WoW Classic

What do you think are the odds that WoW classic will overtake retail if it starts doing frequent updates like OSRS? Will they just leave the level cap at 60 and start progressively adding new content that doesn't cancel out what came before? Because I seriously can't imagine a scenario where people want to go back to random greens replacing their hard-earned gear just because a new patch has come out. Good items should stay relevant forever, period. The only thing they should add are unique items that allow the viability of different specs or just ones that look better than the old ones.Which wouldn't be hard for any of the cringy paladin sets.. Pic unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>wanting new content
That's gonna be a yikes and dilate from me, lad.
Not to mention paladins had probably the best looking tier in the entire game, excluding maybe the Naxx rogue set.

Attached: tier-2-paladin.jpg (600x410, 225K)

>What do you think are the odds that WoW classic will overtake retail if it starts doing frequent updates like OSRS?

This won't happen though. They're going to shut the door once they've released all the vanilla wow content and leave the game to rot. the only thing that they might do is release BC, WOTLK "classic" servers after the fact to let people relive those as well.

Sorry, user, but you're delusional. Last rumor was that a guy from Jagex already joined the Vanilla team, and even if not it's pretty clear that
>the community wants to see classic supported
>loudmouth streamers like the cunt in the op have said the same
>blizzard has EVERY incentive to do it
Let's say for example that they can't add cash shops because players are against that. They can easily circumvent that issue. Just add some cosmetic bullshit that requires 2-3 weeks of grinding, and you've got your 40 euro secured. Not only that, but Vanillafags love the grind, so it's incredibly likely that they will do this. If you seriously think they're just going to let numbers drop without doing anything, you're crazy.

I don't trust blizzard to add in new content.

Just like Fagex already ruined OSRS with its updates making the game pretty much slayerscape to cater to HCIM

His groupies and beta orbiters are ruining the beta test. Lots of shit players, and unironic trolls.

I thought people liked the OSRS updates. What's wrong with them?

They've already stated the servers are staying open once all the content is done and might even get some reworks and balance issues after Naxx for some time, and as you said, we'll also likely get BC/WotLK Servers too.

With that said, Classic is going to overtake BFA/Black Empire Xpac, it's extremely obvious.

I don't see Blizzard putting much work into Classic once they're shove out Naxx. I feel like they'll go with the lazier route which is introducing Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King servers and allow you to "transfer" your Classic characters over to each one if you want.
But for sure Retail is gonna get dwarfed by Classic, Retail is a shit show right now and the amount of backpedaling that would be required to fix it would be insane.

>if it starts doing frequent updates like OSRS
well, the thing is OSRS was basically a reset back to when the game diverged to RS3. vanilla is just a total clean slate wipe of the game, and the more they change, the more people will yearn for "the vanilla experience", and it's a real lose lose for blizz.

There's a chance it becomes a success, but that's not on the game or the devs, it's on the players. If players stick around, it'll be successful. If they get bored after they poopsock their way through all the content, it won't.

I think it depends on how popular Classic remains.
>Retail is a shit show right now and the amount of backpedaling that would be required to fix it would be insane.
They're going to do it though. I guarantee that next expansion pack is going to be the last, and that we're going to see some sort of complete retcon. They've fucked up the lore to such a degree that anything but a fresh start isn't going to work.




Who is this motherfucker? He has the eyes of a prey animal.

>What do you think are the odds that WoW classic will overtake retail if it starts doing frequent updates like OSRS?
I don't think they're going to, but let's say they do. Let's say after Naxx is out, they decide to add shit. It has to be with near-complete player support for each change. And they can't add a new raid tier higher than 3 because T3 already powercreeped vanilla to near unsustainable levels. The best they can do is a side-tier like ZG is.

I'm not even talking about the lore (which has obviously become shit too), the treadmill in WoW has been broken for years and they're constantly piling on more crap and making it worse. Even if they manage to fix:
>Multiple raid difficulties fucking up loot balance
>Catch-up zone/gear with every major patch
>Item Level being important to join groups but being useless for actual character improvements
>Artifact Power
>Fucked up class/talent balance

That still doesn't fix the issues with:
>Dead server communities
>Everything becoming a queue
>Cross Realm everything
>The extremely fucked gold inflation

And that's just the bare minimum shit they'd have to fix to get Retail back to decent status. Some of that is gonna take a long time to fix and some of it is impossible to fix without simply throwing it in the trash and lightning the dumpster on fire.

A Yea Forums-approved chad.

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Asmongold stop making threads about yourself

Post your face when instead of removing sharding they will add cash shop

Attached: Atoast.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I will pay double to play classic without this faggot and his zoomer cancer friends.

>god I can't wait for clas-

>A Yea Forums-approved chad.

What does "Asmongold" stand for? As(pie) mon(goloid) (cuck)old?

I don't know, you're right, but the thing about lore is that once that's gone you lose people's genuine interest. Nobody wants you to fix the game if they don't even want to play it. I'm losing lore kind of loosely here, I just mean they're altering Warcraft's identity to the point of insanity, like what LucasArts allowed with the EU, except this is their mainline. People love WoW for the simple things: night elves, orcs, whatever. Now Blizzard have infested the game with all sorts of shit that's totally random, stupid, and unrecognizable as Warcraft. They just need to fucking STOP. They have one of the most recognizable and beloved settings ever, and they're wasting it on trash.

>What does "Asmongold" stand for?
Pretty sure he said it doesn't stand for anything and it was just a name he came up with in middle school

Blizzard will ruin it just like they ruin everything else. I'll play it again because all my buddies want to play and even the worst game is good with friends, but when they start bailing out I will too.

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He probably tried to name himself Asmodeus in some game and either fucked it up because he's retarded or the name was already taken so he went for a slightly different variation.

Remember that Tailiesen or whatever exposed Asmongold for having an army of incels at his command ready to death threaten anyone who disagrees with what Asmongold says and thinks and that Asmongold is also entitled to watch your intellectual property until he milks all of your shekels out of it. All you are allowed to do is smile and clap along


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i thought all those muh vanilla faggots were all about NO CHANGES?
just saying, paying monthly for a 15 year old game is pretty fucking stupid too.

>Good items should stay relevant forever, period
lol you understand so little of game design it's hilarious. THESE are the people want classic+

I can't figure out how a bald caveman is popular in the wow community

He lives like a fucking NEET but makes money, why

>Implying anybody needs to expose his chat for the shit stains they are
Chat is a reflection of the streamer, and if you act like an asshole your chat is gonna act like assholes too.


Do you think anyone here is in denial about MMOs being bad RPGs?

They're actually retarded, and I hate Taliesin since he's a megashill. But Asmongold is honestly so much worse. And all these people are commenting about how his content is "transformative" - these niggers have no idea what that word means. I even saw some other subhumans yesterday talking about how people wouldn't watch content anyway if the withered goblin wasn't reacting to it. They seem to be too stupid to realize that that's completely irrelevant, since YouTube's guidelines on what's transformative is pretty clear. Even if you're doing a real review and adding 2 hours of your own content, showing every second of another piece of content is not allowed. You can't fucking put Lawrence of Arabia on YouTube and say it's transformative because you pause every 5 minutes to say
I'm amazed people haven't reported this shit yet. Not to mention there are thirdies making tens of thousands a month from doing NOTHING but ripping these reaction videos. Like, not only are they not making the original content, not only are they not the ones reacting, they're just being parasites taking all the spoils. Honestly, Taliesin was a fucking cuck for not saying anything about that. All these chucklefucks allowed to open 1000 different Asmongold channels and monetize them are worse than the guy himself, who is contained to his shitty stream.

>and thinks and that Asmongold is also entitled to watch your intellectual property until he milks all of your shekels out of it
lmao kill yourself bootlicker
install an adblocker like literally everyone else retard

>>lol you understand so little of game design it's hilarious.
>i'm just going to put a 'lol' in there and make a retarded statement because i can't justify my little zoomzoom position

Attached: 1562419966585.jpg (1080x810, 271K)

I made a retarded statement in response to your retarded statement. And I GUARANTEE you I'm older than you

An MMO can't survive if it doesn't progress. When someone has all the best gear, why should they continue to play? They've won the game, obtained the final loot. It's done.

This is why classic is totally pointless.

People don't feel threatened by him. Most of the people that watch him are generally toxic, that's true, but 99% of them are there to be shitty towards Asmongold and put some EBIN reactions in the chat every time he finds an item that's has "bald" or "withered" in the title.

I just cant stand leveling at this point. I've done it a billion times. Only if the content is new can I tolerate it.

Or post Trihex when he says the word steal

McCuck PepeLaugh

fuck this guy. doesnt he know great power cums great responsibility?

>And I GUARANTEE you I'm older than you
I'm not 15, thanks. And my statement wasn't retarded, there is zero purpose in having items unless they're useful. In Vanilla, your items would either allow you to
>get better items
>show-off in the capital
If that's removed you've lost everything. Items need to have a gradual progression. If I spend 3 months getting gear from a raid and that's obsolete not because better gear has come out, but because a new patch makes it so that any fucker can get BETTER gear than me in a single day from doing a few instances, then that is retarded game design, you mouthbreathing fucking zoomer. Die.

Play Shadowbringers.


What did he mean by this?

I played ff14 a while back (vanilla) and liked the pve/campaign

Maybe i'll give it a shot some time.

All youtubers and e-celebs are human garbage and you should not be supporting any of them.

A small portion of the playerbase will stick around. All the twitch streamers will abandon it after a few months and the hype dies down.

Also Asmongold is shit at the game and I'm so tired of his face popping up everywhere wow related. He doesn't even make up for it by being entertaining. The part that pisses me off the most about him is how he acts elitist even when he is dogshit at the game and doesn't know wtf he is talking about.

I just hope I can find a semi decent guild that isn't full of elitist idiots. I'll probably be playing a more meta build, but I want to play with non meta players like boomkins and shit doing MC. No they shouldn't add items or change shit either let these dogshit specs be dogshit and people try to make them work. Some people want that challenge and when you start on that change train it doesn't have any brakes.

Also the greens you get at levels 10-20 feel way better than the shitty epics you get in bfa for doing dogshit preraid content.

I don't have to support any of them to realize that one is worse than another, that's a retarded fucking thing to say.

>I'm not 15, thanks
So you're 16, got it. I'm 33, I win, bye bye

>If that's removed you've lost everything. Items need to have a gradual progression. If I spend 3 months getting gear from a raid and that's obsolete not because better gear has come out, but because a new patch makes it so that any fucker can get BETTER gear than me in a single day from doing a few instances
translation: lol every new piece of content should require you to grind ALL previous content for 1% drop chance items beforehand. When the game has 6 years worth of content added? Just grind all 6 years in slow succession before you can reach the new stuff hey wait why is noone doing the new content? Why am I alone? Waaaaah obviously the game is too hardcore I'm gonna cry bitter tears on rpgcodex

I love how threads shifted from being about the game to being about the balding faggot. The definitive example of obsession.

Honestly, the most fun I've had is with FF14 and also with SW:TOR. They're casual co-op games that are mainly about the storytelling, but that's still vastly superior to retail WoW
Dailies are honestly the most cancerous thing in MMOs.
Oh, and TES:O is not so bad now either, if you're willing to give it some time. The recent expansions have been pretty great, and both TESO and FF14 have been growing since WoW shit the bed.

That wouldn't be the "true vanilla experience" though, part of it was looking forward to new content, not having the game stagnate :^)

What did Taliesin and Evitel mean by this?

Attached: T&E.png (746x612, 71K)

I'm just sick of seeing the balding faggot fucking everywhere. There are literally 50+ youtube accounts of him reacting to bullshit wow related. I know this only because I've blocked them for fucking months and they still fucking show up. Now I don't really like looking at wow videos, because it'll fucking start up again.

For some reason I never knew that was his wife since I don't watch their content.

pserver autist are all elitist faglord, thats left you with some random asmon/ soda shitter guild ROFL. also not to mention the only thing to do in vanilla is ganking/ wolrd boss/ r14 bg

30 bucks that blizz wont remove the sharting at all

>I'm 33, I win, bye bye
You went from being underage to 33? Damn, that's a lot of sudden growth. Just like the cash shop in retail, amirite, lil' zoom?
> lol every new piece of content should require you to grind ALL previous content for 1% drop chance items beforehand
It's never been that way and you're clearly a retard that's never played Vanilla.
>Just grind all 6 years in slow succession before you can reach the new stuff hey wait why is noone doing the new content?
If only you had actually played Vanilla and knew how this worked, instead of being an embarrassing subhuman that doesn't know what he's talking about. If you were so far behind, that guarantees the fact that there were others guild up and available when you started playing. So, no, you didn't necessarily have to move through each step at a time, because if you were super far behind a guild that wanted to gear you up could easily take you through a previous raid they were done for and let you take what you need. But you're too retarded to fucking know this, because you never played the lategame. But should players on a server have to go through the content? Yes. It's one thing to have a catch-up mechanic like getting help from the oldguard, it's another to just give people free gear so they can do the newest raid and be done in a week. You sound like a cocksucking retail faggot that wants everything served to him, what a shock.
Rest of what you said is just you spazzing out like a dumb nigger. Pic related, it's you when you've got to play the game and interact with people instead of hitting LFG and going AFK while others play for you.

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Report their videos for breach of copyright. That's what I do every time one pops up, and I am 100% sure some of them already got warnings, so it's only a matter of time. Like as soon as someone even has this ugly fuck as a tag, once you've watched that video, you get spammed with his garbage. Every time he's on the ClassicCast I need to watch that in incognito just so he doesn't spread like a disease.

He's right, Mark Kern is a faggot. Literally all he does is push the
Must have done some real good work considering he's done jack shit since despite having enough money to probably start his own studio. Reminds me 100% of Cliffy B, just less cringy.

Why would you subject yourself to that when Countdown To Classic exists with actual vanilla legends and devs? Josh is based.

The sharting is gonna be fucking terrible, but vanilla alterac is the main thing keeping me for it. I might not even fucking try to join a guild until I hit 60 on classic.

My retail guild doesn't seem to want to bother organizing anything for it and I'm done with bfa's garbage since all there is ever to do is raid once a week and get a +10 key once a week just to hold onto more fucking azerite gear in case a patch hits fucking up my current gear.

its actually amazing hes hasnet been banned yet because he literally incites raids against other people. thought that was a no no but i guess twitch condones it.

I listen to them all, honestly. And I like Tips, he's alright.

I'm gonna give that incognito thing a try. I really like seeing wow content, but haven't been able to because of that balding fuck's cancer. If they start popping up again I'll look for that report for copyright button as well. Thanks user.

>goes on twitter
>makes a dipshit posts
>smiles to the camera so all the zooms can upvote it
>sees random person in game
>/spits on them and starts talking shit
>stalks their personal history
He's a white nigger, and nothing less.

lol so angry cause you know you're wrong

>If only you had actually played Vanilla and knew how this worked
lamo what you're describing ISN'T how vanilla worked, because vanilla pulled a reset after 2ish years dipshit. They didn't keep piling up content for 6 years straight because Blizzard weren't retarded at the time and knew how game design works, unlike you.

Even then, the vast majority didn't ever ENTER naxx because they hadn't grinded the gear for it. That's after 2 years. Imagine how bad it would've been after 6 years. Absolutely NOBODY would be doing the new content, you literally wouldn't be able to find 40 geared people to attempt it

>wojak poster
oh wow you really are 16 haha

>Just add some cosmetic bullshit that requires 2-3 weeks of grinding, and you've got your 40 euro secured.


>tfw enormous wowfag
>have zero interest in classic
>but bfa is also sucky sucky poopoo
why can't the game just get good again bros
shadowbringers is awesome but it doesn't quite scratch the itch

Fuck off fairy faggot. God I miss the good old days when you could just call someone a stupid nigger and they'd laugh it off and add you to their friend's list. This new generation needs to drop their balls and grow some skin.

the point is that he sic's his attack dogs on anyone he wants and thats ok with twitch :^)

He tried and failed spectacullary. Google firefall bus.

I hate Taliesin too, but I would do bad things to his wife.

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He's talking about doxing some random faggot and sending his kids to harass them. Nobody gives a shit about someone calling them a nigger it just makes you sound like a little edgelord.

He's literally never done any of that. Cool story bro.

>lamo what you're describing ISN'T how vanilla worked
Except that's exactly how it worked.
>because vanilla pulled a reset after 2ish years dipshit
Which wouldn't have changed anything. The same rules apply.
>They didn't keep piling up content for 6 years straight because Blizzard weren't retarded at the time and knew how game design works, unlike you.
Imagine being such a cocksucking shill that you defend Blizzard's retarded choices. And they've been making them since Vanilla, cretin.
>Even then, the vast majority didn't ever ENTER naxx because they hadn't grinded the gear for it.
How is this a problem? Like, really, where is the problem here? Is this game journo difficulty again? Can't beat Isshin and the skip button? Your guild is going to get you as close as they can without you having to go through everything, but of course there needs to be a lot of grinding. What point is there to the game even if you aren't spending months preparing for a raid?
>Imagine how bad it would've been after 6 years
Literally the same, stupid nigger, because they would just be able to carry you to the furthest tier that's below their own difficulty. It makes absolutely no difference if you skip one tier or fucking five, because your guild will still be the ones doing the heavy-lifting.
>Absolutely NOBODY would be doing the new content
I'm going to guess given the games journalist arguments you're making that by nobody you actually mean only a fragment of the playerbase. Which, again, is great. That's exactly what an MMO should be like, and what makes them great. Retail zoomers like you pretending you're oldschool players need the bullet, and fast. Git gud and put in the time, or go play GW2.
>oh wow you really are 16 haha
I'm not the one defending retail and making arguments that have nothing to do with how Vanilla was, retarded zoom-zoom.
Everything you're saying boils down to
And you try to pass that off as 'good game design'.

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>God I miss the good old days when you could just call someone a stupid nigger and they'd laugh it off and add you to their friend's list
Imagine being so retarded that you completely miss the point of the post but then talk about the 'good old days' that never existed because you're a braindead zoomer.
Except every time that he has, like weekly? Sure is zoomer in here.
Honestly, he's way out of her league. Hard to think that Taliesin is like mid 30s and Asmongold is only late 20s. Embarrassing.

Every time i see this faggots sunken face i think of people that are in hospice

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That may be true but he is a wowfag. They normally don't punch up when it comes to women. And who is Asmongold banging? his hand?

I'm just taking what the person said since your reading comprehension is dogshit. I don't watch that balding fuck so I don't know what the fuck he does.

a plastic mannequin whore.

Wow you're just inventing your own strawman at this point. I can tell you're getting REALLY mad that I'm DESTROYING every argument you make instantly haha

Keep believing that guilds will exist that endlessly boost noobs through the new content when that wasn't even true in classic when there was only 2 years worth of content. You claim I want easy content, and yet you're the one who wants content so easy you can beat it while carrying a bunch of noobs who are 6 years behind in gear and are literally gonna die to the first AoE from the boss at that point. Don't worry, you won't be getting your wish, casual

I'm not asking for retail, I never said I wanted retail, and I don't nor have ever played retail (unlike you, lol). What I want is classic. Classic includes a reset after 2 years. That's what I'll be getting while you cry, so sad for you, bye bye

Attached: merightnow.jpg (500x440, 33K)

This monstrosity. Some butterface with fake tits and probably fake everything else. I have no idea how people watch her, she doesn't even have the charm of a bimbo, she's just an ape with makeup on. It's weird, because there's a lot of qts that follow him, but he somehow landed this thot.

Attached: download (1).jpg (1280x720, 189K)

>Yea Forums dislikes asmongold so much that they agree with authoritarian left philosophy unironically
Never change

LOL he's dating a twitch camwhore?


Reminds me of Asmodeus who is a high demon.

>Keep believing that guilds will exist that endlessly boost noobs
That's not what I said, that's just your own demented attempt at a strawman, actually. As I said before, most people won't be able to do the endgame content, as is right, but people that are genuinely dedicated will not have to wait 6 years or whatever the fuck you said, because guilds can help them out.
>You claim I want easy content
You literally do, that's why you're shilling this hard for retail.
>who wants content so easy you can beat it while carrying a bunch of noobs who are 6 years behind in gear and are literally gonna die to the first AoE from the boss at that point
Because they're overgeared and know it by heart? What a retarded fucking reply, lmao. I mean you can breeze through Deadmines when you're above it in level, that doesn't mean you can solo it when you're level 20, you fucking brainlet. Of course content you've surpassed is going to be easier, you're just doing this to help out someone, not for a challenge. You're so painfully stupid.
>I'm not asking for retail
>I never said I wanted retail
You literally are arguing for retail, because EVERYTHING you're describing is just how retail works, and the exact arguments you're making are what retailfags make against Classic, all of which are retarded and show that you've never played Vanilla. You've literally said NOTHING in this whole time about how you want Vanilla to work or how it has worked apart from aping pro-retail arguments.
>(unlike you, lol)
Of course I've played retail. I love the zones and the music. Again, only a zoomer would make this kind of pointless attempt at insulting someone. There's nothing wrong with playing retail. For a month, until you've seen the new expansion and you can fuck off back to a better game. But arguing for more retail features does make you a retail cocksucker, absolutely.
>That's what I'll be getting while you cry, so sad for you, bye bye
Why would I cry? Like, what?

> authoritarian left philosophy unironically
Nice buzzwords, get the rope while mommy's still at work, tranny.

Attached: 1562434224285.gif (395x235, 3.81M)

at least be a lad and say faggot like a real person, tranny has become so meaningless in this shithole

I don't know anything about taliesin probably because for months I couldn't look at any wow related content, because I didn't want my computer to get infected with asmongold's cancer on youtube again.

I will check out the drama tomorrow, but I hope more people talk shit to asmongold, because he is the cancer of the wow community and it'll be a lot better without him and his shitty followers.

Faggot is a friendly term, m8.

This has to be the best .gif about regret. Look at her fucking expression, she knows starving would be better than this bullshit. She knows she absolutely fucked up her life.

Well I fucked up and watched the taliesin whatever vod of this drama a little bit and forgot to go incognito. It's gonna take me a bit to get used to that shit, but already I have 3 videos on the right of his shitty react channels.

Athene > Asmongold

its an all encompassing term that generally has its meaning derived from the context its used

They're both fucking morons. You're probably one of those idiots that followed Athene's cult

>Because they're overgeared and know it by heart?
translation: I want content so easy that someone who is 1 tier above it in gear can carry a whole bunch of noobs who are 20 tiers below it in gear waaah mommy change my diaper I soiled myself again :(

>You literally are arguing for retail
Um no sweetie I'm literally arguing for classic, because that's literally how classic works - a reset every 2-3 years in the form of an expansion. YOU'RE the one too casual for classic who wants to change it because *muffled laughing sounds* ur a casual kiddo

>Of course I've played retail

>Why would I cry? Like, what?
I don't know, why are you crying right now? OH RIGHT it's because what you're asking for is NEVER going to happen because nobody who makes an MMO will EVER be as retarded as you!

There's too much to watch really. Here's a TL;DR
>taliesin ranted on stream about how people need to be more responsible about who they feature on their stream on how because autists go and leave bad comments after
>asmongold took deep offense and said he can't help this and that he never tells people to do anything
>he says he doesn't punch down or up, only back, arguing like a proper nigger that just hit some 10 yo girl
>spends the rest of the day getting sucked off by the likes of the quartering and acting like he's such a mature adult and a total victim
Taliesin is a lefty cuck, but at least he's himself at all times. Asmongold gaslights people and pretends he's an honest actor.

As wrong as you are, Athene was more fun to watch and at least he didn't have a trail of zoomer só €€oyó €€boy's

>having opinions about streamers

Attached: connoisseur.png (740x560, 68K)

asmons a cuck but taliesin is a god damn snake
>got really hung up on how much money he made for a while
>got hyper aggressive to people who disagreed with him
>exaggerated to play up how much of a victim he was
>when asked if he every asked asmon to not watch his videos he replied with "irrelevent" when it was clearly about his personal experiences
>that being said he put content in a few of his videos clearly for asmon but totally didn't want him to watch

what a fucking loser, how can you make an actual real life goblin look like the better of the two in a situation where you play the victim

>Blizzard weren't retarded at the time and knew how game design works, unlike you.
Blizzard is so good at game design people want them to bring back a 15 years old game because of how shit it became with their "good game design".

>translation: I want content so easy that someone who is 1 tier above it in gear can carry a whole bunch of noobs who are 20 tiers below it in gear waaah mommy change my diaper I soiled myself again :(
What is this argument? Are you genuinely retarded? This implies you already did the content the first time at the hardest difficulty. Like what the fuck am I reading? I can tell you're a zoomer just by the way you're talking because you make the most meaningless ad hominems. Well, you strawman, but your strawmans are retarded and don't hit home, where you clearly got super defensive about literally wanting retail mechanics in Classic. I doubt you've even touched the game, lil' zoom.
>Um no sweetie I'm literally arguing for classic, because that's literally how classic works - a reset every 2-3 years in the form of an expansion.
That's not Classic. Vanilla is Classic, which is the base game. TBC and WotLK garbage need not apply.
>YOU'RE the one too casual for classic who wants to change it because *muffled laughing sounds* ur a casual kiddo
Imagine writing this unironically. At this point I'm not sure if you're a zoomer or truly some 33 r/TheDonald pondscum that lost his way. That's some cringy shit, lad.
What? I already said I played retail, the zones are fun and for only the sub's price they're more than worth playing once they're added to the base purchase. Only a retard would deny this. Many things are wrong with nu-WoW, but the music and art isn't among them. Except maybe the awful weeb armor, but that's fine, I don't care about it.
>OH RIGHT it's because what you're asking for is NEVER going to happen
I mean, it's literally happening right now? Classic is releasing and they've already stated it won't just go into TBC or WotLK. If they do additions they're going to be Classic-only, which means the exact thing I mentioned before won't happen. You are super retarded, and also haven't been following the game.

In vanilla people doing naxx still did the other raids and would charge people large sums of gold to run them through that content guaranteeing them drops, because they still wanted bindings in MC and other drops that would help them with their naxx run. They did this by reserving loot in the raid and leaving the rest for the people that paid to be in that raid.

This will happen for many years, because guilds will reach that point at different times or multiple times with alts. I do think adding a separate server that resets annually or so would be neat though.

I've played Vanilla to cata and then the first part of legion and bfa.

Some people won't get bored of vanilla because it'll take them months to get to max level and even more months to get through the content for the first time for some of them. Those people are the private server players that have been playing vanilla for many years.

fag spends half an hour saying shit that could have taken 2 sentences because he is nebulously angry

I don't know much about him beyond these recent streams, but the irrelevant thing I understand where he got from, because in his original video he was talking about streamers in general and how they should act, he wasn't trying to whine about his own personal experiences with Asmongold. But people turned it into that, and that's one of his main complaints. When I actually went back and watched the stream he did, I could see his point. Everything he said before is just left behind and the YouTube tards ripped the Asmongold part out of context.
But nah, Asmongold is way worse, and he's a shit human being. Reminder that all he did while playing DaS 1 was whine about how he can't do it because he has bad circulation in his legs or whatever, goddamn. I mean I guess you could argue that's his 'persona', but his entire persona is retarded.

Personally I'm a right leaning libertarian, but I probably would like anybody more than asmongold. People that gaslight less popular content creators are the fucking worst and it explains a lot of why I don't see much criticism on him by other wow content creators. It's anti censorship in it's own way and as a libertarian I hate that.

>"LFM MC whisper gearscore and achievement for inv"

Attached: 1558864111186.png (458x546, 138K)

>Hard earned gear
You mean shit that gets obsolete with next patch? Oh no, nobody forces you to play classic.

>Blizzard weren't retarded at the time and knew how game design works, unlike you.
>Blizzard weren't retarded AT THE TIME
>Blizzard weren't retarded AT THE TIME that they made that 15 year old game
>hurr why are you saying modern Blizzard aren't retarded? - you
Is English not your first language? Do you not understand what 'at the time' means? Did you not get to the chapter on how tenses work in your book, "How to Speak English for Dirty Foreigners"?

>literally wanting retail mechanics in Classic
You keep parroting this, how complex is
>I literally want classic to be literally like classic, you are the one arguing against classic's design while paying blizzard money for retail because ur a casual
Do you need to read the above user's book too? Are you also a dirty foreigner who doesn't speak English?

>I mean, it's literally happening right now? Classic is releasing and they've already stated it won't just go into TBC or WotLK. If they do additions they're going to be Classic-only, which means the exact thing I mentioned before won't happen. You are super retarded, and also haven't been following the game.
Uh, no sweetums, that's NOT what's happening. They've specifically SHOT DOWN the idea of doing new content for Classic - their exact words were "that's never happening". What they HAVE confirmed is that they will release TBC if Classic is popular

Which means, uh, I win and you lose? Boo hoo hoo for you ;(

He's absolutely retarded man, and just a manchild. The whole 'punch back' shit was some of the cringe stuff I've ever heard, the same shit you hear from people that hit women to death because
Like, nigger, you've got 30k viewers at all times, if you're so hurt by some random forum post maybe you've got severe mental problems. And the worst part is, of course, that he WILLINGLY looks for this shit. It's not like some guy follows him in game griefing him and insulting him. No, he goes into the forums, looks up his name intentionally, and then tries to make those people look bad. This is like those insane political twitterfags that go looking for users with 2-3 followers, and quote a random thing they said weeks ago, going WELL TWITTER WHY ISN'T HE BANNED YET WHEN MY FAVORITE RIGHTWING/LEFTWING PERSON WAS SILENCE? COME ON, TWITTER.

This man has single handedly ruined classic for me. Guess it really is time to move on and stop playing shitty mmos.

>You keep parroting this
I'm not parroting anything, I'm just stating a fact. The kind of catch-up mechanics you want along with constant availability for all players, at all times, no matter how new and what their time investment in the game is is 100% retail mentality.
>paying blizzard money for retail
Yeah, like I said, I have no problem paying Blizzard for what they do right. The leveling in their expansions is worth one meal. But I'm not subbing to their treadmill garbage, which again, is what you seem to want.
>Are you also a dirty foreigner who doesn't speak English?
Nice ad hominems, maybe stop sucking nu-Blizzard off and then we'll stop calling you out for being a shill. Again, you can say you hate retail all you want, but you are literally asking for retail shit. Getting shit for free just so you can participate is a retail gig.
>They've specifically SHOT DOWN the idea of doing new content for Classic
Source? Who said this, exactly?
>What they HAVE confirmed is that they will release TBC if Classic is popular
Which is completely meaningless, since they'll be separate things. I don't care if they release TBC so long as it doesn't force me to upgrade, people are free to go play that trash.
>Which means, uh, I win and you lose? Boo hoo hoo for you ;(
Actually, you lose, since you don't understand that Classic doesn't work like retail and it never will, and you aren't going to get free shit unless you're willing to put in the effort. I want more of the same, but if Classic just stays Classic without any updates that's also fine by me. What I hate are expansions and similar garbage.

I'll never understand how anyone ever thought Athene was entertaining.

Jeremy was also cringy, but at least he was the OG.
>mfw there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who don't know who this guy is

Attached: download (2).jpg (400x225, 16K)

>The kind of catch-up mechanics you want along with constant availability for all players, at all times, no matter how new and what their time investment in the game is is 100% retail mentality.
Hey remember when I mentioned strawmen earlier? Yeah you're doing it again, kiddo. I never said I wanted anything like retail, I'm fine with a moderate amount of progression of the type that they already put into Classic followed by a reset every 2-3 years. That's not retail, retail's retardation is a reset after every raid tier. But you'd know that, because, uh... you play retail lol

>maybe stop sucking nu-Blizzard off and then we'll stop calling you out for being a shill
Yeah it's not an ad hominem if you're literally incapable of reading what I wrote in plain English. I don't like nu-Blizzard, I don't play nu-Blizzard games, YOU'RE the one who gives money to nu-Blizzard, shill

>Source? Who said this, exactly?

Here is the exact quote;
>We had a chat with Ion Hazzikostas and Calia Shie at Warcraft Summit and they both explained how changes to the overall concept and the addition of new content were out of the question since once altered that would make a Classic server something else entirely, and we agree. After all, fans want that old-school experience.
>the addition of new content were out of the question
>the addition of new content
>out of the question
Interview from just 2 months ago
*I begin smirking after destroying ur hopes and dreams* sorry kiddo, you lose ;)

The problem with Asmongold's content is that it's entirely dependent on the state of World of Warcraft since he's literally incapable of playing anything else. He can be exciting and entertaining when something new comes out like the recent patch and raid, but once that's dried up he has nothing to fall back on which is why he has to do reaction bullshit and constantly talk with his chat.
Like let's be serious, if he couldn't 'react' to youtube videos or talk to his chat do you think he could keep his shit together for more than 10 minutes? I don't think he could.

U remind me of ghey

I hate this stick figure comic faggot.

They are very different though. Athene took his obnoxious shtick so far that it became pure obnoxiousness.
Jeremy's character was just shy of self-awareness. That's what made him so funny.

WTS invite to asmonlayer pst

McConnell fuckin' GOAT

bam margera?

Blizzard is dying, they will be fucked if they don't try to leverage Classic.

Meaningless corporate-speak. The OSRS team said the same, and here we are. You must be a gullible idiot to believe. Sharding is a way bigger change than adding a new zone or raid, and sharding is already in.
This. I am going to imagine that the most likely scenario is some kind of cross between Classic and nu-WoW. Maybe after 2 years of Classic some "dark portal" will open through which you'll be able to step into a fresh new realm. Or well, maybe it won't be your real characters, but they'll surely try to retcon their shitty universe using Classic, they have no choice.

1 million viewer streams today for the mythic raid, blizzard is back :)

Classic won't get new updates.
Classic is Blizzard's chance to learn from what made their old games fun. Then they can take all the good parts of it and put it into their future expansions.

>its this thread again

Attached: at least you tried.png (1920x6747, 2.01M)

Have sex, incels.

Attached: classic.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Wow what a fresh and unique take never seen before

im already working on an online dungeon finder service

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>ingame leveling guide
>warlock, rogue or mage

i cant report those faggot best-of channels as violent and repulsive fast enough. theres also some new cocksucker shitting up my sidebar with best of twitch or askreddit. hate those fuckers.

Yeah, of John Stats, Mark Kern, and Kevin Jordan, John is the only one not being a douche about everything.

>wow classic in the title.
>75% of the thread is about some shitty streamers and e-celebs.

Stupid fucking zoomers

Expect the best on 4channel, m8.

But Blizzard can't design decent shit anymore.

I tried to watch this guy once and he gave me the vibe of someone who's borderline mentally retarded.

I don't get it
Why has Yea Forums such an hate boner against him?

>inb4 it becomes the new OSRS

>has a model as gf
>has a gf to begin with
>makes tons of money from playing video games all day
>has a gf

Attached: The-world-may-never-know.png (485x366, 93K)

He seems like an unfunny idiot.

Because his dumb fucking face is plastered everywhere and he figured out the youtube algorithm to the point he has a dozen different channels that all follow the same format.

Like normal streamers I don't give two shits about because you have to go looking for them. This dick face somehow managed to get his name synonymous with warcraft in the youtube algorithm, to the point he actively inconvenienced me by just existing. I have to block his channels about once a week because they keep popping up.

I can only hope he flips out and drowns himself in a river one of these days. I hope rats gnaw his face off, because a bleeding skull with hollowed eyes would look better than his dumb fucking weasel face getting plastered everywhere.

Can't you report asmongold and other twitch streamers for copyright issues about them stealing someone's content?

why is this guy so popular? he's so boring
I'm not saying he's annoying, I tried watching some of his videos and I mostly agree with his opinions, but he's absolutely nothing special in terms of entertainment, no cool hot takes, no witty remarks, he's just meh


Truly based and redpilled.