Full DingDongVg lore?

Mostly interested specifically in the best gamers lore.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He had sex with Darkgamer6669 from The Best Gamers and that's why the group disbanded...

Why are people so obsessed with him?

funi scream

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because they want to fuck his persona drawing

I'm not afraid of you.

What the hell did this guy do so wrong that his former internet friends from like six years ago still troll and dox him to this day? I'm genuinely curious.

He's interesting even if he is a gigantic faggot.

because he doesnt want people to be

I'm kinda curious too. I liked the guy on Oneyplays and while I'll admit that he's way too sensitive to internet criticism he seems like an okay guy.

openly talked shit about Yea Forums on reddit so anonymous hackers were summoned to ban his xbox account

He draws anthropomorphic tubas eating crocodiles

I thought they were tasked with stealing his lego island map.

Picked the wrong friends.

anything but 50


his friends outed him? how so?

Hes not even that interesting of a person, literally why is he even a big deal? Its baffling that there are threads solely about him popping up time and time again. Like who'd he piss off and why are the threads fucking here of all places?

there's at least one person unironically obsessed with him who probably makes most of the Yea Forums threads

Cult of personality freaks exist for all e-celebs, whether they WANT to be e-celebs or not is out of the question, they just attracted these people without knowing it.

This. Never befriend any one from the internet, especially if you hold any significance on social media or are a content creator. They will backstab you at any opportunity when clout is involved.

He kinda reminds me of Chris Chan and Mumkey Jones. The shit he does is funny and weird.
Like the time he deleted his Twitter because he feeling we’re hurt.

There is no lore. Fag on the internet. Prissy, but kinda funny, and knowledgable about shitty 80s cartoons. Started designing to games at once with no known work history. They probably won't come out. The End.

Because he's a weird guy. Also at least half of his videos on Oneyplays were all about criticizing/discussing the personal and professional lives of people like Douge and Mike Matei. He brought this upon himself

Swiggity swooty
Comin for Midna's booty

Rolling for waifu

You mean unlike all of the other e-celeb threads that pop up daily? The only difference here is that he constantly feeds into it by responding to it all the time while most e-celebs ignore it.


give me a milky mommy

DD is a hypocrite who always throws shit, but the second he’s in the receiving end he has a mental breakdown. Tbh the only reason I follow him because the autistic shit he does is funny to me.

Julian however I kinda have respect for. He’s a genuinely disturbed guy that just wants the best for himself and kids. Hes scared of kids turning into assholes to mimic ecelbs and content creators, he has a a really young step brother that always spouting the n word and other offensive shit and when he told his step dad to be careful about the media he consumes online and his stepdad called a faggot and to not show him how to raise his kid. In some videos he does throw shit in to tell kids to be better like to do well in high school and not be like him and barely pass.

There is no fucking way Oney thinks his last GTA video is the best he has ever uploaded to the channel. He must be fucking suffering delusions of grandeur.

The last 5 mins were funny I guess, but until that is just him putting a stupid voice that's not half as "funi" as the other 40 silly voices.

Thought the same thing, much weaker than Genesis or the fag enabler videos

Or, and hear me out, maybe you have shit taste.
>just him putting a stupid voice
Who gives a shit about the voice? The humor was from him being on a serious roleplay server, pretending to be interested in buying a car from one such RP'er, crashing into that same person's car, and than managing to take said car, and run over the seller in it all while running from an officer that happened to be a streamer who recorded the event.

i wouldn't care about him if he just shuts the fuck up. the only reason people fuck with him is because he always response to it.

Him hitting the driver and the guy acting like he was hurt was genuinely hilarious. Also when they initially hit the car and Chris loses it.

I agree, Julian seems like a lost soul with a good heart. Ding dong is more of a cynical asshole.

Can I have you with me on this:

Over 10-12 mins were a mistake


Oney can fuck off if he thinks he deserves DAILY +15 mins of people's time. Especially with gameplay focused games that are best for playing, not so for watching someone else.

don't give me any western bitches

rolling plz no 50



Are you autistic? What is this 'deserves' talk? Has someone captured you and forced you to watch these videos?

Am I not allowed to discuss about whatever I want around here? Are you a Tumblr mod?

doug walker and mike matei deserve to be criticized though
they're fucking assholes

Hook me up with that sweet 52!

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Am I not allowed to call you a retarded faggot for the opinions you have? Are you a Tumblr hugboxer?

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Why is there a thread about this guy like every week

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Doug is not an asshole, holy shit. He is a manchild, just not as high caliber as someone like Chris-Chan. I don't think there is a single case of Doug being intentionally malicious, just oblivious.



kiwifarms man.
I'll NEVER understand that "culture"
same with stuff like keemstar and leafy.


Funny scream?

same reason housewives gossip

Don't worry chris they'll get more mad at me they always do :(

Funny scream?

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This just reminded me that I still have a youtuber's nudes they gave me

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those friendships must've been inadvertent and those guys sound like fucking psychopaths that still go out of their way to get le epic lulz
he''s sounds pretty fucking based though since Yea Forums is fucking shit
all lets play communities contain obsessive autists, especially communities for content like oney produces

it had me crying with laughter though idk there was something genuinely amazing about him fucking with people but then also being on someone elses twitch stream

Oh well

If this is the shit I hear rumours of it's not even that bad. I mean I can see why he'd be ashamed/embarrassed about it but at least it wasn't diaper/scat furshit

god richard is so fucking pathetic

Ding Dong and Julain are both whiny idiots but I can give DD the benefit of doubt because he actually was funny sometimes and has knowledge over games. Julian just sucked.

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Lots of people genuinely like him and want him to make more stuff and just get along with people more. No one gives a shit that he has a tuba fetish. He's overdramatic, its like he pushes away oppertunity for non-existant reasons because he hates himself or something.

Isn't he a vorefag or something?

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Roll, betting on big milkers

Fug, roll again

So long gay bowser

Anyone else feel bad for Chris? He seems like your average dude who just wants his gf and video games but he's surrounded by depressed fags who bring politics into everything

>Anyone else feel bad for Chris?


Adsense money game too strong.

His life seems comfy enough and free of real struggle.

>He seems like your average dude who just wants his gf and video games

Show me the hunni munni


Rollie pollie


Rolling despite waifu and date

No way, ...

I'll roll

rolling is a banable offense


It's not really as embarrassing but it's arguably more absurd. Like what the fuck where does this even come from?
I guess the heart wants what the heart wants, to each their own

But Yea Forums is full of shitposts, that's why we're here, aren't we?

He has scat fetish stuff on his FA, under TimothyT. You have to be signed in to see it though.

roll roll roll

Down to clown with this shite

Does he still make it or was it a faze? I remember a few years ago I use to enjoy seeing big german girls laying fat logs, dunno what the fuck was wrong with me

gimme waif

Watch this single boys

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>Yea Forums are dangerous trolls that bullicide people! beware!
>lol Yea Forums are just a bunch of harmless idiots.

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This dude is so fucking egotistical. I wouldn't be surprised if he started this fucking thread.

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neither of those posts actually contradict each other though. you're just rewording them in a stupid way.

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it would be pretty funny if I rolled 90.... haha

rollin' rollin'

Source for 20?

>being such an emotional, melodramatic cunt over a let's play channel
i knew julian was fucked up in the head but this is just sad

>waah my only friend left me and now i'm angwy :( also what are emotions or empathy?

let's see...

>Holds actual, legitimate contempt towards the people that supported him for years

I'm not gonna rake you across the coals for reacting against trolls, Julian and Ding Dong. I understand. Sometimes these things get under our skin and we can't help but react to it. That's just natural.

But you are actively shitting on the people that have supported you and cared about you guys for fucking years. You hold actual, legitimate contempt towards the people that wish you the best. Why? Because they like to consume internet content creation that you dislike? Because they live a lifestyle you don't agree with? Get fucked. Get fucked six ways from Sunday, you absolute wretched piece of shit. I know you're reading this DD and Julian. You can't stop thinking about how others feel about you, even if you claim that you don't.

You people are no better than that cringelord in Chris' Friday the 13th video that you shat all over. At least he knows how to enjoy life.

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you have emotions and empathy for a complete stranger? you some kind of psychopath?


so you have asperger's? please stop posting


Yeah, I'm absolutely fucking mad actually. I can't fucking stand scumbags that shit on their own audience to this degree.
>INB4 "Who cares? Chris shits on his own audience too!"
Chris does it as a fucking joke. You can tell that DD and Julian are sincerely self conscious of the fact that they do internet content creation.

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Remember that one stream on Dingdong's twitch channel where he was literally just spending time live reading from a Yea Forums thread about himself?

This is exactly why I can't stand hearing Julian in older episodes.
He's such a whiney idiot outside the show and within the show he's that unfunny chuckle fuck who doesn't add anything.

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no fucking way

let's do this

Man. I kind of just want to play Tough Bippy, thought it looked like it could be pretty cool.

he's not wrong considering this place houses autists that spam threads for months on end regurgitating the same discussions for no reason

do you have a mental breakdown every time you turn on the news and hear about someone dying?

the post below contradicts what he said

Rollin pls be good

yes that is exactly it. you hit the jackpot buddy. the smartest bean award goes to you, understander and knower of all things

43 or I'm killing myself

does it? something doesn't need to be true to be slanderous or hurtful, just because in his opinion no one should take it seriously doesn't mean others agree


>off by 2

this the cuts between the cops stream and oney laughing like a maniac is amazing

dubs and i do


who even watches these schmucks?

Let's go

i don't know who most of these anime bitches are

rolling for something that can save me

funi roll

nah fuck off it's great
>them smashing the car salesmen with his own car, then flying into the lake

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Blinko Highheels diasgrees

Are you dead inside user? That video was fucking hilarious, and some of the funniest LP-related content he's ever made.

Remember when ding dong was just known as the editor.
Good times.

Current couch is god-tier. I started missing Zach for a while but Lyle and Tomar bring a different kinda vibe to the videos that's super comfy

yeah i dont feel anxious while watching them they react like normal humans

Why does no one talk about supermega when they are just as popular as oneyplays on yt?

How did the best gamers get involved with newgrounds animators?

No Oneyplays lineup will be God-tier until Zach is back. It was kind of implied that Zach and Lyle were going to be permanent guests until Zach got that show deal with Michael Cusack. Zach and Lyle every episode would have been perfect.

Autism is one hell of a disorder.

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Where's that guy who said he'd archived some of DD's latest stream breakdowns

The Garry's Mod Harry Potter videos are his best RP content.

Hi Oney. Please understand that you are a 95 IQ Irish ape and you only find things that are funny to you. Go back to Ireland you fucking pasty autistic monkey.

i wanna see this post the link if you got it

dingdong is actually a relatively chill guy but i dont think he suffers retards lightly which means ofc Yea Forums hates him

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Did he break down on stream?
I always miss when he goes live.

ESL retard

These threads are fucking mystifying to me.
I don’t think Lyle is that funny, but why the fuck would I want to bitch about it on a video game forum?

thanks for correcting me he doesnt suffer esl retards lightly such as the vast majority of Yea Forums posters

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Ding dong is too honest for the internet. Plus he has people from tbg days still stalking him so that makes it worse.



i wouldnt say hes honest since he like most people has a persona and a protective layer of irony while using the internet but hes a decent person for sure

Anything but 40.

fucking this
>were going to bully the shit out of you!
>oh no uh just joking
>What's up faggots!
i lose it every time

That video was fucking hilarious, what are you talking about? I enjoyed that video way more than I've enjoyed the DMC videos
I wish theyd go back to Mario Maker 2 while its still relevant

I am certain that ding dong makes all these fucking threads about himself

Since it's related what was your reaction when you learned Rockcuck isn't even the guy in his avatar but is instead this ugly goblin>

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atrocidad de la americas....

Furry sperg with even more autistic stalkers and fanboys

every time he's done these GTA roleplay videos they fall flat. His Harry Potter roleplay server is still one of my favorite videos from him. It still kills me every time I watch it

I mean how did you even expect him to be his avatar on the first place nigger

Why the fuck do you even care about making these threads, everyone knows jannies don't like unrelated e celebs.
Not even him, but this just confirms your bad taste.


Lyle is fucking garbage though

why discuss DingDong when this could be a WingsOfRedemption thread fellow finger-sniffers

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Except I had to skip a lot of those videos because Lyle is the fucking worst. Constantly interrupts/talks over them, super loud, not funny at all and doesn't mesh with Chris and Zach at all. Watch their Tetris episode and you can hear Chris and Zach both getting really annoyed by Lyle, then he happened to just not be on the channel for like a year after that.

a big black guy just walked into my house guys...

Yeah, Harry potter interactions were crazier than this ebin gta griefing.

I loved the "boink" sound he did when he got lectured by that fem-mod.

Fag enabler>>>> Star Trek VR improv he did>>>>Genesis>>>>Harry Potter online>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ANY GTAvids (he pushed the Moteefa thing so hard it was cringey)

Etika sticky gave these faggot retards the green light to shit up the board with their nonsense. Mods should've wordfiltered his name to Harambe.

frankly as of now I don't like him not because of what he sounds like or says but because of his avatar. It's obnoxious and ugly, just like julian's

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it was nice knowing you

Sounds like you've never even heard about the reservoir