Tell me ries, tell me sweet rittle ries

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She's ugly even after fixing her teeth and putting on makeup.


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Yeah well you're ugly

her personality is cute though.

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how about you shut the fuck up

Acting like an anime character is not a personality


Nice cope


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>worshipping some 4.5/10 asian bitch just because she acted cute
Grow the fuck up

I get the feeling they revealed the game early so they could trot her out on stage to distract people from the fallout 76 damage control.
I'm kind of hype for ghostwire tokyo but I need some information about the gameplay.

You've only seen her on camera. You don't know her real personality.

When are we going to get some new info about her game?

Stop worshipping thots

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u mad?

roasties on Yea Forums still seething the honorary aryans are superior to their mutt women huh?

Can't be worse than the average roastie.

You missed his point so hard it's astonishing.

Teru me ries, teru me sweetu riruru ries*


stop posting gay niggers