Was he in the right?
Was he in the right?
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never played this game but escapism isn't inherently wrong
Escapism in and of itself is wrong. It means you don't deal with annoying situations and just try to ignore them.
If that brings happiness to you does it even matter?
Yes, it matters you manchild. The answer to having problems is never ignoring them or wishing them away by distracting yourself with meaningless shit, it's by facing them.
You didn't answer my question. Isn't ignoring your problems and being happy in your bubble a possible solution? You are not being reasonable here, just following what they have indoctrinated us as an universal rule.
Idk OP you cocksucker did you not fight the mandatory Li-grim encounter? Seemed plenty unhealthy to me.
you don't have to confront your problems asap all the time
it's not uncommon for normal well adjusted adults to procrastinate and postpone responsibilities
escapism is only a problem if it's interfering too much with your responsibilities
Yes. While it was never a point Marche made himself, Mewt was a tyrant and the world reshaped itself to accommodate his desires. It's basically Mewt's world and everyone else is just being taken along for the ride. His mind would have become more and more warped as time went on, and the world probably would have changed to reflect that. Hell, the final boss was literally an embodiment of pure desire which had Mewt trapped under its spell.
ignore the wagie trapped in cagie, they can't accept anything that doesn't fit with their narrow minded view of life.
Yep, he was.
Even happiness have to come from a healthy place or it will fuck you over, sooner or later.
This desu
>Yea Forumsirgins claiming escapism is a problem
That's not universally true. If you're sick and just waiting to heal up escapism makes it easier to do that. Not all problems require action. Some require holding still and that's where escapism helps.
Marche wasn't right he was a self-righteous prick who forced his views onto others.
Anyone incredibly ill or hurt is going to take a drug to escape the torment of continuing pain.
Someone who is deeply disturbed can't always face reality and some may not even have a reality to go back to.
Saying escapism is just wrong is a good way to just say "I've never really suffered once in my life so ignore me."
Can you really call it escapism if you're outright capable of dying in this "fake" Ivalice? Death is a pretty ultimate reality.
The fact this game remains controversial to this day on Yea Forums is the ultimate proof this place is filled with a bunch of maldeveloped manchildren who cannot handle basic facts of life.
It's an incredibly binary black & white morality tale in which a group of troubled children retreat into an artificial fantasy world where they feel empowered and secure, only to learn that doing so is ultimately going to kill them, has already harmed others, and that they must leave to survive. It ends on a positive note with the cast stronger for having become brave enough to face their problems with little to detract from the positivity.
It's an incredibly simple allegory for how using escapism to avoid confronting your problems is a form of self-harm that inhibits your ability to achieve true last happiness and just pushes others away and risks hurting them too. It's a fundamental truth of the human condition that is in no way ambiguously conveyed, and anyone above the age of 9 should "get" it easily.
But you depraved fucking bastards never accepted the lesson and still use escapism to cope with your failures or shit lot in life instead of trying to fix things, so you perceive Marche as an aggressor and genocidal tool instead of the savior he really is because you want to stay trapped in your personal Ivalice pretending it's fine.
tell that to the wheel chair boy with no friends, no legs and no future in his life. fuck him, right?
>only to learn that doing so is ultimately going to kill them, has already harmed others, and that they must leave to survive
I just finished replaying this the other day and this never happens. At worst, the bullies from school became undead.
>Kid came from a broken home, has to tend to his crippled brother 24/7 and can't ask anything of his mom because of such, has no friends in town and became public enemy #1 in Ivalice
>Never suffered
Why do you think all of the monsters had names? It was a gamble if changing worlds even let you stay SAPIENT.
user every person besides the main kids got transformed into a random entity in the new world.
The one who now has friends and the courage to face and make a future for himself?
Being a cripple isn't the worst thing in life, user. The hypermajority of them learn to deal with it and live their lives anyway, particularly the fortunate ones like him who have no other health problems.
Running away from it to kill himself and torment others isn't acceptable for anyone.
>Why do you think all of the monsters had names?
Yeah, it must have really sucked when Ogma The Worldwyrm from down the street turned into a dragon in the new world.
The world was dying anyway. Marche just accelerated its inevitable destruction.
Umm sweetie you need to be yourself as youself, not ideate yourself as another self.
Marche was right, but if you think bring crippled for life is cool/acceptable when there is an alternative, I don’t think you thought about life enough.
>user every person besides the main kids got transformed into a random entity in the new world
None of them knew, and they each had their own new history in this world. Being completely new entities means they effectively died when the world changed; turning it back just meant killing that other version instead.
When the alternative is living for a short time and then dying while taking others with you, yeah, living as a cripple is acceptable.
>uhhh but if you brainwash someone then undoing it is immoral because the fake persona you created from false memories is a distinct living being and not just a construct built out of lies
This is a massive reach.
What if someone told you that that's your current reality right now? Your existence is a lie, your past is a fake and that some "other" version of you who completely different is supposed to exist instead? That wouldn't mean anything and you'd just decide to die?
Yes, if you wanna do that shit don't drag down an entire city with you.
Has my current reality only existed for a couple of weeks with all memories prior to that being wholely fabricated ala the people trapped in Ivalice? Because if so yes, I'd reclaim my true self and drop the sham without question.
And you really need to stop equating memories with life and acting like amnesia is death.
Identity death may as well be death. You're not you if your whole life and history is suddenly something else.
Yes I am. Identity is a construct, fluid and able to adapt, but is not in any meaningful way the essence of a being. If my memories are replaced I am still me, only my identity has changed.
In this context you're someone completely different. Different body, birth, life, family and friends. Every moment and experience that lead up to now; none of it is fake to the rest of the world, because to this world, it all happened. But regardless, this would still make you, the very same you as the other world?
Yes,running away from your problems never helps
You have to man up and deal with them,it's not going to be easy then again nothing in life is easy
You lost him user.
>Every moment and experience that lead up to now; none of it is fake to the rest of the world, because to this world, it all happened
It didn't though. The world had only existed for a short time, it was a new reality laid out and not a rewrite of the past.
>But regardless, this would still make you, the very same you as the other world?
Yes, just with a different identity.
What an interesting philosophical quandary that has nothing to do with the actual story of FFTA.
>It didn't though. The world had only existed for a short time, it was a new reality laid out and not a rewrite of the past.
You're right. But does the world know that? If you played the game, you'd know they talk about the history of the world quite often.
>You're right. But does the world know that?
I don't see how that matters when in the hypothetical scenario we're discussing I know it myself.
Not every problem is able to be dealt with immediately. There's such a thing as down time, and escapism is a perfectly fine way to spend it.
He would get so much shit nowadays, since the current trend of animes is about Isekais and whatnot
Escapism is good, because real life is boring and shit.
>that pixellation
Delete this post and try again when you know how to save an image properly
>Get crippled since you were a small child
>Be physically weak and prone to sickness
>Looked down by others, not able to have a normal life, hated by almost everyone
>Get transported by mere chance to a different world that feels and seems real where you have full mobility of your legs and are at top physical condition
>Excel above others and command your own goddamn army
>Cue in some raging faggot from the other side to destroy said alternate world because of his own self righteousness
>Find yourself back in the miserable state you started, crippled, bitter, disrespected, unloved
Except it wasn't "escapism" in the sense that his brother was dying IRL, he literally changed the universe to become reality. Marche was just assblasted because he was no longer the cool kid. He hated the fact that his brother could walk and rule the land.
Because most cripples get government assistance and affirmative action job placement, ironically meaning they have to work less hard to become equally successful at anything other than sportsball.
>t. Didn't play the game or literally has kindergarten reading comprehension
Literally all the kids were going to die and the world was going to end if they stayed, retard.
Merely an extension of the statement that it mattered what everyone besides the main cast became in the new Ivalice.
t. soma
No they weren't. You're dense.
You aren't relevant to the scenario, user.
>escapism is good
>trying to escape your reality and not focus on improving it
jews won 60 years ago by the way
>Literally all the kids were going to die and the world was going to end if they stayed
Nothing of the sort was happening. The fuck did you play?
in moderation no but too much it is. which we all do too much of
>everyone tries to pretend Donned was some helpless unloved cripple with no future or hopes when a major point of the game is that he was actually adored by his family while Marche willingly got neglected so he could get all the attention, his life was actually okay with a
potentially bright future if he just bothered to work for it, and his wheelchair use might only be temporary anyway
I swear you all just project your own victim complexes onto him even though the entire point of his character is to overcome it
Radio drama exists and is canon friendos
>"escapism is bad because i have a good life"
Show me where they say that in the game.
Donned, despite being wheelchair-bound all his life, is also a bright and intelligent kid, while marche is a useless vagabond whose only skill is throwing snowballs.
>nip-speak radio drama
As if anyone here has listened to it.
>calls out others for not paying attention to the game
>but the information isn't in the game
>bright and intelligent kid
>doesn't realise marche's situation in the real world
>provides info on marche to bounty hunters instead of right to the palace
Not him but it's explicitly mentioned when Remedi outs herself as the final boss
She has the power to "create a perfect world" for the owner of the book at the cost of their life force, by that time Mewt is all weak and almost dead because of it and once he's dead it's implied all the other persons sucked in by the book will be the next
Marche would have been right to oppose Mewt if he didn't argue on the grounds of escapism. But because he did, it comes across as him blatantly ignoring the feeling and insecurities that led Mewt to this path and instead just acting how an abusive and delusional parent would, IE "I'm going to dismiss your argument, insist you have a problem that makes you unable to think properly and then force you to conform to my point of view"
Interesting. This makes me want to play through it again. It's been over 12 years since my last playthrough.
>spoiled brat who still lives sheltered with his parents, has friends, and enough money tells people who have been through shit that escapism is bad
No it doesn't. youtu.be
He was and always will be right
Brass tacks is that if they really wanted to be in Ivalice, they would have been by the 2nd game, but they're not, Randall has the goddamn grimoire, and hell he even memes Luso into going to Ivalice since he knows he couldnt possibly want to stay
Before anyone memes on this, consider that he has on his person, a singular delicious pizza
I've always liked the pizza cutter sword. I was mad when Cid never actually gave it to Marche. Fuck Luso though.
He did nothing wrong, just like Vader, Griffith, etc
there are two pizzas, one on either side of the book.
the pizzas are there to protect the book
The book is actually to absorb the excess oils from the pizza, much like how the green rag protects his pants.
>I absolutely hate cosplayers : the character design
His War of the Lions design is much more manageable.
You can't heal Doned
>kikechan telling anyone to go to reddit
Oguma is a common name in japan.
On the flipside, who the fuck is named Marche ?
They should have made Marche the wheelchair bound one and not the one that all his friends looked up to. While what he says is true he was also the one with the most to gain and the least to lose from going back so the message is somewhat muddied. Also kind of downplays the whole "Hero learning a lesson" angle.
Ogma wasn't quite the best example, but most of the monsters in the game, aside from some of the undead, have quite monster-esk name.
It’s not sustainable. Avoiding your problems only makes you smaller and your problems seem even bigger and more imposing by comparison.
It’s a good short term solution, bad long term one though.
>It’s not sustainable.
Speak for yourself, casual
Willpower is life's best fuel
Escapism is still bad tho
It makes you distracted from irl problems that will only get bigger until you can't ignore them anymore
It's better to face them now
Willpower to make things better or willpower to keep festering in your indecision?
I've been playing this, what should I be doing with my moogles and viera? So far I have Thief/Juggler, Mog Knight/Gunner and Black/Time Mage for my 3 moogles. For Viera I plan to get a Summoner for sure but they need you to pretty much learn every job and Fencer sucks. I wanna do Red Mage/Summoner but not sure what to do with the other 2. I've gotten 3 of each race so I can dick around experimenting. Bangaa is best race
t. someone who wants me to do some shit for them without giving anything in return
You can die in real life, too. At least in the fake Ivalice you can take a bullet to the face and still live due to the Judges' protection. Just avoid the badlands.
And? Moralfags get out.