Tropes in vidya that you actually like

>Mission Objective: Run

Attached: Tiger chase.webm (198x360, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Boss has multiple phases and you gotta beat the whole thing in one go

Attached: 1529246062110.jpg (2197x2386, 415K)

>Defend the thing
i can typically afk because i play summoners whenever possible

Attached: frost sentinel spectres.jpg (1920x1080, 698K)

>2 health flasks

Attached: 1562336377147.jpg (398x376, 37K)

>Member of the enemy faction hates the ideals he is expected to adopt
>Is recruited as a party member later

Attached: 1563279624775.webm (400x400, 1.12M)

>Giant boss looming in the distance in last level
>You have to climb it to kill it

Attached: neck giraffe.jpg (768x960, 58K)

this is animal abuse and these "people" are disgusting subhumans who should be put in a concentration camp

t. Pussy cat from that webm
Learn to take a joke

you'd just love the shoveldog gif
this is mean spirited and they probably shouldn't own such an animal but i don't feel deeply outraged

>Comfy elven village or city
post more of those please

Attached: LOTR.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

>the protag isn't out to save the world, just wants money

Attached: Thief-the-Dark-Project.jpg (700x525, 109K)

Pic also related

Attached: 1557288890699.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>Villain is actually sympathetic and makes more sense than the protagonist

Attached: Armstrong.jpg (865x760, 48K)

based as fuck. summoner bros, ww@?!?

Attached: terraria-minions-12.jpg (289x221, 19K)

>final boss is your best friend

Attached: 7s9k2gkx5og21.png (1920x739, 1.06M)

>Videogame has an in universe explanation of why you revive

Attached: Also The Messenger.jpg (1600x800, 317K)

>not ED/Contagion
shouldve nerfed it last league, it's still OP

>joke character is strongest character in the game
>Is also a happy go lucky idiot who lucks his way out of situations
>Is also a bro

I miss Terry

Terry from what game?


Which one

Is there another Terry?

Attached: Terry-0.png (203x183, 2K)

I mean obviously they're retarded to antagonize a lion, let alone a pet lion that you need a good relationship with because it's only not eating you on the honor system, but I don't think getting dirty is going to bother a cat much, it'll just clean itself off. The only danger is if that's chocolate and the lion licks some up cleaning itself, it could get really sick, maybe even die. Chocolate is even more poisonous to cats than dogs, they just don't generally choose to eat sweets.

>Objective: Search for 3 gears to open the door

Attached: 1561911532486.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Wrong thread bro

also wrong website, frogs belong to reddit

Why am I not surprised?

This looks like it could be a video game cover.

>ominous final preparation room/save point before the final boss

I just love it when there's a final room which basically screams "This is the end". That kind of forewarning makes the final boss more hype.

Attached: image.jpg (1255x967, 261K)

>You have to make your way through a level where two or more factions are fighting each other
Ludo of the highest degree

lmao pipe down libcuck

>Mission Objective: Eliminate the target

Attached: bazooka.webm (854x480, 1.19M)

>arena levels where a lot of enemies just come at you for a while
>you can choose to just survive long enough or kill enough of them to end it quicker

>still saves the world

>doesn't do anything with the money but buy stuff to make more money

>The villain is a playable character

I like that objective as long as there is a lot of ways to kill said target.

Primary Objective: Finish it

>calling arabs subhumans and wishing for them to be placed in concentration camps is now libtard material

This, a lot.
>Show's over!...friend.

Man, stinger missiles are fucking fast.

>final boss is your buddy


name 5 games

>white mage is a kind girl

>Any game
>MC has a dream sequence at some point

Attached: 1562008522549.jpg (564x845, 37K)

FF6, Sabin is a powerful lovable dumb dude
A persona game has to have that type of character too

>Objective: Survive

Attached: watchdogs.jpg (1200x675, 107K)

>Main theme gets a remix during the final boss or at a climactic moment

Attached: Sudoku_3.png (512x384, 197K)

>Final Boss theme isn't an energetic or grandiose composition, but a soft, slow and melancholic piece

>he’s not greedy

>get revenge
>use your power
>save your friends

Attached: 1529174294521.png (1465x1440, 1.66M)

>Then I must stop you, Anakin.
>You will try... old friend.

Attached: Cat (307).jpg (1014x873, 123K)

Mein neger

>you can marry the antagonist

>Final boss doesn’t actually wants to fight you
>but they have to
>you don’t want to kill them

Attached: 6DC5AE99-FC01-4EFB-BF25-CA92EED77337.gif (440x248, 907K)

>Final chapter: Game

love that shit

Attached: 1510472717292.png (397x402, 193K)

Not the final boss, but GoW2 had that bit with one of Kratos's men that survived the beginning of the game. It was one of the best parts of it for me and also what cemented Kratos as a real asshole because not once did he stop and consider who it was until after he'd pretty much killed him.

You could plainly recognize his armor and sword too, it was so fucked. Then again, that game in general is. People shit on Prince of Persia 2 for smoldering rage, whoo boy.

>you become the final boss

Attached: 1468882399812.png (210x240, 65K)

Fucking stupid shit only “muh ludonarrative dissonance” fags like those who are into Dark Souls “lore” like. No one cares why you revive, does a movie have to explain why you can pause and rewind? What about how cuts and timeskips work? Or how there’s a camera there taping everything? No, and most of the movies that do suck

It didn't have to be this way

Attached: 1524873938056.jpg (600x1186, 106K)

not a stinger

>the way to replenish health is disgusting/disturbing

Attached: 1560768504747.webm (720x1280, 1.12M)

I love those flash games.

>eating corn starch with a too hot to handle shirt on

Attached: 1548729640799.jpg (762x1042, 114K)

that guy has big pants


>gigantic underground science facility where shady shit was/is going on

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 297K)

>none of it is ever explained and the game moves on

Attached: 1537015927283.jpg (467x467, 37K)

>lone soldier fighting monsters

Attached: 156f5dad4fc2a755659819622370.png (676x588, 458K)

>you become seperated from the rest of your squad in hostile territory

Hitler would have personally killed every single one of them for doing that.

What is it then?

It is though.

That's an Igla you niggers

Russian 9K38 Igla

idk looks like an igla, which seems more likely anyway as a soviet invention

Hey dude, it's about a trope i like, what do you like? Ya know, something you are in favor of, not against.

Attached: 1546579872244.jpg (1800x1578, 197K)

How is there no recoil on that thing?

disgusting niggers.

Roxas fight in KH2 was peak kino

cus it's a missile in an open tube

"nothing" gets absorbed to the holder

>You can "scan" or otherwise look at enemy stats
>Big dick boss shows up for the first time
>All stats are "???????"

Attached: YOU WHAT.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Dude that's a stinger

I'm gonna show you a stinger
*unzips dick*

Senator Armstrong only makes sense if you take everything he says at face value, he is the ultimate paragon of skull and bones philosophy. We already exist within the world he describes but strength is wealth if you follow down his path you only end up with the same status quo as people inexorably use wealth as a form of power. In the end Jack was right, senator Armstrong is all talk and no action none of what he would do would change anything it would just end up in the pointless death of more people.

I’m not allowed to enjoy anything other than shitposting

>Objective: Find Geoffrey
>Objective: Find Geoffrey
>Objective: Find Geoffrey
>Objective: Find Geoffrey
>Objective: Find Geoffrey

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

that nerd got pranked hard

>Objective: Dont get caught

Attached: Lion.webm (480x480, 668K)

>droning buildup as stage begins
>music stops
>explosion/drum kick/guitar bursts out

Attached: boner.png (474x939, 827K)

This is a really weird, specific visual thing, but I really like the way clouds were rendered in very early 3D titles, like how they're totally float or rotate whenever you move.

thts cause they were just sprites in a 3d environment

Keep going

>Turns out to be a tsundere

that's not a bazooka you retarded zoomer
>big boi roccet go out the front real horrorshow fast
>exhaust gasses from said rocket vented out the back
>recoil forces cancel out somewhat

>Enemy enters your safe zone

Attached: 5435234.png (465x415, 275K)

forced meme cock sucker

>protagonist is losing until getting a power up

Attached: 1401207452109.webm (800x340, 2.82M)

It's fucking bizarre how leftists worship these people.

>the old nigga who seemed weak the whole game gets up to fight

Attached: 1563065543830.jpg (600x400, 94K)

Yeah libtards! Be like this user instead and give blowjobs to Arabs daily.

Allah snacknar brother. You tell these libtards.

>powerup is a useful mechanic instead of just a scripted one-time "i win" button

Attached: 900_erect.jpg (1024x1024, 151K)


>player loses all his items and has to gain them all back again midway through the game
Works best in non-rpg non-puzzle games, where you are just building back up raw power and stuff, it falls apart when it takes away items that you didn’t have to acquire makes you permanently lose things that way, or when you are just doing tedious early game puzzles as with Zelda games that do this

Arabs are peak degenerates

Giraffes give really good blowjobs. So maybe a monster fucking game.

Those are rich arabs, only trumptards worship them.

>the king of the libcucks would've agreed with me!
No shit.

He's just thirsty

Yeah, liberals pretend they don't even exist.

>Your party members got charmed by an enemy

Attached: 444.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>Hidden boss fight can only be triggered by a special item

Attached: No Phones Please.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Based elephant

> you have to walk through a big grand highly detailed room with no music before you get to the last boss

>walk takes 30 minutes

God I fucking hate Arabs

>>Member of the enemy faction hates the ideals he is expected to adopt
>>Is recruited as a party member later

The National Defense Divinity demons from SMT IV are this.

>Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt...

Attached: tenor[1].gif (220x220, 1.95M)

Jesus christ nigger, calm down
Dark souls doesn't explain how all enemies and objects go back to their former place, its just lore flavor for the hollowing mechanic

>energy compression

Based Arabs dabbing on a c*toid

>fist fight

Attached: 1542463310107.jpg (762x1195, 228K)

>final boss is a henchman of the main villain, enraged that you killed his boss

Attached: 1518213757888.jpg (324x265, 20K)