If I have never played an MMO in my life, would this be a good first one? Is it too late to get into?
If I have never played an MMO in my life, would this be a good first one? Is it too late to get into?
Other urls found in this thread:
I only started late last year and it was pretty easy to get into. The only content that is dead that really matters is the first set of raids and even then you can still play those unsynced
Yeah i know it's a copypasta... but it is true:
Issues with XIV:
>Literally every dungeon is a hallway with ironclad linearity
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
>Everything related to PvP is shit
>Open world zones are tiny, empty, have nothing going on, and are separated by loading screens
>Zero player choice in character building (stat choice, skill choice, talents, gear choice, etc.)
>Gear is universally boring (No gear sets, no unique effects, etc.)
>Classes are completely amateurish in their design (combos that only exist to be done in perfect sequence, two separate abilities like Demon SSlice > demon Slaughter that could be done with a single proc, etc.)
>Boring questing with awful instancing, unlike TESO/GW2/etc with unique instanced zones only for questing
>Over-complicated crafting which is ultimately just as meaningless as WoW's because it only exists to make catch-up gear and consumables
>shitty graphics
>barely any voice acting
>worse than ps2 tier animation
>constant dissonance between gameplay and narrative
>extremely unpolished
>shit just fades in or out on screen, no actual animation to maks it feel like a believable world being interacted with
>shit mmo gameplay
>empty areas with nothing to do
>tons of immersion breaking
>nonsense lore and garbage forgetable characters
XIV is so bad and it needing 4 fucking expansions of backstory, lore, development etc just to lead to ShB just makes it worse. Not a single person who jumped straight to ShB has said its good, the only people shilling it pretending ShB is good are XIV fags who've been subbed to it for 6+ years and have stockholm syndrome for pouring 6 years of their life and money investment of hundreds of dollars into into it.
>non issue
>non issue
>it's a story based pve game, ofc pvp is shit
>not true
>illusion of choice
>not true
>your opinion
>this only shows you're a brainlet
Stop spamming this shit on every thread mainly when we already know that the OP is not a newbie and he's just making an excuse to make a thread.
>XIV is so bad and it needing 4 fucking expansions of backstory, lore, development etc just to lead to ShB just makes it worse.
>you need to watch the first, second and 3rd episode so the 4th makes sense
Who would've thought.
I mean it's literally a story centric mmo, just because they have other standard mmo shit doesn't change the fact that alot of people play it for story and the final fantasy setting etc.
Have dilate
Yoshida said you could jump straight into ShB only for that not to be the case
it's not even a real FF, it's a fucking theme park
Holy fuk. Why is this game popular again?
You'll take about 200 hours to complete the story, so you could worry about it being a MMO after that.
It has the biggest LGBT Community of all MMORPGs. Besides it is the melting pot of all degenerates. LGBT, weebs, 30 year old virgins who pretending to be cute girls, etc.
1.X and 2.0 was a good time. Really nice community around. Even dude bros. but after that... oh boy. Most toxic place of all mmorpgs.
>You'll take about 200 hours to complete the story
Thats a lie and you know it. You need max 30h to reach endlevel if you skip the story dialogues.
There's a free trial that allows you to play it to level 35. Focus on getting through the MSQ since everything is gated behind it, including endgame dungeons.
The LGBT is only on the Aether datacenter
Crystal is relatively fine as long as you avoid Mateus or Balmung
>it's not even a real FF
>it's better than FFX, XII, XIII and XV
Fuck off barry.
I think it's literally impossible with 30h even with skips. Maybe 80h.
Also if he skips story he might as well skip the game entirely. Not like FF14 distinguishes itself with a below average end-game, he could play any other MMO for that alone.
>The LGBT is only on the Aether datacenter
>Crystal is fine
Its more FF than anything else with the series name in the past decade
Nice reading comprehension.
>play tank
>queue into trial/raid whatever
>other tank makes a big dick move and declares themselves MT by pulling as soon as everyone loads in
>"ok whatever fine"
>MT dies because they didn't mitigate something properly or messed up some other mechanic
>take over as MT
>as soon as they get revived instead of just accepting that they're the OT now they keep trying to take enmity back so they can be MT again
No, fuck off faggot. You had your chance and you failed.
>I think it's literally impossible with 30h even with skips. Maybe 80h.
you are a liar or a total slowpoke retard. the game has nothing to offer besides the """"good"""" story.
I think even side series like bravely default and WoFF were more FF than main title FFs.
Because it is a great game.
Imagine being American
You probably bought a skip potion if you think the endless dungeons and trials you go through are doable in 30h.
It isn't better than any of them and has less fucking reviews than any other FF
not playing any mmo until the parse tranny problem is solved.
That's your opinion barry.
>get mvp again as a tank even though i have never tanked in my life
t-this is how a good community feels eh`?
It's not remotely FF other than the skin it wears on its theme park, its not a real FF in the slightest
>reading is hard
its mostly asia standard grind mmo with SOME FF elements on top like the spells names and summons
It's a good MMO but I'll tell you right now it starts out very slow and takes until 50+ for jobs to do more than 1 2 3.
Congratulations, you're now realizing that tanking is so easy even a monkey could do it.
No its a fact it has less reviews than any other FF
also reviews are meaningless trannie gayme journo shit
fan reception and sales paints a different picture
also cope
a-are you saying i'm an unga bunga?
This morning's DRG buff is causing MASSIVE butthurt in the jap community, including the OF and it's fucking hilarious.
The butthurt is so intense even jap DRG mains are getting embarrassed at their job's current state.
Here's a quote from the jap OF's DRG thread
>"As a DRG main I am happy to get this buff, but, let me say that THE TIMING FOR THIS BUFF'S RELEASE WAS THE WORST POSSIBLE. There are other jobs, namely monk, samurai, ninja who are extremely dissatisfied with their current state, and this buff to our job, which was already very good as in SB and got a damage buff on top of that, is making DRG get a LOT of (BAD!) attention on the on forums and on the various social networks. You should have released this in patch 5.05. This is clearly shedding bad light on us."
The jap SAM thread gained 4 pages in two hours which is a lot for the jap OF.
Some were suggesting to "stop with the fucking dragoon favoritism already, we get it, why don't you rename the game to Dragoon Fantasy XIV A Dragoon Reborn, with the expansions Dragoonsward, Dragoonblood and Dragoonbringers".
5ch and the comments in the matome blogs, as well as twitter are in the same vein.
Even as a SAM main I'm thoroughly enjoying this.
This said, please do buff us properly in 5.05. I want damage close to BLM levels, thank you. Oh, and do something with Shoha.
>avoid aether
>crystal is fine, but avoid BALMUNG
>BALMUNG is the biggest lgbt server
LA Noire guy is right
Ninja needs to be fixed long before any other job is even glanced at.
Also where do you find these patch notes
what stats should i concentrate on WAR?
Eden is a disappointment
>Sense of progression is all fucked up. The first boss of the first tier feels like it should have been the last boss of the last tier. The last boss of the tier feels like a midboss and beating it doesn't make you feel like you've "cleared" anything, instead you're like "oh, that's it?"
>They ran out of boss concepts to lift from other games so now they're literally just reusing their own bosses. Even though the models and mechanics and stuff are different, I want to see new concepts not just rehashes of old stuff.
>More music that's just remixes of earlier works, again just a lack of originality, I want new shit not repackaged old shit.
>Sense of place is fucked up, you have no idea where you are when you get transported to the boss arenas, there's no little hallways or instance or anything leading up to the bosses, it's just bam, suddenly you're in a wildly different location with absolutely no sense of how you got there. When you travel to the new arena the screen literally just goes black and an NPC says "okay, we're here!". It's like there are cutscenes missing.
>Story makes absolutely no fucking sense. Why the fuck do we summon primals just to kill them? In every other area of the story primal summoning is always unequivocally a bad thing, it does nothing but fuck everything up and make things worse. But now suddenly it's good. The reasons given to you about why you have to do it are extremely vague and basically glossed over. It's EXTREMELY contrived lore just to justify having a boss fight.
So you cant read then?
>Aether is biggest LGBT datacenter
>Crystal is okay mostly
>Except Balmung and Mateus, avoid those
In otherwords, ANY other server on Crystal is fine, except Balmung and Mateus
That's why he said avoid balmung you dumb EOP.
SAM doesn't require time consuming adjustments, it's probably only gonna be pot increases (if we do get something). We'll get NIN, MNK and SAM adjustments in 5.05, I'm not too worried.
Also, to get the patch notes I went on the lodestone where the patch notes are right there on the front page.
Why are you writing a review about normal mode bosses and where do I unsubscribe?
>it's a barry thread episode
>XIV is so bad and it needing 4 fucking expansions of backstory, lore, development etc just to lead to ShB just makes it worse.
Now where have I seen this statement with this same tier of ESL english before?
It isn't even in the pasta portion either
The LAST thing SAM needs is any sort of buff, period. It's the highest parsing melee in the game.
In fact, NONE of the melee dps needs a buff except for NIN, who does like 60% the damage of SAM because 'lol muh trick attack'.
Trick attack needs to be removed from the game. Or changed to effect only the Ninja. Then buff NIN DPS to viable levels.
Inb4 some autist goes "B-BUT M-M-MUH RAID UTILITY!" WHAT raid utility? TA is literally it and it promotes the most cancerous standards of "oh hey its okay that you a MELEE DPS does garbage DPS because you have TA!" Fuck that.
>was actually able to get my blind pug through Eden Descent after seeing the timer mechanic one time and explaining it to them
surprisingly proud of this playerbase for once.
you've come a long way since wiping on weapon trials.
Who are you quoting?
>It's EXTREMELY contrived lore just to justify having a boss fight.
user that's literally what every fight is. It's not really happening. Someone made it up.
We did it on our second try very slowly. I'm not sure I fully understand how the timers work though the basic concept is pretty obvious. He just doesn't do enough damage to be a threat.
>wiping on weapon trials
They still do that. Especially the Chimera.
bryn's pretty fucking gay too.
All the new raid fights are fun
>>Story makes absolutely no fucking sense. Why the fuck do we summon primals just to kill them? In every other area of the story primal summoning is always unequivocally a bad thing, it does nothing but fuck everything up and make things worse. But now suddenly it's good. The reasons given to you about why you have to do it are extremely vague and basically glossed over. It's EXTREMELY contrived lore just to justify having a boss fight.
I like how you refuse to state what the given reasons are, almost like you either skipped the cutscene or are too brainlet to understand uriangerposting.
Imagine not being able to follow the story of a few quests
No they don't. Everyone is in synced gear and it dies in like 2 minutes.
small dick character confirmed?
It's only because it's only been literally 4 hours since the patch dropped user. This is when all the tryhards log in to get their clears quickly and easily, it's always like this in the few hours after a patch drops. When the general playerbase starts getting around to it over the next week you'll see a lot more morons.
alrighty then nerf DRG and MNK, who have utility and SAM doesn't.
And nerf MCH too by the way, they're ranged and can always and easily have 100% uptime on the boss.
You do need to settle down, though, everyone knows NIN is shit currently and it's gonna get its fixes. It doesn't have to be at the other jobs' detriment, too.
god i hate parse trannies
I literally just witnessed a Chimera wipe not 7 minutes ago.
>brainlets can't understand urianger's faux-Shakespearean dialogue
Are they retarded? The drg "buff" is the least relevant thing ever. This wasn't even the balance patch.
So what does KH girl look like under the mask?
Anyone datamine it?
SAM doesn't need utility because (and this is YOUR ARGUMENT not mine) it has the highest DPS in the game of all the melees.
Frankly I think it's fucking sickening that the most braindead, retard-proof job in the entire game, SAM, gets to have the highest DPS.
People doing it this early may actually give a shit about their performance. Just try again during the weekend.
Is it really a buff? They have to reapply it doing AOE combos still
Anybody got that eScape remix on hand?
No you didn't. Was it right after your Glasya Labolas wipe?
ill probably go
tank gun
dps sam / range dps blm
>mfw trying to cast on the titan fight as a BLM
Honestly the fight is great.
Why not play GW2 user? It's a very good MMO, especially for beginners.
I was hoping for more boat tipping with Leviathan
Terrain destruction felt more like Titan's shtick
You've already outed yourself as a meta-shitter so just go pld for tank. gnb sucks.
reshade fixes the graphics
>It's a very good MMO,
Because this part isn't true.
Only if you want to play a PvE game and then I must ask, why not play literally any other offline game?
>action combat
The problem is that the context was already explosive (the japs love trolling and flaming the fuck of each other on the Internet and it can get quite violent, they use the anonymity provided by the Internet to vent), so this morning's adjustment was the spark that made the whole thing explode. The best hint that show the devs knew the situation was bad is that little note saying that more balance changes and adjustements will come in 5.05. They put that in, hoping people wouldn't get mad. It failed spectacularly.
I only played FF11 for a bit, so FF14 is the only one I’ve really dedicated myself to. I’ve been playing on and off since launch on PS3 and I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. It’s real easy to get into, however there’s a ton of catching up to do and the pacing for the early game fucking sucks. You have very few abilities, combat is boring, and the story is only okay at best. Once you get closer to Lv50 and beyond, then the game really starts to pick up but that’s a pretty big fucking investment. My main recommendation is to not bother with an MMO at all, but if you do want to play one, and it helps a ton if you’re a FF fan, then this is a good one to try out. If you want to check it out, I did a review video on it that goes a little more in detail, but I’ve already laid out the important shit above; it’s just a huge timesink, but it’s hardly “impossible” to catch up. youtu.be
dilate tranny are you ok
are you ok tranny?
Well there had to be at least one fight where BLM won't be the best, I guess.
>1 picosecond GDC
>every buff is the same
>cosmetic progression
>the best cosmetics are locked behind the shop
That preset is ugly
was the name of this piece ever found?
>Elezen look ba-
Peon pls
no but i still reccomend trying it
you forgot
>floatiest combat in the universe with zero weight behind it
>extremely unbalanced
>no pve to speak of
>crafting is useless
>no lore or story worth a shit
Titan was more interested in riding his ATV than destroying the platform
Went into a complete blackout to play, DNC ended up being much funner than I thought, the procs made me think of old mch and that kept me messing around with it until I hit 80, what's the actual consensus on it? I'm guessing not very good just like mch wasn't.
What he means is balmung being on dc corrupts the entire dc
I meant the OG titan
It's going to feel amazing when you memorize it though.
Am i a faggot for watching guides to dungeons every time it's new to me? I really don't want to drop spaghetti all over the place when i was a healer for titan. Tfw Level 60 Bard now
why aren't you feeling equally sick at DRG and BLM, who are also braindead (only slightly less than SAM)? You're talking about SAM, but SAM isn't doing enough damage to justify its lack of utility. It should be doing BLM tier damage, not DRG/MNK damage. As it is currently, SAM DRG and MNK do more or less the same amount of damage and it just means people will take DRG (or MNK but much less) in raids instead.
Why do trannies always like reshade for some weird reason?
Better story than 12, but 12 does a lot of other stuff better. 14 definitely blows a lot of the other games out of the water though.
>"look how assblasted i am"
They are used to posting their own face with 1000 filters to look passable
You're supposed to ask "is this '''''worth'''''' getting into" like the other daily threads we have on this subject
Do what makes you feel comfortable.
Playing DPS for your first run of anything is a good idea.
Who here 446?
xiv is trash but so is wow
so will the potency adjustment patch come out with savage?
Best mmo currently, don't listen to trannies like , trust me
>people still don't have arm's length on their hotbar
Kino hairstyle, not gonna lie.
>4 more patches until balance changes
When is that going to be? 4 weeks at the earliest, well after Savage is out?
Sadly it doesn't work on the marker+pushback mechanic in levi.
I fucking hate peoplel ike you
fights are great and savage is looking to be loads of fun, also music is kino
I do because I hate dying to stuff, or worse causing other people to die. It also makes it a test of performing mechanics instead of just going in and winging it.
t. tranny
I hate skills with bullshit "Works on most, but not some" crap. Either have it work or don't have it work.
You don't apply it in AOE and you don't need it. DRG AOE is huge because of Nastrond.
>Ryne: I hate to say this, but I don't think Eden will be able to draw out a single element without affecting the others.
>Urianger: For that very reason, we shall select a location in which the ambient aether we wish to restore is at its most potent.
>Even in a dormant state, certain elements will be more prevalent and therefore more easily manipulated.
>Then, we rebalance the aether and return it to the land, whereupon it shall be borne on aetherial currents to the farthest reaches of the Empty.
Alright, I'm with you so far
>Thancred: But what's to prevent that element from breaking free of Eden's hold and causing a disaster of some sort?
Does Thancred have a good reason to believe this will happen? This comes out of nowhere. Obvious contrivance.
>Urianger: It must needs be contained. The question is, how?
Okay, whatever, the element might break free and cause a disaster, so it needs to be contained.
>{WoL}, indulge me a moment if though wouldst.
>Pray imagine a corporeal manifestation of the individual elements. What dost thou see in thy mind's eye?
>Mayhap thou art afeared to utter the fateful word. For to even speak the name "primal" is to invite misfortune.
>Though invite it we must. As the aether is drawn forth and realigned by Eden, we shall perform a summoning as Master Louisoix once did on the fields of Carteneau.
>As one who hath laid low countless primals, thy memories will shape the aether into a deiform entity, which must subsequently be dispered in the traditional fashion
How is this meant to help? How does this contain the element? Why is summong a primal suddenly a good idea?
>Ryne: So, "defeat it", on other words. But is that even possible?!
>Urianger: Lest thou forget, 'twill be no more than an approximation of a foe thou hast previously bested.
>I have every confidence in thine abilities, {WoL}
Oh, okay, I guess we're not going to explain it. Go fight some bosses.
That's not how patches work
Because DRG and BLM actually require 2 (but only 2) braincells to play.
A fucking vegetable could play SAM and do well.
You don't just pick this up and mess around with it like a WoW expansion. If you don't get invested with the story and major characters you will probably not enjoy this game. There are hours and hours and hours of main story quests which you must complete in order before you get the latest content.
Endlevel, as in Lv80? Why would you lie? I literally did a speedrun of the free trial and it took me about 15 hours just to reach Lv35. Don’t spread misinformation like this, there’s a lot of bullshit to get through in this game. Not to mention that speeding through the story turns the game into a chore and removes one of the only good things about it.
>4 weeks
oh no no no no...
XIV has washed out colors out the ass
i do it because i have anxiety, but they all end up being really easy, especially now. the game used to be less visual and uniform so maybe those old dungeons, with different per-boss mechanics and telegraphs, are actually harder than 60-80 ones, where you can handle every mechanic by consistent visualizations alone.
Well, how do they work?
I know its not weekly and likely longer. That's why I said "at the earliest".
Sounds boring.
The fun of new content is figuring out mechanics and recovering from your fuckups.
Give me a link, I want to have a laugh.
There isnt going to be patch 5.0.2
I watch guides for older dungeons because I hate disappointing people, that's why I love playing expansions on release since no one has any clue whats going on and wipes to understand mechanics are normal and expected.
>That Eden Prime fight
>That Voidwalker fight
It's worse when tanks don't because it's legitimately a powerful defensive cooldown in dungeons because of the slow.
>do dwarf side quests
>do healer role quests
>tempted to fantasia into a dwarf
>haven't ever bought a fantasia and don't intend to
I refuse to out of principle, but I still feel an itch.
Why am I not seeing any player dwarves? What's wrong with everyone?
oh and further more the the ShB standard seems to be that no single mechanic can kill you in isolation - but rather, they give Vuln stacks, so they only kill you if you keep fucking it up multiple times.
But it does work on the big wave
As much as I have enjoyed shb I still agree with this post. While the mechanics in boss fights have improved dramatically and they’ve improved on overworld mechanics like fates, everything else has been a straight downgrade since arr, especially class and dungeon design.
>it promotes the most cancerous standards of "oh hey its okay that you a MELEE DPS does garbage DPS because you have TA!" Fuck that.
imagine thinking this while playing an mmo.
The game can look a lot better with it, removing the geen-grey fog that's everywhere.
Problem is a lot of people overdo their presets with ambient occlusion that looks bad and tacked on and a lot of bloom and DoF.
where do you get lightweight tomestones?
Well, for starters you can check out jap Twitter, where Disembowel 30s (ディセム30秒) was trending earlier today:
For the other things, give me a sec, I'm at work.
ill just go to max lvl and then look for what i can unlock okay?
It makes sense to me. You're drawing out massive amounts of element-aspected aether and you don't know how it will behave if you just let it go and do it's own thing, so you instead choose to shape it into a primal, then kill the primal to harmlessly disperse all the element-aspected aether.
>Titan still filtering plebes even with resurrection if you fall off
10/10 fight, would not be mad at all if the savage version doesnt have a super mode
Doesn't the MSQ give you a free fantasia or did you use that already?
>How is this meant to help? How does this contain the element? Why is summong a primal suddenly a good idea?
Because Primals are massive aetheric manifestations of the elements. Kill the primal and the aether will scatter freely across The Empty. If we just shoot a bunch of aether at the ground and Eden decides to fuck it up due to being an unstable SIN EATER we're fucked. We need to minimise the amount of time Eden has control over the aetherial dissipation, hence primals.
I like the new Gunbreaker sound effects. The attacks sound really heavy and meaty now. It doesn't have the weird "pew pew" bullet whistle sounds anymore. It might be my imagination but the explosions of the cartridge attacks sound deeper/louder too.
Why'd they do it?
Eh, it's a great fucking fight but no super would be a disappointment.
How is it going to work without door bosses though?
Don't know. We'll wait and see.
The best change is that minions now don’t merge into hrothgars shoulder
EX is just titan car driving around the arena making BLMs cry because they can't turret
I think I got a free fantasia with a resub bonus like four years ago when I started playing. I used it to fix my eyes and voice and left everything else as is.
soooo bestias/primals will never die? were they even humans like in FFX once?
But the concern is clearly that the element will "break free of Eden's hold" and not that Eden will do something to the element. This is 100% you just filling in the blanks, because it's not properly explained.
Post YFW
Honestly if he becomes a tank it will be shit. I hate tank bosses, aesthetically.
I expected more salt, there seem to be a lot of happy drg. I'll try to look at the OF, but my moon's rusty
Dear lord what the fuck is wrong with this picture. It looks like fucking shit.
Where are my DRGChads that only chose DRG because the armour looks cool?
Are you a fucking retard or something? They need to restore balance to the elements, thus they're summoning elemental creatures to spread their influence. Leviathan is water, Titan is earth. They'll want fire, wind and lightning as well.
>Does Thancred have a good reason to believe this will happen?
... does... does he have a good reason for wondering why this thing they just ran in to will be able to control the massive amounts of aether they need? Have you perhaps heard of the calamities? Why do something risky that can fuck up the entire planet when you can do something at least reasonable familiar?
If you're looking to play an actual MMO and not a degenerate tranny chatroom you're looking at the wrong FF game
Aside from the first fight, nobody talked in the last 3 raids I did :(
Primals aren't real. They are just magic given a form based on what people imagine.
people, or other "monsters"
>exodus is now congested
the salt is a bit buried and less vitriolic because it's twitter, but here's other links:
SAM OF thread
DRG OF thread
5ch "loser job" threads:
current SAM thread:
plus matome blogs where people shitpost at each other in the comments in the articles, but I'm not gonna go link that.
Most of the salt was on 5ch and on the OF.
They are going to flip the boss order for savage, right?
Titan didn't feel like final boss material
Yeah. I mean I used to love DRG as a kid, mostly because I thought dragons were really cool. Now I'm all about wizzas, but I leveled DRG just to relive that and to wear AF2 helmet with the AF3 set.
>using that retarded useless cat from aht urghan to prove your point
Disgusting. There are x10 better mithras to use from the same game.
It's pretty good but bear in mind it's shit for pvp compared to wow
Wow is pretty awful these days in general though.
doing titan now, tanking for the first time lvl 34 what should i look out for
don't get punted off the platform by the big straight line aoe
Started LNC, never regretted it. I sometimes change, but I know where my heart is.
But the first episode in inaccesable.
Shoha seems far too situational and is a pretty disappointing 80 skill
Getting double midare was shit too, it doesn't even change the animation. Such a lazy upgrade
Imagine being this fucking angry that people play a game you don't like
>thus they're summoning elemental creatures to spread their influence
They're summoning the creatures and then killing them which for some reason "contains" the element and prevents it from going haywire, it's literally all right there in the dialogue, I dunno how you can misinterpret it this badly. But this is never ever at any point mentioned to be a property of summoning/killing primals. That summoning and killing a primal somehow turns "angry aether" into "chill aether" is a brand new idea that is literally just now brought up and it's brushed over like it's obvious. They are clearly hoping you don't think too deeply about it.
>. does... does he have a good reason for wondering why this thing they just ran in to will be able to control the massive amounts of aether they need?
Yeah, they literally just found it. Why would he have any idea what Eden is or isn't capable of, let alone the specific scenario of Eden losing control of the aether? At the very least they could have had Ryne bring this up since she's the only one that has some vague idea of Eden's functionality at this point. Just because you're high on some fun boss fights doesn't mean you need to defend poorly contrived writing.
Starting as LNC lets you experience HW in its purist form
t.didnt play when Titan EX was relevant content
couldnt you just fail a trial ov er and over until you get that buff like 20 times?
Never played an MMO outside of a bit of Phantasy Star Online BB but this looks interesting and I love the XB games which are pretty much just offline MMOs.
How much does it cost though? The whole subscription thing is what's always thrown me off of the genre.
Wow a bunch of retard shedposters purposefully ignoring the note about 5.05 to get angry replies. Reminds me of a certain place.
Actually paying attention to stats on gear now because I'm trying to be less of a shitter.
>check out aiming for the raid
>skillspeed is my worst stat
>it's on the chest and pants
So my plan is to get the ring (which i did), followed by gloves and earrings. Then just do innocence ex for the other ring, belt, wrists, and neck. I'll try to get some tank pieces after that and then some healer pieces. Once I have the pieces that actually give good stats is when I'll start grabbing throwaway parts.
>queue as tank
>30 minutes
Well then the Warrior of Light imagines some pretty messed up stuff
ilvl is still better than stats so don't get earrings from eden when you can get them on innocence
Yeah. Lots of complaints about Tsubame Gaeshi being lazy and, more generally, SAM being an afterthought in ShB
>Tsubame Gaeshi
>but you only get the Kaeshi part lmao
>no new animations btw, and the GCD after it isn't affected by Shifu
What did Yoshi mean by this?
If you keep one character or at least one per ser(which is all you need desu), you can just use the starter sub which is $12.99/mo
id note as a person who thinks its a shit mmo, iv been enjoying it so far. theres a massive list of "they should just fucking steal these ideas from another mmo" for quality of life shit, but they'll never bother, but some things they do are fun, and the story is enjoyable. it would have been much better as an rpg, and i dont see myself playing more than a couple months, but iv yet to not have fun playing
Eden prime was a bit weak though the transition is a massive FF8 wank.
Voildwalker was great, I'm actually very excited to see the mechanic in savage.
Leviatan was really fucking great, the BGM remix of Leviathan's fight was really nice.
Titan was incredible, holy fucking shit I love everything about it from its fight, BGM, and fucking form changes
>Mfw Titan
Also WoL going full "The landslides..."
PTSD is a crazy thing
>Blown out oversaturated colors and contrast
Typical philistine.
Its more Final Fantasy than fucking VII is. What qualifiers do you have for something to be a Final Fantasy game if XIV isn't it? Even Shadowbringers is making dungeons single player doable with the Trust system.
Fuck me that's kinda pricey. Classes start back up soon and I know I won't have any time to play it then, so it ain't really worth opening up that can of worms for now.
Thanks though user. I have a friend whose been trying to convince me to play but if nothing else I'll wait until I have more time on my hands.
Please stay the fuck out of Mateus. Its been great for so long I hope you shitters keep avoiding it.
I've tried NIN but it doesn't seem rewarding at all and we got a new static member that mains it too so I'm searching for other options: we have PLD, GNB, WHM, NIN, DRG, BLM on the static so I could either cover DPS or Healer roles.
I tried SCH but I get utterly bored while doing dps, I also tried SMN and it feels nice, but only on hard content. Any tips on what to try next? I was considering BRD and MCH
It annoys me more they put a skill in called tsubame gaeshi and its not even an attempt to recreate the move in any of the animations. Powered up midare setsugekka should have that animation instead
Also found out recently what setsugekka and each kanji on the sen guage means, samurai moves have some cool naming shit going on
holy fucking shit just kill yourself
If that's too much money for you user, you've got more pressing issues than a mmorpg with a 200+ hours story that will suck up your time. Good luck to you
>is a brand new idea that is literally just now brought up and it's brushed over like it's obvious.
And? Everything has to start somewhere. That's every story ever. Sometimes they borrow from earlier plot points, sometimes new information is brought up. Getting angry over that, especially since it's literally Urianger's thing since ARR, is ludicrous.
>Why would he have any idea what Eden is or isn't capable of, let alone the specific scenario of Eden losing control of the aether?
Do you realize how fucking stupid your logic is? "He has no idea what this thing can do, so why does he ask whether it can do something?" Holy fuck, dude.
Anyone who watches guides for ANY content in this game is a faggot. You are paying money to play this game, and yet you go crawling for some e-celeb to hold your hand through it, not to mention spoil what happens? Pathetic.
t. I cleared every savage raid without a static, before echo, and without watching or reading any guides. Even got to the main boss of both ultimates that way.
Speaking of plot points, half the people of Amaurot sacrificed themselves to give birth to Zodiark, yeah?
What if all of them gave half of their energy instead?
You fucking nigger. Trick Attack and having to manage it at the right time, giving Ninja a unique role to play in group content, is the ENTIRE FUCKING REASON I played the job since it was released. No one wants SAM 2.0 with sharp sticks.
Yes it's good. But you'll have to get past the early ARR content that is objectively boring. Heavensward is good, stormblood is decent but necessary, Shadowbringers is fucking kino and fun all the way through.
>It annoys me more they put a skill in called tsubame gaeshi and its not even an attempt to recreate the move in any of the animations
I really fucking hope you don't think it's a fate reference or anything like that
I'm unsubbed.
Can anyone tl;dr why are they ARR primals in new raids? What's the story so far?
...but Ifrit EX was the final boss
Your mom
>still no argument
Ifrit ex was the easiest of the 3.
No you dummy I'm referring to this guy: en.wikipedia.org
not him but even if he's a fatefag his point still stands. What we have now isn't a tsubame gaeshi at all.
At what level should i be worrying about food buffs?
Based. This is truly the only way to play. Faggots that need handholding are ultra-shitters.
None. Not even savage.
when you need it in savage 3 and 4 and that's only if you want orange on le trannylogs penis size comparison ranking site
in other words, never
Only fate game I've played is Fate Unlimited Code on the PS2 as I'm into fighting games
No idea it was in that too, only other place I've seen it in games is Samurai Showdown
Yeah I guess you don't need food if you only do savage with full augmented tome gear and echo
Literally "we gotta spread some elemental aether around, so how about summoning an elemental primal and then killing it to explode its aether all over"?
Typical batshit FF14 plan, surprisingly Cid isn't involved.
Order of importance:
Anything with an enrage or mechanic that hits somewhat hard
People telling you not to are angry gil-lets that can't stand to see someone try to do well in a video game.
Absolutely vital in Savage. Otherwise don't bother.
>Best races to play the ShB MSQ with
Male Midlander
Male Elezen
Male Highlander
Male Miqo'te
Female Midlander
Female Roegadyn
Female Highlander
>Mid tier
Male Au Ra
Male Roegadyn
Female Miqo'te
Female Elezen
>Delete yourself tier
Female Au Ra
Someone please post a good preset then. I just want some livelier colors.
From the link you posted
>the two involved fierce and swift cuts downward and then immediately upwards
Sounds a bit like setsugekka doesn't it?
Can someone clarify how AoE buffs/heals work in Alliance Raids? Do AoE heals only work on your alliance?
Every person using reshade has a shitty TN monitor.
Parse trannies ;)
You're literally retarded if you use food learning savage.
You can't really assign an order to those. They're all important and they're all mutually exclusive.
Only potions are acceptable to forego in savage, and only if you haven't hit enrage yet.
Its "free" stats. i just pop one whenever I feel like we have a decent chance of clearing. Its only like, 4k for a decent meal. You get enough money to eat for an hour just by doing 1 hunt.
Yea it's alright. Wow Classic will most likely be good too if you want a more oldschool MMO experience with better PVP, it's less linear and has more player interactivity going but doesn't have that cosmetic side, housing and an involved main quest like XIV. I'd pick one of these two.
ShB is most kino as a lalafell
>You're literally retarded if you use food to survive the mechanics that typically do more damage than your maximum HP at the release of Savage
You've never done savage.
thats a horizontal then a downwards slash though iirc, leaves that big + of moonlight
t. cringy echo raider who has never had to push an enrage and thinks himself hardcore because he got carried through o9s with 15% echo
AoE is just for your 8 man party. Single targets can target whoever.
Can we move male au ra down?
I fucking hate that race/gender combination with a fucking passion.
>male cat in high tier
They are only there because they lack self awareness.
Retard, there's single thing here that makes every single point obsolete, proving person who made this haven't played the game.
the combat is so fucking boring.
most mmo have boring combat but this is the worst.
game looks great and is "comfy" would have played it longer if the combat wasn't so tiresome, god damn the worst combat of all mmo i know.
Why reply?
>titan's music
>the fucking atv
I actually cleared ultimate in the first month without using food. sorry parse trannies :(
It gets better 300 hours in
RIP SMN, SE never had any idea what to do with that class, now above all, it's fucking shit.
Summons accounting for 10% of the overall damage of a SUMMONER class is a fucking disgrace.
>female roegadyn
>male miqo'te
>male elezen if you're in anything but heavy armor
I presume that the energy that makes up your "life" is much greater in strength/amount than other reserves of energy you have.
t. delusional roulette hero who hallucinated himself clearing ultimate while doing unsynced T13 at level 70 and still needed to get carried after dying to divebombs
>they are all important
Some are less important than others
So you want it to look like Shifu without the jump?
why do people keep making threads like this?
we know you're not fucking new.
I guess? But the down attack is a feint
Anything other than reusing the iaijutsu animations would be better
It gets better after 400 hours of MSQ.
And they're also easier to take care of
What's the name of that triumphant track that plays whenever you're doing something awesome? I know it played while activating Mount Gulg and just recently in the Eden raids when you first take the skyslipper to The Empty.
> t...they will n...need DRG to the ground, enjoy it while you can fag
Here's a video of it at least, no idea what the name is
Based Chadgoon bro
Server status has changed. It kinda looks like they are spreading around the congested/character lock statuses to try and even out the world pops. Most of Aether is now open for character creation again.
>Balmung changed to standard
uh oh
Imagine BLM and 90% of it's damage came from hitting shit with the staff, thats where SMN is right now.
it seems they took off all the preferred tags, but still have the XP up on those servers
They didn’t add boys for the rabbit race, right? I was going to get it and play a dragoon for hop power, otherwise I’ll give it a miss
Its not a buff. Literally every other job's rotational cooldowns lasted 30 seconds with the SHB changes.
Using reshade is just terrible.
Remember that tank.
Remember he once MTed..
It's an upwards slightly diagonal upwards strike followed by a horizontal.
What are you even talking about
I think he means the song that plays here: youtu.be
I can't find any uploads of the song itself.
what act overlay are you using?
he wants to be a twinkbun with a peep, ignore him
I guess DH is best followed by crit? I was still on Stormblood's msq when ShB released, I've never had to optimize my stats or use materias.
People will bash you, but you're spot on. The whole thing feels rushed and unfinished.
Only for savage content if your group is shit and you constantly hit enrage timers
Good buffs will push that extra 2%dps but won’t help you survive mechanics
Why did no one tell me how fun RDM is to play?
Im convinced they're doing all this manually.
You'll get sick of it after 1 month
The extra vitality might actually let you survive them though
Should I go GNB or DRK for savage?
Other guy is right. This feels lazy.
>Bros how do we restore the elements?
>Just use our deus ex machina device we just found to imagine primals!
>This is literally what Omega could do, but apparently easier to control
>Black screen, were here
>Close eyes and you just unlock the primal fight
Did they already spend the SHB budget?
Level both, wait for the patch to see who is stronger
>End of the expansion talks about creation magic heavily
>raid doubles down on this theme
I for one am SHOCKED.
If you say so.
Not a huge fan of the story. I don't they think they spent the ShB budget. It's going to go all in the Nier Raid.
Someone explain getting materia and when to go balls deep in it
This plotline is awfully limited for everything and everyone having the power to will things into existence.
>Someone explain getting materia and when to go balls deep in it
I think the only thing limited here is your understanding of the story
No shit? It's not automatic if that's what you thought, they're curating the statuses to usher people onto certain worlds. Ultros was congested and now it's standard, you think it's actually lost players since 5.0 launched?
The whole thing where like half the worlds were marked as "congested" before 5.0 launch doesn't actually mean those worlds were bursting at the seams with players, it means the devs wanted new players to make their characters on the lower pop worlds.
I don't get this meme
What is the difference between this and wow?
if only it was noticeable
if you exit a dungeon before the loot is distributed do you forfeit your roll?
WoW was good once, and is shit now. XIV was shit once, and is a polished turd now.
How do you feel about the new Gunbreaker sound effects? Personally I like them.
Already have both leveled up.
It's the highest rated PC game of 2019.
put on some pants you slags
You've lost.
the basic weaponskill combo sounds like a blunt weapon now instead of a blade.
This sounds like Crystal cope.
Seething NIN thinks his role is hard LOL.
>Male characters
>Male midlander
Swap male Miqo'te and Male Au Ra and we have a deal.
this or twineing should have been the overworld battle music.
>complete ARR story
>thought it was shit
>do the Alliance Raid questline
>it was pretty okay
>raids were fun
>try my hand at the hard mode dungeons expecting rehashes with retuned enemies
>they're actually different dungeons
I'm starting to like this game.
Is this a new fate mechanic in 5.0? I just had a fate which spawned "The Forlorn" instead of a regular Forlorn Maiden, it had like 10 times the health of a regular Forlorn Maiden and gave a different buff icon on clearing the fate. When I did the next Fate instead of getting +100% exp like the normal maiden buff I got +300%.
>Boss literally gets on a ATV to drive over people
WoWchads are gonna fun of our goofy bosses and zoomer raid music...
WoW devs can't even beat their own creations so they go in with godmode just to see that the fight functions and then push it out. They have no idea how over/undertuned bosses are until they're live. Wowfags have no right to make fun of other games when they have that kind of shit going on
Clearly tiered on story relevance.
>Ardbert and canon WoL is a male midlander
>Elezen play a huge part and WoL thinks of Ishgard as their home
>Highlanders aplenty and they play pivotal roles in the MSQ
>Male miqo'te perhaps some of the biggest players of all
Theres like 2 important male Miqo'te in the game right now. Also were talking about who fits the theme of a hero and warrior, and its not a Miqo'te wimp.
Which initial zone has the best quest line bros? Gridania, Uldah or Limsa?
That screenshot you posted has reshade. I took it.
What did soken meant by this?
we know primals "eat" aether, and that somehow makes it stop existing.
killing the primal doesnt remove the aether. The aether was already gone once the primal was summoned.
id say its more of a translation error, to say "contain" rather than "remove from existence", since it gives a false impression , like what you got. (but then again, is anyone surprised the translation teams suck? besides those who love to suck their dick over word sex)
as for thancred, he could be asking tons of questions, and that would be more reasonable, but it speed up the text, and just jump to the point. (surprised they would ever do something like that, rather than pad it out with more text.)
I agree the "writting" is the issue, but its not too terribly bad. (part in translation, and part being a simplified concept to begin with)
i shoulda have said "rushed concept" instead of "simplified concept".
aslo, remember, if aether didnt disappear when eaten by primals, then that would mean thoradan didnt eat Lahabrea, and hes alive after we killed thoradan.
based emetposter btfoing retards
Pick an FC
>Option 1:
>Option 2
uWu HI user! I NOTICE YOUR BULGE oWo can I lick it pweeezeeee? cmonnn let's do an erp session in our new decorated house hehehe! ^^
>Option 3
Option 4: Like 5 friends that never play together and could just be a linkshell.
you mean the afk FC :(
Speaking of MMO's are there current non-dead MMO's or MMO-like products(Warframe and shit like that) that have more action oriented combat?
It doesn't have to be super good or anything, I just need a time waster.
>The primals containing it within themselves and it being released on their death, like everything does when it dies is somehow not exactly how it works.
I swear to god do you even read?
Why'd they fuck indom's potency?
TERA is still chugging along. BDO has action combat, I thought the system was kind of trash but apparently I’m in the minority.
I like Foxhole but not sure if that fits your criteria.
Because 500 potency ogcd on a 30 second cooldown is OP.
Tera is still too heavily reliant on the hotbar and skills to be a proper action game I feel.
Looks kinda neat. I'll look into it.
ESO will be more up most people's alley.
ESO is shit though.
So is XIV, but that doesn’t stop anyone.
It's better than ESO that's for sure.
I've played both games quite a bit, obviously everyone has their opinions however if you wanted to play an actual MMO ESO is a terrible one.
Yet Assize with 400 potency and 400 damage and restores MP on 45 is just fine
do i got into eden raids as WHM or SCH?
WHM doesn't heal heavy raidwide damage with assize. WHM doesn't even use assize for healing to begin with.
You can get into any raid group as any healer.
>never played healer in 15 years of MMOs
>try it out
>actually fun
>start sweating during Ifrit normal because Eruption immediately drops people to 30%
Well I'm in for quite a ride I guess.
>as I'm loading into Titan EXEX, someone in party types out "D-daddy" during the cutscene
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Get out now.
Soothe me with your songs great one.
Just wait until you get your first GNB retard who has 90% of their HP drop down to 1.
>It's better than ESO that's for sure.
That's a wrong opinion, that's for sure.
>Not wanting to fuck Titan
to keep calm, just remember that mechanics that automatically drop the raid / group down will never be fatal and any follow will be avoidable, so its their fault if they die to telegraph mechanics, unless you are literally idle and not throwing out the MedicaII/etc after an AoE. focus on yourself, and the tank who is the only person that can die from unavoidable damage.
By what metric is ESO better?
>level scaling
No, he is right. It's fucking garbage.
I don't deny his girth, I just don't want people to act like massive homos in my party.
I had to rescue retards into the stack because they kept running off after they got the fire timer. Our tank hadn't even noticed they became timers.
>Shiva phase transition
>"Please step on my, mommy!"
why would i want shiva to step on my mom
Do multiple instances of the same buff stack? For example if a tank has 2 instances of Regen, do they stack?
Should I bother getting the Relic weapon or is it made obsolete by later content?
Relic is never obsolete because it's supposed to be updating to be the big dick be all end-all weapon.
I figured it out before the mechanic even finished playing out because it's obvious, as normal raids should be. It's scary how unaware some people are.
I was told by a tank that you can just stand in orange circle AoEs because they don't do any vuln stacks/debuffs and are easy to live through. Is that true?
How difficult are the raids? I only just finished the story and haven't touched EX's yet.
2 regens will stack. 2 shields will not. Generally, buffs do NOT stack.
yeah these are just cosmetic
What's the difference between umbral fire and astral ice?
god damn got my pants week 1 feels good. nice change now i dont gotta run this shit anymore this week
First and third are very easy, second and fourth are retard checks but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Slightly harder than the ShB story trials but not by much
Don't stand in any
wait, you don't?
I don’t like ESO, and it’s kind of just a strange singleplayer experience with bad combat. That said it’s also about how I’d describe XIV, so at least ESO has some exploration and RPG elements. I do play XIV and not ESO, but if it wasn’t for having friends playing it I wouldn’t really bother with either.
Astral Fire is your DPS burst phase. You basically cast fire spells til you run out of mana
Umbral Ice is your regen phase. You cast ice spells to regen your mana, plus cast thunder whenever you need to reapply the dot and foul/xenoglossy whenever it's up.
Wow. I didn't even say nigger. How's the new raid? Other thread was filled with faggots.
>run all 4 of the eden raids
>1 good pld, 1 good drk, 1 good war, 5 bad gnb
>GNB pulls 2-3 groups
>Eventually have nothing but Cure II left
>Shit they're going to die before my next Cure II
>Benediction them
>2 seconds later they go to 1 HP
Using Benediction should prevent Superbolide in dungeons.
holy fuck they didnt even try to fix AST
5.05 is savage release right?
>mfw Titan car
I was not prepared to laugh so hard during a raid
I'd ban you too because you're a SAM level booster.
I wasn't initially sold on having half the fights in the raid series be primals we already fought, but looks like they are trying to make them interesting. Titan was a fun fight, so I"m optimistic now.
Was an interesting choice to make Eden Prime the very first boss instead of the final boss though.
>back to total war
I meant as in lorewise/in-universe but thanks for the BLM rundown, I might level it later.
>mfw nearly the entire raid got flung off the edge
Most of them just couldn't handle the repeated dashes. If not for lb3 heal, I dunno if we would have been able to beat it with the party we had.
>just knock another 100mp off gravity or whatever, it's fine
unsub from my game, gaijin
If you could read, you'd see you're very own quoted wording suggests it isnt "contained" and nor is it removed from existence.
But obviously that would be pointless, as it would recreate the very thing they are trying to stop.
yet again, this is a translation issue.
X.01 was qol changes, X.05 is the real changes. it's always been like this since HW
>3 dpsers doing less than 5k in a Shad lvl 80 trial and two of them sub 4k.
Fuck yeah.
>Ilvl lower than AF gear with Amaurotine accessories required to enter.
Fuck yeah
>Healer dying to the same shit over and over and casts glare with full ress sickness instead of ressing.
Fuck yeah.
>Ryne being cute and using Emet in a dialogue option.
Fuck yeah.
I joined an in-progress on my first attempt so they had already seen some of the fight, but oh man even towards the final 10% people were still standing way too far away.
>you can rez people flung off in this one
fucking casual trash
i get the feeling they wanted samurai to be the easy babby dps and have it have a low skill floor and ceiling
so is 5.05 the patch for savage or not?
>only got a single drg in the entire eden run
melee bros...
I've played ESO on and off for 4 years and there is no real exploration nor do the RPG mechanics even matter with how ZOS balances the game.
Honestly think I'm gonna have to save triple casts at some points.
As for the overall lore itself, it's explained in shadowbringers but
Astral elements are basically elements of stasis. They stem the flow of Aether and are ice, earth, and lightning I believe. Umbral elements are elements of growth. They expand the flow of aether and the elements are Fire, Wind and Water. Neither is inherently good or bad, and too much of either causes bad things to happen.
>healers shouldn’t be dpsing
i seriously want newfags to fucking leave, this is the goddamn problem with your MMO becoming popular
Nu-Shiva is going to end up like Myste isn't she?
Well what did you say, so we can see whether you were actually being a dumbass.
You have what Umbral and Astral do mixed up
Learn to read retarded healer.
I would if the fucking GM told me what I said.
just started this with the free trial, mb i'll upgrade since i just finished my uni semestet. when should i start giving a fuck abou the story? i know this is supposed to have a great story but i dont wanna spend 400 hours reading useless shit
>Tell Urianger no more lies
>"Keep this a secret from our friends"
>"We mustn't tell the WoL yet"
Mother fucker.
>Astral elements are basically elements of stasis. They stem the flow of Aether and are ice, earth, and lightning I believe. Umbral elements are elements of growth. They expand the flow of aether and the elements are Fire, Wind and Water. Neither is inherently good or bad, and too much of either causes bad things to happen.
No, Astral isn't stasis, it's just passive, it doesn't lock things into place, it's just there, not really doing any action.
Umbral is active.
No, the Source has them mixed up.
It's obvious though. Everything out past the flood wall is light aspected aether. Primals draw in surrounding aether of any aspect and align it to their needs. So they summon Eden and let it draw a ton of aether then kill it. When killed it will release the aether it held which will now be something other than just light. My a child could understand that primal summonings are going to be a means of converting light to the spectrum of elements.
Lemme guess, SCH main? Only you retards value being 1% higher in fflogs over actually clearing the fight.
wow, are you a hacker??? how did you find that wtf
I swear if we don't get a chance to kick his ass for this
Is this the same faggot that spams his copypasta in mhw threads?
The game keeps a copy of everything said in the chatlog in your documents folder under logs folder.
wow the new raid is complete trash, time to uninstall.
Was a fun game for a few weeks, but they really dropped the ball on the raid.
Who wants to do shitty Leviathan and Titan again? Oh boy Titan turns into a car this time!!! jesus christ.
Was hoping they'd actually design a raid instead of 4 box arenas distilled in nothing. Eden is supposed to be an actual place, why the fuck does it feel more distilled and non-existent than Omega did? More boring ass hurr hurr ancient civilization technology shit too.
That second boss might be cool on Savage with the timers, but who the fuck wants to do Titan and Leviathan again.
Whatever fucking happened to designing actual raids, it's so fucking disappointing that it's 4 abstract arenas, and that's it. Why has their raid design devolved with every new raid? Why is it too hard to make eden an actual place?
Also that semen demon goth girl didn't even appear (yeah she's obviously the knight), don't even get to see her until 6 months + from now when she was the supposed lead character for the raid. Instead we get shitty Thancred and shit minfilia jr.
not until the first expansion Heavensward. ARR is trash and dont let anyone here tell you otherwise
Mount when?
around elves, watch yourselves
I liked Ryne's pupil-less Minfilia eyes better.
how do i put materia slots on my weapon
lol if you think i'm reading this
are world transfers still free? was gonna resub but want to move off a new player world
is there a tl;dr at least? im skipping everything including tutorials
Savage drop please look forward to it
look how tiny she is
that ended months ago.
wow epic patch ff bros...4 piss easy bosses...nice "raid" ill be going back to WoW now where the devs actually add content each patch unlike this PoS game
There's a full plot summary in the lorebooks.
Just stop playing.
Finally some new pasta
only to preferred/new worlds, otherwise you have to pay
materia melder in towns
ur lass is very nice
why does it matter when you can play with the entire data center? just find one of the few competent fc's on your scrub server to run organised raids with
No, it's stasis because it actively hampers aether flow.
Sorta like how Black Rose is light aspected, and it's primary function is to basically cease aether movements in whoever breathes it in, killing them.
tldr is primals and beast men bad, warrior of light good
Put slots or add materia to existing slots? I don't think you can add slots. But there are melders in the canopy of eulmore that will slot materia for you if you don't have crafting up.
too bad wow is all about quantity and not quality
fuck, well at least I don't have to buy the expansion because i preordered months ago but got bored before my sub ran out
Just don't even bother, uninstall.
see you in February for 8.3!
maybe i will, but atm im too bored to play anything else
Good. Bye
Seriously, I just want to hit Urianger at this point. I kinda hope we get the opportunity. I know he does it from a good place in his heart, but motherfucker is a secrets machine
>That moment with Seto talking about Ardbert
>No quest where you get to talk to your chocobo and its response is based on sidequests completed, favorite food and rank
Dropped the ball, SE.
i know a lot of you fags will disagree but i wish they would just do what they did with alexander again, it actually felt like you were raiding some goblin city
Jesus, you really are a booster
Play the fucking game you nerd
>Literally every dungeon is a hallway with ironclad linearity
This is a non-issue, since you WANT to complete them as fast as possible, as the Duty Roulette is the fastest way to earn EXP.
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
Except for the ones that aren't. I know there's at least 2 fights in the first expansion that take place on plaforms you need to jump to as the arena is destroyed.
>Everything related to PvP is shit
It's a story-centric PvE game. If you want PvP, play Ultima Online.
>Open world zones are tiny, empty, have nothing going on, and are separated by loading screens
Most have a shitload going on, almost every area has a purpose related to a quest.
>Zero player choice in character building (stat choice, skill choice, talents, gear choice, etc.)
The meta would decide what builds were viable, so there's no point in giving choices. In FFXI, you get kicked from parties for having the wrong gear and subjob.
>Gear is universally boring (No gear sets, no unique effects, etc.)
I see you've never built an AF weapon.
>Talks like a faggot
>Double agent
>Always keeping secrets and straight up lying
>Somehow strong enough to keep emet-selch at bay but chooses to job
Yeah fuck that guy.
I feel bad for anyone getting into MMOs for the first time having only modern MMOs to chose from.
Fucking this.
Sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ahhhhhhhhhhh sweet jesus
I for one enjoyed the selfie patch too, user!
actually create slots. thanks for the answer
why do wish for people to become NEETs by playing old MMOs
You can't add extra slots onto non-crafter gear. With most gear, what you see is what you get.
With crafted gear, you can overmeld if you have a max level crafter in the proper discipline (blacksmith for weapons, weaver for robes, goldsmith for metalic accessories, etc etc). With overmelding, you have a percentage chance of melding the materia, but it starts at like 14% with the first overmeld, and by the 5th one it's like 4% or something. And if you fail, you lose the materia. Basically a money/time sink for endgame.
>I feel bad
No one in sane mind will choose old style MMO. Even you don't play them.
this happened to me on susano'o just an hour ago, except i went mt because the other guy didn't, then i died in the first 10 seconds when the healers did not heal me at all, and instead of trying to take back enmity i dc'd. a bitch move for sure, but i'm never mt, so it just felt a little unfair. maybe the healers were the other tank's friends or something.
Yeah I think you'll need to either make friends with a crafter that can give you something with the amount of slots you want or buy something better with tokens or gil.
I don't mind trashpulls being gone. They didn't add much IMO.
I do wish we could see Eden flying up to whereever we are going, the sudden "Hey, we're here" thing is kinda odd, but it's not a big complaint.
What's more silly is the fact that they're still too afraid to just make the Raids actually part of the MSQ so we get this halfassed keep it a secret lol shit just to justify it never being brought up.
Don't make me turn this into a Ragnarok online thread. Fuck I wish games today could at least capture the feeling of exploitation and freedom you had with character builds. I just want to be a battle sage spamming auto attack and landing double cast fight bolts on unsuspecting targets.
>Exodus is now congested world
fuck off wowfugees
i'm blue dps, it's the healers job to mitigate
at least the queue times are still relatively low
Yeah, I wouldn't mind if they made the raids connected to MSQ. Like even if it's an offshoot storyline, make it still related to MSQ.
Like I was thinking while during "main" msq, you are fighting ascians, maybe the raid series involves you fighting Garlemald in the last expansion. Though with recent story events, I don't even know what Garlemald's gonna do next.
Aumorot may be enough of a casual filter to stop a lot of people from even getting to the end for a while anyway. Even if the raids were msq they might never get to them anyway.
i want to /pet those lala
Is there some technical reason characters pause for almost every emote they make? Why not talk while emoting like real people?
looks like everyone transferred off crystal after the word got out online about their rep
he's stealing another bitch right from under our nose, like he always does
Probably break out into another Civil War, maybe end up reformed as a Republic again or a Kritarchy so they have an excuse to put Judges in the game.
Game animation is hard and difficult.
Option 2 if they are good at the game, if not stay fcless
We're trying to break the elements free of Eden's control, she has a stranglehold on them all and that's why the world is stagnant and dead. Thancred's concern is that if you just remove the blockage then it'll run wild and pure and forever free.
>Thancred is getting another Daughterfu
Come on Thancred, at least let us have that one.
Yeah I dunno. I've played MMOs since Asheron's Call and while they were nice they definitely had their huge faults as well. Like, a lot of those games if you build a character 'wrong' you were essentially fucked.
Oh yes please let's discuss RO 'builds'. Outright USELESS skills, needing different builds to be effective in either PvP or WoE or PvE, requiring gear/cards that had fucking .01% drops. Yes let's bring that absolute autism to the forefront, please.
how the FUCK do you do titan?
I am as mad as he is, that's what he wanted.
>Autism being rewarded is a bad thing
Do you even game?
don't get knocked off
I want to pet their wombs with my cock.
Ro suck ass
Classic wow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FFXIV
RO >>>>>>>>>>>> Tree of Savior
FFXI Nasomi >>>>>>>>>> FFXIV
GW1 >>> Trash >>> GW2
>Tfw no mommy voidsent to carry you to the playground.
What are the preferred servers? I had to make my alt on Diabolos because that's all that was available at the time, but never checked if it's preferred, and the list doesn't say right now. I'd like the EXP bonus.
>Ryne gains independent thought and willpower
>new mindbroken little girl arrives
>Thancred: I have to let Ryne go her own way without me, now excuse me I need some privacy in my tent with this newcomer...
this guy is a fuckin' Jimmy Savile-tier nonce.
nu, lala for /pet no lewd.
What part is getting you? For mario kart just stand immediately next to him.
>Classic WoW
I'll fucking rape you.
none of the NA servers are preferred now. they're all standard or congested.
Classic wow is going to retake the throne
In front or on sides?
Because yes I kept getting knocked off or one shot.
i laughed when i saw that shit, it's so fucking stupid looking
in mario kart mode go next to him, but on the side with 2 "lanes", because you get knocked back one lane, which will push you off
They are living onaholes.
Standing in front of him is insta-death, standing to the sides gets you knocked back, stand on the side that has more space between you and the edge.
That doesn't make it good though
You're very brave user. I will be shuffling until I get 2 lines guaranteed. I need that Omega-F from last week.
Can't wait to play with Jimmy that is younger than WoW itself in content that is 100% already known and mastered.
is that kingdom hearts bbs gear?
Ahah, no.
he's always going have one side with more space than the other, stay on that side for gokarts
landslide is in front
Thancred has always been a pussy magnet, user
What's going on with gear stat values this expansion?
I just hit 80 and got my 430 set and it's like +2 primary stats over the 415 junk I was wearing. Are tomestone and raid gear so similarly underwhelming upgrades?
>Better than anything
Pick one
>Classic WoW
>old style MMO
I swear god WoW existence warped everything about MMOs. Horrible old MMOs with clusterfuck combat, horrible UI and grind for grind
You get to the side that has more space so you don't get knocked off when he races past, it's a really heavy knockback so you need to be pretty close to him.
thanks bros.
i'll give it another shot.
What even is the point of level 7 material when 6 gives better stats?
Classic wow will be DOA, i'll have a stable population of 100k at most.
Reasons it wont do well
>Extremely grindy game-play that wont appeal to the majority of current wow players
>Each class only has one viable spec
>Rotations are mostly casting a few spells and then waiting for mana or threat
>1-60 takes forever
>90% of raid encounters have 1-3 actual mechanics [eg garr who's mechanic is "he has adds and some basic aoe stuff"]
>Streamer servers will be a hellhole and then die when said streamer gets bored and quits
I have like, 10 years and wow and cant really see how it's gonna be a massive success like blizzard want/need.
overmelding, which isn't relevant yet because crafted stuff hasn't come out
You can overmeld grade 7s.
Welcome to literally every expansion start?
6 can't be overmelded, 7 can. will make more sense once crafted gear releases.
arm morph = in
atv= out
idk how these anons forgot to mention that
In the same vein, did they just get rid of any DH on healer/tank gear?
be aware after you're done dodging that, he does a lap, then he can go back and start again, so be aware and get back to the side with 2 lanes. depending on timing he might immediately go to "stack on boss" move or something else after the lap, so stay frosty.
Tanks/Healers never had DH on their gear. They have tenacity and piety instead
>Trying to stir shit while conveniently hiding how the other datacenters went back to standard
healer gear hasnt had DH ever
>tfw lala player who just wants to be cute tater and not sexualized
Huh, my mistake then.
direct hit is the dps special stat like piety/tenacity, it hasn't been on there since sb
why would healer gear have DH if heals can't direct hit
I'll probably just be better off following the group.
the very old gear has it since it replaced accuracy, that's probably what you're thinking of
it's a tough life when you want to be cute but everyone thinks you're a degenerate.
Probably similar. Nomura is the designer after all
makes sense. I hope we get that as wearable armor and its dyeable.
That's not tank/healer specific gear though is it? It's the disciple of war/magic gear you're thinking of right?
lala players who take no shit and don't try to be cute are the most based ones.
ironworks gear has dh on it and its seperated by role.
Could very well be gear from a later tier. And savage tier is always dyable of course
If you didn't want to be picked up and used by the taller races then you should stop being dickmagnets.
I think it's just a small chance to spawn a 'better'/moreHP maiden that gives that buff instead of the normal one. Coincidentally I've only seen them on boss FATEs so maybe that's it too
No it's been around since SB.
I'd change but id have a hard time taking myself seriously unless I only played casters.
It's weird since I mained Tarutaru in XI
the wording on loot rules is fucking me up, you can only get stuff from each boss once a week, right?
You can only get 1 token per boss per week.
Just unsub, it's literally not worth it
Yes. You can get one token per boss per week.
Now each token appears in each fight, so you could theoretically keep running each one til you get exactly what you want.
But tokens work the same as before. Belts and accessories require one token, helms, gloves, and shoes require two tokens, and shirts and pants require 4.
1 token per boss per week
Interesting, checked some other items and it seems like ARR tanking/healing stuff can have DH on it. ARR primal weapons have DH too