>10 minutes
10 minutes
>10 minutes
10 minutes

Attached: mrcrappy.png (477x477, 440K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*1 hour and 10 minutes

>link to mr.crappy
You have to go back.


>people watch this crap instead of just reading the patch notes themselves

Are the servers up yet


Attached: 1562481761060.png (675x422, 458K)

you're assuming people that watch mr. crappy can read


10 minutes?! holy shit just how much content is se cramming in this free patch? based!

so were basically playing as the adventurer who got teleported somewhere after that big battle with some bahamut??

I guess I'd rather have players watch a Mr. Happy patch note video, rather than logging into the game and going "where's the new quest NPC"

I sure can't wait for him to introduce a retarded strategy to fuck up PUGs for months and months again!

where do you trade in those?

Attached: file.png (415x142, 52K)

Look at this fat faggot. It's like he thinks he made the game

Fordola IS a GOOD wife! She IS cute! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Fordola.jpg (723x1024, 233K)

He used to look so cute what happened

Attached: mr chaddy.png (994x546, 748K)

Don't you have a pathfinder thread to shitpost?

you're going to anyway.


Shut the fuck up, nigger.

How do I unlock Fordolala?

He let himself go when his dad died.

he got fat

too much kfc

You were present at Cartenau if you were present at Cartenau

lookit this Toriyama lookin ass vehicle

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_GUc9WCG6DU.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

why is suddenly everyone after those "gods" aka summonings?

those are venture coins, you give them to your retainers and they go on missions

That what happens when you play as a lalafell long enough

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Should I use PF or DF for Eden Normal?

and what do i get from their missions?

Dios... mios...

Attached: 1562983535875.jpg (307x395, 19K)

im skipping the leve is it okay?

>Fighting Lakshmi's for the first time
>Markers are some weird pink
>Can't see anything

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I do NOT know user I do NOT play this game BUT I saw CUTE wedding picture thread AND I collect WIFE from ALL games! I will BUY Final Fantasy XIV AND expansions FOR Fordola wife!

Attached: Spooky Fordola.png (320x320, 169K)


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There's still 5.05
But I don't expect WHM to be nerfed there either.

Give up, she's shit tier.

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duty finder, it''s just normal raid my dude.

Papa John says FUCK MHIGGERS

I have PRIMARY wife FOR all games user BUT tell me GOOD wife I will COLLECT all wife!

Fuckin Lucca racing to the dragon balls lookin ass

Ysayle only had eyes for Estinien

>SAMbabs when DRG gets buffed again in .05

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> Facial tattoos on a woman.
Yeah, no.

I'm curious. If you're literally the first person in the datacenter to queue for new content, what does the game show as the estimated wait time?

depends on the type, quick ventures bring back anything ranging from pure garbage to jet black dye, explorations are mostly for leveling, and hunts bring back craft materials from mobs of your choosing. you can also choose to make your retainer a gatherer job instead which brings back those types of materials instead of monster stuff


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I only hope AST gets some piety/regen buffs, but not too much for metafags to autistically screech "WHM DED WHM DED"

Anyone know where the new gear trader is?

Facial tattoos ARE cute! Give ME facial wife!

>explorations are mostly for leveling,
as in i level up when they do the mission?

>Ysaylenigger having a legitimate opinion

still find it hilarious that ol papa john turned out to be an alt right bigoted shit bag

Put a stun back on opposition

Ok lets say i want to get into this game. How much cash am i going to have to drop initially, what server should i start on and what class should i be?

Ysayle wife IS collected AND she IS cute! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Ysayle.png (485x1067, 544K)

nah you have to level and outfit your retainers through ventures, which increases the quality of stuff they can bring back after certain level and ilevel thresholds. it's good to pick jobs for them that are jobs you plan on playing, since they can't go above your own level


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so they level my jobs i dont play?

How do the weekly lockouts work in normal?
Can you only get 1 token per week, several of which are needed to get 1 piece of 450 gear?

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>More changes coming in 5.05

Your time is going to come dragooncuck

Attached: 1561930405269.jpg (1024x1023, 69K)

Fix it

Hes just an idiot. He got baited into saying nigger into a phone. When you get rich the first thing you should do is turn off your twitter and train yourself to under no circumstances say the word "nigger" into a recording device.

is there a "bad" spell speed for blm? sometimes when i'm aoeing in ley lines i would switch too fast to get a mp tick

>Gravity MP cost reduced from 700 to 600
They did it!
AST is saved!

yes. Plan ahead.

1 piece per raid, per week, there are 4 raids, some pieces require multiple tokens


You ideally use them as placeholder gatherers/hunters (ie assign them to a combat class so they can collect monster drops)
You get to send them to fetch a specific kind of item and they'll give you like 1 HQ 5 NQ in an hour

>all loot drops at the end
>can get body or legs first week

Lavos confirmed as wing boss.

no, for example if you have monk level 80 but white mage level 50, if you choose to make your retainer a white mage, they can't go past 50.

Yeah okay S-E
Totally the issue of Gravity is the MP cost and not the fact it hits like a wet fart.

wait what, are you just wishing or you don't have to play for a month to get body/leg anymore

$60 plus a $12 monthly, literally any dc but crystal and a preferred world if you want the road to 60, whichever looks cool since you can play every class on a single character. With your first character do remember the msq gives you a wellfare 80 with quest xp so it might be smart not to blow it on a class with decent queue times(i.e. tanks and healers) if you plan to level multiple classes. Every class does decently well at capturing the class fantasy so I'd just recommend something you think is cool looking and don't play smn

anything under max spell speed is bad spell speed

was this mothertrucker gay

Attached: file.png (2135x1148, 2.96M)

They said they were doing this. All pieces drop from all floors so you can be more flexible in how you get items now.

Literally all pieces dropped, 2 accessories as well

You can get a single kind of token per raid completion, with four raids and four kinds of tokens meaning you should have a full left side in 5 weeks

Free trial to level 35. $60 for base + all expansions + a free month of sub time (complete edition).
Just dont go on the crystal data center and you'll be fine. Job is hard to nail down, you can swap jobs whenever though.

there are no fags in the FFXIV universe. Yoshi P hates gays personally, and would take any opportunity to cave a fag's skull in

Everything after $60 and $12 monthly might as well be in chinese. Would you mind terribly translating this for someone who has never played?

>there are no fags in the FFXIV universe

Only if you play a female WoL

he's lying you stupid moron it literally says in the patch notes that parts drop not full pieces

Avoid Crystal Data centre.
Playing on Unpopulated worlds will give you a significant EXP boost and world population isn't super important because group content is cross-server.

>base spell speed on everything is so shit you have to slap VIIIs on everything and still unable to hit cap
i hope it isn't this way in savage lads

>first thing everyone did was kill themselves on the edge
I love this game

Do World bosses reset after patches/maintenance? I just need one more kill to go that damn frog mount.

so Ryne is definitely gonna die at the end of this raid tier huh?

This expansion more than the others has a far more Final Fantasy feel if that makes any kind of sense.

>FF8 overworld theme remix

Attached: 1321565803522.jpg (380x368, 38K)

>Queue: 23
Feels good

They do, you can attempt to spawn it now.

It's really weird going to PGL because I haven't touched it even once since getting it to level 15 years ago to unlock DRG.

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I'm glad there's not been any hideous allagan nonsense

Wait til you hear the battle theme holy shit.

First fights animation takes longer than the fight.

who's he talking about?

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I like Mr. H. Sure he's not the most talented (ar active) content maker but he's a well meaning guy who's easy to listen to.

>he skipped ARR post patch content
Die retard

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i hope so, extremely useless shit character
i'd rather headpat a fucking kobold

>carry 6 retards through prime as whm with at least 3 of them dying to every move out of the lasers phase
>only get 4 commendations


Why isn't there any lewds of Ryne yet?

It's not even 3am yet did the servers come back early?

my gf is clearing it right now, u jelly?

finally able to continue on MSQ

what the fuck is dream powder, why didn't they use this on doma castle?

The femroe who got killed off few quests after being introduced to push the plot forward.

You can hypothetically get to endgame just buying the edition of the game that comes with both ARR and ShB as the other two expacs will also be included for around $60
You get a free 30 days of play and can make it to 80 faster if you pick a preferred server, as all exp you get is doubled, meaning you'll never be on par/underleveled with the main story quests which gate your progress through the game and it's expansions.

Lancer is probably the simplest job to start with which can make it incredibly boring, but gets flashy jump moves when it upgrades to Dragoon and gets special dialogues in the second expansion since you spend most of it with the mentor for that job
Thaumaturge seems simple at first but is more about macro play when it upgrades to Black Mage as your ability to dump all your MP into explosions starts to revolve around your ability to position in fights
Archer has more proc based gameplay and gets more buttons early with less of a rotation, but Bard is gay lmao imagine playing music to fight

>Post yfw

Attached: ffxiv_16072019_145217_229.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

It starts with an M and ends with an A

>Eden prime ultimate attack

Attached: 1553307938772.jpg (540x428, 36K)

>english text doesn't quote Before the Fall
What are you doing Koji

>been playing since 3.1 and have yet to get a full 7 comm screencap with all the carries I do

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So what's the best weekly drop plan to go for?

My onAhole krile?

>melee always stacks a void puddle on top of eden
>even the fourth time the boss does it

How do dipshits not figure this out?

>tfw only relevant roe characters either die or spend six years being a fucking joke
Imagine joining Maelstrom because you thought Merlwyb was a cool character


Imagine thinking Merlwyb was a cool character

i don't care what reddit thinks

shes still clearingmy cum out of her vag

Uh oh guys the boss just teleported to a corner of the room is now facing the entire arena is he going to

a. do a giant roomwide aoe that is only safe in the corner behind him
b. do a close range aoe and is teleporting himself away from us to protect us from his attack

I don't speak moon what am I looking at? damage?

What are linkpearls?

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Ok you guys gotta admit Eden Prime was cool.

>everything drops from the first boss

holy fuck

Pray return to the Crystarium and ask around

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Walkie talkies b

Too bad the new raid sets are crap.

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Haha pirate lioness mommy

Oh, Minfillia!


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2nd in left and 2nd in right are ok
nothing blowing my dick off but nice enough

A poll about how happy people are with their classes in ShB. Dark red is very unsatisfied. Dark blue is very satisfied.

Revert AST plz

>any DC but crystal
There are 3 NA data centers: Aether, Primal, and Crystal. Crystal is the degenerate radioactive exclusion zone and should be avoided. Primal and Aether are both fine servers, just play on whichever you have better ping/have friends on.
>preferred worlds
Each data center consists of multiple worlds/servers. Since most all content is instanced across the DC and world visit lets you visit other servers on your dc it doesn't matter which world you pick except for preferred worlds. Preferred worlds give the 'road to 60' buff which gives you increased xp while below lvl 60. It just makes leveling easier.
>msq(main story quests) gives wellfare 80
The msq quests all give you xp and will make leveling your first character to max pretty simple, just follow the story. Every other class you level will require you to dungeon grind and do dailies. Those dungeons and dailies both require you to queue quite a lot so having a long queue time, like dps queues, can make leveling take much longer. So say you wanted to play a healer and a dps class, I would recommend you playing the dps first through the story and then dungeon leveling the healer.
>every class is decently made/class fantasy
This game is actually pretty balanced and all content can be cleared with any class. They also do a pretty decent job differentiating the 'class feel' of all the classes so picking one really comes down to whatever you think it looks cool. If you like dragons and jumping around go dragoon, explosions make you hard go black mage, cliche anime katanaman go samurai, etc. Asking us what class you should play is useless because we don't know what you like.
>dont play smn
dont play smn

I'm sorry I'm a shit and go that backwards. Dark red is very SATISFIED. dark blue is unsatisfied. Dammit Japan red=bad don't you know this?

How’s the new raid without spoiling anything?

Which set is which anyways

>min ilv is 420
That's really forgiving. Thought it was going to be 430 at best.

I wanna fuck ryne

dont play one the strongest jobs lol

I like the tank set and the caster set isn't too bad. Aiming is alright as well but the rest is pure fucking garbage.

Fending, Casting, Maiming, Healing, Aiming, Striking, Scouting

If one is doing Savage early they'd get the Tenacity chest right? Or stick with Crafting gear if they wanna go that route?

Translate you fucking faggot

Flashy and not overly challenging
Definitely FFVIII oriented

I want her to leave the boots on during.

>WAR has AOE attack that does fuck all damage
>gets another aoe attack which needs resource points spent and does 10% more damage

>Eden Prime

Attached: 1321512735704.jpg (166x231, 6K)

>nin of casters
non-zero chance you don't even know how many ww's you should be getting

generally you'd get crafted for overmelding unless the stats are so horrendous that you would be better off with an item that has 2 melds instead of 5.

They get better as you level
the beast gauge one used to heal you

>NIN armor is white with frills
Interesting choice

i sure hope so user...

red = very satisfied
light red = so-so satisfied
yellow = agree/disagree
light blue = so-so dissatisfied
blue = very dissatisfied

>that music in The Empty
I marked out

Attached: 1512277920967.png (826x640, 299K)

"Results of poll about job satisfaction outside of Japan"

Red to blue is very satisfied to not satisfied at all.

I was surprised. Figured I would need more tome gear to do it but AF gear and expert accessories more than covers the entry requirement.

>no spell speed for caster set
BLMbros...good for my SMN


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I want that icy pussy


Second fight is going to fuck up pugs and shitters. They are so bad.

Any day now that normal raid roulette queue will pop

>SCH melties still outweigh everyone ASs blasTed

>story trial
>extreme trial

what happened to HM trial? is extreme just HM now since people are easily pugging it the day it comes out?

>2/2 on pants drop

Might as well go for all 4 this week I guess.

>looking right at his daughteru

Fucking hell Thancred

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Is this Nomura`s Gril?

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>Heavy Thrust is high floor skillcheck!

You still can't go full skill speed on SAM either.
Feels bad, man.

Attached: SAM Job Artwork.png (714x1000, 840K)

All trials after level 50 are ''hard mode''


Gosetsu was cool

How does the token gear work now? 1 antique chest = 1 chest piece?

Red means good apparently

The same as it always worked. They just changed it so every boss gives every piece of gear instead of needing to farm a4 and compete with 7 other people for the 1 chest drop.

agreed, they're perfect and DRG is even broken.

very undertuned compared to BLM and DRG, the hagakure system from 4.x was more fun, and the level 80 skill, Shoha, is irredemable trash.
It should do BLM-tier damage (but right under BLM).

way too fucking complicated, feels bad to play, and has low damage too.

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>tfw I want high speed DRG

So I can get the chest piece week 1 then. Interesting.

>Titan is the final boss of this tier

I sure as fuck wasn't expecting that.

>came back to be a cripple and written out of the plot
>most speedreaders probably didn't even think he was a Roe too begin with

should I play FF8? is it good?

So I just did Eden prime.

What makes that a raid more than just another Trial? I was kind of hoping for multiple bosses, like Ivalice or WoL

update, still in queue, am #1 on waiting list and have been for the past 10 minutes. Save me from this hell

NIN is complected for new people. I don't see how NIN is complected for people who mains NIN. NIN was bottom low of DPS in SB too

Holy shit healing Eden Prime is a nightmare lmao, all those raid wides, my SCH MP can't take it

The other 3 bosses

Or is there multiple parts like Omega?

If you can get over its absolutely insane progression system it's honestly really good.

>in a thread with a video for retards who dont read patch notes to watch a video of someone reading the them the patch notes
>>hey how does [answer in patch notes] work?

Ahh I see, forgive me, I am truly retarded.

Let's summon the primals ourselves!

I heard they changed everything in HD remake. Like you now Hack GU has "god mode"

Wait, can every single fight drop each piece?


>giving MrFatty views
Shill trap

>SAM/Monk wears the set using the healer model
>Dancers get to look like femto
I guess the set appeals to archers and machinists but I am so fucking tired of getting short-bus retard monk gear.

Are you seriously telling someone to watch Mr. Happy?

Attached: 1286141427240.png (203x209, 3K)

>the striking set is a literal dress
>the aiming set and scouting set look like they should be swapped
>the scouting set looks like it should have the colors of the casting set

What the actual fuck

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The first one does at least but no idea if the other ones do.

I can't decide if I should roll Viera or not anons. No headgear but holy shit that perky ass

read the patch notes yourself you stupid cunt

You're a real retard user.


The fetal alcohol syndrome face


New sets looks good. Much better than SB omega

Now that's advice I can approve of

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>BLM hits harder than enkindle bahamut/phoenix
>every attack
why is this allowed?

SE fucking up. Seems like Tank, DRG and casting are the only ones they didn't fuck up in some way.

It's good for the most part but when you compare it to the other entries you realize how it falls short. It's definitely worth the experience tho. After all it's the one responsible for setting the franchise popularity. Not to say imo is uematsu best music work.

The HD remake isnt out yet but that's just a toggle-able cheat. Not a gameplay change.

What ass?

Why haven't you switched to a Hrothchad yet Yea Forums?

Don't want to play them girly sissy races do you?

Attached: hrothgar.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

>those four circles
10 bucks that you'll need to drop them in the corners because they grow/explode, or that you need 2 people in each one.

i want to be a girl

Attached: s rank.png (1102x678, 1.14M)

How long does it take to level from lvl 20 to whatever it is you can start Shadowbringers?
I'm a Bard if that matters.

Did you read it? Clearly not. It doesn't state how was the token system changed in comparison to what people are used to. It only says slightly related stuff like it's on a weekly lock. Jesus Christ.

>FF8 raid is out
>still haven't finished the story

with the main story?
300 hours maybe?

how come

uuuuuuuuuuuugh ryne's cunnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

It's going to take you a while. Each expansion is pretty much a solo jrpg worth of content. If you have no life and time tho it should take you about a month or so.

because don't play smn

Content is locked behind story quests, not levels per se (though story quests have level requirements). You can easily reach max level but still not finish the story and therefore be locked out of content until you do.

You're in for a long ride unless you're a cutscene skipping NEET.

How do you make friends in this game? None of my friends like MMOs.
I'm like level 52 on my first job and I barely interacted with people outside of duties.

Attached: majima peek.jpg (559x531, 33K)

Good posture can do magic

You gotta understand
BLM is so HARD!
You have to cast SPELLS!
It makes you stand STILL for a fraction of a second so of course it should be this high despite all the new mobility tools and QoL shit it got in 5.0!

Rate the new bosses and predict their difficulty for savage.

>just finished the 2nd fight
>somehow we're flying through the air now
>back at the camp talking to Thancred
>look over and see Eden fully deployed hovering in mid air
what in the fuck when did all this happen? i was literally paying close attention tot he dialogue but none of this shit is mentioned

You don't in modern mmos, best bet is finding a FC and being active in chat

The levi fight is hilarious.
>Tank plunges at the boss
>Leaps 30 meters to the front of the boss' circle into a pit
>Dragoon does the same

I don't give two fucks.
AF70 gear + Gordian Katana (pure white) forever. Shit's too good.

Say something
If they say something back, try saying something again.
Continue until friend is made.

Is the raid music good ?

I look specifically for SMALL, newly made FC's that are recruiting on reddit. Unfortunately for the most part there's not too much you can do when such a low level. It's at max-level where you can truly play with other people and do content.

When everyone dies to the Quake in the center part of Leviathan

>E4S will be Titan
>Right after I was done with UwU
Son of a bitch.

Attached: 231234.png (400x750, 187K)

the raid boss fights are easier than titania/innoence ex

Raid story is already way better than Alexander and Omega. Instead of slowing working our way through Eden for 3 tiers to face it on the 12th fight like Alexander and Omega, we kill Eden Prime right away and the story takes an interesting turn.

They're supposed to be.

Attached: 1532641900669.gif (470x437, 1.55M)

>Lavos confirmed as wing boss.
That would be so fucking sick. Gimme some Crono glams, too.

>targeted aoe marker on all the dps during leviathan
>marker disappears before it explodes so all the dps stack on eachother thinking they are safe

I was expecting people doing this at 3am to be at least a little smarter.

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I literally just go up to people and insinuate absurd conversation like asking what shampoo do they use.

It tends to be the second tier of raids which ramps the difficulty spike up. I mean the ilevel req for this is 425 and not 430 like Extreme is.

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It's normal dude. They are supposed to be easy or at least not overly challenging. Definitely adjusted for people that have been with the game for a while. Really wonder hoe WoWfugees that bought a skip potion will fare.

Someone post screenshots I'm at work

So, where quests for raid starts?

The crysterium

hornless! hornless!

Attached: fucking landslides.png (780x387, 414K)

The waking sands.

It's a while, especially if you follow the story rather than skip. You will likely level at a decent pace but you will still have to do the story to progress through the expansions which is significantly more time consuming than leveling up.

I can't say specifically how long due to only having done it all once on my main character over many years but all told between waiting in queues for story dungeons and trials, all the cutscenes and such and just plain travel time it could easily take a minimum of 100+ hours. Definitely not something you can just pound out in a weekend. Depending on the amount of playtime you can put in you could probably be caught up to Shadowbringers in a month.

In Minfilia's ass window

Really? Because fuck I'm in E2 and EVERYONE ELSE IS FUCKING DYING.

Unironically 200 or so hours depending on how much side stuff you do outside of the MSQ. I'm sorry.


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>Thought this expansion couldn't get any better
>We get raid kino
Barely on the third fight but jesus fuck it's so good. It's only the first tier as well.

God arrest me Mr. FBI

>Finish in record time
>Handsome Highlander said if i would join his FC
Ok I'm gay but not mentally impaired

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So far the only spicy jalopeno boss I've seen was E2, because people couldn't grasp delayed mechanics.
Levi was a bit bullshit with his second quake, but you learn that quick. You just KNOW that his savage version won't have any tells aside from head position.
Also fuck you why does the pushback on the tsunami not go all the way?

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so we just not going to talk about eden prime turning earth into a deathstar and exploding the milky way?

>waiting over 20 minutes to get into the first Eden raid
Guess everyone skipped cutscenes again.

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Why do americans need a youtube e-celeb to read patchnotes off of a site to them, when they could have navigated to said website and just read it themselves?

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Why doesn't this game have asses? Even Hank Hill has more ass than characters in this game


yoshi and foxclon do that on a twitch stream all the time


They're the devs though, they tend to add context to some things

But they can actually comment on it since they are part of the dev team. Everyone else is literally just reading it, maybe giving their impression, but who gives a fucks about that?.

How many bosses? 4 again?

I didn't skip a single cut-scene and am already on the last area

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Titan's pretty fun



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>hades is just bargain bin neo exdeath
>eden prime is just bargain bin neo kefka
bravo yoshit

Okay I'm at the 4th boss and the plot just didn't make it feel like a final boss but let's see how it is.

It's the first tier

God, just fucking imagine how horrible E4S would be to us pinglets...

Attached: 1321790414628.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Titan is going to be fun.


>Faggot Maximus

Yes because 100% of his viewers are American and therefore very very stupid. there's no way your superior country, or any other country really, would ever watch such drivel with your hover cars and space program that's already colonizing Pluto. Fucking stupid amerifats.

>that fucking levi theme
Holy mother of fucking JAMS

Attached: 1556944946073.gif (147x166, 505K)

>Told healers if they didn't like the changes they should just quit healer
>they did

Attached: 1561633852375.png (448x499, 210K)

>Everyone keeps standing in the puddles
>"wtf why do we keep dying"

>No Eden screenshots

Is is a car

E3 > E1 > E2 > E4

>ctrl-F GNB and gunbreaker

Idk if it was mentioned in the patch notes, but they reworked a good chunk of the gunbreakers sound effects? All of the attacks have a lot less CHING CHING sword slashy noises and more bassy explosions and shit going on.

>Haven't seen a dungeon Cutscene since first dungeon
>Got yelled at for trying to learn about the story
>Just skip them now and watch them on YouTube or the inn

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come back

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Why does titan drive now?

Don't do this, you do not owe these people anything.

>early 2.0 EX Titan is canon now

after the first fight when Cunnyfilia pilots the fucking Gundam, Eden takes off. Fucking brainless the second over here.

>Watching the guy with the delayed stack up in E2 frantically running around trying to get people to stand with him

Attached: C4NLAUBVcAA1G4s.jpg (960x540, 73K)

>check JP DC
>healthy amount of healers everywhere
>most of the time they miss a tank or dps
>check NA DC
>literally no one plays healer because they hate healing and only wanted fast queues (same applies for most tanks, they only want fast queues and not be MT or tank at all)

Attached: q1553278565617.png (178x226, 39K)

>Had to do E4 thrice to get the token I wanted
>every single time theres a DNC that can't dodge for shit even after dying to the same thing 4 times
>last attempt had two DNCs who died 5 and 7 times
I can't believe these are the idiots taking spots/loot away from MCH and BRDs.

Fuck them, they aren't the boss of you, even if the pre-fight trial cutscene takes a while you have all the right to watch it

>Sonic Thrust STILL doesn't refresh Disembowel

You fuckers told me it was an oversight. Then the game came out and it was still in. Now we have the first patch and it's still messed up. ffs.

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The absolute state of westicucks

Titan was boring AF

She was in 1.X where she actually fucking did shit.

t. wiped and kept falling

yell back at them faggot

I love the sigmascape chestpiece and I have a glamour set I love but I am going to be dismayed if I literally roll with the exact same set I came into Shadowbringers with. Save with the addition of a keffiyeh that's just a DPS spellcaster one minus eyepatch from SB or the Ronkan chestpiece. To be fair the Ronkan gear looks great but this is something I'll give Stormblood over Shadowbringers. I dug a lot of the dungeon and leveling gear in SB and the first omega gear was real cool. So far in Shadowbringers that has not been the case for SAM.

same with levi. literally the same fight as it was back in ARR

Concave Glutus Syndrome is a terrible thing.

Why do all Americans just want to play DPS classes and just end up dead in some fire contributing nothing

The 80AF gear is fucking dope though.


Looks like I'm going back to WoW. The latest raids were actually good.

There's a lot to dislike about DRG. Brainless rotation that has no variance and the idiotic fucking damage window of LOTD. No recovery tools if you fuck up. Animation locks on jumps. The fact that you can't even use your strongest moves until a fucking minute passes even if you execute everything perfectly instead of properly dumping cooldowns on pull like everyone else does. The potencies being fucking lowest of all damage dealers. And battle litany being nerfed to 10% so that DRG wouldn't overshadow the dancers, lmao.

>Never have to worry about bottoming out MP with Art of War again
Thanks, I guess? I could have lived with an 800 cost if it meant I'm getting Energy Drain back in the Savage update.

>Brainless rotation

jesus christ

feel like I'll miss all the SB stuff regardless how fast I am

Sokken the madman actually used it


You can catch up in a week or two and will be waiting on 5.1 while grinding out an Eden set to glamour over like the rest of us for eight

>clear the new raid with ease on my EU main
>time for some laughs
>login to my Balmung alt and queue
>constant wipes on the first boss

The absolute STATE of American erpers

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It was even more shit.
>shorter BOTD
>Heavy Thrust
>Jumps giving you even worse locks
>Lowest DPS next to NIN

You miss the great fun of doing everything before guides are out and at minimum power levels. But there are always people doing old content unsynced so at least you'll get to do it all.

And there's roulettes for all the main stuff so those will constantly get done.

eden is so fucking bad, 90% of the mechanics are recycled and the boss choice is not on point

>two heads
>two leviathans

You're right, my bad I thought I said that but I guess I edited it out. The Sam AF gear was great. I just remember a lot more gear that looked neat for SAM in SB. I am probably being unfair. Looking at it now and the Voeburite samurai gear is neat, the rak'tika dungeon gear isn't my style but it's neat. Really shoddy as hell they reused WoD gear for Mt Gulg though. That shit deserved it's own hyper angelic sineater armor.


I don't want to fight titan ever again. im glad i don't have for play him for another week since i got all my pants

What the fuck nigger, E2 has literally 5 new mechanics.

>those patchnotes
wow it's fucking nothing

>expect new fights
>end up being stuck with eventually 6 re-invented Primal encounters
Second tier going to be boring as shit if they get the other four elements out so the last tier can be fully OC material.

1 to 3 are great faggot. Titan is garbage solely because of the segemented arena.

keep sucking that banana loli slut

You say this but the other merliard dcs are still somehow worse than crystal

Why lie?

you dont
join an FC and hope you get lucky

>Fending helmet has no /visor option
I knew it.

you're talking to a jpeg you fucking retarded nigger

3 minutes you fucking niggers, dont you know hơ to count ?

E2 is the only fight I feel that'll have good Savage potential. E3/E4 are going to end up scripted as fuck because god forbid we react to shit properly.

Yeah it was in the patch notes. Some skills still sound the same but the second and third parts of the basic combo sound different and continuation sounds very different. Much more emphasis on the explosions. When you fire off the whole combo hoo boy that's a lot of booms.

they will probably put a new bahamut or new Alexander at the end of turn 2 to be worth its hype

Savage is 2 weeks away.

i just audibly went 'what the actual fuck' at my monitor, these fights are actually pretty fun. also, the writing is still pretty on point

>yfw asked to describe Titan to Ryne

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-07-16_04-14-08.jpg (1920x1080, 500K)

lmao triggered

Dude you can buy it with poetics.

>eden, voidwalker, leviathan
and don't get me started on leviathan which is the same fight as the primal with the sole difference being the arena falling

>Choosing meme responses

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You can't "miss" anything. The game encourages people to do old dungeons through 'random dungeon queues' for exp rewards and shit, so you should always have people to run older content unless you're on a dead server/hours.

its literally not the same fight, you dumb faggot.

>dungeon on na
>other dps and the tank do half my dps, healer heals you don't pay my sub
>dungeon on jp
>every person pulls 5 digit dps

Shadowbringers only just came out a couple of weeks ago and isn't going to have its first major post launch update until sometime in October. You will have plenty of time to get caught up. The only thing you will miss is the blind runs of the current trials and raids but once you're caught up there will be more of those added over the course of the expansion so you will be able to experience that eventually as well.

>it's the same fight

The only mechanic that was the same was the dives.

shut the fuck up nguyen

I like that tanks get the Voidwalker's gear, makes me hope it'll look good dyed.

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Friends on crystal are bitching over pugs or waiting on their static.
I cleared just fine on both, primal and aether. Only had issues on aether with some cuck healer on the second fight, he would go to some corner and not read anyone. Fun fact: it was a scholar and didn't get his fairy out except after the first wipe.

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The Oracle of Darkness seems to be a pretty important character to put in optional raid story, considering what Minfilia could do. Shame that she was only introduced, this tier was really light on story.

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I swear to fucking god, it better not be in the Savage version, unless they swindle us by making E1 the last fight in the Savage bracket, and that's the transition from the doormob, despite them saying no doors this time.


yfw no aoe markers in titan savage

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>TWO oracle cunnies

>papa can you give us some examples of racist things you used to hear
>yeah I remember when i heard soandso call a black person a nigger, that was bad
what an alt righter

those new gunbreaker sounds are no joke

It's slightly different. Helmet has a big ass plume coming out the back.

>dont get to see Gaia outside of her armor for another 6 months

This better fucking end up with us getting a new job mid expansion if they are pulling a fucking Yugiri on us.

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So the Savage mount is going to be Titan's car, right?

I quit being a healer after getting raped by demon book. The dumbass tank would not stop being affected with slow and heavy, also he keeps dying when it was slamming time with ice patch. I just said fuck it them switched to bard. Now i can have fun instead of dealing with dumb fuckers. I even told him multiple times and nothing

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>part 1
>fake dps check/adds
>big ultimate move
>repeat part 1
so this is the greatest expansion ever right?

there was two more models datamined. 6 bosses in savage?

Wasn't belts&zippers supposed to be designing the raid bosses this expansion, or is he only doing a small subset of them?

When is he gonna officially adopt her and make her a perm Scion?

>Fuck Domans and fuck Mhiggers! Heavensward forever!
what did he mean by this?

which models?

Bet's on the savage boss? Giant Titan?

They straight up forgot to put the other half of the sounds in originally. They didn't replace them they added another layer and you can hear the little swooshing sounds under the explosions.

>Titan's design

Attached: chemistry.jpg (378x323, 32K)

My first experience on EU
>20 minutes of waiting
>finally Eden Prime
>one wipe
>tank instantly rage quit

Attached: 1554056680464.jpg (540x720, 33K)

mecha leviathan and another fucked up voidsent

you can get body tokens from every floor so you can get a body first week
you stupid moron

The music kind of sucks

link to the models?

>leviathan knockback incoming
>stay in position but pop knockback immunity to check if it works
>it doesn't
What's the fucking point of the skill then? Huh?

I don't know how I got 2 sprouts on my Eden Prime group.

How long until we have another obsessed user yelling about how he cucked us with Ryne?

It worked for me.

Been using the random generator to see the patterns for each Viera/hrothgar names, but I hope they do a proper post soon to explain it in better detail.

Attached: deadnaming.jpg (1200x720, 117K)

Worked when I did it so you either popped it late so it wasn't actually in effect when the move went out or you popped it early so it expired right before the move went out.

I hate the nin set it reminds me of this fucker

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last boss's bersercar is pretty cute.

Not the water geyser one. The one that marks people and then everyone else gets knocked back.

this isnt wow. abilities dont work instantly

Doesn't work on the markers people get, as usual.

What if Leviathan had another head
What if Titan had a car
What if Shiva only used heel clicks
What if Ifrit was a girl
What if Ramuh had a gun
What if Garuda was a jet

>eden prime as the first boss

It works on every mechanic you tard

I mean, aside from the build, he really doesn't look like it- his facial structure doesn't match any other roe, and I'd have just pegged him for a really swole hyur if not for that one line somewhere in the story.

>cleared titan with 6 frogs
where is my achievement?

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>It works on every mechanic
It doesn't work on every mechanic. Why do retards insist of acting like tough shit?

>tfw the shiva fight is a feels boss

>What if Garuda was a jet
Cruise Chaser was a fun fight
Also Shiva's either going to be the FF13 model made of 2 motorcycle women or just Ysayle who comes out and has a nice chat with you before dispersing.

first time in the basement-dweller gathering hub also known as Yea Forums?

It's a tweest.

what is titan supposed to be? a gob walker?
leviathan was obviously shinryu

I can only imagine how bad savages will be if people ragequit after 1(one) wipe on normal raid that was released 30 minutes ago

You should have gotten one for the first clear.

imagine pugging

Nah, he was literally going on about how other people got away with saying the word and he couldn't. What's in you eventually comes out, he wouldn't have resigned otherwise because there have been plenty of people with money who got away with worse for...pretty much the entirety of this country's history.

>this new loot system
>just get token on first clear
>dont have to keep carying shiters
based yoshi

Attached: Cyber City Oedo 808 - 02 - Der Lockvogel [Jap.Ger.Eng.Dub][Ger.Eng.Sub][MeisterMutaito].mkv_snapshot (714x480, 45K)

E1S will be a, avoid the AoE check because people for some reason't couldn't handle the portal phase. E2S will be funny, I look forward to it, delayed mechanics are the best way to fuck with people's brains.

doom spike should be what refreshes it

>it's not actually everything from each fight

Attached: AFTzkLt.png (448x136, 5K)

>Titan's remixed theme

Attached: boros rave.gif (399x216, 482K)

Fuck you Yoshi


should i be popping queen's automaton every 50 seconds?

This isn't Savage, so not surprising.
I still have seen a lot of people die, especially due to not catching on with the big clock sound and big clock graphic for "spell in waiting"

Pretending to be stupid is a sign of one's own stupidity.

>have to wait three months for more kino

Attached: dead.png (500x409, 253K)

>Ysayle shows up, is completely friendly and is just going to help you restore ice to the world
>You hear a distant whisper on the wind

Attached: mfw elves.png (1786x1027, 2.96M)

They said that raid is going to heavily tie to the story, well look at it this way, Cystal Tower was optional. Yet here we are.

>Super Seismic

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just go back and do old kino

Literally impossible though???

>delayed mechanics are the best way to fuck with people's brains.
Except it'll be entirely scripted so we'll know which ones to expect to stack before spread or vice-versa.

i burst out laughing

We one shot the second boss and it took until the very last stack+aoe for dipshits to figure out that you wait until the stack is actually cast before spreading. Before that I was just sacrificing whoever got the stack marker since everyone would instantly spread the moment they saw the stack marker disappear and their aoe markers pop up.

>died 8 times on E4
it's incredible we cleared on the first pull

>Ok I'm gay but not mentally impaired

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>it's a three lines of rocks and everyone needs to go to the last ones that drop mechanic
>it's an everyone goes to the second set and eats all the aoe group

Some things never change

I couldn't believe they actually included it. Was laughing all the way throughout the cinematic.

Ayy won it first try.

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ATV Off-Road Fury

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You guys kept shit talking that the raid was going to be just a duplicate of the previous primal fights.

Where the fuck are you fuckers now.

Leviathan does dives so it's the same as the old fight.

fuck you

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>he never got to the bersercar phase of Titan EX

How's she look with the hammer? Same animations as another class, or something distinct?

So I can't get body in week 1?

>That fucking ff8 overwold music
>That fucking first fight KINO as fuck
>that titan going full fucking mariokart on your ass

Attached: 1558732979092.jpg (640x360, 25K)

>Imagine Titan but as a buff-car man
WoL really is brain-damaged from all the shit they've seen aren't they

ok so other boots from 1..


get fucked


you need 4 pieces so you just have to win the roll on every fight

>tank swaps in normal
God bless

She's a dark knight and doesn't have a hammer yet.

>content over in an hour
>2 weeks of nothing

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>doing E4S
>Fault Zone
>you have to race him while dodging bombs

Going in blind we had the main tank say to just ignore titans tank swaps. Then he got 3 extra stacks of vuln to make sure he wouldn't survive the next tank buster.

You can, since they're available in every tier
But you can't get both head and gloves if you rolled on one for 2&3 since they share those slots but not 1 and 4

any way to get back to the FF 12 style "battle lines"? they disappear way too quickly now

I lost my shit when I saw this.


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Based on the Normal Raid:
>Rate this tier

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>2 weeks of people overanalysing the normal to predict savage
Remember O3 and when we thought they'd keep the sand 'puzzle' for O3S?

>everyone crying about rehash primals
>they're better fights than anything in Omega

>it came back in shb
la hee

Where the fuck is my hard content, that was too fucking easy

What's the best way to gear, what order should I do?

Just completed E4 with my group
Ahaha holy shit that has to be a complete shitshow with DF pubbies

>Nomura designed character

For fuck sakes.

4 > 3 > 2 > 1

>no static
>no fc
>groups in party finder can't get enough healers
>queue time is 40 minutes

Attached: 1494681350542.jpg (328x353, 21K)

Once you know where to stand for the cannon arms and the car it was easy with randoms.

>Eden can make platforms
>Can't make some fucking guardrails

The Titan one? I'm pretty sure both tanks need to take it because it oneshot the other tank I was with when they tried to take it solo. It falls off before the next one anyway.

O11 was pretty sick, but titan is so much fucking better than any of the 4th stage fights.

2 weeks for savage

It wasn't that bad, just took three wipes to realize how the car worked

Body week 1
Legs week 2
Head and boots week 3
Gloves and belt week 4
2 accessories weeks 5 & 6

Does Nomura design any armor sets?

So if the 13th shard got VOID'd doesn't that mean that Zodiark can never be restored to his full glory?

>Oracle of Darkness
>Gaia is literally a nobody
Bravo Nomura you did it again

Or get crafted everything in 2 weeks time.

Though the extra quest if you finish all the role storylines hints there's a way to fix it

Crafted is put now?

Are the 8-man raids released in sets of 4 quests every few months?

Or do we get access to all 12 right now?

sets of 4

Body and legs are the most important but thus will also be the ones most contested
Head and boots is obviously better than gloves+belt because belts are basically the same tier as accessories
Accessories can be skipped in favor of just doing Innocence EX, so you'll really only ever need the ring unless you're a turbo shitter

every few months
we'll also get 2 Ultimate raids and a couple of extremes too though along with 24 man.

so is this really who they introduced to be Ryne's love interest?

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>GNB attacks sounds like fart noises now

T-Thanks Yoshi p.

>Even Emet-Selch has his own reasons, we should hear her out

so lads

all i get for doing grand company stuff exhcange is either lvl 20-30 gear or lvl 50 gear?


week 1 body
week 2 legs
week 3 head boot
week 4 gloves belt & acc
week 5 acc x 4


I'm the one who is going to put my below average dick in Ryne you homo.

4 every even patch with savage two weeks after
ARs are every odd patch and the first one will be in 5.1 in ten weeks

we get four ever 5 or 6 months. have fun with a whopping 4 bosses for the next half of a year, you retarded faggot!

>Thancred and Uriagner talking about how they'll eventually have to leave Ryne behind in the first when they go home
Don't you dare do this Ishikawa.

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does he do the squall style "fight won" animation?

The ascians aren't planning on rejoining everything before summoning Zodiark, they need him to fix it

Yes and No, depends on optimal substats because 450 crafted gear comes out in 2 weeks also.
Draft gear pieces to match your desired stats, though it's likely body week 1 is good for everyone.

>tfw no vore


>Urianger: "I would loathe to put our dearest friends in danger"
>throws the WoL head first at primals
Fuck you too.

I feel like helmet + boots is better than just chest week one. You get more stats this way.

>Titan goes full Mario Kart
What the fuck were they smoking

So far it's better than delta, will have to wait for savage.


hop in faggot we're saving final fantasy

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no, he just needs the majority share of shards, then he can fix everything and commit genocide

Have to increase your dating points with her to max.

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>The landslides...

>tell him no more lies
>makes us lie to everyone about Eden anyway

Ryne may be the Oracle of Light but she's still a little girl.
The WoL is a 20-something that has literally been through hell and back. Urianger is just appropriating resources where necessary.

It's silly how they even pretend that's going to be a thing. Minfillia's gift will probably let her go to the source.


it takes fucking AGES to level your chocobbo

t.s lvlv 2 chocobo barely heals him

>>that titan going full fucking mariokart on your ass

Attached: laughing.gif (375x375, 179K)

what are these lightweight tomestones for?

more like
Belt, ring and feet/head/gloves week 1
feet/head/gloves week 2 whatever you didn't get
Crafted body and legs for savage, no more normal raiding required.

>Eden Prime kino
Can't wait to see Titan.

Can someone link me to the pic of Minfilia fingering Minifilia, please? I can't find it anywhere.

>No more lies, Urianger
>lmao sure
>Hey WoL lets not tell the other scions about Eden
>Lmao Thancred let's not tell WoL about Oracle of Darkness
God fucking damn it, Urianger, why are you like this?

Attached: 1552655331080.png (760x839, 760K)

Hey WoL I need you to recall Leviathan
>Thinks of Leviathan, also Shinryu

Now think of Titan
>Thinks of Titan and the second boss of The Burn for some reason

This is going to tie into the Amaurot fuckup isn't it?

For weapon I suppose.

Your wife is mines

Attached: 1562117049280.png (2560x1440, 2.89M)

4>3>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2 had interesting mechanics but felt pretty boring overall, and i bet my ass it will be a pain to pug in savage

doing helmet/boot and then hand/wasit/acc gives +1224 main stat like STR in the first 2 weeks whilst if you get body and legs you'll only get +844 main stat

Sounds about right.

Aren't the other pieces 2 items per?

Part of the cost for the weapon, the other cost will be scriptures (phantasmagoria) which you can't obtain yet.

>thinks of ifrit and sophia at the same time

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.09M)

PS4 Slim version of the game only

crafts will be 450 btw but will have shit stats for most jobs
iirc few ones that will benefit are summoner, dancer, and dragoon

You appreciate us now, don't you.
Healerbros, are you feeling like MVPs yet?

Your wife belongs to me too

Attached: 1549999347920.png (2560x1440, 1.89M)

I want this to be the mount but it's probably going to be the skyskimmer.

I just tanked through it. I didn't trust the GNB retard.

So what pieces should i roll on? I always fuck it up by just needing everything.

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What? It falls off before the next buster.

Fuck off faggot. Stop playing for good boy points.

Can't wait for ifrit

so general consent is
>level first job to max lvl
>then alts get xp boost

I have 444 max crit melded right now, how's max sps looking?

Do the opposite of what everyone is doing and roll the legs this week, body next week.

Titan seemed like a mix of FF IV Titan and Faust from the Alexander raid.

Retards, if you want stats go



well then ill grind with my war i guess

>e4 on melee

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>Eden Prime
>Touch the edge of the platform and you just die
>Watching all but one person die at the exact same time


So what the fuck, Eden Prime is apparently a really strong sin eater but not a lightwarden? That doesn't make sense.

Fuck off, it's a 20 potency difference and you can cast it from afar rather than jumping into the middle of a group of monsters.

its normal mode, dipshit


No they are light, not full of it.

Tfw rolled above a 95 every time on the chest pieces and already got my chest.

Attached: 1561435787150.jpg (500x750, 104K)

>not Ifrit and Zurvan

XIV is the worst FF
>Literally every dungeon is a hallway with ironclad linearity
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
>Everything related to PvP is shit
>Open world zones are tiny, empty, have nothing going on, and are separated by loading screens
>Zero player choice in character building (stat choice, skill choice, talents, gear choice, etc.)
>Gear is universally boring (No gear sets, no unique effects, etc.)
>Classes are completely amateurish in their design (combos that only exist to be done in perfect sequence, two separate abilities like Demon SSlice > demon Slaughter that could be done with a single proc, etc.)
>Boring questing with awful instancing, unlike TESO/GW2/etc with unique instanced zones only for questing
>Over-complicated crafting which is ultimately just as meaningless as WoW's because it only exists to make catch-up gear and consumables
>Shitty graphics looks worse than early PS3 games
>Barely any voice acting
>Worse than PS2 tier animation
>Constant dissonance between gameplay and narrative
>Extremely unpolished
>Shit just fades in or out on screen, no actual animation to make it feel like a believable world being interacted with
>Shit MMO hotbar "gameplay"
>Empty areas with nothing to do
>Tons of immersion and lore breaking, inconsistencies, retcons, asspulls and other generic shounen tier shit
>Nonsense lore and garbage forgetable characters that no one even knows the names of

XIV is trash and it needing 4 fucking expansions of backstory, lore, development etc just to lead to ShB just makes it worse. Not a single person who jumped straight to ShB has said its good, the only people shilling it pretending ShB is good are XIV fags who've been subbed to it for 6+ years and have stockholm syndrome for pouring 6 years of their life and money investment of hundreds of dollars into into it. Yoshida said you could jump right into ShB but NOPE, please pour 300 hours of your life into shit just to get to more shit.

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when are gil prices going to go down?

White Power

>outDPS all the ranged fags as DRG because they all died multiple times
Dab on the retards.

Too late for this copy pasta lmao

Have sex

And yet it's still better than WoW ;)

I swear someone needs to put some sort of lie shock collar on Urianger

Know your place, tank bitch.


Ok peon

Have dilate

wow is trash but so is xiv

>And yet it's still better than WoW ;)
As someone who played WoW for 14 years and finally dropped it for XIV, that's a really low fuckin' bar.


>top dps at 9k

Attached: 72085610_p4.jpg (322x500, 37K)

>journal again says you gather your adventurer friends to go into the eden raid
>duty finder is just an abstraction for you driving the car back to norvrandt to get 7 anonymous adventurers and then driving back into the middle of nowhere


Attached: chample.gif (27x35, 4K)

>adventurer friends

For me it's driving back to Norvrandt and desperately begging total strangers to come with me into the middle of nowhere.

>Love interest
Since when has anyone had a love interest aside from some side characters? Even Urianger's futa dyke bitch died.

He can't lie to you if he's not telling you anything from the get-go!

Party Finder:
Edge Gate Sculpture - No Dupes
lmao seriously?

Some people are just dicks, they are "hardcore" even when they won't fit in any static



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So what's different about the GNB sound effects now?

>playing a popular job

OK Barry.

The acc week2 kind of sucks because we already have a 450 from innocence though.

Soken's just flexing at this point.

>have PLD, SCH and BLM at 80
>rest at 0, and forever will be

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It's for 2nd ring.

I couldn't tell. It didn't really seem any different to me when I played on it just now.

Fair enough.

I've barely had time to get a clear on Titania EX and can't grind out Innocence until this weekend so I'm fine with it
Just mix and match what has the best secondary stats for you