Give Zelda a more active role in the story

>give Zelda a more active role in the story
>she's an insufferable cunt every single time
Maybe they should stop trying to give Zelda a character and just stick to her being the princess you rescue at the end and don't see or think about for 95% of the game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

did you even play the game? she's more of an ass than a cunt

Maybe you should have sex, incel.

make me

God that forehead is ripe for catching cumshots

Can’t wait to see Yea Forums seethe when they pull a TLoU2 and make her the main protagonist

But she was pretty nice and funny in Spirit Tracks, a 100% pure waifu in Skyward Sword and a badass in Hyrule Warriors. They've already done it well.

Zelda's cute butt.

What attributes does she have that make her a cunt? What games specifically are you talking about, as you seem to be refering to multiple.

get on the bed

ST Zelda was great and she had the most active role of any Zelda. The problem is that SS and BOTW rely on cheap waifubait tactics. Doesn't help that they are both ugly as fuck with the 'cute potato' look.

She's literally bitchy in like two scenes of the entire game, get over it.

Incels literally seethe at the concept of a female protagonist, except FF6 for some reason which only has two MC’s both of which are girls. But for some reason always gets a pass

Maybe you should stop being gay.

BotW is the first one to give her actual character traits, flaws, an arc...

Maybe you should start taking your own advice.

BOTW gave her 'endearing' traits and flaws designed to make you feel sympathetic towards her. That's artificial shit designed to make you like her. That's why the literal first thing we saw of her was her crying in Link's arms.

Hurr durr

tetra was fun
she was the only cool zelda

>she's an insufferable cunt every single time
Fuck you she was great in Spirit Tracks

How are being an uptight nerd and a failure "endearing traits"?
Also that's a memory you will likely discover late in the game

Want me to bend over?

>These character traits are artificially endearing, designed to make you like her!
>This game is artificially appealing to your fun, it's designed to make you enjoy it!
>This music is artificially appealing to your ears, it's designed to sound good!

Attached: 1523789194782.jpg (1091x1341, 424K)

Imagine the smell..

>BOTW gave her 'endearing' traits and flaws designed to make you feel sympathetic towards her

you've heard of "artificial difficulty", but have you heard of "artificial personality"? I really hate it when writers artificially write their characters to be likable or sympathetic

I imagine she's telling link to stop climbing the mountain and come fuck her

That isn't the case with Zelda in BotW though.

This artificial shitposting is getting tiring. You're not really shitposting, you're posting in a way that's designed to be shit.

Why should I stop being gay when I like attractive women? That's not how it works fag.
Also not that user but:
>hurrr this character was made for people to like it!!
Are you clinically retarded, every single character from any media that's not the villain, comic relief or super secondary is made to be likable, especially if they have a tragic arc like Zelda does.
BotW Zelda is BY FAR the most interesting of all, with maybe ST behind.

>uptight nerd
Are you serious? Waifufags go nuts for 'nerdy' girls. Why do you think Sailor Mercury is the most popular Sailor Scout?

Because it's set up as something to will make you feel sorry for her.

There's a difference between a character written as likeable and a character written to pander to basic waifufags. That's the difference between ST Zelda and BOTW Zelda.

She's also kinda ugly, which makes her 'attainable' to waifufags while also non-threatening to female players who want to fuck Link.

This is up there with forced animation

It is for literally everyone else except your pshycotic, incel ass.

There are scenes where she acts petulant and insults the player character. She isn't given overly-endearing traits
>b-but waifufags
I'm talking about normal people who played the game

>BotW Zelda
a) canonically interested in Link
b) the fucking princess and one of the most important people in her story
How is that attainable you mouthbreather?
gay as fuck again

"Insufferable cunt" is just shorthand for "isn't a submissive and demure waif who's all over Link's cock at all times."

Its because they're wicked funny gods like Kefka/Joker.
>makes her an actual human

Wow its almost like protagonists are designed to be liked in the first place, who'd have guessed.


Zelda's smelly royal anus

It'll be fine if Nintendo does it.

>This game is artificially appealing to your fun, it's designed to make you enjoy it!
Yes. Botw is nufun.

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>just stick to her being the princess you rescue at the end and don't see or think about for 95% of the game.

But she does that in BOTW. She's just also a cunt.

>Give Zelda an actual, realistic personality
>Autistic nerds hate it
who could have guessed

Nah BOTW is just a shit game for casuals who like Skyrim

Huh, now I remember that phase where everything was called nu-[thing] to make it look bad. Was that before or after cuck? I know it's all about onions now.

Yeah, so nufun. Games that aren't actually fun but for one reason or another people delude themselves into thinking they are.

>I know it's all about onions now.
Get with the times, grandpa. We call each other trannies now.

Huh? That's just the current hip insult. But no one says "this is just trannyfun", people say "basedfun" or whatever.

After. Before that people would say neo-[thing], to the exact same end.

Oh, yeah, I completely forgot "neo-Yea Forums".

How contrarian do you have to be to think people who enjoy something you don't are secretly under some mass delusion?

>Being mad the cutest Zelda version is getting lots of screentime
All that's missing is playable.

Attached: Zelda PL.jpg (800x1100, 74K)

The game is unenjoyable. The only reason shitters like it is because ZELDAAA OMG NEW ZELDAAAA. I even talked to people that didn't like open world games like Skyrim and Ubishit games, but looooooved BoTW. Even though they are all practically the same game. Just the Zelda coat of paint that people fap to. Nothing more, nothing less.

>cutest Zelda
That's Smash Ultimate Zelda. BOTW Zelda is just ugly.

My dude, you can't strawman yourself if you want to shitpost. You need to have at least have some undeniable truth in your statements otherwise everyone is just going to either ignore you or laugh at you.

If you want maximum amounts of (you)s you need to make it sound like a legitimate argument first and then obfuscate it to both falseflag one side while antagonizing the other side.
Strawmanning yourself does nothing but make you look extremely retarded.

Zelda is artificial and ugly = bad shitposting
Zelda was designed from the ground up to pander towards emotional tugging yet she is completely uninvolved with the direct story of the character throughout the game they might as well have done nothing with her = Good shitposting.

>Smash U
Please, before you behead some e-girl.

Attached: Have sex.jpg (800x448, 54K)

I get it

Zelda isn't even the best girl of the series.

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She's artificial cute, forced moe.

FF6, FFX-2, LiS, Hat in Time, Recettear, Nep, I'm definitely forgetting some but many games have female protags and are loved by Yea Forums.
Seems like you're just trying to fabricate some lie to feel better about yourself.

'artificial X' shitposting is 2 years old, stop trying to bring it back user.

Attached: Short Zel.jpg (1200x1232, 158K)

>make Zelda more involved in the story
>She is amongst the best iterations of the character
Every time

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This. Pic related is.

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honestly how anyone can look at that cunt and not want to stomp her face until the skin splits apart what a stuck up fucking whore wouldn't be worth shit with acid in the her face

Who cares? She's got a perfect fat ass.

Does anyone have pictures of this bitch getting hurt?

she was very enjoyable in spirit tracks

how did arabs find Yea Forums

fuck you little dick faggot bitch

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very good yes

I like it when you bully me like that, user.

You'll never be white user

Attached: Mito SM.jpg (400x400, 19K)

your dad bully you in asshole make you little faggot bitch

Play spirit tracks, she is the absolute best in that game.

That's great, please keep going.

You deserve every "play spirit tracks" reply in this thread OP

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this game is so fucking old and no one cares about it, no one has any webms of it just gifs

Attached: fuckyoucrazy_shitson_CALMDOWN.gif (244x156, 2.98M)

Because anyone who isn't a fanboy, journalist or normalfag can tell its nufun.

Shut the fuck up Zelda, you smell bad.

Seriously, she was just the best in spirit tracks.

I will never understand why Yea Forums loves this roastie hag.

>botw zelda is ugly
Shit taste. Short haired Zelda is the cutest one by far

Attached: botw.jpg (892x1000, 184K)

Only niggers like botw zelda.

How many times do you think Link smashed that artificial pussy? Artificially speaking.

You'd be a bit on edge too if everyone was counting on you to be the unflappable savior of the fucking world and you couldn't even do the one simple thing every single one of your predecessors could do instinctively.

Attached: too-lewd-for-advertisers.gif (335x197, 2.08M)

where can i find porn where the girl looks like this

Pic related is the hottest Zelda though and long hair > short hair

Attached: Zelda HW.jpg (4000x4000, 1.38M)

Wow user that guy was an even bigger faggot bitch than you all along. He couldn't even keep his homoerotic fantasy going for you

>no tits
>no ass


This is my fetish
Also very well made background

HW Zelda is the only Zelda that actually has tits

Way to defend your fictional characters honor

Actually all the autistic nintendies love nu-Zelda
It's the normal people whose brains arent addled by love for a vidya company who dont like a downs syndrome zelda

>fan art

>expecting anyone from Yea Forums to understand what its like to not enjoy being a failure

This, BotW is the prettiest Zelda, Tetra is the one with the best personality

Her forehead is bigger than her ass and her eyes have a distinct Downie look to them

I'm deeply disappointed, to be completely honest.

>He didn't play the toon era

Fuck off zoomer

BotW Zelda has an amazing body. Nice tits, birthing hips, an arse you can park a bike in and a tight outfit that clings lovingly to every curve.

All of the dialogue and character were embarrassing tumblr porn bait, i’m very glad they didn’t keep the “no skipping cutscenes” mentality they had launch

I'm glad things have come full circle and it's acceptable to bully nerds again. I do agree that bullying is a good thing, and that the more people we bullycide to death in high school, the fewer white liberals we will have later. I wasn't aware that was a socially acceptable position though.

Those are considered charm points user. These same people probably thought Ryder was cute in Mass Effect Andromeda.

This is the good shit. Post more

If it's white liberals all being incels then why does the vast majority of right leaning posters SEETHE at the word?

Dumb tranny kys

bong/ausfag/sheepfucker detected

They don’t, replying to a post does not mean you are seething or even a little bit upset, people just pretend it does since implying your opponent is being SILLY is easier than actually making a decent argument

The word was invented by the MGTOW cringe camp, not the white liberal cam. It was coopted out of frustration and a desire to project their own insecurity and sexual undesirability onto others.

It is very telling that to the white liberal, the most offensive thing they can think of is being called an incel or a racist--both things that they probably are.

To someone on the right, the most offensive thing you can call them is a liberal or a faggot--both things that white liberals are.

Nintendies and especially BotW fags are all tumblr trannies

Malon and OoT Link are the parents of TP Link.

I'm half Bongish.

Jokes on you, jackass.
Unless you have Chad Genetics, you're just as worthless as the incels and deserve to be eradicated from the gene pool for the sake of humanity as a whole.

That's rude.

What Zelda has the best tits and ass then?

Attached: file.png (1606x2000, 1.52M)

Maybe you should lite yourself on fire, cuck

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I wish to combine these two images with Zelda saying "I TOLD you, we're only doing it in my butt from now on!"

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There's nothing wrong with being a liberal or a faggot (unless ur in the middle East) but there is something wrong with being an incel or a racist. You're just saying that white liberals are fine and right wing folk are bad.

Attached: 1ce9c92539e0fe52a0b6341d71d047c7.jpg (650x773, 68K)

Jesus Christ, HAVE SEX

>470581287 #
>The word was invented by the MGTOW cringe camp, not the white liberal cam
Lol shut up you stupid incel

Have sex, incel

Nice, this was a nice image series

>>she's an insufferable cunt

Your fanfic is bad.

Attached: 1561662304250.png (1240x821, 517K)

Suck a cock, tranny

>But for some reason always gets a pass
Even when it was bad, SNES-era Final Fantasy had sincere and authentic storytelling. The female characters came from a place of creativity not pandering.

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>no tits

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God, makes me want to research Royal Treatment.

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>not liking tsunderes

This place has gone down hill.

That literally only happened in Botw. She's just another tsun. But she was amazing in Skyward Sword.

>thread full of people talking about red pill and mgtow

you're all fucking gay

Zelda being more than a damsel in distress is born out of woke 2019 sociopolitics, so no shit her personality will also be based on woke 2019 sociopolitics as a stronk independent no-need-man womyn

Attached: Link Malon dinner.jpg (640x647, 67K)

The most vapid and shitty character archetype in history. Stick to your moeshit

Attached: Link Malon grown up.png (900x733, 280K)

So why was she so active in 64?


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That ice queen shit she had going on ins TP was working for me

Anons who play video games and know a good take on the character when they see them. What's worse is she still has yet to be topped. Skyward Zelda was an insult after playing ST, ALBW Zelda got one-upped by Hilda and BotW Zelda was way more useless to where the most iconic scene of her is her crying like the useless bitch she is.

Not a coincidence that Spirit Tracks got buried and forgotten, it was that good of a game/sequel.

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>What in the God damn.

Why is Benny stuck in Zelda's ass.

spirit tracks was great, still upsets me that to this day if you bring it up people go
>lul literally on rails

Holy FUCK.

All that does is show they never played it. You had a lot more control than the game showed. You weren't confined to the route you set and in some cases, you were supposed to go off-route if you wanted to survive. People bitched about the controls but I'll take the pan flute over that puzzle game combat Skyward Sword did.

Man, imagine being unable to have sex. It's like, Your bloodline goes back for literal millennia only to end with an angry incel ranting about how women have personalities and don't just spread their legs after saying a nice thing in their general direction like in on of his foriegn cartoons. The incel is a failed creature, the incel should be hung for his crimes of existing while being so pathetic.

Attached: chances.png (480x639, 268K)

>why does the vast majority of right leaning posters SEETHE at the word?
You wish it did. It must be hard to accept that you can't shut people down by labeling them an -ist or a -phobe anymore, because you overused those labels so much that now people don't give a fuck. At least those terms had a degree of legitimacy and real-world meaning--the "have sex" and "incel" memes are so goofy and have such silly origins that they're going to suffer the same fate sooner or later.

Enjoy getting replaced by immigrants, I know I will.

>The immigrants are replacing us
>can't we just outbreed them like the han chinese do to their other races
>[Seethes in incel]
The race isn't failing. You are. You've failed your ancestry. Kill yourself.

>libcuck is pro-china

The point of Zelda is exploration and adventure, history is something secondary

>We're going to be replaced!
>Not if we have more sex, just look a china
Literally seething in incel. If we get replaced it's going to be because of disgusting social failures like yourself who are incapable of breeding. Do it, kill yourself. You've already ended your bloodline, do it.

I'm saying it's a good thing, libcuck. We need Islam to whip onionboys like your ass into shape.

>Get to endgame
>They didn't let Tetra keep her skin tone when she turned into Zelda.

Attached: 0208.png (621x672, 675K)

>Please superior men, stop others from having sex
My god, you're the most pathetic incel I've ever seen. You're not just an incel, you're a raging fag who thinks if you can't get laid then superior men should force other men to be as pathetic as you. Seriously, kill yourself. You literally failed every purpose you were born with. Do it, You have no reason not to.

>Nah BOTW is just a shit game for casuals who like Skyrim
I despise Skyrim, and BotW is one of the greatest games ever created.

And being a useless bitch is part of what made BOTW Zelda so popular. She is basically the Zelda equivalent of Lillie from Pokemon Sun/Moon.

Lmao tranny seething about his own 41%

There's only place for one tanned Nintendo princess.


Attached: Gay_purple_man.png (151x260, 49K)

>Nah BOTW is just a shit game for casuals who like Skyrim
Skyrim feels outdated compared to BOTW, heck the whole open world gameplay as a genre feels outdated after BOTW

Attached: Zelda BOTW 2.jpg (773x1000, 626K)

Unfortunately they changed her too. We got Marina, Twintelle and the Gerudo in BOTW in return but I want my tanned Daisy back.

Look at you, desperatly cycling through generic insults while trying to deflect from the fact that you can't reproduce and should kill yourself. Why are you alive user? you can't accomplish the basic objective of life: to reproduce. You're obviously not happy or else you wouldn't be so bitter and seething. You offer nothing to your race, nothing to this world, nothing at all.

You call me names because you literally can't defend your reason to live because you don't have one.

Do it incel. You know it's been a long time coming. Kill yourself and livestream it so at least you'll leave something of value behind since you definitely won't leave any genes.

>she's an insufferable cunt every single time
Look at this incel crying

If like to think, if there was ever cause for it, they'd give her a tan in the future to differentiate her from other Toon Zeldas.

Attached: 1547143317671.jpg (581x450, 121K)

They should have did that from the start.

>ctrl+f spirit tracks
>8 posts found

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>There's nothing wrong with being a liberal or a faggot
>nothing wrong with a member of a sexually reproducing species not having a desire to sexually reproduce
Interesting theory

>that pic
You know it's pretty wild when you think about it, ST Zelda has some guts but it's still pretty formal and princess-like, but her great-great-grandmother and first queen of New Hyrule was mother fucking Tetra, I would love to see how she was as a queen

>needing extra reproduction
>in 2019
Dumb theory.

I don’t think you know what that word means, user.

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if you can't fuck the fish i'm officially boycotting nintendo products

>Maybe they should stop trying to give Zelda a character and just stick to her being the princess you rescue at the end and don't see or think about for 95% of the game.
Or just give her an alternate campaign where she does magic attacks and uses magic to explore.
That would be pretty good

Amazing what not having sex can do to a person.

Zelda archaeology sim when?

Zelda is made for black men

This. Princess Zelda was genuinely born to be bred, mated, FUCKED by black dudes. From all standpoints this is correct. Her body's shaped like she was sculpted specifically to please fertile black bulls. Her flowing golden hair has a slight curl at the end, as if it beckons to be wrapped around a black man's knuckles while he makes her into a woman. Her bottom is soft and shapely, the cushioning plenty adequate for a pent up, powerful black bull to pound her into a creaking bed. Imagine all those years cooped up in the royal castle, never allowed to explore her femininity, all those nights spent fantasizing about what normal people do to each other. A regular dose of dick is not enough. A little elf cock like Link's can't make up properly for those years lost. Zelda's entire body, mind and soul are practically BEGGING to be bent over and dominated by a black man. Imagine her cute little ears flushing red and twitching in his hand as the black bull of her dreams goes balls deep inside her. No princess should be denied this kind of pleasure. You are legitimately a selfish person if you think Zelda shouldn't be allowed to seek out a black king to empty his balls inside her after everything she has been through.

You jaded incel fuck, max blue pill.

Aphonse Elric Zelda was the best.

Attached: fullmetal_phantom__zelda_x_fullmetal_alchemist__by_takeshre_d9uqwlw-pre.jpg (938x852, 87K)

>implying she won't be the Ashley of Zelda

Let me know when you find black people in Zelda. I want to play as a Link reincarnation from their race.


Yikes! Seething tranny lmao

>Still can't give a reason to live
It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Everyone can do it. I'm alive because I'm a husband and a father and because life is fun.

See? what about you? no kids, no wife, no gf, never even had sex, no accomplishments. It's okay user, your family won't miss you. You already admitted that you'd rather your race be taken over by superior men so no one here will miss you. Your suicide may even be the kick they need to make a son capable of reproduction.

It's okay user. Kill yourself. Do it. Live stream it. Leave a legacy.

>whole open world gameplay as a genre feels outdated after BOTW
Time to go back nufun loving tranny. BOTW is mgs5 tier of shitty open world games.

That would be cute as fuck.
use magic to unearth various artifacts

Lmao reddit spacing tranny is letting incels live in his head rent-free so badly he doesnt even know he's not even arguing with the same person anymore

Attached: 1563199213665.png (856x1053, 1.3M)

>waaaah why does my dad expect so much of me
>waaaah why doesn't my magic work
>waaaah why do I have to study Sheikah stuff
>waaaah why does Link get to have a sword
Well excuuuuoooOOOOOOOooose me, Princess!

Attached: file.png (320x240, 125K)

Bases and redpilled. Braindead niggers like who treat this glorified tech demo as the 2nd coming of christ are proof.

It applies to all incels. You as an individual doesn't matter to me because you're all the same kind of pathetic creature. Different person, still can't give a reason to not kill yourself. Your coping is entertaining but we both know it's ineffective. there's only one way to make me wrong. Provide a reason why you're still alive despite being a living failure or

Kill yourself, do it, Live stream it. Leave a legacy

I hate the flute and train in ST so goddamn much but the dungeons and Ghost Zelda was the stuff peak Zelda is made of. It does not get enough recognition for its good qualities.

have sex

>BOTW gave her 'endearing' traits and flaws designed to make you feel sympathetic towards her.
i cant believe people are actually mad at this statement

That would mean botw did something wrong, when it's the perfect game.


Attached: 180.png (738x669, 233K)

So desperate that you've stopped forming sentences. Seems I've broken you.

Get a dictionary, and look up the word “joke”.

The definition is simple: Your life.


Attached: spirit tracks zelda.jpg (880x703, 223K)

Good evening ladies and gents, it’s now time to play “MAKE THE FAGGOT STAY ON THE THREAD AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!”

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Lel tranny this isn't twitter, nobody is taking your insane SEETHING seriously

Attached: 1562981889802.jpg (255x326, 17K)

I've got time to spare and I quite enjoy the coping insane coping of broken incels with no reason to live.

As long as you know that I'm your superior and you have no reason to live, all is well.

fapping to butt of the wild is part of my daily routine

Attached: l37rwm0on5321.jpg (1200x800, 190K)

my absolute nigger, her, ST Zelda and Hilda are the best

Attached: 1451882173413.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Prove your superiority.

>why ar game that don't pander to sjws good
Imagine throwing away critical thinking like this braindead retard. This is the average nu/v/ poster that uses terms like "sexist" and "incel" unironically now.

>BOTW is mgs5 tier of shitty open world game
how? hyrule offers more interaction than any open world game ever.
>glorified tech demo
Play the game

Attached: Zelda breath of the wild.jpg (751x950, 479K)

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botw is for tranny's and low-t betas prove me wrong



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I prefer her grandma, but she's still pretty based

Attached: sttetra.jpg (1280x1476, 564K)

BotW is a tech demo, its entire gimmick is "emergent gameplay" in an open world. BotW gives the absolute minimum fucks about meaningful structure, it expects you to dick around and make your own fun like a sandbox game.

I've reproduced. Until you can say the same, until you can even have a woman who loves you (that isn't your poor mom), you are my inferior. By a mile.

This is wings of redemption. Despite being retarded and a tub of lard he has had sex. he is your superior as well. If you are an incel then you are the lowest of the caste. Compared to you, I am a god.

Attached: gmpb8b2v1sg21.jpg (1920x1080, 95K)

Yes, daddy, bully me some more. Show me how superior you truly are.

Still had a wild side, but was elitist as fuck. Had no qualms about putting uppity peasants in their place if needed.

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Go home Shakespeare, you’re drunk.

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Imagine being so "superior" you spend your time shitposting on Yea Forums.

>imagine using putting your noodle in the bowl as a measurement of superiority.

ur a faget

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>mentally tranny with trump derangement syndrome
>unemployed and seethes about incels all day
Lmao sasuga

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Then how come every “interaction” feels pointless and dull? How I always find myself avoiding doing anything extra because it’s so repetitive and boring? Yeah, being able to pick up a rock and find a korok shit underneath is technically “interaction” but it isn’t meaningful, you don’t think while you’re doing it, I can’t imagine playing that game for more than ten minutes without zoning out, it’s just so much mind numbing walking and gliding to even get to the various korok seeds and shrines, that even a full blown dungeon wouldn’t justify it, let alone the boring thoughtless same-y puzzles that you get (that is if they don’t give you a blessing or a “test of “strength””). I don’t think there is almost any block of gameplay you can point to where most of the time isn’t spent holding the stick and the run button, if even the run button. Compare this to a game like Mario 64, which came out 20 years prior to breath of the wild, and despite technically being the much smaller game, has far more actually enjoyable content, it just doesn’t spread that content over a map 40x larger than is reasonable so it doesn’t feel “big” to mouth breathers.

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>ALBW Zelda gets popular because of Smash
>wasn't even best girl in her own game
I'm glad to see some men of taste here

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I really like using Tetra in Hyrule Warriors

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>BotW gives the absolute minimum fucks about meaningful structure
Narrative estructure maybe, because you are not playing a story, just remembering what happened. Gameplay wise is far more complex than previous zelda where the progression is go from A to B.
>it expects you to dick around and make your own fun like a sandbox
how is this a bad thing?

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Because it's a shit open world game on the same tier as skyrim and mgs5, shallow as fuck with the only thing it has going for it is it's physics. Journos sucked Nintendo off for botw just as much as they did Sony for nuGod of War, both peak nufun games.

I wanted to cuck that faggot Ravio so fucking hard, he doesnt deserve her, i wonder how would Hilda react if Link were to give her the Triforce willingly

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This must be bait. No father would be shitposting on Yea Forums and bragging about how that makes him a better human when that is a literal cherry pick. You could be some crack addict in a squat with 7 kids on the run after stealing a bargain bucket from the trash can, but apparently with your logic that person is still better than others.

You're an idiot or a troll. either way, enjoy the (you) and fuck off.

>what is irony

Your list is missing someone. And the ALBW one doesn't count.

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I don't count Smash. The list has both LttP and ALBW. :D wouldn't be any higher than them

Only zoomers sois like botw zelda and want more of her.

From a darwinist perspective, which is the average liberal perspective these days, he would. He increased his total stock in the genepool, the only criticism is that he didn’t establish a great start for them to ensure they reproduce, and their children reproduce etc, but he still did better than someone who had no kids by default.

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No, its end goal is garbage. It's 200 hours of "you can climb that mountain" and like what, 6 hours of actual story dungeon content? Oh sure, shrines are a thing but that's 120 instances of 10-15 asides that feel more like grottos than anything relevant or meaningful. BotW is great if you like to wander around aimlessly doing things for the sake of it, but it's kinda awful for people who like to get down to brass tacks and actually have their actions mean something. The Great Plaeau and Hyrule Castle are pretty much the only great parts of the game in that regard, everything else kinda feels like a time waster that doesn't actually mean anything, save for the Divine Beasts which are just glorified shrines and therefore disappoint as dungeons.

This is boogie. Despite his only accomplishments being staying alive while being so fat and broken he has had sex and been married. This thing, this disgusting thing is your superior. The disgust you feel when looking at boogie is only a modicum of the disgust I feel when looking at incels like yourselves who achieve nothing, not even the most basic biological goal of all life.

This is my last post, Project and cope however you please. Thanks for reaffirming my superiority. and I hope you take time to reassess your pathetic lives and someday breed or do the right thing and kill yourselves.

*10-15 minute asides

Look, I'm just desperate to see a Zelda be allowed to do anything

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Why did you not reply to my post, daddy?

Callin bullshit. The Smash U design is an amalgamation of great Zelda traits using a design that, while based on LTTP/ALBW, has become uniquely famous in its own right for taking those designs and making them very cute. It would like saying the Spirit Tracks and Minish Cap Zeldas are the same because they look the same. Your list is shit until you add her.

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That doesn't change the fact she's shit tier.

But she was an uppity peasant

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>cant even post pictures correctly on Yea Forums

Okay daddy you're my superior :)

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>Because it's a shit open world game
Sure buddy, everyone see it as a groundbreaking game and a milestone in gameplay (because it is). keep getting mad about it.

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Good list, except for the two Toons at the bottom

As long as the female protag is thicc idrc desu

>It would like saying the Spirit Tracks and Minish Cap Zeldas are the same because they look the same.
But they aren't. If you noticed I have ST Zelda near the top and MC Zelda near the bottom. I'm factoring character too and Smash Zelda doesn't have any more than the versions she's based on. I'd actually knock her down a bit for not having an alt based on the LttP casual wear which I think is the superior design

But she learned she was related to someone important so that makes everything okay

Tetra and ST are great characters. ST and FS are just there

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MC and FS are just there*

>groundbreaking game and a milestone in gameplay (because it is).
>source: my ass (because I said so)

She's gonna get kidnapped by mummy Ganondorf and you're going to like it!

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>the whole open world gameplay as a genre feels outdated after BOTW
I enjoyed BotW, but this is pure delusion. It's a by the books Ubisoft "collect things on your GPS and climb towers" game through and through. A really good one, but that's what it is.

So if everyone likes eating shit and playing games like Skyrim I should play them as well?
>lol mad response
Lmao you could just say you have no argument

>always goes back to review scores and “r u mad [leddit trollface]”
Why is the botw defense force so bad at doing the only thing they ever do, defend botw? Is it possibly because the game is indefensible and they need to rely on the same reviewers they would criticize for liking CoD and other annuals?

Will probably get mummified herself when he steals her life force to regain is youth

Attached: Princess Tetra is not amused by your faggotry.png (323x212, 35K)

>But they aren't.
Exactly. I was calling out your hypocrisy. You might as well leave her out anyway because if you put her anywhere but God-tier or higher you'd get eaten alive by other smashfags.

It's a terrible Zelda game but a decent open world if you're into that awfully boring trash. Reminds me a lot of MGSV.
At least we got one of the hottest Zeldas out of it though

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>I was calling out your hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy? I was saying Smash doesn't count. TP and OoT Zelda are being judged by those games. not by Smash. Hackurai has been embarrassing with his poor representations of the Zelda cast. I'd never factor him into this

>No, its end goal is garbage. It's 200 hours of "you can climb that mountain" and like what, 6 hours of actual story dungeon content?
Again, how is that a bad thing? Maybe you like super estructured experiences, some people enjoy to goof around and see what is over a far mountain, the game usually rewarded your curiosity with the view a a new shrine, a kolog, new items, a memory, hynox, etc. Is similar to BS Zelda.
go back to your cinematic experiences.

Attached: zelda breath of the wild 1498839132548.png (1000x1406, 1.42M)

Towers maybe but it doesn't mark checklists on your map like other open world games.

One thing I like BotW is that it expects you to explore on your own.

I’ll be fine with that because then I can stare at dat ass the whole game.

Mipha is the best girl, this cannot be refuted

The only thing note zelda had going for her was a big barper. Unless your a beta who likes cunts I guess.

You just described women in a nutshell

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I can dig it.

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Oh so you're just a hater.

>wanting something to do in a game means you like cinematic experiences
I bet you loved fallout 4 having hardly any towns so you could build ones yourself with generic npcs hanging out in them doing nothing.

Still so mad about people having fun with a game years after release, never change Yea Forums

Attached: zelda breath of the wild animation 1563172578736.gif (600x328, 1.99M)

Too bad that.....SHE'S DEAD.

>The only thing note zelda had going for her was a big barper.
And that's all she needs. I like her hair too and the fact that she wears leggings for her brapper. Also cummable forehead and thick eyebrows

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For how the Zelda franchise has been handled in Smash. If I let in one I have to let them all in.

dont mention her, she is only going to get dissed in a Zelda princess thread

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I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. You can have your sandbox and I can have my "cinematic experiences", though I much prefer a game like Brandish which doesn't have much in the way of cinematics but whatever.


She’ll be alive in the sequel, also ghost sex

So you a Midnafag or a Skull Kidfag?

At least games like mgsv or rdr2 don’t look like complete ass, BoTW looks like shit and they don’t even have the specs as an excuse, even SS and ALBW look better because they have some actual art direction. With BotW they clearly wanted to appeal to as large an audience as possible, so they just took the borderlands approach and lazily slapped cel shading on otherwise realistically proportioned characters because they knew without it they would look blatantly worse than what almost every other triple a dev can do. Even odyssey was able to get realistic details and lighting, and that’s a game with cartoony designs to begin with.

It still has quest markers and Google Maps. You could get away with turning them off without compromising the flow of the game too much which I liked, but the game really isn't anything revolutionary. It's extremely derivative game, especially for Nintendo.

I'd just like to see more people actually talking about the game. the only people who ever do are the critics.

Naw bro, did you finish the game? The ghosts of the king and champions passed on after Link and Zelda destroyed the Calamity.

The same people sucking off BOTW for being an 'amazing' game are going to do the same with the new Pokemon. This is why we can't have genuine good games when people eat and praise garbage from Nintendo

>Ezlo isn’t lusting after the Zeldas

>I bet you loved fallout 4 having hardly any towns so you could build ones yourself with generic npcs hanging out in them doing nothing.
Hyrule is a lot more fun place to do weird shit like goofing around thanks to magnesis, cryonis or stasis. You can interact with hyrule, that dont happens in fallout4

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No, I'm a Toon Link fag who doesn't understand why we have three Links from wildly different games that somehow all play 90% alike. I don't know why it took 4 tries to get a Ganondorf who uses his sword if only for Smash attacks still used by Ike. I don't know why Sheik is now in the game separately from Zelda when she's irrelevant when separated from Zelda and only serves as an excuse to never introduce any fresh faces from the series

The handling of Zelda in Smash is abhorrent.

That likable thing is blantantly untrue

The only way this applies is with games that actually manipulate your psychology, like looter-shooters, where you think you’re having fun playing when what you really enjoy is the loot chase and not the actual gameplay. I don’t see how this is something BotW does.


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i liked spirit tracks.

With those tights of hers, she might as well be both.

I'll use any term that buttblast pathetic self-absorbed a bloo bloo virgins.

The physics engine was the real star, you could actually cheese a lot of stuff in the game with it.

The only people mad are the people who are so assblasted they can’t even get through a full paragraph calmly, they have to resort to shitposting and porn to defend their terrible usage of their time. BotW was extremely disappointing more than anything, no one is going to be genuinely angry about BotW because no one is missing out, you can’t resort to fox and grapes here. The game is a disappointment because it not only shows Nintendo capitulating and moving on to the greedy, empty open world + $200 of dlc formula of third party developers, but doing so with thundering applause. That’s what journo’s truly love about BotW, not the game itself per se, but the fact that their casual laziness and hatred of video games and creativity in general has finally reached one of the most stubborn developers they had yet to conquer.

Fuck off, don't put Zelda fans in the same boat with gamefreak bootlickers.

Mipha was just a pathetic doormat who died long ago.

>time travel has never occurred in a Zelda game

Like that means anything. Ganon was supposed to be gone too. How'd that work out?

Zelda is a ugly goblina created through a millennia of inbreeding

But that's wrong.


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Mipha has way more traits of an inbred compared to Zelda
Jesus, just look at those legs lmao.

thank you

>All four Great Faries
BotW Link has plenty of choices. Why limit himself to just one?

>The only people mad
you mad nigga

You're both bootlickers that eat shit
No it's not

The look on Link's face just kills me.

I said the Calamity, not Ganon.

We now know Calamity Ganon was another shadow puppet.

Why are people still absolutely SEETHING about BOTW? What is it about it being the first good console Zelda in 14 years that drives people out of their mind with rage?

Goddess Tier:
>ST Zelda

Top Tier:

High Tier:
>TP Zelda
>Brawl/4 Zelda
>Smash U Zelda
>HW Zelda

Mid Tier:
>LttP Zelda
>ALBW Zelda
>BOTW Zelda
>Cartoon Zelda
>CD-I Zelda
>MC Zelda
>Oracles Zelda

Low Tier:
>SS Zelda
>LOZ/AOL Zelda

Personality is good. Being annoying is not. Hence the top tiers. High Tier is "hot but doesn't have much personality."

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But I like BotW and dislike the new Pokémon.

All Zora have those legs, so it’s not an argument

I do enjoy ass.

>still unable to come up with arguments other then "m-mad..." while being too much of a cuck to post anything other then cropped porn

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>All Zora have those legs
Since they live in such a closed off bubble the constant inbreeding is not surprising.

It's all open world nonsense. You know what would make BotW cool? Climbing a mountain only to find a staircase leading down to a multifloored, 5 hour long gauntlet of combat and puzzles that you can explore freely. Now do that for every subregion in the game and NOW we truly have a modern Zelda 1. It gets the overworld part right, it just fucks up in the "discoveries worth half a fuck" department.

>active role
How the fuck did BoTW Zelda have an active role? Are you on drugs? She was literally imprisoned from the very beginning of the story, practically a non-character that talks to you once in a while saying basically nothing. And all your memories about her are "I'm fucking useless reee" (literally, every single memory is that). A complete waste of air, basically. And she doesn't even do anything for rescuing you (remember, her incompetence is why your previous self died in the first place). There have been Zeldas that gave you kisses for saving them, for fucks sake. On a related note, I agree that she's a bitchy, insufferable cunt.

Overall she's a horrible regression of the damsel archetype, and the biggest irony is that it happened when they tried to make her less "princess-like".
Now, OoT Zelda was actively helping you, survived without you for 7 years and became a ninja, and still did magic shit fighting vs Ganon.
WW Zelda was outright proactive, as Tetra she basically drove the plot, had the balls of steel to kick Ganon in the face, and even after she got kidnapped as Zelda, she became a support NPC firing arrows at Ganon. Meanwhile her ancestor outright becomes a playable character and helps you shove the Master Sword through Malladus skull (Link couldn't do it alone). THAT is based and chad.

Who has the princess Zelda’s over the years bred with? There’s no other hylian royalty and they wouldn’t breed with commoners

Do you not know what a retcon is? Because that is one.

This is spot on. And even worse I hate how ANY male character is typically written:

"Oh she's a cunt? Must save her anyway."

It happened with Zelda, it happened with Mario (Odyssey where Peach is revealed to be very ungrateful), it happened in Final Fantasy 8 (Rinoa is a dumbass brat who should have been allowed to die the MULTIPLE times the dumbass put her life on the line), etc.

I don't want to save unlikable twats. If they're annoying and unlikable I want them to die. And don't even get me started on Last Ugly Dykes of Us 2.


>no one is going to be genuinely angry about BotW because no one is missing out, you can’t resort to fox and grapes here.

Then explain all those Cemu threads where PCbros were talking about BotW?

>so seething with rage you can’t even type more than three words

>Who has the princess Zelda’s over the years bred with
Dunno but she surely doesn't look like an inbred aka Mipha lmao

Her role is birthing your children after you beat the game.

Let’s see:
>be Nintendo Entertainment Planning and Development
>realize sales are stagnating on Zelda games by the time TP releases
>try different things with the controls such as with the DS games and SS
>doesn’t change anything
>try to change the formula with SS to be more linear dungeon gauntlets
>people dislike it
>try to change the formula again with ALBW to be more non-linear “pick a direction and go”
>people like it
>make BotW be like a fully-3D version of ALBW’s idea
>highest sales and scores the series has seen since OoT and people love it

And now:
>be GF
>make millions on every Pokemon release
>no pressure to change, but you do little things here and there such as different visuals, more dramatic stories, new side events
>some like it, some hate it, but you still make millions
>strip down most of the exploration from the series with SM and make it story-heavy
>some like it, some hate it, but you still make millions
>make LGPE, a casualized RBG
>some like it, some hate it, but you still make millions
>decide that you can get away with cutting Pokemon in SwSh and that no one will care if the graphics aren’t competent because they will buy it anyway
>some will like it, some will hate it, but you will STILL make millions

And there’s the difference. Zelda’s dev team felt pressure from stagnating sales and reception to change things up until they got a good result. GF has no reason to change or do better because Pokemon sales on name alone.

She's bland and uninteresting as all hell. Doesn't help the instant you start a new game, you the player have killed her.

But seriously, Nintendo creates a character who is already dead and wants us to care about her in bloated DLC flashbacks? Go fuck yourself Nintendo. I'm not paying for characters I don't care for.

She's a different species, you brainlet. That's like bitching about a spider for having more than two legs. At least try to insert some logic in your shit-flinging.

My man.

I try to now and then, though I often am most interested in talking about the localization. That always goes two ways. Either people are interested in the (overall small) changes, or they get mad because they can't handle the thought of localization changes in a game they like unless it's erroneous information that came from some blog of a guy who could barely read Japanese.

Fucking NO ONE wanted another OoT Zelda. We were collectively over that shit by TP. Stop trying to rewrite history.

There's a TP skin for Hyrule Warriors? Maybe I should give the game another go...

>She's a different species
Also ugly and malformed like shit

Zelda looks pretty inbred, also looks like she has some extra chromosomes.

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>Now, OoT Zelda was actively helping you, survived without you for 7 years and became a ninja, and still did magic shit fighting vs Ganon.
>WW Zelda was outright proactive, as Tetra she basically drove the plot, had the balls of steel to kick Ganon in the face, and even after she got kidnapped as Zelda, she became a support NPC firing arrows at Ganon.

You forget the part where they all get kidnapped by Ganondorf at the story climax.

We had a comfy thread yesterday. I don't know what's happening with this one.


What I find funny about this is how much hate OoT Zelda gets for fucking things up while BOTW Zelda is beloved despite fucking up just as bad.

Also for all the shit she gets, TP Zelda also helps you fight Ganondorf. As in actually fight him, not "uses support magic."

What's up with mobileposters also likind dead inbred fish so much?

The fuck are you talking about? CEMU adds to its availability even but it was never and never will be a hard to acquire game, it’s on two consoles that are inexpensive, there are plenty of copies floating around for both, and you can also just emulate it. It’s also easy as fuck so no trouble accessing any of its content. How can you justify using fox and grapes? It’s a terrible argument even for hard games or games that are difficult to attain.

>12 year old girl can't 1v1 the King of Evil
You don't say?

Attached: spit.png (500x500, 150K)

so what was the real reason Zelda's powers were giving her problems? her insecurity or just Hylia being an absolute twat as always?

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Zelda getting kidnapped is the premise of the game series, and no I didn't forget it, you're just illiterate.

No one wanted asscreed + minecraft either

Because we actually have jobs

When the OP starts off like that it's obvious how the thread will turn out.

That applies to Zelda too minus the dead part since she's apparently immortal for some reason.

Not him but I believe the term used to be 'potato' or more recently 'la creatura'.

>All these dips actually discussing shit instead of posting ass

Either Hylia is playing 4D chess or it's out of Hylia's control.

In BotW? Her father was so obsessed with having her go through the usual sage motions that he stifled her natural curiosity and freedom, which ended up interfering with her powers coming to her naturally.

Of course it will. They have great characters.

>Scourge of Hyrule Castle

The clue was there the whole time.

Speak for yourself. OoT and TP are my two favorite Zeldas.

Not really. it's just a filter put on a photo, takes like 15 seconds
The only drawn part in the image is zelda and the pike with the flag

I want my dick to that mouth

Fuck you, BOTW Zelda is cute. And also is dealing with her insecurities.

Incidentally her ass isn't that great. It's just proof that ass men have low standards.

Plus her mother dying before she could teach Zelda how to unlock the power.

Here's your (You), you put in some effort at least.

You mean when the OP has Zelda in it. If it's negative, the Zeldafags go into damage control. When it's positive they launch into assposting. The BotW Zeldafags anyway. The Tetrafags are cool. Hope you're having a good day Tetrafags.

>Not being a code monkey and working from home
user, what are you doing?

When characters are given an actual personality, that sometimes means they won't slobber all over your self-insert's cock 100% of the time

Shocking, huh?

Didn't seem to cause any problems for Tetra

Attached: 38990022_p0.jpg (810x1107, 170K)

Because Tetra wasn't an incompetent twat.

I don't get it. She was kind of a cunt in the first few memories and that's it.

>That applies to Zelda too minus the dead part since she's apparently immortal for some reason.

That actually makes her annoying. You could set Zelda on fire, bathe her with acid, stab her, feed her to monsters who will devour her flesh, and she comes out alive like nothing.

These days I see Zelda as the true villain of the franchise her immortality as Hylia makes her the eternal magnet for Demise's Curse to keep on coming back. And in the process innocent people die like you saw the ruins of Lon Lon Ranch, those are the victims of Zelda's insistence on being alive forever.

But after the second chronological cutscene she does slobber all over your dick any time she isn't crying.

It's still a retcon, nerd. It wasn't established in the original.

She’s just easily irritable because of all the gas brewing in her it makes her angry

Tetra didnt even know she had powers.


Too bad that's exactly what she does.

>touch the cow


And had no problems using them once she did

Attached: HW_Tetra_Light_Arrow.png (1280x720, 1.26M)

She was a sea faring adventurer. Also yes she's did, she immediately was kidnapped.

Tetra didn't know who she was until the king gave her the triforce of wisdom.

>Also yes she's did, she immediately was kidnapped.

Based Tetra

You act like the developers didn't have a sequel in mind when they where making the game.

And once she did she was slinging Light Arrows with no problems.

Her use of the Pirate's Charm likely requires some understanding of magic. She was surprised to see the King able to use it

I coveted that fish

HW was a wild game
>Zelda's arrow rain on a boss

Attached: OHY9dKW.png (497x494, 252K)

>Her use of the Pirate's Charm likely requires some understanding of magic.

Got any proof, or just fan theories?

No excuses. She was the captain of a crew and apparently had no issues using her powers according to you. She should have been at the very least been able to avoid capture.

Not any direct proof, but she outright states that, as far as she knows, she's the only one who can use it when she sees the KoRL using it to talk to Link.

It's distinctly possible that she had learned to use her powers to some degree without even realizing what they were. At the very least she can't just hand it off to someone like Niko

How? We've seen for a fact on numerous occasions that Ganondorf is more powerful than Zelda. He was able to nab OoT Zelda without even being in the same room

You're being willfully ignorant. But sure, we'll play your game. One of the first things BotW does is show you the Temple of Time. It then does nothing with it and just leaves it there for you to stew on, all the while telling you about how you failed and how the world has gone to shit. The map is littered with ruins and people talking about how much was lost to the Calamity. All your friends are dead and Zelda feels responsible for it. You want to tell me that isn't foreshadowing a time travel event? With all the parallels the game drew to OoT? We don't know what's going to happen and it's a little early to dismiss anything. Unless you can tell me everything about the game based on an out of order five minute trailer.

>get Young Link
>game's difficulty evaporates

Attached: chateauromani.png (840x876, 264K)

Cope harder, fishfag.

I want a Zelda game where Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda team up to try and break free of Demise’s curse.

Good argument.

I want a Yea Forums thread where retards know their place and don't post but that will never happen

Zora women are the embodiment of femininity while h*lian “women” grow facial hair and Gerudo “”””women”””” are basically men.

Why are you so mad?

Yeah but I want to compliment her pretty eyebrows and give her a hug.

>he typed all this out

Attached: 1556771274347.gif (301x371, 117K)

>Young link uses Pegasus boots
>pulls one of the most stylish nothing personel kid ever
>Linkle uses them
>she kicks at average speed
Young Link is too fucking fun

Attached: younglink.png (1021x1397, 1.43M)

Have sex

>Kill as many enemies as possible in the time limit
>Pick Skull Kid

Attached: 1562907369979.jpg (1150x1113, 105K)


Fuck, now I want Rules of Nature played over Fierce Deity gameplay.

>Those fucking lasers on mobs
>Shadow Ball spam on bosses

Attached: Madara.png (640x361, 184K)

Almost all the characters were fun as shit in that game. Ghirahim for example does massive damage when you understand his strong attack effect, and spinner Link is pure unadulterated swag

Attached: spinner.png (1021x1397, 1.36M)

Fucking Lana

Are you retarded or do you really not understand biology? Do you think forced infertility just randomly kicks when we hit some arbitrary threshold of humans on earth at a given time?

Pirate skills, leadership, combined with magic powers. Tetra is just as incompetent as BOTElW Zelda due to this.

I just wish Agatha wasn't the worst thing ever.
I am missing serious adventure mode progress just because I don't want to play as her.

I need to buy this game for my gal

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Yea Forums, along with Yea Forumsmblr, have the biggest tranny diaspora on Yea Forums.

Lana Summoning Gate was great nigga, you just need to learn how to use it, here is an example of how to use it

>Pirate skills, leadership
She was trapped in a basement at the bottom of the ocean. She had nowhere to go. Again, just by revealing herself in OoT, Ganondorf was able to remotely trap her in a crystal. If Zelda can even Ganondorf on her own, there would be no need for Link or her various disguises

Yes, you do.

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>Play any map
>getting to that square that has what you want
>LIMIT AGATHA single unit

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>Limit TIngle

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dont fucking get me started on Tingle, he is the fucking reason i went balls deep into the My Fairy system

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Yes, but not 100% of the time, which is apparentlywhat OP wanted. She actually developed as a character.

Gonna have to echo what that other user said. All she does is slobber on your dick and cry. She is by no means a well-written character.

This, they're extremely diverse!

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I miss bitchface zelda in smash

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>he has no arguement but still responds

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>Even though they are all practically the same game.
How fucking retarded are you? The only similarity is that they're openworld.

I forgot nintendies ignored the tranny in the game making Link dress up as a women.

you say that like she's a real, sentient person who ends up being unbearable when they give her a chance.

In reality they should write her better.

I miss TP Link’s design. BotW Link looks so weird to me.

Why not try giving her good personality first? Literally "Sonic friends make games bad" argument.

The dude is just a money making jew

lmao someone touched a nerve

Lying tranny loving fanboys fuck off

>Whiter than you, Ahmed

I'd have rathered BotW but the ALBW one wins over TP for me
It's pretty bad though that characters like Bowser Jr and even the stupid Hero dude now get model swaps when a character like Zelda doesn't, that would be perfect for her

What the fuck happened to this thread?

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I think she's arguably the best looking of any Zelda, but the modern Zelda fanbase doesn't really want a 'sexy' female character.

The reason this hasn't died down yet is twofold
>1. There's no easy response that can refute or dismiss the fact that you should "have sex" or "stop being an incel" in about as short a time
>2. Because of the poor responses given thus far, it encourages people to use it as an insult, as there's no way to ridicule them in response in as short a time
>3. Most responses aren't based around a more jovial nature, such as "okay *unzips dick*", though this is more due to it being an "aggressive" statement than any fault of the responder
The answer therefore is to use a similarly short statement that ridicules the user of the pejorative, in a manner that does not denote the responder as "seethe"ing.

>modern Zelda fanbase doesn't really want a 'sexy' female character.
Why? Too demeaning for women or something

20 IQ

A robust mix of BotW shitposters, fishfags, brap posters, and one Tetrafag with a huge chip on his shoulder.

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The amount of buttlust in botw seems to indicate otherwise

because they are actual characters

Tetra does things to me.

If you're mad at everyone else, have you considered that maybe the problem is you?

>Zelda fanbase doesn't really want a 'sexy' female character.

All the Botw ass threads I've seen beg to differ.

Who said anything about being mad?

You're being reductive.

Because they want 'cute' instead. Sexiness usually means a more mature confident look, which is presumably less appealing because it means less reliance on the player (Link) to be their hero.

And notice how those ass threads never seem to give a dick about her face? Because it isn't sexy at all. She's also pretty flat-chested.

Good thing BotW was neither, retard.

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Her ass is still perceived to be very sexual so the fanbase doesn’t dislike sexual features

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>Because they want 'cute' instead. Sexiness usually means a more mature confident look, which is presumably less appealing because it means less reliance on the player (Link) to be their hero.

And if that's what they like, so what? How does this affect you in anyway?

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It’s hard to give woman something to do in action and adventure based series with out it either coming off as pandering or bitchie

Ok fine, they don't dislike 'sexual' features as long as said features don't effect her overall look of being moe. Better? And her ass is a meme anyway, because ass faggots think bending over = huge ass.

It's great for the majority but shit for people who actually want a more mature and/or capable Zelda. SS and BOTW have proven that type of character sells, so we can only expect more of the same in the future, as compared to someone like Midna or Hilda.

I'll give you the shitposters, but there were maybe three fish posts out of a 450 post thread and the Tetrafag was just talking. As far as I can tell, his terrible crime was not being enamored with BotW Zelda. I also can't figure out why you're complaining about ass posts when I've never seen anyone praise BotW Zelda for anything besides her ass and you're clearly a BotWfag. It all comes back to not worshipping BotW Zelda for her wondrous character. It seems counterproductive to go into a thread with an OP bitching about Zelda and then complain about the thread not singing her praises.

Forest boy with farm girl. Literally perfect.

>I've never seen anyone praise BotW Zelda for anything besides her ass
I have seen her praised for her "wondrous character" and "BOTW ZELDA IS CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!" posts.

>doesn't grasp the effect that over populating the earth even further would have on not only the workforce, but the environment and other very delicate systems
Fag detected

Get out of here cuck

Immigration has nothing to do with global over-population, though.

Wasn’t it confirmed to be true?

Anyone that says that Zelda was well-written is retarded, blinded by waifufaggotry, or baiting. None of the characters in this game were well-written. Zelda is not an exception. And anyway, you have to admit that Zeldafags that aren't all about her ass are in the minority. Any thread will tell you this.

>better than fallout 4
That's not saying much or setting the bar very high when the majority of people who have played the games consider 4 to be the worst mainline fallout game.

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I don't think it was outright confirmed, but process of elimination pretty much guarantees it. Rather it guarantees that they're his ancestors.

you should stop living

Why are blacked pastas so funny?

First of all, they can't be his parents because TP is about a century after OoT. Second, no, never. Malonfags just treat it as canon to an extent that they literally say it's canon. I remember way back when Hyrule Historia first came out some even claimed it stated that he settled down with a farm girl.

But you just suggested that we outpace them?

>It's great for the majority but shit for people who actually want a more mature and/or capable Zelda.

Japanese culture puts youth and innocence on a pedestal, hence why a lot of jrpgs have really young protags.

To the Zelda team's credit, they did play with the idea of a middle-aged Link for BotW.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2. Hyrule lives under BLACK RULE. All white males are sissified. White women live to serve BLACK KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Hyrule's BLACK FUTURE.

Link remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued fantasia potions, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of Akkala, where he hides his beautiful blonde Princess Zelda from the clutches of the Gerudan army.

As musclebound black soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile white women, Link will stop at nothing to protect sweet Zelda's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Link gives his tender white body to a gang of pitiless black alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Link prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.

Acclaimed author and pro sub Akihito Toda presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. Xir powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interracial man-on-sissy action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The BLACK KINGS have their way with Link's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.

Experience the true power of black bulls in black jackboots. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations. Explore the mind-bending world of BLACK FUTURE, the first book in Akihito Toda's brand new series.

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>one Tetrafag with a huge chip on his shoulder
I've gotta fight for the underdog

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this except with dog cock

most people who played BOTW played it, enjoyed it, then moved on. You're still seething 2+ years later and trying to bait people into arguments with your own paper thin ones centering around buzzwords like "nu-fun" on Yea Forums, and when they don't take the bait you then declare victory. It's hilarious and incredibly transparent

I’m a retard, I thought they said he was descended from them, not that he was their literal child.

>That will never be me stuck to her gigantic ass like a piece of used toilet paper.

Why even keep living lads...

I just finished BOTW and I don't get what Zelda was doing during it. They say she;'s in the castle fighting Ganon, but you never see her there. She just sort of is a disembodied spirit until after you win.

She went to go fight Ganon, and ended up in that big Calamity Testicle that Ganon emerged from.
Presumedly, she was using her abilities to hold him back from leaving the castle and simply destroying the world, which he definitely could have done. Her strength was wavering by the time the game begins, which explains why so many of the guardians are waking up, and why the Divine Beasts all randomly reactivated and started causing chaos. He was finally able to exert his influence over them again.

That's what she was essentially. She wasn't fighting Ganon so much as acting as a sort of seal to keep him from running wild.

boy, that's the stuff right there I am diamonds

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Zelda is the cutest.

Wow. Hard work. Guess that's why she had so much free time to stalk you around Hyrule.

Places like Syria are far past their carrying point which helped start the civil war in the first place.

user, I couldn't stand a CENTURY doing nothing let alone fighting for a century

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I'm not that guy. He sounds dumb too. Having children is not a race.


His implication was that immigration contributes to global overpopulation, which is wrong.

Her butt is big, but how's her belly?
Should it be skinny, fit, average, muffin-top, or other?

It's average

TP Zelda is the best.


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>Link keeps cooking her favorite cake for her
>Ends up with a muffin top in a few months

>most Zelda games get some kind of sequel
>all TP got was that shitty crossbow game
Shame because Midna is still arguably the best girl in the franchise, and Zelda could have used another game to flesh her out a bit.

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haha wouldn't it be funny if she spit down my throat haha

no, it'd be awful

People debate that?

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Why did faggots have to popularize the sissy Link meme? I want Link to finally man up and put that bitch in her place.

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>He doesn't think that BotW Zelda's most iconic moment was her Nuke Magic

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Gerudo Link ruined that forever, your best bet is a new game with a new Link, he was soo fucking twink like he was confused as a girl from the very reveal of the game

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>all this love for Spirit Tracks Zelda
based, ghost kight Zelda was best Zelda

Not saying that fallout4 is my bar to anything, but to me hyrule is by far a enjoyable place to goof arround trying odd effects with magnesis, stasis and the other runes.

That’s gay

Some people is mad (like you) about people having fun with a game. There is no need to come up with an argument for this.
>while being too much of a cuck to post anything other then cropped porn

if my memory isnt fucking with me they were already BFF before the game even began right? that helped their chemistry

Protip: If you're trying to criticize someone, make sure your grammar is correct.