Game has two protagonists

>game has two protagonists
>they're trying to prove that they're the good guy but they're both actually evil

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Other urls found in this thread:

gabe isn't trying to prove anything though

>not choosing the lesser evil

Attached: Tim-Sweeney-Talks-Epic-Games-Twitter-01-Header.jpg (871x490, 102K)

Gabe doesn't have to do anything, hes comfortably sitting there while Tim makes a fool of himself

Attached: Better_platform_than_Epic_AND_Steam.png (1087x343, 173K)

Stages of Epic Shilling:
Bargaining (You are here)

i'll always pick gabe and steam because epic is now chinkshit

Only 10 if players find and choose true ending

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All I know is that gabe has a good track record of being as hands off as possible, which is a good thing in my book as far as billion dollar corporations go.

the fact that GOG will die before the epic store or steam makes me sad
I wonder what good Gabe has done outside of supporting his local McDonalds

>the lesser evil
So... GOG?

>is actually tax optimization

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Why will it die? They get government funding every time they ask for it.

you gotta be kidding

>not choosing at all

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>protagonist is a retard
>antagonist paints himself as competent but is just as much of a failure

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>People believe the bad guy is good and the good guy is bad

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first they ignore you..


Gabe founded 'foundry10'. Anyway it's quite common for mobsters and mafia lords to donate to charities and art (al capone had a soup kitchen), but it doesn't negate Tim's wrongdoings.

based gog shill

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i dunno, cyberpunk sales are really helping it, and i have a feeling that gog 2.0 might cash in on the rising thread of digital store organizers

>Stages of Epic Shilling:
>Bargaining (You are here)
>growing old
>shopping cart
>banned for fraud (used shopping cart)

Attached: a strange game.jpg (290x101, 13K)

>almost introduced paid mods
>censors anime waifu games
>censors sex games
>greedy monetization in dota
>didnt complete main IP which had millions of fans (even though he has the resources to do so)
>reports of valve being a place where you get promoted for money milking practices and fired for bugfixing
>400 pounds 56 years old so will die of a heart attack in a few years then his zoomer son will take over as its a private company
Yeah bruhs gabe newell and valve are our best friends what can go wrong hehe join my minecraft server btw

1/3 of pre-orders for cyberpunk are off GOG, they're gonna make it, its also a net positive its just that they've thrown most of their money back into R&D to develop it more.

Imagine being such a cuck you support this.

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A netsec guy already debunked this picture faggot

Nah, that user has evidence, you're just some cock sucking nigger running your gaping dick licker.

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How are paid mods bad? You just don't want the OPTION for modders to be paid for their hard work. Even with paid mods, there still would have been the OPTION for modders to distribute their work for free.
Steam censors games less than any other mainstream platform.
Dota monetization is the complete opposite of greedy, it's all cosmetics. compare to blizzard and riot who charge you for individual characters in 100 roster games.
I don't give a fuck what the company is like or whatever rumor you shills spread as long as they still provide a superior service to the competition.
Half life was shit anyway.
Nice try rice nigger

>this is the iq level of the average nu Yea Forums poster
yikes my dude

But Gabe and Steam as a whole has literally just been silent the entire Steam vs Epic war that only Tim in his head believes is happening.
Steam is rent free in Tim's head. He thinks there's an actual war going on between platforms when in reality he's just throwing rocks at a bell. It's loud and annoying, but it's not gonna walk up and slap the shit out of you.

modders have patreon you dumb bitch ass retard

>How are paid mods bad?
Because I'm not going to pay anyone for mods.

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Gabe is a villain who doesn't try to prove anything

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And they can still have patreon even with paid mods??? Just admit you want to keep being a free rider off other people's work/money.

>He thinks there's an actual war going on between platforms
And epic will win that war when pic related happens next year

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Gabe doesn't care what sub-150IQ trash thinks.
Tim can't come to terms with his inferiority.

not him but the idea of paying for mods is very odd, and messy, since mods often rely on code, assets or other things already made by the game's developers, maybe other people than the mod developer himself, how can you define a reasonable and fair price for everyone's work involved? i'm sure that even if you did get a good split that the game developers don't even have a method to pay them fairly, and all other issues come down that paying for mods never has been clear on what it means.

He designed the first unreal engine himself tho. Meanwhile gabe made one shooter game with a team of 30 people.

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Someone should make a Portal 2 type game where you roam around abandoned Valve headquarters with voice clips from Gaben telling promises from the last years with huge enthusiasm. Then he gets more and more indifferent and cold as the clips go on and eventually you'll hear how other workers are gradually breaking down.

Ultimately you arrive at Gaben's room, revealing it to be empty with spider webs and decaying money. There's one last voice clip from Gabe, only able to say a couple of words before cutting the audio off and resigning. The game ends with the Valve headquarters collapsing, leaving nothing but dust and broken promises.

And make it epic store exclusive

Tim is a jew

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Gabe's a midlife crisis away from just buying a private island. He couldn't give a shit about the evils of man.

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>epic bought blender
time to pirate maya i guess

>Final boss is actually really pathetic

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>game has two bad guys
>one is actually owned by a bigger enemy setting up a sequel

Wait, you can lease land to the government while still owning it and write it off at the same time there?
That's amazing.

Write it off and receive tax breaks on top.

Gaben has a nice smile.

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