. Nintendo was NEVER GOOD

Let’s face facts folks. Nintendo was NEVER GOOD

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Based, white, and redpilled.

SMW is okay when you are 8. After that, considering suicide if you still consider it as a good game.


The SNES and NESin general are baby toys. The fact people ate it up is austonding. How fat back to soibois goo

Read, white, and bluepilled

I'm no Nintendo fan, but my god is it cringe to see fags like you pretend like playing video games in any capacity makes you mature

Owned, nintendorks destroyed for life I want them in my ass so much

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Seethe harder. Video games are mature because of the M rating. Nothing more is needed

Found the nincel.

People who do this are constantly made fun of for playing any video games at all so their method of coping is deluding themselves into thinking that their games are for adults

It's like those Facebook tier memes people make with a bunch of bloody anime to say "yea anime isn't for kids"

that's pretty gay bro but it's alright, it's the current year

back to fortnite little zoom zoom

>t. started playing CoD when he was 12 and thought he was mature

But that’s correct. A 10 year old playing cod is more mature then a 40 year old playing Mario

obviously you've never been in a CoD lobby before

I haven’t but cherrypicking doesn’t make a difference

And I suppose Madden and Mario are on the same level

Both are rated e so yes

>I haven't
Holy fucking shit, you're so young you weren't around when the CoD fad was rampant and now you have the audacity to claim that games are mature now. Shut the fuck up and go back to fortnite, kid.

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cope zoomer lmao.

Portable gimmick
3D gimmick
Portable SNES gimmick
LAN gimmick
Motion control gimmick
Two screens gimmick
Tablet gimmick
3D imaging gimmick
Portable console gimmick
Why does Nintendo rely on gimmicks so much??

I only ever played super mario World on the gba
Is the snes version different enough to bother with?

They rightfully deduced that graphics were not the future of gaming, but made the mistake of putting all their eggs in one basket in regards to "gimmicks". Solid gameplay is all everyone ever cared about and ever will.

Glad to see your retard gimmick is working so well on Yea Forums, OP. Mmm. Don't wanna mess with that.

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If it ain't fun, why bother

Nes actually had the gimmick of ROB and the Zapper. The SNES has fake 3d

>They rightfully deduced graphics were not the future of gaming
>hopped on the 3D bandwagon anyway

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Reminder the gaming would have entered a PC only golden age but for Nintendo

This exactly

you have to be at least 18 to post here, kid

They're basically the same. GBA adds some pointless stuff like an intro cutscene and voice acting, but nothing that really changes the experience.

3D gimmick
DVD gimmick
Cell processor gimmick
Shining controller gimmick

Why does Sony like gimmicks so much?

Zoomers: the thread
I hope Yea Forums crash and burns soon

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>Nintendo was never good haha I'm so contrarian look at me I'm a fucking pro

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Better and better graphics are like extra toppings on a pizza, but if the base is all soggy it's still gonna be shit.
This applies to all games not just Nintendo's, there's no point polishing up your graphics when your game-play is lacking, but both working in tandem and both of good quality is definitely the ideal

Blue ocean market you uneducated faggot.
The world doesn't need another truncated PC to compete with Sony and MS.

A game isn't worth playing if it can't be played on a controller. Nintendo invented fun, saving it from spreadsheet simulator autism.

lol? smw is od

Are you kidding? Getting hit as Cape/Fire Mario in the SNES version causes him to revert to regular small Mario, but in the GBA version he'll revert to Super Mario, which gives you an extra hit. The GBA version is substantially easier because of this. Shit like that makes a huge difference.

...I never knew this was possible.
Actually, I'm impressed that Nintendo would reward players for attempting to slide in this fight.

ITT: zoomers, phoneposters and ESLs

>World is shit
Yes everyone knows this. 3 is the best Mario game.

It's more likely it's spammers pretending their little kids and old men fighting.

3 is Garbo too. Mario in general is fail

Seething nincel
Wrong console, try again kid

Go back to Tumblr, lady