Let's have many buyfags and pirate lobbies!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Any lobbies open right now?

>aranea is the natural enemy of wing divers
What's your soldier's natural enemy?

I feel like Napoleon Bonaparte!

God I hope They don't make us wait 3 years after the launch for EDF 6 on PC when that finally comes around

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also aranea. Fuck those niggers, I just wanna go fast.

Ayys with laser cannons

i was reading through some of the last thread, and some of you seem to be having trouble with the game because you're not playing wing diver

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Red Drones
Mother Monsters
Those armored dudes who tank a rifle shot.


Do webs still go thru buildings?

>normal mode drop vs hard mode
explain this

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>you can play Online with the pirate version

no, now host one

Make a pirate lobby and I'll join you. Sorry I'm too autistic to make one.

Top is beefy death dealer that controls like shit and bottom is fragile speedster that controls worse

As a buyfag, I can say EDF 4.1 is one of the few games I ever pirated and THEN bought after. There are just so many more players on the real version

How do you join a pirate lobby? Mine always shows up empty even when searching names posted here.

I actually bought it but asked for a refund because my poorfag friends couldn't affort it, so we all play pirate now. Sorry Valve.

The description says its a modified version of the original rather than the upgraded G1. It's just there for silly stunts.


When are you supposed to get bikes?
I already have a helicopter, a tank, and a self-propelled railgun.

>AIR_cunny joined my games

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Buyfag Lobby, Yea Forumsery nice
passcode is rage

Do you even see lobbies at all? If not, be sure to get If you already see other lobbies, be sure to type the exact lobby's name, it's very case sensitive.

I don't see lobbies at all.

which mission?


Just drop the folder into the game folder and go?

Don't forget to have Steam open and running.

Yes, but Let's make a lobby when you guys are ready!

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Air raider is fucking spectacular
Until you play other classes and realize how shit his damage is
Sure you can hit 7 frogniggers at once but you only did 1/3 health in damage to each one
With the exception of spritefall I hust find this class lacking

also you might wanna go invisible on steam. not a safety thing, but playing "Spacewar" is kinda obvious

close enough

>how shit his damage is
Invest in autocannon/minigun

I got mine for ranger on hard around level 30-40? somewhere around there

There is a big ass list somewhere with all the drop's

No one gives a fuck, I even taunted Valve for the refund, saying I didn't know the torrent was out already. It's fine.

Replace the files when prompted?


its full again

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Brb, going to get groceries real quick, keep me a seat when you guys successfully see lobbies.
Make a pirate lobby then.

The fuck. My save disappeared.

but im a good boy user

steamfix uses a different steamid than just offline codex, can't transfer save data either.

If you ever want to play your offline save replace the fix back with the codex crack

Ah, yes, I thought it was well known. According to other anons, it might be saved somewhere else. No idea, though, since I was diligent enough to patch the game right away.
Is the online working?

>trying to decide between super sprint and Bike

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What are helicopters even good at besides getting blown up by frogniggers?
Theyre so slow and unwieldy

Then you can safely download the pirate version so you can have the best of both worlds when it comes to playing with us, lawful user.

Alright, found what you were talking about in the last thread.
I wish there was a table of which missions could drop what weapon levels, though.

Online is working.
So if I want to play online I have to start from the beginning again?



I was to far in when the fix came out and i can't be bothered to restart. hopefully you haven't gone to far in.

Yeah. I'm on mission 62 already. Don't think I'll start over and do online. Maybe if there is a way to transfer saved profiles later down the line.

Perfect, thanks.

>Yea Forums hates AAA titles but they pirate niche ones

>He wants to get VACCED
I seriously hope you don't do this

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Jap games always take a year to come to PC, at most, you know.

Yes : |
They're exactly the same but with a different name and a less hilarious introduction

I always thought the scientist from 4.1 was a black guy, anyone else with me on this?

we are currently 2/4, could use more recruits

please laugh

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>tfw discovery stardust cannon turns Deroys into scrap
It feels so good taking them down. They were such a pain. Fuck Deroys.

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thats not funny user

she should BEE more careful next time.

I see what you were going for, and while I do appreciate it, raw footage of the game can't convey it in a good enough way to make it funny, especially when its muted like that and you can't hear the sound as he sprints in place.

Relating to this give me ONE good reason why ranger should not be able to take equipment and a vehicle?

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I will buy it when it is at a reasonable price

>Surgically removing a Frog's limbs with WD's Mag Blaster

This shit's brutal

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it's reasonable right now

As much as I like the EDF games, Sandlot could really fucking need some competition since the series have had very little innovation over the years. And looking at their other products, Sandlot really is a one trick pony.

Warhammer 40k mod when

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Really dumb thing to say when 5 improves on 4.1 in a ton of ways.
Something like RAD is an entirely different beast when compared to EDF.

Been having a blast with WD using Mag Blaster A2 and Stardust Cannon.
Those two go perfect together.
While Mag reloads fire with stardust.
While energy recharges unload with Mag.

>yeeting someone all the way into the abyss with a shotgun in mission 32

There isn't. The limitations and choices we have to make are a little silly. EDF 6 should provide multiple upgrade slots. Also a weapon selection interface that sucks less.

Still got plenty of games in my library that I am having fun with that cost less

The improvements 5 brings over 4.1 are subtle at first glance, but they have MAJOR gameplay ramifications. I'm quite damn impressed with just how much they improved.
It's small things like the alteration to the loot system, Air raider loadout mechanics, better movement for the ranger, the frog-men, but it basically solves 80% of all the issues I had with 4.1.

What they really need to do is is make R.A.D 2

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AAA titles sometimes can afford Denuvo and sometimes those go uncracked for quite a while.

Am I the only one who thinks EDF's story elements are a REALLY wasted potential?

I mean don't get me wrong, I do get and like the gameplay-first focus, but I think the whole thing could have been improved quite massively, without sacrificing nearly anything gameplay-wise if they put just a bit more effort into the narrative. Just small things: give the player a little more sense of a place, give him maps that show where he is and where the aliens are, put little more effort into level transitions.
Also, it feels like they tried to implement shit like night levels, different weather and stuff, but then just dropped it all after one mission, or even less. It's such a shame - seeing the same maps over and over could have been made much more palatable if they had seasonal and weather variants more often. ¨

Also, proper end-of-level stat screen. Show me how many aliens were killed, how many of them did I kill, how much colateral damage have I caused.

What's the longevity like? I looks fun but I am trying to justify dropping 40 bongdollars on it.

If you’re autistic enough to try and get every weapon then there’s hundreds of hours of content.

I've played like 50 hours already. haven't actually beat it yet, been playing with Yea Forums

Depends on what you want. The game gets easily fairly reptetetive, and has almost-grind-like elements to it. Which can both kill it even before you finish a single playthrough - or it can mean literally hundreds of hours of fun, depending on how open you are to the idea of iterative gameplay.

The campaign has over 100 missions, which can range anywhere from 10 min to 30. You have four classes to play as, and vast majority if missions are designed to be finished by any of them, which means in theory you can easily play each mission up to four times each time having somewhat different experience.
And that is just on one single difficulty. Bumping up the difficulty not only increases the challenge, but unlocks fuckton of new equipment to play around, so playing the game at least twice is completely viable.

The sheer combinatorics of playing with different classess, load-outs, difficulties, plus multiplayer all make this something you can waste easily hundreds upon hundreds of hours if you are the kind of person that does not mind repetition of maps and enemy types.

Tfw had a weird dream last night. I was in a resident evil and edf crossover game or something. got to a part where i had to go get the cure ir something and save this special ops member.

Fencers aren't supposed to fly!

and don't forget romances - preferably your love interest reveals to be a tranny that will show the internet bigots the power of womyn

and while we're at it let's add level scaling since skyrim has it too and it's the best game ever

>innovation for the sake of innovation
EDF 6 should be a tower defence game with horror elements. That'll get all the newcomers, easy.

Im not doing the story and just joining random online lobbies, should i be doing this or should i just bang out the story offline?

Is a high level but lower star weapon better than a lower level but high star weapon?

hard to say without specific examples. you should read weapon descriptions carefully and compare.

Look at the stats.

Typically no unless that level difference is massive, a fully starred weapon will carry you for a while.

No, not usually. I have a level 32 blood storm that's completely outclassed by my level 2 blood storm.

if you're a shitter, this means you're joining random lobbies with lv appropriate gear or health
don't do this

damn I need to proof read my posts, I keep doing this

How does it run on older hardware? I still have an i5 2500k, 8 gig RAM and an R9 380.

thats the alpha predator on the battlefield

it isn't full though

Pirate lobby up: Yea Forums, pass is rage. Let's level cities together.
I'm fucking shit because it's my first EDF game, though.

don't say that name
it hurts too much knowing never ever

Bike is a meme vehicle anyways

There's nothing stopping you from playing it again.

can't find it

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If I grind offline mode to get through the stages, farm etc, will that profile eventually have no weapons available to run lower stages with in multiplayer if they play like, level 10?
Do all the weapons get too high in level? The gear level limit is already annoying and barely anything I have is maxed.
I could always start a new profile but losing my progress on armor isn't fun sounding.

be sure to type the exact lobby name.

Is everyone too far into the game if I get it now? Aka will I have people to play with as a beginner at this point?

Have you got to green ants yet?

Whats RAD?

Yes. Plus it's always fun to replay older missions with anons and new weapons.

Upgrading weapons doesn't increase their level.

>What's your soldier's natural enemy?
My weapon loadouts

If you host a lobby people will join, probably.

i'd like a new entry, though.
robot alchemic drive
same dev, ps2 game. play a character controlling a robot. same sort of level design but more about positioning your character (to stay safe, but have a view of your robot), then playing rockemsockem with other giant mechs.

I keep seeing people in the 1-10 range all the time for both normal and hard, now is the time to play.

But I also purchased and played EDF4 maybe 4 months ago and I was able to get full parties from 1+ easily, it has a pretty stable playerbase. Lots of higher rank players came down to join in as well, I guess just to help noobs out.

I'm sorry, I'm retarded. I thought the upgrades boosted that too. Thank you.

>play EDF5 with my usual vidya group
>one faggot "friend" says something uncalled and hurtful, can't even remember what exactly
>think back to it every time I play EDF and get moody
That fucker already ruined DMC5 for me in a similar manner, now it's happening again. Fuck. Thanks for reading my blog.

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Why is the dialogue so bad and good at the same time?

stop playing with him then
one of my friends has a similar problem with two of his friends, they ruin everything they play together and he is STILL friends with them
Just stop, tell them to get fucked and make new friends


NCSS Cannon Shot is the ultimate in big dick energy. God I love this weapon, I'm honestly sad that the best version caps out at Weapon Level 75.

Who's laughing now you stupid isopods?

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I lost my shit and spat water all over my keyboard

Well that one isn't the worst analysis. They could have been smelling you the entire time, but seeing them have well developed eyes confirms they rely on them to a significant degree.

nothing good could come from going into these caves...

Because it is not MC who said it, but random soldier. So they can say what ever they want without have any impact on personal narrative view.

wait, you can actually go inside some buildings?
everytime they told me to go inside a building for cover I thought it was just the radio being silly

Flying enemies with an Air Raider, how?
Gunship shots are too slow to hit anything moving most of the time. The ones with several shots over an area do better since they shoot faster and have a chance to hit others in collateral damage but that's still unreliable, and for saucers always just bounce them away after a hit.
Turrets help but need them to be flying pretty low and close, the ones I have anyway.
Nix is good but getting the credit to summon one is the hard part because of the above when they're the only enemies around.

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>game gets pirated
>suddenly Yea Forums talks about it

Is Yea Forums really full of underage kids/3rd worlders?

He and all my other friends are together in the same discord server where they post everday, so it's not like I can just cut him out. The others are either fine with him or tolerate his bullshit.
Made me remember the shit fit he threw when I first suggested we ditch skype for discord.

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It's not inside the building per say, it's just an open passageway that monsters can't go through since they're too big.

>Flying enemies with an Air Raider, how?
Same way you deal with all your problems as a Air Raider, hide behind your Fencer and let him do all the work.

It was released on PC recently.

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discord is great for small groups, it's when it becomes a community management platform it starts to shit the bed. Regarding the friend, I suggest you learn how to process bad stuff better. People will say hurtful bullshit to you in the future, but it's up to you how you'll react to it. I found a way, you can do it too user!

Yea Forums is full of PC Chads, and the game just came out on PC.


Limpet. I've been using one of the snipers. 1-2 shots will kill most drones.

pirate lobby still up 3/4 Yea Forums pass: rage

You just don't, pick Wing Diver with one of the Mirage cannons (the more targets it locks the better) and stunlock the shit out of hordes of bees and flying frogs with almost complete impunity. Use the high-damaging Dragoon Lances against drones and high-HP targets, they're also crazy good against teleportation anchors.

There's ones like that in the pic, which is a little hallway through one side of the building to the other. There's also parking garages you can go in.
Keep an eye open out for doorways/openings and you'll see quite a few now that you know they exist.

That look at you just before impact.

Is there something I'm not understanding or is everyone in this game completely fucking retarded enough to believe giant frogs look just like humans?

Attached: slavic frog alien.png (503x567, 279K)

>small groups
There's like 8 people, 5 of them are regulars
>process bad stuff better
Forgot to mention, I'm 30 and I usually have pretty thick skin and never give a shit about what random people say or think. It's just that one guy that can hit me where it hurts, probably because I know him since forever and we used to be fast friends. He became worse about 4-5 years ago when he started doing acid.
He can be fucking uninhibited, we can talk normally and have fun for weeks, and then he can out of nowhere drop some kind of take that's more hurtful than anything anyone else has ever said to me, even my unstable ex at her worst.

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It's a joke user.

I have an i7 3770 and 290X and it's playable.

I used that to farm inferno machine squad in 4.1.
Can’t wait to get it in this game.

>Frog men show up
>Alien men show up

EDF is pure


Yeah thought of that, it's never part of my kit though so when I get to a new stage I haven't played yet I don't have one on me.
Hoped that there was a beacon I could take to keep my same type of setup but it's sounding like I just need to lose/retreat and begrudgingly take one along when the stages do come up.
Going for the class completion medals.
Wing Diver is my preferred for dealing with drones too. Spark Whip or Vine one or two shot drones and works very well I find.

what? two eyes, two legs, two arms. thats a humanoid

Wait until the aliens that don't look like humans show up.

Two legs, two arms, and two eyes. What more evidence do you need to be convinced?

Anyone inferno or hardest 37 farm?

How do the stats on Wingdiver cores work?

higher level cores have higher numbers on all the stats, but some seem like thats bad. The flight/boost comsumption stats keep going higher, but is that better or worse?

To me it makes it sound like higher level cores use more energy to fly and give me less flight time.....

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Is this supposed to be some of that fabled japanese humor?

Discord and skype are both trash.

One of them is still way better than the other.

150mm for drones and tadpoles.
Naegling Self-Propelled Rocket Launcher for wasps.
And of course some turrets will help out too.

Red drones will always fuck you up as an Air Raider though.

That logic would MAYBE fly if they didn't yell about how inhuman the more traditional alien race is.

Is the fitgirll repack good for online? I'd like to play with youfags tomorrow.

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>it's so many enemies dogpile you that you can't see shit over the corpses episode


Wait till later then they call giant Hornets "Bird like monsters" I seriously lost my shit and team killed my entire squadron.

>"The newbie did all the heavy lifting!"
>"We can't call the civilian 'newbie' anymore!"

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5 was great for more content, but overall 4.1's story and buildup to the final boss was better. In 5 it felt like we were winning the entire game until 3/4 of the way in they suddenly say "okay we're losing", while in 4.1 we were only winning for the first quarter, then the entire rest of the game we were fucked.
No mission really felt hopeless, and if the theme was hopelessness it didn't feel deserved. Also those building eating ants were so underutilized despite being the coolest shit.

So why did you join the EDF?

Yea Forums is quite diverse internationally, some Yea Forumsirgins I've gotten to know come from all kinds of places, just short of the middle east and Africa so far.

what, you act like you never met a frenchman before

Sergeant is the best unique squad mate.


but Sarge never got me to a saveplace i had to make my own

>hate red drones
>hate type two drones
>red type two drone show up
Why do this to me aliens? What did I ever do to you?

recharge rate is very important, dashing once you've gained enough height is more important than holding the booster button. and don't spam dashes either, find the rhythm where you dash before you start loosing altitude

the real safe place was friendship all along

How do I get npcs to get into a vehicle with me in solo?

The goal of that mission is to get to the abandoned railgun without getting buttfucked by those drones.

The truth is the humans in EDF are the actual insects which is why everything is super size.

Abandoned by my friends and family, alone in a city surrounded by the enemies
Why should I still keep on fighting on, shooting monsters dead from dusk to dawn

Do multiple vendors and posts stack?

ah fuck here we go

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>play through game as wing diver offline
>want to play online
>try out air raider
>suck ass and constantly let down my teammates
>have to go back to WD every few missions to actually complete them
Why bros? Could someone give me a good early game loadout for air raider? like level 12 or so?

ur ded nigga

>mission 109
What the FUCK is wrong with these devs thinking this shit is fair
>kill all these dropships, bugs, and heavy armored ayys
>now kill the fuckhuge cannon
>now kill the excessively tanky shield parts with tens of thousands of lasers shitting all over you while we drop in MORE ayys and drones all over
>then shoot the big red target while EVEN MORE lasers and ayys and type 2 drones keep shitting on you and also tadpoles too because fuck you
I get this is almost the end, but GOD DAMN IT I JUST WANT TO BEAT THE GAME ONCE

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Mothership fights in EDF is always like this.

Does this game let me nuclear strike bugs, run around huge bosses, fly everywhere, throw down tanks and explosives, and other cool stuff?

>no subtitles when using jap voices


how do i reliably kill the drop ships as air raider without taking 10 minutes each?
hard mode: the game has dropped fuck all limpit guns and its mission 30 so theres almost a trillion monsters everywhere at all times

I just stick to cannon B, and two bombers.

well there's no nukes technically, but the rest of it applies.

>jap voices

I love it. It has exactly the sense of "guess ill just fucking die then"

No subtitles when using english voices either
Some of us have hearing problems

Gunship strikes for your primary, then Spritefall and whatever seems fun. Bring a mech. Boom, you're done

Play online, let other people destroy them. Go back to single player once you've unlocked better stuff.

200 armor inferno ranger run


I only heard you can call airstrikes on enemies

But I'm not a civilian anymore either.

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From the fact they refer to bugs as "monsters" and "dinosaurs" and frogs as "aliens" and "almost human" it just makes me believe EDF is set in a world where regular ants and frogs don't exist.

But they call them giant insects in 4.1

That's true. But 5 is supposed to be a reboot, right?

Tfw no1 playing hardest or inferno.

I miss the Giant Insects and the Scientist guy
In fact I feel like 4.1 nailed the humor much better
The only character I really enjoy in 5 is Sarge and his pet Laser

>its been 5 months since you joined the EDF and 20% of the population has died but you are alive despite fighting all this time
>haha lets go newbie

The closest thing you have to a nuke, especially in the late game is the tempest ATS which does 479k damage over a 100m blast radius. The tempest A1 which is the first one you get in the earliest levels does 20k damage over a 20m radius

I'm only on level 77, haven't unlocked them yet.

I'm going to do a full multiplayer run on Inferno either today or tomorrow (when I unlock it). Playing offline now.

Fuck, of course the week edf5 comes to pc and is most active on Yea Forums im sent across the country for work. At least i can read the threads

How fucking retarded are you?
Loading screens/briefings providing you with more informations on what is going on, slightly tighter level continuity, greater emphasis on weather and debrief screen equal to romance options and SJWs to you?

How many times did your parents drop you on the head?

sorry dude, i'll kill a giant kaiju in your name

EDF Iron Rain on PC when?
I have a PS4 collecting dust, but I don't really want to buy anything for it anymore

Hopefully never. Terrible game, seriously.

Really? The gameplay looked alright

Thank you user

On 75 myself. It's one hell of a mission. Also while I should expect big versions of enemies to show up by now long deroys really caught me in an oh fuck moment.

Anyone watch KevinEDF?

Iron Rain? More like Anal Shame

The more pointless shit you put into a game, the more pointless shit people want you to put into a game
EDF is pure and that's why its good
bloat it with shit and it'll become, well, Iron Rain.

Iron Rain is "Alright" compared to EDF5's "Great".

I can see good ideas in IR but so many of them fall flat in execution.

Please do explain to me what is bad about Iron Rain. I haven't played it yet.
How does it compare to insect armageddon?

Created a room, name's Connicron with password nerd.
Starting from mission 10 Hard and gonna get through them for a while

>one and four player have the highest enemy health
what the fuck

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Probably to discourage you from grinding online mode alone.

Buyfag or pirate

What's your armor level?

>big bang stardust canoon vs erginus
>meaty thwak of every plasma ball hitting at once from long range

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846 or less, mines 379

Iron Rain is dogshit compared to EDF5.
It definitely feels like a sequel to Insect Armageddon, despite being Japanese.

low rank choppers are absolute dogshit and never worth taking. I don't even think the high rank ones are good in 5 I can't remember. The ones in 4.1 were mostly shit too. Very situational.

Map depending though you can use one of the choppers as tank. Just leave it on the ground adn use the turret which does rapid fire piercing damage and shit out nearly 2 million damage all up.

>Lets keep trying to negotiate with this force who wants us all dead

Why are these retards so stubborn? Can't they see that Diplomacy has failed

5 does improve a lot and I love it, but there is so much they could've done and still kept very close to the spirit of the games.

>big bang stardust canoon
As a big fan of stardust cannon I can't wait to get that one.

God this is fucking terrible attitude. "don't try to improve on the thing, because muh elitism reeee".
You are absolutely bullshitting yourself if you think any of those elements would change the actual tone or appeal of the game. And none of it is pointless. Debrief and weather elements would directly ENHANCE the gameplay, while additional info about the going of the war and greater sense of presence and continuity would simply make the missions more engaging. It's pretty fucking clear it was always their intention, given how often the game relies on scripted events during missions and how much time was given to the radio chatter. What I'm takling about is merely finishing what they managed to only half-implement.

Good dude and really smart with the game. Though I could never grind out one mission for 12+ hours at a time trying to beat it with insane self-imposed limits like he does holy shit. Him and that other guy rudolfrandolph are great edf channels.


It's so much fun if you play wiht a good team. WD ends up being even stronger artillery than fencer and in some situations stronger than the ARs own strikes.

>Also, proper end-of-level stat screen. Show me how many aliens were killed, how many of them did I kill, how much colateral damage have I caused.
No, fuck off. This sort of shit achieves nothing but epeen bragging and cunts in the best case and endless kicking in the worst.

>tfw play on PS4 at launch
>see the same million armour spergs from 4.1 in 5
>see them unlock inferno and crush 100% in a few weeks

Some of these people must be neets and must be playing EDF for no less than 16 hours a day every single day for months on end.

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The game already has a fucking stat screen you mongoloid. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>Show me how many aliens were killed, how many of them did I kill, how much colateral damage have I caused.
there's no way for me to know who the fuck is actually damaging the godzilla or just scratching him

I've played every EDF, nothing will stop me from playing Iron Rain (on PC)

Yeah, can't wait for some dumb host to start sperging about kill ratios and "Contribution".

Fuck me mission 41 is kicking my ass.
I can easily dispatch of the guns with air strikes, Spritefalls and the battle cannon Nix, but when the base stand up, the Nix inevitably dies to either the millions of bugs and frogs it spawns, or one of the million new guns that appear and when the Nix dies I die.

Plus reading how much damage you caused to the infrastructure would be just fun, not to mention it could add a new layer of soft challenges, like trying to beat a level with least collateral damage caused, most allies surviving etc...

Any Yea Forums Lobbies up!?

Fucking this.
The game is about killing giant monsters and defending the earth, not some kill contest. Different roles also kill different monsters more efficiently

>gotta get more armor to get more weapons to unlock higher difficulty to get more weapons to make numbers bigger gotta get more armor numbers are getting bigger gotta level up weapons make numbers bigger

There's something mildly disgusting about someone who's so visibly incapable of pacing themselves. It's like watching someone consume entire sticks of butter or being around a guy who compulsively jacks off 24/7 due to a developmental disorder.

>here's your transport bro

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Yep. I had the same feeling, comparing kills and deeps will only hurt the feeling of camaraderie

>kill bootleg-zilla
>this guy shows up
>summon my mech
now we're really playing EDF

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Wait till you get to mission 100

Yeah, so? First of all: if this is such an issue to you idiots, the thing can be easily disabled for multiplayer - just display totall kill count only at the end of multiplayer matches. Second of all: none of this has to have any further gameplay ramification: it's just another tool to get player invested and better informed, and provide more referential points that can be used for self-imposed challenges, which the game already lends itself to.
Fuck, you idiots, the kill-count IS ALREADY present in the game, it just does not display on per-mission basis. It would change fuck all other than giving you a little more sense of satisfaction, and little more information at the end of each mission.

Compared to EDF5?

Smaller scale, slower movement, less enemies that generally eat more damage than their EDF5 counterparts.

Weapon balance is all over the place. Energy weapons are king thanks to their passive reloading, even despite "shiny" enemies in later missions being energy-resistant. Assault Rifles and Shotguns are total dogshit.

Any class can use any weapon. While this sounds great, the overall variety of weapons is reduced and combined with above bad weapon balance, you end up using many of the same weapons despite being different classes.

Mobility is generally worse than EDF5. Everyone's mobility function (Trooper's Dodge, Jet Lifter's flight, Heavy Striker's ground boost Prowl Rider's Grappling hook) is limited by an energy gauge. You can sprint, but it feels slower than EDF5's base Ranger sprint.

Items, Airstrikes, Vehicles all cost money to use. Money that you need to buy new weapons and upgrade your armor.

Cosmetically, it's kind of nice. On top of customizing your exo-suit's color, you also have some options for what you wear under it, as well as some minor character creation presets for hairstyle and physical build and voice. You have a little dropship transition as you load in and out of stages.

>proper end-of-level stat screen
IR does this. Tracks kills, damage taken, items used, grades you based on your performance and income/expenses, etc.

The missions are pretty bad. Again, they're all smaller scale than EDF5 while generally being the same kinds of missions. Instead of fuckloads of enemies or spawners being on the map all at once, it's like 4 waves of 50 enemies with maybe one or two spawners. The most anthills/teleporters I've seen on a map is like 4-5.

Then don't fucking compare them. And no, seeing the insane numbers would increase that feeling, not decrease it.

Have sex. Also stop playing EDF you're not welcome.

no one ever mentions how THESE guys look like humans

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>IR does this. Tracks kills, damage taken, items used, grades you based on your performance and income/expenses, etc.
I think grading would not add much to the experience. Just give us cold numbers and move on.

But from what I hear about IR, it feels like a lot of good ideas and honest attempts to improve the game ending up going horribly wrong in execution. I can sorta understand why they are so stubborn in their ways now, seeing how taking risks panned out horribly.


That looks disgusting and nothing like a human

what kind of humans have you been seeing

Look, its just not going to happen.
When given the choice of making the game run smoother or have better graphics, they instead decide to use the extra power to put even more shit on screen at once and devise new ways to reduce the FPS.
Putting in pointless things like interactive weather patterns or story will take away from the true core of EDF.
Killing Frames.

I remember when 5 first launched on console and the threads died pretty quick. There does seem to be more threads now than there were then.

They look NOTHING like us

That KevinEDF guy has a lot of videos on pretty much everything EDF.



>ayy lmao...

>Then don't fucking compare them.
It has literally fucking NOTHING to do with what you want. By putting in scores you will allow hosts to use it to control who plays. No one kicks anyone except for not having enough armor. Putting in score tracking gives people an excuse to be dickheads.

Again: How much trauma have your parents caused to your cranium as a baby? I don't GIVE TWO FUCKS about comparing numbers with other people in the slightest. I just want to be more informed, have more fun and feel like my actions have more impact. Again, if you are so fucking horrified of being judged on performance in multiplayer, then this function could be very easily tweaked to prevent that, simply by removing the individual player kill count on multiplayer debriefs. Jesus, you people are fucking broken. This level of insecurity is fucking sad.

>I need more story focus in my game!
>Please hold my hand and pull me in the direction of gameplay!
Nah fuck off summerfag, go back to your usual adhd shit and stop trying to fuck up actually good games that don't need to lean on casual idiocy. None of the things you suggest will actively make the game more fun and are only a draw of resources from more guns, more enemies, and more levels to shit nobody gives a fuck about.

Are you fucked in the head?

>I killed 300 monsters!
>I only got 100
>Player begins to feel inadequate or other players think they aren't carrying their weight
>Kill stealing and personal accomplishment becomes a thing from gloryhounds instead of team based survival
I see no benefit. Blowing up ants is satisfying regardless, every shot counts. don't need to rate my team's performance

You do realize that that IS ALREADY IN THE GAME?
Fuck me are you mental? You HAVE the kill count ALREADY IN THE GAME for fuck sake. It would change absolutely nothing. How fucking insecure do you have to be to be threatened by something like this?

There is no kill count post mission you absolute fucking retard.

They specifically state how they DON'T look like humans.

Yes, for total kill count, not for this specific mission where where some autistic competetive fag can see that user underperformed and thus gets kicked.

YOU CAN'T SING. The voice menu is tiny compared to EDF 4.1 and 5.

I know you're new to EDF but please lurk more before posting stupid ideas literally no one wants. EDF is not a serious or competitive game and adding in score in any shape or form is counter to the entire purpose of the series. You're wrong and have zero valid arguments for even suggesting such a shit idea, have a nice day :^)

He's talking about a total kill score hidden away in the player stats record, in other words something entirely irrelevant to discussions regarding hosts being assholes and discriminating based on kill count.

This. Also why put effort into making more weather shit or a debrief screen when they could use that time to figure out how to get 5 more ants on the screen?

Literally me.

Do you actually personally keep track of the kill count as you're playing? Do you tally it up by hand and compare with other's?
Having an overall count is fine but it can lead to multiplayer elitism.

One mans sperg derails a whole thread, we should make a new one and just leave him here

>Nah fuck off summerfag, go back to your usual adhd shit and stop trying to fuck up actually good games that don't need to lean on casual idiocy.
What is it with good games attracting more retards than the bad ones on Yea Forums lately? We have seen this shit with Amid Evil, There are Bilions and now even fucking EDF. Are there no non-mentally damaged people left around here?
It's fucking sad, to see discussion of actually solid titles is recently impossible because they are turning into pathetic circlejerks of insecure retards far worse than Reddit was at its worst. Jesus, get a fucking grip you mongoloid.

>damage done and kills as separate stats

>get 5 more ants on the screen?
>not 500 more ants
I want a battle with a thousand ants.

>Killing Frames.
Half of that shit is already in the game, you cretin. Just poorly implemented. Neither the snow mission or the sand-storm has in any way detracted from frame-rates, which are a non-issue anyway unless you are playing on a toaster. The game is already choke-full of pointless shit and boat as it is. Noticed the fucking DLC? Yeah, how about that shit gets cut and the core experience polished a little more instead?

Really I'm impressed how well they convey story through only in-mission dialogue and comms. Makes you feel like you're just a squad killing alieans with your own problems only hearing about what's going on with the world through news stories. Every mission has context and feels relevant.

>iron rain has a mobile sword class
its like exactly what i want but everybody says its bad

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>no doubt brutal battlefield
>therefore an offlinefag
>likely piratefag


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Air Raider would likely always be on top. It wouldn't capture the value of wing divers/fencers targetting specific units or Rangers holding the line.

>The game is already choke-full of pointless shit and boat as it is. Noticed the fucking DLC?
This will shock you, but different people do different jobs in a video game company. I know, very strange. The people who make models and tack effects on them dont do the coding behind weather effects and engine development.

>Do you actually personally keep track of the kill count as you're playing? Do you tally it up by hand and compare with other's?
I occasionally check up on it. But it would be more fun seeing it per mission. Just to know how utterly riddiculous things got, and as others pointed out, also to get additional challenges or learn how efficient certain weapons are against certain enemies, such as the kaiju fights.

>Having an overall count is fine but it can lead to multiplayer elitism.
HOW? If there is an overal-count, then it's going to be dictated by the sheer number of enemies generated by the level to begin with...

Fuck off newfag, don't ever post in our EDF threads again.

you mean the joke pre-order bonus items that are almost all advertisements for their other games?
You want more missions with badly coded FPS killing weather effects, the game is on PC now, break it down and make your own mission packs.
Spergmans more weather mission pack 1

Can you at least dance?

Am I bullying tards here? What is going on?

How about YOU fuck off back to Redit that you seem to be so fucking massively accustomed to, and upvote someone jerking you off a little more?

Is going online with a 500 health ranger OK or should I grind out the story missions a bit more? Kindof want to beat story before going online but there's a lot of them even if I'm just steamrolling through normal.

Yes, and thats enough.

Fuck off

>You want more missions with badly coded FPS killing weather effects, the game is on PC now, break it down and make your own mission packs.
See I don't know what else to tell you. You aren't really a human being, are you?

you can sing and dance
you haven't actually used the extended voice menu


Imagine being this much of sperg.

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>Fuck off
How insecure do you have to be to get mad at people for suggesting things could be done better?
What is your life story? How did you end up like this? What fucking trauma could break a person like this?

a custom mission creator would be fun

Playing on normal is a sin user.

>you can sing and dance
>you haven't actually used the extended voice menu

In Iron Rain? I'm fairly sure the extended voice menu was removed to make room for the inventory controls.

I'd like to see them try and do a tactics game again.

Nobody here is mad at you for suggesting improvements, sperging on about it for 20 posts is why people find you annoying.

If this is your first EDF game, then playing though single player on normal is fine
When you clear the game, pick a different class and go into online hard with it.

>air raider has a dlc mech thats anime as fuck
>its probably like level 0 and basically unusable

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is this game even worth getting if I don't have a pc


Yeah, but I'm the one "sperging" here. Sure. Self-awareness, mother fucker. Do you have it?

I was thinking about this too, but it would most likely ruin their dlc pack sales. Could be mitigated by adding new enemy types in the dlc that could be unlocked for the creator by buying them i guess.

yep, all the pre-order bonuses are joke trash
My friend got me one of the anime tanks in EDF4.1 for my birthday, it was funny as hell and fucking useless

It's the same game. These threads are full of PC players, though.

Sure thing, kid.

>Makes shit suggestion
>Literally no one likes the idea
>Provides no benefit to anyone but assholes
>n-no my idea is good!
Nope. Fuck off.

As far as I can tell, 5 does not have the same frame-rate issues on consoles the previous instalments were plagued with, so I don't think there is a reason to avoid the game on a console. The game has been made for console firsts to begin with, so it's not like the controls are worse or anything.

>all the pre-order bonuses are joke trash
And thank god for that. I fully expected it to be the inverse given how it usually goes.

There's a couple of missions with a specific enemy that destroys frames on PS4 but there's only like... 3 or 4 missions with it?

I'm still getting the occasional fps dips on console though thankfully.

>Still no vehicle/weapon skin system to account for situations like this
I feel like they'd sell infinitely more DLC if it wasn't all rendered useless after exactly one single hard-mode mission.

>Make a suggestion. Five or six people start screeching about how the game should not be improved because that would ruin the elite club and demand that he stops posting about it ever.
You are the morons sperging out, not to mention actually lying about the game to the boot. There is something INCREDIBLY wrong with you people. Again, why are you here, and not on redit?

On the other hand, the strongest weapons come from the DLC mission packs, but those are also by far the toughest missions.

I've only recently discovered his channel but yeah he really analyzes the games. I'm watching his EDF 5 solo online inferno run now, its pretty insane.

I remember buying 4 for the ps3 when it came out and being so hyped that i could finally play some real EDF, invited my gaming boyfriend over for some splitscreen, starting it up and it being fucking ruined by sub 20 fps in splitscreen. Did play it solo and online for a bit and loved the game, but i only really got hooked when the pc port dropped and i could play splitscreen with friends.

I think there is a major difference between the equipment packs and mission packs: the former being largely a joke, the latter actually seriously intended content.

>upgraded slugger
friendship ended with shotguns

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>and demand that he stops posting about it ever
Oh yeah that was me trying to sperg you out some more btw.

My Ranger loadout in the PS4 version before I stopped consisted of a Slugger rifle and shotgun.

It really is jarring to see such obvious reddit tourism. We've got the whole package; typing mannerisms, missing the point of conscious design choices, "who hurt you" tier responses when everyone tells him why his ideas are retarded, etc. Almost feels like someone putting on an act

I want my text notifications for air strikes to be able to stack up and block half the screen for my whole team again, air raider really isn't the same without it. And how long until the artillery strikes get upgraded from finicky smoke bombs when air strikes and bombing runs got proper targeting to make them consistent and useful? I'm still half and half on markers having a max range instead of being able to angle them higher to fire farther but being able to stick bombardments on enemies is a worthwhile trade off. No rest until my man Whale comes back.

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anyone got a link to that weapon drop level calculator

You're also an idiot, if you're not just a samefag.
Also, where do you think we are?

>no doubt brutal battlefield

That's mission 40 and that was easy as fuck. You just fly around at the speed of light as a fencer until the reinforcements arrive.
This is the one where you finally(I'm guessing) destroy the base.

And I don't play online, because I don't want to start from mission 1 again.

Never played. Want to play. Which game do I start with?

this place has been reddit for years now i dont know where youve been

Yeah, performance was always an issue with EDF games. They are console games through and through, but the scope was always a bit too ambitious for the hardware. That said, it seems to be gradually improving. They may have largely frozen the graphics on a mid-last-gen level, but who cares, peformance matters far more.
PC offers better environment in terms of hardware power, but other than that the game are designed from core for consoles. Since they are getting over the hard-ware limitations, I don't see a reason why to discriminate between console and PC versions.

>he doesn't

straight BUSTER

These games are more itterations on the same formula than sequels. There is no reason going back to the older titles given that 5 is so far the best one.

best wing diver weapon to deal with saucers?


I just don't want to pay full price for something digital and also don't want to commit to importing an asian english version and having to make a whole new account and fuck with foreign currency somehow if I want dlc

Yeah because of attitudes like yours
Shame redditors
Never reply to reddit like posts
Tell all redditors to go back

I agree, without console sales EDF would most likely stop existing but goddamn, just imagine a pc only edf game made by the same devs.

>Also, where do you think we are?
Given the sheer amount of circlejerking and absolute lack of willingness to be critical, I have to wonder that myself.
And yes, all of that would improve the game.

>There is no reason going back to the older titles
4.1 has better voice acting though

the lances. Not the dragoon ones that have recoil, the other ones with really low energy use and fast as fuck charge time. Drones are weak so you should be able to one shot them.

snipar or raper

Why are they always surprised when they see the aliens are with the monsters?

Lightning bow

Have sex.

Brute force

Yeah, but do you REALLY play these games for voiceacting?
The gameplay is considerably better in 5 and that is where it counts.

That is some odd reasoning why to get an inferior game...

>consoles hold back performance meme again

this was perhaps an argument when consoles used unusual architectures. They don't anymore, modern consoles are just proprietary custom PC builds. Regardless, consoles don't hold back PC games. It's 100% on the devs to optimise their games. It's a bit of a ioke you guys think EDF would be improved as PC exclusive. Have you seen EDF 1, the gameplay loop and overall aesthtic is almost exactly the same and that was a fucking PS1 game.

Pirate lobby ready: Yea Forums, pass is rage.
Let's shout together.

Go back kid, there's no internet points to earn here for sticking around and acting like you're on some sort of high ground.

Because its EDF, everyone is a retard

>Yeah, but do you REALLY play these games for voiceacting?
I'll probably keep 4.1 installed just so I can go back to it sometimes because I am actually missing its voice acting.

5 unironically has better voice acting. BUT it's not as good to start with and 5 being better does not mean 4.1 is bad at all, 4.1 is great.

why would things that are so human like be allied with monsters? they look just like us.

Putting a lobby up
Room name: GIANT INSECTS?!
Mission 41, Hard

I'd love a more defense oriented EDF style game with just a shit load of enemies and fortifications, coop and satisfying shooting, but let's not kid ourselves, if some indie studio were to make an EDF clone, chances are high it will be a steaming pile of shit. I liked a lot of the improvements in 5 over 4.1 and I'm happy to buy it 5 and hopefully 6 in the near future at launch because it still is pretty niche, it's sitting at less than 6k players right now on Steam and I doubt any big studio would do something like this anytime soon.

It is still an argument, albeit much less than in the past. Same goes for console controls being restrictive: again, a lot has been done to mitigate the issue and close the gap, but it is still there.
Also, NEITHER of us said that EDF would be improved as a console exclusive: in fact we both stated the exact opposite.

Are you not aware of the irony of that post? How?

>It's a bit of a ioke you guys think EDF would be improved as PC exclusive
I never said that the consoles are holding the game back. What i tried to convey was, that a edf game built for pc from the ground up, focusing on high end spec would most likely be really cool. That said i do think the current gen cpu's are holding things back overall.

pirate or buyfag?


>That is some odd reasoning why to get an inferior game...
what are you talking about

>cute science girl lines for the satellite lasers and spritefall
>ooohohohohoho bloodthirsty sultry lady that cums every time you kill things with spritefall

why do you have to make me choose like this sandlot

the new season of Peaky Blinders looks weird

I can't join then, but I hope you guys will have fun.

I just beat mission 81. Please tell me I can pilot that thing.

Any examples of 4.1 Spritefall operator's voicelines?

i promise i'll take you to a safe place

>forgets safe place

yea but its garbage, the balams were better

Stop shitting up this thread

Sarge says there are no more safe places.

Yes and its the most kino part of the game

>what are you talking about
This, obviously:
>I just don't want to pay full price for something digital and also don't want to commit to importing an asian english version
Digital costs a lot less than physical. And it seems to me rather silly to drop 30 bucks on a worse game to "save" on money when you can get a flat out better one for like 40.

You are missing the point of the games if you want EDF built to high end spec. Graphics aren't a draw. Framerate drops don't matter because they don't actually impact gameplay. All that matters it the gameplay and to smaller degree, the story.

I can understand seeing the needles flying aggressors shoot as small horns or "hornets", but it doesn't make sense to call the monster that.


This is the best I could find on short notice, the other airstrikes including the best lad Whale are earlier in the video and listening to it again I definitely prefer him over the current voice overs.

>5 unironically has better voice acting
It really does not. Both the voice-acting and the translation are weaker. 4.1 had the perfect ballance of cheeziness, emotion, and silliness. Plus the songs were more catchy.
5 feels a lot more off, like the translation is more literal, to a point where it stops feeling funny and starts being just distracting. Plus the voiceacting is more flat.

But these issues are really, really minor.

As for 4.1 - it's not bad, but it has some issues that will easily start REALLY grating after a while. Movement and collison detection being the most frustrating culprits. EDF 5 presents improvements that are seemingly tiny, but improve the game in quite a drastic fashion.

5's translation isn't bad only because it's literal, it's bad because it's frequently grammatically incorrect. The translators were chings.

>You are missing the point of the games if you want EDF built to high end spec

Look, i was just having fun with the idea of a pc only edf title that focussed on high end specs. Not for graphics or fps, but for the sheer amount of units on screen. This is why i always boot up mountain blade warband and see how many units i can generate in one battle after upgrading my pc. I don't actually want sand lot to change anything about how they develop edf games.

Join already, fellow pirates.

Framerate drops don't impact the gameplay? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Again, I have to fucking ask what the fuck is wrong with good games attracting so many retards here. Seriously, that is fucking idiotic.

Sure, EDF being build to push hardware limitations would not be viable commercially, and it is certainly better to see a succesfull if slightly limited game. Nobody is complaining here about the console-tied nature of the series.

But it is true that it would be fun to see what you could do with it if you pushed the hardware more. EDF is about the spectacle as much as it is about the gameplay: implementing things like locational damage on architecture, upping the enemy numbers or level scale even more, having the debris remain longer (with accomodation for colision detection obviously), having distinct corpses for burned / melted effects of weapons etc... could be a LOT of fun.

Again: it's just an idle fantasy: restricting already somewhat niche title to the very, very limited audiences of PC enthusiasts would not bode well for the series and it's not something we would really want to see, but it is silly to imply it's not something that would be fun to witness.

That was great. The first tutorial part not great and got me worried it would suck, but then Archiles showed up and it became great.

The grammar mistakes don't bother me that much (maybe because I'm not native english speaker to begin with). But some statements are nonsensical, and not always in a funny "B grade production" ways.

Like saying "Are we are the only ones thinking both of us are humanoid?" when talking about the communication attempts with aliens. That is just wrong.

>do first Erginus mission
>shoot it for like 30 minutes
>then die to it's constant charge attacks
>no events happening so I'm assuming I'm supposed to kill it, but it was the only enemy for like 20 minutes and it didn't fucking die
Did I miss a memo somewhere and forget an objective somewhere or is this thing just insanely fucking beefy?

the spoiler is that you were the safe place all along

5's voice acting is just way more memorable and funny to me, i dont remember much for 4.1 but theres so many lines in 5 that make me crack up

It takes damage and at certain thresholds you should get some voice lines playing.
30 minutes is excessive though. Try a different weapon.

You are supposed to fight it until it gets bored and goes away. Which is once you inflict certain amount of damage. It is just that beefy. Make sure you are using optimal damage-disher. and keep distance. Erginus is actually very easy to dodge. Unlike that other cunt.

Do Air Raider's shields protect him from jumping spider webs and isopod roll attacks? Dealing with hordes of these is a nightmare, and considering the former casually gets you in parking lots and through buildings, these shields don't look very promising.

You are being WATCHED.

I'll try again then. Was using Air Raider so I probably wasn't just dealing much damage. Made the mistake of taking the rocket beacon but the guy operating the missiles is drunk because despite a dead-on lock the missiles fucking missed half the time.

Holy fuck the proteus is so fucking cool
>buster cannons are basically full auto tank cannons with sniper range and 200 shots
>missile battery can lock on to basically everything on screen
>even more durable than titan tank
Seriously this thing is amazing


Air raider is really not the best choice for this mission, unless you can actually dish out massive attacks fast enough to keep him pinned down. Ranger or Wing Diver are ideal, because they can both get you out of harms way fairly fast.

>Played Wing Diver in 4.1 and 5 most of the time
>Decide to try Air Raider
>Everything is awesome, so many awesome big booms
>Can't deal with how slow it is, and can't fly
Playing so much Wing Diver has legit ruined all the other classes for me.

Attached: 1430267614899.gif (720x720, 36K)

What happened to the room?

Play Fencer.

Why don't we just give wing divers access to airstrikes?

I'm with you on that. There is a reason why I'm COMPLETELY avoiding playing Wing Divers in 5. I'm going to complete the campaign with Ranger (occasionally fucking around with Air Raider and Fencer), but I'm not touching WD's until I'm 100% sure I'm bored with the other classess. I made this mistake with 4.1 and I'm not going to repeat it again.

Get a high tier grape, now you are very fast and won’t get instantly killed by shotgun frogs

I had my friend act as a spotter when he was wing diver, I just sat at the spawn dropping napalm and carpet bombs with perfect accuracy

You could have it worse, I dabbled in everything and gravitated towards maining air raider in 4.1 and I started out getting to level 40 only playing air raider in 5. Now all the improvements to his kits let you do so much more than you could before and I feel like I'm just not doing as much as I could playing any of the other classes even after I got them good gear. Big fuckoff rockets, cannons, or balls of plasma rape just can't compare to being able to point at something and watch it get obliterated while do continue doing something else.

Internet crapped out. It's back up now.
Room name is GIANT INSECTS?!

Is there a way to turn subtitles on? I'm finding it hard to pay attention while all my air raider support yells in my ear

I know that feel bro. Can't go back from Wing Diver. I love being in the sky too much. How can you even play without going ontop a building?

by playing fencer

>mfw I'm all alone

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I know Fencer mobility is absolute at higher levels, but the agony of getting their will stop me from ever getting there.

Attached: 1422766202193.gif (400x296, 443K)

Because I blow buildings up since they get in the way of my shots.

I'm so fucking confused about Fencer's boosts.
Are they linked to weapons?
How can you chose between dash and boost? What's the best loadout to blaze through the map?

Just embrace it. Air raider exists to find bugs, point at bugs, and watch them blow up in a flurry of cannon fire. Listening to orders and briefings is someone else's job.

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Higher levels my ass, it's better than Wing Diver by the time you reach Hard level 20.

Starting a HARD lobby
going from mission 51
name: Yea Forums
password: rage

Attached: 20190715025358_1.jpg (1920x1080, 602K)

it costs $60 either way, you faggot

mates im trying to get my friend to play this with but he won't play any Japanese shit at all give me webms or something to convince

>Are they linked to weapons?

>How can you chose between dash and boost?
by picking weapons with either dash or boost

please join my room
stage 39 HARD
no password
nick: Ran

for anyone having trouble with 109, shoot the pieces of the mothership firing at you before you blow the next level of shields.

pirate or buyfag?

per rule of thumb I think it's best to assume unless stated otherwise it will be a buy lobby.

you better be collecting loot drops or im out

how toaster friendly is edf5 boys

What am I in for? Never played EDF before.

Attached: Capture.png (771x354, 139K)

What a shame, I had to get a refund because of my pirate friends.

>What's the best loadout to blaze through the map?
One jump and one boost weapon.
That way you can boost forward, and then jump midway through your boost to fly around. You don't need to animation cancel like you did in 4.1.
I'm quite partial to a pile driver and a shotgun to fly around enemies at close range and annihilate them.

forgot to mention, its for steambros
also no password
pls join this mission is really hard

Attached: 1550078983989.jpg (460x510, 44K)

>25 MB/s
fuck you

but both pirate and buyfags use Steam, virtually.

I think I'm giving up on wing diver, I made the switch to hard and I do fine as Ranger but everytime I switch to wing diver I end up not knowing what to do, I can melt frogs or whatever in close range with my phallanx sure but everything else is struggle.
Taking out a drop ship takes a cycles to kill shooting my phallanx at point range since I need to save energy to not fall.
Fighting grouped up frogs is a bitch since they rape me while I melt one of them and since I need to be pretty close I'm fucked.
The +200m range weapons I've tried are disappointing as fuck, the laser beam damage is pretty bad even being a single target weapon, pulse weapons are shit, plasma gun takes 200 energy per shot

Am I doing something wrong or is there a good ranged weapon I've overlooked?

Also, does Air raider get more interesting later on?
I tried it for a while but rotating through all my air strikes to get them on CD got old after a few missions and I feel fencer is meant to be played with a controller.

>play solely with buds
>we finish mission 26 on hard
>it even has the three stars
>want to continue playing online
>I can't select mission 27
>getting casual filtered by the swarm of insects
How do I git gud as ranger?

plasma big cannon m2 is your friend :)

Not seeing it

This is literally the cheapest internet I can get in my area, 18$ a month

>tfw lvl 50 grape on plain of conflict

Attached: F9DCB5C8-C684-405F-963A-4EA65DC3BD19.gif (320x180, 609K)

Point and shoot
Far away and clumped up? Use your explosives

I pay 100 kangaroo bucks a month for 12.5 MB/s

Bring the right weapon for the job. If you're getting swarmed, consider a shotgun. Personally I like to rock an AR/shotgun and a rocket launcher

Are you playing solo?
Air raider is fun multiplayer, but I wouldn't play it alone on hard.
**Although I'd never play on solo regardless.**

but I can't fully charge the damm thing, it consumes 200energy and I'm at about 150


I wish more people would realize you can stick the Air Raider turrets on top of the Depth Crawler. I did Mission 80 last night and watched as my entire squad died, then I came in with a crawler covered in turrets and a guard/power post and wiped the entire room by myself.

i download at least 2TB+ a month with that speed with gigabit speeds i could do 10+TB easy.

My turrets always dissappear before I get use out of the

Post Spritefall operator.
Discuss Spritefall operator.

Attached: OHOHOHOHO.jpg (320x454, 74K)

Zer-guns kill massed shit, you can have 2 sets of them for flyer missions.
Summon missile something.
Limpet sniper.

Earth Defence Force for Nintendo Switch when?

The best game of this year.

She makes my penis the big penis.


shes cute and i like her majestic laugh

>tfw no weapon sealed by command because they feared its power

What you want to do is place them but not activate them, keep the turrets as your active weapon, drive up to the enemies and hop out quick to activate the turrets. The higher-level ones work better for this.

>Gaze into hell and die!
>they locked this power away
Not only is spritefall an oujosama, she is also chunni as fuck

Attached: BCCAB9F4-934E-41BE-8724-2DDBD98B340F.jpg (880x496, 296K)

>Objective - ______Kill God________
Hype as fuck.

Can someone post a voiceclip? I've never heard it before.

Just set some wallpaper with an ant

This game does not support G-sync
Well shit

name your room homo
so we can find it easily
also add password

you reminded me that I've had this official EDF wallpaper in my rotation for like 2 years now

Attached: edf5_pc5.jpg (1980x1080, 1.58M)

Shotguns and ARs are your friend, so are ministuns and stunlocking, and so is Probe.

Play D44M - Bug Edition by rocking two shotguns and blasting through a horde of bugs picking up all the health packs they drop and hope air raider doesnt instagib you by dropping a spritefall on your head.

I don't have screen tearing and i have a g-sync monitor

>i like her majestic laugh
Boy do I have a channel for you

It stutters with g sync enabled

ICE simulator

Ranger here.

I'm already at mission 40, I use a shotgun and grenade launcher.


Attached: Cobra kai...png (701x725, 660K)

for air enemies, either git good or get MLRA with the tool that lets you lock all missiles to a single enemy.


From a random Let's Play:
That laughter at the 31 minute mark is the Spritefall operator laugh. English dub.

I feel like such a heel when I pick off EDF soldiers so they wont kill the last enemy Im keeping alive to gather crates.

It's just icing on the cake
Lets not forget how strong the weapon is
>One shot can obliterate a group of frogs
>Fire and forget
>Cool to witness
>Area denial
>Amazing for chokepoints
The inventor of this weapon must be a genius

Pretty sure you can just join some dude whos on mssion 41 and it'll unlock it for you in MP.

Those aliens were standing in a perfect position to get nuked.

>random let's play
Thanks for going through the trouble.

Why would anyone play basic bitch ranger?

Attached: 1561064072075.png (234x278, 117K)

room name: Yea Forumsros
pass: vidya
mission 39 HARD

What? No I'm talking about the offline mission.
Currently playing online with Yea Forums though, that is if user stop disconnecting.

I was referring to
>And I don't play online, because I don't want to start from mission 1 again.
You can just find a room thats on the same mission you're on in singleplayer, join it, and unlock that mission permanently to progress from.

It’s fun to be the underdog, plus sometimes, especially early on, the ranger is more well rounded and can make solo play easier

For completion percentage

500kbps speed with a 100gb download data cap reporting in

Because ranger doesn't compromise by being energycuck, slowcuck or cooldown-dependent cuck?

>the virgin other classes shoot at the pillbugs
>the chad Air Raider sits back while his turrets do all the work

Shooting things till they die is fun

I've been lazily looking up random EDF 5 LPs ever since the PC release came out whenever I'm taking a break and not playing myself. Lucky I happened to find a vid with the OHOHOHO voice when I read that request.

>mission 41
took us more than an hour to finish, Jesus what an exhausting fight

Attached: 1560064160130.png (1337x738, 248K)

You're doing something wrong if any one mission takes more than 30 minutes.

>he doesn't hold m1 to melt all pillbugs that come his way

Attached: 20190713053553_1.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

>gets bodied on that one second window to reload

Dual shotty Fencer is where its at when making a bullet wall

it was multiplayer, we had to take care of the turrets first and the damn ship kept spawning drones and ants.

>mission 108

I-it's over after the big anchors drop right?

I can post here while my turrets are doing the farming work for me. This mission is just amazing, but I wish the rolly pollies had a higher drop rate.

Created a shitters room for new buyers.

Mission: 3
Name: No Games
Pass: PS3

Buyers club

That was the best 'cave' level for the M4 Grant. Holy shit, it decimated everything.

the 1st mothership one took my brother and I FOREVER on hard

Fucking green lasers I swear to fucking god. The NPCs eventually just stood there and did nothing until the ship walked back around the map to them.

Ok guys, how do I Fencer?
I know I should equip both a weapon with jump and a weapon with booster in at least one loadout and use it to move around but what are the Fencer good weapons?
Are the melee weapons worth charging?


Name: Yea ForumsDF
Mission: 29
Difficulty: Hard
Passcode: rage

pirate lobby

Attached: ss_a6c3edd5b2edf43bc353f6278c7667d67bbc425a.600x338.jpg (600x337, 61K)

Are any of the DLC's worth getting or is it yet another "use once and never again because its sucks dick" kind of deal

Twin Shotguns/Homing Missiles/Heavy Cannons for one then and a mobility option, I go Mortar and Blast Spear

All the DLC is joke pre-order bonus stuff and its all trash
there will be TWO mission packs available at some point which will be worth it if you're enjoying the game and want harder missions

if you dual wield the melee weapon you should be able to always do charged hit if your non-used weapon while hitting with the other. They're not that good I think though.
Spears are greats, especially later on when they get insane reach. Jackhammer and flashing spear can be used for lotsa damages very quick while jumping.
Autocannons can be fired at the same time.
The last high altitude missile launcher you unlock on hard has an insane lock times and can target up to 14 ennemies with a range of 500 meters. Biggest downside is that you have to learn not to explode yourself with your own missiles when firing them.

Just wait for mission packs if you want actual content. First one comes out on 25th of July

>he couldn't yeet every turret and frog with twin gallic cannons from 800 meters away
Well there's your problem.

alright, I'll give these tips a try when I get home

I don't think the green lasers have a range limit

Two fencer shotguns deal less damage then ranger's shotgun.

Is she sick or just tired? Don't know whether to laugh or be worried.

you were training the whole time

yeah, but you can stagger the reloads so that you are constantly shooting along with points where you are firing both at the same time.

How exactly do I play Wing Diver now? Her energy no longer seems to regenerate faster than it takes to lift off and core stats show that the regeneration will never improve with upgrades. Any fight I get into with a fast insect is a war of attrition that I will inevitably lose unlike 4.1 where I had the advantage.

Mirage 5 way.

1 more EDFbro!

If you need to move quickly, lift off just a bit then dash. Do this repeatedly as you land. Later energy cores allow WD to fly faster.