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le depressed gamer thread :(

What do you guys normally play at this time?

Yea Forums

My dick

My penis.

tfw passed out drunk at like 5pm and woke up at midnight
god dammit I feel like death

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It better be a video game that really has my attention or it switches to sleep, streaming, or music.

the dick show

try playing multiplayer games with other insomniacs
it's actually much better than posting on here
im winding down myself though
good luck being mad over nothing and all that

I've wasted my life

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tribes (formerly)

Wow, me too! We have a lot in common. Want to be friends?

it's hopeless

none of us are gonna make it

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rolling for elizabeth

or juliana

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I’m in the worst spot of my life, job ended 3 months ago and haven’t had any luck getting another job since, even after 4 interviews. And I’m still a 20yr old KHV who can’t catch a break. All I do each day is wake up, apply for jobs, and waste time on Yea Forums and youtube all day afterwards before going back to bed. Sorry for blogging.

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I'm having coffee since it's morning whereI live. But I know the 4am life. Used to log into WoW back when I still played it. Nowadays id probably play Pokemon or something. Or maybe training mode in a fightan. That RDC ain't gonna learn itself

Based 4 in the morning poster


i'll take it

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Just beat Katana Zero
It was fun, but that fucking ending tho.

Linda looks lovely

Masturbating right now, gonna play TLOU or RDR1 later since I don’t want to sleep till noon again


Hydrate user

I'm making it right now
it's fucking boring

I wish I had no friends or family so I could kill myself

just got done cleaning up the house before my family comes over tomorrow to visit for about 2 weeks

my apartment looked like a fucking dumpster 48 hours ago and i'm surprised at how much shit I managed to clean up


In 2 weeks I'm moving halfway across the country for work.

Highly anxious. The only time I've ever lived away from my parents was in a dorm for a couple years, and that was only a half hour drive away.

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i always play vidya from 11ish to 3ish, then watch some shows
tonight i played prey '17 and watched soul eater

Same, I fucked up

I'm turning 21 and I'm still a virgin

sneed :(

The "survive against horrible hallucinations" game.

The "drink vodka alone and browse Yea Forums" game

i hope it's just drugs doing that user

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>my apartment looked like a fucking dumpster 48 hours ago and i'm surprised at how much shit I managed to clean up
Cleaning up always takes way less time than you'd Imagine. Keep your living quarters clean, Anons. It helps with the mindset.

>tfw no psycho gf

chavs not welcome, go read the qaran or something

Never did drugs, which makes it even more bullshit.

Go see a Doctor, user.

Don't got the money for that.

>tfw don't play video games hardly at all anymore, just listen to music and watch youtube shit every day
Should I give up on vidya or is there a way to salvage my interest?

Friendly reminder that as long as you can enjoy yourself and have fun, your life wasn't wasted. Your individual and private pleasure is worth it on its own.

>20yr old
Dude, I know you probably hear it a bunch, but your whole life is still ahead of you. You will overcome this, and in the future, these three months will have been a small blip on your life line.

Like gutting fresh eel,
crazy man removes his cock,
and calls it "pussy".

- haiku for trannies

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kill yourself you fucking child

I've graduated uni almost a year ago and I still can't bring myself to find a job. I'm only good at running away from my problems even though they're quickly starting to corner me. I don't know anymore.

based haikuanon

statistically you first

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Man that sucks.
Stay strong brother


What is this i see?
Tranny, or dying cockroach?
Forty percent soon

- haiku for (You)

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>anyone who is annoyed by me shitposting like a toddler must be a tranny
By the time you're actually old enough to be posting here you'll be looking back at this part of your life and cringing

Thanks user, but the truth is I was a NEET for a year before getting that job, and even then the job only lasted 2 months. I’m just sick to death of this lifestyle.

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Wouldn’t ruining your life imply you can’t enjoy it


I'm meeting two of my online friends next month. We've been playing games togethervsince we were respectively, 13 and 14. We met on Killzone 2 when it launched on PS3. I won't lie though, I'm nervous. What should I expect Yea Forums?

Looking for bf (bear friend)

>I won't lie though, I'm nervous. What should I expect Yea Forums?
Gay sex

nobody cared last time either, find a better use for your time

one of the very few based frog posters.


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i've met several people from this board IRL and still hang out with much of them on a regular basis, you'll probably fine outside of some initial mutual 'tism when you first meet

>tfw take migraine meds 3 days in a row and end up getting rebound headaches

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A tranny dilates.
The smell of rotting crotch meat,
brings a swarm of flies.

- haiku thanking the (You)s anyway

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