Game has line of sight stealth mechanics

>Game has line of sight stealth mechanics

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Why would you peep on any girl that is not Saori?

Mad lad Thad would never betray his waifu like this

Kuro neko a shit.

what is this shit

>ugly paki shit thinks any girl would like him

I'm a girl and I think he looks cute

Yeah but you are not a woman, tranny.

u n e i
y a f
l e

no you're not go kill yourself faggot paki

>Thad the mad is out of prison
Oh shit


My nigga

This honestly, I have a paki friend who is a 21yr old KHV

It isn't like there is much else to do in prison.

As a filipino, this post and the new spiderman movie give me hope

how the fuck is he out? I swear he just got in a couple years ago?

Holy shit is this recent? Is he on the internet again??

I've found that females tend to like guys that I would think would be considered ugly. It looks like if males were to become female their standards would be super fucking high

Attached: tits or gtfo cat.gif (250x197, 825K)

Guyl Inae Ref Li?



My flip friend is dating a Swedish girl for the last 8 years. You still have hope.

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>that art
One of my favorite doujins of all goddamn time.

this is why sweden and the Europeans are fucked

at least your sisters are hot desu
would fuck

Then tell the wh*te guys to stop stealing his women.

>guard ignores dead friend in a stealth game after 1 minute.

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>Game has line of stealth mechanics but you can ignore them and go postal

Attached: dfgadftyhyhbx.jpg (960x879, 222K)

now that's BASED

Ugly girls find ugly guys attractive, nothing new about that.

>that hand slip

Fuck tell me thats real and it was posted in his social media or something.

Wait to you find out how he smells.
Fellas, have you ever met a paki/indian "person" who didn't smell like fucking curry?

based Yea Forums poster

hate to tell you this user but that's a drawing