Fix the Wolfenstein series in 5 words or less.
Fix the Wolfenstein series in 5 words or less
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We have to kill Bethesda.
Release Wolfenstein 2009 on steam.
Replace all the shit characters.
longer than 4 hours please
Return to Castle Wolfenstein sequel
wasn't that 2009?
put it down
ww2 is overplayed and it's strapped to this franchise like a ball and chain
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory remastered now
very loosely, same with Old Blood. They didn't feel like direct sequels
Ah, okay. I liked '09 though never finished it.
You are the nazi now
fuck yes
Kill niggers and all womyn.
kill all the fucking whites
Stop at RTCW
more nazis die, less plot
Idris Elba as the new BJ Blaskowitz
sweden will not develop it
No woke politics, more killing.
Blazkowicz joins the nazis
Let's kill communists this time
Bring back class-based multiplayer
Stop Taking Itself So Seriously
No story
Fight Mecha Hitler
No more niggers or women.
get rid of cutacenes and story driven gameplay
Nazis gas all the degenerates
>5 words or less
These. Do this and the series is saved.
Rip and Tear: Nazis Edition
Thus we will see the superiority of the machine over flesh and blood
Alternative universe where Communist Russia retrieved the Atomic Bomb first and became the global superpower showing the complete opposite of Facism which is Communism. Mass Famine, homes being raided for verbal crimes against the state, poorly built technology because communists have the tendency to execute the original creator for crimes against the State than stick some complete nobody in the project. Qill never happen though because it's swedecuck developers but it's a nice thought.
Change the enemy to Jews
Timetravel kill Hitler. Fight MechaStalin.
return Jack and OSA Director
ally with nazis against aliens
replace nazis with soviets
Have both Nazi occultism AND technology rather than just one or the other.
Soviet good though to swedecucks and American liberal faggot.
>ayylmaos show up
>humanity puts aside its differences to come together and repel the alien invasion
>the aliens actually started both World Wars through mind hax
>starts intergalactic Commander Keen shenanigans
Delete the SJW.
>nazis on the moon
>Frankenstein BJ
But then again, I'm on Yea Forums.
Actual boss fights, no coons
We kill the jews instead.
Old Blood was just a bad remake of the first third of Return
{those are my 5 words}
>mind hax
fuck off Delta
Then you got the shit with BJ's dad, And touching emotional scenes of child abuse.
what does this mean?
kinda cool idea
now that's basado y rojoencapsulado. keenpilled
It's nice to see the Western world slowly start waking up to the Jewiah problem
Them being kicked out of a 109 nations has nothing to do with
>w-we only believe in ONE god and everyone hates us :^(
Hour-long Mecha Hitler fight.
No it was a reboot. RTCW has no sequels.
Spear of Destiny Remake idtech7
Wolfenstein 2009 part 2.
Is this suppose to mean something?
"Hire quality writers" I did it in 3 words OP.
No Friendly NPCs or wheelchairs
No story, many more guns
Rise of the Triad Crossover
>he doesn't know
never mind user. forget i said anything.
Nevermind, you're a dumb nigger.
>he didn't play ZTD
Less politics, more action please
It's a videogame. You a fan of videogames?
>all suggestions have nothing to do with gameplay
Really makes you think.
Less story bullshit, more fun
Communist's takeover become commie nazis
No you
Would have helped if you posted the fucking image in the first place, also never heard of it.
instead of nazis, it's communists
Aquatic Lesbian Submarine Escort Mission
>commie nazis
No such thing. Communists are Communist Naziss are Nazis. Really irritates me when centrist cucks try to equate the two or use their centrist word "authoritarian".
Fuck off
Less cutscenes
Let us skip cutscenes
Let us disable view bobbing and other annoying effects.
Let us automatically pick up items when you walk on them.
That's it. I'm ok with them trying to tell as story, but let me play that story too.
Private companies want money, There's money in appealing to other audiences. Learn economics and grow the fuck up.
t. Beanie boy watching faggot.
2009 is a direct sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Same publisher, same organization giving BJ his orders, same surviving villain from the last game.
more good less bad
Nazis are the good guys
just old school nazi killin
No more aiming down sights
Why alienate your major playerbase and chase for "people" who don't play games?
>release nazi killing videogame
>the alt-blight complains about SJW shit
Like they were going to buy it anyway. They're not part of the target audience.
Niggers stealing from Walgreens on July 4th who only play Fifa and Street Fighter seems like pretty bad new audience to chace my dude.
Make the Jews afraid again.
>Thread about the Wolfenstein series
>is promptly filled with "waah communists are the REAL bad guys, nazis get bullied too much!"
commies are just as scummy as nazis but holy shit at least be subtle about which side you're on
this but unironically
replace the nazis with niggers
It's a shame people can't just talk about the Wolfenstein games. It's one of my favorite vidya franchises.
>thread about how to make series better
>give examples that isn't nigger fucking fat blonde girl or pregnant shirtless women covered in blood dual wielding lmg's
Makes you think huh?
based game
Gas kikes, race war now
sums it up
kill niggers, trannies and jews
Trying too hard to falseflag tranny.
Wolfenstein / C&C:RedAlert crossover
Wolfenstein 1942
More nazi chicks in leather
Remember when killing Nazis was actually fun?
Came here to post this.
It's complex.
Enemy Territory or fuck off
Cancel the entire series.
and then you woke up
If this happened, the hype would be insane.
Remove politics, just shoot nazis
This. Notice BJ didnt have a single line in Wolf 3d or RTCW, yet those are the defining games
Befriend nazis to kill commies
how many games let you actually play as nazis?
what ruined TNC for me legitimately is all the fucking hitscan enemies. how the fuck are you supposed to go on a rampage when everyone has instant laser guns?
Remove all the kike propaganda.
See the stuff with BJ's dad I didn't mind because it explains part of why he hates nazis on such a personal level because he had the same social darwinist mindset that they do. They just needed to do it better. The idea is fine, the problem is the execution.
Nazis were the good guys
5 words huh?
>"Time Machine: BJ in 1942"
BAM, think about it, Wolfenstein 3 starts with an older, grayer BJ but he's still got that badass Nazi super-body of course so he can still fight. The "god-key" aka the biggest loose end from TNC (pic-related) ends up being the key to some sort of time-traveling shit, so you as an old BJ goes back in time to the midst of WW2 to fuck up the Nazis and all their crazy occult/super-mech operations. maybe even kill of Deathshead, Hitler, and every other villain just to clean up the timeline.
But it's most likely gonna be a "key" to parallel dimensions and the whole gimmick will be linking Fergus and Wyatt's timelines together. Which would also be cool.
>Open door to parallel universe
>It's fucking Hell
>Cyberdemon looks though portal all like "sup"
but NOT this
et was a downgrade from rtcw, splash damage are absolute trash tier developers when it comes to direction and design, never ever let them touch a project, or portray one of their projects in a positive light, or brink will happen again
do not let brink happen again, fuck splash damage, fuck et, and fuck all the poorfags that didn't play vanilla rtcw before they added the shitty splash damage maps
You play the good guys
Five words or less huh?
New new new new order
The good guys lost and are forever branded as evil antisemitic demons by the Kosher winners user.
Stop woke go not broke.
remove story add more shoot
zero non-nazi women, no jews
Victory is no merit if the loser can still write history, therefore his hands must be taken away
Doom-Guy is actually a canonical descendant of BJ
Well said. I wish we could get one (1) game that let us play as the good guys without A Man In the High Castle autism tier cartoon villian BUT WAIT GOY twist.
Yea Forums will still fucking seethe.
With people like extra credits defaming the fun of play as the good guys they will be the first on the chopping block
Only in the prime timeline, BJ would've settled with a different women had the nazi's lost the war.
Find a flaw.
Little anime girls shouldn't be in the front lines.
What a good Idea user!
Bring back wolfenstein enemy territory
nuDoom and nuWolf take place in the same time-line. UAC was formed from remnants of what the Nazis discovered during nuWolf.
How right you are, but I find women equal to the household man, It is the ignorance of the common man the sets our sights on the fags of this world hence why we need all the support user do not trifle this thread with such things.
Unironically based
little anime girls are the only ones that should be on the front lines
nuDoom universe never had its own Doomguy though, Doomslayer came from a parallel world linked together from hell.
But women are and never will be equal to the common household man. Their biological nature of being nurtering and responding with emotions blocks out logic and reasoning which is primarily within men because they are more aggressive and confrontive due to their protective nature.
How I envy the based
>when you want to lay claim to being more aggressive but also being a nerd at the same time
When did I say I want claim as a nerd? They're pathetic failure men who can't even open a bottle of esteogen laced sòy sludge.
You finalize too much user, we have set rules that if they can't follow they are outed, see if forward that we need all the help we can get, if these women can't or will not fight, and alternative is needed, to a medic tent we may see genetic super women breastfeeding our men back to health stupid I know but think about it without shilling it you fuck, while they are caressing there heads to comfort them they may have any new reason to fight for us once more, who need the bullshit stigma of anything now' a days it's a blood bath that we all bath in and we need to collect all resources and fight off the fucks who want to hurt us.
No more SJWs or Swedes
Doom Slayer is what demons from hell call him. No one called him anything in the older Dooms so everyone just called him Doom Guy, and people still do. Doom Guy or Doom Slayer, they're both basically the same
Steam release when?
I wish you could do that against the zombies in Rtcw
Did you even read the thread?
play as hitler save axis
>what the hell why do some people treat this game negatively doesn't everyone want to shoot nazis?
Kill nazis inside a castle
It's fine to have a negative opinion, but it's obvious you've never played a Wolfenstein game and just shit up these threads with political bait.
I played one of them for few hours.
I personally don't shit up your threads.
But since we're here I'll tell you - I think the irrational hate for nazis is disgusting and people whose threads are shat up do deserve it.
Not that guy but have sex
>since we're here
I don't have the reference image with me. Cope, was it?
Kill Machinegames, bring back Raven
He made a meta post in wolfenstein thread, I'm giving him a meta reply. Me making a meta post in Wolfentein thread without responding to anyone would definitely count as shitting it up.
No more modern day politics
You kill the devs. Machinecucks.
Japan wins the war.
>thinks nazis are too political for a game about killing nazis
Imagine believing this
Wolfenstein II not in F
Protagonist should be Nazi soldier.
no niggers, protag is nazi
>Fix the Wolfenstein series in 5 words or less.
Turn into modern military shooter.
you clearly didn't play Wolfenstein if you think killing cheesy screaming soldiers, zombies or fucking Hitler in a mecha suit is "political"
by saying that nazis are as bad as communists you are saying that nazis are good
less nazi more niggers
No need since it's great already
you fight for the nazis
No shitty fucking agenda.
Stop cuck campaigns, multiplayer only
Nazis did nothing wrong.
They did one thing.
They lost.
Stop being afraid to offend!
Dumb fucks
newfag leave, you dont belong here.
Enemy Territory Free to Play
it's already free to play dumbfuck
Blonde Nazi Chicks Wearing Leather
No more Nazis.
Nazi occult lovecraftian magic
This. The newest games are mostly cutscenes, not shooting, which fucking sucks
You play Hitler.
More sexy Nazi girls
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory 2
Hitler is dead, kill Stalin
somone other than Dice develops
Punch a nazi in the
No more social justice warriors
Bj kills filthy communists now