How is this game Yea Forums? Worth playing in 2019? And if so, original or remastered?

How is this game Yea Forums? Worth playing in 2019? And if so, original or remastered?

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gameplay is alright, settings and atmosphere are god-tier

Is the series good and worth getting invested in? I am interested in the trilogy but my friends say Infinite is shit so idk if I'd like to invest time into something that falls flat eventually

last time I checked the remaster is trash filled with graphical glitches, get the original

never played infinite but had a friend that enjoyed it
even if you don't play infinite i'd recommend at least playing the original, its classic status is well-deserved

Infinite is almost a completely different game especially plot-wise so you don't really need to count it if you don't want. Bioshock 2 improves a lot of the gameplay design from the first game but it just can't punch the same weight as the first game when it comes to plot and surprises.

There's also the System Shock games that inspired them. The team who made Bioshock 1 and Infinite are the same people who made System Shock 2 and it's really similar. I'd recommend it but it's way harder, scarier, older and kinda clunkier in the way only early 3D PC games can be. System Shock 1 is a masterpiece as well but be warned, the controls can be very, very hard to get used to. The game itself is so far ahead of its time it's insane but the one thing that wasn't ahead of its time was how a full 3D first-person shooter/rpg would control.

One of the few games to actually try and suck you in. Getting in a submarine in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean and descending to a veritable 1930s Atlantis I mean what a start to a video game. You should play it and decide for yourself if it's up your alley.

probably original, havent tried remaster but it had issues, maybe they patched them but dont know

Yes. Infinite is great imo

hmm yeah I do see mixed reviews on the remaster and messed up audio, guess I'll go for the og
I loved SS2 so hopefully this is great then, thanks user. On that note is SS1 worth playing if I already played 2 or is that inferior?

Way better than Infinite.

Ken Levine only made Bioshock & Infinite so its not even a trilogy.

Very good game.

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the Remaster completely ruined my fond memories of the game and made me hate it. though i must say its really one of those games thats the perfect experience for one time only. something like Portal; i would never replay it but for a single playthrough its flawless, a great experience.

Played it not too long ago.

Boring console shooter. Bad ending. Poor balancing, very few enemy types. Even turning off Vita chambers and going through on Hard, I was sleeping my way through the whole damn game.

SS1 is more focused on shooting then SS2. You don't get psi powers or level up system. Upgrades are found scatered around the station.
Levels are bigger and more complex but I didn't like cyberspace. Enchanced edition gets mouse support so you probably want to get that version.
Soundtrack is godly

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gameplay is meh, setting and atmosphere are alright.

>Bioshock's atmosphere is merely alright
What's an example of a game with god-tier atmosphere?

> The team who made Bioshock 1 and Infinite are the same people who made System Shock 2
Only by name.
>and it's really similar
Not really.

how is bioshock an example of a god tier atmosphere?

So you can't name any games with god-tier atmosphere?

yeah, in terms of general visual aesthetics and sound design bioshock would be one of my go-to examples for games with god-tier atmosphere, especially when it released. I'm not sure what I'd pick for games more deserving of that title. Maybe SOMA or something more nostalgic like The Longest Journey.

There's kinda the perfect game somewhere inbetween System Shock 2 and Bioshock 1. SS2 is flawed as fuck and almost too hard, while Bioshock 1 is a bit too easy and too forgiving. It's a really good game but if you've played System Shock 2 and loved it you might actually come away disappointed.

In regards to your other question, System Shock 1 is a fucking masterpiece and is superior in many ways to Shock 2. Admittedly SS2 uses Thief's audio engine which is one of the best sound engines in all of vidya and it does enhance the horror in a way that Shock 1's engine just can't do. However the rest of the game is... kinda superior. There's actually no rpg mechanics and the whole thing has more of a survival horror/3D MetroidVania feel to it. The problem is the controls. It was full 3D (despite using sprites and 2D assets) where you can look up and down in a time where Doom would only let you look left-to-right. However Looking Glass had no idea how to let you control this smoothly so they let you freely use the mouse cursor while mapping movement, looking around, leaning and posture controls (I'm not fucking joking about the last one) to the keyboard in what is possibly the worst control scheme in history. Recent ports have fixed this by adding mouse-look but the enemies and AI are designed around you using gimped controls so it just feels off if you play it that way.

Thief: The Dark Project. The sound design alone is so immersive that you can hear the exact angle and surface someone's footstep are making from miles away. Plus they made that the feedback by which you know where enemies are coming from.

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>SS2 is flawed as fuck and almost too hard
The game where you can just spank everything to death with the wrench?

In terms of gameplay don't expect too much. Gunplay is clunky and leaves something to be desired. the inclusion of plasmids helps this alot by adding a bit more flare and strategy to fights. the story that is shaped of Rapture through dialogue, set pieces and audio logs honestly makes it so worth the playthrough. Definitely give it a play, remaster and original both are fine at doing the job in my book

I found the remaster trilogy for 10 bucks at Walmart and just played through all three a couple months ago.
I highly recommend it. I personally didn't notice anything wrong technically with the remaster, but I've seen some people say that it's not as good or some shit.
Bioshock 1 is classic. Fantastic story, amazing atmosphere, really great gameplay. All the weapons feel satisfying, and there's a lot of room for playing creatively due to the different abilities you get.
Bioshock 2 is pretty much an extension of 1, and in my opinion is every bit as good.
Infinite is a good game, but pretty different. Story is still great, but atmosphere and level design is simply not as good.
One of my favorite game series ever. 100% recommend giving them a try.

Play Bioshock 1 and 2, pretend Infinite doesn't exist.