If you say GGEZ you should be banned

If you say GGEZ you should be banned.
Only literal children disagree with this.

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This is easy bait, but there are people here who believe this, and I would like to mock them directly.

It's not bait. The fact is that if you say GGEZ you are directly killing the game. Since the developers have a vested interest in keeping their game alive, they are not only justified but obligated to ban you.

please user stop at once this isn't good

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Why does this trigger people so much?


The why is irrelevant. The fact that it triggers people means devs MUST take action against it to ensure a healthy playerbase.

>The fact is that if you say GGEZ you are directly killing the game

Probably has to do with the fact that it's very obviously condescending. They don't mean gg in the real sense, not even the "it was a bad game but I'm saying gg just to be a good sport about it" sense.

The ez part only doubles down on the condescension because they're saying it was so easy to win that it didn't even matter to them. It also works in the opposite way, if it was a pretty hard fought game but they managed to pull it out at the end and win by chance or by luck or whatever else, they're basically saying "fuck you".

It also doesn't help that everyone online is a fucking pussy these days because you're not allowed to say things like bantz or rage at each other or anything like that for fear of being permabanned because your hurt some little bitches feelings.

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Imagine being so weak that ggez makes you create a thread on 4channel asking for people to be banned for saying it.

There is no feeling greater than to win because you got carried and type ggez in all chat at the end of the match.

I agree with Op, but only because gg ez is what rude zoomer niggers say. Good sportsmanship is important.

Using the word 'based' should be an permaban in whatever game or website you are typing it into. Without going to reddit, none of you fucking faggots can tell me what the word means.


Sooner or later you will get ban for assuming your opponent as a man

Imagine getting mad over 4 irrelevant letters
Not saying i use em, i only shitpost in chat or be gay

"based" means "i agree"

Seethe more

B-but user, saying "ggez" after winning a game is the only reason league is still enjoyable.


cringe (=downvote)
based (=upvote)


GG EZ PZ stay mad n bad shitter

>letting letters have power
It's why I call people incels.

You morons missed the point. It doesn't matter if I get mad about GGEZ. The fact is that, over time, it makes people stop playing the game, thus killing the game.
This is why GGEZ has to be banned.

What if I say Ampharos

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Ampharos is a great Pokemon but I don't see how that is relevant to anything here.

Good game... What does EZ stand for?

Eat zucchini
Duh dumdum

Easy, like it took no effort to win

I use NIGG.

gg ez lmao rekt nerd



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Playing characters outside the meta should be banned.
Only literal children disagree with this.

its just a game bro, nothing but a bit of banter then and there

Nobody wants to play with shitters who would quit game just because somebody said ggez.

I usually say: "good game chaps"
Because it costs nothing to be polite to your fellow collaborators and competitors.
If I ever trashtalk, its only in innocent jest.

>good game chaps
i can feel the reddit oozing from that post

Call me reddit if you wish. That's fine. But the world would be a better place if we all tried to inspire each other to do better. Loss should be taken as a learning experience. Getting bitter or frustrated over losing or someone else acting like a dick to you will only make you worse at the game in the long-run.
Or like one of those idiots who smash their controllers after getting salty. I think that's silly and ruins a perfectly good controller.

Dilate tranny

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You sound mad

>Loss should be taken as a learning experience
can't that spawn from frustration though? if one were to fail with no driving force, wouldn't that make them more prone to giving up?

bg ez

I usually say and get told GG. Nobody I have ever know in any competitive scenario ever has said GGEZ. At least not on Xbox, anyway

Because people can't type on xbox. At least in-game. No one is going to go through the trouble of a private message unless they are booty blasting off to the moon.

Anyway, OP is a fag as usual.

Nobody actually means it was a good game so I report all of them.

you just need a capital N these days and people start crying and another tranny kills themself


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Why you bother even over words?
Because is that true? Truth is painful to swallow op

What if "cringe" and "based" were word filtered to "based" and "cringe" respectively? And the word filter was applied at random, for every post made so that nobody would know which they meant, and then people would stop using these filler words?

Not following meta game should be banned and shamed by everyone in our community.
Only literal children disagree with this.