Real talk. Why do we hate Epic Games again?

Competition is good. And they're providing that and some.

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Other urls found in this thread: security breach

Fuck off already with your endless reposts.

valve drones are a cult defending a company that repeatedly screws them over

there's no direct benefit to the consumer so the consumer doesn't care for the competition

but we're talking about epic here

This post is advertising or begging.

This, when I saw new games being sold at $60 I almost cried. Thankfully where I live Epic charges $90 for Borderlands 3 and $100 for Metro Exodus so I no longer have to be scammed by Steam's pricing anymore.

bet op gets paid tencents per post

Competition is good when it benefits the consumer. Epic is all about fucking over the customers.

you mean an automated spambot

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>Competition is good
why is competition good? because it improves the quality of service and lowers the price of products.
>And they're providing that and some.
does epic do any of that? no?
then they logically are not providing competition.

And the developers. Epic actually takes a larger cut from games sold on their platform than Steam which has a very generous 70/30 split.

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For consumer they are worse version of steam.

48% btw. Not 40

That be said, all these online storefronts suck because of always online bullshit. GoG is exception but it has other problems. So Steam/GoG it is, unless you want exclusive games from other stores and refuse to pirate.

>exclusivity deals

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Steam drones are really subhuman

Steam does not have always online.

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get new material, subhuman filth

>48 not 40

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Because they’re the EGS. The Ember Ghost Squad. All those who use the EGS will become Ember.

You don’t want to become Ember. Do you, Yea Forums?

i had to reinstall windows, i have my games on a separate drive. when i reinstalled egs i couldn't let the client load those already existing games back in, i had to delete them and download them again. this feature to fix that issue is not on the roadmap. that's why i don't want to buy in on there store.

Because they are not providing competition in the sense of offering a competing service, which is good
They are attempting to choke out steam and other services like GoG by attempting to monopolize the market, which is bad

They want to be the monopoly, but they're worse than Steam. Epic is so bad, they got people who hated piracy, to start supporting piracy.

If I become ember will I be absorbed by a cute ashen waifu so I can help her defeat a boss she is struggling with?

the sales were paid by epic. due to their contracts, they would have to pay the devs a set amount of copies anyways, so why not reduce that number by only paying half of it, and it getting subsidized by a customer?


>tfw become part of her cute thigh as it rubs against her other thigh as she runs

>doing more for gaming then gaben ever managed to do
>still get shit on
I hope he continues, just to spite steamcucks.

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So I haven't checked out the Epic store since getting Subnautica for free but I just noticed they've got this POS. I'm feeling strangely tempted to play it again.

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Because you fucks can't stop shilling it for 5 minutes. It's legit the reason why I'll never bother to give it a chance.

Based Timmy Tencent buying my games for me




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>They want to be the monopoly

Only Steam is the monopoly

Epic taking a chunk of Steams business won't hurt Valve, despite what Steam drones think

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Their shoddy service does not compare to any other store and they only way they keep themselves in the public eye is via exclusivity deals.
I do not believe this is even near to compete, not just with steam
Fuck off collectivist faggot

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This thing is killing Kikestarter even more. So they´re doing something good at least.

real talk, how do you recognize an epic shill thread?
it starts with "real talk"

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I just don't like the word 'Epic'

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You know most of those places are really shady dealers that you really don't want to buy a CD-Key off of right?

But Steam did have cheaper prices than retail and have made a lot of improvements and added features since 2004. Being the best doesn't mean they're a monopoly or have no competition, they also never paid for exclusivity to keep it out of anyone else's hands.

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Because they have no real intention of actually being a store at all, otherwise they would be adding features instead of spending tens of millions on exclusives.

All they want is to get more developers using unreal engine, since they take 5% of all sales and micro-transactions if they do.

This lead to Epic games making over a hundred million dollars from PUBG, they want more of that.

Name the game
Only exclusivity contracts allowed

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>iTs thE MOst pOPuLAr sO tHat mEANs It'S A mOnOpOLy

That image is a bad argument. A better argument is that unlike Steam (and most storefronts in general), Epic does not pay the payment processor fees, and those are instead pushed onto the publishers.

Why do I not support them? Same reason why I hate steam: they're a multi-billion dollar corporation whose only interest is to their investors or top brass. We're nothing more than sheep and goyim to be exploited with anti-consumer practices and downright laziness. An ideal capitalist market would have corporates be slaves to the consumers, not the other way around.

That's literally your only defense, and once you encounter someone who hates Valve too, you can do nothing but repeat that because you have nothing else.

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>Steam drone so embarrassed he deleted his video attack Epic Store


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Do you think they just magically get keys that they can sell to you for cheap? They're stolen, from generators, bought from bundles and sold at a markup, bought from other countries where the exchange rate is favorable.

mate valve is a privately owned company and does not have investors

you have to go back

Fuck, I didn't know this one.
What a shitshow of a company

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I'd like to clarify my question: why would I not want to buy the key from them?



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You've made this thread hundreds of times already, stop asking.

we've had this identical thread for fucking months and retards still fall for it
if you're going to fall for it atleast don't give them (You)s

That's why I also said "top brass". Gaben gets fatter and fatter while his best "games" in the past years have been Artifact and DOTA underlords. Meanwhile, lying Tim hasn't developed a single game since Fartnite and is content with letting that dump heap stagnate into feature bloat, so bad infact that it makes TF2 look like TF Classic.

With corporations, your back is one giant target for their knife.

Oh cool your getting paid to go on forums to tell people how great Epic is and make Steam look like the bad guy. Me too kinda wish Epic paid us more than $20 an hour.

All blablabla aside, in the end it means us the consumers get forced over to a shittier launcher to get the games we want. It sucks. Took many years to get Steam to where it is today. Library is on there. Friendslists and more.

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I kinda disliked them for no real reason just because reddit said epic bad (and 4channel repeats). But I wanted to play this new game from Klei.
The store isnt as bad as people say. I guess valve drones are real.

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>Steam drone: hehehehe I'll just buy Mordhau as a fuck you to Epic
Epic: Thank you Mordhau devs for your money

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In my eyes Valve made a lot of decisions to benefit customer, and few to fuck him over and I do attribute that to valve being a privately owned company and Gabe, despite swimming in pools of money, still caring about his customers.

>chinese spy ware

>Steam drone: W-w-well I'll just buy Rising Storm 2 for my multiplayer!
*checks wikipedia*
>Steam drone: Uh... Insurgency Sandstorm?
*checks wikipedia again*

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The epic game store is actually good because you can pirate the games and not feel bad because technically there wasn't a lost sale as Tim paid for it.

Their work on proton and linux is admirable, but I have not forgotten about the absolutely sloppy attempt they made at paid mods. So as always, you can't trust them to always have our interest at heart.

>go on lad, this one's on me

Also killing kikestarter in the process, Based Tim!

>have to install botnet launcher to play ue4 alpha
fucking chinks.

to add something new to the conversation: the mcc on steam will have some of its profit going to epic since the main menu will be built with unreal engine.

I choose to believe them and attribute that to incompetence. They did recoil and there were no more attempts from them to disrupt any mod scene.

>Steam drone: Fuck multiplayer games! I'll just buy Octopath Traveler instead
*checks wikipedia*

>since the main menu will be built with unreal engine.


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That's fair enough. Let's hope their next attempt is better thought out, or doesn't happen at all. Either one.

> have made a lot of improvements
More like they have been forced to make them. No refunds and "le it's illegal in EU" were most notorious examples.

Paid mods were definitely pushed by Bethesda considering Valve did remove all that while they went and made their own launcher to house them on instead.

I long for this feeling

I prefer DRM-free, GOG was a good influence on Steam there are thousands of DRM-free games on Steam now because GOG was their only real competition, before GOG became a big player that number was Zero. Epic is taking things in the opposite direction with exclusivity deals and increased developer focused mindset.

Bad business practices spread like the plague in this industry, need I remind you it wasn't too long ago that Day 1 DLC, Season passes, Preorder exclusive bonuses, always online single player, Lootboxes, ect weren't even a thing, now though shit like that is near ubiquitous, it's hard to find any game that isn't laden with one form of this malignancy or another.

I don't think you see whole picture here. I (and I'm sure almost everyone else here) am not against epic, or against epic store; I am against epic store exclusivity deals. Epic profiting from a good engine they made is perfectly fine.

> you can pirate the games and not feel bad
I dont feel bad either way.

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And Respawn, the only devs retarded enough to use Source in 2019 (Apex Legends, Titanfall 2), abandoned it for UE4

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Or alternatively, the devs sell them the keys for cheaper, because valve provides all steams features completely free without a cut even for keys sold outside steam, so the devs can easily sell keys to other stores like GMG.

You're mixing g2play for actual online stores. That place is fucked.

>This post appears to be an automated spambot.

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Ive accepted steam as a nessesary evil somewhere around Half Life 2. Since then i refuse to use any more clients as a matter of principle, because one is enough. For long time i didnt pirate because it was simpler to buy games. But if devs dont want my money, thats fine, Bay is still there.

No one is actualy pro epic with the exception of Chinese bots. Its all just people trying to start flame wars or some shit.

this is hilarious

I hope you enjoy your DRM-ridden game that would have had none if they didn't whore themselves out for Epic bucks.

>16% of 31% of 48%
>hong kong not being a rightful free state that should be free from communist rule

> valve provides all steams features completely free without a cut
Imagine being so delusional.

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>because GOG was their only real competition

>stealing content from reddit to badly edit their own "message" over it
the state of epic shills

I will never like a company that has made most of it's gains unleashing cancer like Fortnite.

Also forgot the most important link

Competition is good yes, supporting invasive industry practices, and spyware isn't. No, not even when steam does it before you tiananmenvictims pop in to defend your botnet. If their platform cleaned itself of all the chinese bullshit then yes I'd agree with all your marketer vomit you spew and so would many others.

That's literally what it says on their documents. If this wasn't the case, they'd have a shitload of lawsuits on their hands.

>I (and I'm sure almost everyone else here) am not against epic

Do you and I read the same Yea Forums?

>I am against epic store exclusivity deals.

Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam

>Epic profiting from a good engine they made is perfectly fine.

You just say that because there's nothing you or any Valve drone could do to make a shit engine like Source or Source 2 relevant

The game is drm free, I have just checked it.

>No one is actualy pro epic

I wasn't pro-Epic until you Steam drones literally lied about Epic Store

Doesn't launch Epic when you open the exe?


Then it got DRM

>he isn't anti Steam and Epic Store

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> That's literally what it says on their documents
You better find a thread with indie autists and ask them how it works in reality.

>Do you and I read the same Yea Forums?

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam
Well, okay, but I am not interested in that or in fighting Steam. I am against exclusivity deals.

>You just say that because there's nothing you or any Valve drone could do to make a shit engine like Source or Source 2 relevant
That is not a truthful statement.

lied about what?

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam
How about providing a better service?

epic shilling my dude

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam
Because heaven forbid they use a few billions of their dollars to improve their storefront, or actually make good games instead of Fartnite. Or here's an idea, how about they hire more people so they aren't in perpetual crunch and basic store features aren't 6 months away?

If exclusives are "the only way to combat steam" why can't they do that AND offer a better store experience? I know I'm arguing with a chinese bot who will just say "IT NO MATTER, STEAM BAD WHITE PIGGU", but it just seems silly that Epic can't multitask.

>0.05 social credit has been added to your account
>implying it needs to launch epic when the chinks rootkit your shit the second you install the launcher
Don't trust them even once

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>devs get more money
>games are still expensive and shit
What is tempting eating dog doing for the consumers?

No. At least current alpha build.
Maybe they will change it later, but I doubt it.

Epic Store could be 1:1 with Steam in features and you nigs would still find a reason to hate it (the spyware argument is proof of this)

Do you see Steam agressively buying exclusivity games that were supposed to come out on other stores?

source 2 is relevant, see titanfall 2 and apex legends.



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>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam
I'm confused by this statement I thought you were arguing FOR Epic not against it.

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam

You've just conceded Epic cannot compete with Steam.

Exclusivity deals, of course.

I dont trust ch*nkoids at all

>Epic Store could be 1:1 with Steam
So why aren't they? This argument would have alot of clout if Epic actually was just as good, if not better.

See: Respawn has already abandoned Source - oops

You're demonstrably correct, as there's plenty of Steam haters here too.

if epic actually had about 1:1 feature comparison then i'd welcome it and use it myself, i don't care about knowing what clients to launch since i have gog galaxy 2.0

>reddit spacing
yikes, not going to read that crap


Just because something was done 14 years ago, doesn't mean it should be done today. e.g., please unbirth yourself.

>It's okay as long as Valve does it

Thanks for proving my point

>Epic Store could be 1:1 with Steam in features
But it isn't so your argument is pointless.

>Get ready for a race
>One guy takes off early and is half way down the track due to paying off the judges
>Lol it's competition you loser just run faster

Valve stopped doing it.

this. people hated steam back then as well, but since then they changed a lot of their ways on going about things and added tons of features missing in the pc scene.

>physical copies are untouched
oh no no indeed

And Epic has said they'll stop doing it

>It's okay as long as Epic does it

Thanks for disproving your point

What the fuck is darwinia?
Also I ain't seeing storefront where it was supposed to be sold other than steam

Epic Store Exclusive Sells 500k Copies Without Steam

>Steamcels say your game can only sell if it's on Steam
>Game isn't on Steam
>Sells 500,000 anyway


Add the Epic exclusive payment and the game is a HUGE success

>trolled steam drones with tweet about selling only 8 copies on EGS
>steam drones actually thought what they sold that much and started to celebrate, posting on news sites and reddit about games failure to sell
>steam drones brain was too small to realize that was a joke and they got dabbed on

Absolutely based Coffee Stain blowing the fuck out of Yea Forums

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epic said they only will stop doing it if steam would begin 12/88

Only on the condition that Valve lowers their cut. Which they did and Epic still hasn't stopped.
Epic has also said they plan on buying more exclusives in the future.

>(the spyware argument is proof of this)
You mean the spyware facts?

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Valve stopped doing it more than a decade ago. The hate for valve I had dissipated over a very long period. Epic's vague promises to do the right thing have literally 0 relevance to anything.

>Which they did

That's only if your game meets a certain sales threshold

Seethe harder drone

>say earlier that I dislike Steam as well as Epic and never trust a company that essentially wants to "rent" me my games
>kindly explain that i am not defending Valve

For the sake of my own sanity, I think I'm just going to log off for the night. I'm not sure if I can handle this kind of, what would I even call it? Shitposting? Shilling?

said the seething drone

> could be 1:1 with Steam in features
Oh please no, I dont want this garbage music player, useless big picture and this retarded controller thingy messing around with my gamepad and hotas when I dont need them even after I specifically disable controller config.

Only reason steam has the biggest market for selling games online is because other companies have shitty service. Origin sucks, Microsoft sucks, and epic sucks.

EA is EA so I don't want to support them anyways, but epic tried to make games exclusive to their store forcing me to have to use their shitty drm if I want play those games.

I'd much rather just use steam than to use a bunch of fucking different drms to play different games.

I hate blizzard's drm service too, but those games have been around a very long time and I can pick up more than one game that I'd like from it.

Because it is objectively worst big store on the market for the customer.

>In my eyes Valve made a lot of decisions to benefit customer, and few to fuck him over and I do attribute that to valve being a privately owned company and Gabe, despite swimming in pools of money, still caring about his customers.

Oh yeah, he really cared about his customers when he had his devs abandon Artifact after paying good money for the game and offering no refunds (which, ironically, good guy Epic refunded people for Paragon purchases after they closed it down)

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Epic has no plans to stop buying exclusives.

Steam has no plans of lowering its fees

it's the same with Satisfactory.. "WOW LOOK HOW MANY COPIES WE SOLD" meanwhile there is literally no hype or discussion on the internet about these high-selling standout hit epic store games... yet when mordhau released there was tons of articles about mordhau, tons of posts on Yea Forums and various forums about mordhau, lots of streams... it's almost like you could feel mordhau being part of the zeitgeist but all these epic blockbusters have ZERO fucking buzz

really activates the almonds

>good guy Epic refunded people for Paragon purchases after they closed it down)
Absolutely disgusting. This toxic pro-consumer attitude is precisely why valve got a monopoly in the first place. Now I'm never supporting them if they'll turn their back on developers like that.

>Competition is good. And they're providing that and some.
what is, Origin or Uplay?

> trolled steam drones with tweet about selling only 8 copies on EGS
Oh god. One angry steamdrone made me laugh with this.
I cant believe someone takes him seriously after this.

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>Risk of rain 2 sold 2 million on Steam
Imagine ironically defending EGS

Except they already have.
Epic is not going to stop buying exclusives regardless of Valve's revenue split.

Discord has had a 10/90 split in favor of developers since they introduced their game store and yet nobody is flocking to them despite having a massive install base. Publishers are not moving to EGS because the revenue is in their favor, it's because Epic is paying (bribing) the publishers with so much money that they see no loss from development regardless of game quality or whether the market itself supports it.

Are the games cheaper?
Is the service better?
No and no.

Valve refunded customers past the refund date when no man's sky turned out to be complete dogshit.

>despite having a massive install base.

Nobody uses Discord to play games, it's the chat program

Epic Store was always for games (Fortnite)

Kind of like Steam (Half Life 2)

>Nobody uses Discord to play games

Demonstrably false, but nice attempt at moving the goalposts.

They didn't refund anybody Lawbreakers (or any multiplayer game that closes) after it shut down, but nice try Steam drone.

if the platform had a good collection of games, more people would use it.

I used to play games and used Skype to team chat and most people did before Discord

Nobody would buy games off Skype

Fortnite kiddies do not give a fuck about the Epic Store. Epic literally gave away free games and only a minuscule fraction of Fortnite players even bothered to redeem them. You're delusional m8

You are creating good feng shui. You have received +15 social credit score, allowing you to use the speed train again.

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>no you're seething!
Whatever shill, go back to gaben's blubber

They added trains and nuclear power recently, so they must be at over 600k copies already.

And how many Counter Strike players bought hentai games off Steam? Or collect free games like LOTR Lego or Hobbit Lego?

>seething epic shill accusing others of being shills in an epic shill thread
Whatever shill, go back to sucking Tim's cock.

Well it isn't like they can forcibly take the money back from the game devs that long after they've gotten the money. Refunding within a few days vs months later is a pretty big difference.

haven't seen any discussion about satisfactory or world war Z anywhere outside of these epic bait threads

>paying for niche hentai games is the same as redeeming regular games for free just by using the client

Absolutely fucking delusional

Do they have dedicated servers yet?

You just say that because there's nothing you or any Valve drone Epic Store could be 1:1 with Steam in features and you nigs would still find a reason to hate it (the spyware argument is proof of this)

Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam.

First time i launched their app, it crashed my computer.

Competition is good only if it's FAIR competition.

EGS doesn't provide any FAIR competition. They just use fortnite money to corrupt publishers into performing frauds like for example not giving steam keys to backers despite fact that they promised STEAM keys.

Also EGS just bribes publishers with fortnite money to make their games exclusive.

EGS service itself sucks, poor security and lacks of functions that are considered as absolute minimum for any internet store (like shopping cart) are the big NO NO NO. Maybe they will start making FAIR competitions when they stop bribing to publishers and use all that money to improve service and security.

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I do, but what's your point?

>Popular or discussed anymore


I love this Steam drone delusion

Fortnite isn't discussed on Yea Forums and we know it's still majorly popular

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I've been using discord for about a year now and didn't even know they had games until now. I doubt any of my friends know that.

After looking I only see games that are free with the subscription too, so I don't see an option to buy those games.

All the games on the list are either really old or really indie too, so they're not really worth getting anyways.

With that info I can safely say nobody fucking ever got discord so they could get a fucking game.

you're stuck on repeat.

>$30 game with 500k players vs Free to play game

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>and we know it's still majorly popular
Among 12 year olds

Nobody uses the epic launcher to play games other than fortnite. It's the same with discord

What majorly popular game is exclusive to Discord?

>Competition is good.
Yes. Exclusives are the opposite of competition.

They have a no questions asked policy on refunds that works really well with no bullshit. I don't even know what the fuck lawbreakers is, but if those players got to play the game for years before servers shut down then I don't see the fucking problem with it. That's like asking xbox for a fucking refund to halo 2 since it's multiplayer servers shut down, but even worse, because steam doesn't control the fucking servers to their games.

Back when they first launched the store it was literally one of the first things you saw when you opened up the client. It's basically impossible not to know about it if you're not only using the webapp since they went out of their way to make sure people knew about it every chance they got.

You're full of shit.

>All the games on the list are either really old or really indie too, so they're not really worth getting anyways.
Because unlike Epic, Discord isn't offering hundreds of thousands of sales upfront to publishers or bribing for exclusives

No. They plan to do them later using epic servers (as we see in Dauntless, Epic can help with it unlike Valve).

China, it's annoying as-is that I have to flip every package to see if it's made in China or not. If you are going to launch your game incorrectly, we will allow ourselves a 100% discount! Real shame too, as Borderlands 3 will probably be the best shooter in history.

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the chat
Nobody uses discord for anything but the chat

And Valve only refunded a meme game like No Man's Sky because it was a PR disaster, the fact that you don't get refunds for games no longer being able to fucking work like the aforementioned Lawbreakers means Steam drones are retards that buy into easy PR moves

The amount of the same copypasted spammed images and "arguments" from several different Epic shill threads here is insane.

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Can I buy my nigga DragonSnow's upcoming game Silenced on the Ebin Store?

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>They plan to do them later using epic servers
What the fuck? I don't need epic servers. I want to be able to run a dedicated server off my server machine.
You know, like every other fucking buildy crafty game out there

Skype doesn't sell games. Discord does and companies do in fact sell their games on it.

This whole issue never had anything to do with the revenue split, and everything to do with the fact that Epic bribes game companies for exclusivity. But you just keep moving the goalposts and deflecting towards steam because you don't have an actual argument.

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Incorrect launch > Freeware

wait shit, they try to sell me something if I install their software on my computer? I always just use discord on web browser if I'm on the computer and cellphone app if I need voice, there's no store on either

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Because mister paid influencer and/or shitposter, buying exclusivity rather than shipping out a better alternative is not healthy competition.

Epic is not interested in honest competition they're interested in replacing steam by force. They want the monopoly that steam supposedly have, and are using their parents money to buy it rather than offering a better product to begin with.

You wanna support healthy competition then buy from more than 1 place. But no your not interested in buying from gog or something, your here to try and shill the image of steam and all the other stores as bad because their popular.

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chink spyware

They killed paragon, I was top 10 sevjg until monolith killed him

Except Epic doesn't actually do competition. They make it so you can only get games at their store and charge exactly the same price as Steam would, epicuck.

> I want to be able to run a dedicated server off my server machine.
Just run a game and create online session, you will become a host and your friends will be able to connect to your game instance.

>Epic is not interested in honest competition they're interested in replacing steam by force. They want the monopoly that steam supposedly have

1. Steam DOES have that monopoly
2. Epic existing won't stop Steam from existing and being popular
3. And really? An Anti-Semitic image?

The reason I mention No Man's Sky is because it was brand fucking new when they offered those refunds. Shitty games that are dead for years nobody should expect a fucking refund from unless they just bought it, which then they can if they refund within 2 hours, which should be plenty of fucking time to see that you bought a dead fucking game.

After looking at your shitty lawbreakers game it looks like it was free to play for the last 3 months that it was playable as well, so you at the very least got 3 months of gameplay out of the game and was 30 dollars before that. That's 10 dollars a month to play it and I'm sure knowing how awesome steam is they probably gave refunds to people after that announcement if they bought the game right before it happened. If not they still got 3 fucking months.

>Steam drones are retards that buy into easy PR move
Oh the fucking irony

Newsflash shit for brains: Paragon is an Epic game, not a third party game sold through a separate store like Lawbreakers was.

>3. And really? An Anti-Semitic image?

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Are you just plain dense? A dedicated server allows people to play while I'm not available to host. It's a basic fucking feature of any game like this.

>Steam DOES have that monopoly
Because people WANT to use it, not because of cheap tricks.

Which makes it hilarious when Epic refunded Paragon users and Valve made sure nobody got shit after buying garbage like Artifact

>not because of cheap tricks.

Dark Souls and all its games being exclusive to Steam is a pretty cheap trick

>1. Steam DOES have that monopoly

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>An Anti-Semitic image
is this your first day here
Yea Forums is one of the few places remaining where it's not shunned by the userbase to name the jew

>Imagine posting this constantly, even when you know you're wrong and lying
>Also digs constantly to find 10+ year example ,is still wrong
>Morris, although admitting that working with Valve was sometimes difficult, was clear in his praise for the platform. "I'd go so far as to say that if you're not on Steam, then you're not an indie game developer of any note," he said. "You absolutely have to be on that platform at the moment. Steam doesn't ask for exclusivity, and I know it's hard to get on there - Valve doesn't make it easy - but that's part of the challenge. If you want to run a company you have to find a way of getting your game on there."

> A dedicated server allows people to play while I'm not available to host
Just run on your server, dont be such retard.

>Dark Souls and all its games being exclusive to Steam is a pretty cheap trick
Not the person you are talking to but Valve had no hand in that, it was dev's decision.

So you accepted it as a necessary evil literally the second it released? Based retard.

Well according to fucking wikipedia it launched in 2015. I've been using it for a year and I'm sure a lot of people weren't using it in 2015, but are using it today.

I go onto it TODAY and it starts me on an activity page showing me news of games I already own.

The store page isn't even called fucking store it's called fucking nitro, their subscription premium service. People that aren't looking to fucking subscribe to their fucking service are never going to click on their fucking subscription page.

GOG , G2A and Humble all gen keys. Steam is nothing more that a mall with stores that can CREATE THEIR OWN GOODS. I do think we need launcher-free games for the 2 autists that want it; no nothing, just files and launcher.

>Dark Souls and all its games being exclusive to Steam is a pretty cheap trick
Which Valve has no control over. It's the devs/publisher that decide that.

I'm not buying two copies of the fucking game so I can host one on my server, which doesn't have a graphics card and wouldn't be able to even run the fucking client in the first place.
God you're dumb

this may sound like a stupid selfish answer
but i like having all my games in one place on steam and i dont like how the only competition is exclusives instead of competitive prices or software quality

Monopoly of sale is inherently anti-consumer, you absolute retard

Guess I'll just have to get used to it

>GOG , G2A and Humble all gen keys

So does Epic

Steam is the only service that could host the Souls games - why? It's a monopoly and has a stranglehold on gaming.

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Because of the dev's decision to only implement MP on steam servers. This has nothing to do with monopoly.

The attempts at shilling on this board are really pathetic.

>How do you do, fellow capitalists? Competition is good for consumers, right? Therefore we must put Steam out of business!
>Look stupid American pigs, Epic Store is gaining popularity! That means its competitor Steam is an evil monopoly!
>Epic gives more money to publishers and the savings aren't passed on to the consumer! Gamers like that, right?

They don't even understand the ideas they're trying to use to sell their product. I guess that's the consequence of retarded chinks trying to shove their way into a free market.

t. reading comprehension


Yeah, incorrect pricing too. the game price cap is 60. It won't take too long until Epic falters to steam; and even then we'd be chill enough to let Sweeney, on his knees, gen keys for Steam.

>Epic refunded Paragon users and Valve made sure nobody got shit after buying garbage like Artifact
Because Paragon shut down and Artifact is still available, plus you could still refund it as per their normal policy. The situations aren't comparable at all.

>Guess I'll just have to get used to it
Or you can, you know, just go.

GOG literally couldn't support Dark Souls

it's a monopoly for souls games on pc, BUT it is not because of steam nor valve, it's because of bandai namco.

>It's a monopoly and has a stranglehold on gaming.
Here we go again with this stupid shit. Steam is not the only store and it is not forcing developers to make games exclusive to their platform. Steam is just the most appealing and popular platform there it gets the most game. If Steam was a monopoly no other store would be able to exist and games would forcibly be exclusive to Steam


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I don't think you know what you are talking about. Link?

"I don't know shit so I'll just tell you to look for someone who also doesn't know shit" - The post

There is literally nothing stopping FROM and Bamco from selling Dark Souls on GOG if they actually wanted to.

Maybe you should consider trying "not replying to their threads."

You might want to check the definition of "monopoly" again

>and Artifact is still available,

Unsupported and without players, what a bargain - Steam drones confirmed for not being the dumbest fucking fanboys in the world*

*Note: They actually are the dumbest fucking fanboys in the world

Attached: artifact steam charts.jpg (1604x384, 97K)

steam doesn't do forced exclusives, Indie devs just end up that way as they use valve's FREE! resources. Also valve gives you FREE servers to host MP on if you sign with them. Randy Bitchfart will realise servers are expensive and lament Epic.

>*Note: They actually are the dumbest fucking fanboys in the world
Again the irony.

When did GOG start hosting P2P servers for devs? Link?

By gutting the servers, sure

A monopoly is where competition is outright impossible. Steam is the most popular pc store through simply being better put together and having a large catalog.

nobody thinks steam will shut down overnight if epic gets more popular. What people don't like is how games that were intended for multiplatform release get bought out by epic to force people to use their shitty quality client. They are not good guy rebels in some fantasy story, epic is a shell company from multiple conglomerates that want to be as popular as steam by removing competition.

Epic is inherently anti-consumer at this point time, the jewish buisness man stereotype is fairly apt.

>When did GOG start hosting P2P servers for devs? Link?
What is your point here? Stream offers MP servers to dark souls hence steam is a monopoly? This makes 0 sense.

What servers? Dark Souls is P2P, Bamco using Steamworks to connect players doesn't mean the game would never be able to be sold anywhere else without Steam

>A monopoly is where competition is outright impossible
Looking at the competition, I guess this one has merit...

>valve funds and helps eac become linux compatible
>valve has linux development experience and is pushing the platform
>egs buys eac
>progress slows to a crawl and will never be finished
>dont worry we still have one intern on the project we didnt cancel it

>Well according to fucking wikipedia it launched in 2015.
>In August 2018, Discord launched a games storefront beta, allowing users to purchase a curated set of games through the service.[31]

Again you're full of shit.

>nexon launcher

stupid retard

These type pf threads always end up with Epictards getting btfo'd and Steamchads winning. Nice try OP but sadly you're not smart to go to school with all that Tencent money.

>people hating egs means they hate UE
I dont get this argument
Egs is a shit store that nobody wants to use except the people getting paid to publish their game on it
UE gives you no restrictions other than pay a % of sales for using it to make a commercial product

And despite all those Steam is still a "monopoly" like you love to claim. Funny how things work.

This entire thread is one retard against an entire board holy shit

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don't you mean epicsects? they support China and chinese are all the same genitically; behave like insects because of it.

yeah what's up with the 80 bucks? did Epic drink the extra credits kool-aid? games are SUPPOSED to cost 60 AT MOST.

>These type pf threads always end up with Epictards getting btfo'd and Steamchads winning.

I'm not seeing it, cheetoh fingers

Attached: epic dunking on steam drone.png (840x1073, 438K)

>And despite all those Steam is still a "monopoly" like you love to claim.
I'm not the retard making that retarded claim.

No, you're a retard misunderstanding my previous post so there's that.

>we want exclusives to be a part of pc gaming
I sure love the future where there are 10 different stores that are garbage, but i have to use because i want the content
Store exclusives will revive piracy bigtime just like to many video streaming sites have revived movie/series piracy

>Steam is shit because they take too big a cut when it comes to digital transactions and it's hurting smaller devs! Epic Games Store is good for the consumer as well because muh vaguely defined monopoly!
>also I want a super exclusive store when only the highest quality of game ordained by Epic Games™ are allowed to be sold with a little consumer choice and user interaction as possible
Pick a fucking lane. You can't have it all you genetic dead ends.

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how would you people react if Sweeney was assassinated by one of us? Partytime?

Nobody misunderstood your retarded post, retard.

Well I never fucking saw it back then either. I'm guessing it was called fucking nitro then as well.

I just assumed it launched with discord, because I had no fucking clue they had games at all until today, because they don't even have a fucking store button.

I bet if I ask all of my friends maybe if I'm lucky one of them would know that they have games on discord.

They don't even have a fucking buy option on their store how the fuck are you trying to pull that this bullshit is well known? Are you subscribed to discord and it just magically shows you a store afterwards?

i thought chinks were suppose to be high IQ
they sure are getting btfo in this thread

>Well according to fucking wikipedia it launched in 2015. I've been using it for a year and I'm sure a lot of people weren't using it in 2015, but are using it today.
>>In August 2018, Discord launched a games storefront beta, allowing users to purchase a curated set of games through the service.[31]

Kill yourself.

Okay buddy

It's just like how we love the fact that all these shitty streaming services are chopping up the streaming TV market, because paying for 20 different subscriptions like a fucking cable package just sounds oh so good.

>Amazon and GreenMan still lower

As usual, ward off chink shills with tienamen square posting

Want to compete with valve and gog and NOT piss people off?

Make a client thats better fucking retards.

Tiananmen Square Massacre these fucking shills please

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user even if uninimously decided to hate steam I think Yea Forums would still hate epic games

its just shit

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam
If they were competent enough they would be able to make a proper launcher without bloat and actually useful features, that would actually rival with steam.

Unless the key is legitimately stolen, I don't see the issue with the other things you brought up

It actually slows down posting lmao, like holding up the cross and warding off evil spirits.

Holy fucking shit I didn't scroll fucking down. God damn I really fucked up there didn't I?

I'm sure everyone out there goes to a wikipedia page for 2 seconds and sees the whole fucking article.

You're still fucking wrong and nobody has heard of the discord fucking store you stupid piece of human garbage. How about you go kill your self you piece of shit.

Keep defending your commie fucking epic bullshit I'm sure it'll work out great for them. Even EA's shitty origin store is better than that shit.

Here is a definition of useful idiot.

Chinks use that to prove they aren't filthy insects while the government slaughters them in a way far more brutal that wasp colonies do on eachother. Kek man.

Pic related is Epic Shills vs Steam Chads

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>he's trying to play 4D chess with checkers pieces
if tim dies then tencent actually does take control of epic. plays right into their hands.

Damn you are triggered as heck, nice reddit spacing dude

Yet another fucking launcher with overpriced exclusive bullshit only worth installing for one or so games and the occasional free game. Yay.

Why do you need Yea Forums to tell you if you should do something or not. You sound like some mindless chink drone.

EGS thread bingo
What else?

The irony of a Steam drone saying this

Fuck yeah I'm triggered. I can't stand retards that take one little mistake I made while tabbing to an article for 2 seconds and thinking it makes their shit point any better.

Enjoy your epic games I'm sure the commies will appreciate fucking you over with exclusives.

I dint give a shit about steam, and Im sure as hell I dont support anything just because someone against it lied.

And winnie the pooh

>Borderlands 3 will probably be the best shooter in history

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Just stating the facts; the SJW writer you refer to is out anyway.

>The other 20% comprise alternative payment methods, primarily in countries where credit cards aren’t widely available. Some of these alternate payment methods carry payment processing fees

Seems like it's only in specific circumstances in third world countries that this happens. Do we know that Steam covers it even in those situations?

Not a trick question or anything, I'm just genuinely curious. I still prefer Steam either way.

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Concession accepted. Notching another win.

Enjoy your 12 guns while I toy with hundreds of different feeling ones.

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But still available, they're not obligated to give out mass refunds just because people dropped it themselves. If you didn't like the game you can get a refund for it yourself retard.

>hundreds of different feeling ones.

I think it has something to with most of Yea Forums being retarded. Could you imagine anyone giving a shit about some movie or song being exclusively released on some iTunes? No of course not because anyone with a brain will just pirate that shit.

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Didnt SamSho devs confirm that Epic offered to straight up buy several hundred thousand copies of their game to quarantee sales? So that one dev saying they sold 500k copies makes it seem that Epic just bought those games so they could brag about some epic sales numbers.

second had, like 50 variations and few dozen unique/legendary. 3 is far more complex. Thing is, most shooters are utterly boring as they introduce weapons we say 500 times before such as M4's, AK's and MP5s. with zero customisation options. can't even rechamber! High variation an substitute cusotmisation; if you want a game example good at making stuff feel unique? Try Ratchet & Clank. want to see how NOT to create variance? Try the overrated BioShit series. Borderlands is a fucking dopamine train with all the pewpews you going to meet.

I'm referring to the whole series being absolute dogshit for nu-gamers who never played any actually good shooter.

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>second had, like 50 variations

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I mean, you can still pirate while pointing out how shitty exclusivity is, especially considering that's exactly why some people would pirate in the first place.

>di*blo loot system
Fuck off Randy, you still owe me (and Sega) a proper Aliens game.

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I'm worried that if EGS takes off they find a way to keep fucking consumers over. The chinese are notoriously greedy and would definitely nickle and dime their customers if they could get away with it. Your apathy will cease if you can't pirate the games you want because they're locked with chinese drm.

I do give a shit about a band I'd like to support releasing their music on shitty platforms (like iTunes).

The shop included in the launcher is fucking atrocious piece of shit. Only reason i hate it

They'd be given money equal to the value of hundreds of thousands of sales in exchange for exclusively. That wouldn't count as actual sales in the stats.

It was just another way of saying they were offering a large amount of money. They weren't literally going to buy a ton of copies of the game.

It's really not. It's shooting out all ammo you have to kill one medium strong enemy because everything is a fucking bullet sponge. Also game, where you will find a legendary gun at level 20 and use it until NG+, of course if you won't be fucking exhausted by boring as fuck gameplay loop. And don't go "it's fun with friends" on me, it isn't. And remember this - it will still be "GAZILLION GUNS but actually the only difference is the gimmick producer offers". Might be the worst game I ever played for more than 100 hours.

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chink spyware shit
But whatever, I don't use it and pirate everything anyway.

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Fuck off chink shill.

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>They weren't literally going to buy a ton of copies of the game.

The idea of a bunch of Epic employees all buying a single copy of the game over and over(since there's no cart you can add multiple copies to) until it reaches 100,000s of sales is pretty funny though.

Yeah it certainly makes a lot more sense that the games could sell so many copies and have absolutely nobody talking about them after that came out.

user stop trying to rewrite history. They were told they would get hundreds of thousands of preorder sales, they were not offered money.

"an exclusive release on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands"

Now imagine the sales if it were on all storefronts so people can choose where they go.

don't get me wrong, Randy Bitchfart is a faggot, but it's the team that does the actual work.

I'm discounting stats of course, but basicly the loot system works by first rolling a rarity and weapon core, say MaliwanSMG4. that's Purple rarity. Then iut rolls on ''parts'' stock, barrel... they all can wildly change how a gun behaves. Let's pick the Bandit barrel to suit you. Crude. it decreases accuracy for damage. Then a stock, let's go with Dahl; recoil compensator. Handle/trigger now. Let's go with Hyperion, increases accuracy but gives more recoil. Then it MAY pick an accesoiry; a bonus part. let's say it picks Magsize. you gun will have a deeper mag but slower reload. Because it's Maliwan, it must have an element, let's pick fire, because I roasted you. after all that is done, your gun spawns. If you actually know the game you can see each part and know what it does. Interesting, innit?

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What egs should have done to compete with steam
>better % cut like now
>more lean streamlined launcher with only essential features
>paying devs/publishers for ingame items exclusive to egs (like consoles do with cosmetic shit) maybe pre-order exclusive content (normies eat that shit up)
>offer clear guidelines for submitting game for curation and what they allow on the store
Instead we got shit store where they give away 5+ year old games everyone has played or dont want to play and exclusives

Reminder Epic offers no services for devs such as free servers for multiplayer.

Reminder, Epic buys those hundreds of thousands of copies in exchange for exclusivity

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Double digit IQ post.
And for the record: Fuck EGS, fuck bugmen and fuck platform exclusive games (includes all valve releases)

That's a sloppy translation if I ever saw one. It barely even makes sense and almost sounds more like it's saying that Epic was offering to pay for it to be an exclusive if it had already sold that much in pre-orders.

Do you really think that they were offering to literally buy 100,000s of actual individual copies? Step back from the circlejerk for a moment and ask yourself if that really sounds plausible for a company to do that.

I don't even like Epic but this idea is just absurd.

Reminder pic related is friendlier than a chink.

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I know how the game works, faggot. It still just manages to produce boring, samey guns that you quickly replace over and over again

>who spoke of an offer by the value of hundreds of thousands of copies
>the value of

I'm laughing my ass off at the fact you think Epic was gonna buy a ton of actual copies and just dump them ET style somewhere.

>Chinkies are still not rangebanned
Thank you jannies, good job!

Dump what? We're talking about a digital product, retard

>Waiting to see a movie in theaters that has had theatrical trailers up for months
>Suddenly as it's about to arrive, Amazon Prime Video swoops in and buys the exclusive rights to sell it on the small screen, barring a wide theatrical release
>Movie gets lost there, those who were willing to pay for it pirate

Pretty much the deal with the Epic store, and will be in the foreseeable future unless the step up on the QoL features and offer up some genuine exclusives that ain't just gobbled up and held hostage from an audience that was waiting for them elsewhere.
But by now, they've soured their reputation so much they might as well give up, or at least stop pretending they'll ever gain an audience beyond zoomer Fortnite kids.

that's the problem with 2 and ESPECIALLY 1. 3 has ''pushed together'' the stats per level so you can use your gun 3 times as long, viably. It's still the best shooter as it has no real competition in this day and age. it's all pure ass, so being mediocre by your standards makes it still the best relatively.

I think everyone knows how this shit really works, but still, guns don't differ much. Wow, this fucking submachinegun has different barrel than this almost identical submachinegun and 0.5 change in accuracy, HOW FUCKING DEEP.
In the end you will still take the one with biggest DPS and accuracy..

>Step back from the circlejerk for a moment and ask yourself if that really sounds plausible for a company to do that.
You have a dipshit company like Epic who makes millions off of Fortnite trying to "compete" with Steam with a horrid exclusivity system, and instead of investing money in developers to make games, they buy exclusives that keep saying they generate hundreds of thousands of copies yet barely anyone talks about playing them
>Epic was gonna buy a ton of actual copies and just dump them ET style somewhere.
Nigger are you retarded? You can easily do a deal of buying a number of license copies with a contract

Beats using an AK you can't even rechamber ammo for, doesn't it?

But why would you? Do you also complain when a bear shits in the woods?
You're being an alarmist.

What it feels like to have an interesting game go to egs. but atleast it saves me money

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>Epic games is ba----

It's funny because Epic themselves literally said they would have to increase the cut they take from devs when they add more features but people still try to use the 30% vs 12% argument.

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>thinking they would buy anything but digital

user... please get some help why would you ever think this

>I posted it again
>"Competition is good"
Yes I support GoG.

It's just shitposting retards trying to act like shills to get attention
EGS is eventually just gonna bust from all the exclusivity deals going nowhere because anyone who gives a shit about these games and doesn't pirate will just play on console

>EGS is eventually just gonna bust

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>in game item exclusives
this is cancer. you spend $60 on both platforms, yet on one platform you get more for your money artificially? fuck off.

EGS revived Piracy and managed to unite origin weirdos (who plays EA games, kek) steam, GOG and such on the hate train.


Oh no you didnt get the red gun skin for multiplayer because you bought steam version instead of egs

Imagine being a steamcuck and making all this fuss over not being able to physically move your mouse cursor over 2 pixels to open another program.

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fuck steam
fuck epic
fuck no longer having physical media

Whelp having a good free 3d program was good while it lasted.

>fuck no longer having physical media

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It's legal to dehumanize the race we're going to war against.

exactly. cosmetics matter to a game. people literally review games for their graphics. on consoles it's even worse since you already spent $450 on a console before you even knew they'd lock content behind the platform. what would be better is that if both games had the same amount of platform exclusive cosmetics but they would be different ones, not as cancerous, especially if they are specifically designed with the platform branding (logos, designs or colors), but still cancerous.

Imagine not boycotting China

>Nintentoddler underage b&

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Just because it's easy doesn't mean you should do it.
Nobody sane wants to:
>fuel the chink tradewar machine
>compromise their security and data
>use a vastly inferior storefront / platform (both prices, utility and other QoL features)

you don't need to dehumanize something that isn't human

You mean
>Fuel the growth of the world economy
>Sell the same information to a different company that hasn't compromised it meanwhile Steam has leaked your information 3 times in the past 5 years and even had other users log into each others accounts and could see all their personal information and credit card data
>has a much more simplified and clean store front as opposed to a storefront that was made in 2012


Not that user and this is a nitpick, but mid 2000's.

>collector's edition
fuck yourself with a rusty spike.

Attached: thispost.gif (320x240, 729K)

I play modded Insurgency which offers me over 100 different 20th and 21st century weapons, with different ammo types (I think there are at least seven AK based weapons, including AK47, AK74, AK74u, RPK and even fucking Saiga 12) including several "classes" of weapons like assault rifles, battle rifles, bolt action rifles, carbines, SMGs, LMGs, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, grenade launchers, anti-tank weapons, different grenades, also I get several kinds of armour and equipment options (like for instance one slot is taken by either NVG, sling that doesn;t let you drop your weapon after being shot in the hand and slings for more primary/secondary weapons), also each weapon has over 10 additional attachment options like different sights, recoil dampeners, accuracy improvement, suppressors, mag extensions, laser sights or flashlights, full customization to completely reflect your playstyle. I don't need to complain about "hurr I can;t rechamber my AK" because I get AK47, AK74, AK74u, RPK and fucking Saiga 12. And FAL is my gunfu and you are a nigger.

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>Fuel the growth of the world economy
making the chinks richer only benefits the rich outsourcers.
in the long run it just abuses child labor and removes jobs from other countries

>Sell the same information to a different company that hasn't compromised it meanwhile Steam has leaked your information 3 times in the past 5 years and even had other users log into each others accounts and could see all their personal information and credit card data
Proof? also, this has never happened to me even once, meanwhile epic fortnitefaggos get monthly, if not even weekly chinese login attempts

>has a much more simplified and clean store front as opposed to a storefront that was made in 2012
Imagine having such worthless arguments that you can't do anything but attack the layout/design

Wait, are there seriously people out there who pirate solely over platform warrioring? That's kind of sad if there are. security breach

Well Tim is actually getting richer, gaben on the otherside just sold his soul to china

Ever heard of Denuvo?

are you fucking serious?

Bribing game developers instead of including basic functionality and fixing their servers. How the fuck am I going to play my games if I have to wait in a fucking queue to log in?

>EGS revived piracy
This is what the steamcuck believes


but if I were just humoring you on your cherrypicked answer, that's still more breaches than Epic ever has. Your information is more secure with China than it is with some obese Amerifat company. SAD

>t AK47, AK74, AK74u,
>calls borderlands samey

pic related.

Attached: NPCman.png (264x274, 30K)

I love competition. It's why I try to buy my games on GOG.
Epic can go fuck itself though.

>that's still more breaches than Epic ever has
first of all, epic store didn't even exist then
second, just you wait,
I doubt epic will even make it to even 3 year mark without extreme issues, considering they're already compromising their users based on all the automatic login attempts.
oh but wait, they were already caught spying on their users themselves! so badly in fact that they didn't even need hackers to do it for them. They even changed their terms & conditions to avoid lawsuits. Imagine that, cuck.


Ah the blubbering of a steamcuck. Nothing more delicious

Forgot to add: I did buy 7 exclusives on Epic, but that's only a few so whatever?

What did you mean by this, I wonder?

How many sheckels does EGS spend to make these daily threads? I refuse to believe that there are people so "passionate" about EGS that they would be so aggressive posting this same bullshit. Do they think this tactic is making good progress in getting people to change their opinion of their shit?

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That's weird op. Your post is talking about competition but it had epic in the title.

good job ignoring everything else I wrote
also I use gog these days :) nice try fucktard
epic WILL fail eventually, all they can do is buy more exclusives until it simply cannot be maintained anymore.

Wake me up when their shitty store has shopping cart, cloud saving and controller support
I still won't use it but the fact that they compete with nothing but hostages speaks volumes of how terrible their store is

>Exclusives are the only way they could compete with Steam


Cool, show me your gog account bro.

I have no doubt there ARE paid Epic shills, but you have to understand the mindset of your average Redditor: If too many people complain about a thing that you don't care about, you are contractually obligated to become hostile and extremely antagonistic to whatever the complaint is. People complaining about Epic and you don't care? You now love Epic. People complaining about Pokemon and you don't care? You now love Gamefreak. And so on. Because how dare they complain about something that you personally don't care about, on YOUR internet? You have to teach them a lesson. You have to oppose them at every step now.

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You're the dumbest fucking shill I've ever seen

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So what hundreds of games do you have on your account, there bud?

I still don't get why they choose EPIC
Turd suits them more

Speak for yourself

They are only trained to do good in math

More than I own on the EGS

So post it then.

>no u
OK retard
Like I said, wake me up once you epigs get the bare minimum of features to make it even barely good enough to compete with shit of the shit that is Origin and uPlay

Post what? What are you trying to prove?

Epic doesn't need those features to make it good hence why it's already a success. If you want a pile of decrepit shit, feel free to use Steam or gog

; ^)

and then you wonder why nobody takes you seriously and you are universally hated, even on fucking reddit of all places

How would you know what reddit hates?

Ak47 and ak74 shoot completely different calibers, making one of them (cant remember which) to kick like a mule and being pretty much useless going full auto. At close range it will melt through you tho.

by browsing Yea Forums

>Promised a shopping cart months ago
>It is STILL >6 months away
Defend this, Epicdrones.

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but they're not providing "competition", they're buying exclusive rights to games. that's called rent-seeking.

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Ah, yes, just what EGS was missing to be an epic platform

They're the ones who want to add it

can you shills do anything else than ignore points?
You dodge even the simplest of questions and arguments

Epic drones are a cult defending a company that repeatedly screes them over.

Get shit on losers.
Get mad as fuck over inane shit

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>Still adding games manually
>No shopping cart, no reviews, no message boards, not even a fraction of what steam offers
>Yet this store is gonna kill steam because exclusives nobody cares about are sold on it
I fucking love the tears of epicfags in the evening

classic political response, if you can't argue a point change the subject. Oh you said X but why arent you talking about Y. You are best just ignoring them at this point, you know they will just shift the goal post.

>epic game shill thread

>people who mock you are mad
nah, we're just getting cheap laughs out of your desperation.
The only mad people are those who actually gave a shit about whatever "inane shit" exclusives epic has managed to hoard

Smooth brain retards cant tell I was shitting on epic for having achievements on the same priority as the shopping cart.
I guess valvronies are as bad as bugmen.

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user, epicshills unironically use that as an actual argument to defend epic. Poe's law is in full force in these threads

>centrist faggot gets fucked by the most obnoxious side
just like real life

Have ***

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how is steam going to compete if epic buys out exclusivity? whole fucking point of exclusive deals is to not compete on a even groud you retard.

Only way steam can compete in this scenario is by buyng out exclusives themsleves and is this what community wants? a fucking console war on pc?

I swear the God, there will always be retards that will defend shitty practices just to be different from anyone else

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You first.

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whats wrong with epic store becoming a monopoly?

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>Steam starts buying exclusives
>Seee? Steam is using its money to control the market! Monopoly! Steam is evil big monopoly run by fat privileged white american REEEEEEEEEE!
Im fine if this happens. The gaming sphere is as rotten as it can get, might as well go out in a blaze of glory
Plus it would be absolutely hilarious to see steam trounce epic in their own game


real talk, why is this blatant Epic spam allowed on Yea Forums?

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Sauce, fag. And it better be vanilla


if steam were to do that, then fuck steam as well. but it hasn't and you're pre-emptively angry at them for doing this even though they haven't and most likely won't.

Why haven't anyone made a tool like Steam Spy but for the EGS?
Is it not with the effort since there's barely any game?

Im not a chinkshill, retard. And of course i dont want steam to do it. Im just saying that tim has no idea what steam could do if they decide to buy up exclusives as well, it' be like a GBA with exclusives competing with a PS4, in whih case, they'll change the narrative to cover their own incompetence
Of course steam wont do it. Steam has no reason to do anything. Epic is dying a slow painful noisy death, if these hordes of shills with hacked accounts and buyers remorse are anything to go by

I don't know why people treat this like the end of the world. I have Steam. I downloaded the launcher long ago for Dauntless and the ui is actually nicer then steam's. I guess Pcbros are just that rabid

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>for Dauntless
Your opinion was never worth anything anyway

Why not? It's a pretty fun little game although much more simple than MH: Worlds
I really enjoyed it

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No one has a problem with gog, or even ea origin for hownshit ea is. Epic is a particularly evil chink cancer. If you want a second platform so bad, support gog.

because their launcher is awful and has no features what so ever

I got a problem with GoG, it's like piratebay with paying.

up to this point not a single epicshill has said been able to give a solution to this.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

He was drm on all his games.
He also feels uncomfortable while NOT wearing his chastity device

Not the guy you're replying to but Team cherry are actually worth supporting.

>Wasnt planning on making another hollow knight game.
>Planned DLC is getting too big.
>Fuck it, make it a full sequel.
>But what about the kickstarter backers
>Fuck it, give it them for free like we promised.
Crazy aussies.

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>literally this

My country argentina is known for the piracy of games , movies and music . Even all videogames shops have pirated games and only original ps3 and ps4 games.

Steam takes our money wrong so every game cost 5 times less than in america , so people who used to pirate now payed their games. with the idea of "a coca cola cost 100 pesos while 10 games cost half of it"

now with epic selling everything at $60 usd , people from argentina see it as $90 or $100 for the base game and decide to pirate again

why yes i dont use steam or epic how did you know?

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Yes, Steam covers all expenses for payment processing through their 30% cut (which could be argued to be less when you add in Steam keys to the equation).
Pic related from this year's GDC and for info on generating Steam keys as a developer.

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>chinks will ignore this post like always

You can tell a thread is a spammer thread because they're always filled with the same 8 responses, wojaks, pepes, and whatever other shit meme they're flooding the board with this week.


Competition is only good if it results in better quality or prices. Epic is objectively lower in quality and the prices are the same. The only thing coming from this competition from the consumer’s perspective is that now some games aren’t available on their preferred platform.
It was a very interesting read, but it's not as vanilla as you probably want it to be, it's about murdering and the ending left me hollow for a bit as I didn't expect to get hit with the feels by what feels like a B-tier manga.

Because honestly its just shit compared to Steam so obviously if I use Steam already its just a huge downgrade in comparison, also the way they go about getting people to use their store is the shittiest scummiest model possible, instead of just making a better platform than Steam and attracting people that way they just take hostage games people want to force them to use their store instead, all this does is breed resentment of their platform even more.

Platforms don't attract people, games do. Guess what they're actively doing?

platforms attract people. before steam made a good breakthrough, people found it was more convenient to just pirate their games. steam made it a better experience with more convenience than pirating. the same thing happened with netflix. epic offers a shit experience without any convenience.

Lately they started to remove games and not help recover people's stuff that got hacked and stolen. Even parents are starting to hate EGS.

Nope. People used Steam because it had games people wanted. All of that convenience is meaningless without the games.

well duh, but getting the games was more of a convenience on steam than both need games and a good platform, i never said you could drop the games. epic only has (some of the) games. so people will just pirate them.

paying for my free copy?

Not really, you just need games. Look at all of the terrible launchers like that have no problem raking in the cash.

Because I already have over 800 games in Steam and I don't want to move.
One thing I'll say is that the Epic Launcher is really good, the Steam launcher is a mess that fails more often that not, either I need to wait for an update to use it, or it randomly forgets my password or removes my sister from my family sharing setting and have to set it up again... What a mess almost entirely relies on online games, which in most cases don't have pirated servers and thus no online, making pirating these games pointless. also, is more decent of a client than egs.

One of my recent issues with Steam is when I uninstall a game I have to remember all the mods I used and have to find all the shit I used when I reinstall it

fuck you

Again, it has the games and it's just as terrible as EGS.

use steam workshop if available. if it's not, keep a folder with the mods you apply somewhere on your pc and just copy paste the mods over if you reinstall the game. might be a feature valve could implement at some point, but currently not launcher supports this, definitely not egs.

it's not as terrible. for example, you can locate already existing game installs and validate them to add them back to the client, something egs does not have and which should be a basic feature for pc clients. they also offer online services that you can't get as conveniently as pirating the games. thanks for proving my point.

May sit down and make a folder. Hope they do make a similar system in the future.

People don't choose because you can locate a previous installation, they use it because of the games it has.

Since this is probably in the thousands now in terms of shill threads.
Can you shills give me a single reason to use the EGS that isn't muh 88% yet?

and people dont use egs because they can pirate

Only neckbeards in their 30s who sits on steam games they've never touched from steam sales actually think epic launcher is a bad thing.

Yes you retard. Name a good PC exclusive game in the last 5 years. Now look at ps4 and switch lineup for the last like 2 years.

again, get it through your head, i never stated that wasn't true to an extent, but is mostly online games, which are not really piratable. they offer a better service than egs. i personally don't use egs for anything other than

Hey are you their media guy?

you did a good job manipulating reddit with your post about epic donating to blender

We don't. Steam is paying people to shitpost about them.
You retards have no idea how much money is at stake. At that tier of business, cutthroat shit is commonplace.

It's your choice to be a sheep and believe using a different launcher will ruin your experience, that steam totally doesn't track and steal your data, and that developers are greedy, and not because modern AAA publishers are trying to stifle all competition for their slop. Epic is a net positive for the AA studios who can't even fund their projects Yea Forums pretends to so love.

Pull your heads out of your ass for 10 seconds and think for yourselves. Jesus Christ.

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nice post with facts and reasoning

this post sums up tim perfectly

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Again, get it through your head, people buy games, not platforms. You even agreed with me but refuse to acknowledge it because you're trying to be contrarian by conflating game purchases to minute features of launchers.

no. people buy games on specific platforms IF the service that the platform FOR the game is BETTER than pirating the game. if a game launcher were to fucking shoot you in the legs every time you launch a game, but it had certain games exclusive to it, literally no one would ever buy the game on that platform.

>everyone is a pirate by default unless someone manages to convince them to buy a game on their platform
When is the last time you've been outside, friend?

you're new to pc gaming i see. fuck off zoomer.

Please don't post images of burn victims, I was about to go to sleep and now feel uncomfortable.


Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

>this butthurt neet hugbox thread
lmao epic doesn't give a shit if you don't like them. zoomers will buy everything on their platofrm for you. you were going to pirate 99% of whatever went up anyways just like you do on steam.

Been PC gaming since 96 and I've been pirating since usenet was the go-to. I think you just might be projecting here, buddy.

if you can't see how at least 50% of current steam users used to just pirate games, just like nearly all of current netflix subscribers used to just pirate movies before their service, then you are blind or willfully ignorant.

>have to install another launcher

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They just need to add fucking features. Tim even said he doesn't want to because according to him, it wouldn't make a difference.

i hate chinks

Provide a source and I'll give your theory a shot.

>no features
>literally steals games from launchers I prefer

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Fucling worth it. See you in 2 days faggot op shill.
in this situation, the cable networks are epic games.

except zoomers dont buy on egs, all they care is fortnite

who owns this website again?

>Competition is good
>Platform basing itself in exclusivity deals to stomp off Steam from the market
>Chinese owned
Nice try my friend.

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Where are the figures you were citing earlier?

>"we were told to not bother with russia since those are all pirates, but russia is becoming our biggest market" -gabe

>Fear epic games becoming a monopoly
>Steam has been a monopoly for over 10 years
Nice try retard.

Ebin is not bad because of their shitty store. It's something that's easy to point to that even smoothbrains will easily grasp, but it's not why they're bad. In fact it's lucky Epic is so fucking stupid that they haven't put in the minimum amount of time in effort to improve that shit because if they REALLY wanted to they could do it easily and then 9/10 people who don't like the Epic store but can;t articulate WHY would have nothing to say.

The Epic store is bad because of their stated goal to change the power dynamics of the PC gaming market. Right now it's a consumer-centric pull market with relatively low barriers to entry for outsiders and an open garden philosophy where consumers have a lot of choice relative to consoles in how they consume the products they purchase.

Developers like Epic HATE this. They hate that consumers have too much control over the games they buy, they hate how there's no gatekeeping on their side to keep unwanted competition out. EVERYTHING Epic has said about the store wars has revolved around how "good for developers" they are (as if we should fucking care as consumers) and arrogant flaunting of their disdain for consumers and how we want to play our games by throwing around money to try to force us into accepting them.

THIS is why they're bad. Their not bad because they brought "console wars" to PC. Their bad because they want to turn PC gaming into the walled garden of console gaming. The threat of Ebin Games Store's success is literally the worst fucking thing that could ever happen to PC gaming.

Do not support Epic in any way, ever. Pirate anything you don't have the self-control to wait for for forego.

Guess you think Amazon is a monopoly aswell chink?

Amazon, Walmart, and Target are an oligopoly

>zoomers don't buy from egs
yeah fortnite is only successful because of player counts. not because they press "buy" on any button in the egs hud.

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Again, where are the figures you were citing earlier?

>Chinks failing to grasp economic terms 101
what a shock

Fortnite is free to play

Which makes you a fucking dumbass if you think its money comes out of thin air instead of zoomers.

Imagine if valve would be forced to make games again. is a special case because Blizzard already had a massive loyal fanbase before it was even created and one of the most popular games of al time on their platform, I guess you could say the same of Fortnite but Fortnite fans arne't Epic fans, Epic doesn't really have a fanbase anymore they abandoned their legacy Unreal Tournament and the Fortnite kiddies will quickly leave them for the next fad game that comes along, and with all that being said is still a much better designed and enjoyable to use platform than Epic store is. At least has community features and achievements Epic doesn't even have extremely basic stuff such as that its really nothing but a bland storefront.

Yes there is. Both clients are more inclined to increase the frequency of sales and improving overall in order to outdo their competitor and draw more users

I'm imagining epic games pissing off gaben leading to Valve making a better battle royal than fortnite. And they'll call it team fortress 3.

Whoa, so you're telling me people use because it has games people like? What a revelation!

>shitty circular argument threads like this always ends up at 500+ replies

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as a pirate is does provide me with plenty of entertainment seeing autistic steam drones loosing their shit is a steaming pile of shit and only the WoWnoobs cater to it.
>no mod support
>anti-mod in general
>no direct purchase of games
>no cloud saves
>shitty stream-as-you-download partial install support
>No gifting
>No automated refunds

>Competition is good
If only that competition was lowering prices, out offering consumers deals, and improving customer support
but it's not any of these, it's "exclusivity"
fuck that shit, keep that cancerous shit to consoles only

I didn't say it was good just better than Epic which isn't really saying much.

private companies don't have to publish numbers. he literally states what you're asking for but you don't accept it because you can't paste a number on it.

You /threaded yourself by saying Epic provides competition. If you have paid ANY attention to these stupid epic v steam threads, it's that epic isn't legitimate competition, and that steam isn't actually a monopoly. Read the archives.
The only good thing Epic does is pay the devs directly, so I don't have to pay a dime.

Real talk. How much do you get paid, shill?

it has online multiplayer games that you can't pirate. sneed harder.