Did anybody play Zanki Zero? What did you think?

Finished this game earlier tonight, I kinda thought that the mechanics sucked and some of the writing was lame.

That ending got me to feel things though.

Did anyone else play this game to the ending? Or did black mimics kill your drive for this game?

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they censored the cunny so I never touched it. I did hear it dragged on for far to long and you got burnt out playing it eventually.

i wanted to play through it but didnt like the gameplay.
kinda thinking of just using a cheat trainer to get through the game.

I played it, but didnt finish it
I think I finished the monkey trial and stopped

>Censored Zero

It was definitely one of the ruins that had the more interesting story. But if you didn't like it, the rest wouldn't be for you.

A cheat engine would be useful for some of the incredibly cheap moments in this game. Especially if you wanna enjoy the occasionally very neat story.

Oh I like the game
Im a fan of the genre
But I dont like the mechanic where your party gets restarted essentially after x days.
Its doable but there are a ton of other games that have my attention

Played it but got sidetracked by games I got on multiple sales after it came out
The mechanics are weak but the story is engaging, and I like some of the characters. Ill get back to it sooner or later
Yuma is best girl

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I'll agree that the aging mechanic felt really annoying but it made some sense.

It would have been better to give us more control over aging as the game progressed. OR MAKE IT THAT CHILDREN CAN USE CLIONE (this game's scientific magic)

The ending will be worth it.
If the mechanics get in the way, just go for a lower difficulty so you can enjoy the narrative. (Particularly in the last two stages)

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I got fucked over by a goat on the first dungeon and never touched the game ever again
keyboard controls can go suck my dick
also real time combat in a dungeon crawler just feels wrong

The mechanics arent difficult its just I wish there was more to the combat than the awkward system they have, its both unforgiving and too easy at the same time in a weird way. I'd rather have tactical turn based combat or a fully fledged real time action combat than what we got. The story is real interesting though, I left off after the Ryo section and shit really seems like its kicking into high gear

Im someone thats a fan of the genre
Games like wizardry, grimrock, eo, stranger of sword city, operation tokyo/abyss, etc, I love them
But 0 of them reset your progress so often.
There were many times where I was like "I cant do anything but stay at the base for a few days because multiple party members will die by the time I travel back to where I was in the map"

Its never good design to make your players not play the game unless youre trying to build suspense MAYBE

Oh and I remember, I was in the middle of the police officer's dungeon before I stopped

Do you eat shit?

This game tries to emulate some horror elements with the tank controls, it's intentional.

Lower the difficulty, enjoy the cool narrative and you can play more mechanically fulfilling games with the spare time

>"I cant do anything but stay at the base for a few days because multiple party members will die by the time I travel back to where I was in the map"
At times like that youre supposed to kill them off in new ways to get shigabane

The game isnt difficult, I dont need to make it easy.
The aging mechanic, while good for the story, is absolutely shit for gameplay

Thats still very unfun
I cant continue the story and reach my objective because they want me to bullshit around and grind for shigabane?
I hate to be "different bad" but the mechanic is very trash.

I finished it, even if I just turned it on the easiest mode in the last stage because I just wanted to end it already, I played the rest in the hardest difficulty so I guess it kinda makes up for that.
The gameplay itself is not so bad, it's the first time I played a game like this so I enjoyed it, the characters are good enough and the story is engaging...at first, IMO it takes a sudden drop at the end of chapter 4 and I'd say the ending felt both rushed and kinda dissapointing.
Even so, I enjoyed the game and I'm kinda sad it's not more popular.

>fucking shill won't address the censorship

Not touching it cause its censored.

because you shouldn't be buying games at all retard

i'm retarded cause i'm not a cuck playing censored shit lmao

If the game's censored why did I get a boner everytime I revived a girl, huh?

Im not op but what do you even want him to say? Its sucks that its censored and nobody likes it.

It censored some pedo stuff, how is this an issue?

t. buyfag

>i'm not a cuck if i i play censored shit for free

OP here, everyone has already exhausted the censorship discussion. I don't care about that right now, I wanna know how you felt about playing the game.

Would you have honestly played it even if it didn't get censored?

i would lol

In the next timeline my friend. I can appreciate that integrity.

Sure, a ton of people would judging from the no buy thread on the forums full of assmad weebs.

that's the shit they don't understand there's no way to play this fucking game if you don't know jap they fucked it up if i didn't care i wouldn't post how shit it is

Honestly, the censored scenes are kind of a bother to get, best way is to upgrade the bedrooms to the max and spam it, I just looked for the scened on youtube

Each chapter has something that kept me engaged. There were some characters that felt weak. minamo and rinko's

At least EXTEND TV was always worth it

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I kinda liked it, but it got really fucking frustrating at times

>Hurr durr I don't need friends
>had 0 stamina and healing items on him and only a shitty stick on that character
>keep getting one shot by monkeys

It was censored for a reason, it literally implied sex between 8 year old characters

Weapons were weird, if you didn't search every safe for a weapon you'd miss out on some otherwise important weapon crafting pieces.

When zen left the party to hide his backstory I was not prepared he did not have any food on him, I made do by eating raw monkey meat and wishing I had water.

OP signing out for the next 7 hours, I'll be back another time or tomorrow if this thread lives for some awful reason.

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>Did anybody play Zanki Zero?
>What did you think?
I think it was censored so they killed before it had any chance since it's a niche game to a niche audience, somebody need to tell them that resetera doesn't have people that buy those games, they sure as fuck will complain about it, but buy it?Nah Jack.

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Story was interesting enough, final villain was crap and ruined true Sachika who made my dick diamonds. Ending was emotional. Wouldn't mind a ZZ2 with greatly polished gameplay.

Fucking sneedposters

It's not pedo if you're 8, too

the game wasn't terrible, but felt rushed at the end and just an uninspired shadow of Danganronpa.
the dropped plot line of Kurosuke being secretly dormant in Haruto's core was the biggest offence

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dont the kid forms retain the adult intelligence too?
so it would be legal jailbait

No idea what game that is but I like that girl.

Censored trash gets no cash for me, user. Spike Chunsoft's incoming PC port of Crystar might as it seems to be only censored on the PS4. I already knew about it before the announcement though, someone on Yea Forums linked a JP-only showcase of the game.

