a hard days work with no access to electronic devices would kill most zoomers
A hard days work with no access to electronic devices would kill most zoomers
you can see the suffering in his eyes
God i used to be glued to the tv aftet school when my man mike was on
Full of shit college graduate TV presenter
>do this shitty job k
>does job for a day
>gets paid cartloads of cash
>goes back to doing nothing
what a true American hero
I work in IT, faggot plebe. Suck it.
This. Visiting something is never the same as being stuck living in it.
>America's goodest goy
A hard days work is for spics and subhuman bugmen. Us white folk have more evolved brains and thus don't need to spend our lives doing shit tier work.
Hard physical work is not a virtue.
Enjoy being a slave.
i have a chill job so i can just snapchat sluts while i work
>advocacy bad
>visit friend
>watching How It's Made
>it's a manufacturing episode with a robot order sorter or some shit
>"haha user this is SO satisfying, I could watch this ALL day"
>ok watch this scene for 12 hours and only take two 30min breaks and 1 hour for lunch. Repeat five times a week, Tell me if it is still fucking fun after the first week
>just do the dirty jobs shitstain
>live this life until you die
>just listen to me i did it for a week
>keep doing it while i stay in the entertainment business and make more money in a year than you do in 20 doing shit work
>t. neet who's never worked a day in his life
Wow user. You are badass
zoomers btfo
I see the eternal anglo shames effort and creating things by your own hand. Befitting of a golem race whose sole achievements is stealing everything from everyone and pretend it's their creation. Fortunately, the russians and chinks will make short work of this hedonistic vile bestial race of mutts
thats a lot of breaks
it would be great
instead the workplaces force all sorts of electronic devices that are supposed to help (tracking) the workers
What kind of shitty LARPing is this? Hillbillies are the ones that take on these low paying garbage jobs.
Obviously "evolved brains" are not a thing, since intelligence greatly varies by location.
would it really kill me? where the fuck do i sign up i want out of this shit life
the whole point is to show you as many jobs like that as possible, he isn't trying to suffer he's just trying to make known some of the shittiest jobs.
Creation and following instructions are different things. In the latter you are just aping the creation someone much smarter than you came up with.
And then proceeds to talk about how he knows what it's like to "work a real job" because he visited for one day. My point is you don't know what that living with that job's like to talk like that because you did it for one day then never had to touch it again.
What are breaks?
>tfw might get job soon.
Wish me luck Yea Forums
How would a singer/tv salesman know?
So in other words you asked him if he would still enjoy being a lazy piece of shit?
I'd take a job watching robots over a job being treated like one.
What's your job Yea Forumsro?
Anyone who took this seriously needs help
Amazon has a lengthy hiring process with a bunch of new age questions, when the reality is that you are working like a slave for 1/3rd the pay you deserve. Lots of businesses unironically push shit beliefs like that on their employees.
I do that and still find it fun after 2 years, granted I program them not just watch
Guy worked on the shopping channel as a presenter of products. The man never actually worked a hard day in his life. Like the Duck Dynasties guys, his whole "blue collar" personality is all a facade.
What does that have to do with Bill Nye being politically retarded?
>work 18 hours a day 7 days a week for me goy
>You don't want the populace to think you're lazy, do you?
RIP your free time
>one is a show about doing jobs
>the other is 'oh lala my sex junk spinning in your butt ooh baby uh huh gender is a social construct remove your penis'
I'd do a hard day of work if I could ever get one.
Isn't that nigga an actor? Why he's larping as a third world immigrant worker with a shitty job? Next you will tell he's called Carlos or Jose dueing his role playing session.