What games does Chad play with your girlfriend?

What games does Chad play with your girlfriend?

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Oral Snot Adventures!

Diarrhea Anal Inferno: Cervix Panic!

Date Rape 3: Roofies on the Dollar!

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I don't have a girlfriend. I'm a 27 year old virgin.


You mean with his girlfriend?


Her vagina and my wallet

i don't have a girlfriend

What's the first thing you're gonna do with your wizard powers?

i dont know what you mean user. i dont have a gf. i dont talk to other human beings. i dont go outside. i only play games alone these days. things are better that way.

Master abjuration and place a barrier around my property that will banish trespassers to the shadow realm.

Sonic Adventure 2 Go Karting

28 here. We aren't that old.

Best of luck, user.

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Do you think he knows how to write a program in C

I haven't heard the wizard joke in such a long time. Where did it even come from?

Same bro. Feels god not worrying about women anymore

30 year old wizard here it takes a little bit for your powers to manifest not everyone starts out with the same powers, so far all I got is enhanced wisdom.

We play platformers, beat em ups, and rhythm games.

why would I want any romantic partner?

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How do I make Chad pay attention to me instead of my girlfriend?