What games let me play as hitler

What games let me play as hitler.
>inb4 real life

Attached: huh.jpg (184x184, 9K)

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hearts of iron

He looks like the kind of asshole who would start a war with every European country that results in 60 million people being killed, half of Europe being enslaved by communism, and nationalism forever being an evil taboo subject, all because his daddy never loved him.

Please stay on topic.

Attached: 1563153427214.png (1520x1520, 1.28M)

>saving your country from ruin is somehow bad and stemming from a parent not loving you

> Still assblasted to this day that someone tried to get rid of the Jewish influence
*50 shekels have been added to your account*
Dumb american.

Caveman2Cosmos, a mod for Civ4

Fair warning that's it bloated to all fuck though.

That was Churchill who started it.

user please don't go and drop truths.
He should never know that Germany did not start any of the World Wars and it was Britain both times.

But is there a game where you can play as MECHA Hitler?

Desu! desu! desu!


No more brother wars

The game where you play as donald trump

Attached: trummote_infiniteDab_0000.png (720x720, 34K)

>jews control liberal colleges
>tries to get into a liberal art school and gets rejected
>joins politics
Its really all their fault.

I wish Trump was as good as Hitler

Everyone is Hitler now to democunts, so all of them.


Legit hope faggots like you kill themselves, please don't breed you low IQ subhuman

not him but i intend to have a large family 7+ and I am racist as fuck

>tfw the matze wasn't fresh

stop projecting
