Tell Toady Bloyster your troubles. I will do my best to listen

Tell Toady Bloyster your troubles. I will do my best to listen.

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im lightly drunked and a bit red in the face. i have no troubles and hate fighting bloyster because its a sad fight because how bad is AI is. sorry 4 killing you :(

It's good that you're not struggling with anything, though remember to drink responsibly! My hope is that they'll update the AI for Pikmin 4 and bring in more new cool enemies.

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i had porn open on my switch and i'm not sure if i put it into rest mode or someone else saw it.

Toady Bloysters are so cute, bros

Try showing them the porn and asking what they think of it; sharing is caring after all.
Why thank you! I'll spare you especially.

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why is it being fucked in the ass by a plant

I want to write about events that never happened in a place that doesn't exist.
My friend is urging me to learn unreal so we can work on a pipe dream vidya idea.
My job just put me on full time, and as such, I can only pick one to slowly chip away at.
What should I do, wise Toady Bloyster?

I'm chubby and tall but i have a crush on a guy, do you think he will find me less cute if he sees me in person?


Though this may sound clichéd; do the one that you believe you'll enjoy most. Writing is fun, but if you feel it's more important to cultivate your friendship, then you should choose that.
Besides, even if it's just a pipedream it'll be good memories in a few years, right?
Alternatively, you could always try to balance the two depending on how serious you are about them. You can write on the side and still have a fun time trying your hand at gamemaking.
Sorry for the blunt answer, but yes, at least somewhat. Humans place a lot of importance in appearances, after all. That being said, so long as the person you have a crush on has similar feelings about you and you believe they are able to overlook your physical appearance and instead see you as your inner self, then things should work out, I believe.

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I'm certain he loves me, he thinks pretty lewdly too though, so i'm worried to disappoint him when we meet in person. i have a good looking face if that helps though.

When will Pikmin 4 come out?

And no, i will not take Hotel Transylvania 3 for an answer.

If you're certain you shouldn't have anything to worry about then! Heck, chances are he might feel the same way and be equally as worried as you are. Well, Bloyster's not an expert in regards to human romance, but the most important part is just that you stay honest with one-another, if you are, then everything should work itself out.
Hopefully within the next 3 years... Hell, I'll even take the next 10 years just so long as it comes out and has caves in it, they're sick

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Thank you for your insight, Toady Bloyster.
Perhaps one day you will hear of Meryl Archer and her exploits. A man can dream.

Also how can I stop masturbating?

>Heck, chances are he might feel the same way and be equally as worried as you are.
That's actually very possible, he's shy when he i ask about him.

thank you based bloyster

Bulborb is currently sick at the moment so me and Snagret are doing our best to help people out while he is away. Hopefully he will be better soon.
May I ask why particularly you want to stop masturbating? It's a natural response to your body's build-up of testosterone and semen, after all, and so long as it doesn't impact your life negatively by making you miss out on other activities in favour of masturbating, it should be fine.
Well, for an actual answer, try avoiding anywhere and everywhere you know there might be pornography posted. It's much easier to prevent yourself from masturbating when you don't have something elicit to watch/look at, after all. If you don't trust yourself to stop, then you can download programs that block certain websites, and if you REALLY don't trust yourself, make someone else write down the password for the program or mash the keys so you don't know what the password is and can't give yourself access.

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I still miss her

Whenever we bump into one another at the gym, she suddenly become all talkative and engaging, but whenever I try contact her outside the gym, she’s distant and non responsive

I wish things could go back to how they used to, although I know it’s impossible. Even if she did come crawling back to me, I don’t think I’d want anything to do with her then

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It's sad, but someone who doesn't try to interact with you outside of occasions where you're "forced" to meet and interact typically aren't good people to be around, since it's an explicit show of disinterest.
I think it's best for you to try and let go as well as you can, and although that's easier said than done, Bloyster just wants to say that he has never seen any situation where a pair has gotten back together that has ended well. In the end, the same thing that made you split up will cause you to split again.
Do you have any close friends? If you do, try spending as much time as you can around them in an effort to enjoy yourself and make it easier to forget about your ex. If not, you can always turn to solo hobbies like gaming to spend the time. Just set your focus on something else and eventually enough time will go by for your feelings to fade.

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You're not borb fuck off
