Vidya humour thread

Vidya humour thread

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This is /g/ humor

Fuck any parent that does this shit.

I'm thinking the parents are based

Bowser? More like Yowser

>"hey son I got you the xbox one"

parents would be based if instead of an av switcher they got him a flexible piece of wood and beat him with it

Ow the edge

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pretty cool though
looks like a 12 or 14 port


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Maybe he actually wanted a pail of water.

Based zoomer retard who doesn't recognize the wordplay.

awww spoiled child thinks he is owed something

Hope they at least gave them one after they took their social media pic. Otherwise, they are absolute asses.

>11 years old
>it's christmas
>want some ps2 game, go all in on asking for it since we're poor and are only likely to get one present per sibling
>parents get me a blanket
>fake gratitude and put it in my closet without even using it
>it sits there for a month and a half before they just tell me the game was inside the folded blanket
>they had expected me to use the blanket immediately despite already having some and then being joyously overwhelmed by the surprise of actually getting the game
>by this point we'd already pawned the ps2 for rent money so they just pawned the unopened game as well and got me a hamburger from mcdonalds
I still haven't played vice city

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Yeah, let's purposefully misunderstand our sons request so we can have a laugh at his utter disappointment. A kid isn't going to understand the humor behind this, it's just mean.

No I get it

Doesn't make child abuse funny or epic, mister edgy

You have to be 18 to post here.

It's good to prepare kids for the disappointments of the real world.

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Either they really got him a Switch or the picture is taken by someone else and someone on twitter used it and made a fake post.

>av switcher

>Grrr! How dare a child want a toy!

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man, I'm sorry

One time I opened up an N64 controller but I didn't have an N64 so they said whoops and they'll have to take it back. Then I opened up the N64 shortly after, based parents.

imagine if your parents were linux freetards and they pulled this shit on you.

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Use it to wireshark capture his dads porn browsing then blackmail him

>be poor
>go to mcdonalds
This is why your family was poor.

>getting VC for an 11 year old
maybe it's for the best

Are there really people out there who want to emulate Leto's Joker?

I wish I got a switch for christmas, then I’d whitelist a gay porn site for everyone in my network

cool twitter reaction image kid,you should keep it saved so you can come back here and use it after you turn 18

They probably actually got him a switch and just took the pic for twitter or whatever

Anons going "LUL KIDS" are just shitposting, anyone would hate this shit happening to them with an undying passion and it's how you get your kids on the path to resenting you

Why do inept poor retards always have children only to burden them for their poor life choices? You always see these immigrants or roastie single moms with kids they can't afford.

>Excuse me? Sorry I didn't hear you.

Memory is familiar. When I was a teen I got a job and saved up for a PC so I could play pirated games. I never thought I would pay for games but now that I have more I come I actually do and I dont know why.

Lol entitled babs

>anyone would hate this shit happening to them with an undying passion
If I agreed to work for an object, and after doing my duties was given a different object, yes.
If I just asked for it with 0 work? No, I am owed nothing in that situation.

Man this the kind of shit people that didnt grow up with could NEVER understand. Seriously.
Sorry for you man, I've been there as a kid too, my dad would take my games and sell them off to afford bills

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atomic cringe

>be poor
>not just one child but SIBLINGS
I legit don't understand. Are normal people really such apes they can't just not have sex for a few years so they're more financially stable?

What's wrong? Still mad that mommy couldn't get you a 360 for Christmas Morning 2007?

>he doesn't understand the traditional morals of certain holidays such as birthdays or Christmas being the few times a year a kid actually gets to ask for something they want with a reasonable chance of getting it
user, not everyone needs to live a miserable childhood like you did.

It's Christmas and you're a child. You're not supposed to work for it.

Some people just simply want more kids and have them regardless of their financial situation

>sits there for a month and a half
>nobody ever asked "hey user, like your new game?"
Nice fake story.

I'm well past 18 buddy. Shame on you for defending some twitter twat who thought of this entire nasty ass plan just to get some likes on social media. It's not even an original joke

More kids = bigger chance one of them will be succesful = bigger chance one of the kids will take care of you when you're too old.

I'm shit talking the people who feel entitled to gifts,you absolute nigger. Why would I do that if I were mad that I didn't get a gift?

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>cool twitter reaction image kid,you should keep it saved so you can come back here and use it after you turn 18

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The chance that anyone born into poverty actually escapes it is lower and lower each year now as life becomes less and less affordable.

>act like an ungrateful shitter
>get lol'd at by karma
Should've opened the blanket

That's true.
I'm not saying it's a good thing they're doing, I'm just saying they're doing it.

Who's worse?

>kid upset he didnt get what he asked for his birthday


>parents purposefully not giving him the thing he wanted, taking a picture of the kid's disappointment and uploading it to twitter so a bunch of strangers can laugh at him

>get government assistance per kid
Sure user they cant afford them

The latter because when your parents are mocking your desires it will cause self esteem issues.

the latter because the first one is the parents fault too. not getting your kid what they want for their birthday/christmas is one thing (budgetary issues exist, depending on area or what they want stock might also be an issue) but telling your kid you got them something and then giving them something else is just parents being assholes

you have to be a single mother or detroit tier poor to get the govt cheese

Jesus Christ, imagine being this ignorant and degenerate that you have to pawn a PS2 for money because of shitty life choices.

>pawned a PS2 game for McDonald's

The entire purpose of life for all organisms on this planet is to propagate your DNA as possible. So it's pretty natural for people to want kids. The only thing that is completely unnatural and baffling is people who decide they don't want kids. Something is wrong with them. But it all works out, since their faulty genes will disappear from the gene pool.

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Not getting the kid a switch?
Perfectly acceptable and normal and even good

Taunting a child by giving something he doesn't want which is the same name as something he does want, probably after getting his hopes up by telling him "we got you a switch" or somesuch?
Parents are asshole cunts.

Reminds me of years ago seeing a gif here of some kid unwrapping a present to see an xbox 360 box.
He geeks out and opens the box and it had clothes inside.
His soul was crushed while his mom and aunts laughed.

Retarded little zoomer probably doesn't even know what it is, think WiFi is the internet. Dumb consolefag phoneposters.

they pawned the ps2 for cash and bought me a hamburger with some of the money to ""make up for it""

they didn't give a shit if we liked any of the stuff which is probably why they didn't mind pawning the ps2 less than a year after we got it

They legit use the extra kids for tax write offs and extra government gibs. Welfare offices encourage people in poverty to have more kids all the time for these reasons.

But the point of being human is to purposefully abstain from what is considered animistic. Animals will breed to the point of overpopulation and destroy their environment if humans didn't step in and cull some of them. Unfortunately the humans who understand that the feeling of wanting children for the sake of it is something bestial are the correct ones and will die for it.

Sex is free and poor people are dumb.

This opinion that you hold is what civilized people called degeneracy.

>Man make kid
>animals make kid
>everything make kid
>purpose is make kid
>woman make man feel good
>make kid

Okay, Ogg, thanks for your epic insight.

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Any parent that does this shit are a piece of shit. Why create a child if you can't tend to their necessities?
Holy based this so much this!

Jesus christ shut up you massive faggot and go cum on your body pillow.

I’m pretty sure even the biggest retard can realise having kids during economic hardship is wrong. They just think their need to have a child is more important than any suffering that child will go through.

The only ones I feel bad for are those who lose their partner or income after the fact.

>a switch
Calm down buddy. It's just an attention whore trying to get likes.

Seeing as this looks like one of those expensive RACK CISCO switches he could probably easily sell it for more than an actual Switch console is worth and buy one.

>not giving your child a basedboy gift is abuse

>when my mom had me she was in poverty and single
>decides she needs 3 more kids and 5+ pets at a time
>wonders why she has to work 2 jobs and gets upset when she cant please 4 kids on sub 20k a year

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>be ungrateful kid that doesn't open his presents

Women know how to operate Linux?

The funny part is his line isnt even from Leto's Joker. That was Nicholson's

>bugged present mechanics
>present is using the wrong model/animations
yeah i'd actually call that a bug

It's not about saying kids are entitled to anything they want, but more about parents being dicks and fucking up with their child's spectations.

My fathers never liked me playing videogames, the just bought me a SNES but refused to buy me any other console never giving me false hopes about buying me another one, that's why I started working at 16 to buy my own consoles and games.

>opening a blanket to know what it is.
Maybe if it had a design or picture on it.

Intentionally lying about getting him the gift he wants so you can take a picture of his disappointment and post it online so random strangers can laugh at him is low key abuse. It serves no purpose but humiliate the child.

that's some advanced degree of brain rot you got there user, I wonder where you've contracted that from

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necessities are food, clothing, shelter,...
not fucking entertainment

>4 kids
>no dad
I hate this shit so much. Some women just can't be trusted in society.

the left can't meme
they also can't manage their money well LOL no wonder Trump will get elected again

>entertainment isn’t a necessity for a child

even worse, it was 4 kids to 3 different men

>ask for x
>get y
>hurr durr you entitled babby be grateful I even gave you a gift
Fuck off if I want it something and you can't give it to me then you are in the fault. Don't expect me to help your old ass when I get a job, go die in home for the aged or something
Calm down abused edgelords.

Based user dabbing on seething incels who will NEVER reproduce.

Not getting them what they want is different from playing a prank on them and then posting the results on social media for jerk off points.

But they gave him the real deal after taking that picture, right

didn't you know, sweetie, we OWN linux now

You alright you meme-loving fuck?

I hope that kid stabs his mother to death


Boomer humor

/g/ humor

Absolute legend.

shut the fuck up you child hating nigger

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Cant wait for my kids to start asking for the playstation 9 so i can buy it and put something else in the box just to tease them a little longer.

>peepeepoopoo give bideo game

Haha, I made a so fanny jokes and posted it on teh internetz :DDDDD
I hope the child will become a NEET and leech them until they die.

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you realize when parents do this, they almost always have the actual gift in a different room??

I think it's a good lesson (so long as you give them the actual gift right afterwards), things aren't always going to be what you expect. Life doesn't always turned out as planned.

educate yourself

has no children. Easy to tell lol


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Entertainment is literally a requirement for many animals, humans will get depressed and fucking kill themselves if their lives are completely devoid of it just as many species of birds will tear all their feathers out and bash their heads against the cage without entertainment. You could have said a Switch isn't required but entertainment absolutely is.

If you genuinely think those tax writeoff compensate for the cost of raising another child you're an idiot

>since we're poor
>got me a hamburger from mcdonalds
Learn to cook.


You're right, a child should be content sitting at home surrounded by nothing but a bed and a dinner table.
Imagine your childhood without a TV, video games, a computer, or books (excluding school related reading.)

Based I hope his parents die in front of him and he gets adopted by an actual humans that can give him a good life instead of suffering of living with ungrateful parents.

Shitty parenting, the true lesson is to run at your child at full speed and push him over randomly to teach him the lesson that he can never TRULY trust anyone and to never let his guard down :)

>tattoo it's


>ask parents for a new controller
>they get the cheapest lowest quality third party one they can find
>it always stops working in less than a month

>i don't know what a writeoff is
poor people, just stop. tax manipulation is the domain of the rich, and you just don't get it.

Why are right wingers like this? Creepy.

i'm sorry user i hope they die though as a punishment for being assholes

I see what you're going for, but you failed to refute that not always getting what you expect on a silver platter is a good life lesson

>never learned to steal
Your own fault.

you tell me

you frequently associate green hair and face tattoos with conservatives?

>tell my parents I want a switch
>they bring some gay guy

Imagine seething this hard because some people actually had decent parents

>parents want to spoil me rotten
>literally nothing I want
Birthdays for me are getting yelled at by my parents because they want to get me shit and I can't tell them anything I want.

No joke actually based

enjoy being giftless lmao

I hate my parents and want to die
I don't even have the energy to write out a blog post explaining why anymore

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Honestly this, imagine only having two kids, a boy and a girl and the boy becomes a permavirgin or faggot or the girl becomes and unmarriable slut or butch dyke.
I want six minimum

Pick one

Hey, if you live in poverty you're usually not the most well-educated person around. Of course you'd jump at the earliest opportunity for free money.

This is also why there's such a difference in birth rates between economic classes. The middle-class and above would rather spend their free time and money on luxury or pleasure, maybe have two kids at most, but if you're poor then the prospects of having enough children to take care of you sounds more attractive. It's why birth rates in Africa still remain high despite the living standards there being piss poor.

I don't know why people fall for the "importing migrants to increase birth rates" meme when similar behavior can be observed and induced in financially worse off native families. The factors involved are economical.

Dumb zoomer you should be happy they even raised you to this point

I have 2 older brothers. None of us are ever going to make it big and live wagecuck lives. I have tried to kill myself in my teens so that there was one less person to worry or at least thats what I told myself.

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>force life onto you
>don't prepare you for it during childhood
>expect you to become a slave to them in their old age
>You should be grateful.

Is this how you cope with white genocide, whiteboy?

Why the fuck do poor people even bother having kids

Fucking retard. Fast food is literally created for and marketed towards low income people

Yeah, imagine your son growing up to be a loser who wastes his time LARPing about birth rates in the videogame board of a Taiwanese puppetry imageboard. I'd sure feel ashamed as a parent.

huehuehu leftiess sjws huhuh

Jesus, do you even listen to yourself? Go back to /pol/

>natural=moral and what we should strive for
Long since been debunked, pal

And you'd have to a poor broke piece of human garbage to actually fall for it.

What do you mean with this post?

Fucking retard lol

>more kids = bigger chance of them being successful

boomer here, have bought any consile since PS2 era.
what is the kid holding onto, a DVD player?

Lol nah

Why would you think that’s the point of being human?

lol seething

the left can't meme
but the right sure aren't funny

we werent poor. its just that as a kid, if my parents were buying something for me, they would always buy the cheapest option available

they're retards
t.son of retards

Fast food is less filling and costs more than making it yourself. Worked fast food and it's actually depressing to see how many dumb poor fucks buy 15 dollars worth of burgers every other day while their kids get fatter and fatter.

It's a network switch.

You'll never be women, trannies.

>working family
>long hours
>don't make enough to keep the pantry full for 2 weeks until next pay
>get outta work late
>kids hungry
>no food

That's how it often works you stupid suburban middle class faggot

Actual autistics should be banned from posting here.

Over here a Mc Donalds menu is like 7~9€, for that price you can get groceries for a healthy meal that will make you eat twice from it, depending on the meal.

Being poor has nothing to do with it.
Your parents were just retards.

If that's low key to you, I can't imagine what high key looks like.


For most people it is only abuse if the parent is punching them or molesting them

>can't afford $1 for a hamburger from time to time
There's a difference between being poor and being destitute user

>DRUMBPF out of nowhere
its been three years faggot, let it go.

It's unnatural to be using the internet right now faggot.

God damn, you either had the most miserable childhood imaginable, or you're beyond autistic.

>not letting kids go shopping
We done shit ourselves already when we were 6 and entered school. Nobody babysat us going to school and on our way back we took a turn at the supermarket. Bunch of sissies.

Yo you've been here for fucking years

I hope things are better for you now user

>people unironically defending parents that do this shit
If anything these fucks needs to be shot in public display. Playing with a child's heart is the worst thing you can do.

Sorry to hear that you didnt get the toys you were expecting. I know the feeling.

Because "human" is an abstract that doesn't actually exist. What it means to be human is constantly tweaked and modified to create an ideal for homo sapiens to strive towards. You can see people acknowledge this when people do bad things they are seen as "inhuman" or monstrous. They are still "human" but aren't. A dog is always a dog no matter what it acts like but humans can stop being human. Purposefully distinguishing ourselves from animals was the start and now we move forward by incorporating ideals or goals into what it mean to be human and teach these to the animal children so they too can become human.

I'm autistic; that guy's just a cunt.
I'm actually pretty nice to kids because adults generally don't want to talk to me.

>Animals will breed to the point of overpopulation and destroy their environment if humans didn't step in and cull some of them
That only happens with certain species because of human involvement. We fucked up their environment so much that now we have to step in and cull them.

Reminds me of that video where the white nerdy guy with big ass glasses pulls out a knife and says "I'm on a whole lot of meds and I've got less to lose" and basically threatens to stab an asian guy on a bus because he's playing a recording shouting out NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER.

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>child abuse
kek, imagine being such a sensitive zoomer.
No wonder most of you end up special snowflakes who can't deal with reality.

It's even worse when it's just you who has to deal with this shit and never your brother, haven't spoken to my parents and brother in years because of this.

If I gave you a genuine answer why faggots would scream at me and call me an sjw

That's pretty based, actually. It's actually intimidating, unlike this fat joker.

Looks like he has a nice home, getsclothes, and probably gets to eat everyday. Keep crying retard.

>waaah im poor
kill yourself then

>vidya humour thread
>not a single on-topic reply
Might as well start posting porn until this thread gets deleted

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What did you expect to a website full of miserable people who thinks they're special for not being special?


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>ask dad for a vidya for my birthday
>he gets it
>then also gives me a bunch of useless junk I don't want or need
>gets drunk and does whatever he wants on my birthday while pretending like he's doing it for me
>gets mad that I'm ungrateful and reclusive

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Got a name for this sorta thing?

He doesn't care about stuff like that.
breederfags are just mad retarded.

oh no my child can't have caviar for breakfast
it depends on how poor we're talking

>only thing my parent did for my birthday was take the money I got from other relatives

Fucking europoors thinking that McDonalds is expensive and same as eating out in a real restaurant.

My parents had six, all turned out as complete fuck-ups. Have twelve, it'll work out for sure.

It's really not, the white guy is the embodiment of "I'm crazy ha ha ha"
Just look up arab andy almost gets stabbed and you'll see it.

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based cunnyposter for nuking this shit thread

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Subverted expectations.


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Am I right in saying that the (cheap) burgers can actually be about the same price as making it yourself, but retards always fall for the upsells like fries and soda?

I can't fucking comprehend buying a soda at a fast food place. Literally overpriced sugar water. You should be drinking plain water anyways, but just literally buy a 2 liter at the store it's the exact same product.

Because they hope at least one of their children will grow up and become wealthy and feel obligated to take care of the whole family. My folks tried that shit, kept trying to push me to sports and away from my passions, now I live in another country in a $2million house and the only contact I have with them is them boohooing they're broke and me saying 'sorry bout that'.

incel weeb, if that is porn then I'm a porn actor

imagine the smell of this goblin

then get the fuck out of here

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>Parents get my brother DBZ: Budokai 3 for Christmas
>It's the special edition with the cool ass lookin' SS4 cover
>We also both get little mobile phones the size of bricks
>Brother is obsessed that he sniffs all the new games because they have a fresh car scent straight from japan
>Opens it up and the game isn't even in the case
made me laugh
that little nigga was disappointed as all hell

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>Haha I'm crazy
>Let me pose for this photo and post it online

You're saying immigrants, but most immigrants have been working their asses off, sometimes paying taxes for benefits they will never get since they aren't citizens yet, while Americans are the ones who use Section 8 the most and not even minorities like some would make you believe. Ironically conservatives will spout pro-life this and that, and won't support proper family planning and education for kids, do what do you expect? Immature kids will then pop out kid after kid and struggle.

Kek. So sheltered you can't even flame right.

based and cunnypilled

>go to gamespot as kid to buy a game and trade another for my birthday
>woah when I get to work and make lots of money I'll buy all of this
>finally get to work and make enough money to buy all of this
>kek video games are dead
Thanks SJW I guess

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Me in the middle

That dude seems actually crazy, not just pretending. You can see it in the eyes.

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Depends on the burger. It's way worse for you than one you make for yourself. It's also always smaller. Fries can be ok sometimes and at Wendy's you can just get a baked potato or a bunch of apple slices instead. Soda is worthless though.

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Kuro is such a good girl

t. welfare recioient

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You shouldn't buy soda at all, it's just a waste of money regardless no matter how cheap it is.

My mom hid a triple pack of Crash 3, CTR, and Bash inside a box of socks at Christmas. Young me broke into an autistic giggling fit. That's my story, thanks for reading. Take care.

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Open up Yea Forums i gotta detect some radiation

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>breaks his leg
>just gives it an "ah, man" response
This nigga's pain receptors not functioning or what

post cunny

no, what i meant to say was "why are white people like this"

high pain threshold is a symptom of autism

politically motivate memes are shit memes. politicniggers think their memes are good because it makes you laugh like a retard

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