Running across huge empty swathes of land to get to the objective

>running across huge empty swathes of land to get to the objective
>immediately shot by some insurgent nigger in a bush 100 meters away that you had no chance of seeing
>a minute or more timer to respawn, in addition to the time it takes to hike back there
>get killed again

>squad leader orders us to throw ourselves into a meatgrinder no mans land in between points to take the enemy FOB
>we do this the entire hour-long match

>never get to play in tanks because there's some weird clique shit where a squad of three IRL friends or server admins "claim" the vehicle roles at the beginning of the match
So when does this become fun?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>find a better server
>find a better squad

99% of problems solved now fuck off and git gud

Sounds like you were in a shit squad and you weren't operating innawoods properly. You shouldn't need to run long distances if your squad leader is doing his job.

I bet you don't even have a mic

>find a better squad
Oh yeah, I forgot my favorite thing that this game does.

>join a server already in the middle of a match
>a couple of full squads and the rest are three or four people but locked so I can't join them

Attached: 1418351210490.png (446x1000, 719K)

>>find a better server
>>find a better squad
How is that supposed to change the "walk forever, die, sit for 2 minutes doing nothing, repeat"?

maybe stick to gaylo, kid. if you want FUN, you're looking in the wrong place with SQUAD

Don't die retard. And don't give up, let your medic revive you.

Wait what's that? You were ramboing thinking you'd break off from the group to btfo the noobs on the other team so no one could revive you? Silly me.

>milsim autism
antithesis of fun

Fine, not even fun, I just want a sense of accomplishment. I want to feel like my actions furthered the goals of my team even if we don't end up winning.

Getting gunned down in a field repeatedly does not give me that feeling.

Never. These kind of games are made for low functioning autists who can't play actual shooters that require mechanical skill.

It’s honestly a shit boring game with terrible pacing.
I’d say RO or RS series are as close as you can come to milsim while also still being enjoyable to play

>bro just sit in bush and shoot at pixels 300 meters away, le git gud! im so tactical and hardcore *shits in pants*
shut the fuck up queer

Literally Battlefield with a longer respawn timer and the HUD turned off.

that was the git gud part
>he doesn't scope up every single goddamn bush
>he doesn't scan the horizon
>he doesn't use smokes to cover ground
I don't play squad, I play arma so maybe you can't do some of this in squad.

Stop running off on your own

play hell let loose

this right here if you want milsim light. I play RO and RS almost exclusively these days for my FPS.

>get sniped while near squad
>takes fucking forever to spawn and return to your teamates
>spend more time in the game waiting or waiting while running than actually playing
Unironically what is the appeal of the gameplay?

I did used to play a lot of RO2 but it's pretty dead at this point and RS2 just feels so janky that it's hard to enjoy.

why do people get so hostie if a game is paced differently to their preferred shit? go play Cod or Quake idk man, there are fast-ass shooters out there if you want. sometimes I want to take my time and meticulously complete objectives with a group of real people as determined as I am. believe me, we don't want you playing shit like SQUAD either, stick to what you like

>Literally Battlefield

If you want your merry go round conquest with objectives only 10 feet away from each other then go play Battlefield

i aso was a RO2 player and RS2 def lacks the feeling of that old game. RS2 is too fast and people run around like their blind or have a death wish. SQUAD at least has players that are trying to stay alive

Good squad servers do not exist

A game where turtling or highly defensive gameplay is the general strategy makes for a very boring game.

I really don't get this game. The only fun I have in it is bullshitting with random teamates. The actual shooting and combat is dogshit. Compared to Insurgency Sandstorm or Rising Storm Vietnam's visceral combat and good shooting models, Squad is just hot trash.

Attached: 20190410_114911.jpg (4608x3456, 1.71M)

Almost like real life

when you go play battlefield you tacticool autist

>if you don’t like 15 minute spans of walking, crouching and generally nothing happening go play x
>if laying down by a rock for 3 lifetimes waiting for some poor soul to maybe cross your perfect vantage point isn’t fun then go play x
It’s a boring game lad no way around it

>never get to play in tanks because there's some weird clique shit where a squad of three IRL friends or server admins "claim" the vehicle roles at the beginning of the match

this is why I don't play MP with private servers anymore, I got sick of shitty power hungry admins wanting to squeeze money out of players with premiums slots

t. some retard with no irl military experience

When you're the insurgent bush nigger

>jets never ever

Attached: USAF_F-35A_first_combat_operation.jpg (1200x857, 174K)

>I don't like this game but I keep playing
>how could this happen to ME?!

>running across huge empty swathes of land to get to the objective
>immediately shot by some insurgent nigger in a bush 100 meters away that you had no chance of seeing
>a minute or more timer to respawn, in addition to the time it takes to hike back there
>>get killed again

Git gud

>squad leader orders us to throw ourselves into a meatgrinder no mans land in between points to take the enemy FOB
>we do this the entire hour-long match

then you should SL another squad, Sun Tsu

>never get to play in tanks because there's some weird clique shit where a squad of three IRL friends or server admins "claim" the vehicle roles at the beginning of the match

Don't solo vehicles. Let the Koreans or the Australians do what they do, they're way better than you.

>So when does this become fun?

When you play for the people and not for the mechanics, and I mean that sincerely. This game is a pretty good shooter, but not the best. I love the community though. There's a few servers that stand out as great, Avalon and West Coast Tactical are two of them. I've found these places have an even keel on moderation and banter as well as an international player base of reasonable people.
The game is difficult, but a lot of your problems with it are that you aren't in a proper channel of communication, and are lone wolf/solo'ing everything. I'd recommend you play as a medic and stay close to your SL, until you are comfortable with the maps, then you could try more advance tactics like MG or AT.

Remember, communication is key, tell the squad everything you see of note, call bearings locally and pay attention to the map as it updates constantly (or should)
Oh, one more thing I only responded to your weak bitching because I love this game and genuinely want people to like it as much as I do. I hope you keep trying.

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>bro go play cod....this boring shit is for REAL gamers....*spends half an hour doing nothing and 2 minutes shooting at a pixel across the map*

fags like you are insufferable

Squad is the fps shooter equivalent of the pretentious hipster. Who likes the most boring or obscure thing just to seem intellectual

I bet I played with both of you guys in RO2, I played a lot of it. Squad does have the magic that RO2 had, and the RS2 doesn't. I like the game for the community and banter. If I see you guys in Squad, I hope we can Bullshit sometime.

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Squad is unironically the only game I’ve ever used a 2 hour refund on. I thought I’d love it but ever bit of the game either bored me to death or just wasn’t for me. To be fair I played a long time ago and the game was still in beta I think so it might have changed a lot since then.


I'm slowly getting into military stuff because I went to a military parade. I freaking love military vehicles. How's this game? I won't buy it until it's -75% anyways.

What makes you dislike rs2? I like RO2 more mostly because I prefer the WW2 setting. But I still play rs2 a lot and really enjoy it

Your post is the most
>t. private server admin
thing I have ever seen.

For you.
I've made 100+ friends from playing this game and I only made a handful of requests. I have fun, other people have fun with me, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT BUT BE MAD

Attached: 1537443781870.jpg (720x1280, 115K)

ironically i'd still probably wreck you on Rust 1v1

For some people thats not boring.
For me, Battlefield is boring because it's just a constant clusterfuck of people sprinting between objectives. It's not tactical or realistic.
I never played squad because I don't have the time to get into it, but I watched a lot of 1 life events and it looked extremely fun.
Different people enjoy different games.

>joins your squad
>loudly chew into mic while shitty music plays in the background
>shoots randomly to give away our position
heh...nuthin personnel kid

Real men 1v1 on Toujane

That isn't what squad gameplay is like at all though. Are you some kind of moron? Did you play half of a match and quit? Please uninstall the game.

imo the community is just a little less hardcore and so the matches have a very different pacing. If i want a fast rush game I'd rather play insurgency personally, and RO2 was significantly slower than that. also RS2 now having any ground vehicles is kinda sad though I understand why the maps aren't designed with them in mind

A lot of small changes since I started (version 9?) but no BIG updates. They added a few new vehicles and a new faction but the base game is still the same, a lot of walking, I'll admit.

I agree with those points but still find the game fun. Haven’t played ro2 in a bit but I’m pretty sure it’s fairly dead now

i have literally never had an experience like this, people usually dont shit up servers miraculously

last time I checked (a few months ago) RO2 had like one fully populated server and it was Ruski so yeah, its dead for all intent and purposes

nah you suck and you're clearly triggered

>join server
>say hello
>SL tells you to stay off comms unless its important
>leaves you in the base as APC leaves
>request pickup
>kicked from squad

The pacing is nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be. If you think that having to anything other than shoot people for more than five minutes makes a game boring, then maybe ask your pediatrician if she can test you for ADHD, you fucking spastic child.

I was hyped when it was announced, I put in like 1,000+ hours into RO2, and I love 'Nam as a setting because I enjoy learning about the actual conflict.
However I don't think RS2 has the pace, the balance the little touches that RO2 had. I mean I could get nit-picky and just talk service level;
I think the voice acting is terrible, and when you compare the voice work of RS2 to RO2 you know what I mean, I turned on "native language" or whatever and the fucking Russian and German in RO2 was BRUTAL and authentic. In comparison, RS2 is cheap and corny. They even reused the fire death scream from RS1 for the Vietnamese in RS2.
But bigger picture? The cheapness just bleeds into all aspects of RS2. I wanted to like it, I put a 100 hours into it. I tried to like it, but it just can't do it for me. No grand teamwork, a team of lone wolfs. Unlike RO2, where if you wanted to defeat the enemy or take an objective there had to be full team communication. RS2 doesn't have that - all the cosmetic DLC in the world can't change that.

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Your first experience will be pretty similar to what OP is describing.

Also badmins and gay-ass cliques or discuck mini-cults.

It indeed takes a lot of willpower to stay around and get a hang of it.

sounds like you fell for the shill-tactics that's been going on for about a week on Yea Forums.
I've seen it happen
No good game would need that much spamming

it's almost like autism tactical milsims are boring dogshit that sensible people avoid or something I dunno lol

It won't help if I'm from a spic country like Argentina. It's probably gonna be pretty awful. Probably not because the game is rather expensive and simulators are probably just gonna be old/mature people all over the place.

yeah the VA is pretty obviously worse than previous games, it would be less obnoxious if they didnt leave in that RS1 flame death noise to remind you

Hey, I've brought around worse people. I've even brought around dudes that don't speak my language. If you have fun by being a shitter, I'd recommend other games. I hear Overwatch is the new TF2. Or maybe that Fort Night game?

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Trust me the last people we want in Squad are you weeb faggots in Yea Forums. Stay the fuck out and uninstall the game.

>see someone every 5 minutes
>decent engagement maybe 1/3 times
So it actually is 15 minute stretches of nothing happening you fucking boomer. Don’t @me

>people discussing a game that I don't like is shilling
Literally a symptom of autism

>bad man was mean to me in video game

why do retards who play these boring ass games delude themselves into thinking theyre better than people who dont want to play a walking simulator with 5 minutes of actual action?

>there's only one opinion in the world and it's mine

how did you manage to be so retarded that you can't even strawman correctly?

I'm sorry that you played 2 hours of the game and had one bad experience, but as anyone with an average IQ could realize, the quality of a multiplayer game varies based on a number of factors. Taking your tiny amount of experience and treating it as the sum total of all possible experiences in a game is something that only children and retards do. Every time that I play, since I know what I'm doing and I play with people who know what they are doing, we are always doing something useful to benefit the team. I'm sorry that you can't handle taking a few minutes' break from shooting to defend a base or drive to a flanking position or build defenses, but for us normal adults, some downtime gives you a break from combat and makes the combat encounters more meaningful.

did you put on your fake sideburns to type this post?

I just happen to be from your neighboring shithole country, so I can tell you for a fact Squad isn't for you even if you ended up liking the gameplay, because you'd lag like a motherfucker, making it a basically unenjoyable experience for everyone involved.

I played a lot of Project Reality BF2 and AA2 on the Argentinean server(s), but the tacticool community seems to have died in the latter half of this decade so I moved on.

>defenders of the game post about how the slow game speed enhances the weight of engagements
>attackers of the game call it boring garbage that hipsters pretend to like for superiority
SQUAD threads everybody

I don't think I'm better than you fren, I wanted you to play with me, you're the one telling me all these nasty things. You don't want to have fun, you don't want to play a game I like, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I hope you find what you like, dude.

Attached: Hey Could You Not.webm (480x480, 312K)

>cope for a shit game: the post

yeah your condescending faggot post makes me really want to play games with you bro

>Why is this game which I'm bad at, don't understand the mechanics of and dislike the gameplay elements of not fun to play?!?!

You don't enjoy the genre, the lot of you. Stop bitching about it because you want to play twitch and corridor shooters and just go play those instead. I don't play sports games and bitch when they're not fun, why are you bitching about milsim shooters when you clearly have no desire to play them?

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>I can't refute that but I have to respond: The Post

The only real problem with Squad is that a match is either enjoyable or complete shit based entirely on how competent your SL is. Maybe like 5% of the playerbase is cut out to be SL, and that's a problem when you need 5 of them on a 40 man team.

whats your favorite game user?

It's almost like autistic slow military games that punish the impatient have a niche, huh OP. There are pleanty other arcade shooters out there that will suit your taste. Squad is what it is because some people enjoy slower pacing and teamwork. Rather than rushdown tactics. Though i always enjoy a good cheeki breeki when playing as the RuGF

I'm gonna have some dinner, and then play Squad. Maybe I'll see somebody from here on there and I hope we have a good time.

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Thinking about getting back into and this is the one thing holding me back. I don't know what happened, but when I hopped back on after the tank update, there would only be one good or competent squad leader in my game, and sometimes it would just be me. The most frustrating thing is trying to coordinate anything with SL's that refuse to fucking talk on their mics.

zoom zoom mindset desu

its always the larping wannabe obnoxious /k/ faggots who wish they could be soldiers but cant pass the mental or physical requirements who shill this boring shit
>le cheeki breeki bro! so tacticool! much thought!

now THIS is strawmanning!

we need you more than ever, I'm not confident enough to lead a squad yet and trying to work with a silent team is a nightmare

>I've made 100+ friends from playing this game
you sound like fucking social media whore

>unfinished trash
yikes pensai, i'll stick with PR

used to teamkill on project reality and some on this game, much more fun than the actual game because people get so mad

PR is objectively better but it's dead

>play milsim
>wannabe soldier
>play racing game
>wannabe racer
>play city builder
>wannabe city planner

Wait a second, it's like games are made to experience things you can't experience irl.. Whoa

nah, people play other games just to have fun. games like squad/pr are full of sweaty neckbeards who take it too seriously

Taking it seriously is where the fun is. If it isn't fun for you, you're clearly attempting to play the wrong kind of game.

Installing it now might play one tonight if I have time. Regardless, catch me leading squads on NA servers.

I play Squad and I don't take it seriously. If you play on weekends and after midnight on weekdays, a significant number of players are intoxicated and also not taking it seriously. Some of the best times that you can have in the game happen when you don't take it seriously.

I had fun playing 60 hours of farming simulator 19.
Guess I'm a sweaty wannabe farmer now.

Unironnically yes, you are.

yeah i know i was playing the wrong game because i was attempting to have fun

Kek last weekend we were running around taking huge group photos because the enemy was building a meme super fob

This happens after every steam sale a flood of new people come in and the experience is extremely inconsistent. Just find a new server if your current one is shit it isn't hard.

>live in southeast US
>every server has >100 ping except for a South American one
>even a Chicago server has higher ping than the South American one
What the fuck?

why is it always the admins that make these tactical shooters such ass.

Admins ruin every game. By their very nature they always have a superiority complex and they are usually stupid children.

So if i play monster hunter world i'm larping as a real hunter of giant monsters? That logic is flawed even if it wasn't a shitty straw man. Also the idea of war is inherently fun and competitive in a non-lethal setting. You shouldn't have to fag it up with airsoft guns every time you want to get tactical without the risk of death.

The game’s the single best multiplayer experience I’ve ever had, as long as you aren’t surrounded by “lol so random look at my funny mic guys”. I can safely tell you that there is no single comparative experience of strategically planning the match and then tactically wiping the entire team by leapfrogging objectives. Shit is literal heroin

Here are a few tips for you if you are new and care to learn:

•always hold your spawn when you join a squad at start of game. SLs are planning in a separate channel and so you might be fucking shit up by not being able to wait for instructions like a child

•make sure your name is clean and pronounceable in English, preferably max 2 syllables. This will massively help team mates talk to you when under fire

•learn your role, there’s actually a combat meta game based on suppression mechanics (surpress-move-kill-repeat). This means that if you’re a AR (machine gunner) you shouldn’t be breaching, you should have your bipod set up to lay down fire if needed

•bind the following to your mouse if you can: Local VoIP first and foremost, Squad VoIP second. Always talk in Local, enemies can’t hear you talk either way

•learn to call out enemies fast so the squad can be informed of what’s going on. Here’s a good standard way: “contact 2 infantry, 240 degrees, 100 meters out”. ALWAYS call out enemies before you shoot so people know what the fuck you’re doing

•pro tip, the degree wheel works like this - 0/360 degrees = North, 180 = South, 90 = E and 270 = W. Keep looking at it periodically so you instinctively know what direction you’re facing

•don’t always fire upon contact, sometimes it’s better to hold for a stronger attack later.

•check the map (M / enter / Caps Lock) at least every 10th min so you know what’s going on on a larger scale

Ask if you want more. Been playing this since V9, 2017. Nickname is Howie & I almost exclusively play SL - let me know if we’ve played together

Lol I live in LA and the Chicago server always has better ping than the Cali ones

Two bonus ones:

•realize that you’re most likely part of the retard scourge that dilutes the playerbase. This is fine, as long as you seek to improve. Teach others what you know, ALWAYS listen to the experienced players and always ask if you’re unsure. Community is very friendly as long as you don’t act like a cod babby. If you don’t understand this game, consult the wiki.

•hold your SLs to a relative standard, don’t accept no-mic retards. If there’s no one else on the team that can SL - you go, otherwise wait at least 50h until you actually try your hand at it. Telling you this from experience

Actually good tips, what do I do if my SL goes silent and stops giving commands? Is it better to follow another squad and support or just hold FOB and hope SL comes back?

Ive seen people who 'claim' vehicle roles but I normally just ignore it. Normally when I see something like that its bad news because even if vehicle roles are claimed and even by friends, it doesnt mean they are good. A couple times I just had a random gun for me and the guy gets something like 50 kills and many vehicle kills, where as the 'vehicle' squad on my team barely make 20 kills combined. It does really seem though that theres an element of luck to this game in that you hope to have competent teammates/squad leaders who know to set up a fucking fob and not let everyone run for 20 mins to get brained by a nigger in a bush

Sniper ghost warrior 3

>play squad
>I'm able to flank in multiple directions and take any route I want
>play RS2

Playing RS2 made me appreciate squad more. Granted I guess I only played one mode of RS2 and it happened to be shit.

If your SL goes dead silent in middle of game without explanation you report to admins so he can get kicked. Game is all about communication, so don’t fear raising your voice to maintain the game’s quality. Best case you get a better SL assigned, might even be you.

If admin doesn’t respond/similar you take over and tell your squad mates (over Squad channel this time, it’s used mainly for broadcasts & distance communications) to push the objectives. Never stay and hold fob, it might seem intuitive to stay put but pushing hard enough is usually what makes or breaks a game. Should your entire team happen to be pushing (you’ll see them in map, M) with your flag undefended you instead tell your squaddies to move to defend the objective. Tell them to follow you if they don’t know wheee to go. Remember this: standing still & not acting is the worst you could be doing at any time. Always make sure what you do supports the teams effort, be it recovering Logis that some idiot drove into the desert, defending or pushing. That said though, don’t just act on your own - if you see something that needs doing, sync with your SL. Chances are some other squad is already on it. Sry for long post, a lot to cover.

Keep asking if you’d like, I fucking love this game

This Otherwise, CoD, BF, or Halo is probably more your speed.

I SL once in awhile but I feel like I'm a terrible Squad Leader. I think its cause I have a weak push over voice with no charisma so no one really listens to me most of the time as SL.

Feels bad cause I like that game but some people like me are just never meant to be SL

Attached: 654h.jpg (248x122, 8K)

Don’t say that user. If you feel like you can SL then you can, add me on steam and you can follow me a couple of games. I’ll teach you some tricks that’ll get your squad following your orders regardless of your charisma: Howie (profile pic is a pervy guy in shades)

Otherwise hit me up in Discord: Howie #5518

>he fell for the Squad meme
Just fucking get Arma 3, get some friends to buy it for literally 15 dollars on a sale, and play ZEUS and have fun.

>get some friends
if only

Just host a game, the game can auto port forward and wait for people to join.

Attached: arma3.png (265x103, 39K)

SQUAD seems like a nice game to play in US and a fucking atrocity in the EU

How many maps have TC?

Only Chora, right? Sucks because that's my favorite game mode.

so it sounds like every other game

Don’t know what happened? Game gained in popularity mainly due to sales, free weekends & a large flood of “hilarious” “funny” “squad memes” YouTube compilations, so now a lot of people don’t know what the fuck is going on. Playerbase is diluted, and if you’re actually legit good I need you to get back in and help me teaching the noobs. We gotta repair this shit

>somebody playing Barbie Girl in the logi during set up
I know it's one of you fucks.

Fuck that does suck, more TC when?

Also buddy rallies are dumb and no more perma death also kinda sucks

You’re and idiot. The person you quoted is right

Fuck trying to play these games with a 1080p monitor, you can't see shit.

TC is also on Skorpo, the latest map to be added.

Re: you comments about permadeath & buddy rallies - they did that because the game went from a small, well informed playerbase to a huge & very ill informed. Used to be everyone I’d meet read patch notes. Now it’s just the people I know on steam. They added the things you mentioned to curb the effects of people kinda like you unfortunately

that's half the fun

Set the FOV to 90 and move the screen closer, try lowering the rendering distances too if you have a huge problem with people being camouflaged in shrubbery

Low view distance for life. Game is so much better optimized since A14 I get 60+fps high settings on every map now except the city one

Does supersampling help with spotting people at distance? I know it fucks my performance pretty hard

Unsure, but don’t think so

>How is that supposed to change the "walk forever, die, sit for 2 minutes doing nothing, repeat"?
I know the git gud meme can sometimes be asinine but in this case, you really are just bad at the game. I was too. Here are some tips to stop dying all the fucking time;

1. Stay. With. Your. Squad. Running off alone, even just 20m or so, can be a recipe for disaster. There's safety in numbers as, even if you miss a bad guy coming around a corner, chances are someone else will get him.

2. Stay behind cover. Obviously this isn't possible 100% of the time but from the start of a match you always know *roughly* which direction the enemy, and their fire, will be coming from. But also take that extra bit of caution against flanking (stay alert to your peripheries).

3. When you HAVE to cross open ground run from cover to cover. Don't walk. And this also implies don't waste your sprint stamina on running in places that are more safe and therefore don't require sprinting.

4. When you have to look out from cover to scan for enemies/objectives etc make them brief peaks. Remember, marksmen exist.

5. When people start shooting ask for enemy bearings. In fact, even from the start tell your team mates "If you get a contact, call it out!". I hate playing with retards that just start shooting without calling the enemy bearings and getting the okay to shoot from their SL.

6. Don't give up and respawn as soon as you die! Unless your SL directly tells you to spawn in ASAP, put up with the wait until you bleed out or get help from a medic. This "punishment" for being a bad player makes you more patient. I noticed this made me more careful and when you just get frustrated and give up all the time it makes you fall into a spiral of rushing and risk taking.

Don't use AA or ambient occlusion, the specular maps on the uniforms make player models alias like crazy at a distance and stand out starkly from the background, US soldiers in particular practically glow.

7. Politely disagree with shitty orders that you know are going to get you killed. This is risky if you're a retard that doesn't know how to express yourself respectfully. I started doing this because I got sick of getting orders from shitty SLs and predicting "I bet this gets me killed" and yep, sure enough seconds later I'd get killed. Explain why you think something is a bad strategy and offer a safer alternative. Good SLs will be open to such advice and in fact, welcome it!

8. If in doubt, right click to aim. Going around a corner? Raise your aim. Entering a doorway? Raise your aim. Any time you get that feeling "I bet I'm about to get shot" raise your aim. The only time you definitely shouldn't do this is when you're sprinting across open ground (assuming you don't see anyone while doing so). Also, chances are you are unintentionally walking/running with your center of vision lower than it would need to be to quickly sight up and shoot. Test yourself. As you're walking in game just stop and aim. You're probably pointing your cross hairs just below the near horizon. So even if you shot at someone you'd hit the ground in front of them or their legs at best. Get in the habit of consciously checking and raising your aim if needed.

9. Stay low whenever possible/necessary. If the ground is not open and you don't need to sprint, just walk in a crouch. Obviously this isn't as necessary when you're flanked by high walls but even then, keeping a lower profile can reduce your profile as a target. And obviously if you have to be up on hills/ridges don't be there very long because you're silhouetted against the sky.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!
CRIES ON Yea Forums
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

They also fuck the game up for ever body else by just rushing the center objective and turning the game into a chaotic blood bath. I had to stop playing in September last year. When I started again in April it was ruined by fucking plebs doing the above.

>Communicate on VOIP
yuropoor here, how bad are the EU servers when it comes to this game? Are russian/french/port/hungarian/italian/greek/turkish/whatever backwater shithole that produces aliens that cant speak English fuck with the game's community or do they wither away before they take root?

Yea Forums is too retarded to play this game, who knew

Attached: detracked.webm (1174x660, 2.99M)

That lackluster webm was definitely worth the 20+ minutes of walking around it took to reach it user.

Iirc Russians like the game but most of them speak English, at least when I’m US servers. I can’t speak to playing on RU tho they might be a little more... patriotic?

Play SquadZ btw

Attached: 20190715210154_1.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

If you need 20 minutes to get anywhere you are absolutely fucking stupid, any half decent team will have spawnpoints out the ass everywhere.

Attached: SquadZ.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Is this and the weird survival mod actually populated? I’m curious to try SquadZ specifically but I thought it broke with the last alpha release

Fuck you, I’m still here harassing you

>get sniped while near squad
>squad puts smoke up
>medics pick you up
>get to cover and disengage
was it so hard? just wait for your medics to do their job

>bro just rely on strangers to not be complete retards in online games

>slowly watching the nearest teammate indicator change names and get progressively further until no teammates are nearby
>being the medic desperately bandaging as everyone around you is shot down in a few moments

When you find your niche and start getting good at it. I build an SPG-9 on top of a hill and drop frag rounds on Am*rican d*gs at 1,200m. I'm good at it, I enjoy doing it, it helps my team. Fun way to kill an hour or two.

listen to the man if you want to learn how to play and have fun.
stop playing and bitching if you don't

^ this

It works in v14.1 and is basically the only mod that regularely gets a full server.

It's basically Zombie Panic Source but the zombies run fast and you can build bases

Attached: 20190715134233_1.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

says you

this is a team-effort game. what did you expect?
switch your squad if you don't like it.
see what squads are performing good -> remember who are the SQLs -> join their squad the next round -> let them know you are new and trying to learn

why is it that every bit of common sense needs to be explained to you?
you know what? maybe just don't play squad, no one needs your IQ level players in this game

Squad is a god awful game, and thankfully dead. Absolutely cancerous playerbase and the dev team have spent 4 years dithering around accomplishing nothing of any real value just to keep it in early access forever. It's just shit and never had anything on the likes of RO2/Rising Storm 2, Insurgency, ARMA 3, or Rainbow Six Siege.

will this ever get a full release? been waiting to get a refund for it

>Squad is a god awful game, and thankfully dead
>It's just shit and never had anything on the likes of RO2/Rising Storm 2, Insurgency, ARMA 3, or Rainbow Six Siege.

Squad has more players than three of the games you mentioned, hardly dead eh?

Attached: boop.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Project Reality in 2019 is still a good ga-

Attached: aimdeviation.webm (960x720, 2.72M)

>Squad has more players than three of the games you mentioned, hardly dead eh?
This is what squad apologists believe? lol

Attached: file.png (710x427, 213K)

I'd argue that this retarded gimmick is the single thing that kept PR out of mainstream acceptance. It's fucking intolerable and sucks all of the fun out of moving to engage targets. You can't dynamically assault a position because you need to lie down for ten fucking seconds before you can actually shoot the guy that's right in front of you.

>join squad
>"We need a second medic, user go medic."
>be medic
>squad hops in vehicle and drives to the action
>explosions everywhere
>people are dying
>crawling on stomach through smoke to bodies
>bandage and revive squadmates
>one bandage left
>tell next person being revived that they have to be my nurse
>they follow me and bandage bodies
>finish fight and resupply
>win game
>0 kills, 20 revives, highest score

Attached: 20190306_010107.jpg (429x162, 45K)

>not showing that Squad indeed right now has more players than Insurgency, Insurgency Sandstorm and Red Orchestra
>ignoring the fact Rising Storm 2 just had a free weekend but was consistently below Squads playercount the entire year

How was anything I said wrong? Atleast learn how to interpret data before responding faggot.
You're a prime retard

Also friendly reminder Siege is a mainstream shooter for retards and Arma 3s playercount is 90% made up of KOTH and Roleplaying getting chased by cops for not having a fishing license

Attached: rip.png (734x587, 250K)

t. Guy with a mic that never uses it on account of self loathing and low self esteem.

friendly reminder that OWI are reworking all the maps with the experience they gained going from modders to actual devs

Why does Squad cause Yea Forums to seethe every time without fail?

Attached: 1.jpg (4373x2450, 3.81M)

I follow anyone's orders as long as they're not retarded, whatever they sound like. If people are disobedient, kick them. Wait until they're halfway across that open field with the sniper kit you told them to change and then kick them so they lose it and are stranded alone. Be confident in that you know the game and it's rules well (if you don't, don't be SL) and don't be afraid to take it even ask for suggestions if things are a fucking shitshow (usually thanks to other squads)

People just want to know where they're going, how, why and what to do when they're there. Otherwise it's just "fire at will"/"cease fire"/"return fire only".

Same. Had one game and turned it off, didn't help they added prerecorded voice commands and only American ones...And applied them to every side. Think I'll wait for the next big update.

As far as I heard it's more or less a limit of the refractor engine, aim deviation being the only real way to implement recoil

Attached: oblivious.webm (1280x600, 2.94M)

They have removed the voice commands with V15 and want to rework the system before implementing it again, according to the changelog atleast

Attached: gorodokv15.jpg (3840x2160, 2.93M)

Are they actually going to decorate interiors? Because frankly the changes in that image don't really excite me.

Is that now or to be implemented?

Which faction bros?

Attached: factions.jpg (2116x2818, 1.45M)

Russians > Militia > US > Insurgent >>>> Brits


V15 is live on the testing branch, but the servers aren't really populated. The devs are moving to more frequent, smaller updates. The main changes are some visual overhauls and the BMP-2, not necesarelly new features that justifies a seperate 50GB install size

probably not

Attached: yeho.jpg (3840x2160, 3.18M)


>not going insurgents first just for the LARP

Attached: 393380_20181025235042_1.jpg (2560x1440, 686K)

Squad has nothing on Arma.
>gather at the airlift point
>wait for 5 minutes for the chopper
>be too slow getting in, no room left in the chopper
>wait 5 minutes for the next one
>finally get on
>the pilot crashes 2 km from the action
>respawn at base
>repeat steps 1-5
>finally disembark at the LZ
>get oneshotted from the bushes half a kilometer away
>respawn at base

>So when does this become fun?
it doesn't.
play project reality for free instead

>play project reality
With what fucking playerbase?

Guns have recoil in bf2...and in PR. Always did, ridiculous amounts in fact. They added the retarded deviation & increases the weapon settle time to absurd amounts after the autistic milsim sperglords took over (post .75) because they want to artificially simulate "realistic combat" by removing any skill factors like being able to aim worth a shit.
PR is such a tragedy it was originally just a realistic BF2 and these subhuman durr hurrs turned it into a autistic soulless walking simulator.

>Roleplaying getting chased by cops for not having a fishing license

I will never understand the autism required to play Life.

Well it's a mod by autists for autists, you're just not the target audience

aiming downtime is unironically one of the things that make PR better compared to squad

well 'better' is a subjective term, but it sure adds a realistic feel, punishing player who just rush and expect to instantly hit targets 100 m away.

it could use some re-thinking but any """milsim""" should have this in some way

I played it since .6 it was fine until the spergs took over development.
I used to play arma 2 zargabad life. it's fun to have a cops & robbers simulator and to screw with people in general. The larger maps ruin it though and it seems to lose any social elements.

>friend bought this game
>wonder why because he's a friendless shitbag
>tells us obviously fake stories about fun times in a server
>check his steam playtime
>3 hours
What a shitshow of a game. Even my military sim buddies don't fucking touch that game with a ten-foot dildo.

I can only imagine some autistic obese landwhale could think that running would suddenly make one lose all motor coordination.

>lose all motor coordination
have you done much shooting IRL?
it takes time to
- take proper position and hold
- align sights (yes this needs to be done even with optics and red dots)
- relax and prepare to properly release the trigger

it's not even a question of running, granted that prior exhausting physical activities make it all harder

t. no guns

Squad requires:
In order to be successful. If your zoomer brain reads this and thinks "how awful!" then just stay away because the last thing we need is more micless idiots running in a straight line towards gunfire.

Attached: SQKPIX7.jpg (4082x2296, 786K)

well no shit sherlok
who else would be playing milsims?
I mean if you got gunz you could just go shoot up a school and have a standoff with a swat team

>blather on for an hour about how to shoot
>no i dont own guns or shoot
>be a fucking retard
kys faggot

not owning guns =/= not shooting guns retard

Is it possible to play as a sniper role, laying prone for 30+ minutes just to get a kill?

I'd like to go full autistic if possible

Attached: meandmygf.png (579x463, 356K)

There is no sniper class in Squad, only a marksman which means you're supposed to stick with your Squad.

If you want the fullest experience of autism though you can be a mortar fireteam. Sit 1-2km from the frontline, putting in millrands and degrees, firing mortars at targets other Squadleaders tell you, without actually ever seeing something explode. They were significantly buffed last patch too.

Attached: fire mission.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Check out Project Reality

Helis when?

dead game

Attached: oof.png (979x226, 18K)

damn 76 players on Grozny
gota catch that crowd-wave! see ya fellas I'm going to play some PR now!

honestly the game is dying so bad, yet there is enough players to fill one or two servers at Europe evenings and that is enough for me

>rally point flag rush simulator fags pretend to have any kind of high ground in gaming
dare i say, yikes

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you are a retard breh. he talks about game design and you put out an >acthtually card

0.91 PR was the golden time, get fucked casual

56th Canadian Competitive - no niggers allowed

PR is full of nobody now

You just missed the 50% sale unfortunately