Does this guy ever say anything of actual substance?

Does this guy ever say anything of actual substance?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, it should be pretty clear he’s insane

He comes off as insane because of how his dialouge changes to criticize whatever faction the player has the most rep with. The way he can change from nuking the NCR to nuking the Legion, depending on who you side with, makes him and his motives seem incredibly petty.

No, he's literally just as bad as the entire of Planescape Torment

Waste of a last DLC. Who thought it would be fun if the only person you could talk to was just Avellones self-insert who is autistically obsessed with symbols? And put plenty of annoying enemies in between.
Also it's stupid giving the character a more pre-established background and having Ulysses want to punish you for that. Something the player actually never did.

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>bear and bull and bear and bull and
>fuck you courier
At least his voice was cool.

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this guy is a fucking faggot felt good killing him

The Bear... The Bull.. hhmmm.. Battle of Hoover dam.

>nail children to the wall and make them watch him kill their parents
>but then decide that "maybe that's not nice to do"
>and then take the moral high ground
Nigger was one of the Legion's biggest killers, Caesar literally praised his ability to massacre and torture people. Who the fuck is he to start judging others on their morality?

[Speech 100]Don't nuke the NCR
Ulysses: okay bro

Avellone at his worst.

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My autism wants me to keep him alive and nuke both factions to get the maximum rewards. But I also just want to kill him and stop the nukes, because that's what anyone would do after meeting such an insane retard and because it's more in line with how I role play.

What does he do if you don't have any NCR or Legion affiliation? I know his dialogue changes, but not specifically how

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This desu. The fact that he is already reaching for the nuclear option when courier six only set them off by accident says alot about his current mental state. I always kill his ass and stop the bombs. Not really interested in grenade rifles since i already have thump thump (better in every way btw).

so who shares the most blame/

the voice actor?
chris spergallone
voice director?

I read a post which basically summed up my feelings on him, saying something along the lines of ‘he’s not a genius super villain, he’s just a broken man who doesn’t know what to believe in, so fills that hole by hating you’

Chris of course. He wrote the shit. The VA did a good job.

>why did you give that hobo money exile, he went into the divide and detonated a nuclear bomb

He's another one of those "begin again" loonytoons.
My character at this point was so fucking done with this shit at this point and was still assblasted over the whole thing with Father Elijah that he was going to kill him even if he didn't have plans to bomb a bunch of innocent people.

He's talking about the stock market, you need a very high IQ to understand it

Yeah basically, he becomes a much better character when you DONT put any weight into his words and just see him as a rambling, yet oddly charismatic madman


The DLC should be played before reaching the Strip for the first time, this way you can bomb both locations without permanently losing rep with NCR and Legion.

How do you even lose reputation in the first place?
How on earth could they know you did that?

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the fucking writer. the VA did a great job, but his lines were pretentious, drawn out nonsense.


Shit like this is why Bethesda is better at making Fallout games.


Fallout 4 and 76 prove otherwise.

Wasn't this asshole working for Caesar and was a absolute savage while doing so?

Yes. He's completely insane for even trying to take the moral high ground when he served the Legion with almost no remorse for the savage and disgusting he did during it.

>when courier six only set them off by accident
There is zero evidence of that and even if there would be evidence of six detonating them, there is zero evidence that a town full of people ever lived there. It's a decent RPG choice mechanic though when you think about it. You can be that gullible moron who believes everything someone says despite it being entirely unsubstantiated. You can decide that it's true and then do what you want with the one other person who knows. You you can acknowledge that he's talking total horse shit and shove a wheelbarrow full of nukes in his rectum for lying to you. Or you can talk down the senile retard and keep him from acting on his delusions and doing something bad.

Again, this is a completely broken man who found the only thing he genuienly loved (the divide) utterly kinda almost can’t blame him for going completely loopy

Explain the marked men then.
It's clear there was some sort of community here before the events of the game. Wither or not its destruction happened because of the Courier brought some Enclave tech here before the events of the game or because of Big MT fuckery in a similar way like the Sierra Madre remains to be seen.


Why are you repeating yourself? Do you have 1 int?

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The fact that it's all NCR and Legion soldiers shows that there were no real community there. There was the NCR trying to make a supply line and the Legion trying to cut it. For some reason there's a lot of NCR journals and shit but no Legion records. Probably because the NCR are more inclined to being pussies who are afraid of the tunnelers. If the records were from the legion, they would have been taking about how they bfto the tunnelers.

It’s called emphasis dum dum, did you fail English class?

>Explain the marked men then.
How did you miss the fact that all of them wear NCR and Legion armors? They're all soldiers from two sides of the war. How about you go ahead and try to explain why every single still functional computer terminal is from before the war and nobody in the supposed town ever used them for anything? Were they all illiterate unlike the entire rest of the wasteland? That would explain how even every scrap of paper found in the ruins was written by NCR troops. The only thing that is ever made clear is that there were soldiers from both sides of the conflict scavenging or fighting over a military base until it blew up.

It's called nobody responded to my post the first time so I'm gonna say it again. I can ascertain this because I have a high PER stat, you see.

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No, fucker was insane and a hypocrite, and on a meta level nothing more than Avellone's way of complaining about "muh progress in post-apocalypse"
I didn't kill him though. My courier told him to wake up to himself and we fought off the Marked Men together before Ed-e sacrificed himself to stop the nukes, essentially disproving everything this fucker thought about me prior to that.

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Also seems like you have a 1 charisma stat with the GIF’s you’re posting. Have sex

This character made me feel like I had a stroke every time I finished talking to him.

Gonna replay NV with all DLC.
Does it matter in what order i play DLC or even before finishing the main plot?

You can't play the game after finishing the main plot. Release order is the intended order even though you do reveal things about Elijah in a DLC that comes after the one with Elijah.

Honest hearts, dead money, OWB then lonesome road

DM -> OWB -> LR. HH can be played whenever (or you can just skip it altogether, it's not very good).

New Vegas doesn't have a post-game, so you gotta complete the DLCs before the final mission.
The intended order to play them is Dead Money, then Honest Hearts, then Old World Blues, and finally Lonesome Roads. On my playthroughs, I get to the part of the main storyline where you have to destroy/align with the various factions of the Mojave and alternate between completing those questlines and finishing the DLCs.

>giving the character a more pre-established background and having Ulysses want to punish you for that
This is part of what makes everything he says to you so vapid. The thing he wants to punish you for isn't the player character's fault other than them delivering a package. Then there's the fact that you can enter the divide and talk to him a few times then leave and he'll wait forever for you to return and continue his revenge. Nothing he says has any value even to himself. Just comes off as a weird cry for help from some crazy guy.

>The only thing that is ever made clear is that there were soldiers from both sides of the conflict scavenging or fighting over a military base until it blew up.
Yeah no shit and thats what Ulysses is so mad over.
He saw old world America in those bases and when they were ruined he blew a fuse.

It's like every time they leave Avellone without supervision, he writes/designs something stupid

The fact anyone cares enough to discuss some random motherfucker from a shit dlc over literally anything in the Bethesda games proves otherwise. Nobody would care if it wasn't good, even if by comparison to the best of NV it's shit.

no I hope his shit is actually the result of craziness, it's pretty clear he's just very angry about the courier blowing up his town by delivering ED-E after he defected from Caesar's Legion, the faction in the Divide had access to far better pre-war technology than both the NCR and Caesar's Legion but it was nuked, if you find his holotapes you can talk him down from nuking everyone by telling him that he told the Think Tank from Big Empty "who are you that you do not know your history" out of anger IIRC
Chris is alright but he's directing Dying Light 2 and I'm worried if this motherfucker makes almost every faction the immutable mess that was Fallout 4 and then say "ALL of them got valid points of ruling, this is grey morality bro!", because in that scenario I'd unironically prefer the black and white "evil and good" factions of Dying Light, where people joined the bad guy's faction because it was the best equipped and had access to guns, at the cost of an insane leader

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DM > HH > > > OWB > > > > > > > LR

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Lonesome Road even though its fucking terrible has leagues better writing then anything Beth as put out in ages. Fallout 4 is dreadful and several of its main points fall apart once you even try and question things.

NV had 1 fucking year of dev time and it's still better than 4

>best waifu is canonically a lesbian that you never see again after the DLC

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>implying that tunnel snakes don't rule lol

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House even if you go independent

Why did Harold even go across the country? Honestly its kinda hard to care about a character when nothing makes any sense.

I recommend doing the tale of two wastelands playthrough, pretty dope

Obviously because this was the entire Fallout 3 design meeting:
>Todd sits alone in his office at Bethesda, Maryland trying to think of what to put in his Fallout mod for Oblivion
>Looks out of the window

Which is coming out next, Starfield or ES6? I hope Bethesda learned their lesson after 76 flopped.

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I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark would you?

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Why wouldn't I just play fallout 3 by itself? TTW seems like a lot of autism. I'd rather just have my games with their separate mods.

Everyone with a brain sides with Daniel.

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>Have to have a special perk to tell Gram to finish and do gods work.
Biggest load of shit ever desu.

Imagine blaming the fucking mailman because someone sent a bomb in the post. I'm still laughing about it because of how petty that shit is.

Why was Father Elijah the best villain in the game?


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Josh goes insane if you do that, though. It's better to kill the chief on his feet.

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It's two games in one and it's not that overwhelming. If you wanted to skip to the New Vegas bit instead of replaying Fo3 just run or TP to the place and then go to the train. It's actually fun heading into Point lookout with New Vegas gear, or completing mothership ZETA and selling the alien guns to the Van Graffs/Gun runners.

>Everyone with a brain sides with Daniel.
>A naive faggot who thinks holding hands will solve the world's problems
It's the direct opposite of having a brain.

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I got spooked when Elijah first talked about the hologram ghosts.

Gotta give credit where credit is due, they at least gave you the option to completely disregard everything Ulysses is saying, despite how hard Avellone hits you over the head with it

Because Fallout 3 desperately wanted to retread fallout 1 and 2 instead of manning up and doing its own thing in the capital wasteland
People give it shit for being too different from past fallouts, but I'd say they didn't try to be different enough

finally got around to fixing the letters of this graphic

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>Why was Father Elijah the best villain in the game?
Because Safety Deposit Box exist and is one of the best moments in Fallout history.

Dead Money was the best DLC.

Ulysses is the dumb person's take on how a smart person sounds.

If you can't understand him then you are a brainlet

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kinda off topic but is there a reason why so many people choose NCR? they're so incompetent it's not even funny...At least legion takes care of their soldiers

>when courier six only set them off by accident
Accident doesnt matter the courier still set them out

That's assuming that he actually had something to do with this. Big MT had their hands all over this place and I wouldn't be surprised Hopevile going under had something to do with one of their experiments.

I suspect that the complete lack of evidence for that means that it's up to the player whether that happened or not.

Thematically, yes. The Sierra Madre and Elder Elijah were also good.
Walking around in copypasted alleyways with an exploding collar was not fun, though.

It's not like you have a choice. Every 2nd quest is an NCR quest. The NCR is all over the map so you don't want to piss them off, either.

NCR is the normie choice. They're the most similar to a modern day democracy, corruption and special interests included. The familiarity puts them at ease.

Obviously, however, we patricians know that:

user, do this.

>press ~
>type tgm
>stand in front of radio
>after the collar pops, repeat the first 2 steps

Now you can play the DLC without the radios fucking with you. You can still hear the radios and go shoot them if you want, but they won't blow you up. I find this to be the absolute best way to replay the DLC.

Avellone's main jobs for about a decade now has been to sniff his own farts and attach his name to projects he wrote one sentence for and collect a check.
He's not really someone that can be left to his own devices.

I've heard enough. Graham, execute general gobbledigook.

You just listed your "normie choice" as the absolute pinnacle of choices. Was that on purpose?

And even if you had your comparators the wrong way around, "House > IN/LK/CH Courier" is objectively wrong because House's attributes are 1 CH, 5 IN, 10 LK. He's an average intelligence total fucking asshole who succeeds entirely based on luck. So if you're very charismatic, very lucky and a genius, you're literally 20 times better than him.

Lonesome Road kills all my playthroughs.

>do it early
>get shit tons of nonsensically valuable loot that can be sold to the vendors with no limits because they restock their caps everytime you deplete their cap funds
>game is now really boring because I'm overpowered

>do it mid game
>realise I've beaten the game after going to the Courier Mile and obliterating 12 irradiated deathclaws with a mini gun and some chems

The only time to do LR is right before the final battle.

>actually going through with the dam battle
...for what purpose? it's a 10 minute quest than ends your character...

>using special stats as canon
Bu their logic Boone is a drooling mental retard on par with a courier who shouts out ICE CREAM randomly.

I'm gonna say yes

That’s not far off from the truth really

Boone is a fucking retard. He was NCR, somehow managed to lose track of his wife and fucking kid to a few low level legionnaries. (what the fuck kind of a father is that?) Then he shot his wife after weeks of her taking legion dick... And he blames the legion for him being an irresponsible retard that just lets his wife run around a war zone. Real smart.

He had the intelligence to go through first recon training, assess the situation of his wife.
He's clearly not mentally retarded. Special stats are not canon.

>it's a 10 minute quest than ends your character...
Only if you don't use mods like FPGE or something similar.

Oh right... so what happens with that mod installed, do people react at all to the battle or is it just like it never happened

I've played fnv for 5 fucking years and never actually gotten to the hoover battle. I always delay meeting Benny, because I need to go and do LR to nuke the NCR/legion first. Then I usually quit after LR.

Most of my playthroughs die when I do LR.

not really no
>nigger trying to be philosophical

>This is where this mod comes in. Two weeks after the Hoover Dam Battle, the dam is taken over by the respective faction and the fighting stops, the Kings will get eradicated by the Legion, if alive, the Brotherhood of Steel will take over Helios One and patrol the roads, and the Great Khans will evacuate their camp, taking everything with them. This is only a small portion of what can take place however, and there are a massive amount of things that change based on how you play.

>Not only this, but dialogue has been changed to represent whatever endings are chosen, for instance:

>"We'll show everyone that these are our new territories!" - NCR citizen. This is no longer shown should the NCR lose, why would they prattle on about this after they lose?

>"We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that" - NCR trooper. No longer shown should the Legion fail miserably, they wouldn't exactly need to worry about that after they win would they?

It just works.

The leader of Novac is the one who sold the wife and she had insider information to make it happen smoothly. Boone may have 3 int, but you pretty dumb as well.


House's special stats make sense though:
He's a frail zombie = 1 ST
He sees everything despite sitting in a coffin = 10 PE
He's nearly immortal = 10 EN
He's a fucking asshole = 1 CH
He's not a genius nor a moron = 5 IN
He set up his technological empire in the one metropolis that wasn't bombed with atomic bombs with emp that destroys all circuits and his most important courier can't die from a gunshot wound to the head even when they have 1 EN = 10 LK

The only thing I can't explain is the 5 AG. I guess that's just leftover special stats then.

House is as blatantly 1EN 1AG 10IN as anyone could possibly be

I wonder if the short development time helped make NV what it is. Maybe the pressure brought out the flare of the writing team.

House is charismatic as fuck you idiot

Chris didnt write Fallout 4 you dumbass

>bind "cam" (close all menus) to k
>Ulysses starts speaking
>press k
>instantly shuts down conversation
>repeat every time he speaks, never listen to a word of his drivel
>nuke him in the back the moment you enter the warhead room

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Hes doing dying light 2? Oh fuck. Nonnononononoon


oh man that avellone guy.

>He's a fucking asshole = 1 CH
He convinced 3 butt-fucker tribes to cosplay as Las Vegas gangsters by telling them stories.
He's an arrogant asshole but he can make a persuasive argument.
Special stats are stupid. Caesar has 4 charisma despite being a good-enough liar to get people to treat him as a god. 4 int despite being one of the most educated men in the wasteland. Intelligent enough to adopt and expand upon the ancient roman conventions for a post-apocalyptic world.

benny who spends his days in a luxury casino? 7 strength. 1 point more then Lucius Caesars top bodyguard.

Sure just like massacring a tower full of people learning to be more accepting is a good karma action right?
Fucking brain dead Bethesda drone

>be leader of Institute
>cannot actually do anything, given only radiant quests
>be leader of Minutemen
>cannot actually do anything, given only radiant quests
>be part of BoS
>cannot actually do anything, given only radiant quests
>be part of Railroad
>cannot actually do anything, given only radiant quests
>find cool bunker nuclear silo pyramid in the middle of the glowing sea
>contains absolutely nothing of value and is filled with feral ghouls and a bunch of animals
>do the bos quest with the guy who goes into the abandoned airport from time to time to tame feral ghouls
>the good choice is to say that it's a good idea even if feral ghouls are humans with rotted brains and you gained karma in the past games for putting them out of their misery
>go fetch paint for the wall painter
>fight raiders
>go help radio host become confident
>fight raiders
>go shoot people as the silver shroud
>fight gangsters, not passing a charisma skillcheck means your friend dies

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Fuck off Todd

>1 IN post
No he isn't. All he does is tell you to do things expecting you to obey just because he's him. There is no clever persuasion and his demeanor is extremely unpleasant. And if you go along with it, his vision of the future is an oppressing dictatorship where he exploits everyone and takes everything just because he can, not because he's a good leader. Why do you think his army is machines and not people? He doesn't value obedience because he can't persuade anyone to do anything. He needs absolute personal control and that's what the robots are for.

Benny used to be part of an tough gang and even killed one their leader in a knife fight. 7 ST seems reasonable.

The only way they could even come close to justifying that shit was making tenpenny comic book evil

>hurr nuke muh view

Stupid. The tower folk did nothing wrong they had no obligation to let ghoul niggers in.

It's a shame you can't use the anti material rifle to stealth kill him. It has to be a fatman or he won't die.

house is an actual genius
>He set up his technological empire in the one metropolis that wasn't bombed with atomic bombs
he protected the fucking place did you play the game

Ok so like the above poster said, how has he persuaded three tribes of savages to play make believe on his strip? Surely even by talking to him you have to see he has an air of charisma about him, you have to be a full on retard to not pick that up

Well, you're never going to be using the fat man for anything else in the game anyway

Is it reasonable for that to be more then not only the head of the praetorian guard but also Aurelius of Phoenix the Legion Centurion?
Or what about Marjorie, Founder of the White Glove Society which is obsessed with social image, having charisma 3

I love how they hyped him up during the game and DLCs as your rival then it turns out he's just a rambling lunatic. At least Elijah was fucking awesome

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>Founder of the White Glove Society which is obsessed with social image, having charisma 3
Many people who obsess over social status or image are very uncharismatic.

That’s what makes his character so beautiful though, at the end of the day he’s just a broken man obsessed with you. Subversion

everyone always talks about the bears and the bulls, but no one ever mentions the STRENTH
no g

>he protected the fucking place
He didn't even manage to persuade me to believe that he did that.

Very true. It has some use in F3, but there's no point to carrying the Fatman in NV.

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Why’s it still standing then you schizo

So white every other city is a pile of rubble New Vegas is mostly intact just because of magic? He shot down those missiles. There's no other explanation.

It's also because of him that Victor pulls you out of that grave. He's responsible for saving New Vegas and You as the story begins.

How else you explain that Las Vegas is basically untouched by warfare then unlike every other major city in the United States we have seen?

>elijah was fucking awesome
lmao what? he was a dumbass fucking faggot obsessed with some casino and was evil for no reason...guy SUCKED

You forgot to but "Again" in front of your post.

that's the point though, youre being punished for something you prolly just did accidentally. It's up to the player to decide ultimately what to do with this outcome.

Hes also the reason you got shot

Is there any mod that fixes the disjointed capital city section of the Fallout 3 map.

That's because of Yes Man actually.

No, that's Benny. You probably let the guy trick you, too.

>evil for no reason
You didn't pay attention buddy
He was very well written and his voice actor was the best in the game. Plus the secret Dead Money ending where you team up with him was a surprise

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House definitely shot down the incoming missiles, or redirected them.

You're a courier, getting shot at for your cargo is part of the job description. He did everything in his power to avoid the chip getting stolen.

>lmao you just dont get him bro
>doesnt actually tell me what im missing
oh yeah some fucking weird autist wants to destroy the planet because DUH...POWER PLANTS AND CASINO AND GOOOOOOOLD and...LETTING GO! nigga WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT

He did and he even got into a coma for it. He even tells you missed a few because his systems weren't working properly because he didn't have the platinum chip.

My God user
You're going insane just like him!

That ending seemed strangely evil. Like, why does it result in you and Elijah killing everyone from the Hoover dam to the NCR? Why doesn't it mention killing the legion, either?

No that was Benny. House hired you for the job and he did take precautions to protect you (well, to protect your chip). He hired 5 other couriers to be decoys. Only you had the actual chip.

Now there are plenty of other factors. Ulysses rejecting the job. The Great Khans guiding Benny. Yes-man knowing you had the chip. The Courier not being able to defend himself at the time. Benny and the Khans not being delayed by any foul weather, roaming animal or any other random thing.

But point is saying House got you shot is like saying a Police Commissioner is personally responsible if a druggie stabs a traffic-cop

Elijah doesn't give a shit about the Legion because they don't have any tech.

The best VA was Joshua Graham, though. He actually convinces most people to genocide some tribe. Elijah gets murdered or locked in the vault by most people.

Even so, the legion would probably do something during all this.

Yeah...Continue east because the west is a fucking cursed hellhole with ghosts and poison gas all over the place

Nuke NCR or Caesar

A masterpiece, then?

Any must have mods for NV? Haven't played since HH released.

This guy sucked so bad that even in my legion terrorist murder every NCR shit i see playthrough i refused to nuke anyone because of how shit his arguments were....and well the legion won't have to deal with fallout when they enter california...point is that guy was fucking GARBAGE

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He was originally a brotherhood elder, trying as Victoria was to get them out of their self destructive ways. This alienated him, but he was getting results so no one complained too much. During his explorations, he eventually led the brotherhood to Helios, and suffered though everything that happened there. He watched everyone that believed in him die.
He took the political hit for it and was expelled, he went willingly in a way. He became obsessed you see, both with proving his point that the brotherhood needed to harness old world tech for their survival, and with never letting something like Helios happen agian. He traveled the wastes, as the Courrier did eventually being subjected to the whims of the think tank, and learning of the Seara Madre. He fell into its trap, and his mind was consumed. He saw the worst of humanity over and over as he fell deeper into delusion. Eventually he stopped caring about the brotherhood. He wants a do over, to make a new "better" world perhaps a utopia to him, but it's all for not. He can't let go, and you can't begin agian without first learning to let go.

Both my nigger

This, both are exploitative imperialistic states that fundemntally can't be good for the everyman living in them. The only good end for the wasteland is a free wasteland, ruled by house or the player

I always kill that ghoul faggot anyway for his Chinese assault rifle.
I don't give a shit about karma because its broken in this game anyway.

Yes, plenty. Dont skip dialogue and find his notes.

Why are 3/4 of the DLC antagonists just clearly insane due to lusting over a singular obsession? Seems like salt upon wounds is the only halfway decent one, in that he's a Tribal Leader trying to gain favor with the Legion

What's a good guide to follow for modding NV? I've been using the Fear and Loathing one and was wondering if there was something more in-depth

Retards who either have 0 reading comprehension or skipped all of the dialogue or have no ability to understand causality.

Cause that was the theme/message of the DLCs. Being fixated on the past is a bad thing and keeps people from moving forward. HH is an exception cause the character carrying that theme is the burned man.

Nigger I heard all his dialogue and its still hard to take him seriously.

>free wasteland, ruled by house
Pick one. He will have his robot bouncers throw you in the strip and won't let you leave until you've lost everything you have and you're addicted to every substance so he can legally force you to work slave labor to pay your gambling and drug habits. He will use hisrobot army to forcefully tear down every enterprise that makes profit for someone other than him. He won't even allow the Followers to exist because they give away medical care for free.
Gullible moron who doesn't open his fucking eyes and just uncritically believes some faggot in a mask

Gopher has a modding guide for just about every mod launcher around, but they aren't as in depth as fear and loathing. What exactly are you looking for in the way of mods?

Use Mod Organizer 2, it has even built in load order sorter, use that. Then google how to create a merged patch and clean plugins.

Stuff like bugfixes, cut content restorations, QoL improvements and maybe some immersion stuff. Gameplay overhauls are usually not my thing, but I'm kinda interested in the JSawyer mod for a hardcore playthrough

YUP anti crash, and a stutter remover.

>Why was Father Elijah the best villain in the game?
Presence. Behind the seemingly omniscient godface he's a bitter, callous old man scarred by failure, fighting off age while harboring fantastic delusions of power and control. His affinity for lost technology brought him to great heights but even deeper lows.

The Sierra Madre was his final obsession and his own undoing.

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You need the script extender. Then the jip script extender plugin. Then you can get stuff like the jip improved crafting menu mod.

christine is bi tho

no option for me to fuck her so that's false

Every playthrough I do nowadays I skip HH, even if the writing is good it's a fucking eyesore.

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Install the mod that adds that hypnosis gun from fallout 3. The one that adds sexual dialogue options like getting the NPC to take their clothes off, or suck your dick.

But it's not even bad looking. I'd say it looks nice. I treat HH as a vacation for my courier. You can also speed run the DLC in 20 minutes by finding Daniel and blowing his head off. That way you can get the weapons and armor if that's all you want.

People see them as the best shot at a normal and relatively safe society. They'd be right, but the game makes it clear over and over that they are overextending, and will inevitably collapse if they take the Mojave. People are too stupid to pay enough attention to grasp this, though; when the best thing for both the NCR and Mojave is for House to take the Dam. With the NCR's defeat, the shitty leadership that had been killing them will be ousted and the republic will be better off for it, and House will continue to build a flawed but decently safe place to live with the robot army

>Dr Pavel, i'm russian navy

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>Yea Forums hates avellone now
What happened?

>tfw you cant bring christine back to the Mojave


I don't know about that man. The other dlcs all had consistent dark colour tones. First thing you get blasted with in HH is it's crazy bright colours that hurt to look at.

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Kek I did too, I thought I was gonna be in for some spooky jumps and shit.

That's part of the fun. I like the rain, BTW.

I think you might be playing with some horrific graphics mods then becuse the colors look alright to me.

I never saw the point of ENBs. They're always quite blurry.

They saw through the meme.

Jigsaw Bailey best girl, yes. I'd rape her and her ex-girlfriend.

It's pretty laughable that Christine just stays in the Sierra Madrie forever. It's clearly due to how you can't bring her back to NV because of gameplay limitations.

>quoting every fucking post
Cunts like you deserve a slow and painful death.

Why does Father Elijah not consider the fact that even if everything goes his way he has maybe 5-10 years of living left before his brain implodes from constant mentat trips. Not to mention the arthritis and cloud exposure that has seeped into him.

because he's dead centered on revenge at any costs. if he could only live for one minute and during that minute watch the NCR getting shit stomped and die afterwards he'd die a happy man

>entire DLC is based on letting go of something
>can choose not to and have nothing bad happens

>Forgetting about Mobius
Mobius was keeping the Think Tank in check since they're a bunch of mad scientists that would be worse than The Master if they set sails on the Mojave

Have fun getting those gold bars to a merchant that can even afford even one of them.

What are you talking about? Dean can leave the Sierra Madre, you just can't meet him again, same thing would work for Christine.

>not just teleporting to B.MT, stashing all of Sinclair's Gold™ while carrying one for large trade deals

>He did the DLC's out of order
Pffft talk about being gay.

>all that gay touch feely bullshit where im playing CHARADES with this fucking bitch because i felt pity for her getting assfucked by a robot torture machine
>bitch doesnt even give me a blowjob
now i understand how incels feel. fuck this game.

You can't get those gold bars out anymore without cheating. The corpse trick no longer works since picking up stuff makes you walk. Let go

>ywn make christine's gay go away with your dick

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>You can't get those gold bars out anymore without cheating.
Untrue. You can hide behind the turbine thing until Elijah passes you and begins interacting with the terminal then walk away.
Even with low sneak this is possible so you have no excuse.

You can't get out before the place blows up tho

You can grab all of the gold and wait for Elijah to enter the vault and leave through the short entrance. It needs good timing but I did it last playthrough.

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Yeah you can you can leave via the way Elijah enters before the forcefield starts up.

I do them in order of level.
It's strange that they didn't add in shit for if you do OWB before DM.

>You can't get those gold bars out anymore without cheating.
There's two ways (3 sort of).
One is The other is to sneak all the way around to the back of the elevator as soon as he starts coming down.
The final one is to just use a Stealth boy.

lol no

>courier 6 just does his job, not knowing what is in the package
>just so happens to be something that sets off the warheads in the divide
>although 6 is somewhat responsible, it could've been anyone delivering the package
neck yourself, autist

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The securitron should be an NPC

Pray explain why he has the right to take the high ground after he mutilated and murdered children in front of their dying parents.

Yes Man isn't even a real ending. He exists for players who accidentally became hostile to all major factions and still want to beat the game.

>Why should a murderer say murder is bad

The stupidest thing is that it was just a routine thing that went bad and no one planned it. The NCR happened to build their research facility over a nuclear payload, and the Enclave detonator sent from the NCR in Navarro was sent their for study, they didn't know it would trigger the Hopeville nukes. It was entirely out of everyone's hands.

>At multiple points he and Six agree on that Six was a tool to devices he did not foresee
>At multiple points you corner Ulysses on how he's just making things worse and he always backpedals out
>At the end you were right all along and Ulysses has a "oh gee" moment

I think New Vegas is in the same boat as Morrowind, in that the base game is great, but the DLCs leave a lot to be desired, especially in comparison to the vanilla experience.

I think he should apologize for this character.

>NCR from base A sends research material to NCR in base B, there is no murder. The research material happened to blow up base B due to a coincidence. Meanwhile Ulysses literally used a hammer and nails to pin children to walls.

>He exists for players who accidentally became hostile to all major factions and still want to beat the game.
No, he exists for people who think that they alone should decide who or what should exist in the Vegas moment to moment, with all the consequences that brings.

>Meanwhile Ulysses literally used a hammer and nails to pin children to walls.
Not even the worst of it. Assuming the player fails he launches a fucking warhead killing countless amounts of people.

Writing and story wise:

DM and HH are written well, one being about learning to let go of the past and accepting your failures and moving on from what once was, the other being about a man consumed with hatred trying to make his past wrongs right by helping the innocent, yet struggling with his wrath

OWB is just a nice little comedy relief DLC with funny moments with little bits of seriousness sprinkled throughout

LR is a pile of garbage saying "HEY LOOK AT THIS THING YOU DID BUT YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU DID IT HAHAHA YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING BAD PERSON BEAR AND BULL BEAR AND BULL" although I will admit, I like how it tried to keep consistent with the theme of not letting go of a past long gone. It's still shit

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They over hyped this DLC way too much for the result it was
>DOG/GOD prays for your safety in the Divide the good ending of Honest Hearts
>The hidden messages and caches in Old World Blues
>That speech at the end of Honest Hearts
The guys writing staff had such a hard-on for Lonesome Road its embarrassing

>ullysses brutally murders children
I wasn't paying attention in that DLC...when the fuck did that happen

>Oops hehe we dumped millions of gallons of oil into the ocean
>Oops hehe we nearly obliterated all life between Czechslovakia and the Urals with radioactive fallout
>Oops hehe we caused an international incident that led to an all consuming war
>We have no culpability due to us not intending for it to happen

Some of the best writing is in the DLCs but holy shit Lonesome Road is a blunder

Its pretty obvious Ulysses believes in some deterministic guiding force to history, driven by bull and bear periods, and that it doesn't really matter whether you intended to set off the war heads or not, he considers you to be a tool or an aspect of the bull or the bear. He's not killing you because he personally hates you, he's aiming to kill you and destroy what you represent because he thinks you're a unconscious driving force of the bull and the bear and if destroys what you represent, he can reverse the bear/bull trend.

Just owb and lonesome road. Should have been legion dlcs.

HH fucking sucks desu.
>Meet legendary burned man
>He asks for your help via a bunch of gay fetch quests
He was a frumentarii being an overall terrible person is in their job description.
And he riled up the White Legs. The tribe behind the brutal massacre of New Canaan that has such terrible acts such as nailing people to cliffs.

>you will never walk through legion dominated arizona to see the atrocities and blessings caesar brought upon the land
Gods.... what a cruel existence

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you'll be missing all of the engine updates nv has and dealing with the increased instability of f3's engine. ttw is pretty much fo3 on nv engine, and since the engines are using the same resource format, f3 mods are mostly compatible with nv.

>to see the atrocities and blessings caesar brought upon the land
If you consider mass murdering raider gangs so badly that they all fuck off and roads become so safe caravaners can move around safely a bad thing then sure.

Would be cool to end up enslaved, have to get out of camp and somehow escape back to the mojave. But it has no theme of giving up so can't be a dlc teehee

surprisingly good taste on Yea Forums for once

Hey. Legion is my go to faction, but let's not pretend they're without sins. Innocents get exploited by the legion too.

basically they fucked up in their attempt to make Ulysses some guy from your past that might have something meaningful to contribute

he just complains that you deliver shit without caring what it is and tries to wash his hands of his own problems that are in no way comparable, then you convince him he's a retard and he accepts it like the retard he is

The best part about lone road was the little robot thing. Rest in pieces tin can.

No, and he's not really supposed to. He's seething, obsessed, unable to cope and you live in his head rent free.

Patrician berserk reference mate

>he just complains that you deliver shit without caring what it is and tries to wash his hands of his own problems that are in no way comparable, then you convince him he's a retard and he accepts it like the retard he is
The perfect summary of Lonesome Road and entire Ulysses arc.

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>Not spreading the good words of Daniel and Joshua
>Not Taking over New Vegas and turning the streets into a hybird of a giant trading town/Casino paradise
>Not letting people to still gamble casinos but taking a large percentage of the caps
>Not giving the gamblers in debt a choice by either being ban from gambling or to do Honest hard work in a factory where they learn a valuable skill
>Not putting the caps back the communities like Freeside,North Vegas square and West side
>Not Teaming up with the Followers and help build and rebuild communities around the Mojave
>Not spreading the good word while helping people to become self sufficient and then setting up a trading post
>Not taking over Camp Mccarran and such and turn into working factories and Farms
>Not making beneficial trade deals with the Gun runners,Followers,Boomers,Enclave Remnants,Great Khans to gather knowledge, man power and great technology and mass produce vertibirds B-29s,Weaponry big and small,Meds,Power armor/armor in general and good faith
>Not helping gentiles and the like anyway because they still god's children
>Not helps groups like the Great Khans see the errors of their ways and expand their horizons
>Not upgrading the Securitrons to Mk2 and spread a group around the waste to protect travelers and Caravans alike
>Not defending the Mojave with the upmost intensity with your newly made heavenly Army with you Vertibirds,B-29 bombers,Power armor,heavy weaponry Troops
>Not Forming and either naming New Vegas New Zion or New New Canaan
>Not teaching groups like the NCR and Legion the only way to conquer the waste is,Honest work,Great faith, and Plain brutally

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>white washing a character who is literally doubly black

the fallout we deserve

yeah look at this coon

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God sees no color gentile
the hair gives it away

Daniel doesn't want to avoid fighting because he's a hippy. He wants to avoid fighting because he projects a twisted biblical innocence onto people who may be slaughtered if they don't fight at all. Daniel isn't bad because he's a pussy, he's bad because he attempts to control the nature of man.


Is it true that I should play all of the DLC before I finish out the game? I made it to a point where I did not want to have to betray House or the NCR but they both want me to bomb the Brotherhood of Steel bunker and I'm not going to do that. Plus House said the magic ass-kicking words so I'm going in there and turning him into bacon.

I think if there was a mixture of both of their teachings, to Show mercy and kindness but ready to fight and kill when provoked then they would have crash the white legs

The Little Mermaid says "hi."

>bos fanboy
>i dont want to piss off the ncr!
how can anyone be this much of a pleb is beyond me

Most up to date guide afaik

Punchy McDress has been my single most useful ally the entire game. I only got her following me because Shooty McDinosaur was too much of a bitch to lay low in the Legion camp
>I dont want to piss off the ncr!
More like "I want to keep stockpiling this expensive ammunition and I don't know if they will still trade with me once I tell them to fuck off."
Let me guess, you sided with House and you think you're so fucking smart. I gave him the chance to answer one simple fucking question and his answer was "please come in here and rape my fucking asshole wide open." All he had to do was tell me what the chip did. I didn't ask for the fucking smart ass opinions. Now we'll see who's an "upstart," fragile old cunt.

fuck them all,Ncr and their faggot taxes,Scared Brotherhood of pussy in their hidi hole,House and how easily i can kill him, i actually like Caesar legion and running New Vegas myself

typical inceloid

>Stopped playing right before the ending and Lonesome Road two years ago
>keep planning on finishing this but never get to it
I liked NV a lot but after 100 hours my saves just wouldn't stop crashing every 30 minutes, even with the anti crash patch and code clean up. I wish this shit was more stable.

I can't tell if this pic is ironic or not but it makes Fo3 look like shit in comparison to NV

Brutal Wasteland calls for Brutal men to conquer it enjoy having your Female soldiers raped and vored by fiends and gangs faggot

Did you turn off autosave? That's the first one to corrupt

>go to gun runners or any merchant with an expensive unique weapon
>essentially trade weapon for gold bar(s)

have fun walking there lmao

just dump some of your shit at the lucky 38 for 5 minutes you dumb fucking hoarder

Yeah I did. Supposedly the longer you play the more shit can go wrong, even with the anti crash. It sucks but I did enjoy the experience.

have fun walking there lmao

have fun walking there lmao

Let's talk: what's an acceptable amount of gold bars to walk off with? I still say them all and dump them into a tub for photos but never actually use them.

Lonesome Road makes Fallout 4 look well-written.

I have never played a new vegas dlc.
I went to do it, but man, the game is sorta a pain to play when I went back to it.

The funniest thing about Ulysses is him being eternally butthurt at the Whitelegs copying his hairstyle because "waaah it doesn't mean the same thing to them as it does to meeee". What a faggot.