I'm gonna have to kick you from the guild user

>i'm gonna have to kick you from the guild user
>i don't care if you founded this guild with my boyfriend
>you just can't use those words in guild chat anymore it's 2019

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Women are good for showing tits and being toys to play with/fuck. Nothing more.

They're good leaders

Does this actually happen?

>tfw your guild gets Yoko'd

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Everyone in this thread, including myself, needs to have sex.

Why are headscarf girls so fucking beautiful? Its actually criminal that they try to cover them up, girls from this part of the world feel old worldy if that makes any sense...

>tfw my guild has no beta males and doesn't fall for shit like that
Reminder that women are able to get away with having unfair standards because degenerate beta men keep rewarding and defending thottery.

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We posting Memri memes now?

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>Make new guild
>Spend 2minutes talking with every person from an old one to make them join
>Old one left only with cuck friend, his thot and bunch of shitty orbiters
You have no power over me

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>Still showing hair
It’s all for attention

Pretty much what happened when the thot in our online group thought she could just go crazy and kick people she didn't like. Now we have everything run by the boys so no PMSing will affect it.

Because they want you to know they're muslims by covering half their head based on a tradition meant to control women, but they choose to ignore that aspect while being self-proclaimed "feminists" and saying that Islam is feminist, forgetting the thing that says that if women don't cover themselves up, they should be killed with stones.

I've been in a lot of different guilds that have died to new management, but for some reason, guild leaders think leaving guilds in the hands of new (noob) girlfriends is a good idea.

The worst is when casual guilds try going hardcore progressive raiding guilds overnight.

>just merged with guild
>one of the officers is a girl that was getting all the loot traded to her
oh no
oh nononono

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>ummm user you need to hand over that rare epic loot drop to [FEMALE GUlLD MEMBER] now!
>she needs it so she can get strong enough to participate in higher difficulty raids!
>I know you've been grinding for this specific item for weeks
>but it would mean so much to [FEMALE GUlLD MEMBER]

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she is right and also cute

Based if true

except for me obviously, I'll let it pass this time, but in the future I really must insist you specify that you don't mean me.

>playing with wymynz
>playing with normalfags who have girlfriends
>letting them in your guild/clan

I mean i know Yea Forums is full of underage faggots but...

not guild related but i had a close group of about 5 xbox friends I played with everyday that broke up over girl drama because the one female of the group was hanging out and fucked some other dude so the other guy no longer wanted to speak with her or someshit.

basically split the xbox group in half and refused to play with one another so it was like having two parents post messy divorce.
OP's post is a bit of a exaggeration though.

Im dating a girl who i met from her being the guild leader in a mmo. All her friends are crazy as fuck and live in a bubble, but she's hot as fuck and not as crazy but still kinda crazy. Do I try making this shit work user or do I just attempt to get a IRL girlfriend while I have no job or no real means to meet people

Yeah, good cheer leaders. The most historically relevant woman, Joan of Arc proves this.

Have sex(With me) then we can both lose our virginity.

>the guild that i played with for years was lead by a dude who had his gf in the guild
>everyone just got along with her, she was really nice and sociable
>nobody tried to awkwardly flirt with her, everyone respected those two and they respected us
Don't play with assholes and don't be an asshole yourself, it's not that hard.


This is a symbol of faith, an abstinence beyond abstinence, because if a woman can't cover up her hair because "That's not relevant or mattering" what's to say they won't dress like sluts next? Any woman who covers up for the most part does so outta tradition and her own will, some Muslims don't do that and don't get stoned (See; Lebanon). Only Saudi Arabia with their policies which most Muslims will tell you are absolutely bullshit even for Muslims will stone women to death for "Being whores"
final thought, what makes a christian woman wearing a head scarf in church different to a muslim woman who covers up her head?

>im dating a girl
>do I just attempt to get a IRL girlfriend
tell me, have you ever even felt her titty? no? Then you're not fucking dating.
What the fuck is wrong with zoomers

Women are too empathic to make decisions when it matters

>he thinks it's exclusively a saudi thing
*laughs in honour killings and acid attacks*

wow you guys are pretty paranoid

I'll do it.

Look at this user and laugh everyone. Laugh until you can't anymore.

I've worked with women, fucked them, and been in nearly every social environment with them. Women SUCK as leaders. They're good as cheerleaders and nothing more.

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>Get job
>Have two couples as coworkers
>Other girl coworkers probably have Chad bfs
Even so, that is still better than having a fat MMO junkie gf, get a job user.

>Laughs in throwing gays off roofs and marrying children

Most extremists are either Saudis or Saudi orbiters
On the other hand a woman having her headscarf removed by a police officer doesn't sound savage at all.

Christians have a new testament for modern morals.

no Christians anywhere, even one country, widely mutilate and murder in the name of their god

T. an antitheist

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B-But my Yea Forums bros told me all women were manipulative harpies with no human emotions!

>modern morals
Name one modern moral in the new testament

Every single time there's a woman in a guild that isn't really into raiding or pvp, it's a cringefest shitshow.

Maybe it's moreso on private WoW servers, although it certainly was the case on retail the few times I ever joined a guild post-WOTLK, but without fail there would be some woman with 2 or 3 orbiters either trying to be her personal e-slave or making pathetic beta-riddled comments with thinly-veiled sexual innuendos or subtexts.

And every time I would make fun of them as soon as I saw it, asking them stuff like "hey you wanna fuck her pretty bad huh" or "you seem to be into the whole dominatrix thing with how much you wanna do shit for this broad". And every time I would get g-kicked, never by a woman though, strangely enough.

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You’d be surprised how many of your coworkers don’t have BF’s. As long as you don’t do it in a creepy way you can definitely date people from work.

this whole thread is way too real. why cant women just be fucking chill while playing MMOs

Women will never work in a game setting. Women play games for social reasons. Now imagine you gave an average or ugly women who uses games to hide away from the world a place where she is suddenly elevated simply for being a girl. Cue a lot of fatties from WoW now married with their betas. Women should be banned from mmos, or at least any guild worth their salt.

This is more my experience, with the beta orbiter or two who everyone mocks thrown into the mix.

because women aren't usually in it for the game, they're in it for the social aspect. The gameplay is completely secondary for them.

The most historically relevant woman is not Joan of Arc.
More like Marie Curie, Florence Nightingale and Ada Lovelace.

>Nah, but I'll keep an eye out for good drops that I don't need, always good to look out for fellow [GUILD MEMBERS].

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So you're saying widespread killing is OK if not done in the name of religion? Shit like school shootings, the Boston marathon bomber.etc are OK because they're not made in the name of Christianity while being committed by Christians who are specifically told not to do this shit?

meant to post this

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Yes. Though if you relinquished ownership of a guild to a retarded thot, youre asking for it in the first place

If you want in to play WoW Classic, google "SwoleBenji" and the latest vid is where you can find the Discord to be part of a girl gamer ganking squad that will change the face of the internet forever. Where real video game trolls can go to punish normies and thots without question.

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Back in vanilla and BC, the couple girls I got to know were pretty attractive, one of them being smoking hot. I was a pathetic betamax permavirgin though, so nothing came of it other than jerking off to pity nudes. If it wasn't so sad, I'd say I got lucky.

Never made it known to anyone in the guilds though.


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>Florence Nightingale
You bash the cheerleader and yet you bring up a glorified nanny/babysitter?
Nurses and Medics/Paramedics are worthless compared to doctors, they exist to BE servants to doctors and do the heavy lifting like cronies while the doctor does the complex work these grunts could never do.

If its not women then its trannies. Most /vg/ guilds are way worse.

But I'm literally in a guild that is known for being toxic as fuck

>No cliques
He realizes the irony right? RIght?

>WoW back when BC came out
>best friend runs a guild, finally convinces me to join
>its ok
>one guy is a total fuck head and shits on people all the time, acts like hes a big dick chad because he works security, always has to bring up his job in conversation and how it makes him an expert on everything
>plays with his wife, wife in guild too
>subtly hit on the wife for about 3 weeks, listen to her air out her problems, talk about how he's never home
>convince her to send me nudes
>leak nudes to guild
>guild goes up in flames between her white knights and his group of fuck buddies
>my friend laughs and kicks everyone but me, we restart the guild

Within the guild cliques are the worst.

met a bitch in a mmo made her like me through discord vc and she ended up sending nice nudes, i thought something could have happened but then we went on cam and saw how fucking huge she was

don't fall for the nude meme bros, women have too much control and only show what they want, you'l get trapped into the ugliest fucking pig just cuz she showed her big tits

it has got to be really cold in that room

Is she trying to hang herself?

She wasn't known for her nursing ability you brainlet.
She's known for how she performed studies and introduced reforms which drastically improved hospital mortality rates.


Who is Angela Merkel or Margaret Thatcher


One is a dying hoe, the other a dead puppet.

>Margaret Thatcher
The woman who Britain hated so much when she resigned or got fired the number 1 song selling in Britannia was "Ding Dong the witch is dead" from the wizard of Oz?

This dude needs to get laid

A kraut dictator and someone who pissed of a bunch of Argies

the woman who ruined Scotland

>left handed mouse

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Any works desu.

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Why, exactly? Would, for example, cumming inside a sock make me see said sock as anything more than it is? Absolutely not.

Mergers never go well in my experience. There's always a struggle for power.

In a guild since vanilla wow up to WOTLK we opened the gates of AQ40 had numerous server firsts only the best survived the cull for 25 man raids and we mainted a decent raid progress throughout BC. We disbanded 2 months into WOTLK because 2 girls in the guild decided loot should be shared "fairly".

Look closer and you'll see it a mirrored image.


women are so shit these days

That picture is flipped.

Bro you just posted cringe

Okay send a disc link bro

how proud is that kids dad

I see it, in the computer screen I see it. Why would anybody flip an imagine like that ? Why slander somebody by implying they're lefthanded?

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Yeah, good at leading my dick to an erection, if you're picking up what i'm throwing your drift

>or no real means to meet people
As long as she isn't crazy crazy you should try to stick with it. Dating is bleak and soul crushing for men with a healthy social life, let alone asocial people. You could let 10 years slip by without getting another bite.

Are you fucking her? Do you physically share space?

so be it. im like cockroach. i survive everything. my characters outlevel yours. guild members are disposable. i have the charisma to sell garbage to a dumping ground. my guild will use sexist, homophobic, transphobic AND racist slurs. you listen to me, i will start a guild and go to war with you. we will pillage and rape everywhere you go and you will be decimated. i am the enemy you created!

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t. didnt have sex

This shit happened to me in WoW. We had a solid 10-man progressive group during Firelands. GM had the best idea to force his gf into our run which fucked up our entire groupfor good, he even ninja gave her loot. I left the guild, made my own and took 6 other members of that core group with me.

Please reread what you posted. It's really lame

i will fuck you in the ass

It's kind of funny, but I've never had this experience. Every guild I've been in has had a high ranking members gf or wife in it, and they've always been relegated to emergency fill in and guild farmer,doing the small shit so everyone else can be more focused on their roles

mirrors tend to flip images
you are welcome

a sock isn't a woman or man, you fag user, you know that?

I need some help Yea Forumsatos. Theres a girl in the guild that's really fond of me and I keep trying just think of her as one of the bros. Is there a way to nip these feelings growing inside of me? She is a good raider and taught me how to play so I dont want to start any drama.


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I hate threads like this that remind me of the huge overlap between Yea Forums and /r9k/ users.
I just want to talk about videogames and not hear your pathetic bitter opinions about women you insufferable fucking losers.

do you guys really spend you time fantasizing about being persecuted by women for saying the n-word? that's pretty cringe bro

if she is a normal, mature person, there will be no drama even if you split
>inb4 she's a WOMAN she's not mature

fuck off m8

>and not hear your pathetic bitter opinions about women you insufferable fucking losers.
Well that's impossible since this is a real situation that happens in video games, there are countless stories about guild and freind-circles being ruined by a woman joining one day and every man in 50 meter radius going AWOOGA AWOOGA and trying to fight over them. This doesn't count the onslaught of attentionwhore and e-thots.

>you will never be kicked from a guild you’ve spent years building from the ground up by some woman who just joined and got offended when you said the nigger word
feels bad man

>dating a girl
>online never been with her irl
You're not dating shit lmaoooooo

In similiar News, something did not happen but retards on Yea Forums are gonna pretend like they have firsthand experience with similar issues.

I know this is bait, but does this shit actually happens?

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women destroy guilds
only if there's only one female in the entire guild, if you get multiple women vying for top spot it turns into a shitty catfest every time
and even then, guys naturally try to one up each other its part of the job description, but women just like to preen at the top while doing no actual work, all they do is make all the guys at the bottom act like fucking retards, the muscle, the working class, the meat, the foundation, when it stops functioning properly the whole fucking thing comes crashing down

True, but ironically that's the fault of the guys involved.
I wasn't talking about the OP in my post, I was referring to the countless woman hating posts that came after it.

I wish we had based cable news here in the US. Tucker is the only good thing about Fox

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Yes it happens you sickly discord tranny faggots.


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Tu jueges videojuegos?

desu all-male tryhard guilds are much worse.

You're expected to show up at every single raid/cta/whatever it's called (even at night), you get shit on for low dps or some minor mistakes, nobody cares about you personally, people only care about minmax bullshit and consider you a cog.
It's a terrible environment and i'd rather play with a bunch of casuals and women than withe these virgins.

I literally just asked user, stop being oversensitive.


>when she resigned
>or got fired
nigga that was when she died
and they simply banned the song
the UK is free and fair

Two women that even cuck nations like anglos and germans who unconditionally love their slave owner leaders managed to be hated by their subjects

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Let me show you what happens when this shit happens
>Post about guild being destroyed by women
>White knighting
>Woman hating
>Both sides shit on each other.

Very based and cuntpilled

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don't shit where you eat

>guild leaders are a married couple
Is this a green flag or a red flag?

This happened with a guild I was in on a private wew tbc server. Called the bitch out and left, regretted it immediately cause that guild was the best at raiding.

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Only experience with a woman in WoW guilds was a dude's wife that was a holy pally and she just did her job and did it good.

>recording your 9 year old daughter twerking her ass
>it takes the baby to stop this ho shit and set things right
This is what happens when you don't have a father around.

sounds pretty comfy

This has never happened to you nor anyone you know. Stop roleplaying on Yea Forums and go play a video game.

How can someone be so based and so cringe at the same time

Is Yea Forums the most incel board?

There's a reason there's barely-to-any female CEOs in the entire Western world.


>Say fag in discord accidentally
>Whoa whoa whoa user
Or how about
>Some faggot talks about eating shit in a kid's game
>Call him gay
>Get banned

based rocco telling it like it is

Stop roleplaying on Yea Forums and go play a video game.

It's true though. One of the most successful games in the world banned me because I called somebody gay for describing in detail their shit fetish

Well maybe you should have reported them and got them banned instead of getting banned yourself. For people who love "logic" so much you sure don't use it.

I did report them but nothing happened. You only get banned for being confrontational because that not what a good mindless drone does

Sure, Jan.

Why is it so unbelievable that game companies are now curating their online communities to be braindead pussies?

No OP is strawmanning because he isn't in a guild for being the one to carry each raid.