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You either go forward or backwards with your middle finger W or S. This is fine because you never need to go forwards and backwards at the same time.

And you strafe left or right with A and D with your ring and first fingers. This is intuitive, A on the left strafes left, and D on the right strafes right. But it's a waste of a key. You never need to strafe left and right at the same time. So less intuitive, but freeing up a finger for other actions, would be to put strafe left and right on the same finger.

So I'm learning a new layout
First finger:
E forwards
D backwards
Middle finger:
W strafe left
S strafe right

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right looks like persona 5 girls bodys

nice blogpost nigger

kill yourself

She's tall as fuck.

>Tags: Size Difference, Yuri

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>yes, Arisen?

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

>tfw used to have a 6'3" tomboy goth gf.
>tfw cancer took her away

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She's a big girl

>not ED for forward/back and AS for left/right

how is her torso that long? like the height difference between their vaginas looks like 6 inches but the height difference between their heads is easily 12

Holy shit, you're right

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W and S to strafe is counterintuitive. You would only end up confusing which key goes what direction. With A and D it's a simple matter of knowing your lefts from your rights

I use a gamepad like a non retarded person.
You don't eat soup with a fork.
Why are you playing games with a typewriter?

she cute

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I want to throw that girl on the left around like a piece of meat.

I'm sorry user. Hope you're doing okay

>But it's a waste of a key. You never need to strafe left and right at the same time.
It's so you can instantly start strafing in the other direction or stop your momentum immediately.

Ive seen this thread before. OP is a reposting faggot. This is triggering my Deja Vu. FUCK. FUCK!!


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.noos nekawa lliw uoy

>being able to change left/right direction super fast is pretty much the most important thing for movement in shooty games
>gimp yourself by making shittier d-pad with two keys

wasd is perfection
no need to change it

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holy christ user that's literally the perfect girl
I don't know what to say.

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Nice trolling.

Crazy the difference platform heels make. Girl on left is about the same height as the middle girl.

Sorry to hear that, user. I couldn't even begin to comprehend that kind of loss.

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Can someone honestly tell me what sex feels like? Is it worth it?

Hookers aren't that expensive

>have a fetish for women taller than me
>I'm 6'4

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Last I checked they were $400, probably more now

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