Why haven't you hacked your switch yet?

Why haven't you hacked your switch yet?

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I did. No games. Less and worst emulators that my Vita's. I sold it

piracy is morally wrong

because I don't have a micro sd card laying around right now

Is Emunand free yet or will I still have to pay the jews for SXOS?

Honest answer: It's still in it's early days. Why hack a switch when the homebrew scene only started 2years ago, and any update could change it. and beside, I already homebrewed the shit out of the 3DS

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>online play is still a mess with hacked Switches

Tell us who's paying you shill on Yea Forums first.

still waiting for the telemetry to be reverse engineered
not an emunand fag

you can use emummc, it's the same thing
i followed this video

>implying I haven't
I've been emulating old jrpgs lately, already got through Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VI, was thinking about doing Chrono Trigger next. Anyone got any other recommendations?

i don't think you know what a shill is

>tfw too unintelligent to hack my vita right

>updated to download Joker

I don't have a switch but if I did I'd assume I'm either too stupid or too lazy to hack it

Ever wonder why piratefags always shill on Yea Forums for no apparent reason? There's actually a very simple explanation. It's because piratefags are actually trannies! Every single tranny I've ever met has been a piratefag. Trannies are desperate to get people to join their cult so they won't feel alone, thus why they have to shill their garbage on Yea Forums to feel normalized. Same with piratefags! Coincidentally, both groups are also almost entirely composed of incels!

Just remember, OP!

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It is clearly Sony and Microsoft


Yea Forums's always been pro piracy you newshit.

Don’t wanna ruin it.


I have a hacked vita, 3ds, and WiiU. What else could a hacked switch possibly give me

Kill yourself newfaggot
Free switch games.

2064 ROM
7 billion humans
Anima GoM
Anima nameless Chronicles
Assault Android
Axiom Verge
Bayonetta 1
Bayonetta 2
Bayonetta 3
Banner Saga 1
Banner Saga 2
Banner Saga 3
Blaster master zero
BB 4 Central Fiction
Blossom Tales
Bloodstained Ritual
Bloodstained curse
Broken sword 5
Cave story plus
Captain Toad
Cosmic Star Heroine
Crash nsane
Crypt necro
Disgaea 5
Dragon Dogma
Dust Elysian
DK Freeze
Enter the gundungeon
Eagle Island
Freedom Planet
Final Fantasy 9
Game dev story
Gato Roboto
Giana Sisters
Golf Story
Golf peaks
Guacamelee 1
Guacamelee 2
Hard west
Human resource machine
Hyper light
Into the breach
Ittle Dew 2
Katana zero
LA Noir
Lost Sphear
Mark of the Ninja
MM 11
Mario Odyssey
Mario Tennis Aces
Mario vs Rabbids
Rsnbids dlc
Metroid Prime 4
Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Oceanhorn Monster Seas
Octopath Traveler
Omega strike
Over cooked 2
Poly Bridge
Pool Panic
Prison Architect
Rayman Legends
Rise n shine
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae half genie
Shovel Knight
Shakedown Hawaii
Smash 5
Sword ditto
Tiny Metal
Tales vesperia
Tricky towers
The Swords of ditto
Valkyria Chronicles 1
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Wind Jammers
War Groove
Way of the passive first
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Ys 8
Yokus Island
Zelda BOTW

Saga series

the switch hacking scene is pretty much trannytown, I wish I knew why

Scared of bricking it

Because I have a job and I buy all my games digital

Does nothing I can't already do on my New 3DS except maybe play some of the 4 worthwhile N64 games

I have though

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You have to be a tranny to hack your switch and put that awful frame around the screen

Oh man I could play all like 20 games on the switch FOR FREE!
Or I could just be a man and play on PC, lol

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like 90% of those games you could just pirate on PC except without the whole ass backwards ports deal
>games that arent even out


What does a switch decal have to do with trannies?
Your obsession is pretty sad, have sex

>he's too poor to have both

What game is that.

>I did. No games.
>I sold it
I'm probably just being retarded...but let me get this straight: Did you really buy a 300dollar console just for emulation?

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Dilate , tranny


Medarot r
It got a fan translation in may
I recommend playing medabots rpg for the gba instead. It improves on the ps1 game in every way. unless youre a huge medabots fan like me theres no reason to play it if you havent played the gba one

>he actually plays games, he must be a tranny
Holy shit

>he can name all the "great" games on the switch in one post and still has to resort to posting forgettable garbage and old releases just being ported from the last nintendo system

cause I don't have enough GBPs to get the 1st party games off of the free shop.

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I still want to use online features without the risk of getting banned


stop shilling your miner hatal

What online features? Lol

I hacked it and then it stopped charging a couple weeks later

/pol/ was a mistake. It's attracted people who are obsessed with putting the spotlight on mentally ill people that mutilate themselves instead of talking about video games.

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Psst. Dilate, you fucking tranny.

>Only old models can be hacked
>Newer models fixed the hardware exploit
Well user, if there are new hack methods available, please do tell so I can buy one right away

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Why doesn't hbg shop have any of the major first party Nintendo games available for download?

you have to add the mytrannysafe.space/dilate thing to it
check /hbg/


Dude, why'd you just link me to a guide on how to change my gender? Cutting off your dick won't make you a woman.

I don't pirate Nintendo games. They're the only dev left that make quality evergreen titles , stealing them should be a crime.

I can play all those in PC

I don't know if these are ironic, mustard gas or the real deal.
Fuck tranny memes.

>bayonetta 3

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It's ironic and the welcome screen that pops up when you launch tinfoil says something like "By using this software you agree trannies are mentally ill"

mine is patched

I have a patched unit...

when playing with nintendo online while simultaneously using cfw/other features becomes retard proof, ill give it a shot

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i steal them all, problem?

Can I play it and swap back to the legit one like you could with 3DS?

Is Mario Xcom emulate-able yet?

once newer models are exploited I’ll consider

Is the same user from the thread a few days ago () still in here?
I'm the guy that had a black screen from trying to boot emunand on an exfat sd card. After installing the latest firmware with the exfat driver on both sysnand and emunand using choi, I reformatted my card from fat32 to exfat again. And it's working now. No more black screens. My hypothesis about it just being the lack of the exfat driver was correct. I know I should use fat32 anyway because it's less prone to corruption, but I just wanted to make sure it is indeed possible to use exfat.

Yea Forums has been full of off-topic shit since long before /pol/'s existence, newfriend.

2/10 bait, im amazed people somehow bit

>switch has no gam-

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Someone's gotta pay for those games you're pirating to be made so if it has to be me then so be it.