Name a genre with more SOUL than JRPGs

Name a genre with more SOUL than JRPGs

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Name a genre more soulless than FPS Games
Protip: literally impossible

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it is a massive 50/50. the sheer amount of shovelware games out of japan dilutes the fuck out of it. prime example is the entirety of the vita library and any game called tales of...

Every other genre.

Why do you hate Japan?

you could just not play the bad ones, you're here so you're informed enough to avoid them

Not this.

Some JRPGs are pretty soulless NiNoKuni was bleeding soul, while NiNoKuni II felt more soullless than a chinese mobile game.

>but the ones you like are all bad user!

the point is OP is claiming that the genre has the most soul, when the sheer amount of shit shelled out every day proves that not to be the case. it doesnt matter if you play them or not, they still exist and falsify his statement

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armored core games. each of them


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Dark Souls

No, not /thread.

Armored Core is soulless as fuck. It's just mecha autism.

I'm merely stating the truth. Many JRPGs are comfy but none elevate themselves up to the level of WRPGs because they're more shallow as video games.

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maybe pre 2009, definitely isn't the case now. Witcher 1 was the last wRPG with soul

also online games are literally bursting with soul coz NPC's are literally creatures with a soul in them

The soul genre.

I almost agree with this. Despite its shortcomings TW2 did have some soul.

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WRPG's are dead and have been since the 90's


Got DQ 11, why do I start with his armor?

You got it

soul is added not calculated as an average, if you had true soul you'd know this

did you get the edition of light? the armor is outclassed almost the instant you leave home, it can be upgraded post game and is just a cool nod to the hero of VIII


Yep, that's why WRPGs are more soul filled. All that matters are the peaks.

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Litterally any other game. I would even argue that Tetris has more soul and thought put into it than Jap games with the same boring ass tropes and cookie cutter characters.

nah come on man

witchers fanbase have sucked all d soul out of the garbage meme series ; we get it, the devs are 'bros" BUT that dont mean the games are good. they are walking sims with horrible combat/controls and walking sims

>Jap games with the same boring ass tropes and cookie cutter characters
There's nothing wrong with tropes and cookie cutter characters, it's how you use them that matters.

I see you haven't played even one of them.


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Thats where youre wrong, you retarded weeb faggot

Its like arguing that GoAnimate is just as good as Disney level production.

3 has horrendous combat. i wouldnt call them walking sims like that dude but they arent really great

But muh graphics and hair physics

t. dunkey

by that logic spirits within is a 10/10 movie

Everything uses tropes. Nothing is new and it's all been done before.

Witcher is just a Van Helsing ripoff.

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>I only played 3

Why did using magic turn you into an oldman?

Why did swinging a sword a few times turn you into the hulk?

i played 2 and 3. stopped playing both after a few hours. its a huge Yea Forums meme. like Yea Forums has Bane and /biz/ has Link. if you want medievel soul play Kingdom Come.

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That's what you call soul.

Like I said, you haven't played any of them.

>if you want medievel soul play Kingdom Come.
The gameplay in that game is terrible.

The combat system is flat out broken and unusable. I'm not exaggerating, it's fucked.

point and click adventure

2k sports games

99% of JRPGs are generic, low effort trash with disgustingly bad writing. The 1%, Earthbound, also happens to be an unmatched masterpiece, so it makes up for the entire genre

Kill yourself Nintendie. Earthbound is mediocre.

it has soul but. also I used a trainer to fix the game. devs shipped it broken

yeah I think it did, but it was still a big departure from 1

>unmatched masterpiece
isn't even the best in its own series

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>anime artstyle
ya no

anime is not an artstyle

>Non-anime artstyle
Get out

What is it a life choice? Fuck off faggot.


you're the last person who should be telling me to have sex you fem-incel

should i get the 3ds version or emulate the ps2 version?

mother 3 is great but it has a shoehorned convoluted story, and mother is just earthbound lite.
name a game with better writing, peabrain

how is mother 3's story anymore convaluted than earthbound's?

>name a game with better writing
restricting it to jRPGs:

-vagrant story
-FF tactics
-lost odyssey
-suikoden 2


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>I'm poor and what I can afford is good
Summing up this entire thread for the newcomers

Buy a PS2 slim and a copy of the game and play it how it was meant to be played you jew

What are you babbling about you schizophrenic retard?

There is more effort and determination put into making fucking porn games than any other. People are obsessive with crafting their fetishes as best as they can.

I guess nut busting in the biggest motivator.

>square enix
opinion discarded. weebtard

Any other genre
JRPGs have zero soul they don't even put effort into making walking make contact with the ground

Square made those games you fucking fetus, get the fuck off this board

>run around the map while getting random encountered into fights that aren't even enjoyable because you shit on everything but have to go through this slow slog of a fight every single fucking time, then listen to one of the most cringe dialogue in the history of mankind, on top of shit itemization, shit balance, shit graphics, shit ui, shit story and shit controls

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it's called square enix now you senile boomer, and even before they were acquired their only good games were secret of mana, which aged terribly, and EVO: Search of Eden, which isn't even really a JRPG

Square Enix didn't make Xenogears you fetus, Square did.

Two different companies, not that you'd know.

So what do you like then?


Life is unbearably miserable and every day is suffering. What the fuck is wrong with you?

even if you call the games i like shit, that won't magically un-shit jrpgs

So you're too much of a pussy to list games you like?

>yeah well, that's because you're just scared!
fucking hell man, what are you, 5? also i like good games, doesn't matter what genre.

List them

JRPGs that are over 20 years old

>walk two seconds
>Random encounter out the ass
Fuck jRPGs and fuck you

I wish more JRPGs would give me this feel.

Only wh*teoids with no rhythm say this.

You know white people aren't affected by racial slurs right? We're secure in our superiority nog.

>Playing shit JRPGs
You know they solved this decades ago right?

Point-and-click adventure. Too bad it died with pre-Walking Dead Telltale.

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maybe it you weren't a nintendo only fag

Agreed. Japan has the best games in general. Which I can't get my normie marvel loving friends to try.

>dude lets go here and kill this rat
>dude lets go there to collect this material
>literally handholding the entire game
>most have zero challenge (except maybe SMT)

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I own a PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, Vita, Gaming PC, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, PC-Engine, Xbox and an Xbox 360

Only underage redditors like (You) console war, because Mommy's too broke to buy you more than one console. Console warring is for literal children.

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I like JRPGs but most of them, after a strong and interesting premise, tend to drag in the middle act. It slows the game to a slog and they are often the weakest part in each of these games, like they needed to pad the game with unnecessary content.
It is something they could learn from non-eastern RPGs, my favorites for instance don't usually cross the 40 hour mark.

the best jrpg is also the longest jrpg

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Fighting games

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>infinite random encounters
>shops always sell shit, go farm parts for crafting
>boring bosses
>small dungeons
>huge empty world
Watching how the paint dries is not so tiring.

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unironically made me think. This mught be the only true answer since it's p2w and made only to make money

tfw still didn't finish it.I'm in the desert where some queen was kidnapped by mons. When does it get intresting ffs

Jrpgs don't have any soul - why do Americans like them? They are really hacky and stupid versions of real Western stuff that I grew up with. My most soulful genre is 2D RTS.

i see your gacha and raise you mobile gaming

add early 3D like Homeworld/Warzone 2100/Warcraft 3

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The only JRPG you've played is Persona 4 and Chrono Trigger.

OP specificaly stated that he is talking about JRPGs, so why are you describing WRPGs?

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>random encounters
>describing WRPGs

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Just straight out say that you haven't played many JRPGs. There are a ton that aren't like Persona 3-5 or trails and aren't padded out with bullshit.
>Vagrant Story
>Valkyrie Profile
>The Mario and Luigi JRPGs
>Early FF
>Kingdom Hearts
>Chrono Trigger
>Any MegaTen game besides Persona 3-5
>Early Dragon Quest
>Ys games
...and so on and so forth. JRPGs should avoid taking pointers from WRPGs lest they want to become big open worlds with nothing to do, poor and uninspired art and music, and shitty, samey gameplay and storylines.

Persona is garbage

Quake, TF2, Natural Selection and Tribes don't have soul?

>They are really hacky and stupid versions of real Western stuff
I think you mean they took shit American ideas and refined, reinvented and perfected them.

Go play armchair general in the army queer

>the longest jrpg
*blocks your path*

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>Boring bosses
>Shitty shops and a shitty crafting system
>Boring dungeons
Especially the last one, how the fuck would this be describing anything besides WRPGs?

No, they don't you western mutt

they have much more soul than your average post 2008 JRPG though



>Kingdom Hearts

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Just play dragon quest 8. Never in my life have I ever fallen asleep during the game.

>longest script of any game ever made
>can take anywhere between 100-150 hours to just beat the story in just one way (story branches and changes out a lot too)
>multiple endings
>500+ hours just to 100% or experience all of the story
>hentai game
How did they do it?

the power of ultra autism

Erm blood style is neat

90% of the dialog describes genitals and grunting noises. Also, no voice acting so they can bloat it as much as possible. Gameplay is literal gachashit. That's how.

You haven't played the game.

This. I didn't finish Xenogears or FFVI due to boredom.

None of these are actually true though

Goddamn I love JRPGs.

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Irony. It's 100% singleplayer gachashit and a large portion of the dialog is from sex scenes, I.E, bloated trash. Also has terrible pacing.

Tales is good fuck off this is weeb territory

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What are some games I should start with if I've never played a JRPG?

Sidescrolling Beat em up.

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FF1, 4, 5.
Breath of Fire 2.
Saga Frontier.
Chrono Trigger.
Star Ocean 2.
Valkyrie Profile.

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>remake the same game with the same engine for 10 years
you think your pun was that good?

You have trash taste

Chrono Cross
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy VI

I was gonna say straightforward sports games, but even that has a few soulful gems like Neo Turf Masters (THAT is how you do music for a sports game).

Madden and FIFA certainly are soulless, however.

>it's 2019 and mods haven't word filtered Soul and Soulless

Go to reddit if you don't like free speech


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Other way around. You can say s-o-y and 2bh on reddit

>free speech
Lurk more retard. Overused buzzwords have always been wordfiltered here.

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>Overused buzzwords have always been wordfiltered here.
And it's always been gay.

If you like mod interference you're a faggot.

Also fuck Moot, he doesn't get to dictate shit. The community decides what it allows.

In that case, we need to at least add some new ones if we're playing that game.
>Sneed (yes yes formerly chuck's fuck N suck hahaha)
>have sex

name a genre more dead than Jrpgs and horror games

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>The fast food of vidya genres

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user that analogy doesn't really work, most RPGs take 30+ hours to beat

>unironically quoting jew tranny luggage cuck

battle royale

A lot of pre rendered backgrounds for PS1 JRPGs feel like that, but Xenoblade worlds are indeed extremely soulful.

Yes but just like fast food it has a low barrier of entry.

You don't need cooking skill, a good palette, or even fucking cutlery to enjoy McDonalds. Similarly a JRPG will complete itself so long as a semi-sentient human being is willing to sit themselves in front of a screen and press buttons without ever asking anything meaningful from the player.

There's other similarities as well such as fast food's lack of plating/presentation and JRPGs being an unapologetically janky genre where two static models facing each other is the genre's preferred method of depicting human interaction. Or the likelihood of getting crappy workers who will make your food badly being similar to the rate of shovelware even within acclaimed JRPG franchises.

Also, both are on the decline.

That makes literally no sense.

So you're saying is JRPGs are the junk food of food and you're actually really bad at analogies.

>spent 2 hours grinding to have a chance against Marquis de Leon (pretty good fight though)
>now I'm stuck with ballsack
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or I'm fucking shit

There isn't. It is also one of the only genre of video games that has consistently, and to this day continues to have great games and even classics released. As opposed to most styles of games, for instance FPS are stagnant, and WCMG (west cuck movie games) were never good and are just the evolution of third person action adventure games which are also dead. Just look at WRPG nowdays, absolute garbage compared to the good old days, and JRPGs are going strong.

I agree, the only games that still give me the staring off into the distance feeling when I beat them are JRPGs

Skateboarding games (or extreme sports games according to Wikipedia)

Eat your heart out Japan

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>food analogies

this game would look really nice with the HD clean up thing they've done with FF7 and RE2 (original).

RE2 looks fucking fantastic

Its not easy. JRPGS are among the most soulful of games when done right, but generic ones are souless beyond belief.

I can't.

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List them

FPS games don't have sou-

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List them, you pussy.

Chrono Trigger
Early FFs
Dragon Quest III

How can a genre that is known for reusing character and story tropes all the damn time have soul?

I like Fallout, Arcanum, Gothic, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, Thief: The Dark Project, Dark Souls, Nocturne, amongst others.

>Especially the last one, how the fuck would this be describing anything besides WRPGs?
Considering literally only one company is known for their open worlds (Bethesda), you appear to be a weebtard with no knowledge of western RPGs.

>muh random encounters
I can’t even remember the last time a JRPG had this. Most ones I’ve played recently either had you picking out the encounters for yourself or sneaking up on enemies to get the drop on them.

>Most ones I’ve played recently either had you picking out the encounters for yourself or sneaking up on enemies to get the drop on them
Care to name some?

i'm 174 post late for a (You), but puzzle games, or point and click games.

Dragon Quest
Mario and luigi
Paper mario
Chrono trigger

>uses the word "shit" to describe everything ever
know how i know you're a contrarian?

TWEWY allows you to pick out enemy groups with a button on the touch screen and rack up multiple rounds for more loot and experience.
Chrono Trigger has each enemy in each area that is predetermined and fixed, allowing you to flow right past them if you want. KH and Tales of games in general also do this as well.
Radiant Historia, Persona 5, and SMT 4-4A have on field encounters that even have you attack the enemies to get the jump on them.

>TWEWY allows you to pick out enemy groups with a button on the touch screen and rack up multiple rounds for more loot and experience
The fact that no other game has even copied this method saddens me.

cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled

WRPGs, easily
Deus Ex, VBTM, Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect 1, the list goes on and on


>sjw movies

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romancing saga did it first though

Ace Attourney

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>The 1%, Earthbound, also happens to be an unmatched masterpiece

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pretty much, the most soulful WRPGs are all from the 80s and 90s.
Personally I'd love to see a series of games based on the old Dragonlance Modules (the same ones that inspired the Dragonlance novels). Although they'd probably be beamfucked with sjw shit so maybe I should be thankful.

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Not in the same way TWEWY did. You can rack up to 16 rounds at once with no way to heal if you want.

I support you against infants too ignorant know the difference between Square and Square-Enix, but Xenogears writing is inconsistent. Its character writing and dialog is top-notch, and the overall story and lore are fantastically ambitious. But it's a god damn mess in terms of pacing and structure. And it's probably needlessly convoluted (though I can't be bothered to go through everything).


Mad because it's true.

mobile games

Mad because food analogies are shallow as fuck

I've been meaning to get into JRPGs. They seem bright, colorful, and comfy, with lighthearted adventures. I'm interested in that.

They generally tend to be, yes.






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