Why do "adult" men, still play Pokemon?
Why do "adult" men, still play Pokemon?
I'm a kid at heart
It's fun
The same reason adult men play video games in general, to bring down society
Because its a solid rpg with a collecting mechanic thats been skinned for children
Why do "adult" men, still shitpost on Yea Forums?
what do you want adult men to do?
This is what pedos say to their victims.
Because brown girls make my peepee hard and western game studios have decided to make most of their brown girls look like actual gorillas. Suck it.
I dunno, its fun.
to make you seethe
Whatever works.
No idea, I don't think I owe anybody any explanation as to what games I play. Pokémon Emerald is fun and it's one of the hardest entries I've played so it's kinda challenging
Why is she literally built for Arbokpecker?
This is what real pedos say to distract others.
>Why do """"adult""""" men watch people play games like football, soccer, or blacksketball?
I dunno, I guess we never really grow out of what we like to do for leisure. You might as well be berating a grown cat for playing with a piece of string
>Like, oh my God. I find grown male cats who still play with string and laser pens to be absolutely undate-able.
Fuck people and their shit ass attitudes. Do what you enjoy.
But man play games me no like threatens me
I know Krug. You're just gonna have to find time in your busy schedule to stop getting worked up about what other people do that isn't your problem. You can do it, I believe in you.
Why do some "adult" men not know how to use commas?
Me guess i lift problems away
It's crazy how much different she looks without the lipstick
Yeah, the lipstick makes her better.
I care more about having fun than about what other people think.
Am I the only who played Pokemon once when you were like 13, then never played it?
Reminder that hair down Jessie exists and that she's supposed to be 23 years old.
Also himecut, no make up, chef Jessie exists too
I've never seen a displayed perfectly nail down Jessie's hair. I guess its a physical anomaly?
You posted the reasons, OP.
Post more Jessie.
This right here is the thread ender.
Why not?
>I like Pokemon
Hello Elon.
This is funny because it's true.
Why don't you take a seat over there? And keep your hands out of your pockets so I can see them.
What are you doing here tonight?
It's more "furiously masturbate to" than "play". Seriously, Yea Forumsirgins shoot so much sperm for Pokégirls every day.
He is right though, pedophiles always get involved with things children like to get in contact with them. Same with Smash.
Pokemon is a like a giant version of “Rock-Paper-Scissors"
Fire beats Grass, Electric beats Water, Water beats Rock, Rock beats Air, etc. etc.
It is an extremely replayable series.
I talk about Pokémon with my fellow old sweaty nerds, not with kids tyvm. It would probably be annoying as fuck to hear how much they loved Lili and Hau or whatever. Kids also usually have shit taste in Pokémon. My nephew is 12 and his favourite Pokémon is Pyroar of all things..
she look so cute this way
If you think rock-paper-scissors makes the game replayable, you are deadly wrong.
How often do you play rock-paper-scissors in real life?
The real reason it is so replayable is that there are many different Pokémon to train and progression is addictive.
beautiful 90s soul
>The real reason it is so replayable is that there are many different Pokémon to train and progression is addictive.
This is my current team in Heart Gold. I used my Pearl version to send over breedjects. So far Cacnea is a dissapointment. But Koffing has been a very surprising and useful member of my team. Gible is hilarious, it's already pretty OP but it also learns Dragon Rage wich just means I can oneshot most things early to mid game.
Playing trough the games using different Mons or with self imposed rules like Nuzlockes are fun.
Where else can i get a hundred (yous) by posting racebait?
t. 18 year old boomer