Why is this game suddenly now being pushed really fucking hard? I get numerous recommended Minecraft videos every single day, each of them having well over 1 million views. Did Microsoft buy out the algorithm from Youtube? Why are people shilling this game collectively again when it was basically a dead meme game since 2016?
I think the reason stems from the upcoming release of Hytale and Microsoft felt that their cash cow was being threatened so they are shilling hard and paying people left and right to salvage Minecraft from its ADHD zoomer reputation it gained years back.
The new Minecraft resurrection is manufactured.
Why is Minecraft being shilled
Other urls found in this thread:
>open Minecraft videos
>hurrdurr why is it recommending Minecraft videos
It's a good game. Play it. I wish I got paid to say this, but sadly microsoft has not deposited .05 cents into my bank account.
I wonder the same. Why is minecraft trending again? There's nothing even new aside from a few youtubers playing again.
No, retard
It seems like they bought PewDiePie too.
Or maybe every big YouTuber just realised that their content gets recommended way more if it's Minecraft shit. Microsoft might not even have anything to do with any of this, they just found a loophole for easy views on longer videos (more ads) with even less invested effort in making the video.
Apparently this is the kind of content YouTube wants.
Yes I played it a lot when it was fresh back in the 2012-2015 but it is stale now.
All the kids who played Minecraft in their childhood/early teenage years are of age now, and because at its peak the meme was that minecraft was is a game with a toxic community filled with 10 year olds and screaming irritating youtubers people now are like "man remember minecraft it's actually so good"
Yeah, remember when people diarrhea'd on Minecraft not too long ago and then suddenly everyone fondly remembered it for being a good game, all this praise coinciding with the massive push that Minecraft got since early this year after the Hytale trailer dropped.
>Apparently this is the kind of content YouTube wants.
Not by any means.
Youtube wants as much corporate and mainstream videos by lets say Late-night comedy as possible.
Stuff that has run on TV before can run all the big safe corporate ads.
Individual youtubers can slip and have some retarded left/right-wing shitstorm on their hands quick and youtube has to sort out that shit again.
Remember when the youtube algorithm killed Minecraft content creators? Now it seems that the algorithm favors the game again.
They're announcing Minecraft 2 at Minecon next year. It's gonna be a PS5 launch title they're building up hype and banking off nostalgia just like Sony has been doing.
Well, those don't get good views, even if they artificially manipulate the algorithm in their favor. This kind of trash apparently does, and they might not have had done anything to favor it in the recommended videos. If PewDiePie starts making these and getting 10M+ views on every single one of them (which is 5 million more under 24 hours than his normal videos were before this), he alone has the power to bend the algorithm to this kind of content's favor.
The AI sees this and decides that "more views are being generated with this non-controversial content that isn't infringing on anybody's copyright at all, so I better reward this content creator with even more recommendations".
It's all AI calculated market prediction, of which PewDiePie is at the front of. God damn it, that guy is either a fucking genius or just unbelievably lucky.
Not all of them. Captainsparklez is still doing relatively terribly. It seems like newer channels doing Minecraft content are doing great. Newer as in channels that weren't primarily Minecraft focused already.
>All the kids who played Minecraft in their childhood/early teenage years are of age now
Man this is such a scary thought. I was like 20 when Minecraft was in alpha
And of course that phony piece of shit weasel ssundee is back on the Minecraft hype train.
You're like 2 weeks late, faggot!
I bought Minecraft during alpha, really liked it but haven't played video games in the last years.
However suddenly Pewdiepie recommendation popped up on YouTube and it was actually funny and I wanted to play Minecraft again.
I asked my friends that also bought the alpha back in the days, rented a server for $3/month (took me less than 4 minutes) and we played it the last week for aprx. 12 hours.
CaptainSparklez isn't gaining many views because he lost his clout and is irrelevant.
Well doing video game let's plays was what made him big.
Maybe finding some fun in playing a game again brought back his old fans.
Literally pewdiepie
Pewdiepie ironically played minecraft on gamer's week then played it unironically afterwards. A whole lot of other youtubers hopped onto the bandwagon.
That's really sad. The game that made him big at one point is back now and he isn't benefitting from it at all.
But afaik he invested his money in some smart shit, so he's set for life already. Being a jew saved him in the end.
I don't know, Felix's views were always at least 2/3 made of on recommendations to the people who aren't subbed to him. He explained it in one of his videos. He's all about riding the algorithm.
Pewdiepie joined the bandwagon rather late, because he's a crypto-moneychaser.
Who did it before him? He's the only one I was recommended.
>Bought pewdiepie
Do you follow him? He just started playing videogames for one week as a "gaming week" event and the Minecraft videos had incredible views even by his standards with positive response in votes and comments, so he joked that if the video got 1 million likes he would continue to play Minecraft and he actually got way more in just 1 day. If you watch the videos he seems to be genuinely enjoying it too.
Plenty of faggots like CallmeCarlson
its literally just the memes that made it popular again
>most iconic game of this decade
>why is it still popular?
wonder why
>why is one of the most popular games of all time being "shilled"
have sex incel
Playerbase has been dwindling for years, and is starting to taper off. That and, M$ probably hasn't made back the money from the purchase from Notch yet. For all intents and purposes, people forget 2Billion smackers is a lotta cash still.
>He plays because he *enjoys* it
>" gib 1 million likes or I'm not playing"
user I've got bad news
Get of that LionMaker dick, zoomers
probably r*ddit, they had a fuck lot of those minecraft good forkknife bad memes and eventually people started 'feeling nostalgic' for it
Trying to make Hytale less successful now that it's closer to release, maybe?
The trailer for Hytale did get 40mil views in its first months as far as I remember.
Do not underestimate how calculating Felix is. He acts like a stupid bimbo on screen but a lot of thought and research goes into his shit.
We're talking about YouTubers and the YouTube algorithm in the past 1 month. I don't see a single Minecraft upload from him in that time.
It is those retarded kids who watched mineycrafta youtubers (which for the record up to this point gave always been laughed at here) finally grown up and spamming their shit tier unfinished scam game everywhere. It's still really fucking autistic though. I grew up playing JumpStart 3rd grade and various games on my family's mac, you don't see me unironically posting about them now.
we're closer to 2040 than to 1990
I haven’t been seeing any minecraft shit. Maybe the advertisement gods just think you're a faggot.
we're close to 2040 than to 1997
You need a soul to enjoy things user. Just because he's always been there on the other side of the screen your whole childhood does not make him your friend.
>you are right
>Do not underestimate how calculating Felix is. He acts like a stupid bimbo on screen but a lot of thought and research goes into his shit.
He's a fucking mong. His book reviews say it all. I'm so tired of this "It's only an act!!!" shit when people are clearly retarded.
game's not even interesting, zoomers are fucked in a head
Who gives a fuck? The only relevant info is that you have to be an ADHD mong to enjoy his content.
Newer updates seem liked they were actually doing something for the first time in years so people got interested again. Pewdie also started doing videos of it the past few weeks and they've been really successful.
Fact is Felix got on Minecraft because he clearly realized the game is making bucks for everyone involved in it at this time, several youtubers got well past a million views on plenty of their videos before he even joined the bandwagon. He isn't some nice guy playing a game for fun, he is in the business for the cash and nothing else.
actually since we are talking about minecraft, thats not relevant at all, user
He's often on top of major YouTube algorithm trends, even creating them too sometimes.
He's either smart or he has a good network of insiders giving him tips early every time.
True, if you enjoy minecraft we already know you're a fucking mong
minecraft was born on Yea Forums it is no surprise to me a tourist like yourself is surprised by the shilling of its resurgance
real oldfags remember complaining about giving notch $10 for a lifetime of minecraft
Sad faggot, you will die miserable and alone
He's talking about people unironically playing minecraft in 2019. Oldfags haven't touched that shitpile since beta.
t. pewpewpie defence force
real oldfags remember playing wurm
>implying you never played minecraft
dont lie to us user, but more importantly, dont lie to yourself
Did I fucking say the word play in my post, you fucking mong?
I didn't, because of the shitty art style. It was looking horrible back in my days.
Literally pic related shilling it to shithouse
I've got news for you - Pewdiepie is a fake piece of shit that does what he does for money.
if you played it without enjoying it, then im just sorry for you, user. it probably wouldve been more fun with some friends, that improves most experiences
>shitty art style
lel cant argue with that i guess
sorry oh great wise one, perhaps we should run off to playing FIFA, Madden NFL, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and every other yearly release that totally isn't the same game every year wiyh a spit-shine polish
soo sorry, can you ever forgive us?!
Pretty much this, Felix has talked about why he started his youtube channel and from the start he wanted to get big and live off of it.
Pewdiepie is in it for money and clicks? Oh my god, no!! Who knew?!?!
>The only games that exist are AAA garbage and minecraft
Lurk more you fucking baby
>didn't get it at 5$
>indie trash
>AAA trash
whats my 3rd option?
The hatewagon meme that Minecraft is bad has mostly moved on, the kids moved on, so now people feel safer saying they like a game they like, and there is no peer pressure to drop it.
There are plenty of other games. Again, lurk more you fucking child. Stop posting when you know absolutely about video games. What the fuck are you doing here?
Unironically off yourself
Its because the game had a recent big update. Because of this a lot of people, including my friend group, are going back to the game to play it a bit.
Simple as that
minecrafts at 25$ now, is this one of the few cases where the cost of the game has gone up?
It just reached two landmarks:
10th birthday
Became the best selling game of all time
What big update? 1.13 was bigger that 1.14 and it got no attention whatsoever last year.
Yeah I'm thinking he's back
Probably, and it will just continue. Plenty of kids growing up wanting to play it whose parents will easily pay 30$++
1.13 might have been bigger in sheer patch note-size, but Im fairly certain 1.14 has more content, in addition to system overhauls like villages
>there are actually people who will buy this scam shit for $25 when tons of clones that are way better games exist for as much or cheaper
Holy shit that is funny.
First, Fortnite took the over the "12yr old cringe fanbase" mantle that popular games get.
Then it got the Ocean update that made the biggest biome in the game actually fun and worth exploring.
Then they followed that up with a reasonably big update that didn't take 14 fucking months to make.
But anways its the most sold game of all time it was never irrelevant.
contrarian normalfags are shitting on fortnite and sucking off minecraft again because the kids who currently play fortnite remind them of their autistic bullshit when they were that age.
It blows my mind that minecraft is that old. I remember shitposting about secret weekly features Notch would add back in indev.
well I fell for it year ago and now I'm 24 and I watch Hermitcraft community videos even tho I don't play it
I'm ashamed of it and I'd never tell it to anyone, same for watching anime
Patricians play minecraft omnifactory
Plebs play vanilla
You have now my permission to not kill yourself.
Gods play Wurm.
>defending the honor of the Nutaku shill
0.5 brofists were deposited into your asshole
I've only started following him last year though. I don't consider him "my friend" but I enjoy his content.
Do you even watch him? He's completely open about this, how does that make him fake? He does things that get him the most views and money, but that doesn't mean he can't also enjoy them. He plays Minecraft cause it's popular and gets him views, but he also looks like he's enjoying it.
Tried to log in today but couldn't, not sure if I've lost my account boys, press F to pay respects
Because the teens and young adults who populated Yea Forums probably moved on to different things, making room for the new teens and young adults of the next generations. People who grew up playing Halo and Minecraft.
That's their nostalgic thing. It's the way it is and they're not wrong, when you think about it.
Out time here is probably over. It's time for us to go too.
A combination of factors:
>the game is now old enough for people to feel nostalgic about it
>the meme that minecraft is for little kids is mostly dead since fortnite is the new little kid fotm game
>1.13 was the first decent update in years, and 1.14 was even better, especially since they updated parts of the game that people didn't particularly care for (sea and villages)
Speaking of Minecraft, is Skyblock updated to the newest version yet?
I can only find old versions.
pewdiepie is playing it again
here's a question, why do you have youtube recommendations on in the first place
You can turn them off completely? How?
It's because all the nostalgifags of my generation can't stop sucking it's dick now that Fortnite is popular. In every generation there are degenerate chromosome overloads who can't cope that newer generations like things differently from the stuff they liked. This is no different right now
That's why zoomers with no brain run around, hating on fortnite while deepthroating everything minecraft
I personally can't enjoy it because I can't stop comparing myself to others whenever I'm doing something creative. Really sucks the joy out of it. I wish I could completely ignore what other people have done because the game itself seems really fun and I have some good ideas that I'd like to work on, even outside of minecraft
Hytale is coming. M$ doesn't want people to flock over to an obviously better Minecraft since they still wanna make money off of Minecraft, but that's kinda hard if almost every person on the planet that was interested in getting Minecraft already has it.
What's that?
mircotosft is paying people to play minecraft again and the youtube algorithm likes minecraft.
Not just M$, but the Cube World dev started updating his twitter again 1 month after the Hytale trailer was released. Absent for two years and just suddenly start updating again is mighty suspicious. Guy is probably worried that his years of building up a cult of personality is gonna come crumbling down when another game is gonna take all his thunder and leave him forgotten.
It's a discord for a server and there is a part of it to shill it on Yea Forums.
they also do it for free
he's creating the algorithm bro, same with Dlive
>I get numerous recommended Minecraft videos every single day, each of them having well over 1 million views
It's because you're a zoomer
Wow. People are stupid.
>Did Microsoft buy out the algorithm from Youtube?
You know you can just pay youtube to promote shit right? There's no conspiracy here, they're not secretly controlling Youtube's algorithms.
Anyway the reason you're getting minecraft video suggestions is probably because you watch e-celeb let's players constantly and the algorithm is suggesting popualr videos that it thinks will match your shit taste.
Stop watching video game content.
That's probably because of Veloren.
>Stop watching video game content.
>says the guy on Yea Forums
Never change, Yea Forums!
Fucking this, reddit is just a hive mind of retarded bandwagoners that latch on to anything trendy and they eventually keep milking it even though it’s run dry.
Nigger I've never had Minecraft recommended to me before on Youtube. I haven't watched anything related to this game since 2016. You are a retard.
It's trending because PewDiePie is playing it again.
It's because Microsoft is afraid of pic related, and so they're trying as hard as they can to cut it off before it gets going.
Just look at how they recently revealed that shitty Minecraft Adventure Mode or whatever their new dungeon-diver spin-off was called.
It turned 10 years old and that brought it back into the forefront. People like pewdiepie helped this. It's not rocket science or a big conspiracy you're just too stupid to understand trends.
>Minecraft Adventure Mode
Minecraft Dungeons, that's what I meant
This, it’s fucking annoying seeing Minecraft good Fortnite bad memes all the time because of their fucking bandwagoning or they can’t think for themselves.
I've been watching PewDiePie since 2016 when he became really self aware. He really isn't as bad as most people make him out yo be, and he isn't nearly as bad as he used to be when he played shit like Happy Wheels and Amnesia
Factorio, Rimworld
>contrarian normalfags are shitting on fortnite and sucking off minecraft again because the kids who currently play fortnite remind them of their autistic bullshit when they were that age.
This user is correct
I mean I want it to be good and all, but still no beta from them and no news over +2months. Still gonna give it a try if I get into the beta, whenever that is.
I'm waiting for a worthwhile modpack to play that don't have gregtech in it. Enigmatica 2 expert was a blast.
>tfw some people who play minecraft don't even know who notch is
Seems like yesterday when people in here would be making vacation jokes. Good times.
Why not try FTB Revelations? (though it's for 1.12.2 and has an absolute shitton of stuff)
Looks good, and the fact that it's for 1.12~ means the bugs have been smoothed out. Project Ozone 3 was fun too. I'll give it a try.
Better than endless nintendo theards.
Betachy is a minecraft retro anarchy server without rules and no whitelist!
ip to connect: betachy.cf
Join our discord today:
》 https:/ /discord.gg/vjHsv8J 《
No. It’s very simple.
All the 2 year old kids went to Fortnite, leaving Minecraft’s new demographic to be US.
Fuck off zoomer shill.
except pokemon is much better than everything,the soul overload and SWSH is much better.
>playing on 1.12.2
should I update? why?
>People who were 9-12 when the Minecraft alpha came out are 18-21 now
There's a huge fucking incel/neet market for them
Hytale is made by the same company who practically made P2W, hub-based, minigame trash servers mainstream; don't expect too much
yeah stopped watching he started this shit
Everything I've ever heard about 1.13 and 1.14 has been bad, so I'd say prob not.
Looks comfy, hopefully they give out more beta keys insted of just giving them to large streamers
>why do I see popular ironic meme thing so much
>it's gotta be a (((conspiracy)))
Real smooth, smoothbrain.
Clean your viewed videos history or use proxy.
Using invidio.us also works.
The main reason I'm excited for it is that it's going to be so fucking easy to turn it into whatever I want. They've said all the mod creation tools and API functionality is going to be relatively straightforward and you can make shit for it using an actual real programming language that isn't spaghetti building upon spaghetti.
Even if it releases and is total shit I'll just chop it up and flesh it out to be exactly what I want it to be.
How anyone can still play this game without atleast 100 mods installed is baffling to me.
Minecraft is fun with mods but vanilla has literally fucking nothing to offer. Theres no interesting mechanics. Redstone is barebones unless you make a giga mega meme structure out of it.
Minecraft is 10 years of half-finished nothing stacked on top of spaghetti that still runs like hot garbage.
It's not that there's no interesting mechanics, it's that there are too many half-assed or half-finished or entirely pointless mechanics because they literally never retread old ground on the scale that they should.
Remember cauldrons?
i watch his minecraft series its entertaining i never played minecraft
They really could learn a thing or two from modding and adapting it into the game.
I’ve been playing it for 7 years
Notch never making this as the player character is always a crime.
Truly a shame, she's cuter than Alex.