Final Fantasy XIV 5.01 Patch Notes

Dragoon has been buffed bois~

>fuck dnc in pvp

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait to start raiding with my tranny gf!

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>No real meaningful PvE changes
>No GNB nerfs in pvp
amazing, at least the Eden armor is sick.

Imagine playing Scholar or Astrologian in Shadowbringers. Take the White Pill already.

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Can't wait for /pol/ to stop ruining every single board!

>patch notes drop
>MNK, SAM and NIN are DESPERATE to get some love
>only change to DPS jobs is that DRG gets buffed

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SAM kind of deserves it for being so braindead

real changes dont happen in .01 retard
wait for savage notes when they add actual shit

This dude looks like the love child of Widowmaker and Xehanort

I'll agree once Yea Forums stops being nothing but waifu garbage, smash and wow threads. Until then stop crying about people actually discussing video games

Tight&Firm or Curvier bodies?

dont care, post in your general retard

Look man we need brain dead classes to be viable or else it'd be impossible to fill up groups. People who play hard classes will play hard classes even if the pay off is the same for the challenge, but I'd rather have my retard SAMs and RDMs than retard MNKs and BLMs.

The hell does the second line mean?

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It still contains dumb weebs regardless of balance

They’re about the same. T&F seems like it has more conversions for specific sizes though.

>AST still in the gutter
I guess its gonna be the MCH of this expansion

personally i like curvier bodies because the large tit size looks better on gear that's converted, for tight&firm hentai tits the conversions look out of place
but really its preference between the two. as the other user said, T&F has more conversions

Kill yourself, this off-topic garbage is what ruined /xivg/ and exactly why these threads need to be made

Hell yeah new minions.

Not really off topic, and since the game's down you cant expect much real discussion beyond patch notes

Seething WoWbabbie detected.

Then don't make threads

Yeah because i totally made this thread, fuck off retard

I'd hate it if people posted msq spoilers here

Your defending the logic of it and still here

nigga what? monk is strong as fuck right now. The only change people want is anatman.

maybe in 2 weeks theyll fix scholar
jk itll be boring shit all shb like how mch and whm were fucked all sb


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whm is pretty boring too only reason its more fun is big numbers

Where's the "muh WoL is a virgin faggot" schizo, I miss him

>Fixed Issues
>An issue wherein both EXP and tokens could be received from Frontline and Rival Wings under certain conditions.
They'd better have fixed it the other way, too. You could receive neither EXP nor tokens.

what do you want it to do?

Should healers be doing that much? I mean they do have the hardest job. Only way I’d be against it if they started factoring healer dps.

>The character creation text for both Helions and the Lost has been updated to clarify the Hrothgar lore.
>still no update to the Race Naming Convetions post in the forums

>I mean they do have the hardest job

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healers are stupid easy this expansion theres been incredibly low damage and all of their rotations are mash one button
and whm should be high because it has no utility

What was his deal? Was he the same guy that was buttblasted that Thancred nearly killed himself to do something we managed without breaking a sweat?

>theres been incredibly low damage
>damage has never been so high in dungeons and ex trials at an expansion start
Come again?

still inferior to my nigga SAM

Aww, I hoped that AST would get something already. The whining is getting old.

I actually wish there was most AST whining on these threads. All I see are SCHs whining that they aren't the top healer anymore.

Pretty sure he was just shitposting. Basically he was angry that thancred beat ranjit while we lost to him when the wol fought ranjit directly. And making thancred technically stronger than the wol.

The stuff you use can be classified as a spell, weaponskill, or ability. They might have been classified as a weaponskill or spell instead of their intended category (ability, I believe?).

It shouldn't have any change to how NIN in PVP plays.

t. brainlet who thinks tanking or dpsing is even remotely challenging

You keep lying to yourself

she's kind of cute though



They probably haven't even created the naming conventions for Hrothgar and Viera, considering there are no Hrothgar or Viera NPCs yet. They've been too busy making naming conventions for Ronso and whatever the First version of Viera is (along with conventions for Humes, Mystel, Elves, Galdjent, Drahn and Dwarves).

>saw his shitposts before I finished the MSQ
>thought 'aw man, are we really gonna be jobbers?'
>finished it
>have no idea wtf he was even going on about anymore
Seriously what the hell crawled up his ass? Thancred almost fucking kills himself to do nothing but get a couple of cheap shots in and he doesnt even manage to finish pajeet off, whereas we whoop his ass and he showed up at full-force from the get go.
Then at the end Thancred only looked kinda cool while essentially shoving the white aetheryte up Hades' ass, we're the ones that actually kill him.


Wow what based red nigger pill are you on?

>He does it for free

> 1 Raid.


Hi Ion Hazzikostas how are you?

If you're puggin it's the hardest job simply because you have to babysit absolute imbeciles an entire fight

But there are two hrothgar and viera NPCs in the Gunbreaker questline. They just aren't everywhere yet.

> Still no fixes for Viera and Catman being unable to wear headgear.

>omg I have to heal instead of doing nothing for six seconds at a time >:(

Smash and nintendoshills just get triggered when a non nintendo game receive lot of threads.

NINbros how are you holding up?

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Currently the mudras were being put on gcds, so weaponskills; if they are changing it to the intended category, does that mean it'll be removed from the same bind as the weaponskill gcds?

Why don't you fags just make a non-tranny general if /xivg/ is so bad

Friends and fc mates aren't always the smartest people either sometimes.
t. experience from yesterday.

I mean, two NPCs, one of which is a hrothgar, one of which is a viera. I'm tired.

Oh yeah, fair enough. Also, technically Fran is on the Source as well, though she doesn't even seem to fit the Viera naming conventions of XII.

>join farm party before maint
>DPS drop AOEs on everyone and wipe us
>three fucking times
>people start leaving
>the DPS who is responsible: don't be so salty :)

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SCH seems fine even though they removed the DPS toys, and there's no way they're going to reverse that.

>jk itll be boring shit all shb like how mch and whm were fucked all sb
It won't, SCH will probably be buffed to high heaven, and AST more than likely will too. WHM will be nerfed in order to overcompensate. Just hold out 2 weeks bro and we'll return to the old status quo.

Nooo my funny Smash Bros thread xDD

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You say this and yet there is not a single smash thread on Yea Forums right now

stop being part of the problem and go back

you're not wrong. it's why i don't do the "raids" in this game

Told you guys they aren't changing much until the actual raid in 2 weeks.

You're the mobile ranged DPS that's sitting on the other side of the arena while AoE damage is coming, aren't you?

So that's your excuse for tranny ERP

>You say this and yet there is not a single smash thread on Yea Forums right now
I can't tell if you're right or not because I've had to filter 80 fucking images they use in their OPs and a bunch of keywords but I assume you are a liar

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The /xivg/ trannies would overtake it in a split second and nobody can match the amount of unadulterated autism they have. If we told them to fuck off, they'd stay just to get the attention.

>do balls out opener on DRK
>wow this job is fun as fuck
>opener ends
>low on MP
>literally just 1-2-3 for years

So you're the one who spends more time typing passive aggressive bitching than playing the game

My friend just got to 3.0, I need vintage heavensward shitposting

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I think that person was me and I did it purposely to piss everyone off because all these baby "don't bring salt" parties annoy the hell out of me.

we march on. we march on resolute and determined

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no it's my excuse for playing each expansion and quitting at the x.1 marker why are you so obsessed with trannies user? if you really want HRT just google how

i like bow mage

>comfy switch thread :3
>50 "he is in!" Every day
Fuck off nintenshill

What's the opener looking at? I know you EoS first. Then delirium > blood weapon > bloodspillers > fray but I usually run out of blood weapon before my fifth bloodspillers goes through and I have to do a combo to get fray ready.

idk who youre quoting but out going damage this expac has been as much of a joke as it was in stormblood which is why the dps ability pruning makes no fucking sense

Nah, they would've mentioned that in a PVP section since that's a bigger change. This is probably just the text on the tooltip being incorrect and calling it a spell.

To my knowledge there is no such thing as a "no salt" farm party because nobody expects retards to wipe you over and over in a farm party in the first place

Why are wow players so vitriolic towards ffxiv players?

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Not him. But all I want Anatman to do is to tick the 1st tick in the first second you channel it instead of basing it on server tick.

That's it. Then MNK goes from great, to amazingly great.

New to this game, made an ARC, just became a BRD. How fucked up is my shit? I feel like my first class/job should have been a tank to better feel out the dungeons and bosses.

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>here is not a single smash thread on Yea Forums right now

AoE was a mistake.
All it does is pads DPS scores.

Don't forget the /pol/shit and twitter screencaps.

>comfy switch thread :3
>50 "he is in!"threads every fucking day
I have a switch myself but you are annoying as fuck and harass other threads just because its not your cringe nintendo thread

But why? Are you autistic?


Get Fray the fuck out with Blood Weapon ASAP, then Delirium

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Servers are down so yeah

They're mad that their game is bad and jealous that we're having fun in the best FFXIV expansion. I'm not kidding.

Why is SAM in desperate need to get some love? It's pretty fun as it is right now.

New game plus when?

>PvP is literally, literally the only thing DNC has going for it
>gets nerfed to fucking shit
T-Thanks Yoshi...

Had a similar experience. Joined a farm party to get my titty weapon and proceeded to watch people get murdered for 30 minutes. They could not complete the add phase brambles to save their life, and the times we passed the DPS check anyway saw healers unable to revive them in time to clear the mist rune.

Look at her upper lip. No trace of mustache. The other picture of her has a legit side boob perspective. It's a chick.

Really? I'd assume delirium early gets you the most DPS because of group buffs.

DRG does similar damage on top of it's buffs.



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cause parsefags will cry if they can't get an orange parse on sam

It's going to be the First version of Titan, though.

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You don't play the game often enough then.

Oh boy, you are in for a surprise.

Are they shills? Also I realized that threads like Code Vein reachs page 10 faster as fast for no reason and we have a bunch of anons saying to stop shilling the new Atelier game through fanservice. I also remember when the thread got deleted for no reason when someone brought the censorship in Xenoblade 2
What a cancerous fanbase

The random name generator for Viera and Hrothgar works though.
And the first new named NPC you meet for the expansion is a Viera (Vii on the First).
There are tons of Vii and Ronso (Hrothgar) NPCs.
Have you not played the expanion yet?

No, not really. Just a revision in Anatman and MNKs fine.
Fuck them. I'm happy for them to be gone for 2 years.
They need it. There's a problem when them being a selfish DPS and they barely do more damage than DRG and MNK.

You can fish Anatman like Meditation and Collective Unconscious.

It works like the former and the latter. If you get right on the server tick you don't clip your gcd. But a server tick is 3 seconds and you have gcd animation on something around a 2.3 gcd at the time. So you could potentially have to drop a whole gcd and auto.

It's a dps increase either way but if you get the good tick you don't drop 300+ of the potency of your gcd and auto.

its pretty undertuned for having no utility it should do a little more damage its a bit silly things like drg can almost as much while having buffs like litany and sight

Then get Fray the fuck out WITH Delirium and Blood Weapon

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so it's okay when square enix does it. got it

Show me proof that it's a dude then if you're so sure. Prove me wrong.

>this is what the no-TK brainlets actually believe
>monk is going to be brainlet ARR rotation all expansion because of greylets like this

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What does that have to do with anything when SAM logs are compared to SAM logs.

But parses are separated by jobs.

Based, half the newfags in this thread are gonna unsub once they realize that those 4 fights are the ENTIRE CONTENT for the next 6 months lmao

>2 bosses
>2 dungeon roulette

Also for Tifa threads when they do that with nintendo characters

Parsing in this game is based off of how you rank vs other people on the same class.

Oh you want a couple of potency buffs then. That's not really desperate, they're still acceptable. What desperately needs to change is MNK meme opener with the Anat bullshit.

DRG doesnt get extension on its dot like every other job through AOE combos. MNK is fine, SAM needs buff, NIN is fine didn't read my post did you.

You'll learn both just fine as a DPS. Better even if you get a tank that's been around the block a few times who can show you how to speed up the dungeons.
For bosses you're looking at the same castbars the tanks are, so if you pay attention you'd know what to look out for in their shoes.

Then why don't they just player the newer game? You don't see fans of Mortal Kombat 3 going into MKX threads and holding hands in a circle while they all chant prayers of how the old genesis games are the better ones...I mean, at least I don't think they do

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The naming conventions in the source and the first are different though.

Ranjit should have been the boss of a dungeon (Eulmore could have easily been set up as a dungeon), rather than a stupid single player instance.

I used the TK rotation during SB. I wanted it to be gone because of how seriously unneeded it was.

That and RoF. Only reason I'm not angry about RoF is because of GL4.

>voiced by Joji Nakata
Does he appear more often?

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My greatest regret is not playing while that event was up.

I really don't get why they don't buff old raids and dungeons up to the new level cap.

It just becomes wasted content at that point. Sure, the items would be shit, but, at least you'd get decent EXP.

I want Anat to freeze my TS or LF buff timer like it does the form timer more than it instantly granting a stack of GL

he literally dies without getting any screentime

We only need naming conventions for the Source, the Warrior of Light is from the Source, all the information regarding the various races in the character creator is Source-specific.
The random name generator is obviously Source.

This But good point on the random name generator.


Until he dies, at least.

I hope you'll remember that he once lived.

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Not the latter*

Fixing Anatman would help. Getting rid of speed loss from RoF since it's not needed anymore too. Even if it's boost is reduced that'd be fine.

Sam is great. It's just DRG is probably the most busted job in a long time and that's the problem.

I don't remember asking for Disembowel to be brought back to 30s. Can't use that most of the time anyway, since Chaos Thrust is still 24s. I guess it's nice for extended aoe and times where you lose GCDs due to boss moving about and such?


Well, that sucks.
>voiced by Akio Ootsuka
Why do they kill characters with the best voices?

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Ranjit should've come to terms with the fact that Eulmore's current path and Vauthry are a slow death and switched sides. He'd have made a great NPC to have around Eulmore after liberation.

he's the biggest jobber in the game

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How far into HW am I if I've just gotten the approval of the Moogles to try talk to big daddy dragon?


You can do both.

>the one telling others to go to general is a fucking nintentoddler
Of course

okay now this is bait

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I'm still mad van Hydrus is gone.

Whens 5.05?

I know, but hrothgar/viera npcs are sparse in the source. Obviously you can deduce the conventions just from the name generator but it'd be easier to to have it fully explained.


About 1/3 through, but close to the halfway point

It's okay if it's a new model with new mechanics. The First version of Bismark gives me some hope that First Titan will be different from Source Titan.

DPS pruning makes sense in the context that they want healers to heal, so they removed most tank sustain, culled a bunch of tahnk defensive abilities, ramped up damage received and gave healers more heal throughput. I don't agree with taking away offense from healing, but what they're going for doesn't not make sense.

>Manages to break a katana he's been impaled on before getting keked
He's million times better than Elidibus who had every advantage in the world and just fucked off.

life 70% in

Eh, I mostly like the game because of the gameplay and don't care about the story.
I'm only at Heavenswards so no.

>decent XP
>max level content
Have you tried out the various roulettes?

how is gunblade or whatever its called? is it fun?

>deduce the conventions just from the name generator
Incorrect, the generator simply produces a name, any and all meaning behind the name is completely missing.


Thanks, the filthy FF8 weeb in me wants GNB so bad and I don't want to get to 60, switch roles, and just fuck up an entire dungeon for the party.

Heavensward's ends at level 60. What are the levels of the quests you're doing right now?

That's your answer.

you are not wrong. there are two hrotghar in that questline.

So solid estimate would be halfway?

>and don't care about the story

Yah, lots of buttons to press.

it's alright, I dislike having to do all the OGCD weaving with the damage up buff though

>tfw that's me
Wish my HDD didn't die, I had a lot of random shit from ARR.

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how do i get an irl female gf in this game anons

Updates up for PS4 players

just do hall of the novice

Completely skipped my attention as I was typing that out.
Roulettes kinda hit or miss though. There should really be a limit as to how low level they can go.

Living shadow gets your buffs, lad.

You're fine. Bards are fine. It's all good mate.

>Like to play AST the most out of all the healers this expansion
>Enjoy trying to get 3 different seals while also giving the team the right card for each class
>But the fucking payout for that is 15 sec 6% dmg buff at best with a 3 minute cooldown
I like AST but who the fuck thought that was in any way a good idea?

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This is your group for eden normal

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>retarded french healer/burger king crown in ex roul
>get to first boss
>they try to start a fucking 10 (TEN) second countdown
>being the tank I just pull without stopping
>"ok I'm not healing"
>they start healing anyway like a bitch
>after says "I'm not gonna heal you if you pull like that again!"
>"ok bye bitch, and reported too btw" as I kick them
name a better feel
>wait a min or two for replacement healer
>its also a french burgerking crown

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I do watch all the msq cutscenes but with the exception of a single one this games story hasn't managed to hook me at all.

You can recognize patterns if you keep generating them. Admittedly, I haven't looked at it at all but not all the naming conventions for the other races are particularly complex.

No IRL females play FFXIV.
Only mentally disabled men who think they're women.

half the point of roulettes is to give lower level people a party for their dungeons though

I doubt they'd actually fix Anatman, but I would be fine with them removing the speed loss from RoF. Even just one of them is already good for me.

I really thought MNK was going to get that shed status this expac because of SSS and Anatman. Turns out they are actually really solid skills. SSS in Innocence is amazing.

Does it snapshot or does bloodweapon fall off shadow when it falls off you?

>Nothing about it makes sense as a tank
>Japs think NA can’t handle calling continuation “Renzokuken”

It’s aight I guess

>fight the guy with super echo when you know you're your race's last hope

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>ok bye bitch
Enjoy your 3 days off user.

But what's living shadow going to do with my DRK buffs? He's literally calculated like a dot

Fine. He's cute. Now fuck off.

you'd be surprise

It needs to be stronger or longer and have a shorter cooldown

help me find the poon user.

Sometimes certain levels drag on forever though. How are SB and ShB leadup quests compared to HW? I don't think I'll survive HW 2.0

Why would you want an irl girl gf though?

It plays smooth despite having a lot of abilities to press. Only tank with more than one combo now. I don't regret dropping WAR for it, which saw it's major mechanic (Fell Cleave spam) shared with DRK, who now just functions as a cleaner warrior.

It's like moving from DRG/MNK to SAM, the job was clearly designed with all the lessons they've had up to this point, the clunky years of ARR were bypassed for a solid lineup of skills. I would say the unpopular opinion that all the original ARR jobs need to be revamped over the course of time for the next expansion to make them play better while giving them a unique identity, which at this point is more important than getting new jobs.

The actual damage isn't bad though. A 15 sec 6% damage buff on the whole raid is already quite a lot of dps.

open up a party finder for "girls under 17 lol" like that one guy

it was the day before yesterday, only thing I got from GMs was them saying they were investigating the baguette

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>varis dead
come one now guys

>anons now think ugly women are all trannies

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What's the point of recognizing patterns if there's no meaning behind them?
>not all the naming conventions for the other races are particularly complex.
100% correct, but complexity and meaning are two different things.
Miqote Sun Seekers have an extremely simply surname convention (simplest in the game I believe), but if you just look at it in the random name generator you'll never know if you've designated yourself a cuck or not.

TK was good because it was the best utilization of MNK's kit.

Playing sub 80 MNK is ass compared to 70 SB MNK. Reducing all the GL generation was retarded. They should 've left it in. Playing RoW like SAM's Hagakure button.

There was this good post on OF about making Tornado Kick gain procs from all the extra GL you generate. 3 extra GL would make a Tornado Kick charge.

So if they had a GL button and you didn't need it you could just charge Tornado Kick. But then you could have lost GL become Tornado Kick procs too.

All the retardation of TK made intuitive and meaningful. Doubt it'd work with current MNK numbers but it sounded cool.

user pls... im not gay...
no pls

He was more pure than the WoL.

Even Elidibus is aware that there is no hope

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they're functionally the same, no sane man would chase them

why do you hate ninjas user

It's a tank. There's absolutely no reason to play GNB over the other tanks, from a gameplay perspective, since they all play incredibly similarly. And from an aesthetics standpoint, I haven't seen a single gunblade I thought looked legitimately cool, and the animations are nothing to write home about.

If the manage to top him (and Amaurot in general) I'll be surprised. I just hope they keep up the quality.

I've farmed a dungeon over 50 times waiting for a specific glamour piece to drop and it still has not dropped. Everywhere states that it drops in this dungeon. I have literally every single drop from the dungeon in my inventory save for the one I want, no exaggeration. This can't be my luck, right? Surely there's something glitched?

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Sure, but, it should prioritize putting people in an appropriate level dungeon, and only throw them into lower-level stuff when it's really needed.

Bard buff when?
Being Bard is suffering

>For the next 6 months

This isn't wow, xiv actually gets content patches.

Is your dad still in the asylum for it lmao

>Start playing a week or so ago
>Reach Heavensward at level 65
>Buy level 60 equip from a shop as soon as I reach Ishgard
>Do the Whitemage questline and get rewarded WHM Equip at the end.
>Random Equip from a shop is better than the WHM Questline reward.

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Shit, i'm outta here.

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I can't help with poon but I could help with cunn

bard are literally the best physical ranged right now

Yeah SE can punish you for being a twat with a luck debuff

SCH will be buffed. Them and WAR know how to complain for buffs

>Heavensward's ends at level 60
Is this a joke? 3.0 ends at level 60, but then there are 5 more major patches, all with major story content to get through. No fresh player is going to enter their first Stormblood quest at level 60.

What's wrong with NIN?

I don't think I've seen Mortal Kombat fans in particular do that, but a lot of others do. Even in FFXIV threads we often get people preaching about the joys of FFXIV pre-ARR or FFXI.

Because they single-handedly destroyed raids and how the community reacts to other jobs.

how is Elidibus a Jobber? he literally stopped the first from becoming a hellhole like World Of Darkness

Welcome to my hell with LotA and Tank Boots.

I had someone ask if I was gay (Also male cat) and he got incredibly sassy when I told him Absolutely Not. It's true he did disgust me, but he should be used to not everyone agreeing with his behavior. He started emoting to me mid combat, which eventually got him killed because of cleave damage and the healer just left him on the floor the rest of the fight (To be fair though, I think it wasn't intentional, just that the healer was bad.).

Priority goes to whoever's been waiting the longest, it's the fairest way.
Also I love it when I get Ifrit as my leveling roulette, so you can fuck off with your level appropriateness.

It's okay. But having a tiny gun-sword whilst everyone other tank is throwing around giant axes and, two-handed swords and big sword-shield combos looks pretty dumb.
It would have been more interesting if they were a lighter armour class, but made up for it with a high parry and dodge rate. But, that's too complicated for a game like FFXIV.

explain what you mean by this

If it's a leveling dungeon, you're blind. If it's a max level dungeon, you have some really terrible luck. Longest it took me was 18 runs of skalla fir the scouting chest, but they really need to add some sort of currency you can trade in for dungeon gear

>Esteem gains
>Battle voice
>Technical Finish

Jesus fucking christ.

Anyone who says 1.0 was great is delusional though

It's Gubal Library (Hard) so I guess my luck is just in the shitter.

uhhhh should we be worried about /ourfriend/?
hes acting kinda weird

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of course if you only pay attention to cutscenes the game won't hook you with its story

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if they want healers to heal make damage we need to heal because i havent needed to gcd heal the ex primals so it makes no sense im doing the exact same as storm blood just with more boils glares and malefics

>oh hey a good looking elezen
>look up how to make him on garland db
>custom face
every fucking time
there's another new NPC using a custom face as well

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Trick Attack.

Waga tomoyo

Patch is available for download now by the way in case you weren't aware

I switched to MCH. About the same damage but much more fun and easy to play. NIN requires absolute focus and you get rewarded with fuck all.

Patch is up wheres the datamining

You can make better elzn desu, but the other recent unique face is the au ra princess in tank role quests

Those new armor sets in the patch notes are god awful.

>Made my three retainers take three different combat classes that are my own highest classes a long time ago
>Didn't take into account that the feel of the classes may change from expansion to expansion and i may not necessarily want to keep maining these classes in the future
>since my retainers are already these classes though it implies i'll be stuck with maining the classes they are spec'ed into anyway

I'm afraid i've committed if they're all at 71
Thankfully BLM and PLD got put in a good place in ShB but MNK is just gonna have to go along for the ride

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what about it?

ill mine that ass

He's being propped up to be a near-literal sephiroth.
>Long hair
>katana loving
>insane bastard who wants to fight you for no coherent reason
He's going to figure out what caused the Ascians to go nuts in the center of the earth and he's going to use it to become a one-winged angel.
Would be a fitting final trial in Shadowbringers when you think about it.

MNK is fine

>more fucking asscapes

Is she? I though she looked rather nice for a lizard. Shame they gave her the worst horns though.

I can feel the ki of the warriors of light. Now we can finally defeat the warrior of light.

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>ywn have this pvp exclusive gear set
why play

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god the cutscenes would improve 200% if they had proper lypsincing.

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>gays aways dress male cats as sluts
Absolutely false, my cat is not slutty, at all.

Well, that shop's inventory did not exist until Stormblood.

It would be nice if the last MSQ EX came at the end instead of X.3, or if all trials were MSQ related like 2.X

red shit and spikes ruin it.

>The strongest Ascian among you fucking dies against all odds
>You are now your species last hope for survival
>From the sheer stress, drop the ball so hard you lose control of every asset available
>No longer in control of Garlemald
>No longer in possession of a body that could potentially stand a chance against WoL
>No longer in possession of Black Rose super weapon capable of killing WoL
>Only remaining plans of actions are:
>1. Hope that a complete wildcard that couldn't beat WoL somehow manages to beat WoL anyway
>2. Hope that Warriors of Light from the other shards, all of which weaker than The First manage to do something WoLs from The First couldn't
>3. Feed Unukulhai WoLs from 4 other shards and hope that even though he's a kid with no combat experience and no actual reason to fight WoL, he'll beat their 9/14th rejoined soul with his 5/14ths
Elidibus' last galaxy brain play was using WoDs and Urianger to either rejoin or save The First from the flood and everything else has been going horribly for him since.

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Emet's "No, it can't be" was so horribly lipsynced it stood out. I didn't notice it before but that one was really bad

I got hit on by a male au ra and it was traumatizing. At least with male cats squint and they look like a girl

are you fucking dumb? just et everything to cap

It doesn't matter. The real shame here is that you have 3 DoW retainers and 0 BTN/MNRs.

A hairstyle im interested in getting apparently requires 15000 wolf marks to buy but i've never even tried PvP
What manner of pain am i in for

One of those is just wearing default job gear.

Do you think 5.05 will return us to the WAR/PLD/SCH/AST/NIN/DRG/BRD/SMN status quo, as it should be?

Duty finder pvp is 1000 wolf marks a day. So 15 days and you got it.

Is alright.
Is not worth the shit that is "competitive" feast.
The mounts are rad though.

Should I feel shame for clicking some of my abilities?

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quite literally nothing makes sense
just job and get it over with faster

Well, neither lala, hyur, knife ears, roe (hellsguard), and I would argue seawolves as well, (though they use their old language and the syn/wyn at the end of their surname is an easily recognized pattern the actual meaning of their names are pretty limited) don't have deep meaning to their names.
Long story short, hrothgar and viera names might not have complex meanings to them.

Just do the daily pvp roulette every day until you get it, its barely 10 mins or less

If only GNB got a weapon equivalent...

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>>since my retainers are already these classes though it implies i'll be stuck with maining the classes they are spec'ed into anyway
That is some dumb ass logic. Just get their jobs to 70. Doesn't mean you have to main them.

What annoys me the most is the build up compared to the pay off.
Cards are still RNG, I had a run where I just needed a single Solar card and even after 10 draws it wouldn't drop, I was fine with any Solar card at point even balance that would only give the Tank the 6% buff.
On the other hand you have DNC who have a 20 sec 5% buff with a 2 minute cooldown that they can use the moment it's up.

That's implying that it's not a perfectly viable and good comp now.

My combat retainer has been a THM ever since I mained it back in ARR, luckily the job never changes so it's easy to grind to cap every expansion even though I prefer playing tanks these days

Will they nerf WHM or buff all the tanks?
There's absolutely no way WHM stay above all the tanks by 200+ dps right?

I'd wait until 5.05 before pulling the trigger if you don't want to grind a new job up just yet


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>open up a video to watch
>use a skill every now and then
>get wolf marks
not too bad

but im already an omni-gatherer and RNG harvesting animal hides pisses me off
With the gathering changes you can swing the pickaxe three times and get 12 things in the time it takes a retainer an hour to get 10 of

probably, but I do the same thing
all my abilities are bound to 0-9 (and ctrl+0-9)
and reaching to hit the 9 or 0 can be a pain so I click

Just do the frontlines daily and you'll have it in a week. Feast is good, but full of try hards. Frontlines is a clusterfuck where Maelatrom wins 90% of the time, and Rival Wings is the most fun but because it's fun it also has to be dead

>implying DRG isn't as braindead if not more

How many Nastronds can you get out of a full LotD?

80, not 70. Fucking typos.

Fun until you start playing seriously

If only GNB had any glamour options.
RDM and SAM all got lvl 50 primal gear.
GNB and DNC got absolutely shit on for glam.

Right, but we don't' know shit yet.
The last race added, Au Ra had a lot going on.


No if you use legacy movement

ast and sch are gonna be the whm and mch of this expansion if you dont like the core systems id say hop ship now if you just want number tweaks wait youll get them

That's probably because his actual dialogue in the Japanese script is more along the lines of, "Impossible, why are you here?" That might sync up better.

sounds like you're asshurt about parse chasing, not NIN itself

>New shit drop in October

What does he meant by this ?

They can't nerf whm dps without having to nerf all healer dps to maintain their trade-off philosophy within the role.

It's sad because even just having a mouth that behaves automatically based on the Db would make it look more decent. A lot of games do that shit

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>all the original ARR jobs need to be revamped over the course of time for the next expansion to make them play better
So turn them braindead like RDM/SAM?

whm dps is fine and itd be easier to buff tanks since whm has 2 things that can adjust glare and dia if they wanted to change it

>no leaks

dead game?

Since the balance seems to be stupidly similar to that of Heavensward, AST is going to stay in the shed until 5.4 when they'll get 20% damage buffs on every card.
Until then it's either Soloheal WHM/SCH or WHM/SCH pair like the good ol' first 3 years of the game.

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NIN is very not fine

Small indie company. Please understand.

I have run skalla 50 times looking for aiming hat, still no drop.

>tank boys still feeling inappropriate compared to WHM dps even though it should have always been this way

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Lip sync isn't universal across all language settings. It's mainly hampered by the fact that they don't do real lip sync but vague approximations. Some scenes work much better than others.


The /vg/ mods and jannies won't allow it.

Um, NIN here. Pretty fine overall. Don't know why people are thinking we're suddenly unplayable.

That was a problem I had so I went with:
Shift+1 through shift+5
control+1 through control+5
Then Shift + QERT, FG, ZXCVB

I have top bar is 12345, Shift + QERT then M3 and M5
Bottom bar is Shift+12345, Shift + ZXCVB and m4
F (ranged) GH (rarely used) Control+Shift+R (run) on a side bar and some other shit
V (often used) B (not often) N (often) Shift + F (Often) Shift +G (Stun) Shift H (rarely used) below that bar

I highly recommend it or something similar. It lets me do everything with my left hand

To be fair, he had no idea he was going to have to deal with a time traveling cat that could pull the source WoL across worlds to fix a world that by all rights should've been damned. You can't fault him for not being omniscient.

Which brings up a very interesting point though. Would Zenos have come to reclaim his throne in Garlemald in the original timeline, or would things have gone differently? In the original, Elidibus and Emet-Selch did both achieve rejoining the first to the source, killing the warrior of light, and triggering the 8th umbral calamity, which I doubt he would've been able to do so if an autistic man with a katana would've shown up. Did we just create a potentially even worse timeline inadvertently by fixing the first's problems? Would Zenos have been caught by black rose had we not fixed the place?

The fuck do you even want leaks of if the patch notes are out?

But persistently farming timed nodes for things you always need more of sucks. Grade 3 thanalan soil for example. For a lot of people, fishing also sucks.

It's hard to imagine you realistically need fucking 3 combat classes to gather 30 mats an hour.

none of the versions are. they just use the regular "talk" animation whenever someone says some shit

What reason would Elidibus have not to fight Zeno's? Even if he lost, why not fight hard enough to leave Zenos' body irreparablely mangled and just body hop anywhere else like he always does

>sound effects for gunbreaker have been adjusted

i haven't played the class yet but was something not working?

>Rabanastre hits in roulette
>never done is because I finished SB the day before ShB launched.
>They start talking about the auracite making people's desires come true

This can't not be linked to creation magic, could auracite be tied to creation matrices? It's been mentioned that it did crazy shit in other worlds too.

>Since the balance seems to be stupidly similar to that of Heavensward
Heavensward was stupidly imbalanced, right now just about any comp can get kill times within a few seconds of each other. Only flaws are DRG and WHM being mandatory.

What does roulette do exactly ?

>TA still exists
You're fine and better than DNC

Or 4, which is what Elidibus seems to be doing: Swamp the WoL with trouble in the First so the Acians can work unimpeded.

Dragoon CHADS where we at?

fated circle sounded non-existent for a radius of explosions

>Patch is up


Where do I find a good FC bros?

Anything with a longer cooldown than 1 minute I click. For instance, my tank invuln, Thin Air on WHM, Laylines on BLM, etc. I can stomach a few clicks every fight, especially on stuff that I plan for in advance, and it frees up actions that would normally be useless on my hotbars.

> Did we just create a potentially even worse timeline inadvertently by fixing the first's problems?
I mean, creating a world ending problem after solving the previous one has long been WoLs speciality. And considering the backstory implications, that habit just might date back to our Ascian days

It's just remixes.

Each roulette gives you a chunk of exp after completing whatever duty it puts you in. The lower level duty you get placed in, the more exp you get. With the biggest exp amounts coming from MSQ, Leveling and Alliance roulettes.

im 77 NIN and i dont think theres a single 80 ninja in my fc and i might've seen 2 80 ninjas the whole time so far
Is NIN just bad or hard to play or both?

TA doesn't make up for our gutter tier DPS anymore

i'm only praying that they added the amaurot roll, but i doubt it

Bard BROS assemble! We're the apex.

DRG is definitely not as braindead as SAM

>WHM tells AST to do more DPS in Titania EX when she was killed during the second lightning tether
Was it autism?

It depends. For some scenes, especially if they're more important, they put more effort into it.

He didn't have to explain about Zodiark and all that jazz but he still did, he's probably playing 5D chess.

>not finished ShB MSQ yet
>there's already more added
>not going to get to raid day 1
>probably going to get in on day 2 or 3
>every party is going to expect me to know the fights back to front by then

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How is NIN not fine?

who even cares about pvp

>Dragoon has been buffed bois
that's just a buff for shitters
top parse chads can already fit it all in

It's the hardest job in the game and if you are playing it perfectly you are the second lowest dps. If you aren't perfect you are worse than a dancer that is just pushing buttons that light up.


Unrewarding as fuck to play, you have to put even more effort now compares to SB .


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I saw 3 nins in a Tit EX group.

Yes, it was autism.

Hard, on your fingers and wrists, mostly.

quick post the most recent screenshot you took

bosses retard

> 9 Years after 1.0
> Textures are still not up to 1.0
> Loading screens have been added to the game.

How the fuck do you go backwards? You've had 9 years.
literally the one thing 1.0 did right

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It's far more technical than it used to be at max level, couple with with DNC being a simple support DPS and you have a less popular job

>To be fair, he had no idea he was going to have to deal with a time traveling cat that could pull the source WoL across worlds to fix a world that by all rights should've been damned. You can't fault him for not being omniscient.
what the hell were elidibus and emet-selch doing after the eighth calamity anyway? surely they would've noticed the time travel plan that took generations to play out and done something to stop it?

>Start playing a week or so ago
>Reach Heavensward at level 65
I'll take things that never happened for $50000000000000000000000000 billion dollars, Alex.

it's ridiculously complex for very low damage output

no idea you are just saying shit maybe the ast wasnt casting malefics or even just not combusting

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if you think it's complex then you might have brain damage

where da datamines

didn't want to risk death like the rest of the other asciens that died. zenos is a person thats almost on par with WoL

nah they just go wild with expressions but they mouths always behave like shit when they're talking

having a branching combo counts as having more than one combo unless you also think sam is a one combo class

running through HW again.

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I don't think I understand. If she got killed during the tether wouldn't the fault lie within the person that didn't pick it up before she did? Or did you mean that as in she died just before the second tether later on after the add phase happened?

Low DPS.
Still fucked by ping.
And now you are highest CPM job in the game.
Also NIN ain't easy.

they're not adding more msq, just the raid quest

>shit on for glam

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on the flip side, the game actually runs above 10fps and menus don't take five minutes to open


damage for nin is really poor,for the most part it's only slightly above dancer from what i've seen

personally i would rather have TA be something the whole group has to work for rather than one class having it

So is 5.05 in another few weeks?

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>all the TK shitters who said they were quitting MNK in 5.0 are still maining it despite the fact that NIN is now the most technical job and MCH ismt too far behind in terms of both damage and apm
It really was just "muh deeps" all along. Mhiggers, not even once

I recognize that!

I see, you just haven't played NIN and wanted to talk out of your ass

Any chance of the servers going up early? I need to fucking sleep but don't want to miss the Eden rush.

post examples of good lipsyncing then

Doesn't matter how powerful you are if you don't have auricite. Unless he was dumb enough to tell him that too?

2 weeks

Ok im glad you guys said it, fumbling my way thru ninjutsu constantly while trying to dump ninki and always trying to double cast thru my gcds, seems fun but i never seemed to do alot of dmg for all of the struggle
what to switch to then

Hardware progressing in 9 years is not the game getting better.
A 560Ti could max out the game back in the day.


Damage isn't that great. Even with TA its rdps isn't particularly amazing. They a lot of balancing regarding buffs this expansion weighting their value towards what other dps would do factored in.

It's viable. It's just the outgoing raid dps needs to be real high. In those great parties that push every last drop your rdps is fantastic. Anything less than amazing and you're worthless because you can't carry the party.

Good looking Elezen is 90% about hair and armor. Notice how his neck is half covered, and proportions further hidden by those huge shoulders, same applies to Estinien and Aymeric and your pic.

He did fight him, Zenos just won and then Elidibus had to go adjust for the fact that Emet died.

>I want to stand still in pulls waiting for my TP to come back up
The face of TP apologists

Combust was up, I only assume that the AST was spending more gcds on heals and rerolling cards than damage but when the groups DPS is above a ersge it literally doesnt matter
I meant titania died during second lightning tether

>Insane bastard who wants to fight you for no coherent reason
Sephiroth gave zero fucks about Cloud and once he gets what he wants from him he locks himself away and never says another word to Cloud or anyone else for that matter. He never even gives a villainous speech at the end of the game, he just attacks the party when they show up and dies without speaking a single word.

>Even if he lost

Zenos' understanding of the echo is far greater than the dumb WoL's. If Ascian's understand the echo 100%, Zenos understands it 50% and the WoL understands it 10%. Given what happened to two people who went body-yeeting and got whirrred by a primal and the unknown with echos, I imagine Edilibus was prudent rather than just afraid of a inconvenience.

Zenos' dialogue on the echo
>I speak of the Echo, of course. Does it merely render you immune to eikonic influence? Or is it rather that your influence is far greater than theirs? Granted, these implications are of no moment to a savage, who thinks only of killing the beast before him…
>But when I read van Baelsar’s reports, I immediately saw the boundless potential of the Echo. I saw how it could be instrumental in binding an eikon to one’s will. Hence my research and the Resonant─and oh so much more!

I understand they can't motion cap everything, but I really wish they would do a scale of:

>Hugely important cinematics: Motion cap, voiced dialogue
>Important cinematics: Voiced dialogue
>Generic cinematics: text dialogue
>Very banal shit: no cinematic

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>dat Titan remix
Muh dick.

the game ran as well as it does now when ARR came out and that was 6 years ago


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I don't take screenshots often.

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Auracite as we know it in the XIV universe functions as an aetheric battery that can be used to create something akin to a primal summoning that fuses with the user. Usually the auracite seems to subvert the user's will somewhat, oftentimes amplifying their goals into an all-consuming desire and eventually supplanting their host entirely. For the Ivalice raids, all of those Auracites were created by Ultima to further her goals. You also later see three users who maintained their own will even though they used the auracite.

There's also the context of the 13th, which had a massive problem with auracite as well. The warriors of the light of the 13th were backed far more into a corner than other worlds and desperately needed something to even the playing field in a world where the light was so weak, auracite was initially used by them to solve their problems. It worked, but eventually the stones began to drive their users more and more until they essentially became aether starved primals that started consuming everything in sight and creating their own minions. This eventually led to the rise of the World of Darkness, the Void, in which the entire shard had its aether drained into the remaining inhabitants which became the voidsent. These creatures are driven solely by their desire to consume more aether.

>near-literal sephiroth.
He is nothing like Sephiroth outside of having a Katana and not being all there

>Thancred vs Pajeet
>emotional moment before Thancred passes out after winning
>he coughs
>they use the talking animation

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I can't even think about playing because we got my mom's friend(and her 9 year old son) staying here for at least the next three days while their house is fumigated. I don't feel like trying to explain game mechanics to a kid and having to put up with incessant babbling. This shit sucks man.

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The game still runs kinda trash for how bad it looks desu.

>You get a token which you hand in to get another token which you can hand in for a weapon
When the FUCK are they going to do something about this clunky ass idiotic system? It was archaic even in 2013, much less in the current year.

Also, when will this hurr durr you only get one token per week until an arbitrary amount of time because time gating is so fucking fun hurr durrr meme end?

>faggot who couldn't get into a raid group

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But I didn't claim they had good lipsync, just that some scenes are more careful about not having crazy anime dub flaps that don't match the sound.

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I'm gonna miss this dwarf

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holy SHIT

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Either they were off on other shards to gather more aether for Zodiark's return and payed no attention to the happenings on the Source (Which were by and large mainly groups of men killing each other over what little remained), or G'raha somehow managed to pull the wool over their eyes by disguising the tower and its workings from outside view.

I'm doing BLM but that's a pretty drastic change from NIN.

This expansion has had some top tier sound tracks.

They have so little content, they have to time gate it.

i wish they let us dye sets right out of the gate

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The remixes sound like something from the Sega dreamcast era, but I dont know if that's a good or bad thing

I'm expecting he's going to make a deal with Zodiark - not as a tempered subject but as an equal. Zodiark wants sacrifices and he'll give them to Zodiark - but not with some cheating black rose, rather by just killing people himself.

You make a valid point about the thing at the center of the earth, especially when the Garlean Legatus at the end of Ivalice says the Tartarus weapon with the power to drill into the very core of the earth will be of much interest to his majesty (at the time Varis, not Zenos). That's a major cliffhanger and Zenos using something else to elevate himself works.

But he said earlier He's going to gorge on Zodiark's strength. Whether that's as his champion or because he's going to start hunting baby ascians, who knows.


>Normally stock up on the Amazon codes from ebay to resell later
>'It's just a mount reskin, there's no way it'll be worth much'
>Over 40 dollars at the moment


That FFVIII field theme sounds pretty good.

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>Shoha is still total garbage
5 second charge for 500 fucking potency. What pathetic piece of shit.

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>FF8 boss theme

How hard is it to get top 100 in the Feast on EU?

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Yeah completing the raid once should automatically give you full 460 gear for all jobs.

I just want proper anti aliasing, the game is so fucking ugly.

NIN damage is not low to the point that it is unusable in group content. If you have fun being a NIN and can still down the bosses in a group then by all means stick with NIN.

My bad, just checked, its heavy breathing and not coughing.
Still, incredibly out of place and inappropriate use of the stock talking animation for a scene that's meant to be so important.

post eden models

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>He's going to gorge on Zodiark's strength. Whether that's as his champion or because he's going to start hunting baby ascians, who knows.
He's going to possess Zodiark of course.

Gee, Griffin, how come your mom let's you have TWO dragon eyes.

>DRGchads literally can't stop winning
Imagine if they get buffed again in the savage patch

play at 4k bro

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Lets look at what happened last time someone tried to change this up.

>Mythic+ chests.

Tokens are good, they can stay.

then what are you claiming they are putting effort in? I already said they go wild with the expressions most of the time and you just replied "nope". Make your point clear for fucks sake

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Ninja's damage is where it should be if you are playing at the highest possible level. If you are an average player you shouldn't be playing ninja. There's no reward for playing the hardest job well it's pure punishment.

It's perfectly clear. You being desperate to start a fight over anything is your problem.

They are insecure and feel attacked/threatened because they keep playing that MMO but literally everyone is giving high praise over the latest expansion of FFXIV

So they lash out

>that levi remix

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are you using reshade?


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So are we going to be getting 2 each of the ARR primals per Eden tier?
Hopefully they can give Ifrit a good theme

Soken please....

why did they add eureka if it was just destined to be completely fucking abandoned in the next expac

why did I expect anything but horrible disappointment

when do you anons think they’ll add the ozma mount to the mog shop

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Is it bad that i'm kinda hyped about the Nomura designs?

That a hot Taimanin right there

>that stereotypical russian hard bass intro on titan

im dying here

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Jesus fucking christ, Soken.

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Gear stats.

>someone else knows these fags

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Is your photo supposed to prove me otherwise? Because I'm talking about weapon and you posted a WAR

it's not JUST about the damage, it's about the amount of complexity you need to overcome just to reach "fine" tier.

Probably, I was hoping the raid tower would be fight the WoL imagination of The Twelve, but so long as they dont throw in YET ANOTHER NIDHOGG reskin it should be ok

>Usually the auracite seems to subvert the user's will somewhat, oftentimes amplifying their goals into an all-consuming desire and eventually supplanting their host entirely.
ascian creation magic requires absolute focus and can be ruined by a single errant thought, so maybe that's the natural result of an untrained user

So fucking disappointed.

Zenos is a real will to power guy but he's going to have to squat and oats like a motherfucker to possess Zodiark.

Gearwise or what? Because remarkably the gear we're getting from Eden is not at all Nomuran. I don't expect we're getting crafted gear and raid gear in this but I can be corrected.

>boom boom satellite
I remember them from the Xam'd opening. Still jamming.

Have another then fren. Just doing what I was asked to.

It's edited angelite using the newer reshade.

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Xam'd OP got me to look at the rest of the band

Is Nomura doing the enemy designs for the raid, too? All I remember is his hammer girl

>boom boom satellites
i hope he doesn't go overboard

i dont wanna get rapped though

Good God I hope they retroactively add that FF8 battle theme to Akaedamia's last boss

It's alright user, now you're prepared for when the next eureka lands later in ShB lifespan

I kind of hope Zenos tries to possess Zodiark and gets his shit utterly slapped

Wish the ninja AF didn't have all the dumb cape shit and was just the bodysuit. Oh well.

I thought he did the Primal designs or something? Not the gear, the bosses themselves.

If you're willing to wait, the best opportunity to get in would be when they release the new Frontline map in a while. All the Frontline maps have slightly different rule sets, so you'd be learning the map and new rules at the same time as everyone else.

>i dont wanna get rapped though

nah it not like you have a choice mah nigga, it is in the job description

play the fuckin game instead of spoiling yourself beforehand, you fuckin WoWbabbie.

> New gear.
> Can't be worn on the new races.
How are japs this retarded?

SAM is not great it needs more potency. You press one wrong button and the other dps surpass you.

And by this I meant you're aware of how it will will work. Nothing you did in eureka before will carry over probably

>Titan and Leviathan
>Ramuh and Garuda
>Ifrit and Shiva

Recycled models, ugh.

I see, that makes things look really crisp

>Zenos is a real will to power guy but he's going to have to squat and oats like a motherfucker to possess Zodiark.
All he needs is 2 more strong katanas and his friend.

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Nomura is responsible for some of the worst designs in the things he's worked on. He should have been fired years ago but he appeals to weeb zoomers too much.

reminder that Soken does not compose all the songs and this one was most likely Ito's doing

>recycled models
Oh no...

This is what I was thinking when I saw the cutscene, the stuff about creation magic was so fresh that it all seems to tie in together. How easy it is for it to get fucked up, now I'm wondering if the light that made lightwardens might be related too.


The most painless way I can recommend to do it is do frontlines once a day and turn off your brain for 20 minutes. Don't bother with the 4v4s, do frontlines and nothing else.

the big question is will e4s have a Savage exclusive form like Omega or will they go back to the normal shit

Where will this raid fall in terms of difficulty compared to the EX trials?

Hello Oda Nobunaga. How's it going?

Fuck I want that ozma mount too. So it's literally impossible to get it anymore? I haven't even unlocked Eureka yet.

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this was me back in like 2012

i hate that the lead singer passed though and right after the good news of hearing his tumor was gone,it popped up again

i kind of like it, i just wish the face mask didn't have the eyepatch

next to nobody can rape a ninja though

why is ffxiv so obsessed with wow lol

The lighting in my solo duty broke.

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>zenos tries to take over big daddy zodiark
>it fucking goes horribly wrong and zodiark uses his body to manifest on the physical plane
>we now have a Garlean super soilder body hosting the strongest primal in existence after us

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The solution to your problem is not wanting retarded anime protag hair in the first place.

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Anyone here do Pvp? Do they still give good exp? I remember doing that a long time ago where I just afk in pvp for that idle exp. I just move sometime when I get warning to get booted.

we grifisu now

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post them

I think the auracites have a certain will already inherent to them but to know for sure, we'd have to have more than one user of a single stone. For instance, Hashamal and Famfrit might always eventually come about after their user continues to lose themselves to them over time, eventually the original user goes away completely for the creature within the stone. It also helps to explain why everyone seeks to free Ultima when the stones take the wheel.

Then again, the three OM bosses seemed to hold on to their own desires over the course of thousands of years, so it's always possible a user could simply overpower the will of the stone to retain their own.

We'll see soon enough. That fucking remix though, god damn.

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Releasing today is normal mode, which is much easier than the EX trials. In 2 weeks, we get the Savage mode. The first 2 floors are generally comparable to Ex trials, just a bit harder. The last 2 floors are generally significantly harder.

so when can I create my character

Because it's the same game.

someone post the boss models from the raid please

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Ok, at this point just have an actual Squall appearance. You already got the model of his clothes and gunblade.

how does one even fuck up this bad? holy shit

i mean basically yea

you have to do the baldesion arsenal which to my knowledge cant even be opened without a group of 20+ people, let alone be beaten



No door bosses, so either last fight will be much harder to compensate of there will be an extra fight exclusive to savage, but I'm guessing the former

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>gigantoads your path
heh.....tread ahead on a road that is borrowed design, kid....

God I miss Yshtola's thigh highs.

>healer is buttblasted that they have to press a couple more buttons than normal

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where are you getting these screenshots

2 hours and 30 minutes from now

or you can download the benchmark and start early

Nobody expect you to know a normal raid, just follow the pattern

whats the scouting set look like?

>hydaelyn has to resort to drastic measures and manifest herself to combat zodiark
>hydaelyn-supercharged WoL vs. zodiark-supercharged Zenos

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post em

>trailer hypes up dark knight
>chad warrior saves the day
WAR forever

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i395 is decent for that level. Not having a ring however....

think there is an XIV server emulator floating around

Holy shit, that's awful. xD

might be just me but I think that gear would look better on a female character

Don't you mean MNK. They can lose potency on every action they do just because of positionals with no control over it. SAM loses a third the potency a MNK could ever lose. Even True North can be put under every Shisui now too.

But all that same shit that SAM can do wrong MNK can do wrong too even worse. If you drop your GL as MNK now you're just fucked.

I take it back. THIS is the true garbage. The other one was merely boring.

of fucking course the ugly robe is the healer one.

Striking set please.

It took me a second to realize that was in fact the whole set and not just the robe.

are you retarded?

I like it

That chest piece looks alright. The rest looks kinda bad

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cool thanks, kinda new and wondering what I'm about to try and get into

With how long queues take the exp isnt worth it anymore


I am not sure it's clear but yeah I expected he'd do the primal designs. I wasn't sure about gear. I was hoping against him doing the gear designs.

I like to speculate but I also feel woefully unsuited to do so given how much they've gone in ways I didn't expect like Varis or the whole of SHB. All I can safely expect is we will fight Zodiark in some way, Zenos in some way, and the thing beneath the earth in some way. Maybe Zodiark will embody zenos, maybe zenos will swallow up Zodiark. Hell, maybe Zenos offers Zodiark the source in a sacrifice in exchange for giving him the ultimate fight vs the WoL. Given the black rose business seemed like it was Zenos furious at being cheated of the WoL, not of anything else.

I could see that. Zenos having consumed Zodiark wills away all of creation but for him and the WoL fighting in an abyss.



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>song kicks in right as ardbert's axe comes into frame
>continues for the rest of the cutscene, into the area beyond, and into the trial if you do it without leaving without ever stopping or restarting
most kino part of the expansion desu

What's the lore behind white auricite? Where do you get it from? And are the living Ascians aware that it's the WoL's murder weapon?

Someone give me a good warrior glamour, holy shit its so hard to make one

guess i'll stay up all night and read mango

Not off to a great start.

Can you tell me what the monk/samurai gear is?

why is it ALWAYS the healer set that's so shit

Beltless undarted gowns don't look good on anybody. That top is a crime.

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I see you using the Kaladanda. That shit still the best looking BLM weapon.

We can get even more autistic
>WoL gets his shut kicked by Zodiark
>before he kills us he gets BTFO by Hydaelyn that's been possessed by Zenos (she's a pushover bitch so Zenos taking control is more likely)
>muh friend, muh hunt

White auracite is just a type of crystal that's capable of holding aether.

Imagine playing healer.

a diaper because warriors are whiny baby bitches

Art of War MP cost reduced from 800 to 600.

good enough for me

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Back in ARR, Scion Moenbryda created it just before she is killed.

Notice the >still too. I told the person multiple times in the dungeon. I was wondering why his HP was so low, goddamn. And to think, somebody carried this poor soul through Seiryu EX while it was still a thing.

Oh yeah their other gear was fine, and the dungeon itself went fine other than needing to heal more than I usually would in that dungeon. But the problem is that completely unequipping any piece of gear as a tank means a chunk of your HP is just gone.

And people made fun of Urianger outfit.

They don't expect men to heal.

what melee dps should i play?

im that faggot that plays DNC, SCH, and PLD

heavy allaghan full set

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>actually looking at the datamined content and listening the datamined music and not just experiencing it naturally
What's the point of playing if you willingly remove the "wow" factor?

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Sounds like you need one ya baby

Does looks like it'd looks better on females characters though.

he also might have hopped into an unsync party recently


I'm gonna wear it on my catgirl just to spite you

There's waaaay too many threads still around for us to properly say what's coming. Especially considering there are things that came to our star, meaning they're not from the original fractured one.

basically a ridiculously dense aetheric sponge that can trap souls

>showing off gear on a male character

They've been able to make cool looking sets in the past, but why do the raid sets mostly look like ass aside from coil?

Titan went on a diet.


could estinien beat zenos?

I don't know why you think I'd be mad that you deliberately made a catgirl more ugly.

Music gets me hyped for it. That and I don't really pay attention to the music, as so focused on learning the fight.

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Titan with legs.

Even this sounds a whole lot better than an omega cheesy tengen toppa zenos zodiark vs wol hydaelin gattai fuckfest that they are in the process of setting up.

>datamined eden boss music
i was not prepared for this level of intensity

Titan (True)

Post aimming I need to know how bad it is when 2/3 jobs are sissy

honestly I'm just waiting to see what the pvp glam looks like

I'm still doing HW quests and won't get to experience them any time soon.


Estinien could fight off ElediZenos but ZenosZenos has 100% uptime sharingan, so not without white auracite to shut it off.

Because they're not getting enough hostile feedback about the shitty fashion jag they've been on for the past few years. You'd think the huge number of people running around in what are very obviously not recent gear drops would be a clue that people don't like them, but apparently not.

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Alexander gear was pretty good

we were the mystery nigga all along

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fending maybe

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Is that the only moment where they use the other 7 people doing the fight with you in the actual lore? Maybe I skipped past it but I can't remember anything about it prior.

he bulked up


deltascape was ok

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Kind of the same. There's a chance the other upcoming things won't be as terrible, but I don't expect much.

oh no no no

>Zenos raids the Rising Stones to find out more about where the WoL is
>decides to just wait for him to wrap his shit up on the First while taking care of business on the Source
>Zenos goes full autism and devotes himself 100% to solving every single problem on the Source so that when we finally get back we literally can't refuse a duel to the death
>he grants liberty to any Imperial provinces that want it, focuses on improving quality of life of citizens rather than conquest
>people actually want to be part of the Empire now
>comes up with some autistic solution to the Beast tribe problem so that primals aren't an issue anymore
>the Alliance can't refuse his help because he's literally bringing world peace to the planet with the sole goal of killing us or getting killed by us
>camps out 24/7 in Mor Dhona waiting for us to come back so he can toss a katana at us and throw down


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Thancred I don't feel so good.

Well okay then.

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Is this Titan or Thanos?

a lot of older content will have npcs offhandedly mention you gathering your adventurer friends to come help for group stuff

They're usually just echo having dudes you know, they mention your "adventurer contracts" a few times.

W-w-what weapon is that

Who dis? Leviathan?


Isn't that just one of the bosses from Coil?


Does anyone have a screenshot of the planned release date for content? Like what's next after Eden?

We're already coming back for 5.1

>Helm of aiming
>Mail of aiming
>temple chain of striking
>Robe of striking
Monk gear cucks samurai YET AGAIN

Looks like a Ronkan god. I love the Ronkan's mesoamerican shit

I'd play it. That'd be comedy gold.


>when your big bad works better as a joke character
Where did SB go wrong?

>We're going to have to do that tethers and dodge shit again

nothing for the next 6 months

Savage in two weeks then 5.1 in September/October

fucking lmao

>if you visit him when he's camping out he thinks you're an illusion since he doesnt know you can travel back any time

I think lorewise you solo most primals, but dungeons and other stuff you get adventurer buddies.

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Sounds pretty good user, would play.

the echo isn't actually all that rare, so i don't think it's entirely out of the question that you have a bunch of echo adventurers on standby to join you when primals pop up

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The only primal we canonically solo is ifrit.

Even susano which we were caught by surprise had lyse saying "good thing you managed to find some friend adventurers around the place to help"

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I'm curious what causes the echo in the first place. Ysale had a traumatic do-or-die-experience, I don't know if Krile and the rape-baby had one while the WoL maybe got his from Cartenau unless he had an echo in 1.0.

What the fuck is that shit?

It ain't gonna suck itself.



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that is why it was so nice for the Hades fight that the Exarch warped in all those heroes from other shards/times. Really brought the story together instead of the usual they had been pulling until now.

What the fug

>Tataru made him new clothes
It's basically canon thanks to Dissidia NT

I'm pretty sure we solo Ravana too

What? We are already getting crafted gear? Isn't it too early? I thought it would be when Savage goes up.

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Fucking hell do I really need to meld VIIIs on white gear?

Liar I just checked before you posted.

>never tanked a raid before
>rode WAR all the way up to 80 for my first
wish me luck tomorrow boys

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>SCH buffed

You can download the patch though. Just started with mine. 800mb+.

kek, hire this man SE

Nobody tell him

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What did Koji mean by this?

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the echo is given by hydaelyn, but her methods of choosing people are completely unknown. this is still different from the "blessing of light" though, which refers to those to whom she has spoken directly (ex. WoL and minfillia)

>>No longer in possession of a body that could potentially stand a chance against WoL
Why does he even need Zeno's body? Emet had enough power to conjure 2 dungeons worth of montsters, an entire city with semi-living inhabitants and and had a true form rivaling Shinryu. If Elidibus even had a fraction of that power and used it for killing the WoL instead of trying to make a comfy hospice for his best friend then he should surpass Zeno's body with ease.

If its age is on the clock, it's ready for the cock.


That it's a perfectly viable tank and it's gonna get buffed in 5.05 cuz of shitters whining? Okay

its coming in savage, but the info is in there already

>not using default
i'm lmaoing at your life

...nm raids are no harder than a regular dungeon

fucking hell you're probably right
I probably wont be ready in therms of melds at this rate

Ariyala is updated already.

This dude is literally autistic

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Where is this info? Don't see it in the gear google doc.


Imagine being so butthurt about WHM that you go to plebbit to bitch about it.

BRUH how long maintenance goes for? I only started playing again yesterday keen to get back onto the PUG grind man

I just beat the question but I have some MSQs about the final cutscene
We killed Hades yeah? How come we can just do that without the white crystal? He broke the one Thancred and co. fueled up, so wouldn't we just... kill him but his soul would escape?

>My friend sent me a screenshot of when he was at this part and his character is buckass naked with dong mods on
I couldnt stop laughing

2 more hours

Viable to lick the grool off Chad's GNB dick when he's finished with your gf maybe.

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teamcraft autists datamining for numbers
its not gonna be tied to the gear doc since its only the recipe info not the gear itself

Scheduled to come back up in about 2 hours. Sometimes they come up earlier but given that there's a raid in this patch it definitely won't come back up prior to the weekly reset time.

How the fuck do you get 638 CP without food? I tried just now in Ariyala filling every CP in slots and the highest I can get even with Blood Bouillabaisse and Specialist is 595

the Echo is not given by Hydaelyn. Ysayle was acting directly counter to Hydaelyn's desires for the planet and had the Echo. Ascians themselves have the Echo. If anything, the Echo is likely a remnant of our Amaurotine ancestors.

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Imagine being so butthurt about a guy being so butthurt about WHM that they go to plebbit to bitch about it, that you actually link to fucking plebbit.

he had the white auracite embedded in him, he's dead.

its my dream to have dodge/parry tanking in ffxiv

>without food?
You dont
Also that's with reuse, you'll probably have to cut it from the actual rotation

should've made dancer a dodge tank desu

So the gigantic white protrusion was less the auracite and more the aether provided by the Scions? In that sense I can see it, since we had all that light aether inside us.

If we are going to base it by that crafting rotation then it's actually easy to get those values just melding VIII on 100% slots.

And it's only 26 steps. So that's actually nice.

Yeah I forgot Reuse was there. So that's minus 60? So even with Matcha it's doable. Yeah I can see you don't need a fully melded white gear for this one.

Me too bro, looking forward to tanking my first thing beyond normie dungeons

Fuck off lorelet.

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Didn't Ysayle have a crystal of light though? Pretty sure you only get those if you're chosen or if you manage to find an old one from ages long ago like that orb the old hag had.

Damn right I am butthurt. People are calling for nerfs for a job that was literally shit for 6 years and isn't even broken.

I think that image is also going with the idea of NQ-100%? So if you HQ mats you can get away with a lot, subject to change yaddayadda

I think those stat values they have are what to aim for though, besides cp

White auracite traps an ascian, at least in the past it did. This time he broke it but I think it was because of the WoL's sheer amount of light aether. Then Yshtola said some shit I forgot - was it that we absorbed Emet and his darkness aether balanced our light? Because I remember her saying 'darkness to your light' and the implication was we didn't just yeet out all that light aether.

The echo isn't tempering (Ascians are tempered but have the echo). So Ysale could operate counter to Hydaelyn. The problem is she was also chosen by Hydaelyn, so she shouldn't be acting contrary to her wishes unless Hydaelyn doesn't temper. Ascians got tempered because they summoned Zodiark, say as much (jist was "We summoned him - and then we got tempered. Only natural, you can't resist that nigguh") so maybe Hydaelyn doesn't just temper by proximity. I used to think that is what primals did but I cannot find evidence to such a background radiation effect, and I prefer to have ironclad evidence.

Thank you for the citation. Those are always good to see.

>bestowed by hydaelyn
>ascians use it to much greater efficacy than any eorzean can
yeah fuck off

explain the Ascians having it, then

The lore books are written from an in character perspective, not an omniscient narrator perspective. The lore books can be wrong about details due to the given perspective of an Eorzean about what's going on.
ie: an Eorzean might think the echo is a gift from Hydaelyn when that's been shown to be untrue.

>It's been implied that ascians have the echo since early ARR
>Confirmed in HW
>Brainlet will still insist that Hydaelyn is the one who grants it

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Bestowed by zodiark.

Was that hard?