Majin Tensei 1 Translated

Majin Tensei 1 Translated
now all the super famicom megami tensei games are translated

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oh shit that was sudden
anyway tell me if it's any good

Majin Tensei 2 is superior
but it's still fun for what I've played
if you like Fire Emblem you would like this spin-off too

Nice. You know, now that this one got translated I should replay and actually finish If..., since I left my data in a throwaway computer at my ex job

thanks, op.

Bump. Though I don't know if it'll be any good since no one talks about vidya on this shithole of a board

worth playing for the sprite art alone

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I'm more surprised about Last Bible 3 being translated than this coming out of nowhere.

oh fuck me that's another game i need to add to the list jesus christ

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>Devil Summoner is still never happening

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need protips
is it better or worth it to power level in these sfc games or just straight do the quests as they come

Based. Do you have the rest?

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ehm... sure
wait a second

>he plays games over a decade after they're released
You could have learned Japanese many times over in that time

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Your logic is flawed. I shouldn't play any game unless its been released within the last ten years?
here, the complete collection
have fun!

You've had to wait over 10 years to play this game, and for what reason? Just because you're a lazy bastard.

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>learning japanese to play Majin Tensei 1
we sure have a pretty die-hard SMT fan, eager to play that obscure spin-off

>Majin Tensei 1 is the only untranslated game ever

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I'm trying.
It's hard.

Oh yes

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fine, I'll do it
don't look at me with such a smug face tho ;_;

tsk tsk did you forget to do your reps user?

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No bros... I slaved away in Anki for hours every day, I read, re-read and re-re-read Genki I, I put in so much work to barely understand every other N5 sentence. Why do these filthy EOPs get to enjoy the things I worked so hard to attain without putting in any effort?

Sega Saturn is a bitch, sadly

Playing jap rpgs is like my one reason to continue learning moonrunes, though, so I'll keep at it. I like the idea of knowing a second language more than having any practical use for it.

They could just translate the PSP version though.

They used the same code
Now, let that sink it for a moment
A port: adds code smell
Of a Sega Saturn Game: programming nightmare
Of an Atlus game: pretty well known for not being the best programmer in the world, not gonna lie
DeSu works with the power of friendship

didn't it got completely reverse engineered to point of making possible loading games thru cardridge?

Is Devil Summoner the biggest MegaTen game that hasn't been translated yet?

It's still a very tough console to work with, even at the time and with all the sdk
Remember You have to juggle with two different CPUs if you want to program with Sega Saturn

...But the future looks bright, we are finally getting a Sakura Wars translation

fair point
hopefully those "satiator" whatever cardidges will be easily avaiable when dude finishes making them, or/and chinese will clone them
>Sakura Wars
and new sakura wars too! Good year!

I never got this. Why did console manufacturers back in the day think that making an obscure architecture that's horrible to program for a good idea.

Rushed development to own the PlayStation
It worked out pretty well, don't you think?

It would be nice if they did some kind of Sakura Wars collection since there's a new game coming.
Give those translators something to do after that crazy rush of Yakuza games just now slowed down.

Thank you, based user

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>Making a console that specializes in 2D and has problems with 3D games to compete against the PS1
Great job SEGA.

What said. Saturn is a beastly 2D powerhouse of a machine, but to own Sony and kill the PS1, they slapped in a really sloppy 3D implementation, and made the architecture a veritable nightmare.

They thought they could get the own, but played themselves instead.

What I don't understand is why they made the Saturn a 2D powerhouse when it was pretty obvious that 3D was the hot new thing.

because 2d looked better and most people in the industry already worked with it, but it fell into arcade and niche stuff
Saturn became the arcade port macchine

The early years of 3D gaming fascinate the hell out of me. To think people were excited to go from beautiful 2D art to literal shit.

rush to the hot new thing as always
we never changed

You ignore the time period. It was impressive back then, people already seen everything 2D has to offer, 3D was new stuff, new possibilities and so on.

>You ignore the time period
Yeah, you're right. I's just that in my country we didn't have consoles better than the NES in the 90s so I never got to experience that switch. I only say it on PC where the switch wasn't really as brutal as on consoles.

well I'm russian, so I can relate to you.
we had basically NES -> Genesis -> PC jump, maybe few lucky people had PS1 or something (or some "arcade" centers sold playing via hour), but at that point people already had 3D accellerators in their PCs.