Why do Japanese games have more soul?

Why do Japanese games have more soul?

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Because you are a narrow-minded fanboy in his 20s at best and have limited experience with Western games on DOS/90s let alone Amiga and the like.

Name some.

because you never play the shovelware

Because unless you can read moon runes, most of the Japanese content you get is curated and most of the garbage separated out. There's a lot of crap Japanese games too.

whats that in your picture

What game is this?

>Western games on DOS/90s
those were the most soulful western games though


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>but realistic
this is why western games are so boring
no one wants realism in games

i wish i lived there


real life sucks, i want to get immersed in a fictional world

>real life sucks
have you tried having sex and partying?

>no realism at all
which is why the stories in almost all Jap shit are full of complete asspulls and power creep

>"he needs to be"
>good design philosophy

>tfw no game will ever give this feel

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yes, doesn't change the fact that real life sucks and is boring


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They seem to mimic what they don't have.

>leading export of absolute degeneracy
>committed war crimes that were so heinous they made Stalin and Goebels look like saints
>didn't even ban child porn until 2012

But people aren't people.

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Would you like to post an example?

Why does this game have such high tiers of magic and crafting available when 99% of games are over before you even come close to being able to use it full

npc is projecting

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seething ameriturd

Do you mean adventuring into a mysterious colossal structure? Or do you specifically mean adventuring into a giant concrete slab?

how stupid do you think I am?

retarded blanket statement

Because they have a style that is harder to get in an obvious manner. Everything that is "different" for us seems like it came from the creative mind of someone, when, in fact, in the case of Japan, those minds were probably just copying what they have seen a million times already

Because The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.
Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...

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Thumbnail made me think of a harbor crane

Average people stop liking surreal cartoons after a while for a reason, user
as the emotions you explore through art get more complicated, the medium in which said emotions are expressed needs to be more sophisticated as well
Japanese artforms focus on style rather than substance, and even the average retard realizes this even if they don't stop to analyze the reasons behind it

This. Weeaboo anons are literally manchildren that are entertained by the most childish of plots and emotions.
>Did you play the new jrpg? You play as an angst filled teenager that nobody understands but in reality you are the bearer of katana-nana, the blessed sword of your father. Except what your father didn't know is you're secretly a vampire who's actually an angel.

About three fiddy.

>the childrens games I play need to be DEEP and EMOTIONAL for me to enjoy them!
Literally name ONE western game deeper than Nier
(you can't)

>the absurdity of the visuals or setting has anything to do with the writing
Nah, I think Japs realized they don't decades ago and are just seeing how far they can push it at this point.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

and what game? what drives people to post threads about games without naming them?

just google it my dude

the /tg/ sticky?

>I only ever seen mainstream shounen so that means nearly every story/character is an asspull and has power creep
>I've never read an american superhero comic book
Must be nice being this retarded while still managing to breathe successfully.

50% because only the good stuff gets attention outside of Japan
50% because a society of rigid conformity is actually a good breeding ground for creativity since only the strongest wills and talents remain uncrushed by the salaryman machine unlike in the west where everyone is special even if they aren't and everyone will be an astronaut celebrity even if they won't

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Great reading comprehension, 100

>almost all Jap shit
It's impressive that you've seen every single piece of media Japan has to offer

If anyone is interested in the game in OP's pic then here's the guys twitter I think. Maybe.

That wasn't even an original property though. It got its fucking substance from a talented author.

>everyone is special even if they aren't
This will always lead to laziness and mediocrity

Japan has everything but soul.
A bunch of bugs they are.

>missing the point entirely
Never said games have to be "emotional" in order to convey complex emotions. Nier doesn't look surreal, in the same way a traditional anime or a cartoon does. The only reason the game had any success was because of the style. I don't see people really debating about the themes presented in Automata, but I'm sick of fapping to 2B cosplays.
Want a good example of what presentation does? Silent Hill 1-3 is objectively deeper than Nier and much more complex in terms of the amount of emotions and those were made by Japanese people trying to copy a western style of visuals, making the characters and the town look as realistic as possible.
Want a western example? ok, the Fallout franchise always had complex emotions attatched to the decisions it made you take and the way some characters talked to you. Even GTA V touches a lot more complex subthemes without stopping to explore them in an obvious manner like Nier does with its ONE theme. It's not necessarily drama I'm talking about. The emotions Nier tries to convey are pretty simple. It's like one question being repeated through the whole story. It does it in a very good form, but I wouldn't call it COMPLEX. It's just bombarding you with drama related to one single thing.

You just can't make people feel certain empathy towards your characters if they don't share aesthetical or emotional properties to human beings. This doesn't mean you can't realte to cartoon characters, in fact South Park explores a lot of realistic themes and it's a simple cartoon. But in the case of that show, the realism comes from the way the kids express themselves. The presentation is ironically more realistic through the dialogue. Realism is there. It was always known that the Japanese society escapes from realism because of their structured and formal way of living. Japanese style characters don't even act realistically. Japan is the king of style over substance. This is no revelation.


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lol nier is soap opera tier writing

>Japanese artforms focus on style rather than substance
And American artforms focus on neither

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>Japanese style characters don't even act realistically. Japan is the king of style over substance.
t. has only seen surface level shit like naruto and lucky star

This is what happened
America is pushing style as a selling device
Japan is trying to copy America and they figure out how
Japan suddenly is the most stylistic place in the world

show me Japanese style characters that act like real people

>Literally name ONE western game deeper than Nier

Even Call of Duty is deeper than Nier. Nier is typical pseudo deep weeb shit.

If you want a deep, and good story, play something like Planescape Torment.

its this guy. i didnt think it was a game but hes tagged it as #gamedev so he must be doing something


Grave of the Fireflies

And? Just because its based off of a short story and the author helped write it doesn't change the fact that it's a western game with a far deeper and more emotionally complex plot than anything ever made in Japan.

Or are you going to just move the goalposts some more and start adding arbitrary bullshit like "it can't be written by an author!"?

nope, they don't act like real people... they still have those "realistic anime" pauses, they smile when it isn't really justified, they only talk about plot or character traits, etc... it's just like Spirited Away

faggots will disagree with this, but this is the truth. It's the work culture. Workers are not seen as disposable to the Japanese industry, which means they are more likely to actually give a single shit about the end product. Meanwhile in the west, a huge portion of the people working on any given product are either contractors or will be let go after the game releases.

And what do you consider "realistic"?

>t.self hating amerifat

First of all, Japanese games don't have more soul, just more style
Second, work culture has nothing to do with it, writters, designers and directors are still working for reputation more than paychecks
Third, Japanese workers are literally considered to be inferior to their employers
Fourth, there's still contracts in Japan, silly

First, You're a retard.
Second, look up the word contractor stupid ESL
Third, the structure of the Japanese language has nothing to do with anything
Fourth, "Crunch"

Automata really damaged Nier's reputation.

>ok, the Fallout franchise always had complex emotions attatched to the decisions it made you take and the way some characters talked to you.

Yeah, like if you decide you want to nuke a town and kills hundreds of people, when you later meet your dad he says he is disappointed in you and then everything proceeds as before. DEEP.

>First, You're a retard.
Nice argument, post invalidated

Not that user, but, please don't disrespect Fallout by acting like the Bethesda titles are what he was referring to. The series did have quite a few very well written characters and quest lines. Honest Hearts, Dead Money, the return to Vault 13 in F1.

Maybe a way to describe it is "personality that doesn't make characters one-sided"

What is name of game?
I love this art style and need more

Got any examples?



>It's all in fucking moon
Is the game even out?

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Apart from SH 2 and 3, where the characters are extremely realistic even for today's standards, which technically is a Japanese game made in an American style...
Pretty much every character in Mass Effect doesn't fit into well known stereotypes, like Kaidan or that blue girl... Bioshock Infinite also had evolving characters with realistic personalities brought mainly by the voice acting... GTA 4 had really good characters that even tho were actual stereotypes at first glance, they sorta evolved into a more realistic type, like Niko and Roman
I'm trying to think of Japanese style games with this same kind of personalities and I just can't.
I'm not trying to claim western characters are as realistic as, say, European indie films, but they're just more natural in the form of expression and having different tones, than Japanese characters, which always seem to focus on one trait related to their stereotype.

>Mass Effect
>Bioshock Infinite
You can't be fucking serious

Nothing wrong with Mass Effect 1.
Bioshock Infinite though, wew.


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I enjoyed Mass Effect 1 but to say the characters are realistic?

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Read this again, anons
>I'm not trying to claim western characters are as realistic as, say, European indie films, but they're just more natural in the form of expression and having different tones, than Japanese characters, which always seem to focus on one trait related to their stereotype

I feel like it's just that you can't into Japanese
ME and BI both have nothing on literally anything that isn't the generic big shit in Japan

Japs don't have souls so they have a natural craving to produce it.

maximum comfy soul kino

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because they are cucked by women and political correctness

I think Korean games have a lot more Seoul.

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I mean the PS3 Nier. It is shit.


>IWD arts
lost technology

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>not pseud
Lmao just because it's not Japanese it's good.

daily reminder quests did NOTHING wrong and /qst/ did nothing

You mean FGO or other gachashit

probably because they all have the same shit ps3 graphics in every game regardless of the company making it

Western games are actually good when they step out of their comfort zone that is realism

I'm sick of losers and virgins moaning about how bad reality is and how they just want escapism.
If that's really the case, you fucks, why are you here? You think THIS is better than reality?

why do pseudo intellectuals keep using that term out of it's context?

Yes, that’s exactly what he implied.

Because they unironically get all their "intellectual" discussion from Yea Forums and other vidya forums. You see it a lot. People repeating the same sort of half-made arguments.

No he's still developing it, he's only rendered a handful of assets but it looks low poly comfy like digimon world

