Is there something similar but better that is not Contra or MS? No ultra cartoony shit like cuphed please

Is there something similar but better that is not Contra or MS? No ultra cartoony shit like cuphed please.

Attached: gn9SyoJ2Y6eVm-n4N9tdI1BtiqScu60rOrVNfkb7xp0_390x400_1x-0.jpg (390x548, 60K)

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Yes, Gunforce 2 and Super Cyborg

The run n gun genre is a fucking wasteland atm especially side scrolling ones.

Fuck that snow level and the fucking Battletoads vehicle section REEEEEEEEEE

Cuphead is better than all of those, though.

Attached: 1547396179226.jpg (700x551, 69K)

Not really into the aesthetic. I prefer the more gritty and mechanical look of Contra and Metal Slug.

Blazing chrome is out? How is it?

way too short

Is it linear or like hard corps with different endings?

>better than Contra
t. retarded zoom zoom who can't see pass the graphics

Have yet to finish it but it's overall more Alien Wars than Hard Corps.

Its good, too easy though because it throws extra lives at you like nothing and theres some annoying autoscrollers. But besides that everything else is really well made
Fuck no its too long, 45 minutes per run is quite a commitment even Metal Slug games are only about 35.

Maybe. These games shouldn't be over an hour long anyway.
Hard Corps Uprising being the exception, but even that gets tiresome.

you get 4 levels to play in any order then a final level
>45 minutes per run is quite a commitment even Metal Slug games are only about 35
3's final mission takes a half hour

Nah, the weapon system, lock on, levels and characters are an absolute Hard Corps clone. Even the music has that weird genesis bass.

If you finish it on normal you unlock 2 new characters which turn the game into a ninja gaiden game. It's fucking awesome.

Good. Hard Corps is pinnacle of Contra.

I like Shattered Soldier better, but it definitely is up there.

The slide gives no i-frames though.

Hard Corps is more frantic (short levels and more enemies than alien wars) and boss heavy to me alien wars. There's a more deliberate pace to Blazing Chrome which I find closer to Alien Wars.

Meant "than alien wars".

Hard Corps without a doubt is a boss rush game. The longest run'n'gun stage is the first one.

Probably not but you can check out Gunlord. It's a homage to the Turrican series.
This one's more of a metroidvania with guns.

Attached: 2390839-gunlord_cover_art.png (1039x1425, 2.59M)

I know, but they were definitely trying to evoke it. Even the color palette is the same.
Of course it also adds some Contra 3 and metal slug in there, but it's obvious what they were trying to homage.

>that hilariously cheesy intro
I'm sold on Gunlord already. Gameplay looks solid too.

Attached: 1557726293408.png (292x257, 106K)

>No way! I must rescue my wife!
>Have a nice day!

Attached: ezgif-com-optimize-19.gif (800x600, 2.42M)

Glad this game is getting some recognition.

Oh, hey, the rare "female protagonist" tag done right.

Attached: blazingchromelaunchtrailer-450x270.png (450x270, 175K)

I checked, and apparently originally in Dreamcast version he says "Bitches! Die in HeLL!". I like this Switch version better
They also took out the blue dude getting turned to hamburger, seems like.

Frankly him just leaving them alive and going his way to save his wife is more amusing as a concept

not sure if better or w/e but if you haven't played it yet, you can emulate hard corps uprising in rpcs3

Attached: 220px-Hard_Corps_Uprising_(cover_art).png (220x264, 107K)

That's a contra game, though.