Why is character design like this still allowed?

Why is character design like this still allowed?

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Reminder that this is on Switch and can be played in public.


Who plays these games? I bet you the sale numbers are very low

because freedom isnt completely dead yet.

reminder that there are different cultures and different nations on Earth.
Deal with it you dumb amerilards

Reminder that this is on PC and can be played in VR with nude mods and breast sliders

What game

Back to discord and joining the 40% club, you mentally ill trash.

who fucking cares

Sheesh, the censorship brigade is in high gear this morning

What are you going to do about it, in the first place?

honestly, probably incels. They gravitate to these type of bad games

I would play these types of games if they weren't so low budget.

More like the falseflaggers brigade they mostly into pedoweebshit too.

>ecchi games with no actual nudity or porn
I hate this shit. It's about as retarded as strip clubs.
Who the fuck wants to get horny without any actual payoff.

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>bad games


pedos have a lot of disposable income

post the daddy's girl

whos calling for censorship in this thread dumb incel?

It really sucks that otaku have declined so much in America. We were already on our way out in America when Yea Forums started picking up steam, but now we're an endangered species. Our numbers can't even sustain demand for D3 games in America.


I was playing GalGun VR yesterday, it's pretty damn fun. Going to start 2 with the VR DLC later.

That's Gal Gun 2. There's $120 worth of dlcs bringing in all kind of fetish clothing.

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>Pedo weebshit
Hi Neogaf mod

>Muh censorship
Your lot just muddies the water surrounding actual censorship with your crying.

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Most people are too poor.

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Do you guys ever get tired from all your mental gymnastics, or is it just ingrained now

I'm into pedoweebshit too faggot

to make all of you dilating subhumans seethe

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I know you are. Thats why you got arrested afterall


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>t. seething frustrated virgin
Titillation is for people with regular release.

Well i just get lost

I want to kiss an anime girls so badly

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I dont care for censorship, but I enjoy it cause it makes the anti sjw crowd absolutely seethe rabidly. Anyone else?

They probably don't cost much money to make in the first place, and I bet they make bank with cosmetic DLC, if they have it.

>$200+ worth of DLC for both 1 and 2


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can you make flat chested lolis? I hate breasts, you see

Thanks, gonna pirate it.


Fuck off you faggot amerimutt, go fucking die.

you can, but the breast editor isn't user friendly

they do

Double Peace > 2

Middle one is top tier... Errr I mean fucking pedophiles

DP doesn't have Chiru tho

Cute but where are the diapers lol

I like Chiru too but she doesn't make up for everything 2 lost in comparison to DP
>bloody screen regen health
>no ranks and time/health/accuracy bonus
>you're always stationary and move from point to point
>only one boss recycled a million times
>no character traits
>no points shop
>can't enter Doki Doki mode at will
>can't scan the girls for their measurements
>no see through clothes after said scans
>no charge shot

At least the sweeper is fun to use

Wrong series

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>Our numbers can't even sustain demand for D3 games in America.
At least the A-E releases have been picking up and considering how well BGP must've done for D3 to agree to do the same with the new Omega Labyrinth it must've sold well.

fucking white people get off to this

Babies don't wear diapers when they take baths

let me go for the groceries while I leave my friendly pitbull with the baby ;)

Yeah, just look at them. They're way too covered.