The most Chad character in any Fallout game. Say something nice to him
The most Chad character in any Fallout game. Say something nice to him
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I love how religious people hold up this guy as some epic deus vult hero despite him committing sins constantly and handwaving them with self delusion like "god said it's okay"
at least caesar was honest about being a tyrant and a bully, graham had to hide behind muh religion
>a faggot mummy quoting Boney M
Atleast he wasn't a cuck like Daniel
Media sure treats Mormons nicely for how fucking nuts they are.
>religion of polygamists
>not inherently cucked
Isn't polygamy illegal for them nowadays?
They are pretty nuts though
in the end he was pretty boring
Turning him into a bloodthirsty monster is the only ending that makes sense.
The entire point is that he's forgiven no matter how low or how often he falls and his demons can (if you encourage him) be overcome.
He sins but even he can find redemption
Explain yourself
lmao no moron he's a deluded fuck who worships desert fairy tales.
I always do a Legion playthrough and I like to think that he will go on to become my Courier's biggest rival.
Interesting, I like it. He’d probably win
He was a good character and, unfortunately, one of the few good things in Honest Hearts.
Eat my cock yum yum bitch
The best part of Honest Hearts was just exploring the map. That's all you really want from a DLC.
The main quest for the area did suck dicks, though.
>Multiple wives.
>Loving family.
Sounds kinda chad.
*Tips fedora*
Ah, I see that you are are an intellectual like myself. Just ignore these foolish sheep and perhaps they will one day be as enlightened as we.
What even is a yum yum bitch. Sounds hot
yum yum bitch posts
The concept of yum yum bitch really makes my yum yum cock hard. Tell me more
how to spot a seething christfag, how's the flyover state weather these days Cletus?
they're weirdos and essentially started off as a cult, but they're also pretty interesting
just realised hes also the voice of DIOMEDES of baneblade fame.
Tied to the most shit fallout dlc.
seething coastcuck
>shoot him with a fatman
>he dies instantly
>he'd probably win
The correct term is "Chaddest"
That Isn't any of the following candidates:
>Robert Grey
>Frank Horrigan
>Edward Sallow
>Roger Maxson
>Randall the Survivalist
Long Dick Johnson
I punched his head off once to see how tough he was