>people STILL claim it was a masterpiece
How!? The enemies are deaf/blind, the "bosses" seem more like free-roam events than serious set-pieces, and there's so much bloated equipment and empty open world.

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

>tfw just ordered this game
Is it okay to start with V if i never played the previous games?

yea i guess


God the Skull fights were anti fun.

No one claims this piece of shit as a masterpiece except Yea Yong



V was genuinely the most fun I'd had in a videogame for a long long time. But the story takes a serious dive and leaves you with a bad taste at the end.

Still great fun doing stealth only. If you do it with proper guns it's boring and like any other shooter.

probably the best way to experience it honestly. You won't make sense of any of the characters or context but you won't notice why fans of the series hate it that much

>played 1-3
>hated playing 2 and 3, just did for the story
>5 actually looks like a good game, disregarding nitpicks like the magic motorcycle horse
>everyone shits on it

None of the metal gear games are "masterpieces". They all suffer from critical flaws inherent to the way Kojima writes/directs.
Like other mgs fans, you probably view the previous games with rose tinted goggles because they exposed you to themes you likely never saw before.

The engine is a masterpiece. Story and shit not so much.

>plays metal gear for the story
>wonders why a metal gear with a lackluster story would get shit on
are you retarded?

1, 2, and 3 were not only the best stealth action games of their time, but also happened to be some of the biggest games generally. E.g. considered the best gameplay and graphics on their consoles. By the time of 4 and 5, Kojima had way more serious competition and couldn't make the same claims of dominance.

3 maybe, but Splinter Cell and Thief both had way better gameplay m8. Graphics are a meme that you paid for with shit camera that MGS2 literally had to give you 2 different types of radar just to compensate for.


Exact same reason 4 gets shit, arguably more so because the garbage writing keeps getting in the way of the fucking gameplay.

what a faggot opinion

I still wish we got the proper Big Boss/Zero confrontation. Or even the zero tapes as cut scenes.

Attached: Zero-the-Patriot.jpg (800x400, 45K)

Nice meme complaints

sort of, much of the story will go over your head, but the same could be said for most diehard "fans" of MGS, so I guess that doesn't really matter. But it definitely holds up as a game.

honestly with IH and a bunch of mods (ESPECIALLY mods to make miller and ocelot fucking stfu), it becomes a lot more enjoyable. still far from a masterpiece though

Everything that is popular must be bad >:c
Don't be a cunt like this, if something is popular that dosent mean its bad

Its not a masterpiece but its pretty fun