Should smoking be allowed in video games?

Should smoking be allowed in video games?

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What is it with numales/nufemales forcing their views and opinions on fictional characters?

Reminder that not even Epic cared about Gears after it was milked to shit by Microsoft. Same with Halo and Bungie.

Reminder only the first two Gears were good.

If you want smoking in games, make your own game and put smoking in it.

I’m so fucking tired of you underaged faggots whining that people who aren’t you make decisions you don’t like and then call it “censorship.”

>smoking in videogame glamorises smoking
>Brutally murdering people in videogame ??????

They are also starting with this. In the olden days it was a bunch of boomers thinking vidya were murder trainers, making the youngins violent, satanists, psychopaths and whatnot. Today you have entitled white roasties with dyed hair thinking vidya makes zoomers all kinds of things.

Why do movies follow separate rules to vidya?
Sex in movies is fine, a character showing a little bit too much thigh is the end of the world. There's films like I Spit On Your Grave with graphic depiction of brutal rape and a whole heap of violence, but being able to punch a woman in RDR2 is a heinous crime.

Nobody smoked in gears in the first place people throwing a bitchfit about it in the first place reeks of people just wanting to bitch about something.

smoking is disgusting you fucking retard with your pathetic bait thread you worthless piece of shit

Everything that doesnt exploit the players wallet should be allowed.


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>Extreme violence


>smoking cigarettes

OMG no

I don't think there should be any restrictions at all. Developers should have complete freedom of expression when creating their game. Now, whether one of them going HAM on being super edgy and degenerate will make a good game is a completely different discussion, but they should still be free to do whatever the fuck they like outside of a call to violence.

Let the market decide instead of being cucked into regulating some shit by an organization that doesn't believe in people making their own mistakes.

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I think it should be and that people are smart enough to know that smoking is stupid and not to copy a fucking video game character for what's 'cool'
but I also know kids area really fucking dumb and would start smoking because they saw that cool vidya character do it

>but I also know kids area really fucking dumb and would start smoking because they saw that cool vidya character do it

Thats a fair point, but most kids are going to indulge in some kind of vice regardless when they're still experimenting. Especially if they're trying to be edgy rebels. Don't think the absence of these kind of things in video games will make any difference to that, only redirect it.

Soo you now cant smoke in a game where you shred aliens whit a chainsaww monte don to you 70mm rifle


is smoking still taboo as fuck in Murrika? to the point where you usally can't admit in public you're doing it?

I wouldn't say taboo, more just pretty dumb. It has zero benefits. You smell, it fucks with your health and on top of that it costs a good bit of money you could otherwise use elsewhere.

What about all the killing? They gonna remove that too?

I remember a Graham Norton interview where he asked Anna Paquin whether she smokes (which is a perfectly fine innocent question in the UK) and she said she wouldn't tell him if she did, that's how taboo it is

>depicting smoking is "glamorizing the addictive and deadly habit."
>depicting murder is completely fine though

Depends on your part of 'Murcia. I grew up in Southern California and practically no one did it; in high school I don't think I knew a single person who smoked. After moving to the east coast I've noticed fucking everyone smokes here, from teenagers to elderly people.

Why is this news at all?

Daily reminder that if you smoke, you are subhuman trash.

No. Stop encouraging that shit.
Smoking should be heavily taxed and smokers should be forced into designated smoking sections, even in the outdoors, otherwise they pay a heavy fine.

>being mad smoking is being pushed back against
no user, YOU are the numale


This is new news. It's not for humans, it's test news for machine learning

Meanwhile in Japan.

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Well if killing is allowed why shouldn't be smoking?

Thank god for Gears of War really putting the boots to that super popular smoking! What heroes!

glamorizing smoking is glamorizing smoking

>As a part of a move to avoid glamorizing the addictive and deadly habit
>From the series whose staple is cutting people to ribbons with a fucking chainsaw gun

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good post dumb fuck
how does it feel knowing smoking will eventually be eradicated within a few years

Tobacco companies make bigger profits decade over decade despite all of the pushback.

This makes me wonder if they removed the "...of War" part of "Gears of War" in order to not glamorize WAR.

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I'd be fine with that

But pretending it doesn't exist is cringe and stupid as hell

>female main characters
>no smoking or drinking because that's icky and masculine
if any of you buy this game you should just start transitioning

It's the future they should vape

>replaces cigar with gay e-vaping

This was actually much worse.

Fake Snake is fake smoking a fake cigar.

It's like pottery. It rhymes.

I'm against smoking generally, I don't like it, but at the same time if you're going to promote officially licensed food products with fuckloads of awful shit in them that is just as damaging over time to the heart and gut as smoking is to the lungs. Then being against even the concept of your characters smoking, makes your stance full of hypocrisy. I mean for real, smoking is bad for you but so is seven hundred milligrams of sodium sitting in the already fat ass of the average sedentary video-game playing loser.

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Smoking is legal, killing isn't. This argument never makes any sense.

top lyl if you can't see the difference between having violence in your game that no one would emulate in real life and having smoking which is the #1 cause of non-natural deaths in America

Over the span of the previous and this month I have been replaying Gears 1,2,3 and I recently started 4 for the first time.

I can't remember any memorable instance of someone smoking? I don't think any of the protagonists ever smoked.
To me this is just a way to advertise the game.

Gay sex is the #1 cause of death by AIDs but that doesn't stop everyone from promoting the fuck out of it.

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its like you chartered a private plane to miss the message by as far as possible

Killing is legal under many many circumstances. Ever heard of the military?

doesn't stop people from doing either.

Being fat is vastly more dangerous than smoking

and you don't see the Gears dudes eat candy
except AIDS is nowhere near the top of causes of death
also I'm pretty sure roasties spread it around just as much as faggots these days

They do promote shit like with it though.

Gears of War 2 was fucking terrible. It's a series with 1 golden game and nothing but trash sequels

It something that happens in real life, so yes.

Not even remotely applicable.


>post in ResetEra that Gears should start censoring its violence too for shits and giggles
>some legit users agree with me
>banned for "subtle sexism" and "sarcasm towards a socially mindful developer"
>legit posters warned, "violence in video games is fictional, toxic masculinity and tobacco use aimed at children is not"
what the fuck

everyone needs food to survive, so what's wrong with marketing it?

>those remotely as bad for health as smoking

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10000 people die in america from gun homicide a year vs 500000 from smoking every year. You tell me which is the bigger problem.

I can't, since you're too retarded to format numbers properly

The thing is that people who die from smoking are usually the people who smoke stupid amounts like 2 packs a day.

If you ate 24 pizza rolls a day or drank 24 shots of liquor a day you'd be pretty fucked too. Nobody ever says "smoke in moderation" they act like one cigarette will kill you. Oldest lady to ever live smoked every day (but not A LOT every day).

Don't forget we're also promoting transgenderism in children even though injecting yourself with hormones will severely fuck up your body's health and lead to a shorter lifespan.

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>gee timmy, why you gotta be running off to them other countries killin' them who knows who even, why won't you stop on the porch for a cigarette with your pa for a minute?

>Nobody ever says "smoke in moderation" they act like one cigarette will kill you
because it's not only addictive, it also reduces your lifespan even in moderation
>Oldest lady to ever live smoked every day
good for her, but you have no idea how statistics work

God who the fuck cares?

good goy

High sugar and sodium frozen foods are some of the worst shit you could ever eat, I'd rather smoke.

Point is that the harm of cigarettes is vastly overblown. I mentioned drinking 24 shots of alcohol a day compared to 24 cigarettes a day. Alcohol is also addictive and new studies have shown even 1 drink a day could also shorten your lifespan.

I don't even smoke myself. Just saying that cigarettes are overly demonized compared to other things that also harm you. We give soda to little kids all the time yet 24 bottles of soda a day would sooner kill you than 24 cigs a day.

yes and ideally people wouldn't all be fat fucks and nearly revolt when you enforce prohibition
unfortunately that's what it's like though, so fuck off with that whataboutism

No wonder western game are so shit and sanitized.
imagine having to design characters and have 3 people on your back going: Yikes, can't show that in the current year, think of the children, no that won't do sweetie, ugh how sexist
People talk a lot about artistic freedom, but if you have to limit yourself because of societal norms, it ain't freedom at all.

Soda isn't addictive, so even making that comparison is nonsensical.

sugar is, you fat fuck

I'm not a smoker because of video games.

Tech test trailer

Will you play the beta, Yea Forums?

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But that's artistic freedom. The developer decided to not depict smoking out of his own free will.

No one's out there ripping apart every single game with a cigar on it. Theres no pressure on the developer.

Yea, similarly alcohol use should be shown

It's clearly a marketing stunt for goodboy points

Just like this thread honestly

We all got baited by the MS shill. Genuinely hope you get a raise OP, screencap this post and send it to your boss.

Who cares?