>lovecraftian game
>dude tentacles squids aaah i'm going insane lmao
Lovecraftian game
lovecraft was a racist incel
that's basically the jist of all of it, yea
>darkest dungeon in a nutshell
>h p lovecraft, original source
>dude tentacles squids aaah i'm going insane lmao
>also niggers amirite
Dark Corners of Earth was the peak of Lovecraftian inspired games. Everything that comes after is shit.
>this 2015 meme
The meta has changed bro. Now it's
>Ugh, Lovecraft isn't just tentacles and Cthulu you know. It's actually about the fear of the unknown, and the existential dread that manifests from the incomprehensible cosmos. I should know, because I watched True Detective season 1.
>A fish!
I am getting pretty sick of lovecraftian 'lore' in my video games. It excuses bad writing and tries to veil itself as deep.
>this 2019 meme
Way slow lad, us fellas in 2023 are already at
>yes finally a pure lovecraftian game, just made up of tentacles, squids, and going insane, without any superfluous shit. Just the way it should be.
and you're a faggot redditor
What did he name his cat again?
Holy fucking based I almost spit my out my coffee.
>it's the same thread again
Fuck off tranny, muh open borders degenerate
>No gaem where YOU are an eldritch shitter
So dare I say he is our guy?
seething incel
Dark Corners was complete garbage. The atmosphere was great. The gameplay was total dogshit. It went from a great first hour to atrociously bad stealth followed up by atrociously bad shooting.
just like everyone during that time, if that was the socially acceptable opinion today, you would be fixing to hang minorities like they insectoid drone you are
A lovecraftian game doesn't need to be horror it can just take mechanics and visual inspirations or thematic stuff. There is nothing wrong with that. Actually the best lovecraftian games are not actually horror games at their core.
To me the problem is when they want to do horror and fail to translate the cosmic horror aspect, which is difficult to do in general.
>not actually horror games at their core
got examples?
>"You will notice that I have made no reference to childish friends & playmates - I had none! The children I knew disliked me, & I disliked them. I was used to adult company & conversation, & despite the fact that I felt shamefully dull beside my elders, I had nothing in common with the infant train. Their romping & shouting puzzled me. I hated mere play & dancing about - in my relaxations I always desired *plot*"
>"Many times in my youth I was so exhausted by the sheer burden of consciousness & mental & physical activity that I had to drop out of school for a greater or lesser period & take a complete rest free from all responsibilities; [...] In those days I could hardly bear to see or speak to anyone, & liked to shut out the world by pulling down dark shades & using artificial light."
>"He celebrated his twenty-first birthday - August 20, 1911 - by riding the electric trolley cars all day"
One of us.
Biggest problem with games based on Lovecraft mythos is that they are focused about Cthulhu, when lovecraft writed a lot more and mostly better stuffs than Cthulhu. Another think is how they make insanity in their games. In lovecraft works it wasn't "ahhh Cthulhu let's kill everyone". It was a lot more subtle changes in a person, for example in whisperer in darkness it was giving up humanity to learn secrets of cosmos.
Lol newfag
But also a very entertaining pulp writer.
Just take his racism in context to the time he lived in mixed with his own autism like a mature adult you fuckwit.
Not quite.
On the arrival of Sonia Green in the life of Howard Lovecraft
>"It is worth pausing to ponder the sources for Lovecraft's attraction to Sonia. It seems facile to say that he was looking for a mother replacement; and yet, the emergence of Sonia into his life a mere six weeks after his mother's death is certainly a coincidence worth noting.
Sonia's reaction to Lovecraft helping to edit and refine her short story
>"His continued enthusiasm the next day was so genuine and sincere that in appreciation I surprised and shocked him right then and there by kissing him. He was so flustered that he blushed, then he turned pale. When I chaffed him about it he said he had not been kissed since he was a very small child and that he was never kissed by any woman [...] and that he would probably never be kissed again. (But I fooled him)."
>"Sonia seems to have understood Lovecraft very well, his frigidity, his inhibition, his denial and his disgust for life. As for him, who considered himself an old man at thirty, one is still surprised that he could envisage union with this dynamic, vivacious creature. A divorced jewess, what’s more; which, for a conservative antisemite like him would seem to constitute an insurmountable obstacle. [...] But it is perhaps the most unlikely explanation that seems the best: Lovecraft really seems to have, in a certain manner, loved Sonia, as Sonia loved him."
On Lovecraft's sexual relations with his wife
>"We learn [...] that: first, he was a virgin at the time he married; second, prior to his marriage he had read several books on sex; and third, he never initiated sexual relations, but would respond when Sonia did so. [...] Sonia herself has only two comments on the matter. 'As a married man he was an adequately excellent lover, but refused to show his feelings in the presence of others. [...] One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
>Lovecraft scored
We're all gonna make it brehs
Sorry friend but that would be Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem you are looking for.
and that's a good thing
meanwhile im just sitting there asking
>what are you freaking out for its just a fish
especially in darkest dungeon holy shit
>One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
romatique as fuck
Reminder that Nigger Man is the coolest cat in town
Absolutely. People overuse the idea that to make something lovecraftian or cosmic horror, you need to use Cthulhu Mythos and it's not true. If anything it can work against you, both in creative freedom and with audience expectations.
>whisperer in darkness
This is the reason why it's probably my favourite story he made. I always thought the insanity part of cosmic horror was the most boring aspect of his work, often too binary and sudden, without elaborating on it or showing different stages. But in WiD the sanity of the character is irrelevant, to the point of considering what would I personally do (honestly I would probably go for it). It creates an incredibly interesting situation with extreme potential wins and losses, exploring the cosmos and gaining tremendous knowledge by sacrificing your own body. Really blurs the lines of what would usually be considered in his own fiction as knowledge beyond the reach of mankind that would otherwise make you go crazy or something. It's an evolution in his work, an added nuance to the relationship with the cosmos, and not so one-sided. This is one of his few short stories that I consider proto sci-fi in addition to cosmic horror and that's why I love it so fucking much.
Jesus that forehead
absolutely BASED
>vocalizing dogs as "GUAU"
100% guarantee this comic was made by some Brazillian monkey or something. Who the fuck says "GUAU" in the anglosphere lol
>cat lover
hey thats alright each their ow-
>dog hater
listen here shit stain, the dog understands pack mentality and can work in unison with a human as a two partner team whereas a cat you just let that shit loose because thats all you can do with a stubborn old cat
Look at those beady eyes and long, slack jawed semitic face
This is the archetype asperger facial structure. I know a guy who looks EXACTLY like this, and is a complete sperg. Like legitimate aspergers.
This reads like some anime shit.
though it's not a lovecraft game, fallout 3 had an excellent Lovecraft reference with the dunwich building
Only good Lovecraftian game.
>world is only barzil and anglos
Have sex
>lovecraftian character
>naked loli with tentacles
What of it, normalfag?
I was almost fucking right. Still some latin monkeys, so I'll take it as a good guess.
This. They did it again in F4. Great shit.
normie apes need not apply
I love her
His eyes aren't even beady, normalfag, he just has a long face. And assburgers has nothing to do with facial structure.
It has a sad ending though.
On Lovecraft's cold dinners while Sonia worked in another city
>"In October Lovecraft was forced to buy an oil heater for the winter, since the head provided by [landlord] Mrs Burns [...] was quite insufficient. [...] Lovecraft could now indulge in the high luxury of "the preparation of hot dinners. No more cold beans & spaghetti for me". Does this mean that, for the first nine and a half months of the year, Lovecraft was eating cold meals, mostly out of cans? [...] this seems to be a dismal probability"
On Lovecraft deciding to return to Providence
>"I am essentially a recluse who will have very little to do with people wherever he may be [...] To all intents & purposes I am more naturally isolated from mankind than Nathaniel Hawthorne himself, who dwelt alone in the midst of crowds [...] I am always an outside - to all scenes & all people - but outsiders have their sentimental preferences in visual environment. I will be dogmatic only to the extent of saying that it is New England I must have - in some form or other. Providence is part of me - I am Providence.""
>"In all honesty, it is highly likely that he really wished the marriage to end at this point - or, at the very least, that he was perfectly content to see it continue only by correspondence, as indeed it id for the next several years. All he wanted was to come home; Sonia could shift for herself."
On Sonia's remarks about the end of her marriage
>""If the truth be known, it was this attitude towards minorities and his desire to escape them that promoted him back to Providence [...] I did not leave him on account of non-providence, but chiefly on account of his harping hatred of J--s. This and this alone was the real reason."
It absolutely does, sperg. Aspergers / autists have a very particular facial structure and a particular gaze / stare. You can tell spergs apart in a second, without even looking for quirky and fucked up neurotic mannerisms, just by appearance.
For me, the best Lovecraftian character is Chiyo-nee
> nothing personnel kid
Goddamn he was a fucking edgelord wasn't he?
>autistic social reject weirdo sperg hates dogs and likes cats because they're aloof and autistic
>He didn't name his cat niggerman
What a faggot.
don't you have a knot to take?
from my gf maybe knot right now though
>One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
Even for the time it was already seen as a bit extreme but that's just because he was a loner brought up by very old society rules. He denounced a lot of his views later in life, after he actually started to leave his house.
But according to modern ideas, once a racist, always a racist.
t. Herr Mengele
>tfw no Sonia gf
Fucking Lovecraft had a mommy gf but not me?
lovecraft threads on Yea Forums are peak comfy!!
I like World of Warcraft's take, has plenty of lore, cults, monsters, gods and beings above gods who are the main villain now for some reason
>car game
>dude cars and car races and shit lmao
What the fuck do you want a lovecraft game to be you fucking faggot?
Off yourself. Lovecrafts best works were the ones when his creatures had actual forms and he gave life to the horror. Not this neckbeard circle jerk "AHHHH FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN SO KINO" bullshit
>needs just enough stuff to hunt
>needs to remember stuff about the owner on top of it since otherwise he can't provide for himself
What was his name again?
>all these redditscum hating on are /niggerman/
bunch a fags
Morgana .
t. Brainlet
Imagine terry and lovecraft working together to make a game
Terry would do the engine and gameplay while Lovecraft did the story and art
Literally Tentacle Hentai
He has a spooky story about jungle niggers who exist as parodies of humans.
There's a genetic component. 9 times out of 10 if your physical structure is malformed your brain is too. File corrupt.
>he names a cat Nigger-man
you fucking am*ricans really have no shame do you?
cat lovers are literal cucks, you're owning someone who doesn't care about you
Cats do care about their owners though. In the way a friend does, not in the way a child does like a dog.
those quests were pretty good.
too bad they had to resort to basically another universe to get something half-decent.