Never ever

Never ever

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Other urls found in this thread:

why couldn't she just be a college girl and remove the fucking loli

I've spilled so much seed to this series since like 2012.

Even less so now that Tak has left Marvelous. Any future Senran games will lack the joy of life and hometown

>remove the fucking loli
You gay, son?

Thank you based Sony for killing these garbage weebshit

It took me until I was 28 years old to appreciate loli, so maybe give him time.

>Director left
>Head artist left
What's the point? The games stopped being good ages ago. Even the shitty spinoffs failed to capture a new audience.

the loli singlehandedly gave california justification in axeing this series

Don't lose hope!

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Why bother, without Tak, it has no soul

Nothing can justify the series being killed, especially not when 4+ titles had already been released on Sony systems with zero issues from anyone.

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NUKE california already

>That retopo

I almost vomitted.

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Good riddance. These games have never been good

That WIP model is the only thing they showed of 7even and it happened on August 1st 2018. The series really is dead.

This, shitty cashgrabs with no contents and a ton of DLC is the epitome of soul.

Oh, and 7even itself was announced on August 1st 2017.

>t.Californian subhuman
How have the earthquakes not swallowed you niggers up yet?

Because I have to believe. For her.

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>Never ever
You joke but those 7EVEN models are what we're going to be looking at until 2031 so you better pray they're good.

The fuck is that topology?

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>jumped ship to a gachashit company the moment the game couldn't rely of fanservice for sales anymore
You can tell the guy doesn't want to put effort in his games

It'd be nice if they'd fucking make a GOOD GAME on Switch and not some tech demo BS.
You can have lewds there, now just flesh out the other shit you fucking hack.

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Man, those kinds of breasts are anything but sexy.


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I miss my tittyninjas so much lads

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this shit is loli?

Those two games were better than the shit vita games or PBS. Nintendo has always received the best Senran games

I think he's talking about Reflexxxionz and titty pinball.

>remove loli

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Man, Yagyuu is so cute.

>PS4 kills lewds so the games are shit
>Switch only has shovelware tier titles that only have 1/5th of the girls
Both have turned into incomplete shit.

cute gif

Why do you think Tak left?

Man just wanted to give us anime ass and tiddies, and America drove him away

Would have been nice if he wasn't such a fucking sonyfag and gave Nintendo the series back. He can fuck off if he's not going to put it on the platform that allows the shit.


Good, this series has been garbage since Deep Crimson

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What's up with that upside down v on the topology

Did you miss the part where it sounded more like it was Marvelous who were at fault. I highly doubt a game director has more say over what platform a game releases than the publisher.

It's for better deformation so you don't have any super fucky stretching when you do more exaggerated attacks.

So, marvelous forced him to make two shitty switch games, and he couldn't actually put any of the good stuff in them, and they forced him to only have five girls in those games, the same five between them.

Yeah, Sounds like he can't do shit then.

I don't understand how it could get that bad.
So many wasted polys.
So much senseless topology and random tris, even before it's in engine.

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elaborate, I don't know anything about models

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Series has been dead ever since Gessen got involved, then it had pretty fanservice heavy, but overall soulless entries that relied on tits alone to get through. First anime wasn't the best, but it's a masterpiece compared to the piece of shit second season that someone vomited up. Uncensored tits were a mistake if everything else looked off model, and the nipples weren't even as appealing as they were in the OVA. Then the new games have just been a remake, a touching simulator with barebones content that has the audacity to charge you 5x base price for DLC, and a pinball spinoff. Otherwise there's been the mobile games which sounded like they had more core content.

Face it, the series was dead before Sony pulled the plug.
Should have gone with Valkyrie Drive 2 instead.

Sony had two choices:
Leave Senran Kagura unchanged and alienate the millions of customers that buy their AAA titles
>"I wish I could buy The Last of Us Part 2. I really do. But I can't support a company that allows sexist, exploitative games to thrive on its console"
Or apply censorship on the Senran Kagura games, alienating a few thousand otaku at worst.
At the end Sony made the right decision (or at least the one that makes sense business-wise).

>But no one who buys those games give a shit about SK
Wrong. Gamers don't live in a vacuum anymore. The developer's social and politic stance is as important (even more) as the game itself.

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>Alienate millions of customers
Most normies dont even KNOW about Senran

False. Just look at neogaf, the biggest Sony consumer community. Takaki and Senran Kagura always were a source of controversy.

To the screaming masses on sites like REEEEEra perhaps, which is who developers think matter, but like when Ubisoft was surprised a vast majority played the male protagonist in the latest Assassin's creed when all of the social media was praising the female main character, the average consumer won't give a shit.

>Leave Senran Kagura unchanged and alienate the millions of customers that buy their AAA titles
I don't think anyone who plays or likes TLOU would even know what a Senran Kagura is. Screw giving a shit, if I ran up to some normalfag and said "Do you know about Senran Kagura" I'd get a response akin to "the fuck is that, some jap shit?".
>B-but social views
So a vocal minority that bitches and whines against another less vocal minority who actually buys a product? You aren't exactly, how we say, smart, are you?

>relevant in 2019
Now I know you're talking shit out of your ass. Neogaf got shitcanned.

How are we going to look at models that will never reach the public eye

Literally smaller community than even Yea Forums and literally filled with closet pedos

>the biggest Sony consumer community
Wouldn't the biggest Sony consumer community be their actual social media pages? Neogag are no more numerous than Yea Forums. Just louder and smellier.

you have brain damage if you think gaf or era represent the average consumer


This, they're akin to the obnoxious mother's with the "CAN I SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER" haircut and smirk. They annoy all the normal shoppers who just want to get in and get out and everyone can't wait till they fuck off since they're ruining the mood worse than a brony hitting on a hot girl, dropping spaghetti everywhere.

>Head artist left
what happened?

Nan's with Takaki at CyGames now.


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Those are pretty pisspoor sales in comparison to Fortnite or something.

Why don't we just all make battle royale games, fuck single player

So you are actually retarded, My condolences.

dammit marvelous put it on Switch already so we don’t have to deal with Sony censorship! These games look like PS2 games anyway so Switch can handle it. Come back home to Nintendo were you started so we can have lewd features back!

Yeah, Neogaf and Reseterror aren't the standard views of normalfags. Damn near all of those people that bought TLOU have never bought a Senran game let alone even know what a Senran is. The only ones that know are those that like boob ninjas and those who are jealous of them.


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Nintendo games already have the lewd features, but literally nothing else.

Sony is suposed to be a high entertaiment right?
Explaing how nintendo now is allowing content like that whitout been afraid of social media fuckery
Is not about the costumers Is bout the country politics

remove yourself user, what are ya? Gay or something?

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And because of that Evenicle exists, so we get hentai now.
Everyone wins.

>it took me until 28
i guess you finally gave up hoping and just embraced cartoons as the real thing, replacing any need to socialise because it hurt too much
but turning into a paedophile along the way, lol

What the artist make hentai now?

Tak had been making porn LONG before Evenicle.

Thats just his first official H game

is burst re:newal any good
peach ball is surprisingly fun as all fuck

Nintendo censors as much as Sony.
Everything is about the customers.

Takaki to our knowledge hasn't actually made porn. Nan has, he's worked with Alicesoft a few times before as well.

>Nintendo censors as much as Sony
Th-Th-That's where you're wrong bucko.

Western AAA players hate Japanese games and especially hate the anime are style.

Look no further than this board every time someone brings up Sony censorship.
>lol weeb trash anyway Japanese games suck play a real game like Detroit become human instead nerd!
every time

Every artist has made porn at some point.

Those who dont are just too embarrassed to admit it

>that topology
I just threw up in my mouth

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That wasn't really my point and I know that, I meant that Nan was the person you were thinking of, not Takaki.

Evenicle's porn is probably the weakest I've seen for the past 3 years. And the setting really doesn't work for porn, its a moege at best.


I can agree with this Deep Crimson best game
Best music too

Simply, the more edges a polygon has and the more edges connected together by a single vertex, the sloppier the deform is in an animation. You want the faces of your polygons to run in smooth bands around a model and to be mostly 4-sided and/or 3-sided only, or as much as possible.

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One of the things that gets me the most is seeing Yea Forums, someone who supposedly has strong right wing beliefs, defending Senran Kagura so fiercely.
Isn't Senran Kagura "cumbrain" material? Why are you defending it?

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What the fuck even is a "cumbrain"? Sounds like some made up term made by a mad fag on RetardError like "girl fetishist"

>Nintendo censors as much as Sony
Nintendo has slowed down significantly with the censorship these days. Heck sometimes they don't give a fuck

Senran Kagura was the only time that Yea Forums ever hivemind agreed on something. It may have been 6 or so years ago, but all Yea Forums at that time agreed
>Unity through Dick

ok but where's the stats showing that those 6.77 million are complaining about senran?

you posting sales figures doesn't prove shit about what's being talked about

Jason pls

>Yea Forums
>right wing
fucking lol!!!!!

this board is r*ddit and res*tera 2 incarnate

no Nintendo only censors their own 1st party games because muh family company

they leave 3rd party shit alone

>People pay for this shit instead of just watching,porn

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user, maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter since all you seem to be able to think about is porn? That's not healthy, you know. We worry about you.

porn is cuckholdry
>watching some other guy fuck a woman
>while you sit there and watch and play with yourself

lewd vidya are interactive, you are interacting with the girls

He's not entirely wrong. SK used to have a semblance of gameplay along with its copious amounts of sexy fanservice. Gameplay's nowhere to be found after the series went musou clone.

Internet politics isn't about cohesive policies. It's about spiting the other guys.

Good. They're 15 year old girls with big breasts. That shit is on pedo territory and was creepy as fuck.
>15 year old gets naked and shoves wasabi up her butt

Yeah good riddance, anyone who liked this series needed to be put on a list.

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Except that Shinovi and Burst Renewal have solid and fun gameplay, it's just different from the 3ds games. Also remember to be playing 3 star or else you're a little pleb ass bitch.

good bait user, can't wait to see the (you)'s flood in soon

dial 8 tranny

im puking
>Burst Renewal

The only SK game I've tried was Shinobi Versus. It was horrendous.

Literally no argument. Go cry in a corner. They're underage girls getting naked. It's wrong and should've been banned.

Yeah every girl is underage by American standards.

>Literally no argument.
Wasn't arguing with you, dummy

The Versus games (and Burst Re:Newal) are all the worst parts of musou without any of the good ones, they're worthless. 1 and 2 were standard beat-em ups and much better for it.

Literally only 2 are 15, rest are 16+, which last I checked ISNT underaged. Unless you live in some god awful uncivilized country, like America

If she's under 18 it's illegal.

It's wrong
And nothing you say
Can justify this disgusting shit.

Yep. Its an American.

Nothing to see here people. Move along before it starts flinging shit out of its cage

That's hebephilia, retard.

fuck you

>series begins on nintendo
>switches to sony and becomes cheap weeb shit with no unique qualities
>dies shortly after due to sony censorship

really makes me think


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>it's another outrageously big tits thread

Fucking disgusting, big tits are gross. Don't you know when these women get older there tits are going to sag lower then shit? Get some standards fucking virgins

Loli is legal in California and actually protected in certain instances like sex dolls.
It's the pretty girls with big breasts and traditional values that got the game killed.

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ITT: Faggots try to be armchair lawyers but don't bother reading state laws

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It's got more to do with outrage caused by social media over both types of content. Japs take that shit way more seriously compared to Americans.

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I don't think you understand how anime or video games work.

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>senran kagura finally gets an actual final boss (orochi in renewal)
>proceeds to die

this is not fair

>moege at best
I played Evenicle all the way to the end, and I found it had pretty good porn. It's tame compared to Rance, but there's still rape, monsters, incest, etc.
The main character's scenes are all softcore, but the villains get some pretty dark scenes.
There's a dude who brings his loli daughter back to life, and she rapes/kills/eats him. Even the average anime consumer might drop their jaw or cringe, even though the art isn't that bad.

.... who's holding the camera and why are they enjoying being filmed in the shower

What the fuck? Did you never play the original Burst or Deep Crimson?

With Tak we got shitty spinoffs and the horrible new anime. At this point there's probably more hope without him.

They've been around for a while outside of the Versus games.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the guys who have made a dozen action games with these models probably know what is best for their engine and models to display efficiently

10000s of better looking eroge, stop wasting your time on blue balls the game

Think theyll make a cash-in remake of Deep Crimson?

Hell, he didn't even play PBS.

Attached: Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH_20170928182545.jpg (3840x2160, 670K)

hello Jason Schreier

Whatever they were trying to do for 7even was likely not gonna fly in Snoy's New World Order, where the only lesbians allowed onscreen must be jewish and smell each other

so what is the deal with snek because sometimes she dresses like a $5 hooker and wields knives but in other fanart she's exactly as normal as all the other senrans

Takaki said he would consider it, but that was before he left.


SK(B) orochi is a giant hitsponge, and true kagura is just another opponent character you can dab on with tag-outs

do senrans have inverted nipples or something?

There are several other giant bosses in 2, including a new form of Orochi.

Wasn't there a series of videos where the devs of SK did actual breast research? And jiggled real women's boobs and whatnot? I can't seem to find it now but I know that was a thing, just before political correctness became the #1 obsession

they have no nipples

Sony is throwing away the japanese market so they can win favors with the chinese and western market (since they're both equally prudish now)

Saying that they're focusing on the hardcore movie watchers for the PS5 is just more proof

Official art with pokies does exist.

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>he lives in a shithole state

I'm so sorry user.

I strongly disagree. The breasts in Senran Kagura always seemed mediocre in both the games and anime adaptations.

According to the anime, they have very tiny nipples

I'm intrigued by the tiddies, what's the best senran kagura game?

>"How are these brats beating me...?"
>"Now's our chance, let's take his Treasure!"
>"Hahahahahahaha! Don't think you've won! The power held by the most elite is what rules over our society. It's vexing that I have to use this on some foolish brats... I will educate you through and through!"
>"No way... he's even stronger now?!"

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deep crimson

Yeah, pokies in the wrong places. Those nipples are trying to assume direct control holy fuck

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I mean, Reflexions isn't even that old.


you guys got peach ball?

two pinball stages is cringe but i really like the gameplay. might be my favorite spinoff

Yes, well, Nan obviously doesnt have a lot of practice.

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Pokies are my absolute fetish.

That sure would be strange considering creating perfect virtual breasts and studying breasts was the sole purpose of the franchise's existence

I'm not bothered by it. I just like pinball. Although I wish they made the second stage more complex like peach land instead of making you do mini games.

nigger he's been drawing since fucking 2003
he's a retard who devolved his art

nah man see i've watched a couple videos on texturing so yknow, i'm basically an expert on game design

>Yea Forums shits (and shits HARD) on many genuinely good videogames because they have some flaws or because they have certain gameplay mechanics that Yea Forums hates even when there is nothing inherently wrong with them
>The SK games get a free pass because "they're fanservice games, they're supposed to be shit"
>Sometimes Yea Forums goes as far as unironically considering them good (even when they're mediocre at best)

Things like this make me glad the series is dead.

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>Let's kill the series so snoy doesn't kill it.
Faggot the main appeal is little girls with big tits also Mirai is fucking sexy. I play the series because I love young girls. College shit can die in hell.

Peach Beach Splash's story isn't even bad, it's just that once you've played one match in each stage you have experienced everything the game has to offer. The only incentive to continue on is lore and splashing random girls' bikinis off. Which is probably enough for most, now that I think about it

>The SK games get a free pass
convieniently ignoring all posts that shit on everything SK after the 2 3DS game I see

3D tits are often done that way because they use a scaling morph to change the size. Even Senran games do this - you can use external hacks to change the size. The rest of it is a bit sloppy though.

>does not understand sarcasm
user, really?

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>Leave Senran Kagura unchanged and alienate the millions of customers that buy their AAA titles
Why are you presenting this like it has any basis in reality. That is an extremely disingenuous thing to claim. Nobody gives a shit if Sony sells titty games you fucking idiot, THEY OWN ANIPLEX WHICH MAKES FATE GO WHICH IS PLAYED BY MILLIONS OF NORMIE KIDS. Sony are massive fucking hypocrites. They sell Mortal Kombat and Life is Strange 2 and Last of Us, all with graphic content. There is no phantom audience of people whose purchasing hinges entirely on whether Sony continues to support Japanese tiddy games. A bunch of uncensored Senran games are still available to purchase on PS4 from prior to this sudden change in policy.

9/10 got me really steamed and made me reply

>merely pretending to be of brain insufficiency

I really, really, miss multiplayer on PBS. It was so fucking fun and I was surprisingly good at it which is unusual for me.
Minigunning down scrubs as Miedgy was great.

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Swear to God I see this exact post verbatim posted in every SK thread

I’m unironically thinking of getting that Peach Beach splash Senran game for the gameplay should I get it?

Accept your loss user, everyone who is even mildly familiar with the franchise is aware of the thousands of pieces of art that Nan has produced for it. Only an imbecile would have taken the claim that Nan has no practice at face value.

Good. Pedos and incels get out

At least with real porn you're projecting (natural) desire towards something that's actually real. With 2d games you're cucking yourself on even deeper levels. Everybody needs stimulation and release because its basic human nature. Imagine convincing yourself that that's somehow wrong, then trying to argue that it's less unhealthy to fap to cartoons than to real human beings. I fap to a lot of cartoons but I dont make stupid arguments like you're trying to

No. Online is beyond dead and the AI in single player is possibly the most retarded thing I have ever seen.
It was worth it for the first month or two after release and thats all.

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>for the gameplay
Pick one

Yeah, I accept Nan is a hack who can't draw to save his life alright.

I know the Japs have an obscene obsession with big honkers, but for once in these games can we get a chick with tiny titties but thicc thighs and a PHAT AF ass? Something with actual curvature that sticks out wider than the girls shoulders.

Why the HELL can't Japs into donk?

A not-insignificant amount of Yea Forums posts (both in OPs and replies) is just regurgitated or slightly edited copypastes as circumstances call for

Yeah. Get the soaker edition for $10 more, it has the best bikini set. But if you're new to the series, Estival Versus might be what you want to go with.

My man
Thicc booty + delicious thighs > big tits
In a perfect world all 3 come in the same package but yeah

Truly, the anime breast science still has much room for advance

literal cope lmao

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I just masturbate imagining myself with the girl of my dreams.

Their irl women are genetically predisposed to flat asses so it comes through in their art that was as well.
Keijo had a great illustration related.

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Is the AI that bad?

I legit want it for the gameplay, from reviews they say it’s pretty fun but I’m just not sure. Also if I wanted to see anime tits I can just go to hentai haven or something.

I don’t know because estival’s gameplay just seems like “press square for awesome” and the bosses can barely defend themselves.

>Is the AI that bad?
you see me standing on a balcony as the AI enemies run into a wall instead of taking the ramp, right?
You see how my entire AI controlled ally team is dead, right?

It's like that the entire way. Enemies run into walls and you might as well not even have teammates because they get wrecked in moments.
It's beyond hilarious watching an all human vs all AI battle.

Attached: Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH_20171001181606.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

Well that sucks but is the gameplay fun? And does setting the game on higher difficulties improve the AI or do they become sponges?

I've posted that complaint three times at most, while the shitposts against other games are always the same. If it distress you that much I won't post it again.
To be fair there is no reason to post it again given how you remember it; it means that the message got into you.

I'm describing it on the highest difficulty, lol. It's fun enough at the start because your guns/effect cards are low level but once you get things maxed you can sleepwalk through story mode.
It might be worth it on sale if you gimp yourself by not leveling too much. You don't have to level things at all.

Depends on the difficulty, the AI does get slightly smarter with higher difficulties. But the reason why I'm suggesting Estival Versus first is because it's going to have more combat variety, where PBS is literally squirt gun everything. Nothing wrong with that, I love both games, but I think EV's a better first start.

Now the series is dead because you couldn't mind your pedophilia. You guys do it to yourselves.

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I mean aren't their women predisposed to have flat titties?

I've heard this reason before, that it's a genetic thing for asian girls to not carry their weight or have the hip structure the same way that black/white girls do Something like that.

Probably why I've moved further and further away from hentai as I've gotten older, I've always been an ass man, but year by year the love for breasts keeps creeping ever slowly into wanting a flatter chest and phatter ass to the point that I'm now addicted to flat as a board chested chicks that have ridiculously disproportionate hips/waist/ass ratios.

Pic for reference

Attached: dc5be5daa9e6c1cf08525c2400e8e84f.jpg (591x837, 96K)

They get it right sometimes, and it's so rare any character that gets it right becomes famous for it.

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Dang, reminds me of how shit Dragon ball xenoverse 2 AI is.

Estival might be worth a shot. I just wanna try the splash one, I’m only considering estival because I was recommended it when I bought Devil May Cry 4.

Fpbp fuck lolifags

>I bought Devil May Cry 4.
Senran Kagura is a shovelware series; you're going to be disappointed if you expect an actual good game, let alone something in the same league as DMC

Jokes on you faggot, I only jerk off to solo, lesbians or futa, (No balls)

Bless you brother.

The rare occasion I have seen an asian chick with this build, I've nearly broken my neck and probably almost had sexual assault charges put on me just for staring.

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Literally what are you talking about? Both images are using tris/quads only, which is the standard. Breasts are usually shaped inwards like in OP's pic rather than the monstrous model you linked because of blendshapes and normals.

> Yea Forums
> someone

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I now it won’t be in the same league as DMC I just thought that estivals combat would be good if I get recommended freaking DMC 4 for it but it just looks pretty boring, that’s why I’m considering the splash one more


Go back to China, you chinkanese speaking bugmen.


> it's totally pedophilia to jerk off to these characters guys WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
> series fan infighting
> people unironically defending sony censorship
> lamenting the death of a series normally and respectfully
Incredible. It's like I'm watching the convergence point of Yea Forums and resetera.
Keep up the thread, anons.

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PBS isn't really deep. Sure there are a lot of cool card combos you can do, like increased water jet flight plus damage up card with a sniper rifle to turn yourself into an aerial death platform, but you really don't need to do such things in story mode.

God I hated that shit in online, hitting flying targets was so hard and a maxed Ryoubi card maxed sniper rifle can one shot through all but the highest tier shields.

Steam recommendations are heavily flawed; for example they recommended me Bullet Witch (another extremely mediocre title) because I played the DMC HD collection.
Can't talk about Peach Splash but the one I bought and tried (Shinovi versus) was almost Neptunia tier.

Yeah I don’t expect shooting games to be deep or anything in its combat but in your opinion what would be worth more to play, splash or estival?

Ihave a ps4

Estival has more play styles because each girl is unique whereas PBS has just 10 guns and like 3 of them are only good as support roles.
Honestly I think if you want titties plus gameplay Valkyrie Drive would be a better choice.

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If you like what you see, you'll love the series. You'll probably get both. But when, if you do get PBS, get the soaker edition like I said. The game could use Saints Row 2 style clothing customization, but it's not here yet. Hoping Se7en is a major upgrade. But the Soaker edition has the best bikini set, and you're on PS4, so you can't mod or anything.

>But the Soaker edition has the best bikini set
I think you're overselling the metallic bikini

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It's my favorite, has the most amount of colors, and I have that (purple) on Murasaki instead of Hibari. I wanted some change from EV as well, since a lot of the outfits are recycled.

I don’t have the vita so I can’t play drive but I’m considering splash more so thanks for the help, I might get estival after

Alright thank you for helping, I think I’ll get the splash one with the soaker edition, flying in the air and using a water RPG reminds me a lot of playing as solider from TF2 so I’m looking forward to that and the rest of the game.

Do you not have a computer? You arent some phoneposting faggot, are you?

perhaps, also what’s wrong with phone posting?[\spoiler]

phoneposters tend to be either ban evading faggots or retards that don't understand why their image is rotated that way.
Good luck with PBS, maybe someone will notice people still want the games where you can play grabass with the girls.

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Wait, I thought VD: Bhikkuni was on Steam as well?

Also, here's a tip: Ayame's Paradise Episode and the final round of the V-Road Challenge will bring you guaranteed 5* cards which grant high EXP and are very much useful for building great card sets.

Don't care about anything in this series that isn't 1 or two. The rest of the games are shit and thats all they do now is spin offs so it's been dead to me.

Thanks for the tip

So what did you think about 1's remake that released this year?

What happen?

>I thought VD: Bhikkuni was on Steam as well?
It is.

>spamming v-road for cards and kill Xnumber enemies with pets/melee trophies
Mind numbing. needing 100 melee kills in a shooter was insane

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Huh, well I am a phone poster but I rarely ever leave replies so when I was banned it wasn’t really an inconvenience for me, this is also probably the most i’ve actually ever replied in a thread.

Sony put pressure on them to remove groping, torn clothing, bouncing tits.
Creator left the company.
Character Designer left the company.
It's been two years since the game was announced and a year since any news, the news being the creator saying he didn't think he could make the game in Sonys current climate.

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Yeah, it was a Switch thing, they were talking about HD Rumble.

Well that sucks.

>Character Designer left the company.
He was always a freelancer and still does illustrations of the series.

Since Sony's new regulation policies, the original 7EVEN was deemed inappropriate, and many changes were requested. Takaki (the Huge Boob Producer) became depressed with the reworked 7EVEN (which still is under progress) because it didn't even feel like a Senran Kagura game at all. So he left Marvelous (the publisher for the series) and now works at Cygames' console division.
If you have time, read this interview:

What a convenient excuse.
It's more like he couldn't make a game that wasn't carried by fanservice so he bailed like a rat.


Well I'm a faggot then. Still the point stands that small companies will not be able to make ecchi games for playstation any time soon.
PS5 is going to have a very limited library in terms of art direction.

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Why would he leave after smash hits like Pinball and Reflexion, games featuring tons of content, interesting gameplay and brand new models!


>I want to make games that are pure fanservice vehicles
>ok then, bye
Seems perfectly logical to me.

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Remove yourself from the gene pool. Oh wait, you already did, you fucking homo.

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>Sony had two choices:
>Leave Senran Kagura unchanged and alienate the people who don't play video games
>Or apply censorship on the Senran Kagura games, alienating people who play video games

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play a different game

>Financing woman getting tricked into far more abusive situations than they signed up for and men so pumped full of drugs they can no longer get a natural errection

Ummm...sweetie, that's going to be a yikes from me.

>facebook filename
go back

what is the source of these charts, friend?

forced meme being spammed today in multiple threads

Outside of the bad pathfinding, are you playing with a controller? I get the feeling that these ports are never tuned to take into account the advantages of a mouse and keyboard.

They'd still ruin it.

Internet politics isnt about being right and doing the best thing, it's about being contrarian and never giving in to rationale because you don't have anything better to do and quite frankly you don't have any convictions that anything you will ever amount to has any value.

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PS4 version

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God what has this fucking board become?

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Being to the right of tumblr/twitter SJW retards hardly means you're right wing.

And being to the left of mussolini does not make you a resetera SJW either.


I don't know what that means. Is that a /pol/ meme? I don't do politics at all, user. I just want to look at cute anime girls and strong anime women

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I thought it was shit and liked the side scrolling beatemup more. It was just EV with a fucking parry button. Fuck that lame shit.

I was low-key hoping this would be a topology thread so I had a larger reference pool.


You sound like some kind of "Girl Fetishist"

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people need to stop putting magic numbers on cartoon characters
she's not a "loli", she's just a flat-chested woman. those exist. they're banned in australia for being a "simulated" depiction of an underage

>they're banned in australia for being a "simulated" depiction of an underage

I can't people still believe that law exists after what, ten years ?

xenoblade 2 got censored tho lul

You don't know shit about topology if you think that is bad. You must love collasping

>go on Yea Forums
>see this abortion of a thread and the gun gun pixies one
How did such absolute concentrated faggotry of this level manage to get it's claws on this place holy shit.

15 is legal where I live. Also, 15 isn't pedophilia even as a medical term.

I liked daidoji though.

Even cuck is losing its meaning.

>girl on the right
so that's where that shitty artist traced that rule 34 of marge simpson from

>floating faucet

>15 year old gets naked and shoves wasabi up her butt
i don't remember that special finisher in EV. how do i get it

It's in the wall. The camera angle being shown is impossible.

I figured


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>It's about spiting the other guys.

That sounds like regular ass everyday politics to me.

nice bait little faggot

Well, they still fucked up. If they have that kind of dedication, it doesn't show. Dead or Alive and every major fighting game easily surpasses Senran Kagura's breasts physics game-wise, and Manyuu and Qwaser easily surpasses Senran Kagura's breast anatomy and physics anime-wise. SK's manner of conveying tits reminds me of a really cheap ecchi from 2002: the boobs look like balloons taped too high on the torso.

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You mean Sony

Lol sit down Oregon, no one's talking to you


Right, just like GameFreak creates technical marvels with each Pokemon game.

that isn't even remotely comparable because game freak is kept afloat by assets made by Creature Inc, if they had to make games on their own they would have died at gen 2 and become JRPG devs most likely instead (that seems to be what they've wanted to do for a while now with Town)

I hate myself for still buying Senran games after all this years of low effort products .

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Sony would still claim that they look too „young“ and demand censorship


it's a dead shit series, but i can't help but love it

>remove the loli

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Don't worry. You'll never be able to buy another Senran Kagura game again.

>TFW Senran Kagura going away means no more Pocomo Premium videos

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>Switch could easily substitute vita and give the franchise a second wind.
>Do shitty spin offs and torch the franchise.

I know that people didn't exactly had faith on it, but that's next level stupidity.

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>under 18
kek. do you read any laws

So since SK is dead, what other fanservice games with decent gameplay would you recommend? Already played Valkyrie Drive and Oneechanbara.

it took you 28 years to finally realize that you're human waste, congrats

Uppers. There's even some SK characters playable in it.

Only Daidouji is playable in Uppers, also despite the cool aesthetics Uppers is quite the repetitvive brawler, too many copy and pasted moves across the playable characters, there's only a handful few of them so that much copy and pasting is indefensible.

So does she have a sweater that is specifically shaped for her tits? That's kinda dumb.

>>"I wish I could buy The Last of Us Part 2. I really do. But I can't support a company that allows sexist, exploitative games to thrive on its console"
no one thinks this

1 and 2 are good games. The rest is garbage.

1 is boring as fuck, what is wrong with your head?

I'll take that as there's nothing else decent.

I bought the first one, realized that it's completely substanceless garbage that only thrives because of the tits, and then didn't buy any others.
A game should be fun to play first and foremost. Tits are secondary.

how did that stupid creature get so sweaty just from stuffing cake in her face

Don't they still have several Gessen characters and all of New Hebijo to go through? Though I'm not sure I've watched all of their stuff.

They should have focused on making the models not look like they're still on Vita.

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They better do at least one New Hebijo vid.

Are ya winning, son?

New art style sucks.

take your fingers out of your ears.

remember that you're looking at a shirt with creases, defining the direction of the triangles is intentional to make the creases deform properly


It's a hi poly and its been optimized for animation. All those weird looking spots with tris are there for a reason.

And you wonder why people think weebshit is for permavirgins and autists

who gives a fuck senran is dogshit
>bad models
>bad art
>every character is the sameface same body
>artist can't draw vagoo to save their lives as seen in that shitty indie spin off
I'll stick to DoA even with the gay political aligning the fanservice is way better and so is the game