>someone mentions a game series youre a huge fan of in a thread
>type up a decently long reply
>get no replies
>thread dies
>Idiot makes a thread with a twitter screenshot from some literal who
>300+ replies
Someone mentions a game series youre a huge fan of in a thread
Just go to reddit or disc*rd if you want to talk about video games
I post here because every post is weighted equally without a voting system
Reddit is absolutely shit
And discord relies on building up a reputation so people care about what you say
Here is nice
This site has been destroyed by electionfags. Remember, this is your fault for breaking rules 1 & 2 and boasting to all your friends about how cool and underground this site was.
At least scientology could be passed off as a meme joke. Anyone who promoted goobergate/etc are literal cancer that killed this entire site.
Ive been here since 2011
Theres nowhere else for me to go, I still cling to the very few threads that are genuine videogame discussion instead of thinly veiled anti-sjw reeing, or porn threads
I feel your pain man. In the last month or so, ive only gotten into three, genuinely fun discussions about sekiro and red dead redemption. Even in those threads, people were trying to derail and troll the thread, which was infuriating to say the least. Stay strong and keep your eyes out for the diamonds in the rough, I still find it worth it.
What gaems you wanna talk about, then?
>people trying to derail the thread
that has happenned to every thread about actual vidya
there is a group of autists falseflagging trying to move anything not AAA/mainstream to /vg/
Is anyone interested in a traditional forum dedicated to games, anime, manga, etc anymore? Like Neogaf minus the cancer, politics, fags etc.
I’ve been wanting to make a dedicated forum for years now, but don’t want to waste the time and money if nobody wants it
When did they put /v on image bumps? I swear it used to only need a post.
dump ifag
You’re a poor third worlder, got it. I don’t even know why teenagers think this shit is fun, wasting your time for what? I’m going back to s forums you fags can have fun on this dead ass site filled with foreigners and kids.
Fifa 19
hug me user, as I know this feel so much it hurts
also fucking this
do you like Digimans
>Yea Forums
You wish, now post more e-celebs and twitter screencaps
Jokes on you, I own 2 Razor laptops that I use as throwaway's for my rig that is less expensive than either one. Apple fags are even dumber than me
Fuck off wojak faggot. You're also a reason why can't talk about video games.
>post threads about semi-obscure, but well-liked games
>5 replies at best, and that's with me replying to everyone that I can
>OH NO NO NO + twitter screencap
>500 replies in 2 hours
based desu poster
>Someone replies to you.
>Begin to write a thoughtful, eloquent reply.
>As you're reading it back to check for grammar and spelling mistakes, you notice someone else replied to the user you were about to reply to.
>"kek niggerfaggot"
>user angrily replies to the troll post assuming its you.
>Troll post gets 3 more replies from bitter thread lurkers.
>Post your post anyway.
>Realized you overlooked a spelling mistake because you got distracted.
>No one bothers replying to your post anyway.
>Try to damage control by redirecting trolled anons to your post.
>They don't care, and the whole conversation crumbles into namecalling and shittossing.
Did you consider making your own thread about video games instead of one about bitching that just contributes to the problem you're complaining about?
I'm in man. I'd gladly moderate too when I was around. I just want a place to talk about videogames.
I've been here longer than you've even been aware of this place, my son. Fuck you, but what do recommend I buy and play? I've resorted to old RTS games as of late.
>Claiming oldfaggotry while asking for recs
Making threads about less popular games is pointless as they can never compete with shitpost threads that start a loli, a meme, or some twitter screencap to get 500 replies
Something like that might take some times to really get going. Most forums die early on. Because people come on, see there isn't any traffic, and then leave. Thus perpetuating no traffic.
You really need to cultivate your small community. The strength and sensibilities of a forum comes from the top. If you're boring, then your forum will be boring. If you're a faggot, then your forum will be full of faggots.
That being said, it might be worth a try. The worst that can happen, is you end up as 1 out of a million abandoned forums on the internet. But if you really care, really cultivate, and have a fair amount of luck, then perhaps you could make something great.
You forgot
>Dig through horribly bloated and disorganized Yea Forums image folder for that perfect/funny pic, adding another 30-60 seconds to your post.
Is it that hard for you to talk about video games? You replied to 2 post that explicitly asked about video games. I think you lose.
Do you prefer Empire Earth or Age of Empires
I feel like there would be a user base that would want that, just don’t really know how to reach them you know? Like nobody is going to go to a forum they saw from an add, and if you get the wrong people talking about it then you get resetera 2.0. I would want to make it America/Canada only, but europoors might be needed to sustain user growth and activity. I’ll research some more and make a post here if I decide to do it. I have the domain registered all ready, so really just need to make it.
I prefer when people don't lie on anonymous image boards to look cool
EE is trash, RoN did it better
>Thread archives/404s while you're searching for the perfect image.
>talking about video games
what's there to even talk about dude? just turn the game on and play like wtf?
I thought about making a socom thread but I remember no one remembers it
Make it and post about it a few times. I think you'd be surprised by how quickly the user base would grow.
You make good points though. Any ideas on organic user growth? Ads are out of the question, same with reddit, so short of spamming the link all over small dedicated sites that would just ignore it anyway, I don’t really know. Granted it’s been probably about 5 years since I registered the domain and been sitting on it. I’ll have to do some research, I feel like I’m super behind on current internet trends and activity
Don't require an email from me and I'd be potentially interested.
Just copy Yea Forums(nel) but don't name it similar to Yea Forums(nel)
user do you really want me to drop screenshots of old? We could waste a bunch of time and I'd be happy to, just for you.
I was just looking at RoN last night. Haven't even touched that game in like 12 years, but Empire Earth 1 has got me again. I don't enjoy later iterations
>post a genuine reply about how great a certain game made you feel
>no one gives you a (you) or acknowledges your post so you can only assume youre the only one you can share your feels with
it hurts the most with games that defined your childhood
I'm playing the first Mother/Earthbound game OP, it's kinda fun but your can see the age. Plus the map is a little confusing.
My first inclination would be to require registering as to deter shit posts and keep the level of discussion at least a couple notches higher than here. Making too strict of rules just discourages original discussion and opinions, then with no accounts and lax rules, you get a shithole like here. It’s a fine line, and if you don’t toe it carefully you end up with shit on either side. I’ll look into analytics like I said in my last post, I’m out of touch with current internet, so I have a lot of catching up to do
We really need thread IDs here, its so obvious when people post bait and then samefag up threads.
An image board is basically the idea, just in a more traditional forum format. I have old mock ups and stuff I did, but those are all based around an account model. I always preferred traditional forums for browsing and talking than image boards, but ultimately it has to be up to user base and what they would want
Underrated post
t. discord tranny
What did he mean by this?
There, now you know how discourse is handled on Yea Forums.
I don't know how to spread the word. But to the point of attracting the wrong people, remember this: YOU set the rules. As owner, you decide what can be talked about, and what can't. How can you be afraid of creating resetera 2.0, if your rules act as filters against them? The reason resetera is the way it is, is for the fact that they censor discussion that opposes their acceptable narrative. The cure for that, is to allow users to debate without censor.
If queers, trannies and women can't handle their opinions being challenged, then they will run off to resetera.
Do you have a way we can check out progress. I would love to be a part of this thing from the ground up. I think a real videogames forum without the weird Resetera bullshit could really take off.
>wanted to defend a game that was wrongful shat on during release
>Nobody cares enough to even shit on it anymore and the few that reply think I am talking about a distant sequel with a similar name
Fair enough. I just know that the only reason I post here is because there is zero commitment of my own information, at least on the surface level that most people can easily access.
That said, I'm still a little interested.
Things will never improve until these are filtered or otherwise punished. They contribute absoluely nothing and are blatant flamewar/reply bait. It amazes me that I've never seen a ban handed out of any of those yet you can have a genuine video game thread deleted because a random poster is flooding it with spoilered porn.
>came on Yea Forums after E3 to talk about Panzer Dragoon
>there was only one thread on page 10 that dies as I tried to bump it
>meanwhile, 400 Smash threads
Discord fags deserve it. Even if they aren't all literal transsexuals they are a scourge on vidya culture
Okay newfag
Don't make me say it
When I’m ready to start actual development of the site I’ll make a post here, or maybe a dead board. Is /m still dead? I don’t really go on here much anymore. But if you want drop a throwaway, and I’ll let you know directly. The actual development and coding of the site isn’t a problem, but I could definitely use help on the design front, and ui.
I definitely get all that, but I’ve always hated forced narratives of any kind in forums, but like you said without it you end up with this or no users at all. I guess really all you would need to enforce would be no politics, and that would probably suffice as far as strict enforcement of a rule. But a rule set would definitely be needed. I would want to make colour, honour, behaviour, etc give you a perm ip ban. Nazi you get a perm, socialist you get a perm, drumpf you get a perm etc. but I feel like that might be a bit to extreme. But those are the things that render forums unusable to me, so maybe there’s a lot more people like that than I’m thinking
>Like Neogaf minus the cancer, politics, fags etc.
Won't work. Either the leftists will colonise it, /pol/ will colonise it, or the prison gay incels will colonise it.
Say whatever you want newfag, I cant hear you.
Yeah that was always my line of thinking too. With how popular reddit has become it seems like those extremes are all you fucking see anywhere online anymore. Neogaf is still surviving somehow even after it’s implosion, though I doubt how profitibal it is, if it all. But profits would never be a concern for me, but if it gets popular I guess revenue would eventually be needed.
What we're ultimately talking about is not a failure of the forum itself, but a failure of human nature. People want cheap, effortless attention, and if your thread requires people to make thoughtful, detailed replies to be relevant to the OP's thread discussion, then it won't take off. It'll be stuck in the abyss of 5-10 replies over the course of an hour at best.
Just keep politics out of it and you'll be fine. If people want to make jokes about political nonsense, who cares, but if they start pushing agendas (this game is good because it has a woman, this game is bad because it has white/black people, kill all _____ and this game would be good, we outta start boycotting ___ developer, send emails to this advertiser) ban them.
>have that rare thread about game/series/genre you like
>find that rare user who will talk at length with you about said thing
>thread archived
I know that feel
The point there is that moderation could stifle the flow of it by banning shit threads like twitter screencaps but intentionally ignore it until some frogposter posts FUCK NIGGERS or a porn dump appears that might spook advertisers
Best part is when you see the good discussion, post and you're the last post.
vibley o gaymes
I don't know, isn't there something romantic about that lost connection?
It's almost like once you post, it deletes the thread from existence for everyone but yourself. You could bump the thread 3 times in a row, and still no one else jumps in.
I don't much care for jews
hot tip: no one does, no need to bring it up all the time, this is a board about video games.
>but like you said without it you end up with this or no users at all.
I think you misunderstood my point. I probably didn't explain it well. When people come to learn how the owners of the site manage situations, then the right people will stay, and the wrong people will go. it's really dependent upon your attitude. People naturally respond to those in charge.
If you're the type of person who allows people to defend their own opinions, with little to no moderation, then the angry feminist so used to most other soft social media sites defending her honor, will realize she has no support from you. Either she will stay, and learn to get along with those who disagree with her, or most likely, she'll simply leave, because the forum doesn't bend to her will.
Forced narratives can't exist, if you allow open discussion. They only exist if you start banning people for their opinions.
If you really want to get rid of all political discussion on your board, then realize that is impossible. Because everything is political from someone's perspective. Like, for example, it's probably obvious to you that a woman can dress however they like. But then you have Muhammad who thinks women should cover up. In his eyes, banning his opinion doesn't make you politically neutral. It makes you opposed to his view. And he would be right.
So you have to kind of abandon the idea of neutrality. And decide which set of rules work best for you I suggest keeping enforcement as light as you can, and letting the user base solve their problems for the most part. As it will weed out the SJW snowflakes.
/pol/ is what they destroyed this site and them along with there stormfaggotry.
>make long, eloquent and intelligent post
>thread archives after it
this happens so often I've just started making bait posts before intelligent ones that way the thread fills up with angry people who inadvertently see my serious post
Now I feel bad, all the good threads I missed out on. All the fun vidya discussions, gone. I should just go to /vg/
Are you retarded you little faggot?
Before that Yea Forums hardly talked about vidya.
Panzer dragon looked like kusoge
Whats good about it
>no one does
Most white goiym love jews and will defend them venomously
>everyone ignores the intelligent post to give free (you)s to the bait
There's a cool tool called "Thread Watcher" that I don't feel like many people use on here. Helps you keep track of threads you're interested in without having to actively keep them open on your computer. To enable it, go to "Settings" and look under the "Monitoring" tab.
I've come upon this strategy as well. Sometimes I'll make a bait thread for guaranteed replies, and then pretend to be another user down below with a "serious though, " post
You should try Panzer Dragoon Orta sometime, or at least listen to the soundtrack.
Yeah good point, I would want it to be what Yea Forums in theory should be. Free form discussion, but obviously kids, foreigners, pol, and fags have ruined this place. I feel like simple shit like funny word filters, featured reviews/write ups on games and series, and just little stuff like that helps keep the community engaged. Stuff the niche focused forums do well, but alienate a lot of users due to specific subject matter. But now I’m definitely considering this, going to start tomorrow and dig up all my old ideas and designs. Thanks to everyone who replied, gave me something to do in my free time, and honestly a little excited about the idea of having a good gaming forum again
sometimes they respond to the bait and see the serious post, sometimes I just get replies for the bait
either way I win
This is literally done all the time. I've seen tons of people admit to making bait threads just to discuss the game. I've done it myself. Reel people in with the outrage and then they'll stick around to actually discuss it. It's far too effective, especially over heartfelt threads that are archived within an hour.
I remember playing the original with the headset. Getting your SQUAD to set up and hold/open fire for ambushes was so sick
Filtering the buzzwords most anons like to throw around here won't fix much, they'll just find new ones to latch onto. Taking away certain words from people who don't want to have a meaningful discussion in the first place won't magically change their minds, and it unfortunately doesn't make them go away either.
Fuck /pol/ there has been a few threads trying to normalize nazism on this board.
My hatred only grows because they them selves killed this site.
>once in a blue moon an elder scrolls thread will appear without being shit up by waifufags
i didnt even know elder scrolls games had waifus
Yeah great points. I suppose just outright banning all forms of political discussion wont help, but the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Asia, and 90% of Europe wouldn’t be allowed access unless absolutely necessary. But that’s kinda the opposite of what you suggested, so I should just reconsider that stance most likely. But you definitely helped improve my ideas, thanks for replying thoughtfully. Any other ideas, features you’d like to see implemented, general rules etc? I think I got myself too stuck on my original vision for the site, and need to open it up more
Mods to change the looks to create waifus and husbandos.
cool no one here likes jews or cares about them, this is a board about videogames. If you wanna talk about jews on this board, make a thread about PeaceMaker or something.
Sure, im up for a Yea Forums that actually talk about video games
everyone complaining about your threads getting no replies, you need to improve your marketing. you are competing with all the faster-to-digest threads.
instead of posting a paragraph make your point in a catchy sentence or two. the conversation that results will give you an opportunity to flesh out your points
>forced narratives cant exist if you allow for open discussion
You can just look at your own post and see how wrong that is.
Here, the narrative is "feminism bad", "anything thats not right leaning or further bad" and anyone who dissents from those ideas is called a tranny, or a white knight who only agrees for a chance for sex.
Its not only moderation that creates a narrative, its also the makeup of your users.
>it's a morrowind thread
>arguing with some faggot in a thread
>absolutely blow him out but know he won't stop replying because he'll always want to have the last word in
>wait until the thread reaches page 10
>blow him out one last time with a post but use sage so the thread doesn't bump
>by the time he's read it and already started typing out his response, the thread is dead
it's not going to get better. At this point anyone who isn't genuinely shitposting is shitposting out of spite. couple that with the concept of not taking bait being completely foreign and the rage baby fad. There isnt any hope in hell this place is going to turn around.
Did you guys play the PSP Socom game? It was surprisingly good.
thanks but meh
ill just stick to many tabs
I feel like it has to fit on the first or, at most, second line on the catalog.
>no one here likes jews
Stop lying, i get it you just want people to talk about video games, but stop lying
Most people here defend jews
>custom robo threads once in a blue moon
it's always the rarest threads that are the best threads
That’s more of what I meant (I’m the guy he was replying to)
I don’t want those kinds of users at all, but I think he means you kinda need them if you want a user base, but just enforce the rules that prohibit that kind of bullshit. I don’t care if a gay dude uses the site, but it should never be brought up because it’s a nerd forum about games and shit. But then you let that stuff slide then it becomes resetera, van people to freely, then you get pol. But he does have a good point in that as long as the rules are clear and concise, users see you enforce them, and you aren’t a total fag, then that type of discussion should never really start in the first place. That’s how I’m looking at it at least
i like jews
Make a Twitter account. Post about your favorite game on there. Screencap it. Post the screencap here. Guaranteed replies.
Zoomers are idiots.
I do both. It's nice to see (300+) new replies to a thread you closed a few hours ago and would have to dig through the archive to view again.
Alright guys since this seems to be an actual vidya thread l need some recommendations for old school games to emulate. Mostly stuff gen 6 and under. I'm mostly into platformers and rpgs but I'm open to any suggestion really.
Zoomers are the main issue of any website. Kids didn’t grow up on forums where you’d get banned for typos and slang. They don’t know how to act online and don’t have the capacity for an actual discussion
ecco the dolphin
>have over 5000 pics in my reaction image folder
>only ever use about 300 of them
Ape Escape series
Mark of Kri
Batman on NES
Gunstar Heroes
Alien Soldier
Elevator action 2, kid Dracula, sword of vermillion, actraiser 2. Have fun user
You got 106 replies and you ended up getting them just like how they did it. Perhaps you were them all along and just false flagging. Enjoy your successful (You)
deep sea threads & LOL > twittercap threads
>Most people here defend jews
Citation needed, dumbass
Is Playstation 2 emulation any good now? If so, all the GTA games for PS2 are GOTY quality.
Do it, Ecco is a classic. Even the 3D Ecco on dreamcast is fun.
>He thinks the Nazi's were the cartoon badguys from pop history and Hollywood drama movies
You just want to go along to get along and are mad people are rocking the boat. The anti-white faggots are going to come for you no matter what you do or how hard you say you hate the badman or don't care about politics. Nothing will change that.
He got 106 replies because we're the silent majority who sees what's happening.
rayman is a pretty forgotten platformer thats still good
Boo hoo I didnt get my You
Dragon Warrior Monsters, 1 or 2.
PS2 emulation depends on the games, a lot of them run quite well but some still suffer problems.
>end up in a random thread
>guy writes decently long reply
>no one responds
>give a pity (You)
>no return (You) as thanks
If you like RPG's there are about 50 great RPG's on the SNES.
Start with the classics and work your way down: Terranigma, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, etc, etc, etc. it goes on and on.
Trust me, I know
Custom robo is getting a spirtual successor called synaptic drive yet its impossible to get more than 10 replies about it
Its a real tough spot, user.
Too much moderation you become a hugbox
Too little and you get pol autists who live off of stirring shit
Just setting basic rules would be a start, but if youre going full user youll have a big issue with ban evasion
I got 106 replies with catering to people who actually play and like videogames, not to tourists from other boards with foot threads
Did you start lurking in 2014 or some shit? This place was long gone before elections, even further than GG or fappening before you bring up that nonsense.
Honestly, PS2 games are so cheap I generally just buy them, I own about 200 PS2 games, and I'll keep buying them as long as the price is good and they are still fun to play.
That's the trouble, they will target you and your people outside the site. It takes time but they won't give a shit, once they get one of their people on the inside they'll just pilpul till they get their way.
Even better when the thread hits bump limit, and you the last say. You just KNOW some faggot furiously typed that shit up hoping to get one up on you, but didn’t.
I just emulate because having different PS2s for region specific games is a pain
To all you anons worried about jackasses not taking a discussion seriously that resorting to desperate namecalling or shitty memes: don't internalize it too much. I know people can get too invested in a stupid argument because they fear the other side may influence others into believing in stupid shit. But there are always plenty lurkers monitoring a thread without participating and they know when someone is acting like an idiot. Make yourself look as reasonable as possible and people will see you that way. And eventually the lurkers will come to call out the jackasses with you.
Also, know when to stop posting. You have a life to live, so don't waste it feeding trolls and shitposters.
I don't have many ideas. I'm not good at this stuff. I'm only speaking from the perspective of a guy who use to frequent a few forums back in the day.
But I would suggest tying accounts to emails, so users can change their names without problem.
My beliefs aren't being forced upon anyone. I'm just stating things from my perspective. And btw, I expressed pro-feminist sentiment: The freedom for women to wear what they want. The only thing I said negative about feminism, is the implication that they're overly sensitive.
You're right in a sense. But users can't really force narratives, without the authority to stifle those who might criticize them. Users can form sort of a majority acceptable sensibility. But that develops naturally over time, from the grooming of the site owner and his moderation. It's like pruning a tree. You have to know the right branches to cut, in order to get it to grow in a healthy way. But you don't have full control over how it ultimately forms. And if one branch grows in a bad way, then you you have to be brave enough to cut it out entirely.
Well if this is the case then there is no point to owning a business, getting a job, starting a website, or engaging in any activity if it can just be taken away if you say the wrong thing and piss off the liberal elites. I don't really believe they have as much power as some people do.
Agreed, I see it all the time. Usually the user that's getting attacked by trolls is the one I agree with. I'm just too lazy to post.
Basically. It’s not just Yea Forums, I’ve seen half a dozen forums get turned to dogshit by the new generation.
Just look at Smashboards, it’s become a faggy circlejerk of lonely losers who only have internet “friends” venting about their depression or other nonsense online, and the whole thing being polices by the PC patrol who ensures you can’t say anything mean, negative, or against the established narrative.
Just because you didn't get replies doesn't mean people didn't read it. They just don't always have something to say.
Why is the internet like this now. What changed exactly? The PC Patrol didn't exist 10 years ago, how did they come about and start wrecking everything?
I'm actually curious what the view count for some threads are. I think it should be added to the site.
I feel you, user
I remember getting four (You)'s on a Submarine Titans post, one as a Polish quote from the game.
I was happier than when I got a gf for the first time.
Ever stop to consider why every place outside the chans is an overmoderated shithole? There are people who's entire lives revolve around this shit. You can try and honestly I'd love to be wrong, but you need to be aware of what you are up against isn't just a couple pissy blue haired thots and obese swastika worshipers.
What did he mean by this and fpbp are pretty old though, but ye shit's obnoxoius as fuck nowadays, fucking newfag electiontourists ruimed the goddamn place
t. 2009 oldfag
Thanks for all the suggestions anons, I've played many of these but I'll add the rest to my backlog. I'm particularly interest in trying out ecco the dolphin since I haven't played many genesis games in general, I was also interested in ristar a while back, might give that one a shot while I'm at it.
LOL threads still get made. issue is the faggot mods keep deleting them.
I think that might be hard since there is an increasing amount of app based phoneposters getting privy. Like me.
Youre completely right about lurkers
In a pokemon thread I posted a fresh streamable link and by the time the thread archived it had like 93 views despite only getting 2 (You)s and having like 30 unique ips in the thread
Stifling the opposition doesnt need to stem from banning those who say the wrong thing, it just has to be "annoy/bully/etc people who dont believe the same until they decide the forum isnt for them".
If I went to a forum where people were spamming shit I didnt like I wouldnt post there despite not being directly told to fuck off
Its hard to balance moderation and appease everyone. That guy has to not be afraid to trim the branches like you said. Someones gonna always be upset if you dont let them post what they want. Hopefully he has a spine
Run saber is a fun little game similar to strider but with co-op.
Terrible idea. It will only encourage clickbait threads even more.
It's something that has been building for decades with no resistance, and then all of a sudden was unleashed on people en mass after smartphones opened the internet up to billions.
Yeah, you're probably right.
>actually liking video games
that was your first mistake, OP. the second one was coming here to discuss video games.
Word of warning: Don't make containment boards. They don't work. All you will do, is give the undesirables a home on your forum, and then they'll spread to other boards. Just get rid of troublemakers. Tell the idiots to calm down, and settle everyone back on the topic.
I know people hate to hear /pol/ get blamed for all of Yea Forums's problems. But back in the day, political discussions on Yea Forums were small asides. Just little diversions, before getting righted. But after /pol/ got big, Yea Forums users got radicalized. Now political shit dominates so many threads. It's insane. It's best never to give the /pol/ types a home. If you have to put out a few political fires, that's just part of the deal. But NEVER give them a base on your site.
It’s a combination of things.
Universities brainwashing students with lefty propaganda. Universities being more accessible too. The kids who were weirdos in school (you know the ones), now have a platform, and since they were always friendless losers, they’re not only familiar with the web, but also used it to project their views and voice, and in finding like-minded idiots, they began to self-delude and go deeper down the rabbit hole. The newer generations are overprotected by the softer parenting of older generations. Politics are now a huge propaganda tool being used as a form of social identity, making the problem even worse... etc... In short, it was always meant to happen.
Single parent households/bad parenting, plus the media and universities rearing ill-developed kids with bad ideas, plus the internet allowing those who’d otherwise be silent, find other like-minded morons, and becomes a very loud minority that shifts public perception through the power of the web.
>Forced narratives can't exist, if you allow open discussion.
This fucking site is proof enough that isn't true. Even before it got raped by /pol/.
>it just has to be "annoy/bully/etc people who dont believe the same until they decide the forum isnt for them
Hell, it being an actual forum, and not an anonymous shithole, I naturally assumed he would quell hostilities, and discourage bullying. But if you're annoyed by the opinions of the user to the point where you believe posting is no longer desirable, then that's the natural falloff I was talking about before. Undesirables will leave naturally.
If the owner of the site doesn't want users expressing the opinion that annoyed you, then he could tell them to avoid talking about it. But then that would run the risk of turning things the other way. Then people with your sensibilities could flood the forum with your beliefs, making the other group feel uncomfortable. Ultimately, it's up to the owner to decide whether intervention is needed or not. And when that time comes, he should do so by his own set of beliefs. Not entirely neutral. But sure enough to gently influence the flow of users to his liking.
t. newfag
Inner colture stuff will always exist. This shit happens in here because users want to talk about other shit with their own community (here its Yea Forums). Why do you think you get a thread about 007 being a black woman now, in v? Sure, 007 has has a big place in games but its obvious that this conversation should be has in Yea Forums, not here.
So yeah, they dont want to talk with Yea Forums about off topic stuff, they still want to talk with Yea Forums about their own memes and celebs, and all around its own offtopic
Even the post above yours proves it
You get unironic boogeyman posting with no moderation
"Anyone who doesnt believe the same as I do must have been radicalized by propaganda"
"University bad"
Its disgusting to see
I didnt catch the part where he said it wouldnt be user
If its not, most of the issues disappear. But then it becomes a circlejerk
Moderation is very hard, I wish him the best of luck
I was interested until i read that you're just some racist trumptard.
Go for Dosbox and read crpg addict blog for some recommendation.
Super excited to hear that your retarded ass won't be going to his forum!
wojack/pepe=obvious newfag
>Leftist propaganda is nothing but a boogieman, and calling attention to it, needs to be moderated.
>he wants to talk about about videogames
It will fail, your sperg utopia has no future because internet is the place where diversity of opinions is what counts and not some loser who hasn't owned a single community on his shitty life already filled with prejudices. Kill yourself.
He never said anything remotely right wing, as a matter of fact he was talking about keeping pol types out. You're the one who has let your prejudices show.
>Hell, it being an actual forum, and not an anonymous shithole, I naturally assumed he would quell hostilities
No it makes things worse because cliques form and someone who says something dumb in on thread will never be forgiven of it in another. Giving people names lets people hold grudges if arguments breakout or resentment if someone gets more engagement than someone else.
You're not taking into account that the IRL political landscape has changed drastically. In addition the two have merged where once they used to be separate.
>been here since 2006
>never seriously thought about permanently leaving until the past year
I'm 25, have most people just made friends by now that they can talk to instead? I hate the constant culture war shit but there's nowhere else to go.
> but the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Asia, and 90% of Europe wouldn’t be allowed access
He is the typical incel /pol/tard who would never be able to run a community on his own, total inept disgrace. Probably will kill himself soon lmao.
I remember when Yea Forums was pretty chill compared to the overwhelming faggotry of Yea Forums, now it's /pol/cancer everywhere.
So? That user will harass till people capitulate.
Going offline is always a good idea, but be aware that even Ted Kazinski couldn't escape the world even when he ran off to a hut in the woods. It is crucial to build up networks to help each other out in this shitshow, don't think you can hide from it though, it will end up where-ever you go.
Why is trying to give "redpills" on a videogame board worth your time, tourist? Regardless to how true you believe what youre saying is
Go back
This is the problem with this site now, people like you screech about politics when we just want to talk about videogames
That's partially because here is the only place /pol/tards can do what they do. Everywhere else you will get your life ruined if you cross the shitty internet Stasi like this faggot
>You're not taking into account that the IRL political landscape has changed drastically
It doesn't matter how much more politicized the climate is in the real world. A containment board is not the solution. A politically radicalized public, only means a more unwieldy containment board.
Name a single succesful, relevant or even lasting community that has "but the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Asia, and 90% of Europe wouldn’t be allowed access" as it's main rule? Internet isn't place for people who can't stand diversity. He will fail.
No but I am saying even if /pol/ wasn't a thing that shit would find it's way here. 10 years ago we didn't have major outlets telling people that whites are evil and that genderqueer browns are the only people you should cater too.
>I want to have an American server to talk about American videogame culture
Jesus, you people find evil racist trump voters wherever you look don't you? No wonder people voted that retard into office, if the alternative is people like you I'd vote in Pol Pot.
Goes to show that the free market nature of Yea Forums doesn't work
>No it makes things worse because cliques form and someone who says something dumb in on thread will never be forgiven of it in another
They can resent each other. So long as they act respectably. That's what I mean by quell hostilities. They can co-exist on a forum, without actively being insulting or antagonistic toward one another. And if they can't handle that, then they can be held accountable, and formally banned. Not this bullshit banning Yea Forums has, where you just reset your IP, and pretend nothing happened.
Name one where that was instituted in the first place. The internet is for people to connect, like minded people attract like minded people. I see nothing wrong with that. Now is his thing going to succeed? I dunno, let him try.
daily reminder that /pol/ owns Yea Forums
Reddit is even worse. If you dont get the top comment as soon as a thread is made no one will ever see your post let alone reply to it. It's not organic at all. People fight you a lot because they feel like it's an instant message directed at them because of the way threads work. Voting in comments is horrible.
Dont the jp chan boards have that rule?
10 years ago we didnt have major outlets telling people that brown people are the cause of all of your problems and whites are the only people you should cater to
It can go both ways, go back to /pol/ where people will humor your shit.
Stormfag's site is still around so maybe .
If you haven't realized. This is a meta thread, and the user giving "redpills"(Your term, not his) was just responding to a question with his own opinion. If you want to act all high and mighty, then stop replying to this thread immediately. Instead of trying to denounce his ideas.
not a soul:
not a single fucking soul:
>2 people are shouting at me
>Ok but that's invalid because one of the people shouting at you is /pol/
So that other person magically stops shouting? What happens when you tell that person to fuck off? Oh wait now YOU'RE /pol/. Bash it out your ass you partisan fuckwad.
>American videogame culture
So no Japanese games allowed? What does even American videogame culture mean? Videogames have always been diverse like it or not and mostly a liberal medium at that, don't give me this "no politics allowed" bullshit when the site itself already has stated to operate on highly political, ethno nationalist bias. /pol/tard types will never be able to run a community regardless of which jewish puppet you voted for.
Not him but I care about this shit and I browse Yea Forums I mean why would I not respond or push back on stuff when I see people saying things?
>Never be able to run a community
>he doesn't know
I really hope this doesn't catch on. I'm sick of Yea Forums picking up stale twitter memes.
I hate how newfags have zombified desuposting in an attempt to fit in.
>American only
boy you sure haven't been to American lately.
Yea Forums doesn't lost a lot of the spark to make stuff because of shitters who take everything too seriously.
>The internet is for people to connect, like minded people attract like minded people. I see nothing wrong with that. Now is his thing going to succeed? I dunno, let him try.
The idea that only people of the same country can be like minded it's nothing but prejudice, why would anyone with common decency would want that mindset to succeed on the internet? I can't honestly imagine anyone but your average /pol/tard thinking that's the ideal thing to have of instead of judging posts and ideas on their own instead of where they come from.
It's white flight the site, that shit is guaranteed to be mayonnaise central.
it isnt worth sacrificing anonymity or your heterosexuality desu
Well they can go off and be prejudiced together and not have common decency or whatever. That's more or less what the settlers did so sounds American enough. Honestly if they're off doing their retarded shit what's it to you or me?
I know, which is why I never go there. I like talking about vidya on Yea Forums.
Name one, retard. I have moderated two of the most popular Quake Live servers around and one thing i have learned is that people from America can act worse than anyone from Europe or LA. go fuck yourself with your shitty "redpilled" nationalism, fuckin shit stain.
>free market
>when mods actively delete certain video game threads and only delete off topic threads if they aren't political
The mods and hiroshima are promoting this bullshit.
Creativity thrives within limitation. Yea Forums became less creative when no one was serious. Or at least, no one was expected to be serious. There is no standard to deviate from. The mods hide, so there is no authority to mock. There is no culture, so there is no one else to mock.
its pretty bad here but the occasional to rare good discussion makes it all worth it
who cares, it's a website to talk about videogames and videogame related content, I don't give a shit how much of the population is white.
>I modded 2 servers for a game nobody plays
Woooow! Mr Bigshot here to lecture us about his crowning achievements, and demand people out their community groups so he can go cry to rightwingwatch about them.
The people that always deflect onto the OP for complaining about this board are probably the same people guilty of making the shit OP complains about.
Nor should you.
But he's right.
t. someone who's moderated for several TF2 and Gmod communities. Americans are the problem, hacking russians and brazillians aside.
Ok why are you here then? Why don't you have a diverse forum to lord over and talk about videogames there?
It's because
A: You're full of shit.
B: You're not here to talk about VIDEOGAMES, you're just here to get pissy at /pol/niggers and police regular people that might be swayed by their rhetoric.
I think long generals runs counter to the ideas of generals, why would I subject myself to it?
We get people from all the world, that's enough to learn more than the incel who is talking about starting a site but doesn't know people at all outside Yea Forums or knows any other form of communication, sad little thing. I want to watch his community implode because if there is someone who can't stand a /poi/tard for long is another "redpilled" fedora wearing incel.
What you talking about fuckin retard? Yea Forums is one of the most fucking diverse places on the internet.
No you want to destroy it because the thought of white people talking to each other without a moderator able to shut it down gives you the cold sweats even if it's a bunch of people who just want to talk about videogames.
>because the thought of white people talking to each other without a moderator able to shut it down gives you the cold sweats even if it's a bunch of people who just want to talk about videogames.
Thanks for proving me right. It was /pol/tards all along.
Can you in all honesty prove people were more serious then than now? People who post Seethe and Dilate are far more dedicated to wasting their time and effort. There's no culture because the people who "just wanted to be ontopic and follow the rules" attacked it at every opportunity, even when it produced nice comfy content.
I'm not OP, I'm quite happy to shitpost about politics in between videogames. I just think he should be able to do what he wants without you kvetching and screeching in his ear.
i agree
Reminds me of this.
> I just think he should be able to do what he wants without you kvetching and screeching in his ear.
It was simply a demonstration that the whole "no politics" allowed it's pretty hypocritical and nonsensical when you have a site operating on political bias over anything in the first place. People like him are the reason why decent videogame discussion will never be a thing again, it's all about prejudice and not the actual quality of each post. Is the same shit we already got here, people already judging things based on some agenda.
It's because kids don't have their own Yea Forums like site. So they come here and spread their cancer. They only wanna talk about the newest AAA trash or repost the same fucking joke again. Then they post about the literally shit tier dumpster games not worth the money you pay for them that they played as kids like Mineycrafta. It's a fucking damn shame honestly.
>It's another "faggot tries to argue that Yea Forums is for shitposting and reddit is for discussion" episode
I hate these people so fucking much, worse than them though is the jannies and fucking shit ass mods who allow twitter threads to reach 500 replies
>tfw the fags constantly complaining about reddit a few years ago were 100% right
If only we had listened
Ive never said anything about reddit.
Reddit is its own cesspool.
You can find discussion here, but its rare after an influx of people who are just here to shitpost after 201/.
He's right you know
I started a MHW thread the other day with a single photo of Ebony Odoragon and it reached up to 560+ replies. It happens sometimes so just keep trying. The thread had minimal shitposting too so it was nice for once.
>very popular game gets replies
Who would have guessed
>implying Yea Forums not talking about vidya is a new thing
Hello newfag
I disagree, nothing wrong with banning people regularly. Yea Forums could benefit from more bans.
>saving thumbnails
>calls other newfriends
Every time you post this shit you make me like them more. Fuck I hate you.
Feels within feels within feels...
should've been a fan of Smash or Dark Souls, your obscure inceloid games are not welcome on Yea Forums
>implying it hasn't gotten much worse
Board speed was much slower back then, so on-topic discussion could survive on only getting a couple posts per hour. Now your thread can easily die in less than an hour under the neverending downpour of twittercaps and wojakwars.
Yea Forums has always been shit. It's just gotten so much shittier that the old shit looks like butter in comparison
Might I suggest 7chan?
I don't know but I just hope shitrunner 2049 poster dies of cancer.
does anyone still post there?
2013 is still newfag as fuck.
it's pre-GG so it's ancient oldfag tier
This.Keep telling yourself it was always like this you cancer enablers
I'm 2007 and I think of myself as a newfag. So no.
it doesn't matter what you think, statistically you are prehistoric
It's not about the stats. The line never changes.
I didn't save anything.
>I'd vote in Pol Pot.
based and redpilled
Newfags will always be newfags, it doesn't matter if they've been here for 10 years. There are only varying levels of newfag cancer.
you're talking about oldfag cred, I'm talking about Yea Forums the board
the line between Yea Forums with video games and /pol/ with video games is somewhere around 2014
It honestly feels like there's a new like every few years, but yes around 2014 is when it became fairly unbearable. I wish I could ban everyone under 25. I'm sure that would fix the issue.
>tfw deathfag
You forgot
>have sex
Exactly. But the question is: Will it end?
When the flesh gives way or succumbs to machine.
>posting rick and morty
>using reddit mascot images
I do.
Meanwhile /pol/ is still going strong and actually has many on topic threads. Unlike Yea Forums. Maybe you’re the problem, user
Ironically, /pol/ likes to migrate into other boards and disrespect their ethnoboard by injecting their filth into those other boards, much like what Yea Forums did but with less humor.
I don’t know. I see way more cumbrain “masked” fetish threads than /pol/ threads.
>Make thread about video game
>No replies and thread dies
>Meanwhile the thread screeching about how SJWs are killing the game industry just hit the bump limit
v is not nice
>On topic threads
>Minorities bad me good
I would have agreed with you until a year or so ago, but now I realise the actual problem is Yea Forums, like everything else, is majority ESL now, and someone without a command of the language they're using makes nothing but terrible posts on an entirely text-driven and picture-punctuated board. They're also the primary wojack and pepe posters now. Just pay attention to tell-tale ESL grammar next time someone makes a fucking idiot retard post.
Those are just one of the few shitpost threads that attract enough (you)s to survive alongside the /pol/ threads.
So you’re just seething about /pol/ and don’t actually care about Yea Forums. Got it
Because they spread like a disease. I don't go there to talk about videogames because I'm not a teenage mongrel.
Ban all phoneposters
v could use some work but don't try and tell me pol is any better
sometime I reply to random posts with "based" or "cringe" without even reading them
Sure them too.
>post in thread it dies
lol have sex you faggot nerd
Pick one and only one
You have to write more tantalising posts. I'm sure you have all the hottest and most well thought opinions but so what? Even if people read them and agree what do you want them to do? They can't upvote you so you'll have to work in some hooks and edge that will make people feel the need to engage with you.
yes and?
I make /pol/ posts and reply to myself with an angry leftie post or vice versa
Way to out yourselves as newfags, Yea Forums has had a hard time staying on topic since it's inception you fucking retards.
I find it hilarious when "real oldfags" see pic related and start pretending that Yea Forums used to be far left before /pol/, like they completely forgot why everyone used to mock the retards at Fox News in the first place. Really, none of them were every actually here so they can only take everything at face value.
you need to go back
>Post positive, normal thread about a game I love
>Thread 404s 5 posts in
>Post buzzword/bait-filled thread shitting on a game I love accompanied by either a twitter screencap, a cringe webm or an eceleb that also shat on the game
>547 posts 50 images
>Post a scantily clad woman from the game or cropped porn with waifufagging shit like THIS IS MY WIFE [X], SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT HER!
>502 posts 150 images
Gotta learn to social engineer the predictable retards on Yea Forums my dudes
I'm not implying it was far right like it is now either, it was fairly politically ambiguous, as in people were only there to troll others. But yeah, that's real fresh coming from you, a seething 2014 gamergate/resetera tourist.
Shitting on politicians is different from legitimately trying to push an agenda. One is funny the other is pathetic as fuck.
Calling someone a faggot because they dislike you're favourite game = fine.
Posting infographics about why fags are ruining the west = not ok. I don't fucking care about your agenda.
I didn't read your post lol, I just saw the political news image attached and thought it would be funny to use reddi/pol/s own lingo against it
>decently long
that's your problem, get to the fucking point or go back
Sad state of affairs.
Usually the person has given up on the thread having said all they have to say on the subject and being ignored for so long, or your reply isn't much to continue a conversation and there is little point to reply. Without usernames there is no reason to reply to every post to build some kind of cred so there is no demand to always reply. Even if it is the latter option it's probably safe to assume they appreciated the reply.
Kids were never the problem. They've been sneaking into shit they shouldn't from day one and some are genuinely interesting. It was the lack of lurking for months before even posting once that became the issue. People these days assume anything goes and just jump in and try to shape everything to how they think it should be with no thought of the people on the other end. It's all anonymous online, Yea Forums especially, so they don't see a reason to think before acting.
The more people socialize via a screen and less in person the more disconnected they become from reality. They lose the fact that there are real people who have their own lives on the other end and just see the internet like a sandbox game for them to play with. By the time they grow up and start to realize they fucked up it's too late.
Also, phone posting and being able to the ability to change your IP becoming widely known has removed the only way to punish people for not respecting anything. There's literally no recourse short of breaking the law and having your local government come knocking on your door. Pretty sure shitposting about dumb games isn't illegal so there's not much to be done.
When newfag retards thought that the non-pc jokes were peoples genuine thoughts it started to go downhill, but even so they were a minorit for years, but It slowly got worse and worse until the 2016 election
Calling people faggot/nigger went from a joke to people unironically posting infographics about how gays and blacks are subhuman and should be eliminated and that hitler was right, the same type of radical idiot that would have been laughed out of a thread is now treated as the norm
I hate being "old good new bad", but this site is all ive got and I wish it was how it used to be