Post your NEVER EVERs for Iceborne
also, MH thread
Post your NEVER EVERs for Iceborne
also, MH thread
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I just want to punch a dragon in the face
Holy shit why the fuck didn't we get a knuckle/gauntlet weapon yet?
Tonkas are shit taste and don't belong in MH. What you want in some JRPG.
rajang was trash though
t. APE'D
What would belong in MH
Rajang sucks
Zinogre sucks
AT Nergigante does what Rajang does better. No need for monkey.
Why is his mouth full of shit?
They dont play anything alike, but if you want to go down that road, 140 rajang makes at nerg look like a bitch
I understand that people might prefer dragons, wyverns or reptiles in general but come on man. We need more diversity MHworld has to include sharks or Rajangniggers
140 Rajang didn't cause mountains of asshurt and people complaining it was just straight "unfair".
140 rajang was in a much less popular game that wasn’t as generally easy before endgame
And even then people thought apex monsters were bullshit
>And even then people thought apex monsters were bullshit
Only because some of them go from being sleepwalk tier to actually challenging. A lot of people weren't ready for that wakeup call; the need to actually tailor a build to the fight instead of bringing your default set with no risk of carting. The need to actually consider defense instead of building a 100% attack set that gets you one shot. Even then a lot of them are still easy, but it's the kind of difficulty that wasn't present in World before which is why they get called bullshit and unfair. Expect the same thing to happen when Iceborne releases if the devs are telling the truth about it being about the same level of difficulty as World's post-release content.
What's an easy mode build for World? How the hell do I break spiky dragons armor fast enough to avoid dive bombs?
I want him to come back and dab on every single other beginner monster in World
Yeah, we need some crabs to even out this huge bias towards fanged/brute wyverns
he never dabbed on anybody. He's an early monster because he's easy
Yet still a bigger challenge than ZZ top, Gayros, etc
hes in
If I want any monster in main series it's gotta be him
Cmon Capcom complete the whole set!
RNG cannon
Skeletons that aren’t already at least partially in World already probably won’t make it in until the next game.
I've been playing World for the first time and while I can see it's a bit casualized, it's still pretty good. That said, I got destroyed by Odogaron the first few times and I consider myself to be decent at this series. Might have been because I was using my shitty Barroth armor, but it seemed to be way harder than Legiana. I'll hunt a Diablos tomorrow and see if it's as downgraded as Rathalos.
Taikun Zamuza is literally the greatest monster of all time.
Odogaron is pretty much the only really fast monster in World so he sticks out. His subspecies in Iceborne looks like it’ll be a lot of fun.
>lmao no water
Snow levels are best.
Just wanted to say that.
If it weren't for Shen Gaoren then Carapaceon would be the best class
Bring back frenzied yian garuga.
Keep his charge that hits you a frame before the animation starts
Keep the broken beak slam hitbox
Keep the instant 180 beak slam
Keep the super poison that deals half your hp
Gimme some crab bois
Bring back Ukanlos, let it swim freely like the ice whale it is and one shot people with a super pressurized water laser, I want the chin to come back to us, make it true Capcom.
Lmao yes he fucking did even normal ass rajang caused massive asshurt and unlike at nerg he wasnt optional
Nah dude 140 quests were just annoying in general because of how obnoxious some monsters gimmicks got, but apex was just trash with how it was tied to wyrmstones. I mean fuck just look at how people farmed 140 apex monsters, they just cheesed them instead of actually fighting them
Ukanlos has one of the best themes in the series
I love him
You're absolutely right.
He better come back, it's an ice expansion and tigrex and his boys are in. And he better have turf wars if they shove him in the hoarfrost reach map.
>Ukanlos and Akantor are classified as flying wyverns
Capcom should bite the bullet and reclassify some of the old monsters, those two should at the very least be fanged/brutes.
Legit one of my favorite monsters
I did adrenaline runs on him back in 4u
But with him being so much bigger than anything else, wouldnt turf wars amount to him slapping the shit out of everyone else?
The monster design is so shit I can't even figure out where its head is.
There isn't any monsters where Ukanlos lives, and even if there were none of them are retarded enough to stay close except maybe Jho and I can't see it winning that fight.
Say something nice to her
She made my friend who hates monster hunter and thinks the game looks like cringy anime nonsense excited and interested
I'm pretty sure is some kind of scorpion-centaur monster a la Borg Camlann, he is giving the back to the camera so you can't see his face.
Not all elder dragons, at least. Regular monsters probably know better and will avoid it if it ends up sharing the flat with stuff like fulgur or barioth, but I would love to see it turn a kushala into a tin can.
>none of them are retarded enough
Tigrex is going to be retarded enough to tackle whatever elders inhabits the reach, I can almost feel that.
oh user, he absolutely would
>one shots gravios mid beam
I knew gravios was tall, but I dont remember him being that tall.
I swore akantor/ukanlos were leagues bigger in height
Maybe because they rest low to the ground
I'm sure Gravios is that tall, I guess it could just be a gold crown too.
Gravios was fuck huge in FU/P3rd
4th gen made him a bit smaller, but still huge
and yeah this Akantor is a bit small
Nah, Ukanlos and Akantor are very clearly related to Tigrex and even rip him off a little bit
My first game was freedom 2
Maybe im just misremembering because it was so long ago
But I guess he could be that tall sure
What better agents empowered Teostra, fire resist or blast resist?
uhhhhhh, yes...
Teo does blast, Luna does fire.
Where's everyone? I played Freedom 2 and I see no Kut-Ku, or Hermitaur. Feels so empty. Good thing there's no Plesioth, fuck that shit.
the only monsters that have gotten in so far were all present on the 15th anniversary art, so it's safe to assume that those are going to be the ones getting in
Rajang could easily get in post-launch though, just like Deviljho.
>ywn get a hug and a peck on the cheek from your sweet, loving babushcat
I hope that capcom improves the wyrmstake blast cannon attack. Shit is so clunky to use.
NEVER EVERS. Revamped monster combat, give them new attacks and patterns, make them actually do damage. Allow their charge attacks to "home" in on a player forcing the player to block or evade with perfect timing. Make actual new monsters instead or reusing old skeletons and reusing old attacks. Oh and I'd like Astolos and Duramboros back please.
>the only monsters that have gotten in so far were all present on the 15th anniversary art
Except Barioth.
That's pretty good.
The best part is that she was literally designed off of a babushka doll
how do i stop being a shitter?
i can barely solo AT Teo and haven't beaten any other AT.
>inb4 Worldbab
nah i already sucked in MHFU
oh man this makes me want gravios back
Oh yeah that's true. He just kind of suddenly came out of nowhere didn't he?
Seeing as this fucker is all but guaranteed to get a subspecies or some other variant at this point, what do you think it'll be?
To be fair, AT fights are not designed for solo play. I'd sooner do a 140 apex/elder dragon than any of the AT elders/Behemoth/Leshen and their engorged health pools.
HP inflation was a mistake.
Gay furry dog couldn't make it, so instead we'll get Zinogregante.
Icy spikes.
Give him poison so there's finally an explanation for his ability to shut down elder dragon powers that isn't "that kid" tier elderseal.
Also it'd give Capcom a reason to buff poison back to its pre-world state.
bring back the hipcheck
Erupting Nergigante
Hangs around too much on Zorah's back he became a fire Niggy. Make him fight Velkhana.
Behe, leshen and Xeno are just ridiculous.
But things like Luna, Vaal (can't even beat tempered what the fuck? and yes i'm using miasma and effl resistance) and other regular elders seem doable
also i have not managed any other AT even with SOS or anything
140 Rajang was so impossible there was literally only two viable methods to kill him.
1. Use 4 HBG and stunlock him or
2. Use GS
There was literally no other options. He just barely had big enough windows on certain attacks which GS could get level 3 strikes in, most of the fight was people running around in fear waiting for one of those attacks. The only other weapon that could sort of fight him was Lance, but that was because evade lance was broken OP and made you immortal.
Longsword. It has zero flaws. Good mobility, good defense, good damage. Iceborne is even making it stronger.
Probably not a subspecies since the only elders that get subspecies in mainline are gimmick ones like Jhen Mohran or Lao Shan (excluding Kirin but he got his sub like 10 games later), so a variant seems most likely. Like most variants it’ll probably just be a permanently enraged version with an extra rage state on top of that and his spikes will be perma black or something.
Is he coming boys?
i at least hope he puts up a better fight against nerg than kushala, teostra and lunastra
His skeleton is only slightly different to the ED skeletons already in the game and because he’s a fucking roaming jet plane dragon he can show up in any environment with ample open space. He’s got a good shot especially since Glavenus is already in.
Something similar to Chaotic Gore Magala. Its spikes grew back too vigorously or on parts of its body they weren't supposed to (like out of its eyes) and the pain drives it completely berserk.
Freedom 2 is a PSP game you fucktard.
>Variant Nerg can't see you at all during the fight because it has spikes growing out of it's fucking eyes
>Instead, it hunts you down by sensing your movements
Would be nice.
Fuck I hope not. Hes absolutely fucking one of the worst designed monsters of all time. What sort of underage retarded child likes a monster with fucking jet wings?
>one of the worst designed monsters
There are worse. Far, far worse.
How is he badly designed? His design is pretty fucking silly and I personally don’t like it but it’s well executed at least.
Still better than "I went to the danger zone" bird.
MH Frontier, offline mode WHEN. CAPCOM PLEASE.
>Jet wings
I literally do not have to say anything else. You might as fucking well add in a Jho with a tank cannon for a head.
Everyone said this when Valstrax was first revealed. That opinion changed at mach 5 when people finally got to fight it.
Getting past his design he's still one of the best fights in the series and blows Nerg out of the fucking water. I want Worldlets to feel that test of strength.
That's what those fucking gooks get for making a fit about Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth.
Now that Frontier is dead, we can finally get their monsters.
I skipped XX so I wouldn't know but I've seen enough praise about the fight to know it's probably true, much like another overdesigned mess. I'll still hate the concept no matter what.
>Everyone said this when Valstrax was first revealed
And they were 100% right because XX was a commercial flop and everyone with any fucking taste at all hated it. The fight itself was also complete dogshit, did not suit the setting at all and his design again is complete fucking rubbish.
The ONLY reason XX has any praise on this shitshow of a board is because Nintendo retards cant handle the fact it was the last exclusive MH game.
>I want Worldlets to feel that test of strength.
Apex and Behe are infinitely harder and better fights than this childish design.
Sorry, I don't speak shitposter. Please, try to speak in something besides your native language sir.
What the hell are you smoking, his fight is boring as shit. Half his attacks are rehashed from other monsters and his gimmick wings barely play into the fight.
MHW is mainline, Nintendo are dead to Capcom. Grow the fuck up and stop trying to pretend like your last MH game was good when it was a total flop. I hope you faggots just stop playing MH entirely so these threads can finally be good again.
Even Worldfags shit on it.
>Sorry, I don't speak shitposter.
Ironic since you're the one shitposting
Behemoth is disliked by idiots who cant grasp how to hide behind a meteor, his actual mechanics are quite good though.
One can only hope.
Hoping my boy Gore gets in.
Only Extreme behemoth and ancient leshen are not designed for solo play, the AT elders do get their health scaled down for 1 player.
I feel entirely uncaring much one way or another. Got a friend who'd hate it so he might be funny just because of that though.
I love granny cat so much!
>Lagi is a never ever because of the Ancient Forest being too cramped and shitty and because they didnt bother to fix his neck.
They are ALL in.
I'm hoping we get a Bazelgeuse variant like we got one for Rajang and Jho.
MH6 someday.
The neck issue was back in like 2015, and they said that they’d keep working on it in the background. The neck is 100% fixed by now, so the only thing holding him back is where they decide to put him. If Hoarfrost Reach has a Coast area it could be a perfect fit.
>tfw he actually fucking makes it
Honestly, they could throw him in Hoarfrost if it has a natural hot spring spot or somethin similar
>Subspecies: Seething Lagiacrus
He's in a teacup.
Which weapon should I main for Iceborne as a former IG casual
He's getting in and there's nothing you can do about it.
Accept your fate.
Tbqh, i'm okay with jet wings, it's pretty fucking crazy and gen has the craziest monsters along with 4u (gen is crazier tho), the thing i hate about valstrax is his fight and the only attack that i really like is the one where he sonic booms you, plus i hate his design he just looks kinda simple.
I want to hold down this granny cat in a mating press for hours and hours of creampie action.
other than Fatalis, I don't think Elder Dragon get subspecies
Babushka is for bedtime stories and rubbing meat not your vile fantasies.
Oroshi Kirin
Rusted Kushala
Ashen Lao
You can't stop the meat once it's unleashed user. Just admit you want to do it to her too, imagine how fluffy she'd feel. And she can bake you cookies after as well!
Rusted is a variant, but the others stand.
AT Nerg was only doable at Solo for me. Too many shitters that cart all the time.
I demand you cease this tomfoolery at once. Sit down and wait for dinner like a good boy or you're hunting on an empty stomach.
Goldbeard Ceadeus, Hallowed Jhen Mohran and Shah Dalamadur too
>not fucking 'pecos
>your fave's already in
*triple carts you*
Fuck off, GUsperms. I've been playing the game since FU. What we want is acceptable Elder Dragons like Alatreon and Shagaru Magala, not some coldsteel OC jet wing robot dragon reject from God Eater.
>Not liking Valphalk
sure it's ridiculous but we've had worse even in mainline
He's cool, and this is a game about humans fighting giant monsters, cool is important.
Ok guys. If you're allowed to cross breed 2 monsters for the next new monster. Who would they be, and what will the result look like?
Fuck this cunt.
>make any fucking post in a monhun thread being cirtical or world in the least or praising any game that came out tri or later
Consoles were the wort thing to happen to gaming.
Calm down, lad. Those times are behind us now. We're free.
It was just one samefag doing that and he was already outed as such
Hi what, your post doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
God I wish we were free. I just want to talk about 3U without someone having a fit.
What are the chances Barioth in iceborne is nerfed to be slow like Narga looks to be?
Pick any siege.
>pic related is my big one
>Seltas Queen
>Hermitaurs and Ceanataurs
>Zamtrios, fuck Beotodus
>Agnaktor, fuck Lavasioth
>Gigginox it's going to be fucking Khezu and you know it
Siege mons is a cop-out answer, so I'll go with pickle. He's genuinely no fun to fight, no matter the game.
Better that than a fucking anime character. I don't get why you autists have a problem with it. "hurr it doesn't use its mouth for energy attack i autism". Ever wonder why all the apparently "silly design" monsters don't use energy attacks from their mouths, like Zinogre? Fucking mouthfags.
never ever
The real mess is your post, using retarded buzzwords you don't even know the meaning of.
Name a bigger Chad
Just breathe buddy. The words can't hurt you.
Alatreon is literally THE deviantart OC monster. "Grey Gore Khezu" is nowhere near that level.
it always have been pl
>Had a dream last night that Khezu got revealed for Iceborne
>It got a thirty minute long video all to itself with a cinematic reveal and the devs singing its praises
Sounds more like a nightmare.
Narga is not slow
Why can't we have non-reptile monsters anymore?
We got Paolumu, even if it's classed as a flying wyvern.
Hopefully we get a Great Wulg or something like that as a strong monster in Hoarfrost Reach.
Because the easiest skeletons to implement are the Wyvern ones. Ryozo has said he wants to have all the old monsters remade in World format someday so it’s not like they won’t ever reappear.
Wulgs are classified as Fanged Wyverns for some reason, so a Great Wulg would also be a Fanged Wyvern.
Everything short of a horse is classified as a wyvern anyway.
horses are dragons so theyre still reptiles
But they completely lack reptilian traits as far as I can tell. It's just another weird quirk of the monster classification.
Greatest Maccao when.
Rank the flagships
Does Gog count?
Great Maccao is already the greatest
Brachy > Narga > everyone else.
The icicle dragon looks neat though.
I can't be bothered to list them but Gore is the perfect flagship monster and they should all strive to be like him.
Nergigante and Glavenus are my favorites, followed by Nargacuga, then Gore Magala, then Tigrex.
I fucking love gore magala and shaggy
This :(
Imagine Mizutsune but he has a big soapy dick.
Astalos with a big static-y dick.
Glavenus with a big piping hot barbed dick.
Gammoth with a deep pink mammoth pussy.
>no electric penis
>no dragon ball great ape
>no slobbish monkey
>no crabs that are just giant sword boys
>no agro bush pig
>no big mockingbird with the beaver tail
>no big bugs
Most frontier monsters are wet garbage, though. We don't want to go down that road.
I was able to do him fine with GS and IG.
making the tail slam hitbox to be small and accurate is a fucking mistake. if anything it's a ground slam, the ground impact would be the most justifiable big hitbox.
"Shockwaves" are never good hitboxes
yes they are when they physically cause visible exploding debris
you must be fun at earthquakes
NOBODY gets my blood boiling more than Black Gravios
Elderfrost "trunk snowballs u" Gammoth.
Twin Cephadromes
>Literally MMORPG gimmick mechanics
Please don't even pretend that those are good mechanics.
>making the hitbox accurate is a fucking mistake
jesus christ
>reading comprehension
world is trash
>hide behind meteor
>die anyway because his aoe indicator lights were slightly misaligned with the terrain
good mechanics
Gore = Kushala > Zinogre > Tigrex > Glavenus > Lagi > Niggergante > Val > Brachy > Narga > Sergio > Iceborne's generic ice dragon >>> cuckalos
We can just take the decent ones like some of the extra crabs and that scorpion thing
narga>tigrex>brachy>glavenus>gore>zinogre>nerg>val>steve>lagi>kush>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the gay community>rath
can't rank ice alatreon until i've fought it
Narga doesn't launch spikes from his tail during the slam like Nerg does
Just wait for Silverwind to come back sometime with its SONIC BOOM tail and you'll have your bullshit
Astalos would be great, he was an excellent fight in GU and seriously underrated.
just jump lmao
Would you rather have silverwind or lucent for your rare species narga?
Imagine this, but a with huntress all over them.
What is this?
So I guess you’re just gonna keep pretending to be retarded, like jet propulsion doesn’t already exist in nature. It’s also a fucking dragon, so that gives you a fuckhuge amount of creative freedom. Just because YOU don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s a bad design. I hope it comes back just to spite you.
As a PCfag, do I pick up Toukiden or God Eater while waiting for Iceborne?
Eh personally I'd just play another genre while I wait and not burn out on hunting
What little I played of Toukiden was decent, no comment on God Eater
I am biased but I heard Toukidens PC port is absolute trash.
God Eater is fun.
I love val, but he's probably way too anime for the grounded World
Toukiden has ugly punching bag monsters with some kind of interesting weapons and the ability to completely dismember monster limbs, which is pretty satisfying by itself but makes the monsters even more of a sitting duck(except quadbracchium)
God Eater has mostly shitty monsters with a few standouts, and a combat system that actively encourages either spamming 1 or 2 melee attacks or treating your melee weapon as a glorified battery for your boring but overpowered gun, but if you're playing 3 it's at least quick and fluid
I don't know about Kiwami, but 2 seems to run mostly fine
I got infinite load screens every now and then though
Don´t bully Dromi pls
what is this even supposed to be? seregios?
Perfect clearing certification 29 grants full rights to dromi bullying
"Too anime" was retarded in the first place but it went out the fucking window as soon as Glavenus was confirmed
Hey I think I played with you once
"Too anime" went out the window as soon as DB gained a move from AoT and LS got *dodges u* as an attack
Second one's not mine
When's that guy gonna finish the 2RB undub?
Does 3 have a lot of multi monster quests? I just finished the main story in the first game and there was one quest where I had to reset the mission if I couldn't separate the monsters at the start. Fucking Dyaus Pita made swiss cheese of my teammates before I could kill the other monster. I'm okay with one big monster and a bunch of small ones but I really don't enjoy fighting two large ones at the same time since I can't kill off any of them quickly.
3 generally doesn't put multiple monsters on the same map every often, at least not until the optional endgame stuff like certifications and advanced assault missions where being harder is the point
Dyaus is pretty awful in resurrection if you aren't willing to use a bullet that just deletes him
>tfw only Gigginox fan in existence
I miss it...
>if you aren't willing to use a bullet that just deletes him
I do want this. I think he's annoying as hell with how much he jumps around and once the wings are out he's cancer to fight in any area that isn't open.
Remember to use the borg camlann sniper since it has massive pierce modifiers, and frugal+trigger happy so you can shoot it several times in succession
Maybe it's time to reduce its fan count to zero. Are you really going to tell me that you like its shitty fight?
>constantly charging and backhopping
>whenever you get close to it it will repeat the above
>tail becomes the weakspot and head a shitzone while enraged, good luck aiming for that since it's constantly running around and trying to look at you
>attacks that cover lots of ground like the farts and bite
Seriously man, this fucking faggot drags the fight out so long if you don't use a gun.
>Does 3 have a lot of multi monster quests?
There are some, but not that many.
There is the three Kongo quest though which can go suck a dick
I kind of worry that World's appeal towards more safe, conventional monster designs means we won't get as much weird shit like gigginox in the future
>World's appeal towards more safe
>gets exploding punches t rex, one of the most out there monsters
They very clearly have been focusing on iconic monsters and the most reused skeletons first. You'll get your veiny penis monsters back eventually.
Brachy was introduced in 3U though
I wonder if post-release content is gonna be more returning monsters instead of just AT Velkhana and AT Unnamed elder that probably exists.
If it is anything like World we can at least expect around 4 new monsters.
Probably 4 or 5 monsters, mostly returning. I'm expecting Rajang.
It's just gonna be more collab shit with no lasting impact.
He's in.
His FFX design is so fucking cool.
>Half his attacks are rehashed from other monsters
Fuck off falseflagger, the only monsters in the series with more unique movesets are Yama Tsukami, Kirin, and Nakarkos
Hear me out, The new capcom card game TEPPEN has monster hunter monsters and the deviants as super rares. Like dreadking rathalos and dreadqueen rathian ect.... And "Legend Eater Nergigante" is the last one...
really makes you think
That kinda looks like a Qurupeco...
the fuck is this
>NEVER EVERs for Iceborne
Decent weapon designs
I just want Gore and Shagaru to be fucking confirmed already
Top looks like it could be any generic flying or bird wyvern.
I interpret right as either Yama or Gobul.
Bottom is ???
Left could be Lao?
The one in the sky and the one in the ground are debatable but left and right probably Tama and Gammoth
As much as i love him i think he wont come back, he was absent in 4, X and base MHW, so i have given up my hopes
Where is he? I miss this guy.
Jho got sick of his shit and hunted the entire species to extinction.
>wants hit it until it dies for every nonster ever
sorry i want to think when i play a game
i played god eater first and toukiden next but i ultimately prefer toukiden.
god eater is a floaty button masher with a story that doesnt make a lick of sense and monsters that feel like a sponge but has skimpy wearing anime waifus so i guess that's a positive.
Meanwhile toukiden is a button masher as well but monsters feel like concrete, it has a large array of weapons tho and the story is pretty decent. I heard Toukiden Kiwami pc port is shit but Toukiden 2 is a decent port. Toukiden 2 also has better gameplay and is openworld but i prefer Toukiden Kiwami cast much more.
You literally can't say this anymore with how anime the movesets are getting.
Delete this
It'll have no spikes and be incredibly fast
World's flashiness isn't the anime type, it's more like the hollywood type of flashiness.
Alatreon is the most fucking boring elder dragon even when he first debuted in Tri
Brachydios > Gore Magala > Tigrex > Zinogre = Lagiacrus > Valstrax > Rathalos = Azure Rathalos > Seregios = Glavenus > Nergigante > Kushala Daora
Tigrex = Nargacuga*
Seregios, Valstrax, Gore Magala, Zinogre, all leaked by these cookies
>They are all world versions of the icon
>Rathalos and some others just have their 4th gen icons so it's possible that other monsters would keep them in this game
>Zinogre icon matches the one leaked the other day
>Glavenus icon is 100% unique
I'm sorry Lagi bros...
user, he's in
OH fuck
>not anime
are you deluded? It's Vergil-tier flashy
>they are actually ALL in
H-How can this be..?
I was implying that World is more like capeshit which is even worse than anime.
>trusting cookies
Remember when that fortune cookie told you everything would work out in the end?
If this shit happens, I would definitely rank World as the best MH of all time, surpassing MH4U
The steve one is plausible
>you get a mod that works like steve but doesn't mention how you can get it
It's likely we're going to kill steve first to get the mod unlocked for gunners
>gore unlocks self-inflicted frenzy items
>cookies lie, they manipulate
why would they keep the icons for brachydios, seregios, and lagiacrus exactly the same as the old games? something is not right
Rathalos has the same icon as he did in 4U just a vector version
>Zinogre icon matches the one leaked the other day
You mean this one?
Lagiacrus isn’t gonna be in World lol
you are right, but also why would they leak their own stuff?
It's FREE hype.
>Rathalos gets TWO cookie slots
King of the skies? More like King of the fucking limelight, someone fucking stop this faggot before he gets a crossover with the cookie monster in Sesame street.
>Literally the same icon
You, you piece of shit.
Khezu I can deal with. Plesioth, fine.
Even shit ass Abyssal Lagi with garbage underwater fights with stupidly huge hit boxes.
But you, and you’re goddamn scale that do inconsistent damage and blow up at inconsistent intervals are the absolute worst.
Go away Bazelgeuse, NOBODY LIKES YOU.
Yeah, I meant to post it just in case anybody else hadn't seen it but I forgot
>Finally get to make Lagia set in World
>leaked by literal cookies
This is ridiculous enough to be real if the icon pic posted above is any indication
Is anyone else skipping Iceborne? Everything points out that they're not improving the gameplay back to FU-3U levels.
No idea. All I want out of Monhun is a legit spear weapon and fucking fists or tonfas.
Will flagship subs/variants/deviants/rare species be in?
>Pinecone confirmed
I want them to bring tonfas to main series and then make gauntlet weapons to make Tonfas essentially like gunlance and gauntlets like lance in analogy
IB exists and you'll like it or not
Is anyone else staying on real MH like me?
Subs, variants, and rare species will be in by virtue of it being a G-Rank expansion. We just don’t know which ones we’ll be getting exactly, aside from the ones already shown.
my 3DS SD card broke and my 4U save along with it so i'm debating starting a new one
if is true, not anymore
What do you mean?
So where would MHW: Iceborne be ranked if all these are confirmed in?
I want to believe
>STILL no giant boomerang weapon
Where the fuck is it.
And honestly I don't even mind
I'm playing both GU and World at the same time
how casual can you get?
The absolute chad way to play MH
>Los is gonna get cucked
>flipping around between 3U, 4U and World to whatever I feel like at that moment
>playing multiple MH titles at the same time
I can't do this. I feel like there's always something I should be doing in 1 game. I have to finish that 1 thing before moving on to the next thing in the same game.
who posted this I want confirmation
Well first off, bow is fucking great, so I don't want to hear it.
Secondly, I always imagined a giant boomerang as a hybrid melee and ranged weapon, with large vertical and horizontal swings to be used up close, maybe a guard where you hold the thing in front of you like the greatsword, and something you can throw when you're at range. I feel like now is the best time as well, considering that armor has been consolidated and isn't split up into classes anymore.
Good thing GU has infinite content so you dont have to play anything else
>valor IG
More people need to play this with a blunt bug and bug majeur holy shit, you can get a KO or 2 after marking the head
Boy this image won't age well by the time Iceborne releases
I’ve struck with GU because literally no other fucking game gets it’s as right as GU lobbies
>Enter room
>Say hi
>Others say Hi back
>Post quest
>Accept quest
>Go hunt
Why is so fucking hard?
Even world couldn’t get this simple as formula down.
That's a big game
The ones with gen 4 icons aren't identical either, they're updated to World's icon style. Please God be real, and not just a collection for every flagship.
How is that different from World? are you joining /vg/ lobbies or something?
Will Nerg finally job to something in this expansion or is he going to continue to be a nigh untouchable Chad monster dabbing on the dying boomer elder dragons?
Bros, I just want to hunt but this bore of a main questline is making it really hard for me to keep playing.
And don't even get started on the Handler..
Dear Capcom please implement the following
>Silver Los updated to be more fun, kind of like Azure Los in World (The only tolerable Los ever except Zenith Los in Frontier)
>Rusted Kush with even more new cool stuff than in 4U (maybe some ice attacks?)
>Brute Tigrex and Molten Tigrex, just keep them the exact same except with the new Tigrex attacks in Iceborne obviously
>Green Narga with some more interesting mechanics, Lucent Narga staying the exact same as before
>Ivory Lagi except not as annoying
>Zinogre gets a rare species maybe? Also remove Stygian's cancer from 4U
>Raging Brachy without cancerous immortal reactor farming
>Chaotic Gore
>Seregios gets a new subspecies that fucks Rathian in order to regain health
>Valstrax gets a new subspecies or variant of some sort
4U is better
The old should fear the spiky.
>the thermal paste is hellmans brand
very informational
Faster monsters instead of inflated hp and damage
>he doesn't know
It actually works. It's poor quality, but it fucking works
you mean
>enter room
>wait for 20 mins before someone shows up
>start hunt
>5 minutes later
>Je suis désolé
i sure do just like sitting the the fucking hub and not playing the game! it is like going to the pub!
Did anyone really expect all the flagships (minus Lagi like 4G) to not be in a G game? Last time that happened was 3G and even then only Tigrex and Kush didn't make it
QA testers leaking shit to futaba, 2ch, and Japanese twitter have said that the map size in Iceborne is roughly the size of the Coral Highlands, Elder's Recess, and Wildspire Wastes combined.
One said that there's an area that looks like Ukanlos battle arena from 2nd Gen that connects to a lagoon cavern like the one from 2nd gen desert. They called it a hot cave and made a joke that it's like the cold caves from 1st and 2nd gen in the swamp and desert, but it's hot. You can walk through the water and there's an area that connects to the ocean.
Nah just G ranked randos
I don’t like world nor God eater 3 because no one sticks around nor together for 2-3 real hours.
I used to have full on conversations in GU lobbies
Every other games literally feels like I’m playing with a bots
i really hope so. id love to see the shit tiers run from the swim again.
And that was because of the move to MTFrameworks
Dumb Gary stu
Wtf are the two in the bottom middle?
>Lagiacrus cookie is cracked
>a crack could be compared to a deep sea ravine
>deep sea = abyssal
Abyssal Lagi is fucking in
They said it just looks like snowy peak battlefield, not that he's in. It'd be nice though to have the black and white gods back. It's always possible since Tigrex is in and they're built off his skeleton. Ryozo and the others said that Iceborne is the only expansion but that they'll continue to do post launch support so that could be how it's delivered until we get MH6 next gen.
post yfw all the flagships get deviants as post launch FLC
>Deviant Nerg has spikes growing out of fucking everywhere
>Deviant Gore can sense you no matter where you are if you're afflicted by the Frenzy Virus
>Deviant Seregios is called Fleshripper or some shit
>Deviant Valstrax can leave the atmosphere and come crashing down, leaving craters in it's wake
punished lagiacrus deviant
fireden is kill
Works on my machine but there you go
>Beta bitch boy Valstrax comes zooming in
>Nergi goes full Geese Howard on him
>Gore and Nergi have a bonding instead turf war
>tfw playing 4U, GU, and World at the same time
>They couldn't fix Lagi's neck
>New deviant is a lagiacrus that survived with a wiggly neck drooling all over with the exorcist neck snapping
You should post your face when you realize none of that will ever happen because gimmicks don't leave their generation.
Swimming was dropped. Frenzy wasn't used after 4G. Deviants won't be used after X. Tempered won't appear after World.
>Frenzy wasn't used after 4G
>When Frenzy Virus was still a mechanic in GU
Heres ur deviant Valstrax bro.
He could confirm if Valphalk or gore are in at least (plis)
Honestly I want Valstrax back out of the sheer absurdity of its design. Look at it! Very fast flight, shooting fireballs from wing tips, and can use those same limbs as goddamn hands. In a way I love it the same reason I enjoy fighting Gore Magala and Shagaru so much. They each have wings that can be used for so much more than just flight and wind push back. Hell it actually makes Nergigante even more of a disappointment since it shares that skeleton, or at least a modified version of it.
>Could've gotten an AC5 crossover where AC gets a Valstrax mission and we get a monster based on one of the AC super weapons.
>Got leshen and behemoth instead
>Deviant Valstrax
>If you take too long a nuke hits the New World
Look I like insect glaive it's my favorite weapon but it's not the same
Frenzy was used in XX/X. it was not a story thing though.
Apex/tempard/hyper are all the same shit. they just change the names.
>he honestly thinks they wont ever bring back Bloodbath
let it, I'd let based valfalk kill me and everyone any day instead of letting the handler live
What if Deviant Nergigante sees through its spikes? If you get stabbed by its spikes, it'll be able to sense you and thus, immediately enrage.
How would you even hunt a fucking plane?
>It uses your movements to sense you at the start.
>If you get hit by enough of it's spikes it'll sense you after you get Bleed damage and go rage mode instantly.
>he thinks they'll ever bring back bloodbath or any deviants
Same way you'd hunt a metal gear
>more spikes
>has never hunted or even heard of Devilblos
>thinks he knows shit about what they will and wont bring back.
Reminder the first deviant was in FU as an event quest.
>Zinogre leaked by cookies and some retard on /vg/
wat da fug
Considering they openly said that they won't bring back anything they can't reuse for practical reasons?
>that's the Glavenus GS
It's shit like this that convinces me I can't drop the past games. Not yet anyways. So many nice weapon designs left on the side of the road. I'm actually afraid Tigrex;s tank LBG won't make it in like how they left out Kushala's HBG for some fuck reason.
Source plis?
>Demon King Diablos
Never again, please God
It's a shop retard.
you are acting like they would have to build him from the ground up.
75% of the work for him is there with base Diablos being in the game.
im not saying he is gonna be in world but you can bet your ass that they will bring him back sooner or later.
With that logic, why isn't Monoblos in the game?
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies like that
>Tfw I beat it for the first time after countless tries with a two cart 48 minute hunt
Literally better than sex
same reason he has not been in a game since 4U/stories if you count that.
he is not that popular and does nothing that Diablos does not already do.
But they brought back Luna, and she was just a Teo clone for the village
Based mhfag proving shitposters that we only care about mh and not petty pointless fights
Why is GaySword on them so much?
Yeah, but Luna is cool.
You might be the first nigga to ever say that and I respect you for it.
Do you have any source on this?
Other thread died, but I wanted to tell this user: The old CB glitch let you cancel the SAED before the phial explosions which preserved them for the AED follow-up. If it still worked the same in IB then you could get the full follow-up AED with the Savage Axe buff until your phials ran out. It's just another thing that made it so versatile.
post yfw bloodbath diablos gets in
post yfw worldlets think it's gonna be easier than most other hunts
Nigga I literally just played world a few hours ago but you're fucking delusional if you think they're adding ~50 monsters on top of the known iceborne monsters, even when including subspecies, which gu doesn't have
>wanting literally Frontier garbage in World
No thanks. Deviants can stay trapped in GU
Unless they specifically mention that they're catering to vets
he's gonna get /neutered/
He's in along with Falnocatrice
who? people without world?
World has a literal MMO crossover event, what are you on
well the Velk and Zinogre icons match the /vg/ "leak."
>Strax, Gore, Glav, Seregios are dissimilar enough to notice changes from their old icons
EVERYONE IS HERE (except Lagiacrus)
Aisha best girl
This image was never funny to me.
that's why they're adding in more monsters instead of recolors like most of GU
man they should take this glitch and let the normal AED cancel into Savage Axe but they would never add weapon mechanics inspired by a glitch. The Input wouldn't even be hard to make it would just be pressing L1 once the AED recovery animation happens
I miss her bros
Why do we have to be shackled to that fat goblin
I hope Grigori makes it in ala Behemoth and Leshen.
GU doesn't have any subspecies, world does.
I implore you, learn arzuros' fight in depth, and then hop on redhelm hr100, and tell me you didn't get raped
if this is also you then you should just be disregarded as just another irrational, strawmanning brainlet.
I don't want more crossovers but I'd be okay with him becoming our new handler. His fatherly voice would guide us to greatness.
>thinks online/frontier was good at all
you have ADD or you are a rave fag.
Post yfw "Behemoth (Savage)" is in Iceborne
We're being digested by a cruel and amoral universe.
Oh so you are just a strawman
guess I won't give you any more (you)s
I just hope one or two Frontier monsters become canon soon. I really like Espinas and it'd be a shame to see it get stuck to a dead nip game.
Online sucks, Frontier is based as fuck though
>designed to be completely impossible to do Solo
>tfw no chance of Lagombi getting in
The final boss of Iceborne leaked on 2ch and it's a new variant of Fatalis.
They said the story gimmick is that the ice in the reach is made by Velk and it keeps the Fatalis in slumber. Xeno being born and releasing the bio energy woke it up. The final hunt is at a tower that's unlocked in the final 1/4th of the story.
They're officially giving Fatalis black blight as a status and the we're getting Black blight Tempered monsters as the new tempered.
There are only 5 brand new monsters besides the reindeer.
Gajarenorosu is a Blast/Poison flying wyvern that looks like a new flying wyvern in the Tigrex style
Pulu Pukatoso is like Kulu Yaku but steals Peco's gimmick. It screams and has one of the strongest sonic attacks. It will also attract the apex monster.
Moritetsu is a flying wyvern that looks like a snow diablos mixed with nargacuga.
Kerudavos has a lure that can flash and has a mix of lightning and water - looks like Gravios and has a back made of crystal and bones but with lots of fur hanging from the edge of the shell.
Hapa Gorokatsu is a monster that jumps into lava and covers itself in fire once its shell is broken.
After that they said the rest are the flagships, Plesioth, Kut Ku, and Khezu.
Shaggy, normal and white Fatalis, Ukanlos, Gold/Silver Raths, Amatsu, Gypceros, and subspecies like Green Narga, Brute Tigrex, etc. are planned updates ending in winter 2020.
>Grigori pulls that "loved one" shit with the handler or your palico, gets awkward for everyone involved in the quest
>Being a sentient dragon and because the hunter isn't arisen he doesn't die when the quest is complete, and agrees with the commission to stop fucking shit up
>Instead hooks up with the guild as a handler
>There's this fucking huge dragon in a badly stretched handler uniform talking to you now as a skin for the handler or around town
>Calls Fatalis a fag
This is ridiculous, I want it.
"Black Blight" as in MH Stories Black Blight, or did you mean frenzy?
And then we all got on the floor.
Link to the 2ch thread?
While Kulve, Behemoth, and Ancient Leshen are a different story, the regular AT Elders are all easier solo.
Honestly don't know why behemoth was chosen for crossover, he's one of the more boring FF creatures. Seeing as they collabed with XIV, they should have definitely picked Bahamut, you know the most remarkable monster in XIV, and not Behemoth, who is just a measly overworld boss. They should also tone him down for realismfags but other than that there was no reason for his absence
They specifically said 黒の凶気 which is from stories.
Any reason as to why these guys are credible?
Because Behemoth is more bestial and would probably be easier to make a fight around than Bahamut who never even lands, or is modeled like he could land properly.
Assuming this is real then that's a weird thing to bring over from Stories
Sounds like complete bullshit. If it is true I will be very sad
Nope. But they were posting links to the cookies and some new promo material for Monster Hunter in Japan that had those icons that got leaked earlier along with more new Fatalis render promo material.
>not posting the fatalis render
Cheval and Lillia will appear in Iceborne as a married couple. Cheval will teach you Raider Riding.
I mean, you can ride fodder monsters now so they're kind of bringing stories stuff over in a weird way.
Bring back underwater hunting
This one?
>Gold/Silver Raths not at launch
>fucking Gypceros as a post launch monster instead of an Elder like Chameleos
not like it's super believable but that stands out a lot
So uh why don’t you post the fucking link to the thread you lying fuck
Looks like something out of subnautica
If post is true then Iceborne launch would bring MHW's roster to 55 large monsters
yeah, fight a thing that is bigger than dalamadur and can nuke the continent in seconds
Yeah the fact that the literal recolors aren’t included in the base roster renders this entire leak as fake. Plus how the fuck would they know what’s planned for the entirety of post launch content when the devs said like a week ago that they actually haven’t started doing anything and they aren’t even sure what to start developing.
that's from fucking MH Online lmao
I'm sorry, I don't recognize half the monsters from that game or Frontier
inb4 white fatalis gets in but the song is changed so it doesn't sound like it's about hot fish
I would love Rajang. I've played most of the old games but never really had the opportunity to fight him. He kicked my ass the last few times I've tried, I'd love to have another go at him.
because his design is in most Final Fantasy games. Bahamut is in alot of the as well but his designs change so much each game.
they wanted a monster that fans of the series would recognize with just a glance.
>this is bahamut?! wtf where is the rainbow wings/disk?
What weapon should I use if I'm mentally deficient
Greatsword seems to be working out okay thus far
I really want it though ;_;
user, they literally already said that post Iceborne support won't go on as long as the base game's did.
believing a post without source should be a bannable offense
Honestly most the 4u monsters were really fun fights not especially hard but they varied a lot and made the game feel fresh.
i hope that faggot never comes back.
>first time you fight him your weapons bounce off him unless you hit his head/neck
>turns for a while
>roars 3 times in a row
>AoE again
>roar 3 times again
>jumps to ceiling, stays up there for 5 mins
>gets down and bugs out in its T pose
>Western marketers were so ashamed of the Dildo Dino they replaced him with an Azure Rath instead
Casual filter at his finest
I love him because he bodied me for days 12 years ago and made me seriously prepare for his hunt
What's generally worse
>Hunter that double or even triple carts but does 50% of the total damage
>Hunter that only does ~10% of the total damage but is constantly buffing or healing teammates
>being this assblasted by khezu
you're massive faggot lmao
I have GU but on a dilemma. It's gonna be 2 months until Iceborne releases and I need something to fill the void, but don't want to leave it unfinished. How long does it take to completely finish GU?
I'm a worldlet
What am i in for with glav and brachy?
neither, the real answer is the guy who spams jump attacks
They are G-rank filters so if they aren't neutered to the extent in MHW, you're in for a treat
Fun fights, unironically.
Brachy was initially a tough monster since the entire design around the moveset was a strictly position-based monster. It was ruined in 4 and Frontier to the point where that isn't a case anymore, explosion hitboxes were nerfed so you can actually I-frame through them now. Glavenus is a brute that is always facing towards you and attacks in long straight lines with the tail. The signature attack always whiffs unless if you are an idiot where you stand
Explain affinity to me, user. Why is it so important? Doesn't stacking it up to 100% provide you with just 25% damage boost? Wouldn't it be better to get other skills instead?
>bodied by fucking khezu
you are shit at the game holy fuck. he is the easiest and most boring fight in the early game. the "hard" thing about him is waiting for him.
>HGE make him Drome levels of easy
he is a boring shit fight.
Actual fun
you'll grind 1000 materials to make 2 sets and you will like it
when is the 5 weeks of events happening? Might take the time to prepare for Iceborne
>Use mod to look at damage percentages to make sure I'm doing at least 25% damage
>4/5 times IG users are ADD riddled jump attackers that only do 10% damage
Why does the jump attack suck so much ass?
july 25th
>you're shit at the game the first time you play it as a 12 years old
No shit man, I also remember using only longsword like the retard I was in MHF2.
I want to see worldsperms dying to his electric charge all over again!
>Why does the jump attack suck so much ass?
It auto-dodges most of the shit so that's pretty balanced by my book.
What do you mean by "finished"
If you mean getting to through doing mainly only key quests G*4 and doing a super deviant or two, then it'd somewhere around 225-300 hours (assuming you haven't played gen)
If you want to literally finish everything then I'll tell you right now you won't be done by the time Iceborne arrives.
Pls respond, I'm trying to get better.
seething vorefag
because they are not Hammerbros on a incline.
Can someone explain? I don't care for these things usually.
All the festivals are coming back for one week each in a row. All the events will not be dicking you around and all be available during this time like they are on normal festivals.
Yeah no way I'll be done in the 2 month timeframe, and I don't play multiple games at a time cause that'll cause a fatigue. I just stick to one till I'm done
Oh well.
all the festivals are coming back for 5 consecutive weeks so this is your last chance to do all the events before iceborne
Currently playing GU exclusively as a Palico, and MHW needs them back, for real.
Sorry user but it's Valphalk, Dinovaldo, Tamamitsune, Raizex and Gamuto
Never its a stupid gimmick mode like the entire game and its shitty monsters
Because 25% is a huge damage boost, and if you get 100% then it works at all times. There's also stuff like the affinity booster so you don't even need 100% affinity on your armor
i just gonna beat the shit out of greatest jagras over and over. he is really the only one i want to farm. all dem decos
well i could use KT for some weapons but i never get a group for it. just errors and sitting in the hub by my self hours on end.
if it is like the other Base-G rank games im positive you wont need top tier gear for the start of Master rank..
considering its from the GU director it'll probably be piss easy at the beginning
Oldfags always overhype new monsters, they are fast and slightly above average in challenge, but they are nothing you can't deal with, especially with how much more lenient the new engine is.
Wow, it's amazing how little impact all those hits looked like they had despite the flashy shit that is meant to make it look like it has impact. Incredibly weightless.
25% is MASSIVE if you aren't in early game. If you're playing world, the +21 from attack boost could seem like a lot at early game, but if you get towards the endgame, where your weapon's base true raw attack is more than 200, you'll come to see that a measly +21 is around 10%, whereas affinity gives 25%, affinity with critical boost (a skill that raises the critical multiplier) gives 40% more damage which, as you can see blows attack up out of the water. Now there are games where attack up is generally better than crit like 4u's honed blade meta but any game after that, attack up is better early game, but at endgame, critical is king.
How come you don't remember Monsuta Hanta X's flagship monster?
Combining critical skills in most cases deals more damage than anything else. Critical Boost takes critical damage to +40%. Weakness exploit gives you 50% affinity on weak points.
MH damage calculations are complex because it does some funky math with weapons raw damage and added damage. But there are plenty of autistic people who have done the calculations and figured out that stacking critical is better than most things.
Critical Boost + Weakness Exploit + Attack Boost is probably the most universal build you can get fairly easily, assuming you have a few attack boost gems.
I wouldn't worry too much about it since G rank will make all your armor irrelevant.
Never ever :(
Valstrax sounds like ValFFFFalk's emo brother.
he's generally known as valfalk because most people learnt of him when XX was teased. Also many people played XX first.
Magnet Spikes wouldn't really work. If you want to play with them, you've got until December when Frontier shuts down for good (you also get a free 7 days each month until December)
Hey there handsome.
Where in the body is a rathalos' plate and gem?
I still think they're gonna do something with Frontier once they shut it down. There's gotta be no way they'll waste this game off like some chink MMO.
It'd be nice if they're retooling it into a port for Nintendo Switch, but that's just daydreaming.
The tail, idiot.
they haven't stated it but it is blatantly obvious what is happening. It isn't simply about frontier, COG is getting the axe period.
Sounds like Soulseer Mizitsune.
ive always assumed the "plates" were the black scales going down his back/tail
as for the gems. i have no idea.
if anything they are shutting them down to make new ones based off world.
They deserve it
what fucking company actively spends money and resources STOPPING consumers from buying?
maybe I'm just a baka gaijin, but what conceivable benefit could be received from banning non jap ips and forcing potential consumers to use proxies?
they dont want the gaijin/guilow shitting up their game.
if Nerg gets a variant I'd fully expect it to be "A Nerg that survived an encounter with Velk through sheer willpower" the spikes on its body are rendered worthless due to injuries but now it has Velk's ice armor covering them. I'd expect it to do things like throwing icy mist to freeze hunters on the spot with animations like when it drags one of its arms on the ground and following it up with dunks
>if anything they are shutting them down to make new ones based off world.
They're shutting it down because COG is probably going to get restructured or closed down, unless they open a new studio for MMO shit i doubt we're getting a new MH MMO anytime soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>implying CHAD valfalk wouldn't just hop up to the atmosphere and charge his sorry ass at /LIGHTSPEED/
considering Velk's description of the ice breath I actually want the monster to be the first with an "instant death" ailment. Like if you manage to get hit by the ice enough having it outright freeze and cart the hunter
new bread