Seems like a pretty cool game at first, until you realize every single mission is “go over here and clear out this area”. No slavers, no treeman Bob, no nuking towns, no insane virtual AI, no Tenpenny, no underground Ghoul towns, none of the charm and creativity of Fallout 3.
Seems like a pretty cool game at first...
It was dumbed down for leftists and women.
OP is unfortunately correct. Fallout 4 lacks one of the redeeming qualities of Fallout 3, which was that you could just pick a random direction and walk into a fun quest.
based boomer
>I only miss the charisma statuette for the gold trophy but i need to activate a quest to get it
Mm, such a good game.
Bethesda employees will defend this
Nobody said the main plot was good, the side quests however were great.
>No slavers
>no treeman Bob
> no nuking towns
>no insane virtual AI
Not exactly but the whole synth shit and Automatron
>no underground Ghoul towns
k. Goodneighbor comes close though.
>no Tenpenny
DiMA is better
>none of the charm and creativity of Fallout 3
Such as?
Nuka-World has a lot of variety
Far Harbor has the best story
>nuka world has literally nothing to offer if you don't side with raiders
>all dlc
lol face it the core game is hollow when it comes to good content/quests
all of that shit is DLC bro.
FO4 is the literal definition of one step forward, two steps back. Presentation and gunplay are awesome but everything else is just so lackluster.
I'm still infuriated by the weird mechanical changes that were made for the worse.
>Dogmeat is now retarded and stares at enemies as they beat him to death
>animations are all slow as fuck
>can't enter dialogue with an NPC if they're in the middle of an animation that isn't sitting
>blocking works on power attacks again
>all those differences between first/third person animations (gatling laser/minigun firing faster, reloads playing faster, large melee weapons swinging faster in power armor, etc)
why ANY of this?
>why ANY of this?
>all of the power armor changes
so much canon ignored or destroyed for literally no reason.
Like what? Other than the understandable fusion core change everything else is for the better.
The power armor frames were a good idea though. It created a silhouette more inline with the classic games, and now has a physical reason for the person gaining another foot in height.
If you side with the raiders, it just turns into a shitty Minuteman clone, though.
One thing that got me, why are there no animations for doing a sideways or retreating melee attack? All melee attacks have you take a step forward and do the SAME slash.
They're in the game.
You have to be in third person AND already in melee range while initiating a power attack.
I'm not kidding.
What killed it for me were the legendary weapons drops and mountains of useless junk everywhere, and obviously, no choices to make at all. They murdered exploration.
How do you fuck it up that bad? All they had to do for melee was copy New Vegas... OR SKYRIM
Really? Would my gf like it? Trying to make her stop playing nba 2k19.
>understandable fusion core change
no. not even remotely understandable. straight up fucking retarded is what it is.
t45 was used for a very short time since it needed to use shit energy cells but t51 and on just had a microfusion pack that could last for CENTURIES. fusion cores that die in 50 steps have no fucking place in the world.
>The power armor frames were a good idea though.
this i can agree with. but,
it's supposed to be some rare as shit (since it was only used in the military) but now FUCKING RAIDERS get a free suit.
if the idea was to make it closer to how it's supposed to be according to lore it would be impervious to almost all conventional fire. iirc 1 and 2 did this best and 3 & nv tried to get close using their damage threshold systems but 4 DOESN'T HAVE DAMAGE THRESHOLD you get fucked by a few raiders and their shit pipe weapons
also absolute fuckin lovely now power armor is the only thing in the game that you need to repair. normal armor? nah. weapons? fuck cleaning let's drop that shit in mud. but your high tech suit of power armor that was made to fight tanks without using a tank? shit bro you stepped on an ant gotta repair that shit.
>and on just had a microfusion pack that could last for CENTURIES
Right, and if a suit of power armor has been sitting around for two centuries, the half life of that power supply is going to have kicked in pretty hard.
That's really dumb, user.
honestly even made my normie brother go "this sucks"
Far Harbor is literally a soulles rehash of Point Lookout
its ok Todd, F4 sucked dick. maybe try a new engine and get Pete Hines away from his desk for about 3 years when you make 5.
It's literally not dumb at all, nuclear power has its usable power output decimated every couple of decades.
>why ANY of this?
because they'd rather keep using their 30 year old engine instead of taking the investment into literally anything else
Power armor is the only reason I think someone can play fallout 4 over New vegas
Well unless he played new vegas over 1200 hours and havew nothing else like me, then he start to play fallout 4 again and just cry how much he want it to be new vegas but no amount of mods allow it to be any close
Fallout 4 is not an RPG.
the only thing worth in F4 is curie
>half life
no you low iq retard. FUSION not fission
the fission that we use today uses uranium or plutonium that actually have a half-life
fusion energy doesn't use unstable elements with half-lives.
im wont disagree, the feel of PA is the only thing Fallout 4 did right, especially if you mod the stats to actually feel like PA
im just gonna wait for F4NV to be completed, i dont have any other reason to start Fallout 4
>charm and creativity of Fallout 3
good one m8
lets pretend any of you said is correct. that means I'd just have to replace its battery one time and never again for the rest of the game. this could have been an interesting mechanic into trying to find or create a fabled battery for heaps of unusable power armor thats now unmovable due to dead cores. but what did we get instead? fuck you faggot just keep replacing it every 30 minutes.
>No Ron Perlman intro narration
>No tribals
>No prostitutes
>No traits
>No skills
>No pump-action shotguns
It's not even a Fallout game.
the best part of 4 is using difficulty increasing mods then going into the irradiated zone to fight mutants and deathclaws while lightning booms around you
>half life
Imagine being this fucking dumb
>FUSION not fission
Actual fusion energy does not exist within the Falloutverse outside of high tech post-war factions and Mass Fusion in the commonwealth. An actual core running on fusion power would have indefinite energy and there would have been no need for the resource wars.
that might make sense on some level but why do the power armors in 76 need cores if its set few decades after the war. not to mention why dont these new replacement cores come with centuries of energy?
If laser weapons run on fusion energy, why do they run out of ammo?
>but it's not fusion
ok user
>Actual fusion energy does not exist within the Falloutverse
But that's wrong
Despite the hate, at least Fallout 4 actually does difficulty right compared to the other games. Survival mode in 4 is a legit challenge if you try to permadeath it (which is how I play most RPGs), and I'll admit I have an absurd number of hours in this game just because every few weeks I'll spend the entire weekend trying to pull it off. I have permadeathed the other Fallout games rather trivially, so now it's almost an obsession. In 4, one false move = instant death via a legendary raider's grenade while you were wearing maxed out X-01 power armor. At later levels many enemies just go straight into an execution animation on you if they get within nut-kicking distance.
thermal clips
>think to Fallout 4
>remember having fun in power armor mowing down enemies
>restart the game
>do the quests up until starter town
>lose interest
>redo this 4 times
am i autistic?
>Runs out of energy
Not fusion.
They just gutted all the references to the original Fallout games, and made it "safer" for modern audiences. Remember kids: Sex is bad, but gratutious violence, magic drugs and nuclear holocaust are a-OK.
>Seems like a pretty cool game at first
Even that's being generous.
>, none of the charm and creativity of Fallout 3.
This is how I know you're a fucking zoomer
>one false move = instant death via a legendary raider's grenade
you have autism, this is just bad game design. shoving in bullshit where the same weapon does way more damage in the hands of an enemy with a star in its name as opposed to the asshole next to him is just lazy. they didnt create an interesting world, its just RAMP UP THE DIFFICULTY AND THATS OUR ENDGAME LMAO
>Seems like a pretty cool game at first
Only for cucks like yourself. Everyone, except your kind of course, knew what it was before even being released. Same with the eventual Fallout 5. Only your kind will pretend "maybe it will be good".
Just ignore Preston Garvey and the Minutemen and go straight for the fun locations like the Glowing Sea.
Glowing Sea was cooler than anything in 3.
A fusion reaction requires not only fuel, but an environment in which it can be controlled. Once either your fuel runs out or the chamber in which you house the reaction loses enough integrity that the reaction can't be maintained safely, it makes sense for a microfusion cell to stop working.
Want to explain why stars die for the class?
Nah dude, the WHOLE of Fallout 3 was like the Glowing Sea, they actually talk about this in The Art of Fallout 4. They say they decided to make the base game less gloomy and the GS would be a callback to how the Capital Wasteland was.
>option 1: pls stop, kys
>option 2: you ugly, kys
Because after billions upon billions of years they starve the fuel they've been efficiently gobbling up. Keep in mind that fusion energy outputs more than it takes in, and it takes a retard long time to stifle such a thing.
shit developers ignoring lore
if you use smaller elements to form slightly bigger elements why do you run out of those small elements?
dumb retard.
so if a massive and dense star takes billions of years to die out then what happens if you scale that down to the size of a 9v battery?
it (probably) would only take a dozen centuries to run out. maybe more.
The best parts of Fallout 3 were also DLC, so moot point.
May sound casual but I like how gun accuracy is no longer tied to a skill. Makes the shooting a lot more fun. And the movement is just a lot better in general. The shootouts in fallout 4 are genuinely enjoyable, it’s actuallu quite fun to clear an area.
Like Skyrim, it's incredibly barebones. Like the moment they had the base mechanics "working" they released it. The amount of unique quests, locations, NPCs, choices, items, powers, and so forth is severely lacking. And all of that is what makes an RPG memorable.
But the systems aren't bad, they're actually quite nice. As such mods do A LOT for FO4. Settlements are especially improved. Hell I dropped the game like 5 hours in on release. I couldn't stomach it. But now I might just enjoy it more than any other Bethesda title, granted I have played most of them to death already so it's not that surprising.
The only thing that I will always LOATHE is the infernal dialogue system and how they just ripped skills and checks out of the game. (Well, there's like half a dozen or something stat checks but that's nothing).
>straight up fucking retarded is what it is.
It's a gameplay device you retard
99% of mods are sex stuff, gun skins and difficulty tweaks though. No actual new content.
IS viable do a fist only run in FO4?
I want make a Kenshiro run.
it's still retarded
Fallout 3 had one of the best maps ever. Probably should have taken place 20 years after the bombs, but still. It’s such a gorgeously decayed, irradiated, serene landscape. It has a strange calm to it and a surprising amount of interesting locations.
The third person movement and animations in F4 are great. I played basically the whole game in third person.
>IS viable do a fist only run in FO4?
Tying perks to crafting upgrades was the dumbest shit ever. It’s like you need to choose between a stronger character or access to all the games features
They have nothing in common. Point Lookout didnt even have a vault
Skyrim has a lot more unique quests compared to FO4. It did start a declining trend, but the series didnt lose its soul yet unlike what FO4 and 76 did
I see you didn't play it
West Virignia is also a great map wasted on a shit game
It weirded me out that the weapons weren't displayed when holstered. The character is just literally pulling them out of their ass lmao.
>moot point
you don't seem to know what that means...
fallout 3 had swaths of side quests better than anything in 4
>hey guys lets do another DLC set in a swampy misty area
I feel like in fallout 4 I was always running out of inventory space. It was an annoying part of the game. Didn’t even collect a lot of junk either. But I felt like I got over encumbered way more than the other games
4 has better outfits and clothing options. 3 didn’t have a single cool armor set or outfit
this is a joke right?
Don't mind me, just posting Curie's rear
you niggers forgot about power armor training? now everyone and their grandma can jump into one of those suits without prior training
Power Armor training was a Bethesda invention designed to prevent players from accessing it early in-game.