Yeah, well deserved time off after hard work of playing fortnite every day

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Other urls found in this thread:

seething bitter jaded wageslave
have sex and party


Someone should tweet this to dsp and ruin his night.

he made more money in two months than I ever will in my entire life. He has been streaminng since he was like, 15 or 16 in high school? depending on where you life, if you have $1,000,000, you won't need to work another day for the rest of your life assuming you don't get held hostage or blackmailed.

Having to play fortnite every day sounds like a lot of work. I would quit after a week, hell I can't even imagine playing that turd for an entire afternoon.

Man, I remember when timthetatman was thin.

>playing Fortnite with retarded children for retarded children
Seems like a work to me.


timthetatman more like timthefatman lol

getting that rich I'd hope he'd get a better sense of fashion. Is it so much to ask for a streamer that doesn't dress poorly?

If entertaining literally millions of children every day doesn't sound tiring to you, you don't really know what you are talking about.

don't think of it as playing fortnite every day
think of it as wrangling 200,000 retards every minute you're online

doesn't this guy have like 10k subs now?

Why is Ninja so popular, what does he do that other streamfags don't do?

Waking up everyday just to play a single shit game for hours and hours while acting like a retard because all your fans are 10 years old. Sounds like hell.

he was the first fortnite streamer to get his name out there in a big way
then people started paying attention to him

>advanced gamer culture
>introduced most of Yea Forums to gaming
>did more than OP for gaming
>accomplished more in 6 years of gaming than OP did in his entire life

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This guy actually loses thousands of followers if he doesn’t stream. I bet it can be stressful when your career is hanging by a thread over what a 12 year old is currently feeling at any given time.

not really, bet this fag had enough money after a year of streaming fartnite to not bother anymore

>YFW you're just kidding and that's actually your new house.


The rat race is a funny thing. Even though he's already set for life and will never have to worry about money ever again as long as he doesn't do something retarded like buy a mansion and blow all his money on cars (as many youth that suddenly make a lot of money do), yet despite the fact he doesn't even "need" the job any more, I bet he was extremely stressed about losing a handful of subs by taking a vacation.

so basically the lesson is to be the first to do something, idk how he got his name out there, same with pewdiepie ending up being in a south park episode, but damn

Pewdiepie also has adapted to the everchanging landscape of youtube with relative ease, like the David Bowie of ecelebs

Bullshit. 1 mil isn't enough to not work the rest of your life. You need at least 10-15 mil to have a comfy neet life.

>people that never worked in their life judging millionaire


>so basically the lesson is to be the first to do something
Yes, when a new game comes out be there day one streaming and pray people click on your stream. Unless you already have a following from something else, streaming is mostly luck.

Isn't he dead or something?

If you're not an idiot blowing all your money and actually bank that shit you can set yourself up for life before the winds change.

Ninja himself said that last year he lost like 40k subs while he was at E3 not streaming.

Yeah he deserves it. Being any kind of celeb has to suck. Always have to watch what you say, always have to watch whay you do. Waking up every day knowing you have to sell yourself. Must be stressful.

Yeah his ghost posted that tweet yesterday.

I remember watching a guy streaming Paladins once and was playing with some player from Overwatch's meme league, and the OWL player said he couldn't stream his perspective because it's not Overwatch.

Prior to Fortnite he was a "pro" Halo player and was a/the top ranked H1Z1 player. For what it's worth he was a legitimately highly skilled and earned his viewerbase at the time. I used to check him out in H1Z1 now and then and it was a pretty fun watch.

>Why is Ninja so popular

He was one of the first people that started to stream fortnite and he was also one of the first ones that would win constantly at this game. I guess people noticed that he was good at it and started to watch him, the game itself is prety colorful and child friendly so more and more kids got interest in him and the game itself.

Honestly I'd much rather keep my actual job than have to play fortnite for a living. That sounds like absolute hell, playing all day for a bunch of children while listening to garbage music.

Some of you daily posters need a break while were talking about holidays.

If I could earn enough to retire on in the fraction of time then fucking bring it on, after I hit that milestone I'd use the stream for whatever and any further money is just a bonus.

>Honestly I'd much rather keep my actual job than have to play fortnite for a living

Why? Id rather play a dumb game for a few years and make millions and retire in like 5+- years insted of a actual job.

I play Fortnite for the big team modes and the PvE. Still mad they took 50v50 back out after just a couple days.

>introduced most of Yea Forums to gaming
did we sink that low already?

i-is this bait?
clearly its no advancement for gaming when instead of actually gaming you watch someone play

I'd rather due my normal job than play some shit game like Fortnite and deal Twitch autists all day.

>time in
>time off

Isn't it time out?

At a 2.5% safe withdrawal rate (a bit more than half of what experts think you actually can safely withdraw for a 35 year retirement), this is equivalent to an annual salary of 25,000, or, an hourly of 12.50.

If you live very frugally (Get a roommate or two, live with a spouse, cook your own meals, no splurge spending, and pursue any other cost savings you can think of), yes, that's enough to retire.

If you up the withdrawal rate to 4%, which people also believe to generally be safe, that's 40 grand, which is very, very doable, even without being frugal

If anyone is interested in the game in OP's pic then here's the guys twitter I think.

fuck that shit.
I would sell the fuck out in a heart beat and resort to playing video games.

I would try to do variety but if it impacted numbers I would stick to main game.
Streaming on Twitch and uploading JewTube vids like pewdiepie is the dream job.

if you get tired just take a week off or something lol.

>letting all the money just sit in a bank account
invest that shit nignog, I increased my money by 10% in a week just by dicking around with some shares

Makes sense, his stream is basically children's daycare.

i wish i knew how to buy and sell stock

like buy something, within 5 seconds it goes up points, immediately sell, make big money

alas i'm a brainlet

Go to /biz/ but for the love of fuck, don't buy Bitcoin.

>He fell for the fashionjew meme
Oh no...

You don't buy stocks expecting a quick turnover.

People who invested in Amazon decades ago when it was a book outlet are rich now because they didn't sell the stocks quickly.

the communist revolution is coming and bourgeois scum like this will get the gulag

>the fuck you say to me your little shit
i'll be honest i see a lot of people drive terribly unsafe on my daily commute but i still dont get that amount of rage from seeing people almost kill and die
fuck streaming

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bitcoin, that's all /biz/ is

I know what you mean but look at these pics. Guy doesn't even know how to chill and have a good time. It's like he's doing what he thinks relaxing is supposed to look like but he doesn't feel anything. The Ninja hides best from himself.

day traders do, its just an insanely stressfull job
can make or lose thousands of dollars in a day

i've honestly never seen a ninja stream or even clip so i can't comment on him. but i watched tim the tat man for like 10 minutes the other day after hearing moonmoon talk about him again.

why would anyone watch tim? he's intensely displeasing to the eyes and ears and not even particularly good at games, his personality such as it is, isnt unique or engaging.

Why not buyng bitcoin ? Because it will crash ? :^)

haha yeah no fuck that, would rather take all my money into a casino

i would need some R&R after playing fortnite for 8 hours too, cant pay me to play 30 minutes of that garbage.

>Invest $20 in stocks
>Have $50k in a month
Enjoy your jobs

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Ever tried streaming on a schedule? Shit's hard. Mad boring too. I can never sit down and play 1 fucking game for over 3 hours or so without a break.

The withdrawal rate is from "the market", ie, either a well diversified investment account (so that whatever you've got will follow the market), or a market-following instrument like an index fund (so that what you bought just follows the market).

Because the market consistently gains about 7% when shit's not hitting the fan, you can build up a buffer for those lean times using a

>Doing any job where your personal life is held hostage
Nah. I'm good.

>1 mil isn't enough to not work the rest of your life. You need at least 10-15 mil to have a comfy neet life.
Maybe if you live in fucking Los Angeles or NYC or some shit. I already live pretty comfortably off of 30k a year here in rural Kentucky.

Guy doesnt even read the chat.
Its funny how the viewers fall for the meme that the streamrs read their chats past 1000 viewers.

Oh boo hoo.

Try actually working for a living.

Bullshit. 1 Million is enough to live comfortably on 40k a year for 25 years.

you act like he is running a daycare. the faggot is playing video games in his bedroom.

>>people that never worked in their life judging millionaire that never worked in his life

Your 40k will be worth 21k of today's money in 2044

why the fuck doesn't he just rerun a stream. nobody would fucking notice. there is literally zero difference between any of his streams.

The most successful investors of all time are that, investors. Day traders are hacks, with a 99.99% failure rate, and those who do succeed are just lucky. Its also becoming more and more impossible each day as AI takes over short term trades.

It takes no skill to achieve 9.5% return every year compounding by investing in the SP500 and just sitting there, or your countries equivalent, its full-proof and far smarter than being a loser who tries to get rich quick and instead loses everything quicker.

>all those people claiming they've made money off bitcoin
>all of the money is theoretical
every time

cant you change btc for real money on online exchanges?

>Yea Forums doesn't know the pleasure of watching barbarousking

Don't you get taxed way more, just for having more money, regardless how much you're earning?

that's what every bitcoin fag will tell you. but strange how none of them seem to have ever done that

do, 12 hour work schedule. I work in a factory. I find streaming a lot harder.

>You will never take a vacation with a hot daddy
If its literally his dad, bonus points

>american hours Yea Forums
>e-celeb garbage gets deleted, spammed or pruned
>euro hours Yea Forums
>e-celeb garbage hits bump limit
:thinking emoji:

Doesn't Moon Moon Underscore Oh Double U have more $25 subs than him?

spoiled rich kid thread?

Of course, you can convert coins into fiat. Its just most done because they're dumb.

You get taxed on dividends (as income tax) and if you sell an asset which as increased in value (capital gains). But that user is retarded, you cant live off a million dollars without other income streams when you're in your 20/30/40s.

>Its just most done

Also never go to /biz/, its worthless.

Maybe in the US. but if I had 1 million sitting in my bank account in Australia, it's my money and I wont be taxed further. We also don't get taxed on winnings, so say I win a million in the lotto, I keep all the winnings.


why is summit like the only big streamer who isnt a cunt?

Can you actually imagine playing Fortnite for hours every day?

>not a cunt
I havent watched him a lot but everytime I do he's insufferable

he's got an annoying personality, but he isn't a stuck up cunt like ninja or other big streamers. fun in esea.

Game has a high skillcap, but is also stressful
A few hours sure, 8 every day while streaming no

most of the non normie streamers do, how can it be a meme if they audibly fucking read it and reply

>doing the same mind numbing task for 10 hours a day for thousands of retarded customers
sounds like work to me, way more than the average office job
Is he our guy?

These gay guys that stream and have to hide it from their teenage boy fanbase get really mad when they get called gay.

Please understand, he has to take a vacation so he can recover his energy for the Fortnite World C-
Oh right, he didn't qualify.

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zoom zoom has a hard life.
playing video games all day is so hard.

>Game has a high skillcap

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Yes it does

Just a couple of hours of video games in a month tire me out. Literally everything can be exhausting if done to a certain degree.

alright build a castle, in a high stress enviroment. Basically sandbox the game. It has twitch shooting, precog, and a build feature to stop attacks. I don't even PLAY the game and I can see the fucking skill required.

but you still have to live there

>Be a millionaire
>Have an ugly wife
Pewdipie has the same problem too with his squeaky horse-faced girlfriend.

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Baby please, it's the ultimate zoomer game. Building a sand castle is shit babies do. That's why all the kids play it, it's a casual game

>talking about things you have no idea about
don't do that

The IcePoisidon way. Someone’s gonna get that guy killed some day. I’m surprised the Arab streamer that got arrested over a troll playing bomb audio didn’t get shot.

Found the incel with high standards that can't actually get any girls because his standards are too high

>Wanting a girl who is not ugly is high standards


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>keep up the most annoying persona you can imagine
>play shit games while reacting to utter retards / kids watching
>do this for months on end
I don't see what's outrageous about this.

I've seen "the best" play Fortnite. It's casual as fuck, sorry...

k go play a twitch shooter then bye.

Try playing it

he is way uglier.

He made more money than you, your dad and your grandad combined nigger. Seethe.

He doesn't like girls to begin with so it doesn't really matter.

That's less than inflation, you're not making anything. You're losing money.

I don't play casual games

At this point /biz/ has been fully converted to a shill board with no value left in it

It's all in your mind

>with no value left in it
Heh, ironic

In France yes, but not in the US. The only thing that really affects is eligibility for government benefits and having to pay full price on tuition.

That's what interested me. I almost fell for the btc train as a poorfag with a few grand but there's no point unless you essentially leave it there forever.

yeah dude being a full time streamer isn't hard at alllll
fuck you OP

>live in a country with the wealthiest households in the world
What a shame

As long as you don't blow it on stupid shit but live frugally and make smart investments you can live on 1 mil for a long time.

I hope he gets cancer eat shit and dies a slow and painful death.
Worthless subhuman trash.

gaming will never be a job, user


why would anyone waste his time like that, lol

>27-28 years old (maybe younger in picture)
>massive crows feet
he is going to look like absolute shit in a couple year time.

It's always the same, e-celebs crash and burn after the first taste of freedom. Watch him turning to drugs and hookers next and his money going up in flames

>1 mil
No you'd get too much taxed away.

>do thing
>get paid
>i-its not a REAL job

seethe more, hope your shift goes by fast

Lol that cope, you're not good.

>all of the money is theoretical
All the money you have is theoretical unless its physical property. Just because its a piece of paper vs some bytes of data doesn't make it any less bullshit. The only difference is that the fun money's value is based on what the market thinks it should be rather than what some private organization thinks it should be.

goddamn bros im so tired. i get up, get a bite to eat then sit on my ass infront of my computer for 16 hours playing games and lurking. how do we do it gamer bros? its a tough life.

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>$658,000 per month
>not even including other sources of revenue such as sponsorship deals, donations and YouTube
>not a job
cope, boomer

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>being a literal corporate shill is now admirable
the lows we've stooped to.

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Because it's a job only if you can get fired? Gaming is a self-employment type of job with all the risks and rewards of self-employment

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Always felt weird about all the icepoisidon shit since I remember watching his runescape streams years ago. He was just grinding levels and getting on twitch's nerves.
Runescape has some strange people.

Shilling for who though? He's his own boss. And you're seething because you're a NEET on welfare like a nigger.

If it's so easy then do it yourself faggot

I barely know who that guy is, but I envy him.
Sold his soul to twitch and angry kids and teens but made enough money to buy his soul back and say fuck it.

Good for him.

They look like bootleg Hayden Panettiere and Jake Gyllenhaal

Anything you do as work you'll get sick of, even if you love it.

You'll figure that out when you get a job, OP. And I hope you manage to find a job that pays well and is in the industry you want to be in, it'll be infinitely worse if either of those two aren't the case.

>>faggot streamer introduced most of Yea Forums to gaming
One day this might be the truth. Hope I'm dead and gone by that point.

>Hope I'm dead and gone by that point.

Im pretty sure you will still be alive in like 10 years user

drake and chinks exploiting the twitch prime for skins made him rake in millions.

I've never watched Ninja because I'm not a Zoomer? But does he actually "entertain" while gaming? Because if so that is a form of work. Hate him all you want but PewDiePie does put effort in to making his videos entertaining and zany. He's an actor, or at the very least a comedian.

I'm not saying I wouldn't trade in a heartbeat the ability to just stream all day to get mad money. But it's not like he has just been sitting on his ass playing Fortnight. It is work.

he was clearly talking about the OP you retard

Maybe it would be better if this place just didn't exist in ten years. Remember when 2015 seemed like a vague far off space year? I don't want to go back, I'd rather just forget everything and move on.

>But does he actually "entertain" while gaming?
Doing anything in front of an audience is draining even just a few friends with no obligations. Doing it every day for years must be killing him.

>sold his soul a bought it back
t. Viper

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I couldn't imagine playing fortnite all day every day. Fucking audio in the game is rage inducing. You can't tell if someone is above or below you. Sometimes you can't even hear enemies approaching.

>Shilling for who though?
the corporations that pay him to shill for them

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>he isn’t a stuck up cunt
I watched people donate $100s of dollars to him and he never even bothered to give them a mention.

You fags say shill this shill that, I unironically wish I could get paid to shill a company.

Why is ninja so popular among zoomers? He isn’t even near the most attractive male streamer, the primary factor that would reasonably dictate popularity, so why do they love him so much? Is there some air about him that indicates he has a big dick that people pick up on?

He relates to the children because he’s a child himself. Also with twitch shit is entirely momentum based, so once you start getting really big you snowball. Probably not like this big in most cases.

What's your job? Answer truthfully like an adult instead of shitposting, go ahead.

>He isn’t even near the most attractive male streamer, the primary factor that would reasonably dictate popularity
incels rise up!

He's not working in a coal mine and making shit tons of money. But it's probably still gruelling in some ways. I don't know if I could keep up the act 24/7. Like being energetic, pretending to give a shit about the npc's that are throwing you the money, playing the same children's game every day for hours and hours. Not sure if he ever actually enjoys it?

This. I've never played it myself but no game that's liked by so many normies and kids can be good.

>He isn’t even near the most attractive male streamer, the primary factor that would reasonably dictate popularity,
Dude have you looked up the most popular male streamers on twitch

It's so hard memorizing keystrokes to hide behind a constant plethora of walls while trying to sneak off a shot.

>Get shot at
>Start frantically throwing up walls so you don't die
>Shoot at the other guy
>He does the same shit and builds up more walls

It doesn't get stupider than that

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once in a while he gets super pissed while playing and lashes out for a few seconds, even swearing at kids, before he calms down for the stream. i wonder how he behaves off stream.

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I mean reasonably in a general sense, as in it dictates popularity in most other social positions, at least when it comes to “personalities”

>I mean reasonably in a general sense
But were not talking about general sense, we're talking about streamers where looks basically don't matter that much.

Just graduated from medical school, about to do my foundation years as a junior.


He's good at fortnite

Congratulations user. I hope you do good to society by being a good doctor instead of acting like an asshole online to other people trying to get by.

NYSE returns, on average, 7%. To be conservative, let’s cut that by 50% to 3.5%. With 10 million in investments, 3.5% would grant you 350k a year income without ever touching your original 10 million.

You don’t /need/ that much to be comfy user.

>anything being based on merit

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Okay user. You have a good day too.

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Doesn't even have to be good at the game, that's the pathetic part. He goes against a bunch of random ass people. At least there's something if you're in a competition.

It's actually pretty fun if you're just messing around.

If you force yourself to try and win every match, then yeah it would suck.

The guy gets into intellectual stalemates with 12 year olds and spergs out harder than they do, it's not hard to figure out why they watch him.

Integrity doesn't put food on the table or pay bills

assume you eat for 5$ a meal a person, assume 400k for a nice house
assume 200$ a month in amenities (gas, electricity, internet, water)
assume a 70 years life after this

70x12x200 = 168k
5*3*365.25*70 = 383.5k

175k + 400k + 400k leaves about 25k if you've got a mil. That might not be enough for holidays, transportation etc. so ideally you'll have like 100-200k more

The only issue is if you've got more than one person to feed, since that significantly raises the price, but even with a family of 4, you can get by with 2 mil

He gets BTFO in every competition kek

She’s decently cute and they have been together before he was big. Seems like he got lucky and got a girl who loves him for himself and not his money.

It's unfair to the people that are actually streaming.

>You fags say shill this shill that

That's the world you live in you mongoloid. Have you been living under a rock? Influencers is the new marketing tool, literal paid shills and they are everywhere. Anyone with a camera/microphone and an established audience is 95% likely to be under the influence of a company to shill something.

I don't really get this shit where people unsubscribe after even brief periods of inactivity

I've still got YouTube subscriptions for channels that haven't uploaded in years
Twitch subs is one thing 'cause you actually pay, but he's gone for two days and people unsubscribe? Did they think he died and wasn't coming back? I don't get it.

Short attention spans and a sense of entitlement

But how do you get the 10 million in the first place?

I'm not talking about the actual shills dummy. I'm talking about getting called a shill on here. I WISH I could shill here.

Where can I get the colgate hair style?

honestly Fortnite is such a terrible game that I would only play it if someone paid me for it

I don't know what the fuzz with this guy is all about. Met the faggot on Halo Reach and who was a whinny bitch because I kep killing him on top platform on Countdown. He played mostly Swat and that's how I met him.
Sent me a rage message calling me a "rubber-banding Mexican faggot"
Like, fuck the kid. He's mentality ill

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id say the public humiliation is more of a work

well it's better than falling into "look like shit" meme

Well you pay money for amusement and then get none

If it's such a easy job why aren't you doing it?

Yes. He also has more subs in general than ninja. Hes less volatile too because of his community involvement. Ninja has sponsors though.

I too would need a vacation if I was playing a shit game 8 hours a day for years

Just call a game good and you'll be called shill in no time

Yeah but you aren't actually getting paid. I want to get paid to shill on here.

That's so cute

Ok then 1 mil is still not enough for the rest of your life, retard.

Imagine, he has made more money than all of our families and our family´s trees combined. By just playing video games. Damn nice.

someone please retweet it to DSP