
Attached: select.png (936x710, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm an Ampharos

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

I'm a girl!

Boy rn, working on changing that.

I am a 1993 jeep wrangler

tfw had bi fantasies about these two
Damn you GameFreak


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Boy here.

I'm a boy but I like cute girls so I'll pick Hilda and her fat butt.


I am a cum sock

Girl all the way.

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I am Skeleton Shitposter

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Where is the third option? How fucking bigoted of them.


I am a qt

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Guy for B&W, girl for B2&W2

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>you get to stare at her(your) butt every time you fight something

Ruby and Sapphire & Black and White are the only romantic couples in the manga?

>when I was a kid playing pokemon
>now that I'm older

post butt

I'm a giiirl, obviously

Attached: 90953a840fd40c6fa2e26b28064990b5.jpg (1054x1402, 724K)

Probably the last good male trainer design
I feel like they are always bolder when designing the female trainers.

A girl duh

God I wish that were me.

what if I'm a boy that wants to have s*x with girls

I'm a boy playing as a girl

Which one?

Then you're a faggot.

sexy seductive girl with maxed charisma and persuasion build
>Porn RPG
sexy seductive girl with maxed charisma and persuasion build, permavirgin, only lesbian interaction allowed
huge massive orc/half-orc/any bestial race male with maxed STR that fucks literally everyone, preferably roughly and ending in impregnation

they're both extremely fuckable so what does it matter

I want to perv on Hilda's cute bum while playing, so I pick her.

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correct answer

Diamond and Pearl too. Yellow has a crush on Red also.

Based Ampharos poster

>someone has has girl, ms., or some other gender title in name
>alludes to being gay
>it's a rugby guy with long hair who can only date other guys in a dress every time

Attached: 1535562986454.jpg (950x720, 165K)

>Diamond and Pearl
What? They only have eyes for Platina, hell, they are the most SFW OT3 in fiction.

Still gotta lose like 20 pounds but here you go

Attached: lookin like a snacc.jpg (3264x2448, 1.12M)

is this from the manga? which one?

you wish tranny

it's also the last game where you character can't be a nigger, so obviously it's the best one

I get fucked like a girl.
Does that count


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> his name's black
ruined, but thanks

And her name is White.

If only the BW2 MCs weren't insufferable.

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> black fucks white
are you fucking kidding me


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Fucking autistic fuck.

Wrong black, user

Attached: Hilda blacked.png (631x631, 491K)

Blame Black always being mentioned first like Red, Gold, Ruby, and Diamond.

So basically she got Blacked?

The MCs in the manga are called after their games' titles.

clean your room

Attached: download.jpg (226x223, 7K)

You mean sociopath.


He’s gonna fuck his pokemon or what?

He is not gonna fuck anything at all, he is an actual Sociopath.

I'm a disabled transboi otherkin

But you are a boy or a girl?


I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

> decided to look up hilda doujins cause of this thread
> none of them are with the male protagonst
god dammit every fucking time

Im willing to bet its done that way so it doesn’t get mix with fags looking for doujins with the boy

You already look cuter than most girls user
Good job!

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>not just fapping to the pics that get posted

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I always played as a girl and I'm sick of you anons and redditor trannies calling me a tranny or egg.
A character preference doesn't affect what you are in real life and only retards would think otherwise.
And you're all retards.

You look pretty good already.

>tfw Pokemon games will eventually start including a nonbinary option because of SJW faggots screaming about gender politics

Attached: angels_egg.jpg (384x406, 39K)

Lol fag

I've read so much doujin these days I need a story/context for it do anything for me anymoren it's kind of depressing

>Only two gender
Based Nintendo.


Why should you lose 20 pounds?

That sounds horrible. Jerking it to these kinds of pics is really comfy.

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I bet you would make a great girl user
You already sound like a girl
You should totally transition or at least experience with crossdressing

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>no face

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Gamefreak is so lazy that they won't even have it in them to add a dropdown menu for gender with completely unchanged male and female models.

It's not depressing. Story is one of the most important aspects of porn. Carmack was wrong.

> forcing trans identities
> on fucking Yea Forums
go back

Whichever character design looks cooler. Which in BW1 is Hilbert.

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>haha guise, look, i wear PINK stockings, that means i'm a cute girl
>a lot of thirsty closeted faggots fall for it
You and the faggots should off yourselves. you're no better than a tranny

The spanish Pokemon Iberia has the non-binary option, you play as a helicopter and your sprite becomes a helicopter

Attached: I'm not joking.png (1015x747, 13K)

Yea Forums has the highest concentration of repressed trans girls, even higher than /r9k/.

Heterosexual choice
Fags only

Prove me wrong.

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loafchad returns

fair, but for the love of god don't push trans identities onto people, especially young ones. You'll probably just make their identity crisis worse

Yea Forums is prison gay due to all the unfuckable dudes in one virtual space.

romhacks don't count pablo

1998 Honda Acura McDonalds Manager

ffs user, stop being an oversensitive faggot, that user was clearly joking.

what the fuck were they thinking? how do you go from hilbert to this?

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was he? I genuintly can't tell anymore

both are gay
This is the actual hetero option

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It's not like you can just turn cis people trans and a lot of transitions end up poorly because the person didn't transition young enough
So it's better to encourage eggs since it has no downsides

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you need a break from this place.

They were thinking about swimming

How old is too old?

My nigga. Orrechads WW@?

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> young person struggling with identity
> tell him/her "lol just do this irrevirsable thing bro what could go wrong"
> figures out he/she's not trans
> commits suicide
cool story bro, fuck pinkpilling and fuck anyone who thinks it's even remotely a good idea

why is Yea Forums always trying to pinkpill me?

Attached: eeh.gif (400x225, 64K)

It's just better to transition sooner, that's all

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Thanks for the real answer.
Stop trying to trick me.

but user, think about all the cuties you'll get when it's working!
I do it all the time


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>figures out he/she's not trans
That never happened. Not even once
It's just depression that comes with accepting their new identity for some people. Luckily they come out of it soon after

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Literal discord tranny groups trying to push their agenda on Yea Forums and other boards.

You have a sick fetish, user.

depends entirely on the person. for some 13-14 years old is already too late and some can pass well even if they started in their 20s or early 30s. genetics and effort play a big part but also other stuff like age group or region. the general degree of masculinity in cis women increases with age and can vary depending on where you live so it can be easier or harder to blend in.

I already took the pinkpill, now the escapism is getting to be a cute brown girl instead of just pale.

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I wish my flat mate would take the pinkpill
he's so cute and smoll, he would make such a cute girl

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post butt

>pick hilda
>end up taking horse dicks and knots all adventure
what did nintendo mean by this?

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the only good trannie is a dead trannie

that's a big assumption on your part but ok

Why would you want to ruin a perfectly cute guy?

Aw shit nigga! This is now a Miror B thread. Post your groove when

Attached: Miror B.gif (300x205, 989K)

>Stop trying to trick me.
I really don't
I've seen plenty of people who transitioned in their late or middle 20s and look really cute.
It's all about diet and exercise
You should see some of them yourself on /r9k/ or /lgbt/

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I told you to stop.

Yes, sir

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Based and BBCpilled

why don't you cook for him? you could mix in some special ingredients

This IS sexual harrasment user.

It's okay user
Take your time
No one's rushing you or telling you to do anything you don't want to

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Sorry. Would you please post your butt, kind user?

This is some shit-tier attempt at reverse psychology. Come on, you can do better than that.

dear tranny, you will never look like brown succubus(male)

I WILL go to thailand and fuck 18 year old ladyboys that DO look like brown succubus(male), but I WILL NEVER fuck you.

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It's completely fine to play female characters even if you're a heterosexual cis male. I know several people who always have female characters in RPGs and most of them haven't transitioned yet. Also, I've liked to play girl characters for decades because I simply enjoy it, not because I identify as one. Even though I want to be a girl, that doesn't mean I'm trans and it's not why I prefer to play female characters; I just prefer female aesthetics.

just wear some cute panties user, no one will see it, it could be your own little secret
nobody will know but you, at least try it, if you don't like it you don't have to do it again, but I'm sure you'll like it and feel great!

Bring back Miror B.

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Everyone already knows about you people
Stop it

Behead yourself

>implying I don't already do that

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Well that's good to hear because I'm not trans, but it's nice to see you admitting that you are part of lgbtq+

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>I think I'll know what you like

>Oh my


He's a tranny fetishist.

I am not part of your cult, and I would happily massacre every faggot on the face of the planet, except for the cute asian ladyboys. We are not on the same team, we are not friends, we are not 'united'. I WILL happily kill you, if it becomes socially acceptable and legal to do so.

>you people
And who are those? I just want to help other people coming to terms with their identity

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>I would happily massacre every faggot
>I WILL go to thailand and fuck 18 year old ladyboys
user please don't harm yourself or others it's okay to love other people no matter their or your sexuality or gender. We accept you no matter who you are

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this thread is a good example as to why transitioning should be illegal

>Tfw repressor neet who just plays vidyia and try to carry noobs wih my 1337 skillz
>Tfw will never transition and become a cute girl
Thanks for reminding me of my suffering anons.

>And who are those?
Don't play dumb with me

b a s e e d

would it actually work to spike his food with HRT?

You're better off now than if you attempted to transition
Majority turn into disgusting freaks, especially if they go all the way and cut their cock and balls off

You're a horrible person.

Trannies truly are fucked in the head

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pedophile creep

Now seriously? What the hell are you guys talking about?

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I was just asking

Masters is our only option.

That's already enough to deduce that you're a horrible person.

Yeah and it would be really easy. Just ground up the pill and pour it on his food. Work even if you put it in his drink or his food inside the fridge. A few month and his body and thinking will soon change and no doubt will go straight for your cock!

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that sounds easy as fuck

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I play as a girl because I want to be a girl and take big fat cocks in my pussy, and also rub pussies with other girls.

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Sometimes I can't tell if this is just shitposting or actual gay ops.

>Pick girl even though I’m a guy
>Friend asks why I’m a girl in the game
>Explain to him it’s for the sake of variety as I sit on his lap and grind my butt against his rigid erection
>Tell him it’s the objectively better character design as I rip open his jeans and free his fat cock
>Reassure him I just want to look at her ass all game instead of a guy’s ass as I jerk him hard and let him climax in my skank cum dumpster mouth.

There are lots of valid non-gay reasons for picking the girl character.

I tell myself it's just shitposting so I don't get frustrated at the fact that these people actually exist.

>come to terms with your identity
Yeah that means accepting the gender you were born with instead of trying to change into something you're not. Especially when "becoming your true self" is based on wanting to be cute or overly feminine, which will inevitably fade with youth, leading to you hitting the wall at 10x the speed of the average roastie once your youthful "cute" looks wear off.

It's both but also most of these people have a fetish for converting others to it so they can get off, which is why it's so nefarious.

Attached: depressed.jpg (500x500, 58K)

I'm non-binary.

there is nothing wrong with giving people a small push in the right direction to be happy


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Stop forcing lonely people to become trannies to please your fetish.

Have sex, incel.

Sure, bend over.


>out of the stone
fuck I missed it


Attached: ampharos.gif (200x200, 108K)

both actually


i wish someone would spike my food


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boy. easily

>trannies argue that sex =/= gender because of some pedophile's study
>trannies call themselves transgender
>complain that they are "born as the wrong gender"
>cut their fucking dicks off instead of just dressing like a girl

Same, I also wish it happened when I was 12 to improve my chances.

>Yeah that means accepting the gender you were born with
Exactly. And trans people were always trans it's just that they often don't know because society used to treat this as a taboo. Luckily people are more welcoming towards it that's why yous see more transsexuals than before
Despite what you think you can't "trick" people into becoming trans. If they want to transition they were always trans. End of discussion

Attached: 1553407753969.jpg (1200x1400, 223K)

>Despite what you think you can't "trick" people into becoming trans.
Make up your mind.

okay, but why ruin someone's life like that

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Imagine ending your whole families legacy just because you feel a little weird so you poison you body and cut you dick off.



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>muh legacy
nobody cares, why are breeders like that?

This was just a joke. It's not like the user who posted that was serious when he said that either

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I actually was, now I don't know what to do

>get called out on your bullshit
>haha just a joke ;^)
Come on now.

Attached: 44chan.png (1650x803, 913K)

do it anyway girls prefer feminine guys so it's a win no matter what

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>fuck tradition
aww is someone upset that their daddy doesn't approve of how you're ruining your life?

Unless you trace your line matrilineally it already not what you think it is several times over.

Oh wow, another really funny jokey haha! You're such a goofball, user. :^)

thanks user

Jesus christ this world is full of mentally ill faggots.
Fear not, because when there is a problem, I will become the solution.

so when are 40% of you offing yourselves?

I sure am

Attached: 1561154052779.png (528x481, 281K)

i play as the girl because i don't want to stare at a boy's head the entire game

The 40% seems to get a lot of support from vocal internet minorities and businesses who want woke points (but will NEVER show a now-passing tranny) but in face-to-face- interactions it becomes painfully obvious that the 40% really dropped the ball(s) on the whole "hearts and minds" campaign. They're at best ignored, at worst hated, and most of the time simply maligned and passed over. How exactly is this supposed to play out? Especially with newer generations growing up in the "you're a racist/nazi/bigophobe if you don't tow the line" world, and becoming desensitized to it?

these threads always make my pp feel weird

You know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the vidya on my backlog, it's the dead tranny threads on our board. I wanna ask you a question, when you opened this tab, did the title read /dtb/ - dead tranny board? No? You know why you didn't see that title? Cause it ain't there, cause talking about dead trannies ain't Yea Forums's fucking business, that's why!

Attached: dead.jpg (466x687, 86K)

How do you live with yourself?

If it's anything like pol, probably fuck the shit out of them while hating the ugly ones.

>i was just asking if secretly giving him body altering chemicals was fine guys haha
I love how these threads never get deleted, it's really interesting

I help others and I'm pretty good looking so pretty well I would say

Attached: 1551611122193.jpg (800x900, 94K)

Again though that's part of the vocal internet minority space and just doesn't translate into the real world. Even then if you want to assert your claim, you pretty much have to rely on anecdotes, anons talking to themselves, and photoshop. Whereas like I said, in real life people REALLY don't like trannies, even in liberal ivory towers the majority of "support" comes from people just grinning and bearing it ("it" being a subsidized fetish).

I guess that's what you need to tell yourself to distract you from reality. I really hope you fix yourself someday.

how do i join a cult of hrt pushers
i want to be convinced and encouraged/bullied into taking hrt

Based user studying to become a SRS surgeon.

What don't you consider it just anecdotes?
The rising rates of them among the younger generations? The rising consumption of tranny porn? That falling rate of actual violence against them over angry posts on increasingly less of the internet?
When does it stop being the fantasy in your head?

People like him are destined to end up dying of addictions or disease, it's inevitable, just ignore them till then because you are just prompting them to keep going.

why do you suddenly care what happens to one fucking guy you don't even know?

I'm more worried about the people he drags down with him.

Because you, actively making the world worse, affects my life.
I want a stable society in which I can live peacefully, your disgusting and fucked up mind and practices are getting in the way of that.
That's why I despise you, freak.



In this game in particular, girl was the clearly superior choice. That ass was just superb

Why shouldn't I? Encouraging people to do shit like that is never ok, doesn't matter if I know anyone involved or not. Please wake the fuck up.

>one person giving hrt to his flatmate makes my world worse!!
stop with that bullshit
you probally don't even live in the same city/state/country

>>one person
You know, I don't give a shit arguing with you, no point really since you freaks are that fucked up you cannot even see why you are making the world a worse place to be in.
I hope you end up dying in the near future, for my sake.

>The rising rates of them among the younger generations?
You have no data for this because all of the "science" is hidden behind deliberately misleading and constantly shifting labels and diagnoses.
>The rising consumption of tranny porn?
I'm not willing to concede this point because it's tied solely to porn as a whole being more and more consumed, and the metrics are fucked with as in any trend poll
>That falling rate of actual violence against them over angry posts on increasingly less of the internet?
And your citation is? I get it, it's hard to conceptualize the world when you live on discord, twitter, and Yea Forums. Normies will never take the pink pill and once the chair of internet broadcasting and artificial corporate inflation gets kicked out from underneath the 40% they'll swing.
>When does it stop being the fantasy in your head?
oh sweetie

I wish the thread stuck to Hilda ass instead of whatever this trannyfaggotry is

Attached: D_TXQ9bXkAEHKXi-orig.jpg (735x1169, 63K)

>feeling empathy towards someone who is unwilliginly getting HRT is somehow incomprehensible to you
I'm honestly not even surprised.

Go make one then, this thread was clearly made for this purpose.
I still don't understand why they don't delete template threads like these
Who I am kidding, every one fucking knows why.

guys like you are such hypocrites
you spend your time bullying others and making their lives a living hell = making the world a worse place to be in
but then suddenly you care about some others because you don't like them

Metaton is a fucking robot
Miko was born as a girl in the 2hu universe, never died to be reincarnated.
Samus has been officially stated to not be trans
image is shit bait anyways

your argument is so bad that i cant tell if you're a tranny or a woman

>you spend your time
What? You are the ones making these threads, making these claims and garnering hate towards yourself.
Don't blame me because you can't keep your fucked up bullshit to yourself, fucking freak.

Metttaton was a female ghost in a male robot's body.
Miko is the reincarnation of PRINCE shoutoku

>everything that disagrees with me is Jewish lies

It's funny how you only keep replying to the more aggressive posts. That way you can keep convincing yourself that anyone who is against you is obviously just a bully. Get some help.

but I didn't made the thread?
and why are you in a thread you don't like in the first place?
just close it and you'll be fine

The guys here can't stop thinking about trannies for a minute and take turns roleplaying being them and being disgusted by them.

Because I don't want to see this bullshit in the board, it's quite simple.
>but I didn't made the thread
And? You freaks are carbon copies of each other since men can only act like women and not be like an actual woman, so you all come across the exact same.
Also there is the off chance that I will accelerate your suicide progress bar, that's good.

Fix what? I just helped people accept who they are and possibly make two people get together.
And all this in one thread!
Helping others makes me so warm and fuzzy. I love it!

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holy shit these sprite animations are better than the models in SWSH

You can still post Hilda while masturbating if you want.

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I played boy before transitioning and after transitioning I only play hotter boys

You're a terrible person.

unironically based, 99% of trannies are just yurifags

>hey, you feel funny?
>go against nature and perform mental gymnastics to convince yourself it's ok
>i am a good person
fuck off

bad dog

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Don't engage with them.

You are both extremist retards. Kill yourselves.

>13-14 is too late
>kids younger than 13 should be making life changing irreversible decisions on their own
damn nigga

Look I know that the fact that transsexuals exist makes you upset since it's new and something you don't understand, but that's okay. One day you will understand that they are people too and repressing them won't help anyone.
I'm not even angry with you you because I'm such a good person

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I only wanted a Hilda/White thread, not this.

How the fuck did you guys get out-facted by a tranny-enabler...
If youre gonna come here youre gonna have to learn to btfo the queers, r*dditards.

Why is he "extremist" again?

Miko is not a reincarnation. Look up any information, Miko has been alive since the 6th century.
Ghosts do not have a sex and therefore are whatever gender they say they are. Ghosts also don't exist but that's not the point.

>Look I know that the fact that transsexuals exist makes you upset since it's new and something you don't understand, but that's okay. One day you will understand that they are people too and repressing them won't help anyone.
I'm not even angry with you you because I'm such a good person

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Not that user and I'm not saying it's right because I'm not decided on it, but people don't advote to giving hormone replacement therapy before 17, but rather puberty blockers (aka, delaying puberty, which is reversible) until they are 17 and thus old enough to decide for themselves.
I think it's because one user is pushing transition way too hard without thinking if it's right for the other person, while the other user is directly claiming that transition is bad period.

>samus has trans features
jesus christ people, stop

>directly claiming that transition is bad period
How is it bad to criticize people for trying to chemically alter mentally weak people?

So now you just resort to projecting someone else's thoughts onto me? Forcing someone into HRT against their will isn't ok. Stop strawmanning.

>but people don't advote to giving hormone replacement therapy before 17
There is a popular tv show about encouraging people to do that and even mutilate themselves.

Learning to live with yourself is part of growing up.
Encouraging people to mess with their bodies and health instead of changing their mindset is something straight up evil.
These people are predators, they mainly target troubled teenagers on messaging apps and such, but don't get trouble for it since they shield themselves behind the LGBT movement.

That's bad, I agree with you, user. However if someone decides -by themselves- that transition is right for them after considering all options, I have nothing against it.
Trying to convince random people to transition is horrible and manipulative.

>40% of the things I call fellow people kill themselves
>get more to join up
>noooooooo we're not bad you just don't understand
have a look in the mirror tranny, those girl pills aren't taking you anywhere pretty anytime soon. Do us all a favour and end it early.

Not that user but your great grandchildren will have more in common with their grandparent on the opposite side of your family than with you. After merely 2 generations your "blood" will basically not matter at all and you'll be nothing but an old photo in some attic somewhere. Also heaven doesn't exist and climate change will wipe out our species in like 100 years max.

So yeah, fuck tradition and live your life the way you want.

>if someone decides -by themselves-
I'm pretty sure 90% of the people shitting on the freaks do it because of that exact reason, because they don't keep it to themselves.
If there is people with actual problems like these that get caught in the crossfire then they should not be part of this at all and just try to live their lives as best they can without trying to change society because of your own problems, you know like every other mentally ill person.

I dont have a problem with the unhealthy lifestyle of trannies, but I do have a problem with them trying to drag more people into it.
The 40% is real, and its not caused by society, its caused by the fact that taking anti-androgens causes depression, on top of the unhealthy lifestyle of fighting your body and appearance constantly.

>live your life

People get to fuck up their lives in a million other ways, why not let them do it this way too?

1) 40% is just attempted suicide, the actual suicide rate is a lot lower.
2) Trannies with support from their families and friends, especially parents, have a much lower attempted suicide rate. Indicating that most of the problems come from social pressure and bullying rather than being trans.
3) Hormone therapy is confirmed to help with depression and stress levels of trannies, lowering suicide attempts to almost general populace levels.

>its caused by the fact that taking anti-androgens causes depression

And I have a lot more at home

Because they don't keep to themselves and it is constantly getting glorified by the media, that's why.
Quite simple really.

Plz don't cut off your cock.

Why is Yea Forums filled with faggots

Its fun to be gay and have fun.

Because predator fetishists took advantage of mentally weakened people.

A good person would just admit that they're wrong.

people die everywhere because hunger/no water/natural disasters/crimes/war
>lol how funny/ I don't care/ look at my memes!
but then you cry about at a specific ~1% group trying to live their lives
yes I'm sure it exactly them making the world a worse place, could be nothing other, it has to be them damn tannies!!


The depression then comes from the fact that you groom these people into hating their bodies?


I care when you're actively encouraging getting random people to transition.

>But third world niggers are dying!
Fuck off, faggot

imagine having to shove a bottle up your axe wound how do trannies deal with that shit?

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>trying to live their lives
I didn't know that actively convincing kids and depressed people to take chemicals and screaming everywhere you can about it is how you "live your life", thanks for the info.

just report and hide the thread faggots