New game releasing in October for Switch, PS4, and Steam.
Super Monkey Ball
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Something something a remake of a Wii SMB is coming too?
>Banana Blitz remake
At least there's no motion controls this time.
why would they remake the worst game of the series?
who was asking for this?
Monkey Paw’d
I think this is a good idea actually.
Devs only remake universally liked games, so why not try to remake a universally hated game and try to make it good?
...I'm not even sure how they'd be able to, but at least they're trying.
But what about that tranny hamster fangame?
>hating the third best game in the series
Why? I thought it was the perfect way to evolve the series to be more substantial than the barebones stuff it was before, and motion controls gave far more fine granular control than the fucking shit sticks on the gamecube. My only complaint was it was a tad too easy and few of the minigames were fun enough to play for their own sake.
For my money only the compilation of 1+2 (not either individually) and banana splitz are better.
Ds4 supports gyro.
I'm just happy we're getting another monkey ball game
Fuck that shit. The only reason it got funded was because that faggot shilled it
aren't there only 3 mainline games anyway?
Shame it's just a remake. Still, better than nothing I guess.
Hopefully the game will include at least that rumored level editor. Cuz after the tranny hamster fiasco (thanks /pol/ack cocksuckers) i know that game is dead already.
This is exactly (you), /pol/ack piece of shit!that game was supposed to be the true spiritual successor to SMB, made by a master speedrunner and modder, designed to be fully moddable, so you could put the original monkey models if the NEUTRAL gendered hamsters are that much of a problem, but nope, that game is dead thanks to faggots like you. Hope you can sleep peacefully tonight.
I'm not the one who fired an artist because they misgendered a fucking rat. If Tranny rat fails, its completely on the fault of the fag making it. This didn't have to be an issue, but he made it into one.
Stop stirring shit and talk about Super Monkey Ball
Like what would you want to see in a level editor
Honestly, I think a level editor could save this game from its wii reputation and make it infinitely replayable.
So this is the sate of vidya in 2019, no new big games, just rehashes of old series. And literally old games remade to better graphics. Gods damn this industry.
I skipped banana blitz, why was it so bad?
Wii motion controls
t. tranny rat
Motion controls, bland and unoriginal levels, and worst of all the jumping, which doesn't belong in the series whatsoever
It's a remake, not a remaster. If they can make the worst game good, then they can only go up from there.
oh thank god, for some reason I thought this was monkey ball adventure remake
Ok. Guess i was being unfair there.
But can you blame me? Almost Every big game ruining incident, including this one, has something political behind it.
>Mighty no. 9 and Dina
>Sony's censoring spree and the death of senran kagura
>literal trannies on charge of MK11
>Squeenix 'ethics commitee'
Its just nuts, and even if some say its problem of the dev, i can bet theres someone else out there also helping.
Nah, I was being Hyperbolic as well. I got no problem with a character not having a gender. Nights and Frisk are great examples of this. I just find it a shame that the spiritual successor got this reputation because of the lead dev blowing the issue up and firing an artist. If you ask me, it would just be better of Sonic team just brought the guy on to work on a super monkey ball game instead of a clone. Kinda of like Sonic Mania. The guy is clearly talented, he just let politics ruin his project,
So roll out is dead cause he was making it to spite sega.
BANNANA bbLITZ *cough*
This explains why Sega trademarked Banana Blitz months ago
For fucks sake, why didn't they just do a port of the first game like katamari
So give it to me straight: should I be excited for this or not? Never played Banana Blitz, but since people seem to shit on it, I don't know how to feel. I'm glad there's a new game/rerelease, but if this is that bad, then fuck
>should I be excited for this or not
no because it's not out yet
once it comes out you can make your decision
I'm more excited to see how they'll fix it and if this could be a revival for the series
I'm excited to see more.
Like others have already pointed out, this is a reMAKE, not a reMASTER. They could improve upon the original and make something great.
crushing disappointment
why not a remake/port of Splitz at the very least
also the gameplay screenshots they picked are both straight lines
>its real
But this is just Banana Blitz
But this says we’d be getting a collection of deluxe 2 and banana blitz
When are we getting another Super Monkey Ball with level designs on par of not better than the original 2? I want to rip my hair out over solving obstacle courses all over again.
You're just as bad as /pol/ for getting this butt-blasted.
The most important question is will there be Monkey Target?
If I were to play a Monkey Ball game again, should I play 1 or 2? I don't even remember which one I used to own
well, where in the actual famitsu article, NOT the translated ones says that its just gonna be Banana blitz?
>chu chu rocket is real
complete tranny meltdown. kill yourself, no one needs tranny trash when the real thing exists.
based sega BTFO tranny trash
Wish they'd just make a compilation pack of the first two games and whatever later shit they want to add to it.
Does Sega even care anymore.
>Not on switch
Who cares?
But it says Switch right there in the OP, ResetEra
That's what you get for buying a bing bing wahoo instead of putting in a little more cash to get a REAL piece of gaming technology.
This makes the tranny clone even more irrelevant. hopefully that shit's sales are like only a couple hundred LOL
if Bayonetta is in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games 2020 I will buy everyone who responds to this post a copy.
Read the OP retard
> Mario and Sonic at the Olympics
> Include non-Mario and Sonic characters
PLEASE don't do this! It's fucking disgusting and false advertisement.
Explain? I don't know anything about that.
>third best
This isn't banana splitz
I wish I had that screenshots of just how insane the devs were. It's beyond tranny shit. they were pushing whole "non-binary" pronouns tumblr shit.
instead of trying to legitimize & shoving that insane concept in everyone's face they could have just been like
>yeah we didn't give them a sex because it's not important. they're just rats in balls. so it's up to the viewer.
but instead they wanted to aggressively push real world political ideology to the point it killed the project.
>he says Banana Blitz is the worst game when Adventure and Banana Splits exists.
Is the whale in 2 one of the biggest filters in gaming?
>Banana Blitz
>not Deluxe
October 2019 for Switch and PS4, Winter for PC.
who do I believe?
Ah, Adventure. A great game that casuals don't have a chance of penetrating.
The western title makes it pretty clear it's just a remaster rather than a remake.
I'm not big on SMB but if this eventually leads to a Billy Hatcher remake I'm sold
Seriously though, why the fuck isn't this a compilation?
>New game
It's a remake with an utterly soulless western title
>third best
When every game that's not 1 or 2 is terrible, third best isn't impressive
Forgot to post, also Xbox One
>worst game
SMB1/2 >>> Banana Blitz > Banana Splitz > whatever else this series has shit out.
Because only Dark Souls and Crash are allowed to be hard games in this day and age.
Well, Banana Blits did have some particularly tricky parts but nowhere near as difficult as 1, 2, or even Adventure.
>October 29th
Sorry Sega, that's Ryza day.
Switch also gets Resident Evil 5 and 6 on that day for those who like being treated like retards by Capcom.
>thinking SEGA gives a shit about their IPs that aren’t Sonic or Yakuza
Granted, we got this and a new Sakura Wars coming, but this isn’t normally how this goes down.
Oh yes, becuase only casuals hate terrible control, boring level design, and numerous glitches.
Clearly this is fake causer Virtua Fighter 6 will be announced any day now
Oh yeah, Switch is getting the worst RE games. I forgot about that. Yeah, I guess.
>game ruining incident
>Squeenix 'ethics commitee'
Have sex
Drop your pants and bend over.
>Something something a remake of a Wii SMB i
Super Mario Bros Wii has five remakes though
Take me to dinner first, you cheap fuck.
This makes me want to pirate rolled out even more.
ew tranny
Is it digital? physical? both? No where seems to give an answer.
Watching a speed run of Banada Blitz, seems like it'd be super easy without the motion controls getting in the way.
This likely only got anything because AV devs got moved to the Yakuza team which is why the monkeys appear.
I'm just glad Super Monkey Ball isn't dead mobile garbage.
>Pirating indie games that are the only one doing a concept you like.
Polyball is like the only other indie to make a Monkey Ball style game and that suffers from its medal system.
This. Like holy fuck monkey ball is back
I'm pirating it because the devs literally fired somebody for getting some pronouns wrong, they don't deserve my money.
Must be fucking nice.
>tfw puyofag
>tfw puzzle bobblefag
You first, Reddit
If what you people want is more Monkey Ball 1/2 you could always try the community levels mod on dolphin?
Are there actually good fan levels or just Kaizo bullshit.
Artist is commissioned to do the 3d art for a monkry balls fangame
Artist misgenders the LEAD character and basically shits in the face of decades of progress made by marginalised communities
After being (rightfully) removed from the project, artist cries on twitter about "muh misandry" to arm basement dwelling virgins into drowning the game out with hate online
Its nothing you wouldnt expect, really
Anyone know if this mentions a level editor?
that's pretty cool.
Banana blitz fucking sucks tho
The levels are super bland and the awful inclusion of jumping
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, kid
Google is your friend, from what I've seen there seem to be some of both. Actually modding it to see for myself.
hopefully the waggle trash is removed (or at least optional).
I’ve always hated the new designs
So much this.
Is there a single person from Amusement Vision working on this?
Is the F-Zero guy doing the music?
Anyone from AV still at Sega works for the Yakuza team. You can tell the GX composer worked on 0.
Its the worst game in the series because the controls don't fucking work
The level design was actually really good
Bah, get them working on the important stuff again
Here's a link if you're that interested.
Why do incels like to gossip about e-celebrities so much?
Just let us have our Monkey Ball thread.
wow, that looks really neat
What an age we live in
>or just Kaizo bullshit.
You say that as if Super Monkey Ball isn't FULL of Kaizo bullshit
Banana Splitz is a great fucking game, only worse than 1 and 2
Super fucking challenging too, but has great physics and levels. Also, no motion controls, unless you want the platinum trophy, which requires beating every level with gyro for one trophy. Otherwise, no motion.
Still wish they'd go back to the old artstyle but at this point I'll take fucking anything Monkey Ball.
Shame they look like test levels but free community levels so fair enough.
But will Chad make it in to Smash Bros?
Yet they don't port that to platforms people actually own. Hopefully the PS5 has a Vita emulator.
You are not going to get a fucking 3d level editor, you retard.
From what I heard Banana Splitz was shit according to series veterans because it's too easy or something. I personally couldn't beat all of the Advanced levels no matter how hard I tried, though.
Anyway I thought it was pretty good without playing any of the others.
I'm a veteran, I thought it was alright. Not as hard as 1 or 2, but a step in the right direction.
Most importantly, it's different. I've played Super Monkey Ball 2 Ad Nauseam and we just want new levels. The newer monkey balls aren't that fun and This mod just scratched the right itch for me and my bro.
>From what I heard Banana Splitz was shit according to series veterans because it's too easy or something.
Series veterans think everything is shit
That's how they maintain their status as "series veterans"
I wanna stick my dick in Bayonetta's slipper while she still wearing it.
The fantasy you are describing is sexual assault
I'd ask her first, dimwit.
I don't think its possible to sexually assault Bayonetta unless you're Rodin.
So... the other SEGA leaker was right (although he said 1,2 and Deluxe remasters, not this)? Nights SEGA AGES coming soon...?
I want her to turn into clothes that puppet me around and suck me off in public.
i want to kiss the back of her neck
Not wanting to be her shoe, step it up.
>Only a black guy can assault a white women
Bayonetta is British, not white
Yanyan is my wife!
let's see the wedding photos, buddy
Well I mean in Bayo 2 he has a move that literally rapes her to death.
Give me a name if you're going to shill.
Paperball, dev's twitter at @CliaxGamesCoco, I'll just take my shekels and leave now.
I'm not giving money to someone who fired a guy over accidentally misgendering a rat
You sound outraged, user.
wait, what?
>3d model artist for rolled out misgendered the main character and got kicked off the team because it made the discord tranny devs uncomfortable
>head of the game started backtracking about kicking her off right after she called him out on twitter
It's exactly what it sounds like
Polyball were trying to put transsexual characters in their game (you know, for the kids!). When one artist asked if it was really appropriate, they fired her and trashed her all over facebook.
Also, I just made all of that up.
they were going to get fired either way, their record working with devs has been nothing short of incredibly hostile and most of their twitter feed is shit-talking the artist that took their place at Archie Comics but also begging Archie to re-hire her and fire Aaron Webber (Sonic teams PR guy). Also considering Rafa is from brazil and a programmer they're probably more trans than the guinea pig that started that shitstorm
No no no
This artist was a hero, and they were only fired because the Polyball devs are insane SJWs. Stop contradicting my narrative.
They're both retarded but firing somebody over misgendering a rat is still dumb.
>fire aaron webber
she can fuck right off
Do you know the whole story? Or are you just going off of some gossip that was fed to you
Be honest with yourself, user.
One side says "I got fired for misgendering a rat", the other side says "No we fired you for drawing loli" but apparently she didn't, the answer is I have no fucking clue what happened but considering the lead artist prefers to be called a "they" I wouldn't put it past them to fire that 3D artist over such a dumb thing. Not that she isn't a cunt herself but hey.
that's a no from me dawg
I missed all of this as it was happening and only have biased recounts so it will have no bearing on if I actually pay for the game unless I see evidence.
Did I seriously get fucking monkey paw'd by Super Monkey Ball?
You got Super Monkey Paw'd, dude.
>Banana Blitz
>not 1 and 2
Fuck, I would've paid good money just for 2.
puyo had a new game like last year you moron
Remember the Nintendo Wiiiii? H'yeah, that's what they actually called it.
Puyo hasn't had a mainline game since 2009, and it hasn't had a good game since 2011. Puyo Puyo champions was a barebones garbage spinoff filled with obnoxious OC DONUTS STEELs from the mobile game.
Did puyo puyo tetris come out in 2011 cause I liked that one
Puyo Puyo Tetris was 2014. It's a good Tetris game, but as far as Puyo goes it's a fairly mediocre spinoff. Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary was 2011 and was actually pretty good, even though it was basically just "15th with a couple characters swapped out and a few more gamemodes".
Yeah, who else will suck Arin Hanson's dick all day?
>No mention of Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection
I'd take fake leaks at this point.
>Mega Man in a Sega "leak"
>this fuming samefag incel
Sega own every blue character
Megaman is Capcom, not Sega.
>Banana Blitz HD
The fact "people" always let politics rule their sack of shit lives like this really makes it clear why this remake is happening, spite. I seen one SMBfag got upset SEGA let it die the way it did and I did think the first two games were fun, even if I didn't get invested in it. But seeing them get so uplifted thanks to that fan recreation was so rewarding and hoped for the SMBfags would get the sequel they wanted. But now it's not ok just because "dev supports thing I don't like despite the quality of the game them make"
You fuckers deserve shit then. For the true fans of SMB, hope that recreation holds up for ya'll and hope that Wiimake actually doesn't end up dogshit either.
>play Yakuza Kiwami
>there's Monkey Ball plushes in the crane games
>they're the Banana Blitz designs even though the game takes place in 2005
Why do they force this so hard?
Banana Blitz is definitely not in the same league as the first two but outside of bosses it has some pretty good levels. Not being forced into motion controls will probably improve the game a lot too.
But for fuck's sake, just give us a brand new mainline game.
>people getting upset over this
There literally hasn't been a good monkey ball game since 2. I don't know what the fuck you people are expecting at this point.
>>they're the Banana Blitz designs even though the game takes place in 2005
I seriously hope somebody was fired for that blunder
I want a remaster of 1/2. Maybe the Vita game since people seem to like that but fuck buying a Vita.
>But for fuck's sake, just give us a brand new mainline game.
Do you honestly think it would be good?
Sega only seems to let their D-listers work on Monkey Ball. Amusement Vision only makes Yakuza games now.
What was wrong with Banana Blitz? Just motion controls or was the level design shit too?
imagine being the rolled out devs right now
haha holy shit
>switch version runs worse than wii version but at the same resolutions
No thanks.
>implying they aren't over the moon that Sega didn't remaster the good ones instead
Motion controls are the big complaint, didn't play it myself but this announcement made me watch a speed run and the level design seemed bland. I'm also told the mini games are quanity over quality.
Besides the controls, I didn't really like the bossfights or what they did to Monkey Target.
Because they re-used assets from previous Yakuza games that take place past 2005.
Kiwami 2 takes place in 2006 yet it has stuff like advertising, cars, phones and what not from 2017 reused from Y6.
I don't know why people are surprised by this, rehashing shit is the series staple since Y3.
Since Y2, you mean. That game was pretty much an expansion pack.
AVGN did an episode on it. sums it up pretty good.
what an interesting concept
Psssh, Y1 was basically just Super Monkey Ball with gangsters plastered over it.
>"dev supports thing I don't like despite the quality of the game them make"
Buts its not even that. The dev let politics rule his game when he decided to fire and insult and artist for misgendering a fucking piece of shit knockoff character.
DIscord tranny get out
again, are you just going off gossip?
Because it kind of sounds like you're just looking for a reason to feel upset
It’s also on Xbox one.
There was a whole discord thing that I can't find screenshots of where the dev was acting like an asshat. Plus there is the fact that he apologized and then retracted it immediately to make Rafaknight look like the bad guy.
Also, I'm not upset in any form. Just because I choose to not support a game because of the dev's behavior does not mean I am looking for outrage or to feel upset.
>Also, I'm not upset in any form. Just because I choose to not support a game because of the dev's behavior does not mean I am looking for outrage or to feel upset.
You sound like you lack self-awareness
I often look for things to feel outraged at.
How do I lack self-awareness? There is a clear difference between choosing not to support something and to be outraged by something. I'm not losing any sleep from the Tranny Rat game existing.
Clearly. You're angry at some guy because he doesn't want to buy a product for whatever reason. Why care?
my wifes son will love this
>smb back on xbox
were coming home bros. fuck i havent played one since deluxe on xbox. 2 had a lot of stupid ass levels that made 1 so much better. i hope this ones closer to 1 than 2