Falcom on why they don't support the Switch


>The Switch has been a big platform in the past few years now. Are there any plans to bring other Falcom games to the platform at all, following Ys 8's release last year?

>Switch is an incredible platform we like, but the truth is that we don't have the knowhow to really develop for Switch. Plus we're, fairly convinced that our main user base is actually located on the PlayStation platform. That said, you know, thanks to working with Nippon Ichi Software in Japan and then NIS America over here, we were able to bring one of our games to Switch and obviously we want to grow the brands as much as we can and put it out as much as we can. So in the future, if we have the opportunity to have our games ported by other other companies to Nintendo Switch, it's something we would definitely be happy to pursue.

>And as a gamer myself, as an aside, I personally love the Switch. In Japan when this question comes up, it always, we get this weird thing where it's like "Falcom doesn't want to work on Switch," or "Falcom doesn't like Switch," or something. And that's not... The plain and simple truth of it all is that we just don't have the knowhow and the ability to be able to work on Switch games right now.

tl;dr: We love Sony cock too much.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Switch is an incredible platform we like, but the truth is that we don't have the knowhow to really develop for Switch
I.E. switch hardware is too shit for us to bother allocating resources for a port

>So in the future, if we have the opportunity to have our games ported by other other companies to Nintendo Switch, it's something we would definitely be happy to pursue.
so basically, they're too lazy and will only do it if they can outsource it?

Yes, because their games are cutting-edge and don't still look like Vita games.

that may be true, but it doesn't detract from the switch's hardware being shit

I mean, Falcom doesn't really make anything these days aside from Trails and Ys.

Post with proper grammar, you dumbass phone poster.

it's actually because Falcom didn't make the switch version of Ys 8 and NIS was the one who handled it, since that studio is basically dead they don't have anyone to port it for them. Basically just "our outsourcing company died and we don't want to be forced to do more than we have to"

But their games are on PC. Just play them there.

>>so basically, they're too lazy and will only do it if they can outsource it?

there's nothing wrong with that sentence, ESLtard

>Plus we're, fairly convinced that our main user base is actually located on the PlayStation platform
It's funny because Trials of Cold Steel's sales fell off a cliff when it moved from Vita to PS4 with III.

Use capital letters in the first word of every sentence and use periods at the end of each sentence.

>doesn't detract

>After the cameramen left the room. The Falcom CEO started laughing uncontrollably, before saying "we have standards".

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kys snoynigger, stick your pride flag up your ass in your next parade you massive faggot


what's wrong with that?

>Fuck the Nintendo Switch and fuck anyone who has it

Falcom can go fuck themselves then

nintendo's hardware being shit isn't an opinion, it's a fact

pic related

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Use proper grammar or I'll kick your ass.

the article that this sentence was linking too doesn't even really answer his point. All he says there is "more developers are making console games, that's neat!"

More like nis died and they're too lazy to port it themselves

I think I recall that a lot of oldfags didn't use capitalization and periods. It was always a thing.

make me bitch

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Nah, it's recent due to phone posters and third worlders.

This would be a loss if they hadn't been pumping out trash for years now.

literally who?

>be Falcom
>your PS4 games look like PS2 games
>say that they are expensive to make

Phones capitalize letters at the begging of each sentence though.

Which means nothing since Falcom only makes games the Switch could run no problem. It's not a matter of specs, it's a matter of pure fanboyism.

I want them to go back even further. Start making 2D and make Adol damage anything by pushing them. Kondo says they still have the PC98/88 employees working there.

this is literally the reason, you can even tell he's saying that in the article:
>thanks to working with Nippon Ichi Software in Japan and then NIS America over here, we were able to bring one of our games to Switch and obviously we want to grow the brands as much as we can and put it out as much as we can. So in the future, if we have the opportunity to have our games ported by other other companies to Nintendo Switch, it's something we would definitely be happy to pursue.
NIS died and they can't be bothered to do more work than necessary so they can't get anywhere without a studio to outsource the port to.

>say that they are expensive to make
Where did they say that

their games are on PC, you don't need to use a garbage handheld user

>prease understandu

pokemon looks like shit too and has framerate drops

>b-b-but gamefreak

three houses looks just as bad as falcom's games, performance yet to be seen

>NIS died
So that HD port of Gurumin is stuck on PC now?

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Vocês são todos retardados.

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oh dude its been a decade since the last grammar nazi i saw

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They can't speak English.

I'm not a tumblrite, I found that pic on Google.

My phone auto capitalizes every sentence you dumb Boomer

Being in Russia right now I have the opportunity to buy their games for cheap but won’t do it because really, they look boring as fuck. Also I’m not a 25 y.o kid. When will they make games for mature players?

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who knows what's happening with them, rumors have been circulating about big financial trouble since earlier this year and nothing has come out of that since like... april.

Dragon Quest XI runs fine and looks amazing even on the Switch. Bad ports and shit games made by retards who can't code don't mean anything. Go fuck yourself console warrior faggot.

All the developers you mentioned always focused mainly on handhelds, although Pokémon looks particularly shitty. Switch games from console developers like Astral Chain and Luigi's Mansion 3 look infinitely better, and so do multiplats with actual effort put into them like Dragon Quest XI S. Hardware is no excuse for Falcom.

Dumb as fuck. Do you even read what you're replying to? Who mentioned anything about phones retard?

DQXI isn't even out on the switch yet you troglodyte

there was a pokemon game prior to SwSh and intelligent systems has paper mario on consoles

>DQXI isn't even out on the switch yet you troglodyte
but we literally have tons of footage of the switch version of the game thanks to E3's coverage of it and it's an extremely well made port with even more content than the original game. It literally comes down to how much the developer cares.


What the fuck is this shit?



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>tons of footage
yeah I'm sure SE would show off the shitty portions of the game in promotional content

>but the truth is that we don't have the knowhow to really develop for Switch.
They don't how to work with a machine with Android shit built in? That's "odd", either way doesn't matter the only thing they'd release would be ports of 5 year old games because that's mostly what switch is getting.

But even porting old Ys games to Switch would make sense and bring them money for very little effort.

For a portable system that's pretty rad.

and what exactly WOULD be more intensive than running around the world map and doing combat? rendering everything there would arguably be the most intensive thing they'd have to worry about.

not every area runs the same, certain areas in xenoblade 2 destroy the switch more than others

Sony has this very real stranglehold on third party developers. Situations like this really do suggest that the primary reason for the lack of real Nintendo support is that Sony simply refuses to let it happen.

lol no, the problem is the gap between switch's hardware and the other platforms is too large for a simple port, large changes need to be made with more dev resources allocated to it

They only have like 50 employees, falcom is indie tier dev. They don't have manpower to make multiplats or make a good looking game

I'd agree with you here if it wasn't Falcom, who is an extremely small studio. Honestly wouldn't be shocking if it turns out to be the case that they literally don't know how to do it.

For Falcom games? No chance, pretty much the entire Ys series except like 6(?) literally runs on Vita, same for most if not all of the Trails series.

Feel free to stop being retarded anytime.


Nobody cared about YS going to switch besides a few me included but nobody has heard anything since there's slim to no interest. Maybe in a couple years when Switch finally makes the full transition into PSvita 2.0...

This becomes more true since they are shitting up the exclusives concept lately.

are you saying I'm wrong? several switch ports are outsourced because it would take too many resources on the developer's end. See: doom/wolfenstein, crash trilogy, ys viii


Indie studios made of three people make Switch versions all the time and went on record to state it's an extremely easy platform to develop for. The notion that Falcom lacks the critical knowledge to even release stuff like The Oath in Felghana on Switch is completely retarded, they don't want to get a devkit because they actively dislike Nintendo. Ys VIII happened because NIS' CEO went to Kondo and told him they'd do it.

Maybe its because NIS died. Also circumstances of NIS dying included nintendo switch porting, and a turn based mobage with sony.

>too many resources on the developer's end
you have 0 proof it's due to too many resources and not just the devs being too lazy to do it themselves.

God knows no one is going to buy their games on PC after Ys 8 as long as they're using fucking NISA. I've been heavily recommending their games to people for more than a decade, but I'm through with Falcom until they open up a studio to handle their own localization and ports.

>3DS dev kits are so expensive it ends up bankrupting multiple third party devs. Becomes infamous in Japan
>Why doesn't anyone support the Switch? Must be Sony's fault!
Jesus Christ. Seek mental counseling. I am serious.

>crash trilogy
crash trilogy wasn't outsourced per say, the game's engine and assets were ported over by one dude at Vicarious Visions just to see if it was even possible for it to work. Either way though, the PC, Xbox One, and Switch version were developed both by Vicarious and Toys for Bob.

fuck nisa
fuck falcom

The hell are you doing on Yea Forums then?

if they already bothered to port to multiple other systems (eg. PC to ps4/xbox) why would they not bother to include switch?

Nintendo themselves literally said that they made the Switch dev kits cheaper because of how badly the 3DS ones were received by developers. Heck the basic Switch dev kit is cheap as hell(like not even $500), I can't imagine it bankrupting any developers unless the devs were already having huge financial troubles.

>3DS dev kits are so expensive it ends up bankrupting multiple third party devs. Becomes infamous in Japan

time constraints. since in some cases, the ports come later than the original releases, so by the time the question comes up, they're probably already planning other projects, so they hire an external studio to handle the port.

They were expensive, but nobody was bankrupted over it. Developers like Neverland and Imageepoch had been in financial trouble for a long time.

he's making shit up, the 3DS dev kit is nowhere near the cost that could realistically lead to a developer going bankrupt, that's just absurd. The only way that could actually happen would be if the developer was already broke.

Nintendr0n3s are clueless tech illiterate retards. It's obviously has to do with shitch's mobile architecture.

you've never actually SEEN a falcom game have you, they're not exactly the most hardware taxing games in the world you know

>hardware taxing
Dear cocksucking faggot!
Read my post again.

>When will they make games for mature players?
When Calvard releases.

God I hate you portbeggars so much. You act like any developer who doesn't bend to your whims killed your dog or something. Stop demanding that they dump every fucking game they've ever made onto an underpowered platform. Porting games is not exactly free or easy, especially considering the Switch has entirely different architecture from its competition.

nearly every Falcom game was already made with mobile architecture in mind you dumbass

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lmao Switch faggots MAD

It all comes to PeeSee baybee

imagine consolewarring over Falcom of all studios

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The fuck does it matter now that they're releasing almost everything on PC

People in this thread keep forgetting it required Zwei 2 to literal crash and burn before falcom swapped off pc in the first place. Falcom is a slow unchanging company and it's good if that's what you want but it doesn't do change well.

But that's how you're supposed to do it anyway? Are we really trying to weed out phoneposters based on proper grammer?

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You’re fucking dumb. Stop posting.

Given how Cold Steel is playing out, what makes you think Calvard would be any better?

this entire fucking board is retarded because they all think they know how everything works. Yes the switch requires a bit more change DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF GAME THAT WOULD BE PORTED, but it's not like the game is literally fucking impossible to do without spending millions of dollars and making new assets because of slight architecture changes. No one in this thread knows a single thing about what they're talking about and you're all just using this as an opportunity to shoot shit at each other.

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>arm from 2006
Also they use custom engine. Kill yourself.

they're all just older staff
no bully

>But their games are on PC.
Not the upcoming ones, and NISA won't bother after their trash port of YSVIII.

>time constraints
i.e. dev resources

didn't it sell really well though?

Couldn't even reach 10k copies user.

not in the sense you are describing it. it's not extremely costly, it's just the fact that a dev moves onto a new project, in the case of Doom, the game had already been out for over a year by the time the Switch launched, Id had already moved onto new projects so they outsourced the port. Different idea of what "resources" are from what the original user sees them as.

time is a resource

>may 10

took the screenshot months ago to stop nintendies from calling me a sonygro, current driver is may 21 anyway. That reminds me to check for updates, thanks

You're arguing with a bunch of child brand loyalists, just let them be retarded in peace

Imagine being a console war faggot in 2019.

More like their programming abilities are shit. Durante's PC ports run infinitely better while looking better at the same time. Falcom are incompetent hacks when it comes to technical aspects of games, just like Fatlus.

It's just shitposters

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>Falcom are incompetent hacks when it comes to technical aspects of games, just like Fatlus.
Isn't that most Japanese developers?

I don't think that's it, Falcom is just small and somewhat incompetent. Just look at Ys IX.

Time's not as big of a resource as you're making it out to be, all the initial examples listed are only examples due to TIMING, not time. The Switch released a year after Doom 2016, the timing was bad since id was already working on their next project, so it had to be outsourced. N. Sane was outsourced for all non-PS systems because Vicarious moved on and were initially held back from making the game multiplat because of timed exclusivity contracts. The issues of porting had nothing to do with hardware and how taxing it would be to make the ports, the issues of porting were more based on the fact that the timing of the ports were bad. Fast forward and Doom Eternal is releasing on all platforms(Switch included) at the same time, same with Crash Team Racing, barely anything changed, but the timing of the games being developed lined up and so porting became more feasible.

Yeah, but there are various degrees of incompetence. Falcom and Fatlus are definitely the prime examples. How Full Body doesn't run at 60 FPS (and I'm willing to bet P5R will be locked to 30 too) is beyond me, and if Durante hadn't rewritten the whole renderer, PS4 ports of ToCS would probably still run at 30 FPS.

as a whole, ys8 sold well
the steam port specifically no

All this talk reminds me that it took years for people to properly be able to extract and inject text into Muv Luv Alternative because the code was the mother of all spaghetti code.

Ys is in doubt, but ToCS3 and ToCS4 will definitely come to PC, just later. They sold really well and Falcom stressed multiple times they want their games on PC, they wouldn't abandon a series in the middle.

Oh sorry, when I posted I was thinking of the switch port of YSVIII. Guess I didn't follow the conversation well.

That's why a lot of Japs didn't bother with PC until UE4. Their games were Frankensteins that barely worked on a single hardware composition despite looking like shit when compared to Western games. People on PC wouldn't let that bullshit fly.

what about how Alien Colonial Marine's AI was fixed because some dude found a single typo in the game's code

The Switch port bombed in Japan, Kondo admitted himself. It did pretty well in the West though

I don't exactly get what he was expecting considering it was releasing 2 years after the original game released, the series is already pretty niche, so I doubt there were many people who were fans of the game that didn't already play it.

Well Colonial Marines was already bottom of the barrel garbage. This sort of fuck up was to be expected.

Lmao: gematsu.com/2019/07/the-legend-of-heroes-akatsuki-no-kiseki-mobile-coming-to-switch-this-summer-in-japan

What did they mean by this?

Fuck nintedo

Falcom games runs shit even on PS4. They wouldn't run well on Switch as they are.

>developer Userjoy

>look them up
>some literally who weeb company

Aaaaand why should I give a fuck?

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>some literally who weeb company
Why do newfags enjoy being ignorant?

A company that only makes games for papa Sony anyway. It's pretty well known how they get strong armed.

Not a newfag.
I have been here for two years now, and I have never heard about any of their games.

>2 years
>not new
Pick one

Why don’t Sony just buy them at this rate?

Cause Sony doesn't want to buy them?

What they should be focusing on beyond sucking Sony's cock to pay the bills is immortalizing their legacy on PC, teaming up with compitents in porting and translating some of their past titles to Steam and GoG.

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Would be a tragedy considering their long standing independent status and pretty much kill them and their legacy after a couple of titles. I'm not a big fan of modern Falcom, but there's always the chance of trends morping in Japland and pushing them back to greatness.

Because they refuse to sell out and want to work independently

Falcom is poor and technologically inept? Old news. This is why Y9 looks like a fucking vita game.

>>prease understandu

>They can't speak English.

They know enough broken/shitty English because of Anime, don't defend these lazy retards.

>but the truth is that we don't have the knowhow to really develop for Switch.
>Plus we're, fairly convinced that our main user base is actually located on the PlayStation platform.
So not only they are lazy, but also retarded.

Dumb zoomer

>Situations like this really do suggest that the primary reason for the lack of real Nintendo support is that Sony simply refuses to let it happen.
lmao nice cope after months of say japanese would abandon sony for the switch